  • 7/31/2019 Wellington South Plunket Winter 2012


    Warm and Safe in Winterby plunket nurse sueHi everyone,

    I hope you are all keeping warm as the colder days start to engul us. Here are a ew tips to keep your babys sleep

    environment sae and at the correct temperature throughout the winter months:

    Keep the room well ventilated with the door open, especially i using a heater.

    Keep the room at a temperature that is comortable or a lightly clothed adult.

    Overheated rooms are not sae or babies. Using an electric heater with a thermostat is best.

    Avoid using an heaters in your babys room when your baby is in bed as an heaters can overheat the room.

    Gas heaters should also be avoided in your babys room as they can give o dangerous umes

    Place the cot away rom windows, curtains, blind cords, power points and heaters. Sleeping your baby away rom the windows

    helps keep their temperature stable.

    To check your baby is at the right temperature while in bed:

    You can check baby is warm enough by slipping two fngers down the back o their neck. I the babys back is warm then they

    are fne, even i their hands and eet eel cool. I they eel hot, take o some o the covers.

    Choose bedding made rom natural fbres like cotton and wool as they breathe and help keep baby at an even temperature.

    Baby will usually need one more layer o bedding or clothing than you do to stay warm.

    (Inormation rom Thriving Under 5)Take care and keep warm, Sue

    Wellington South PlunKet nuRSeS viSitS & contact detailS

    Our abulous nurse is in the Plunket clinic Monday, Wednesday and alternate Friday

    aternoons and she does home visits on Tuesday, Thursday and alternate Friday mornings.

    Call 383 7663 to make an appointment between 9am and 4pm, or text on 027 275 5154.

    Check out our website for previous newsletters and more info: www .islandbayplunket.o

    Kia ora and welcome to our Winter edition! We hope you enjoy all the goodies inside this issue...

    Were still looking for some eager beavers whod like to join our lovely committee: its a great way to meetmore local parents and have a bit of fun while helping the community. Please see our notice in this issueand email us [email protected] or check out ourwebsiteorfaceb oo k pages to find out more.

    island bay . owhiro bay . houghton bay . berhampore


    wellington.sthplunket newsletter
  • 7/31/2019 Wellington South Plunket Winter 2012


    book review:no regrets parenting by NicciCoffeyFor some reason, I keep expecting the pace o lie to slow down.

    At least a little. That hasnt happened yet. And Im beginning to

    think it never will. The boys have adapted beautiully to school,

    and as I write, we are midpoint o our rst school holidays.

    The typical school day (dropo with Dad, pickup with Mum,

    then relaxing together aterschool, ollowed by the chores(dinner/bath/bed)) has created lovely blended days this rst

    term. Holidays then started with returning to the Playcentre

    or special sessions to enjoy playing with their riends who

    have also been at school, and what with visits to the Zoo, the

    Observatory and swimming lessons - the rst week fashed

    past! Next week with amily visiting is a ull house and another

    ull schedule.

    Strangely, In the midst o this - I picked up a book. Well, several

    actually, due to the Island Bay library starting up a pimp stand

    with tempting new books on display just by the ront door. Last

    time I was there I just swiped the entire top two shelves clear,sweeping up books on Slow Gardening, How to stress less,

    Digital Photography, Boys Growing up, Conessions o a Coee

    Group dropout, and nally No Regrets Parenting

    Given that the only reason Id chosen them was that I could

    simply pick them up in one armul and check them out in a

    single minute, its not surprising most o them were orgettable,

    although I havent got to the photography one yet. The Coee

    group one particularly irritated me, it seemed to be a 365 page

    long excuse about why a woman whose routine-ree, demand-

    eeding liestyle justied never mashing a banana or her child.

    Im araid I just didnt get it. Perhaps being a mother o twins

    and relying on routine or sanity just makes me prejudiced

    about anyone who trumpets that it isnt needed and isnt

    necessary - especially when most o her book is a moan about

    motherhood. But I digress.

    The bright spot in my random assortment was Harley Rotbarts

    No regrets parenting. Now, let me start with a disclaimer. This

    book pretty much assumes your lie is going great. Youre in

    a two parent household, with 2.4 kids, gainully employed

    and your biggest concern is saving or their University ees.

