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    Chapter 25 Who is Shri Mataji?

    If people ask Shri Mataji, at public programmes, who are you? Sheoften answers rather difficult, ask the Sahaja Yogis. You, respected reader,have now read about a large number of miraculous or extremely unusual

    occurrences which seem to emanate from this remarkable lady. Not onlythat, She seems to have the ability to pass this ability on to those who taketo Sahaja Yoga. Very often, as in one of the quotations earlier in this book,She will insist that it is all done we are not doing anything. Done by whoor what? The paramchaitanya, the all pervading power of divine love.

    Shri Mataji has been working hard and quietly for over thirty yearsnow. She has the most extraordinarily auspicious horoscope which is veryrevealing. An Indian astrologer who did both Her horoscope and thehoroscope of Sahaja Yoga, has said that in the next few years Her messagewill go world wide. Perhaps the time for secrecy is over.

    Albert Lewis from Australia relates a story which shows ShriMataji may be more than She appears.

    In May 1983 Shri Mataji had just completed a lecture tour ofAustralia and had stopped over at Kuala Lumpur, en route to India,where She was to give some public programs.At Singapore airport, a friend of mine and I had the privilege ofbeing able to join Her for the onward flight to Mumbai. We werewaiting in the queue of people to go through the metal detectorprior to boarding the aircraft. As Shri Mataji started to walk through,all the lights started to flash and the buzzers to sound. Shri Mataji

    was called to one side by a security attendant. After we had gonethrough without a murmur from the alarms, we followed to whereShe was detained.

    Shri Mataji was wearing a typical traditional Indian sari andblouse. The security attendant was using his hand scanner to checkfor any metal objects and, to his surprise, it continued to soundwhile scanning Shri Mataji, even on Her bare arms. He checked hisdevice on himself by scanning his arm and it only buzzed whengoing over his watch. A little confused, he once again scanned ShriMataji, especially her bare arms and the device continued to buzz.

    According to the metal detector, this Indian lady, wearing onlya silk sari with a short sleeved blouse, was clad in a suit of armour.In the confusion and in disbelief in what was happening before hiseyes and with a queue of passengers building up and walkingthrough the detector without supervision, he waved to Shri Mataji tocarry on. Shri Mataji chuckled and walked on into the boardinglounge.

    All this happened in a matter of ten to fifteen seconds. Weboth saw it and were totally bemused. I doubt that anyone else inthat busy airport lounge realized what had happened that earlymorning.

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    Felicity Payment, now of Vancouver Canada, relates anexperience that many of us who know Shri Mataji have had.Whatever is our special field of expertise, Shri Mataji seems to knowit much better than we do.

    We were standing with Shri Mataji in the nave of a beautiful

    13th century abbey in Sherbourne, Dorset, England. We had just hada weekend seminar the day before at our house, Mill Farm in Dorset,England and as was Her custom, Shri Mataji was visiting the area tospread vibrations everywhere. She looked way up at the limestoneceiling full of vaulted buttresses.

    How do you think they made those arches? She said,gesturing with Her hand, as if wondering to Herself. I was clutching aguidebook.

    Maybe it will tell us in here, I said, but before I could findanything, Shri Mataji launched into a complete architecturalexplanation, as if She knew the answer all along.

    Later Djamel Metouri said that he had had a conversation withShri Mataji about aerodynamics and She had talked with him aboutvery technical aerodynamic concepts. It was this incident that mademe realize that Shri Mataji, of course, is the pure source of allknowledge. She knows everything about everything.

    Another Sahaja Yogi in Vancouver tells of a different occasion whichhints at Shri Matajis calibre.

    I was with Shri Mataji in Vancouver, going from the airport tothe ashram where She was staying overnight. As we arrived there

    was a huge thunderstorm and Shri Mataji said it was ShriVishnumaya, the sister of Shri Krishna, two of whose powers arelightning and electricity. We arrived in the ashram and Shri Matajisat down and some of the yogis came to do namaskar at Her Feet.As they did the namaskar, a lightning stroke came through the roombetween Her Feet and the people. The vibrations were absolutelyamazing.

