Page 1: White House Special Files Box 70 Folder 4 · mit and make them avaUable to the local people in char,e. aeneral PoUey . 1. You mu..t alway8 bear in miDd that your re.ponalbl11ty i

Richard Nixon Presidential LibraryWhite House Special Files CollectionFolder List

Box Number Folder Number Document Date Document Type Document Description

70 4 10/1958 Memo Suggestions Regarding Appearances of the Vice President. 14 pgs.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007 Page 1 of 1

Page 2: White House Special Files Box 70 Folder 4 · mit and make them avaUable to the local people in char,e. aeneral PoUey . 1. You mu..t alway8 bear in miDd that your re.ponalbl11ty i


October 19S8

Syae.tkm. R0J!!!!!i ;APpe!!aace. of The Vice Pl'ealdont

The 8uccess of the Vice Pre.ident's appearance. wUl depend on the adv&Jlce preparaUem.

It will be appreciated U you will make a special point of checklq everyone of the appUcaWe Item. in tbla memoraDdwn to make certain that the local committee. haw the situation wttU iD hand.

Plea.e do NOT pve a copy of this momorand\lln to the local commUtee. or aBYOU elae. lnatead, pick out the pertia.At. portioDs which are applicable to the particular mit and make them avaUable to the local people in char,e.

aeneral PoUey

1. You mu..t alway8 bear in miDd that your re.ponalbl11ty i. to the Vice Pre.ident. At all tim•• thi. r ••pOIUIibU1ty .upercedes your re.pons!­DUltle. to the local committee 01' anyone el.e. Often Che wishe. of the local commlUOe wiU be in con4lct. &ad YOUI' Job la to effect a compromlae aadafactory to au. 11po••lble. but m aay everst never oae wblch 1. lSD&cceptable to the Vic. PJoea1clold.

2. The WalllWtctoD olflce wW help JO'l ba "'I'J way po••lble to .mooth out dUJ'erence••

3. The Seeret Senlce always baa tIwt 4Da1 ..y OIl matte..s aUecdDa .ecurity. Copie. ot Secret Serric. Ro.ter. of AJoea Offlc•• thJ'O\llhout the country wW be fundsh.d you. CoDawlt l~ater aDd telepboD.e appropriate Area Of1lee a. far in advance ... po••lbIe of JOUl" arrlftllu the loca11ty to be advaac:ed .a that th. local Secret Serne. Alent wlU be prepared to meet you and a••iat with the advance work.

StaDdard Opera!bl PI'ocedure

1. The itiDerary aad. lutructioDa will be lurDlahed from WaabiDcton.

2.. Get in toueb wUh the local coDtact aDd let him know when you wU1 be arrlviDI- 1••* of .tay, etc.

. "

Page 3: White House Special Files Box 70 Folder 4 · mit and make them avaUable to the local people in char,e. aeneral PoUey . 1. You mu..t alway8 bear in miDd that your re.ponalbl11ty i


3. PNceecl to uUpe4 locatloa ... make contact with .. local .~pat...... ... the local Sec~et 5enlc. Asent.

S. Get completely lDformK el 4eve1opm... &0 elate, pre... pIaa of Y1aU to local ol'p.DIsadoa aacl ..... ..".rk to "1''''. th. IoUowbtll

hblldty Pr••• fadUdea Radio aDd TV facWde. Alrpon faciWle. MotoI'C&4e PJoosrAm &ad. Decoradon. PUUc Sy.tern ' Hotel AccommocSadou Ore"'" CommS...

6. Do DOt Il'aM latem...a 01' Uy p..... 1'81•••• 01' &JmCNacem.... .Pu.Wlcity atotie. sJaouJel be re1e et tbl'OUP 1oc:a1 cornmitte•••

7. Local commS". ,11loul4 NOT adYia. pl"e•• 01 the amftl of th. Vice Pzo..WeDt'. r.F•••taUve.

1. The local cOIDIIllttee .bodd cledpaM a pIlWlc.1ty mu. to halldle the elldl'• .".aruace aa4 be aJaoulcl haft already rei.... the UJlIIDQAcemeDt of tbe Vice Pl'e.icSeDt'. comA.. appe&ZOaDC.. «No Oftl'aU .cJa.ecl1ll. wU1 be ta.ued elthft by Vice Pre.l4ntt • Of4c. OJ' the RepUllcaa HadaDa. Committee at any potDt.)

