Page 1: What's Really Working: Integrating Multiple Technologies for Blended Learning

What’s Really Working:Integrating Multiple Technologies for Blended Learning

Presented by Andrea KeithDirector –Client Engagement

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What is Blended Learning?

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Blended Learning is…

a formal education program in which a student

learns at least in part through online delivery of

content and instruction with some element of

student control over time, place, path, and/or pace

andat least in part at a supervised brick-and-


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Rotation Models

Classroom Rotation• Within a course or subject• Fixed schedule or teacher

discretion• teacher/online/group• All students, all stations

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Rotation Models

Lab Rotation• Within a course or subject• Fixed schedule or teacher

discretion• Classroom Direct

Instruction/Online lab

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Rotation Models

Flipped Classroom• Within a course or subject• Fixed schedule• Remote online

content/classroom guided practice or projects

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Rotation Models

Individual • Within a course or subject• Individually customized

fixed schedule set by algorithm or teacher

• Each student/custom stations

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Flex Model

• Online in school• Face-to-face support as

needed through small group instruction, projects, and individual tutoring

• Data driven for targeted interventions/supplements

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Self Blend Model

• Multiple courses/subjects• Students select from

traditional and online• Online course is often

supplemental or credit recovery

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Enriched Virtual

• Whole school experience• Primarily remote online

courses• Flexible schedule for limited

in-school experiences

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Overabundance-App Store

Total Active Apps currently available: 990,522

Education Category:107068 active

New Submissions This Month : 22,318 ( 893 / day )

What’s on your iPad?

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How You Can Start

• Start small-choose one unit or subject in one class

• Be selective-choose a model that is doable and you can manage

• Plan-for different modalities and ability levels• Solicit help-for small groups or individuals• Train-students need to understand processes

and expectations• Execute-do it!• Evaluate-results, challenges, student response

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How Gaggle Can Help

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Learn more

• Visit us at Booth 712• Visit our website• Email [email protected]• Call 800-288-7750

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