    So its not really going to hit the spot i, quite rankly, youve

    got bigger issues to deal with. But heres what I liked - rst,

    he pretty much gave an overview o parenting rom cradle

    to college. For those o us in

    between those two points, it is

    nice to read something reminds

    you to look back, and prompts you

    to look orward and without an

    overtone that youre only readinga parenting book because lie

    is in crisis. You get a bit o

    a pat on the back or what

    youve done, and a cheat sheet

    or the uture.

    Another thing I particularly liked is most o his chapters were

    about a page and a hal long. He outlines an issue (say, getting

    your kids attention), proposes a solution (not telling - youll

    have to read it), and gives a couple o examples o it working

    and why he thinks it works. The whole book is not like that,

    but a lot o it is. So its easy to pick up and put down in the ew

    nanoseconds we get to ourselves.

    One thing I really like is his theory o double-dipping. He uses

    this to describe time where youre together - eg. reading, but

    they are reading the latest teen romance, and you are nose

    deep in say, a parenting book! Thats a success - youre enjoying

    an activity together, but each o you participating at your own

    level. And he gives a lot o ideas how to do that. Swimming

    is another good one. Hes also quite good on the technology

    battle - when it works or you, and when it works against you

    (cellphones, Facebook, computer games and so on). I nothing

    else, he gives you his perspective and you can gure out

    whether that helps or not.

    His key message is simple. Really try to make the moment

    momentous. Take your moments where you can nd them, and

    concentrate. It might be driving them in the car. Listen to them.

    Be there in the moment with them. Think about how they are

    experiencing it, and join them in that experience. It all sounds

    a bit pyscho-babble, but what makes this book worth checking

    out is his practical tips and tricks to nd those moments. I think

    i theres one thing Ive learnt as a mum to twins, is that I need all

    the tips and tricks I can get, so I plan to steal quite a ew o his!

    Available via Wellington City Libraries or see:

    Helping You Make Informed Choices about Birth and Parenting

    Please visit our new website to fnd out more about our courses

    and membership and much more
  • 7/31/2019 Wellington South Plunket Winter 2012

    3/15 |

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    and look, velvet is a personalavourite o mine and otenworn in a blazer or cardigan.Whether it be lace, wool, leatheror ur, choose your texture andenjoy it. There has to be othermajor benets to winter other than

    crockpots and roaring res. For ashion this season, it is aboutwearing and enjoying textures.

    The biggest rule o all is to always stay true to what suits you.So dont add bulk to areas that dont need any. Find other wayso incorporating all the wonderul winter trends in other ways.Accessories are always a sure re way o eeling great and lookingstylish and another way o incorporating some, or all o the abovetrends.

    To see a stylist rom Wardrobe Flair costs $199 or two hours. Thisincludes your colours, body-shape analyses, wardrobe re-vamp,shopping list, colour chart and consultation summary. Shoppingtrips are $95 per hour. We do mainstream and pre-loved shopping.

    This services cost the same as couple o pieces o clothing youbought and never wore..

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    ochure visit

    It is a really exciting time or ashion this winter. Not only do wehave a great mix o warm and cool toned clothing, we have somesensational coats, pretty, fattering dresses, exciting prints and lotso wonderul texture. What more can a girl ask or?

    I am always going on about colourul winter coats and to be honest,I doubt I will stop with this. Make a great rst impression and walkinto a room or cae making a wow impact. A great cut and colour

    coat will make even that person suering rom SAD (seasonalaective disorder) smile. Add a couple o bonus compliments andyour day will just get better.

    What is needed under that abulous coat? why a pretty dress iswhat. While the word on the street is that tunics and legging areon the way out they are still a very practical option or mums athome this winter. Comortable and easy to wear, because you haveleggings on getting up and down o the foor is not a problem. Iyou want to be cutting edge ashion then coloured or textured/patterned tights will make a simple, easy to wear merino dress atrendy option.

    Some people are scared o animal print. There are two things you

    need to remember about animal print - rstly get used to it becauseit comes around pretty much every winter season. Secondly lessis more or those not used to wearing it or are nervous about themutton/lamb scenario. A leopard scar or gloves can sometimesbe just the right amount. For others a dress is all good (as long as itis not too short or TOO low - or see above scenario).

