Page 1: What you measure matters


Lorraine Ball | Roundpeg

Page 2: What you measure matters


Visits | Views | Conversion

Page 3: What you measure matters

VISITSIf you build it, will the come?

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Metric: Sessions (Visits)

• Objective: More visits than a year ago

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Metric: Visits

• Where do visitors come from?

Where Does Traffic Come From?

Organic Search Direct Referral Social Email

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Action : Target Each Source

• Increase – Direct traffic with off line activity– Organic traffic with content– Referrals with directory listings and

cross promotion– Social traffic with activity– Create or expand your email list– Consider paid advertising when all else


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VIEWS (INTEREST)People come, now what?

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Metric: View

• Objective: At least two pages per visit

• Common mistakes– Too many choices– Slow load speed– Non-responsive design– Poor navigation

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Metric : Interest

• What attracts people– Landing pages

Page % of Traffic

/ (Home Page) 38%

/2009/11/do-whole-house-humidifiers-work/ 9%

/2013/11/why-does-my-furnace-smell/ 7%

/contact-us/ 7%

/about-us/customer-feedback-form/ 6%

/electrician/ 5%

/2013/01/hvac-tax-credits-2013/ 3%

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Metric: Interest

• What are people interested in– Most popular posts– Path – Do you have internal links

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Common Mistake: Interest

• Common Mistakes– Old, thin or unoriginal content– Not treating your website as the center

of your marketing

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Action: Create Clear Path

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Action: Create a Clear Path

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• Contacts and inquiries • Newsletter signups• Service requests

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Action: Increase Conversion

• Give people something to do– Add downloads, check lists and surveys– Create web based offers– Add service renewal and scheduling

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Stay in Touch

Lorraine [email protected] | @lorraineball

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