
Whitchurch High SchoolSRBKS4

“Be the best you can be”

Home/School LinksThe SRB has home school links in various ways.If the matter is urgent or confidential then we always advise to call or email the school (029 20 629 700)

The department aims to keep parents and carers up to date daily with all things SRB. We do this through Class Dojo. This is an interactive online system (that can be accessed through an app on your phone too) where you can see what the class has been doing, receive informative reminders regarding trips and lessons, and with minor matters, you are able to message a teacher.

Yearly Annual Reviews and Parents Evenings are supplemented with termly targets that your child will have for literacy and numeracy. They are reviewed each term and amended accordingly if met.

In Year 10 and 11 you will study WJEC Entry Pathways Qualifications.

These will be:

Additional English, Maths, PSD, IT Users, Humanities, Independent


These exams are coursework based and you will receive a certificate to

show that you have passed the exam in Year 11.

We take children to the starting line – they take us to the finishing line. It is not a race, it is a journey. It is a process. They need to learn and develop and they need help and support along the way, but it is their finishing line.

Teaching and Learning Pedagogy, Welsh Assembly Government 2008

The SRB aims to:

➢ To raise pupils standards of achievement.

➢To enhance their positive attitudes to learning.

➢To address their developing needs.

➢To enable them to benefit from educational opportunities later in their lives.

➢To help them become active citizens within their communities.

In addition, we aim to:

➢To create and maintain an environment that is safe, warm, friendly and welcoming.

➢To provide a stimulating and challenging curriculum that builds on

outstanding teaching and TA support with high expectations of


➢To work with parents and outside agencies to meet the needs of our


➢To establish an environment that builds upon the existing baseline

of each individual need, and one that has the capability to challenge


➢To foster within the school, an ethos that prioritises regard for

others, where the rights and dignity of pupils and staff are upheld,

and where teamwork is nurtured to the advantage of all.

➢To encourage pupils to make the ‘right choices’ in their lives.

English Overview

The English Scheme of Learning (SoL), follows the Oxford University Press

published Read Write Inc. scheme by Ruth Miskin. Children follow a carefully

monitored path with assessments guiding the level they work at.

-The scheme includes:

• Encoding and decoding sounds,

• Comprehension,

• Writing structures and spelling.

Children also use `Activelearn`, an online interactive reading resource,

encouraging reading, comprehensive skills and encourages independence and

home learning.

This is supplemented by English work which will complement the child’s level

and give them a holistic experience of the other forms of the English language.

-Supplementary skills include:

• Introduction to sentence forming

Alphabet and upper and lower case - We have introduced `Handwriting

Motorway` to our English SOL and have had positive feedback from the pupils.

Letter writing, Story writing, Up-levelling sentences, Use of punctuation, Writing

instructional texts, Using a dictionary, Using speech, Making oral presentations,

(2019 saw our first department Christmas show with all children demonstrating

their oral talents), Media Studies.

WJEC Entry Pathways Additional English Course (Entry 2 & 3 Learners)Additional English assesses the skills of knowledge and understanding of literary texts and the candidates’ ability to read and understand non-fiction and audio/visual texts. Candidates are also given the opportunity to create their own narratives.Additional English is available as an Award or a Certificate at Entry 2 and 3 and is assessed purely through internal assessment; there are no examinations for this qualification. We study the following units:

❑ Creating Narratives

❑ Communicating Experiences

❑ Exploring Shakespeare

❑ Exploring Narratives

❑ Exploring Film Genres

❑ Exploring Poetry

❑ Exploring Advertising

WJEC Entry Pathways Personal Progress Course - English (Entry 1 Learners)

The Personal Progress course spans a very wide range of achievement from the ability to

encounter experiences to the ability to apply basic skills, knowledge and understanding to

a range of familiar experiences.

Personal Progress is available as an Award or a Certificate at Entry 1 and is assessed purely

through internal assessment; there are no examinations for this qualification.