    Texture is a wonderul thing and in ull abundance this season. Fakeur is un (i not a little bulky or some with a larger breasteedingchest!) Cable knit ditto. Fine merino layers are superb or warmth

    winter trends 2012

    Trudi & Sarah o Wardrobe Flair
  • 7/31/2019 Wellington South Plunket Winter 2012


    healthy eating and livingfor under 5

    by Anna BordignonI cant imagine what cooking today would be like without the tomato? Apart rom onions, tomatoes are probably the thing I use

    most in my cooking. I am sure this is true or many o you. I make a lot o Italian inspired meals like lasagne and bolognese, because

    these are very popular with the kids. I also make a lot o casseroles and always add tinned tomatoes to these.

    When tomatoes are in season and cheap, and I am trying to be good, I eat baby tomatoes as a snack instead o other sweet things. I

    also enjoy making resh tomato sauces or gnocchi and other pastas. I simply roast them with garlic, rosemary, thyme or any otherherb available this brings out an intense and sweet favour. Then I puree/blitz them in the ood processor and combine with slowly

    sauteed onions and leeks. I make big batches o this and some goes into the reezer or the colder months.

    Tomatoes are loaded with vitamins such as A, C and E. They are a great source o potassium and calcium, but their greatest claim

    to ame is their lycopene content. This is an antioxidant that helps lower cholesterol and protect us against strokes, cancer and

    heart attacks.

    Our bodies can access the benets o lycopene more easily rom cooked tomatoes. Here are some ideas or getting more cooked

    tomatoes into your diet in these colder months:

    Baked tomato risotto - use tinned tomatoes to replace some o the stock

    Sasage asseroe - tinned tomatoes or tomato soup replaces water/stock

    crries - try tinned tomatoes instead o stock/coconut milk or add tomato paste to thicken home made pizza - use tomato paste and top with chopped, deseeded resh tomatoes then add avourite pizza toppings

    Find out more at our blog Join us on have ortnightly competitions or our Munchette members to win loads o useul products. All you have to do is LIKE us on acebook.

    PluS: I you are a closet mummy-entrepreneur or one established (defned as a mummy who has great ideas and has a product or

    service etc ) we would love to hear rom you as we are keen to promote you in our new website we are building. Just email us at

    [email protected]

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  • 7/31/2019 Wellington South Plunket Winter 2012


    Ater three months in Roses Coordinator shoes at the Community Centre I am now eeling much more at home than I was when I wrotethe last piece or the Wellington South Plunket newsletter. Not that I didnt love being in Island Bay at the start you understand. Its justthat now all the tasks o the job are starting to become second nature and I dont have to reer to Roses very helpul coordinators guidenearly so oten. I havent thought about it beore but I think a new job is a little bit like caring or a new baby. I dont mean to make adirect comparison because obviously a precious new human being is beyond comparing with almost anything else upon this earth.Nevertheless, in a new job you can be just as scared o making mistakes, upsetting people, orgetting to do something important at acertain time OMG the arts and crats people are here and I havent got the tables and chairs out again!

    But ater three months you dont orget things so oten and you realise that most mistakes wont result in death and destruction and just

    as kids survive almost anything, so do community centres! Actually Island Bay Community Centre is doing a lot more than surviving itsthriving. As the winter months approach there seem to be more and more groups using the centre.

    Mondays have suddenly become the busiest day at the centre with the ollowing new additions to the programme: Fitness by RevolveBoot Camps at dawn (also on Wednesdays rst thing), Pilates or mums at 11 and Toolbox Parenting in the evening. Not to mention all theother Monday regulars.

    Some o you will have attended the recent very successul Wardrobe Flair undraiser that Island Bay Kindergarten ran here. The centre isan ideal place or this kind o event and we welcome enquiries rom anyone wishing to hold an event whether its a undraiser, birthdayor other celebration.

    A workshop sure to draw plenty o participants is Welcome to My World - all you need to know about dementia. Designed specically byAlzheimers Wellington, or people who are living with someone who has a dementia this course o ve 2 hour sessions begins on FridayJune 1st at 2pm - entry by gold coin. Call us or more inormation.