    Shri Mataji also has superhuman strength, if She so desires.Ruth Flint, Duilio Cartocci and Giovanni Albanesi, who told the story

    of the never ending bag of cement and others, tell this story.On that same weekend that the miracle happened with theendless cement, at Brompton Square in London, some people weresupposed to come and visit the house. Many of the men weremoving furniture. Shri Mataji asked some strong young Italians tomove Her bed in solid wood and they were trying to push it, butcould not move it a centimetre. Ruth

    Three of us had to move a very heavy wooden bed. We wereat the foot of the bed on our knees and we pushed and pushed, butthe bed didn't move. Duilio

    I was in the room, packing Shri Matajis suitcase. Shri Mataji

    approached the bed and just pushed it with Her knee and the bedmoved. Ruth

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    At that moment I turned my head and I saw Shri Matajitouching with her knee the foot of the bed. In the same moment, thebed flew against the wall in the right position and we fell on theground. Duilio

    The Italian yogis said, Ah, in big shock and surprise. Shri

    Mataji laughed and She said, Well, after all, I am Adi Shakti, so itsnormal that I can push this bed! Everybody was in awe in front ofHer. Ruth

    On that same day, there was a big wardrobe for clothes. Themen needed to move this cupboard and no one could move it. Butwhen Shri Mataji just touched it with Her finger, it just moved easily.Giovanni

    Often the Sahaja Yogis themselves are astounded at what peoplereport.

    We had a Sahaja Yogi from Greece who was living nearLondon. She kept pleading with Shri Mataji for her own parentscome into Sahaja Yoga. They were very orthodox Christians. In about1979, she finally managed to get an opportunity to bring them tosee Mother.

    They sat in front of Mother while She talked to the SahajaYogis. When Shri Mataji got up and left the room, her parentssuddenly got down on their knees and started bowing to ShriMatajis chair. Her parents were in tears. The Sahaja Yogi askedthem, after they had recovered their composure, what hadhappened. Apparently after Shri Mataji got up and left the chair,

    both the parents saw Christ kneeling by the chair in prayer. BalaKanayson

    Niranjan Mavinkurve was, by his own admission a great hater ofChristianity, but after coming to Sahaja Yoga we all understand andrespect all the true religions. The sixth, or Agnya chakra, which is situatedat the level of the forehead, corresponds to the powers of Christ. Everychakra is associated with a deity or aspect of the divine, and Shri Matajishows us how the spiritual evolution of mankind is reflected within theKundalini of all of us. Generally we only have visions like this if there is a

    little bit of a problem or imbalance.I got my realization on 12th August 1973. That eveningwe went to Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Mumbai, India, where ShriMataji was giving Self Realization to a few people, about ten orfifteen. We both sat there and, this being a very early stage ofSahaja, Shri Mataji was Herself working hard to give Self Realizationand raise our Kundalinis.

    To my great surprise, when She touched my forehead, therewas a flash and I saw a Christ crucified. I did not know it was theAgnya chakra, and I did not know it was the place of Christ. It wasfor five or six seconds, just a flash. I wondered why being a Hindu

    and a great hater of Christianity I should get a vision of a crucified

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    Christ. But I didnt say anything at that time. I just witnessed it andclosed my eyes.

    The flame would shudder at Shri Matajis glance, relates JohnWatkinson

    When Shri Mataji was giving vibrations, or curing, or generallyworking on someone by giving vibrations, very often a person wouldkneel at Her Feet. Shri Mataji would be looking at their back andthen suddenly She would look up and there would always be acandle put in front of Her. The moment She would look up at thecandle, the flame would shudder. Then She would look at anotherflame, because there would always be two or three candles. As Shelooked at a particular flame, that candle would judder as She wouldbe driving the negativity out and into the flame. It was fantastic towatch.

    Shri Mataji has explained many times that we should not seelight or colours or any sort of extrasensory experiences like that, asDouglas Fry explains. Many people who have taken drugs have seenShri Mataji in this way, but She does not encourage it, and as thedrugs wear off, so do these off-centre, or unbalanced, experiences.

    Because I wasnt properly centred, I had a bit of an Agnyaproblem at that time. I used to see Shri Mataji flash from differentcolours. She used to go this beautiful rainbow green and thisbeautiful rainbow red and Id just see this light sort of flashing fromHer. But apparently the reason for that was because I had an Agnya

    problem. I mentioned this to Shri Mataji:You shouldnt see that, She said, One colour is power and

    one is purity. I could see them, but She said, If you can actuallysee those colours, it means you are not a in the centre. You are offto one side.

    Meenakshi Murdoch, living in London, describes how the chakrasfeel in Shri Matajis own body.

    After Shri Mataji had given realisation at the publicprogrammes, we all would stand in a queue and go at to her and

    Mother would say:Oh, see. Thats there. I still remember the Kundalini rising orthrobbing at each chakra in the new people as She used to clear itout and thats how it was. If there was a problem in a chakra, thenyou could sometimes see the Kundalini throbbing or pulsating atthat place for a short time.

