
2015-02-18 WAC Minutes-Website.docx 1 of 4 21/02/2015


Inc No A 2824 ABN 49 928 547 941


MEETING HELD ON 18 FEBRUARY, 2014 MEETING OPENED 7:35PM. PRESENT: Stephen McLennan (SM), Bill McLennan (BM), Michelle Hawkes (MH), Brendan Hawkes (BH), Eric Zehrung (EZ), Alison Fidler (AF), Marc, Schnyder (MS), Jeff Ellett (JE), Phillip McLennan (PM), Peter Luke (PL).

APOLOGIES: Jenny Kisler, Chris Lang, Caitlin Christie, Neville Down

MATTERS ARISING: 1. Certificate of Incorporation review. 2. Approve January meeting minutes.

Moved BM Sec BH Carried

OUTWARD CORRESPONDENCE: Courier. Death notice for Marion Curtis.


Emails received: 17/2/15 Caitlin Christie. Paul Cleary life membership nomination. Including letter. 10/2/15 Rod Griffin. Missing BRAC trophies.

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VicRoads. Trailer registration. 54.00 Steve M. Courier. Death notice. To be confirmed

Total $54.00

Moved AF Sec MH Carried

TREASURER’S REPORT: Refer to report.

Moved AF Sec MH Carried

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REPORTS: FINANCIAL REPORT: (Alison Fidler) 1. Bendigo Bank. Consolidating accounts. SOCIAL REPORT: (Michelle Hawkes) 1. Track and Field breakup. 28/2/15. 6:30pm. Red Lion Hotel. FUNDRAISING REPORT: (Steve McLennan) 1. Cans and bottles going well. Helpers are having injuries, so need more help. WOADY YALOAK REPORT: (By Peter Luke.) Nil. BRAC REPORT: (Stephen McLennan) 1. Neville, Michelle and Phil presented track and field season results. WAC won the following divisions:

(Thank you from Stephen McLennan to them for preparing the results.) • C men • B women • B men • u14 men • u16 men • u18 women • 40+ men • A women

TRACK REPORT (incl ATHLETICS VICTORIA): (Stephen McLennan) 1. Results from Victorian Underage Championships. See attached below. Stephen McLennan congratulates

all competitors. 2. Friday night got washed out with lightening. JUNIOR REPORT: (By Brendan Hawkes.) 1. Two weeks since resuming over Christmas. 2. Last Friday was washed out. CROSS COUNTRY REPORT: (Michelle Hawkes) 1. Fixture. Draft 6. Season commences 28 March.

Moved MH Sec BM Carried

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1. Summer Lap of the Lake. Tuesday, 10 March, 2015. 7pm. St Patricks Point. With YCW.

2. Marion Curtis died two weeks ago. Involved with women’s section of the club. 3. Nomination for life membership for Paul Cleary. Note 50 points system. Criteria

for life membership to be verified. 4. Nomination for life membership for Paul Nunn. Criteria for life membership to

be verified. Bill McLennan:

1. Suggest preparing a method for nominating and appointing life memberships for consideration at the upcoming AGM.

Michelle Hawkes 1. Suggest adding weekly XC events fee to overall fee charged on AV website (if possible.) No action taken.

Brendan Hawkes: Nil. Eric Zehrung:

1. 2015 Club fees

Moved BM Sec BH Carried Phillip McLennan: 1. Stockland Wendouree grants.

2. Recent meeting discussing development of Wendouree Reserve. Another meeting in two weeks.

Marc Schnyder:

1. Rule clarifications: • Aggregate points being awarded to athletes acting as officials. Motion:

“Athletes acting in an official capacity may receive invitation points at the discretion of the executive or cross country convenor.”

Moved MS Sec BM Carried

• Club uniforms. Confirm that club uniform including singlet and shorts must be worn in all club events.

• To score club points and club events require either associate membership or full AV membership. Clarify that all memberships are made through AV. No informal memberships are to be taken. All memberships go through AV.

• Do not finish. Do people get points for DNF? Assume discretion of executive to determine.

• Junior aggregate trophy. Marc Schnyder to investigate aggregate results from 2006.

• Name of Aggregate Trophy from Ladies Committee. Query name of trophy. Consider starting new aggregate trophy. NO action taken.

• Query paying registration of young athletes to encourage participation of middle age groups. No action taken.

Jeff Ellett: Nil. Alison Fidler: Nil.

Meeting Closed at 10:15pm Next meeting to be held on 25 March, 2015.

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