    We are looking orward to joining with Tapu Te Ranga Marae to celebrate Matariki on

    Saturday 23rd June. Itll be a real amily aternoon with activities or kids, music, hangi,sleep on the Marae optional beore rising or pre-dawn Matariki stargazing, tree plantingand a well earned hearty breakast! Look out or more inormation about how to join in onour Facebook page: or call us at the centre 383-7464.

    Theres always something happening here so do call in and see us to nd out what mightsuit you or perhaps that other person in the house who needs to get active! Youd besurprised how many people just drop in here or a cuppa and a chat and we are alwayshappy to see them. So next time youre on the Parade at the shops call in and see us, downthe drive behind the pharmacy.

    Colin Slade,Island Bay Community Centre, 137 The Parade, 383 7464, 021 227 8206, [email protected]

    Where are We?Right behind the Island Bay pharmacy in theshopping area. Come down the drive by the

    Pharmacy, at 137 The Parade. To fnd out more

    about whats happening there each week,

    check out noticeboards at the centre, New

    World Island Bay, outside the Bay Bar, or go to:

    You can also like us on Facebook.

    community centre

    facebook links





    CoMMunItY Centre



    GaraGe SaleS



    plunket in your neighbourhood

    Isd i mig ms wi bbis simi g ys? Ji PIn Gp!

    Plunket in Your Neighbourhood (PIN) aims to provide an avenue or

    mums and caregivers to inormally meet other mums and caregivers

    o babies around the same age. PIN groups can be a great support

    network as they allow you to make new riendships and discuss what

    your babies are doing at various stages o their lie. All meetings are

    open to everyone and are held at the Island Bay Plunket Rooms.

    I you are new to the area or wish to be put in touch with a PIN Group

    with babies/toddlers/children around the same age as yours, the PIN

    Coordinators can also help. To contact the PIN Coordinators with anyenquiries email:[email protected]


    Island Bay Plunket

    Dads Coffee GroupKeen for a relaxed and informal get together with

    other stay at home Dads during the week? We meet

    on a regular basis to solve the problems of the world.Interested?

    Contact Brett on 383 5546 [email protected]
  • 7/31/2019 Wellington South Plunket Winter 2012


    W ig sm w c v

    ws di b cmmi.

    I youre amiliar with MailChimp, that would be an added

    bonus: Plunket NZ have set up templates to help us connect

    with our communities, so wed love to hear rom you i youve

    got a bit o time and enthusiasm to help us set this up!Just send us an email i youd like to nd out more: editor@

    Cm d ji c ty liby ~ dy cd bcm ty libi !

    C k: 970 7752 mi:

    [email protected]

    167 t Pd, Isd By

    Sdys (xcp Jy) 9:3011:30m.

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    our newsletter needs you!

    get involved with plunket in our community

    island bay . owhiro bay . houghton bay . berhampore

    Miramar 04 387 8612 West Wellington 04 891 8614

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    island bay plunket

    toy library
  • 7/31/2019 Wellington South Plunket Winter 2012


    Education in Schools

    Together, the best start for every child | Whanau awhina

    Wellington/Wairarapa Babysitting Courses


    Course cost: $5

    To book, please call Moana Uerata-Jennings on (04) 460 4667Please Note: You will receive a certicate on completion of the course

    Participants must be 14 years and over

    When Time Where

    Wednesday 11th July 10am 3pm St Orans College,

    55 High Street, Lower Hutt

    Thursday 12th July 10am 3pm St Catherines College,

    Upper Bourke Street, Kilbirnie

    Friday 13th July 10am 3pm Kuranui College

    East Street, Greytown

  • 7/31/2019 Wellington South Plunket Winter 2012


    finger food for your baby or toddler

    Mum to Freddie, an active toddler, Ive recently started blogging about healthy, easy recipes to eed hungry tummies. The blog is calledFreddies Food The recipes aim to be low in salt and sugar, tasty and appealing (even to the ussiest o eaters!).

    I am a massive an o nger ood or babies and toddlers and recently run a nger ood series on my blog. Letting babies eed themselvesis great or developing their independence, hand-eye co-ordination and their pincer grip. It also allows your baby to explore dierenttextures. A great advantage to oering nger ood over pure is it helps take away the possible ood battle o just one more mouthul asyou are giving your baby control over how much they eat, depending on how hungry they are.

