Page 1: Who Are the Audience of Indie Folk Music

By Ria Manzanero


Page 2: Who Are the Audience of Indie Folk Music

The audience of Indie Folk music varies a lot, as any genre’s audience would.

The males that would listen to Indie Folk music, might be young from ages 17 – 23. This is because after this their music taste might become more sophisticated, and they might want to listen to music that has more serious topics sang about. Males that listen to this music would shop in Topman, Urban Outfitters. They might spend their time in places in London such as Bricklane, Portobella Market and the more vintage parts of Camden. They might dress in skinny jeans and v neck tops, or chinos and vintage shirts with patterns.

Page 3: Who Are the Audience of Indie Folk Music

The females that listen to indie folk would be particularly interested in artists such as Ellie Goulding, Daughter, Birdy etc... They would be between ages 13-25, this is because from a younger age females have an interest in mellow music, compared to males.

They would have an interest in the same sort of locations in London and also, dress from the same shops. They would wear clothes such as denim jackets, brogues, pastel coloured blouses and flouncy skirts. They might also wear frilly socks and thick knitted tights. Fashion would be very important to women that listen to Indie Folk, as they are hugely influenced by visual images. In their spare time they might be interested in topics such as Photography and art.

Page 4: Who Are the Audience of Indie Folk Music

Because the age group of the target audience for indie folk music is a lot younger, they might keep up to date with their favourite indie folk artists using social network sites such as Facebook and Twitter. They would also use YouTube a lot, as a lot of Indie Folk artists begin their career on YouTube, as they are alternative and perhaps shy, and often scouted this way.

In terms of magazines, they would read NME, Country and West, as these magazines usually show artists of this type more often than others.


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