
Buying a house can be a very stressful process.

There are a million things running through your mind when you are

checking out a potential new home, so it is easy to miss things.

There are external factors to pay attention to, such as school district, local amenities, and the overall feel of the neighborhood,

but there are also plenty of internal, structural components you want to inspect.

Here are a just a few things to pay extra

attention to:


The kitchen is the most expensive area in the house to remodel, so to

save money, make sure that the kitchen fits into your style of living.

A kitchen renovation can easily cost $20,000, so it’s definitely worth your time to inspect the

kitchen thoroughly.

Check out the:

Appliances: New appliances will be more efficient and cost less, in terms of utilities and also repairs.

Cabinets: Are the cabinets hard wood or particle board? Painted or

stained? Cheaper materials will require more maintenance.

Floors: Similar to the cabinets, hard wood floors will be longer

lasting than laminate or linoleum.

Tiles are the longest lasting and easiest to clean, but

are cold to the touch.

Make sure the floor matches your lifestyle.


There are few things more annoying than a window that refuses to open or shut! You want your windows to be easy to

open, easy to clean and energy efficient.

Double-paned make a home more desirable for

those reasons.

They are, however, more expensive.


A leaky basement can be a unrelenting source of stress and frustration.

Check for water marks on the walls and inquire about

past floods and leaks.

Many homes that are prone to leaking or flooding are equipped with a

drainage system, so if looks like there has been floods, inquiry about that.

These are just a few things to keep you eyes pealed for when

checking out a potential new home.

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