    Freddie rejected the spoon at around 7 months so I started him on nger oods slightly earlier than Plunkets recommendation around 8-9

    months. You will know your baby is ready to give eeding themselves a go when they are able to chew and have started developing thepincer grip (are picking things up with their thumb and nger).

    Initially you might nd that everything goes on the foor but very quickly, i given the opportunity, they will start getting more accurate- I will never orget watching Freddie eat peas one at a time at great speed. To make your lie easier I recommend putting a splash matunderneath your babys highchair. In this way you can pick up dropped ood and put it back on the high chair knowing the surace is clean.It also makes tidying up much easier!

    To prevent your baby choking when you rst introduce nger oods make sure they are able to sit up by themselves, that they are able tochew and that you oer them oods that are sot and easy to chew. To limit their rustration try making or cutting ood so it is easy to pickup and hold.

    Watties have produced a handout listing a range o dierent nger oods or both 9 and 12 month olds that you might nd helpul to giveyou some ideas o what to try. Your Plunket nurse, Sue, can give you one at your next check-up.

    Here is a great nger ood recipe or Cheese, Marmite and Spinach Quesadilla which Freddie and his Dad love! I hope your little ones do

    too. For more meal ideas and some hints and tips on making meal times happy times check out Freddies Food.Cheese, Marmite and Spinach Quesadilla

    Makes: 2 Serves (1 adult & 1 toddler)

    Preparation: 5 mins | Cooking: 5 mins


    40g grated cheese2 handuls baby spinach2 tsp marmite2 wholemeal tortilla wraps

    Preheat a rying pan or griddle pan on a high heat.

    Grate cheese and spread tortilla wrap with marmite. Mix all the ingredientsand share between the two wraps and old the wraps in hal.

    Place the olded wrap in the griddle or rying pan and press down. Cook orabout 2 minutes until crispy then fip over and repeat.

    Transer to a plate, cut into triangles and allow to cool slightly.
  • 7/31/2019 Wellington South Plunket Winter 2012


    Our schOOl is nOw Open fOr new enrOlments

    9Sm css sizs

    9Wm, idy, ppscssms

    9Vs d vis pgmm

    9oppiis dsip.g. libis, P Mdis,

    Sc Ccis

    9Cig, cmmid, pssics

    9Spciis cs dig,msic, ICt d Mi

    9Qiy a Sc C

    9Cid cd, idividisdig

    9Psiiv sdsd,sd-c isips

    9lg gss pyig fd,d cs d dv


    9Wcmig, idy, icsivcmmiy

    9op d picy sc d cmmiy

    9kidg si

    o sc is w p w ms.

    For an application package or more inormation, please contact

    Owhiro Bay School: Ph: (04) 383 7189 | Fax: (04) 383 9548

    Email: [email protected]| Website: pop in and see us to see our school in action:

    96 hppy Vy rd, owi By, Wig 6023

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  • 7/31/2019 Wellington South Plunket Winter 2012


    PlunketCar Seat rental SCheme




    ISland Bay Plunket toy lIBrary

    Karen:9707752,[email protected],IslandBay






    ISland Bay Plunket roomS



    Clinic:MonandWed9am4pm,Home visits in the community:TuesandThurs

    Plunket Parent eduCatIon SeSSIonS

    5700775See info on next page.

    WellIngton South Plunket CommIttee

    Tovolunteer,email:[email protected]

    Plunket karItane FamIly Centre


    Family, community and healthISland Bay medICal Centre


    aFter hourS medICal Centre


    WellIngton South ParentS Centre


    ISland Bay CommunIty Centre


    ISland Bay lIBrary


    PoStnatal and antenatal dIStreSS



    ParentS aS FIrSt teaCherS (PaFt)


    BedWettIng hotlIne


    mISCarrIage SuPPort grouP


    SandS (StIllBIrth and neWBorn death



    SIdS (Sudden InFant death)


    nZ doWn Syndrome aSSoCIatIon


    neonatal SuPPort grouP


    Parent to Parent (ParentS oF SPeCIal

    needS kIdS)


