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I have a client who is not sticking with their weight loss plan and the first thing I do is talk to them about why they haven't stuck to what they said they were going to eat. Usually there are a whole series of excuses.

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If they have genuine reasons and just slipped up then I always let them know not to worry about that terrible meal you had to have at your friend’s birthday party or whatever it was. Move on, that was just

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one naughty meal and for the rest of the week you'll be back on track again.

With this particular client the problem is that she uses food as comfort, and her reasons

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are mainly psychological and emotional. I just sit with her and re-emphasize why she wants to lose weight, why she came to me, why she spends money with me, why she’s putting herself through this regime of

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exercise and good eating. To help motivate her and to get her back to the place she was when she started with me in the first place. Fired up to lose weight.

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I always get her to picture the end result and the goals that she’s trying to achieve. She’s trying to lose 12 kilos. What she will feel like in 3 months time.

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I ask, “How are you going to feel if you don’t reach your goal weight? “How are you going to feel if you can’t get into those skinny jeans you want to buy?”

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That often helps them get back into thinking “Yes, I really need to keep going”. “I must stop using food as a comfort.” I give her alternative things to do like,

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if you start to feel hungry, or you get a bit bored or a bit needy for food, just get out of your seat and go for a walk.

Do a good 20 minute walk or jog if you can

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and, when you come back, you will lose that desire to tuck into a bar of chocolate. The other thing is, never have any bad food in the house. Try not to have any chocolate bars lying around.

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Just don’t buy any at all, and if you really feel you have to eat it then you physically have to get out of the house and go all the way to the shops to get it.

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At the moment, my client has been doing that for the last 2-3 weeks and there’s always one excuse or the other. And, it is a bit of a problem.

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I’m going to have to talk with her a little bit more this week and try something new because she’s sort of finding excuses each week.

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If you’re just sick and tired of making excuses and you know you need support in your weight loss journey then click here right now and contact me. I’m here to help you lose weight and feel healthy again.

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