Z. AU .tori•••Jaou1d be h__ local people.

3. Picture. of local committee. prepal'baa 101' evellt .baa1d be featured at lDtenal••

4. Blopaphl••, aaci &load•• 01" mats, of tile V1c:. Pre.w.•• u4 Mr.. Nlxoa eAould be liveD to MW'papel". B. ave to cU'1'J a .ufflc1•••apply of eac1l item. Week1y ud mo.t .man c:tty "W..... man. Lal'18 m.tro­poUt:aJlIIftI.papel" pnler , X 10 110""'.

5. AdYaac••torie. 8JMN1c! be dl.trilM&ted. by tbe 1oea1 committe•• to the local pl'e•••

6. New.papers must be pven accurate lDIormadoa peru"•• to the vlalt.

. .; ., ~

Page 4: White House Special Files Box 70 Folder 4 · mit and make them avaUable to the local people in char,e. aeneral PoUey . 1. You mu..t alway8 bear in miDd that your re.ponalbl11ty i

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Page 5: White House Special Files Box 70 Folder 4 · mit and make them avaUable to the local people in char,e. aeneral PoUey . 1. You mu..t alway8 bear in miDd that your re.ponalbl11ty i

.. A4ftac4t repatra...... -..w be .au 101' eadl melD.... 01 the pany .. tIud ..,.. wUl M &"111'" Immediately on ...rivaL

s. Plea•• 4etenuIM if tJa. local commUte_ will be ta...... can of the boCe1 billa. Do DOt make & poIat .f 6!a. U th. local committe. 1. DOt tlW. car. of dwm. plea..... that tile hotel maUa the WIl. to dM WuJ:Wtat­oI.flc. for ,..,...,...

6. Copt•• of aIlloca1 DIW.papu••MGl4 be ta .. pr••••ecretary'. room OIl at eacIl city. n. loca1 committee .Jaoul4 cledpa.te • pel'HD tlo take cue of dda. ­

7. It la ........ MIa, accODuTMMI.dou NOT be made at aay ........ hom.. '111en will be DID uced!!!. U ~ hotel ace _ '''..adeu ar. DDt antiaWe 1a Uly Pft. dtf 01' tow.. &naDI. accomD\O'ladou Ja a nearby dtyOl"teWD.

a. Be n.n tbat all botel..... a writteA cGDftrmatUill of n.enatlou to the W&.bl... offlce.

9. Room 361 Suate Ol4c. BuU.... W~ D. C. aboulc1 be left at each hotel u eM Ionrardl.aa a.<klre•• 101' mall_ the Vic. Pna14eDt aJM1 WZ'•• N1xoa aIIId. IDeml,el" of t:be party.

10. AI'.... for the lIoWl to Ii•• last lauad...,. ••niee.

D. Azo~. 101' til. hotel to glve fut valet .eniee.

lZe An.... " the hotel to pve lut foocl .el'Yie••

13. AU the hotel &0 ...Ip a room at tile oppoalte eDd of the ball &om the Vice Pn.icleat:'. .ulte. aDd ... DO ca.e &eXt to U. to 1Je ue4 by the local .ecart.t:y ol4cer••

Ad.vaac. Data tID be oblal!!. by the Vice Pr••lcleat's !'!P!'!.!.dft

1. The Vic. ~"" "pl'.....tlY••bauld. ........1' .. make All oriPp'l appearaace Ia the dty Ianlve. a. far aheM 01 the Vic. Pao.ai4eDt·. apJMal'­&DCe u po••lble.

Z. A. qu1ck1y u poa.tble. he .Ja.oulcl forward tile fo11owlaa IafozomatloIl to the Washl"" oflk.,

a. am•• of RepabUcu. atate-wiele e1eetlye o£4c1al. aDd DOmine•• U ol8.ce. are up £01' .1ect1oD.