    Parent helP, WellIn gton



    WellIngton WomenS reFuge


    ISland Bay PhySIotheraPy Centre



    la leChe league


    motherS netWork dISCuSSIon




    Music/cofee/playgrouprunbytheIslandBayPresbyterianChurch,88TheParade.EveryMondayduringtermtimerom10am.Suitableornewbornsthroughto4yearolds.Cost:$2peramily..FormoreinocontactIBPCChildrenandFamiliesWorker,[email protected]

    St hIldaS ChurCh ISland Bay



    St CuthBertS BerhamPore



    PlaygrouP For ChIldren under FIve

    WIth allergIeS


    Music groupsWellIngton South Parent Centre

    FridaysatIslandBayPresbyterianChurch Anne973877488TheParade,IslandBay

    Musical Tots:09:3010:10am,25years

    Musical Jigglers:10:3011:10am,12 years

    Musical Dots:11:1511:45am,mobilebabies

    Musical Dots:1:001:30pm,non-mobilebabies


    muSIC and movement For kIdS

    lIl grooverS


    Preschooldance,movementandmusicclass.Wednesdays10.30-11.15am.Suitable or2-5yearolds.Cost:$6perchildperclass. Casualmorningteaandbiscuitssuppliedrom10am.FormoreinocontactIBPCChildrenandFamiliesWorker,[email protected]

    mInI mInStrelS


    Charlotte9711889,oremail:[email protected]

    SonIaS muSIkgarten



    Other activitieslIttle lIghtS toddler ChurCh LittleLightsToddlerChurch-Singing,biblestories,

    andanactivityeverySundayat theIslandBayPresbyterianChurch,88TheParade.From10.15aminthechurchoyer.Suitableorunder4s.Nocost. FormoreinocontactIBPCChildrenandFamiliesWorker,[email protected]

    Cool BuBBaS Create


    Haileyon9710374yoga For mumS

    Bring baby with you to yoga & rebound frompregnancy.






    [email protected]

    CommunIty garden kIdS SeCtIon



    SundayS @ Petone SettlerS muSeum


    Pre-SChool StorytIme @ lIBrary



    DirectorywoulD you like to be listeD here?

    email us: [email protected][email protected][email protected]
  • 7/31/2019 Wellington South Plunket Winter 2012


  • 7/31/2019 Wellington South Plunket Winter 2012


    Our range reects a cmmitmentto ethical and environmentalpractices and a resh modern take on essentialsfo baby.It has grown to include 100% certifed oganic cttnandmerino wool baby clothing, sleepwear and bedding,a luxurious botanical skincare rangefo mthersand babiesand unique toys to inspirethe imagination.

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  • 7/31/2019 Wellington South Plunket Winter 2012


  • 7/31/2019 Wellington South Plunket Winter 2012


  • 7/31/2019 Wellington South Plunket Winter 2012


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    skewed due to other business considerations.

    Another advantage is that you get to deal with a

    real human being. Many larger insurers have

    implemented automated response units. Whilst

    this saves them money, it can be frustrating

    when you just want to speak to a person.

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    and we can arrange a review of your

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    1 Sunday Star Times 02/10/11

    2 Ministry of Economic Development Insolvency and

    Trustee Service Statistical Data Report 2008 2009

    3 Stroke Foundation of New Zealand,

    4 Arthritis New Zealand

    5 Accuro Health Insurance claims information 1 April 2008

    to 31 march 2009.

    6 Accuro Health. Names have been changed.

    25% Of stroke suffers will be under 652.

    1 in 6 People over the age of 15 will bediagnosed with arthritis in their


    60% Of health insurance claimsare for members aged 30-


    One day, I couldn t even

    open my lipstick!Anne, a fit healthy woman with three

    children, started noticing tingling and

    numbness in her hands. Anne was

    dropping things, but just felt a bit

    clumsy. However, it became frightening

    when, one day, she couldn t even open

    her lipstick.

    Anne went to her doctor and was

    referred to a specialist who ordered an

    MRI scan. She was diagnosed with a

    chronic compression of the spinal cord

    and nerve roots. Anne had health

    insurance, so she made immediate

    contact. Her claim was approved, and

    less than two weeks later, Anne was in


    People per month have


    than 6 months for their first specialistassessment through the public system.


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