  • Ryan Brand 05/11/2014

    Unit Two online green

    light review

    What If? Metropolis

  • Contents

    1. Who is Aubrey Beardsley

    2. Influence maps

    3. Travelogue

    4. My thumbnails

    5. Bibliography

    6. Evidence page

  • Aubrey Beardsley

    Born August 21, 1872 in Brighton, Sussex, England he

    was an illustrator whose work had erotic elements.

    Some of his most notable illustration include Oscar

    Wilde's Salom, the yellow book and the savoy.

    Aestheticism was an art movement that Beardsley

    used when illustrating for the yellow book most of his

    images were done in ink and featured dark areas

    which contrast the rest of the illustration. He puts a

    large amount of detail in the darkened areas of the

    image which allows the detail standout.

    Beardsley was also influenced by the style of art nouveau which explains his

    use of bold line in all of his illustrations. He also found inspiration in the bold

    sense of design found in Japanese wood cuts. He was known for the sensual

    way he drew women in his illustrations, which contained clear elements of

    eroticism. Eroticism became what he was known for. As he was coming closer

    to death he completed a set of illustrations called Lysistrata which are seen as

    his explicit examples of erotic art. This art has a large focus on genitalia,

    juxtaposing male genitalia together. The images in Lysistrata are very

    sexualised perverting the human form and making it feel strange and alien.

  • Influence map

  • Travelogue After days of traveling I reach Fusian the land split by ideals, Fusian people are split into rivalling Clans,

    the Furians of Fura and Sianians of Sian. Although they have Fury in their name Furians are a peaceful

    people who believe in the sanctity of the world, they try to preserve nature by building their life styles

    around nature. Sianians find solace in Knowledge, but their thirst for knowledge comes at a price. Their

    land lacks real nature, trees where cut down to create observatory, labs, and homes. Animals where

    farmed to feed the people. Most Sianians believe in equivalent exchange (one cannot get what they

    want without first sacrificing something else) for knowledge Sianians would do anything. To stop

    conflicts, a neutral Clan known as Fusia erected a wall which divides the city, this wall has become their

    home where they watch the Furians and Sianian acting as guardians, both protecting and peace


    When I first stepped on Furians land it felt like I had just stepped into a forest I could see no sign of

    colonisation, all I could see were wild animal roaming the lands. This is where I found that Furians are

    one with the land, only taking what they need from the landscape but never taking too much. I quickly

    found that Furians all have a preferred way of living, because of this they are split into 3 tribes; ground

    Fura, tree Fura and sky Fura. The ground Fura want to leave no visible trace of life, they live with large

    moles and dig their homes in the ground, and to make sure they stay hidden they cover entrances with

    dead wood camouflaged in leaves. Using a combination of Mud and Grass, Ground Fura create furniture

    for their underground huts, their homes are quite primitive only with only the bare necessities. Ground

    Fura tend to be simple, but their interconnected huts do not show it, it is a labyrinth to outsiders like

    me, but navigating it is like breathing for ground Fura.

    I left the ground Fura and stumbled upon large holes in trees. Upon further investigation I found that

    Some Furians live inside hollow giant sequoias trees, these Furians studied the large spotted

    woodpeckers that also inhabit the trees. They created tools similar to a woodpeckers beck, to mimic

    the nest building process. They fill their homes with dry leaves, the leaves act as both a floor and a

    comfortable sleeping area. When the 2 metre long woodpeckers die they smart pluck their large

    feathers and use them as a more comfortable bedding. Only a hand full of homes can be made from

    one tree but there is an exception to the rule this exception is, the largest Tree which is located in the

    centre of Furian territory, known as the World tree, name this because it punches a hole in the sky. And

    its roots are spread all through Furian territories. The tree is large enough to home the entire Furian

    population but all low ground spaces are taken leaving only the highest points of the tree which are

    difficult to reach. Some tree Fura have tamed large woodpeckers and use them to get to the highest

    points of the wold tree. They work in tandem with woodpeckers to create a home, but few tree Fura

    have tamed woodpeckers which leaves a lot of room on the wold tree.