Page 6: White House Special Files Box 70 Folder 4 · mit and make them avaUable to the local people in char,e. aeneral PoUey . 1. You mu..t alway8 bear in miDd that your re.ponalbl11ty i

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Page 7: White House Special Files Box 70 Folder 4 · mit and make them avaUable to the local people in char,e. aeneral PoUey . 1. You mu..t alway8 bear in miDd that your re.ponalbl11ty i


.Aftu die ~ ..... take place .... tIM arrlwl of tile paI'tJ. tile Vlc:e ~e.1deDt aacl Mr.. Nlxoa mut 1M penDittad. to .. cllI'eetly .. duab .... noms. U -.ell .YO 1M ted. TJIie P'" tIM .....t .1 tile party ......nuity to ....·IJ'O\1.P become orie'" .. tile local au....... AU da, .cJM6l1.N aJuNW lacWe IDIUdm..... olltriel ....t ...nala ia I'OOm 10.. tile VIc. he.... aad MJoa. NlxoD..

Local c~ml•• ,..,.. ahou1cl taUa ...._ 01' small pick-up mack to 'andle "·~ •• V1c. h aDd b1a pan, ...... tile mit. Prioz' &:nUl......houJd be made to .,... 1'....-1 01pIU'ty'. han... from &1JopIaDe. .

. 6. U poeeUtl., & local Hc:ut.ty olfIcu alwNId acCGmpaay ........ clulq the

movemeDt to aa4 hom tnupona.d.oa.

1. Y_ will be aped.4c:a1ly abtaed of plac•• when hotel accommodaUou for membe.... 01..'puty wiD be requh....

Al!J!" Mri'YaJ Aw~'"

1. It la YitaDy Imponaat that Ibe IaJ'lut poa.lWe c....... be eDcouragecl to,net .. Vic. Pre.l4eDt ... )bo.. Nt.xoa __ they arrive at the aiJ'poI't.

Z. WIl4Ir. Ida priaM:lpal appeanace 18 a fuacl-rai......... it 8houlcl be much . i euier to let a lule tanIMat at tile alrpon.

3. Ou.dylDc aepulAa. oquhattou shoald be -coanaed to ldz. bue. aDCl bn., ill , 01 people. Homemade we1co.....Ipa ahould be".·PS.

.. UN of ....emille.....,. of coil....t:wI.... aacl Yoaa a.paWcu 11'OUpIl. as well as Boy SCCMlta. eAouW. be eacev...e:t. Sbol11d lu18t .. _ .... at 1....... -.s. a.oocl hlJll seMel baaclla pzoefel'abIe. at ab'pon r.cept&ou &lid. lD 110 cu. s1aou1cllt be a mW.tary band.

S. :M.oto1'Cade cars Mould be Uaed up _ the air strip Mal" tIM ..... """'.1' k la poassWe to make ncA &l'r..ameau with the all.,o" authoriti4Is. Remember dud Itre aDd. other safety rep1adou at ab'pona must be conelder.d.

Page 8: White House Special Files Box 70 Folder 4 · mit and make them avaUable to the local people in char,e. aeneral PoUey . 1. You mu..t alway8 bear in miDd that your re.ponalbl11ty i

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Page 9: White House Special Files Box 70 Folder 4 · mit and make them avaUable to the local people in char,e. aeneral PoUey . 1. You mu..t alway8 bear in miDd that your re.ponalbl11ty i


Each clriftr .1lDaW .. at Clae .eel elida a..aoWIe at ~t 4ft ml8te. _for. cleputue time. TWa appli•• to IaotJa ul'1~ aDd 6Ipanue &om .. cky. Tbla la MCe.aary .... if .. Vi"Z'••Ye .. 1..... m..... 01' rail, before It 18 c:oaclwLed ill 0""" to arrive at tUb- dAt""",,- .tadoa. PI.... em,uat......e...u, 1.01' 6. v1ft..a to be ready to pl'OCeecl at tile appot....,time wWl .... n.Dia. aD4 up•• _.

~ motol"ca4e ca aDou1cllle liM. up at .. airpoJ't .. nacly eo '0 4 of elm.. Ea. CU' aUu1cl be decor...... ~ will ftcet•• at aumbel'a ~ lei" 1M, Vlee p,...Id..•• cal"" .....w'.ppeanac••

Tbe Vic. Pn.w-t·. C&I" wiD al...,.. 1M the No. 1 C&I' ill .. IXMtlorcacle 1". an: .. ddnl" aacl •• 01 the U&v.u.c Secret Senlc:. ~ata tit the fnDt nat; .. Vice &at Mra. Nlxoa la .. back aeat.