❑ We study the following units:

❑ Developing communication skills

❑ Developing reading skills

❑ Developing writing skills

❑ Developing skills for the workplace: health and safety

❑ Developing community participation skills: getting out and about

❑ Developing self-awareness: all about me

“I was very proud when I designed my own story”

The delivery of Mathematics in upper school is designed to build on pupils numeracy skills developed in key stage 3, with a view to improving confidence in the subject and to achieve qualifications. The majority of pupils study the WJEC Pathways Maths curriculum at entry levels 2 & 3. This is made up of a combination of some of the modules below in order to achieve an award.

Introduction to whole numbersWorking with whole numbersWorking with fractionsUsing moneyWorking with 2D and 3D shapesWorking with measuresWorking with angles and positionData handling

Pupils learning is supported through the Rapid Maths syllabus, which develops key numeracy skills, along with digital Maths lessons, practical activities, numeracy puzzles & games, in addition to school trips to practise money handling. Through studying the subject pupils hopefully feel better equipped to deal with numeracy matters encountered in everyday life.

Math Overview

“I like it when the learning is made


Science Overview

The delivery of Science in upper school is designed to build on pupils investigative skills developed in key stage 3, with a view to improving confidence in the subject and to achieve qualifications. The majority of pupils study the WJEC Pathways Science Today curriculum at entry levels 2 & 3. This is made up of a combination of some of the modules below in order to achieve an award.

Health and SafetyChemical ProductsLand MaintenanceMaking CompoundsScience and the UniverseFood and HealthThe Human BodyElectrical Circuits

Pupils scientific skills are developed through various experiments undertaken in the laboratory e.g. testing gases, reactivity of metals, methane bubbles, acids & alkalis etc along with digital Science lessons and practical activities. These include gardening, making planet models, designing pop rockets and making electrical circuits amongst others. Science lessons help pupils develop an inquiring mind and to make sense of the world around them.

“Science experiments are fun and exciting”

Humanities OverviewWJEC Entry Pathways Humanities Course (Entry 2 & 3 Learners)Humanities is available as an Award or a Certificate at Entry 2 & 3 and is assessed purely through internal assessment; there are no examinations for this qualification. We study the following units: Geography

❑ The effects of Consumerism

❑ Tectonic Events

❑ History:

❑ People and Protest

❑ Prejudice and Discrimination

❑ RE:

❑ Places of Worship

❑ Religious Festivals


❑ People and Protest (HISTORY)

❑ Places of Worship (RE)

❑ Consumerism (GEOGRAPHY)

“I was nervous to hold the snake, it felt dry and smooth,

and it was very exciting”

PSD OverviewPSD- Personal and Social Development.

This course includes developing money skills,

working with others, environmental Awareness

and Healthy Living. Pupils undertake an Entry 2/3

WJEC qualification over 2 years.

Preparing for Work. This course includes preparing

a C.V. and short personal statement, developing

key skills and qualities that prepare pupils for the

workplace and undertaking a work experience

placement. Pupils undertake an Entry 2/3 WJEC

qualification over 2 years.


In the sixth form all pupils undertake the ASDAN Personal

Development Programme with the view to achieving a bronze, silver

or gold award. Pupils compile a portfolio of evidence over the 2 years

based on the following modules, which focus upon developing

various essential life skills:

Combined Studies, Beliefs and Values, Expressive Arts, The Wider

World, Science and Technology, World of Work, Health and Survival,

Number Handling, The Environment, Home Management, Sport and

Leisure, The Community, Communication.

The qualification is supported through work being completed by

various school departments e.g. art. Home-economics and drama.

The tasks completed develop pupils’ skills in communication,

teamwork, creative thinking and problem solving as well as helping

them work towards gaining independence. Some aspects involve

pupils completing work experience along with working in the


“I enjoy PSE because it helps me to learn about myself”

Sports and Social time gives pupils a Friday afternoon of structured sport andsocial activities. The Sports and social time system underpins a positiveapproach by staff empowering pupils to make the right choices relating to workethic and behaviour throughout the week. Adopting these values will lead topupils enjoying a selection of activities and in addition, further developing theirsocial, independence and life skills. Activities include:

Sports and Social Time

Football club - will focus on teaching new skills, sportsmanship, and team work. We will also arrange fixtures with other schools and WHS teams.

