Page 1: What Makes A Watch Collector Tick?

he memory of my dad, all 6’4” ofhim, elegantly placing a fine watchon his wrist remains with me to thisday. Taking it gently from his bureau

drawer, amidst gold cufflinks and prized WWIImedals, it was typically the last item he put onbefore walking out the door—to work,church, or a grand evening out with my mom.

My dad was a stylish man. With a wife andthree daughters—and a business to run—hewasn’t extravagant. He was selective. And he

knew an investment in a finely-craftedwatch could bring a lifetime of use and pleasure.

Now, more than 50 years after it was gifted to him, I am therecipient of one of his prized watches. It is, quite literally, a pieceof time that has straddled more than five decades. Each time I wearit, it gathers more memories. More color and character. Morereflections of life both past and present.

So what exactly is it that makes a watch collector tick? Is ita special memory associated with a particular watch or brand?Is it purely the aesthetic beauty of a fine timepiece? Or are thefeatures, movements and precision of the watch the ultimatedetermining factors? Three distinguished watch enthusiastschimed in with their thoughts on the subject: PittsburghSteelers lineman and Superbowl champion Casey Hampton,accomplished polo player Clare Milford Haven and international

opera singer and Broadway star David Pittsinger.

FORM VS. FUNCTIONStyle and functionality are critical to most watch aficionados, butvary in degrees of importance based on the personal taste of thecollector. “I am big on style,” notes Casey Hampton. “The featuresare cool, but I like the look of the watch a little better than thefeatures.” For Hampton, different brands provide differentmotivations. “It depends on the watch. Some watches you buy fora specific feature. But for others, it’s just the look.”

David Pittsinger’s opinion differs slightly. “Function doesn’ttrump style. They co-exist. I want a watch with as much functionand accuracy as I can get…but not at the expense of style. That’swhy I admire watch makers like Rolex, Patek Philippe, Longinesand Jaeger-LeCoultre. They’re all about great style combined withgreat functionality.”

For an athlete like Clare Milford Haven, a timepiece’s ability todouble as a day and night watch is a particularly attractive trait.This U.K.-based watch enthusiast, who is also a brand ambassadorfor Jaeger-LeCoultre, explains why she loves her JLC Reversomodel: “Style and functionality are very important to me. MyReverso Grand Sport is a beautiful watch that has small diamondsset in gold on one side, while the other side is a practical, everydaywatch that I can flip over when I’m playing polo. I could go fromthe polo field to an event, with a quick shower and change, andnever have to change my watch. It would adapt!” she exclaims.

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David Pittsingerwith his dogBartok, wearinghis prized RolexCellini Danaos


Three celebrity watch enthusiastschime in on theirpassionfor fine timepieces. By Cally Jamis Vennare


What Makes A

















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Page 2: What Makes A Watch Collector Tick?

Like Milford Haven, Pittsinger’sprofessional responsibilities as aninternational opera singer influence hiswatch preferences. “I look for a watch thatcan help me keep my dates andengagements straight, as well as carry morethan one time zone. In my business, it’sessential to know what the time is in anygiven city based on my relationships—withcolleagues, conductors and directors—inother parts of the world. And when I’mrehearsing or performing, a watch with acentral seconds hand allows me to find acomposer’s tempo marking in musicalnomenclature with ease and efficiency.”


or Milford Haven andPittsinger, there is ashared admiration forthe history and

tradition associated withartisan watch making.Prestige brands and watchmakers that respect this

sentiment often establish a subtle,yet very important, link with thecollector. “To a great extent, there is a synergy

between myself and the Jaeger-LeCoultre brandbecause of tradition. When it comes to polo, there is also traditionand heritage. The Jaeger-LeCoultre Reverso was the original polowatch made in 1931 for English cavalry officers playing polo inIndia. “It’s got a wonderful history,” Milford Haven reveals. “Eventhough Jaeger-LeCoultre is introducing contemporary designs, allhave a strong sense of tradition. There is a real passion within thecompany that I believe comes out in the watch. I have a passion fora sport and the watch. And the brand ties right into that.”

Pittsinger’s perspective on the subject is more personal due tostrong influences from his father and his Connecticut roots. “Myinterest [in timepieces] originated with my father’s own interest inrestoring old mantel clocks and tide clocks (which are particularlyimportant in New England) that worked on moon and timephases. Many of their features have now been miniaturized intowatches,” he explains. “For anyone who loves the outdoors, timecan tell you distance based on rate of speed, and the swings fromhigh tide to low. So for my father, who was a yachtsman and anoutdoorsman, time and calibration were very important. That’swhy he loved Swiss watch making. And that passion, that love ofcraftsmanship and tradition, was passed to me.” On stage as Emilede Becque in Lincoln Center Theatre’s revival of South Pacific,Pittsinger proudly wears one of his father’s fine timepieces: aclassic, period Cartier Tank watch. “When I wear it, I feel him. Ismell his smell. I see him and am very touched by that memory.”

IMPROVING WITH TIME Fine timepieces are admired and collectedbecause they are made with exceptionalattention to quality, craftsmanship,innovation, functionality, versatility andstyle. Artisan watch makers take pride inoffering the latest advances in form andfunction. Flying tourbalins, minuterepeaters and perpetual calendars. Flybackchronographs and karussels, to name just

a few of the many choices available.These all come at a price. Butmechanical and technical complexitiesaside, collectors recognize a prestigioustimepiece is also a sound investment.

Hampton, whose extensive collectionnow approaches 30 watches, originallyfavored jewelry, chains and bracelets. Butafter his first watch purchase (a RolexGrand Master) his priorities changed.“Nice watches hold their value better thananything else. That’s why I decided to putmy money into them. I went through astage of getting the same brand of watch,just different styles. [But] I’m into Breitlingright now and I like Panerai, too.”

Not surprisingly, Milford Haven possessesa particular fondness for Jaeger-LeCoultre.Recently, she experienced a very distinct

moment in time when her mother unveiled a1920s Jaeger-LeCoultre watch from thefamily’s collection. “My mother inherited thewatch from her American father, who hadoriginally been given it as a present from hisgreat friend, Edward [VIII], Prince of Wales.I believe there are only two in existence.” Itwas a fine timepiece that had genuinelyimproved with time. And a serendipitous

discovery for the JLC brand ambassador. “I wear a Rolex Cellini Danaos for its classic, Sinatra-like

qualities,” notes Pittsinger with a smile. “At home, I love myOmega Planet Ocean because it’s rugged and functional. But if Ican only bring one watch on the road, I bring my Rolex GMT2Master. It’s versatile and beautiful.” Next on his list? “A Breguet—Alexander Dumas wore that watch! Maybe even a Franck Muller.It’s a real watch maker’s watch that is very curvy, hip andstylish…a master of complications. Or a Patek Philippe: a greatwatch that I would pass on to my son or daughter. It’s like a greatpiece of music, like Mozart. Every time someone else puts it on orsings it, it will be a little different but it still shows well. I think thatPatek Philippes, much like classical music, are proven and true.Passed on from generation to generation. And with eachgeneration it improves. Just like a good book. You don’t own it,you pass it on.” ♦

Time Travelers: Casey Hampton

shows off hisimpressive watchcollection. Clare

Milford Havenwears Jaeger-


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