    When Shri Mataji asked you to put your hand on Her head, onthe Agnya chakra or whatever chakra, you could feel the rotation ofthe chakra spinning so fast.

    Here is another example of the extraordinary healing power

    radiating from Shri Matajis body, this time from Kay McHugh ofAustralia.

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    I was sitting on the train from Pune to Mumbai, India oppositeMother. She was at the window seat and I was sitting opposite. Withus were an Australian man and an Indian man. She had theAustralian stand up, and She was sitting down and he was pushingdown on the top of Her head, Her Sahasrara chakra, with his hands.

    She was trying to open his Sahasrara chakra. But he was pushingdown. He was over six foot and pushing down as hard as he couldand She kept saying:

    Harder! for him to push on Her head. Harder, harder. Shewas laughing because he couldnt push any harder. He wassweating, he was pushing so hard. She was sitting there as if therewas a feather on Her head, laughing and talking and turning Herhead. He was standing there sweating and pushing as hard as hecould and Shri Mataji was not being affected at all and being socharming and talking to people on the train.

    On another occasion, we went to a hospital where there was aSahaja Yogis mother-in-law, who had gone to a fake, or as we sayfalse, guru after getting her Self Realization. Shed gone blind and

    Mother went to the hospital in Her compassion.Now you dont come in, She said to me, and went into the

    hospital and after some time She came out again. I was amazedbecause She sat in front of me in the front seat of the car and,because Shed worked on this womans blindness, Her back Agnya,the back of Her head, had sucked in all the negativity and it waspulsating out about an inch and a half. You could see it. I sat therewith my mouth open and watching the back of Her Agnya go in and

    out and in and out, as She obviously was working out the backAgnya. That was a pretty amazing experience to see that, to see thebones move like that and pulsating.

    And another, from Marilyn LeateWe all went to Shri Matajis flat in London and were given cups

    of coffee. She continued to work on people, help them in every wayand cure them. She just gave and gave. One time She asked me toput my hand on Her left Swadisthan chakra, on her back at the levelof the hip, and put my other hand out. I felt an incredible force going

    through me and my arm shook slightly. She looked at me.Powerful, isnt it? She said.

    The ancient megalithic standing stones which are found allover England have long been recognised as having spiritualsignificance. Here are two experiences connected with Shri Mataji.

    There were some Sahaja Yogis who had been to Stonehengeand who had felt a lot of wonderful vibrations coming from the largestones. They suggested that we go there with Shri Mataji.

    We went, and eventually we stood close to Mother and weretrying to feel the vibrations from the stones and oddly there were no

    vibrations coming from them. Some of the Sahaja Yogis who had

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    been there before and had felt the vibrations asked Mother. Theywere really surprised and they said:

    Look, we used to feel vibrations here and we are not feelingany. Mother turned to us and said:

    Thats because I am here. Out of respect for Me, the stones

    are not emitting any vibrations. They are waiting for My permission.All right. Now! The moment She said that, the vibrations just camein waves from the stones. Bala Kanayson

    We had a megalith, a standing stone in the garden, which waswhy the place was called Crosscraig place of the holy stone. Therewere quite a few standing stones in the Rannoch Valley, Perthshire,Scotland, but this one was all alone, about a metre and a half highand near the edge of the loch. It had a sort of a cup mark in it nearthe top.

    We took Shri Mataji to see it, as it was only about fifty metresfrom the house, and She told us something very interesting. Shesaid that the people who put up these stones knew that She wasgoing to come there, but that also some very bad things were goingto go on there beforehand, because we had been caught up in avery damaging pseudo-spiritual cult. She asked us to feel thevibrations of the stone and it didnt seem to have any, eitherpositive or negative. She said yes, that was right, that the stone hadbeen put there to absorb some of the negative vibrations and somake Her work easier, but that it was as if full, so could not emitcool vibrations. Linda Williams

    Miodrag Radosavljevic, from the former Jugoslavia and nowliving in London, tells how Shri Mataji explains herself as being likesunlight.