    I ask one of the tree Fura if there is any other tribes inhabit the land, he nods and points at a

    woodpecker. He takes me to the top of the world tree. We find the last of the Furians who also live in

    trees, but they make their homes on the branches, some have adopted the large white-tail eagle nest

    making technique. The others make homes from the large leaves tying them together to create

    hammocks. Sky Fura do not cover the nests and hammocks because they like to gaze at the sky and

    worship the sun and moon. All sky Fura live at the highest point of the wold tree, this is because it

    places them above the cloud and brings them closer to the sky. They are the most educated of the

    Furians and have learnt to train and tame creatures of the sky, the main creatures are large eagles

    which they use to travel to the ground, hunt and survive.

  • The sky Fura gave me an eagle that I can use to return to the land. On the way down I notice a massive

    manmade wall and decide to fly over it. I land in Sian a cold world compared to the Fura, the shadow

    cast by the wall shrouds parts of the city in darkness. Some homes are made from metallic compounds

    and others look like a perversion of nature. Sianian building are very distinct you can tell what a Sianian

    specialises in just by looking at the shape of their laboratories and homes. Those who study Biology

    tend to have phallic shaped buildings, this is because they admire the idea of the phallus, they believe

    that the larger the building the more knowledge that person has. All homes are made by alchemists,

    but the biologists must give them the correct elements to create the biggest building. Alchemists use

    their mastery of the elements to form building structures, Buildings appear like magic which is an

    amazing spectacle. Biologist buildings are plant based, but they have an artificial appearance because

    they are to perfect. There is a hierarchical structure set in place. On the edge of the city are the homes

    of people who do not know much about ether biology or alchemy, or have not been educated. at the

    centre you find the smartest and most connected people, they share knowledge with each other and

    keep some knowledge secret from the populous, but only until that knowledge can be used to benefit


    Those who studied alchemy have buildings made out of and shaped by the element they specialise in.

    They have the same hierarchical structure as the Biologist but instead of size they care more about the

    number of elements and symbols on their buildings. The Sianian place no value in conventional

    currency, instead they trade inventions, knowledge, information and labour. In the centre of the city

    there is a giant building phallic in shape and covered in different elements as their symbol. This was

    the home of the first Sianian, he was a master of both biology and alchemy. The building is now a school

    to teach the people of Sian the basics of ether biology or alchemy.

    Those who ignore the teachings of biology and alchemy are shun and labelled as mad, they live on the

    outskirts of the city in the worst conditions. Because they have rejected the fundamentals, they cannot

    create and trade and must live of what they can salvage, eating scraps and wearing old tattered

    clothing. Their homes are built from scrap metal and are never to large, this is possibly because they

    are ok with just living, and do not care about knowledge.

    I am picked up by the Fusia guard who patrol the wall, they saw someone who fits my description fly

    over the wall and thought that they might be a trouble maker. They take me to the wall for

    interrogation. After I clearing up the misunderstanding I ask to see the wall, with great pride they tell

    me yes. We walk through a mountain of stairs to reach the top, which is literary a breath taking view.

    On top of the wall everything becomes tiny and insignificant except the world tree which stand higher

    than the wall. The wall stands just under the cloud line and because there is not much conflict, the Fusia

    entertain themselves by building the wall higher and higher. Building has become an obsession making

    the wall stronger and taller is all the Fusia can think about. I ask how they could continue building

    something when it is already extremely large (I wondered how they got materials), they told me that

    they use tame wyverns to collect the stone and other materials and carry it to the peak. When it was

    first constructed the wall was made of stone and as time went by nature began to reinforce it with thick

    vines. Inside the wall it is filled with stairs, rooms and communal areas, were the Fusia can share

    information and teach each other what they have learnt from other clans, hybridising them to create

    new forms of protection.

  • Thumbnails

  • Bibliography

    Aubrey Vincent Beardsley. [Internet]. 2014. The website. Available

    from:[Accessed 05 Nov 2014].

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