Cu No. 2.: SeeuitJ. Othe.. tn'n1la& Secret Serrice At-­aadlocal aecuritJ people. It. plat... 1JDJn&1"Jutd, 4-4001'. poIle•• ncUo au .1aotI1cI be uecL

Cu. Ne. 3 aacl4: Cu. for photoanpllera aa4 ....... appl'ops"1a&ely c:leccwated ..mIU"kH wJA lal'l. alp lDdicadaa PRESS.

Cua No. S. 6 ud"l: cu. for VIrs. (Cua of caDdlda... • JacNW .bow tbelr aune or lIImea oa tile alele.»

LImit of 9 care Sa motorca4e 1III1e•• prior c1earaace with Waabbrctoa otaee.

PoUce eaeon Ox. but ao dre. except ID .. e.... of aD

emer._cy. No bona-1:tI.o'wlaa by moa.rcacla cbi.el'a.

Speed Umlts aDd other uaUlc ..eplaUou mut be adhered to .trictly.

Page 10: White House Special Files Box 70 Folder 4 · mit and make them avaUable to the local people in char,e. aeneral PoUey . 1. You mu..t alway8 bear in miDd that your re.ponalbl11ty i

-,­Be au. to a Uy-NIl ...,. t1ut ....I"cad.e 1'CNte, tahi• ... ce...........J 11 ••__ dIU will OCelll''''' time of the 4IY", 11M Yk. PnaWnt'. car Uoulcl Mt ex.... ........ local ape_ lbalt.

1. TM VIce w-t aDd Mr.. .... al'. ta nmala .....1" at aU ~., ,. ... recetn4 aped4c lutnctlou CO ur... a dM41d. los- lba......

2. Spouorablp of .. m '" 1.Ddtri4u1 -.act .. a...w..d exC4tpt wlMa ,.. haft be lutnc:deu to tM COIIUUJ.

3. AU Rep.tltUc.. or 14 1M lDc1wle4 Ia .......OI"Ulp of each me puUCNlarly WOlD.'. Qv.1N. l'oaaa R.epa.bllc••• aDd Cld·.. O .

.. A P"lrUD --istSac of ...... m,utc, comm\Ullty 01' odaeJ' 1tYely eJdenalllmellt is to be ac:cnsnaedtMlon ,be m toJ'maUy 0,....

5. "1'be cIaalrmaIl of .... me.....Mald &1''''''_ IN .. bud to play "CaUfoI'Dla .He,.. 1 Come. " 01' oeMI' ........ IIRUlk __ the Vice Pn.l ­cleat fir.t ....1'... m place .. come. out oa eu platform. TIle ba.D4 alalUW alao etrike tip iIl WAeIl the Vice Preeidatl. lDtrocluced to the audleace at tile Delln"" 01 ble speech.

6. The cIaalrmaIl of tIM m••UDa Mould be cletermb.ed. by the local committee. Wherever po.sible, the cball'Dl&D sbodd be ... outata_•• civic: lieur••

7.. Pr••eatadoa of the calore by local veter~ boy scout. or other pab'loUc orpalaadoa IIkeult1 be made.

a. . Plodae of AJ1eaiance .hould. be le4 by a ",_tezan whoae D&me allCN1d be liven to the Vic. P'l'••lcleDt ba. uvuce.

9. mVOC&tSOI'1 ehould be pven by a local clerl1J11&l'e

10. TaI.ka by local c:aaeUdate. aad o!!1da1. ahoulcl be held to • bal'e minimum. both la ra.umber ucllD lGD1tb.

U. Introcluctlon abou14 be as brief .a po.slble. &Ad if m.& is used. should be only a one· a"eDce bttroduc:doa. Jatl'OductlOA should be made by .. k.ey pu.bUc offidal in the al'.... aDd. many placea wW want to ua. the Republican United. Stat•• Seu.tor OJ' Govel'llor for this.

Page 11: White House Special Files Box 70 Folder 4 · mit and make them avaUable to the local people in char,e. aeneral PoUey . 1. You mu..t alway8 bear in miDd that your re.ponalbl11ty i

.. 10 ­

1~ Mra.... wU1 be lntJlOduced by the Vlce Pr_.ue"

13.. At .. cOIIClualoa of tho meedq the chainn&A a1aou1d requeat the au4lenee- to remain eeated until the Vice Pre.Wet &ad Ida pa.rty leave the audlterium.