    There was a miracle, which I experienced when we had aseminar in the English countryside. It was a long time ago, 1979,and Shri Mataji came. It was a very dark day with no sun, heavyclouds. It was very, very dull and heavy. There was a lot of doubtingin Sahaja Yoga at that time. Shri Mataji was talking to us and sayingthat She expresses the powers of Shri Krishna and Lord Jesus: all of

    the aspects of the divine.She said it was like the sunlight. At that moment the beam ofsunlight came out of nowhere and shone on Her head and wentaway. To prove it, She said that the beam of sunlight should comeagain on Her head. That happened two or three times. Out ofnowhere the sun came. I witnessed this together with about fiftyother Sahaja Yogis who where present at that time.

    Hari Jairam is a telecommunications engineer who has worked forvarious large institutions around the world.

    Some years ago in my work I had to develop a new type of radio

    antenna. I was at first unable to make much headway in improving on older

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    designs. One morning as I sat in meditation, I asked in my heart thequestion to Shri Mataji:

    Mother, are You the telecommunications expert of the universe? Istarted to feel cool vibrations. Then an idea came to me of electromagneticwaves spreading through the universe like the vibrations which we

    experience in Sahaja Yoga and being helped in their radiation through theuse of certain auspicious shapes and forms. In Sahaja Yoga we find thatcertain shapes, for instance the bandhan or horseshoe, attract and channelvibrations, hence they are said to be auspicious, and pleasing to the divine.

    Later that day, I began to design my new antenna taking these formsas a base. The antenna we built to this design worked extremely well andthe company went on to win orders worth many millions of pounds. Whenthey asked me for information about the theoretical basis of the newdesign, I just told them that I had consulted a Higher Authority.

    Geoff Godfrey tells of one of the many ways Shri Mataji cures people.In October 1993, in Canada, a letter of congratulations was received from the

    Governor of British Columbia, and was read out at the public program. It thanked

    Mother for visiting Vancouver. The well-attended program, with more than five

    hundred present, went smoothly and after questions and realisation, Mother received

    over a hundred people on the stage.

    One lady with hands and body shaking came to Mother`s feet. She told Mother

    how it came and went. It was obviously uncontrollable and quite severe. After a few

    moments, Mother indicated it was a problem of the Visshuddhi chakra (at the level of

    the throat) and told her to first ask and then affirm the following:

    "Are you the Holy Spirit that Christ has sent? Then: "You are the Holy Spirit

    that Christ sent. The ladys upper body, arms and hands shook uncontrollably, andthen stopped completely.

    "There, look its gone now, finished, said Mother.

    One man, a teacher, informed Mother he was partially blind in the left eye.

    The remedy, Mother said he should ask Her the question:

    "Are you the teacher of all teachers?

    He did this, and Shri Mataji continued.

    "You are the teacher of all teachers! She then asked him to affirm, and he did


    "How do you see? Mother asked. His eyesight was restored and everyone


    In the 1970s, Shri Mataji would try to explain who She was to the Sahaja

    Yogis at the time, relates Djamel Metouri.

    We had a meeting with Mother and She gave us thismeditation in Her lounge where we were seven or eight people. Atsome stage Mother was trying to teach us who She was, trying totell us who She was.

    The power of God actually just goes to the back of Me. I amlike the source and its just flowing behind Me, She said. And that is

    when we started realizing that Mother was trying to tell us who Shewas.

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    The next account is from Heather Churchill of Perth, Australia.In the winter of 1988 the Sahaja Yogis in Australia sometimes read

    collectively the thousand names of the Great Goddess in Sanskrit. I had thefollowing vision at one of these sessions.

    About fifteen minutes into the proceedings the room started tobecome strange, getting dim and brightening again every two or threeseconds. Suddenly, I realized that it wasn't the room, but rather just thephotograph of Shri Mataji which was before us. As I stared and stared atMother's photograph, I realized that each time the picture dimmed it tookon the appearance of a man and every time it brightened it became ourMother again. The realization hit me that I was seeing both male andfemale aspects of the divine power. With this realization, my heart wasfilled with joy and the chaitanya, the cool breeze of the vibrations, flowedfrom every part of my body. I felt a great bliss. My hands were no longer

    resting on my lap, but stretched out in front of me. I was completelyastonished.The vision continued until the end of the proceedings and left me

    with a doubtless awareness of who Shri Mataji is. It was the most wonderfulexperience of my entire life.

    Gregoire de Kalbermatten, whose work takes him to the corridors of power of this world, tells

    of a conversation with Shri Mataji which left even him completely awed.

    This is an unusual conversation and it did take place. Maybethe words are not absolutely exact, but I remember faithfully thesense of it.

    But Mother, this is really an ugly Kali Yuga (dark age). Wasthere other Kali Yugas like this before?