Media club – pupils will study a Film or develop skills on the ipads,

Relaxation Club – Pupils will have use of the sensory room for quiet time.

Arts & Crafts – offering the pupils a variety of options in either Arts and crafts

ECO club – Pupils will have the chance to take part in gardening, animal care and also Eco issues around the school and wider community.

“Social time is brilliant; I get to do different activities

with my friends”

What will Upper School be like be like? It's going to be great. You will love it! We have

huge, colourful classrooms and a fantastic library. We have an amazing gym and indoor

sports hall with basketball courts, netball courts and tennis courts. We also have a brand

new Art Exhibition Centre. Your teachers will take you in there to have a look at all the

beautiful art work. If you like computers we also have an Apple Mac suite that you can use

as well as our own SRB computer room.

What will be the same? In Upper school you will still be able to see your lower school

teachers like Mrs Jones, Mr Donald, Mr Edwards and Mr Evans. They are often in upper

school and always call in to classrooms to say hello. You will also still be able to see your

friends in lower school. We often go over to lower school to use the facilities and you might

still have lessons over there.

In upper school the school day is the same as in lower school. You will arrive at the same

time, go home at the same time and eat your lunch at the same time. We also have Golden

Time on a Friday. Most of the activities are the same, but if you like football you will have an

opportunity to be part of the SRB Football Team. They play games against other football

teams, have their own football strip and were very successful last year! If you don't like

football you can take part in craft club, movie club or even try beating me on the Nintendo

Wii - I have to warn you I'm very good! I'm always Peach and I always pick the white and

pink sports car.

What will be different? The school building is obviously different as its on a completely

different site. One main difference you'll probably notice are the amount of big trees we've

got outside - they're lovely and we often see squirrels running about!

On the upper school site you will also see lots of year 10 and 11 pupils as well as sixth from

students. There are no year 7's, 8's or 9's on the upper school site. I think it a little quieter

than Lower School.

In upper school you will also be completing your WJEC Pathways Qualifications. These are

really important lessons which will help you get into college or help you get a job when you

leave school.

Pupil Q & A

How will I feel? You will probably feel a little bit nervous but I'm going to let you into a little secret......teachers are always a little nervous when they come back to school in September too! By week two you will feel much better and will probably feel more relaxed and will begin to enjoy your time in Upper School. However, I bet you'll be tired after a full week in school and will enjoy your weekends off, I know I do!

Who can you ask for help? Your teachers. Lots of teachers that you know are based in Upper School - Mr Plummer, Ms Israel, Ms Flanagan, Mrs Mc Cormack and Miss Hedges. You can also see Mr Morgan in his office at any time if you want to. There are also lots of support staff around like Mr Maxwell, Mrs Bickford and Miss Fox. We are all close by so there is no need to worry.

You can also ask pupils in year 11 and the sixth form to help you. We also have an SRB Head Person. They will always be around and will be more than happy to help you.

What can I do at lunchtime? You will be taken to the canteen at 11.45 (which is 15 minutes before mainstream get there). The reason we do this is so its not so busy when you are ordering and eating your food. You can eat your food with your friends and when you've finished you can leave the canteen.

You can then just chill out with your friends for the rest of lunch time or you can play football. If its wet and cold you will be allowed to play pool, boardgames or table football within the SRB. We also show different movies during the winter months. However, we would rather you got some fresh air and exercise during lunchtime if it is dry.

What subjects will we have? You will study all the same subjects you have studied in lower school for example, english, maths, science, humanities, ICT and HE but they will be at Entry Pathways Level. This basically means that the work you do will be sent to the WJEC which is and exam board and they will issue you with qualifications which will help you get a job or allow you to get into college.

Are there some areas we can’t go? Yes, there are out of bounds areas in upper school. We will show you where these areas are when you get to upper school.

Are there any clubs in upper school? Yes, there are lots of lunchtime clubs available. We have arts and crafts, movies club and the SRB football team/club.





A Whitchurch Pupil is….

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