14. Pictur•• of" Viee PresWeal wltA local c&Mtdate. lor ue 1ty tile local eudldate. lD tlMlr campa.... eAoalcl DOt 1M takea at the meedD&. but should be ar....eel to be tab. at tb.e1'&ote1. Tll1e m".t be cleared in advaaee if DOt taken care of at alrport arrivaL

15. No m••t1DIa, au~ a. luacbe0a8, etc••aJlou14 be ..1'1'.....4 wldc1l. will detract {rom the ..tteudaace at the mala m ••tlDI. or whlch woald require the Vice Pre.ldeat ao make ~I' .peech to tile eame people who would be b. atteAduce at the wg,r meeUDg.

16. Local officer••houW be available to ke.p a pa....e....y opea lor Cbe Vice Pr••Went to aDd. from ibe .peaker'••taDd. Have a rope a'¥&Uable, U sweded" to make a pa........,..

11. A workiDI PI'~'1 section lIluK be provW.ocllle&J' tile platform aa4 aa uit door of &be me.dna piau_ No OM a., IIh01&ld. ,it b:a this .ection excel»' en. worklal pre•• aDd Ute JI'lbUdty maa bandUPI the meedDa. TYlMwritera, paper aa4 carboa ehouW be Pl'ovWed, &1081 witll table. aDd c:ball'a. The Jac:.a1 W.,t.ra UDloa office MotWl be al.rted. to be avallaWe to baadJ.- new. dJ.apatch•• 101' til. pr.... There.-wel IN proper l1&htbI for the pr••• to work. .

18. Ttl. dze of the meetiDI place aJaoaW be coull'•• widlreuoD&bl. e.x:pectat1oa of thAI munber of people to aueDL It t. InUch better to have a .mall place over40wbtc- ·ratUl' tban a Jar.- place ball empty, evea though the DUmber of people la the lara.1" place 1. IrMter•.

19. Plea•• te., tho pubUc acld:r••••,.tam to make eertain &ha& ".1''' pordoa of tbe m-.dD& place b covered by t1:ae boor.. beiDI £LaJ"ed properly; the her.. muat be in rrODi of the microphone to aYOld a fe.dback 1ato the mike wlLUe Cbe Vice Pre'idem Is a.-.kiq. tile microphone .bou14 be AD aU­dlreetiOD&1 ODe ao a. to pAck up tbe Vice Pr• .w.entt , volee evealy DO matter which way be snay be turDlna hle hell. clu.riq tile cour.e of his speech. Whenever poeslWe, request two mlcropbou. for tile ptlbUc acldl'e•• aystem to be placed approxbnate1y 18 laches apart ill frODt of th. rostrum.

ZOe U the proar&ll'1 .. broadca.t. ud it tile meedDa il outdoors. there ahould be pick-up mlCl'oph... placed atrategic:aUy in the area to pick up the appla\l•• aDd. cheer. of tbe crowd.

, -j •

Page 12: White House Special Files Box 70 Folder 4 · mit and make them avaUable to the local people in char,e. aeneral PoUey . 1. You mu..t alway8 bear in miDd that your re.ponalbl11ty i


Zl. No eme ."W 1M .eatec1 dlrecdy1A back of tile Viee Pre.W... Oae l'e&aOn for tbl. 1a that quite oltea they are c!oiDa 80metlaial *1da the &elm-Joa eame..a pkka \lp. ... Sa addldoa. to avoid aD, ,o.d'" cU.traetloaa lrom the Vlee Plod""" a .,eedl, it 1. better that the .pace be left deal' Sa wery caae.

2.z.. Th.e1ectem alMM1lcllM decorated .. lIhould be 40 inela•• lD ~ 'l'he .p u..lcl .1aM uwuwud toward til••peaker. 11 the meedDc 18 at DiP&. "ere be e1eeulc 1111'*. oa the lectena.

23. A pUeber otic. wa&er &l:lcl a p,. aho1Wl be avaU&W. Oft the .ell of d:le lecuna. tlnaDy U \Will have 1I14t1...e. _bleb are mot vlelbl. to til• ...u..nce.