    There were many other Kali Yugas before, but this is one ofthe worst.

    But then, there were also other golden ages before?Of course, the successions of yugas form a kalpa, which is

    your universe.When will our universe finish?If Sada Shiva interrupts it in dancing Tandava, people of God

    will go back to God and everything else will be destroyed. I do notthink it will happen now because of Sahaja Yoga.

    If our universe comes and goes like this, it means there wereother universes before?

    Yes, many.But, Shri Mataji, where do all these universes go when they

    are finished?They become a chakra in My body.Believe me, after this answer, no more questions. And the

    silence was very galactic.

    PHOTO OF Mother here?

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    By now, respected reader, if you are a seeker of truth, you will probably have

    felt the cool breeze when you put your hands out to one of the photographs of Shri

    Mataji in this book. This indicates that your own Kundalini has awakened, and you

    can now ask any question pertaining to absolute truth. Now it is time for you to ask

    the question, in whatever way you want.

    Choose the photo which appeals most to you, sit comfortably, and withsincerity and humility, ask one of the following questions. If you feel a cool breeze on

    your hands, this indicates yes, this is the truth.

    Shri Mataji, are You the Comforter, the Spirit of Truth, promised and prophesied by

    Christ at the Last Supper?Shri Mataji, are You the Maitreya, the future Buddha, the mother (Ma) in three(tre) aspects who will come to give en masse enlightenment in the darkest age ofhuman history?

    Shri Mataji, are You Shri Kalki, the tenth incarnation of Shri Vishnu, who will take

    humanity from ignorance to wisdom, who will destroy ignorance and bring about the

    golden age?Shri Mataji, are You the one who will give resurrection (kundalini awakening) on the

    Day of Judgment, the Kyama time, and through whom our hands will speak, and bear

    witness to all that we have done? Or, Shri Mataji, are You Fatima, the daughter of

    the prophet Mohammed?

    Shri Mataji, are You the greatest incarnation of the divine who has ever come on

    earth? Have You come with all your powers, to help humanity in our greatest hour of


    We, all the writers of this book, believe these statements to be true, on the

    basis of our experience and the experience of thousands of others like us. The choice

    to accept or reject this is yours because the greatest gift of the divine to humanity isfree will, and no one can and will cross that.

    The Sahasrara Chakra is the final development of the subtlenervous system within man, enabling him to rise in every senseabove the world of mental activity and emotional concepts. Thecollective consciousness which arises when the Kundalini energyrises through the Sahasrara chakra allows direct perception ofreality on the central nervous system. We can know ourselves asPure Spirit: pure joy, pure attention, pure truth.

    Vibratory awareness allows our perception to transcend thesenses and go to the essence of all creation. Once the SahasraraChakra is opened, all the others can be purified and enriched. Oftenat the same time, and sometimes a little later, a great expansion ofthe heart takes place, and a sense of deep, radiating joy isexperienced as the Heart Chakra, which is the seat of the spiritwithin each of us, opens.

    Here is a description of the opening of the primordialSahasrara Chakra, as related by Her Holiness Shri Mataji Nirmala

    Devi Herself. It is a quote from Shri Matajis own book, Meta ModernEra, where She explains that She was so shocked at what a so

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    called guru was doing to his followers, when She visited him, thatShe knew the time had come to give en masse Self Realization.Thelast centrereferred to is the Sahasrara chakra, at the top of thehead.

    I was amazed to see this man, who was ten years younger

    than me, looking at least twenty years older than me. But hemesmerised all the people, and they shouted and screamed andsome barked like dogs. Just by mesmerising, he was taking them totheir past.

    This really shocked me. I was sitting under a tree to watchwhat he was doing. At night I went alone to the seashore, and satthere alone meditating about how, somehow or other, I could usemy own Kundalini for the en masse realisation of the people. Thatwas the moment when it worked, and it clicked. I was surprised,that with a little deeper penetration, I could work it out.

    The experience was like this. I saw my own Kundalini risingvery fast like a telescope opening out and it was the beautiful colourthat you see when iron is heated up, a red, rose colour, butextremely cooling and soothing. The Kundalaini went through myFontanelle bone area (Brahma Randrha) which was open from mychildhood and was pouring out Divine vibrations. (Puranabrahma).But this new experience gave me a new dimension of understandingof my Divine force.

    It came like a very promising reality that it was time for me tostart my collective work. I found that the whole of my being wasfilled with great peace and joy. I opened my eyes, went to this false

    master and told him: Now the last centre can be opened foreveryone.

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