~4. 11 you. are DOt aaUded with the leetem. 'uae.t the Amerlcaa lApoa ball. ehurclut., ad. ..nice club a. 8OUJ'"c" 101' obtabllD, a .uitahl. ODe.

l5. If aD outllloor an_dIaIl. pJanMel. a .taad-by meetlaa locatloa .hould be kept in mllld lD th. eye. of lJlc1~eat weather.

1.6. Teclud.que of ba'Ybw you:aa people Gown fr_t to triaer applau.e work. very well. aIIIl1 tbl. ~t be a lood ' to make to the loca1 people.

1.7. Eneour&.e1oc&1 commUte. to put a Utd.UI. lDto & fUDd-ralalDg c1lImer IN'OII'am. aDd have aomethiac prior to til. Viee Pr••lele.', acidre•• wblch wW ....rm up til. crowd.

.A&teaclam:e at M'!!lDa.

L To l:uve a capacity crowd. aU me&1lI ahould be U'.. Reb .. Hw.paper publicity. aipa, .treat decorado... aouad tncka, maiUaa DOtice.. te1epbODe c:ampa1cJl UMl plJ'.oul caJ1a OIl frieac1l &ad rwtp'bor. &ad trauPOrdDa tbem to the meeUIa&.

2. The .ucce•• 01 the campa.,. will depea4 to a Ireat .xteat on •• eadluiaam aacl at.. of tbe crowds tb&t aueDCl the p.e.alecdoa m."',. Pi tre., wtta the 1eca1 committees M tbat .........oc. 1. not taken for I .._I' left to c:haDc:e.

Extra Mee!!DJ. Du!1¥ Vlalt

L TU Vice Pr• .weDt may waat to clrop la at Ol'p."'oa meetlq. tbat ue ..... 'OD lD the Ao&el whe... lut 1••taylD.a or in the city he u YlaUiaa. NO ul'&IIIGDeata lor wa .Iloulci be ma4e 1a ad"Aace. but a Uat 01 .\leA m••tiDa. ahCNld. ...uhmltted. to the WaNAn,,». o£4c. a. far lD advance 01 the Vlce Pnslda.'. vialt to the c:1ty .. po••ible. as xnea.tloud prftioua1y In thi.a DYan"

Page 13: White House Special Files Box 70 Folder 4 · mit and make them avaUable to the local people in char,e. aeneral PoUey . 1. You mu..t alway8 bear in miDd that your re.ponalbl11ty i


-IZ ­

z. PriftM dIIa1wrs. cocktail pIUtle., Or aAer-meetlal MeW ev.... _.not be acc..-ecl cIuriJaa .. cours. of •• campaJaa. PI.... be hre that the local COIIUDltte.... aware ol thI.a reqdremem.

1. U at aD pualble. pteue allow two fulllaour. fr" dJM before _ell "aiaa D'uaetlq.

.. Not"I. ahou1d be .cheGule4 lor the Vice Pr••ideJlt loDowlDc .. evealq meetiDI ual••• JO'l reee1" IDa tnlctloll8 to the CODtralT.

lDdIvWaal Anobdrn~"

1. TIme wIU DOt permit lDdl'riaal appolatm••• with people who will waa1: to ••• tile Vic. Pl'e.14•••

z. Local committee. .boulcl be adriaed tbat the pre••••cretary 01" aide uave1JDl with the Viee Pr••14eat wW. be anUaW. to receive aUlI••tlou and m ........ for h1m aa4 daat'they.m be delivereel to Ialm withou Iail.

Talon-loa Ar!!DIem...

J'\aad-ra1ain& neata are not to be klevlaecl. alae. the 4oaol" b udtle4 to a for-dao••-la-tb.e-nom-oaly appe&raDce of tile Vice Pr••lcSAmt. Alao. te1ft'laiDa .UeA a DMettaa may cut do... OIl tile aUncI••co ancl coatrllN.t:l..a.

~ TIle Vice Preaw.nt'. repr••n&atl.. UoW.d. howenr, obtalla. maximum TV con....e of the alrpon anlYal ud meet1Dl with tile p..o.. at tile airport. II aay, and explore dut po••f.WUty of otMr te189la1Joa appeuuce••• local JWO.nm. Cexplore oDl,., alwa,.. avoid. aay C«'UI11tmat). In ... Wtaau•• U the kK:a1 committeo baa .. moae,. aItI118 "Dxioaa lor the V1ce PJoeld4a* to I. ca te1m.lon Ua the area, caD aUClut &. quo.uoa aDd. "''''.1' OJ' other 1Dtervlew tJpe proanm wlUc:b may be appropriate.

When ~ dut Vice Pr•• We... to the televUloll awUeace. there aJaou1d. be ODly .. QM-aeateac:e iDtroducUcm. LoJaalDtrocluctlou aro abao1utely taboo.

The political dUclalmer aheu1cl be mad. from lb.. atuc1lo. if po••lble.

"l'ber••hould. be ZIG cued applauae. It 11 expected that the Vice PreUdent wU1 always m.aJice hla flr.t appearaace OD. eIle ..levi.loa pl'OIram. Wben b. 1. 1atI"oduce4 OIl TV for tAG am time at a. meetiq. be wU1 Vaw • ubataDdal and ea&l:LWlWtlC .pjtl&U.. III other worda. the Vice Preal· deat doe. not mau two eDtraaces: he do•• DOt make b1a Brat appe&r&DA:. prior to Ida .peech. aU do""" set bW'oduceet.. &Ad then ,ot a .eeond

Page 14: White House Special Files Box 70 Folder 4 · mit and make them avaUable to the local people in char,e. aeneral PoUey . 1. You mu..t alway8 bear in miDd that your re.ponalbl11ty i

·13 ..

apple.... - wb..He -.1,. OM apple... he mak•• bla ONLY eAt1'aDc••

U ,...ibI_, _ by. at 1.... - Gee toTV appeazaac••, two came... plck up cr0w4 ctt- aad. the other to coaceab'No OD the apeaker III a do.e but ....

'11le pre-bI'OU.cut ceremoay aJaoaW ...." ... appl'OXimately two mbaJtes prior to the .tan of tIM TV pl'OIram.

no volt AC UDe la ..ecl.ecl bl eadt. te1nlaioD. s.t-up to wnnlMte wltIala 50 fe.t of the .........' staael. TIala liM 1... power feed for cwdJtc .qu1pm." J4Pdac 18 c:rUl.eaI. ..'\4equate Uabtial equipmnt ud ,..el' 8ho\lld be availaWe at the P4ck-up pd••

Wh.. cUacualaa televlaion eover..e witIl1oca1 committe••, alway8 d.lacuas tel..n.ton time pt&l'dtue ad paW. twa.-1Ia ..... Sa Dew.papel" .. a .lDale ~ nen tbne puchue UotIl4 aever be aepuate4 bl the zn1Dda 01 th. local committee from ... paW bIae-ia ad puchaMS they abov1d be OM &Dd the tb1JlI &lid alwaya ..4 a tile ume br.ath.

l. Keep Sa coaetaat commualeatloa with tile Wuhl:actoa omce. Pi..... Advie. of you wb.r ta at aU dm•• aDd report immediately aay c:ha... in al'r&D&eJD....

3. Any major cia•••• In the plasmed .cbed1l1e or Idnen~ IIIuR.11d 41'at be cleared with the olflee lA W;,.•hlqten.

.. A tim. schedul. mu.t be made ADd .tricdy adhered to. The Vice Pr••ideaat aDd. JWa party muat DOt be early or late. Fo!' example, the carl in & motor­eacle muat DOt p&88 any at"D pob1t earlier tbu. p1a=ed..

5. RememJMr that atleadlm to detail. make. tbe dlflerence betw.e. the lucce•• or tAe Ialluro of & m..tJ.Da. No 4etall i ••0 emaU DOl' eo lnltcnUlcaai tU.t It ahoulcl e.'cape fO\U" COIXlplete atteadoa.

Page 15: White House Special Files Box 70 Folder 4 · mit and make them avaUable to the local people in char,e. aeneral PoUey . 1. You mu..t alway8 bear in miDd that your re.ponalbl11ty i

6. If la doubt on u.yddq. 40 DOt he_itate to call headquarter•• Y__n been aekM to take OD tIaU lmpol'1aDt a8-lamn" lor- tbe Vice Pre.t.eIeDt becau•• of ""'I' proyoD capabWtl••• aDd h..... complete confld.eAce in you.

7. DoIl'C for,. that aC aU tim•• c!uriJtI tho campalaa you are a pereou1 r.p7.....dft 01 the Vice Pr••ldeD&, aDd. tlaat he wU1 be Judle4 by your cOllduct.


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