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Welcome to the 2nd Annual Publici-Tea™ and Book Publishing Summit

Presented by:

Nancy Juetten and Patrick Snow

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What You’ll Learn Today!

Got a book in you? Patrick Snow explains how to make it pay off for your expert status.

Ready to get known as an expert? Nancy Juetten explains how to begin.

Please, Tweet about today’s event, using #publicitea as the hashtag!

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Thank You Sponsors!

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About Rise N Shine Camp Project

Thank you for your donation of camp supplies as your admission ticket today.

Let’s watch a 3-minute video.

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Patrick Snow Presents!

Best-selling author Book publishing coach Gifted inspirational speaker Your guide to open a powerful new door to

revenue generation and expert status A warm welcome please!

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Patrick’s PPT Presentation

Amazing, enrolling presentation Powerful call to action Baker’s Dozen or Something Better Wow!

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10 Minute Break – Just 10!

10:45 a.m. – 10:55 a.m. Please return promptly so Nancy can delight

you with tips and guidance you can use to build your expert status!

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Nancy Juetten

DIY Publicity Expert Author, Bye-Bye Boring Bio Workshop Leader Extreme Bio Makeover Diva Guiding you to attract clients, speaking gigs,

and media interviews with the right bio for the right situation

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My Story and Tips for You

- Take the “Google” temperature- Take stock- Get into action- Get what you want - Slow and steady DOES win the race!

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Make the Most of Your Expertise

Get the book done Sell more books Invite more speaking engagements to bigger

and more influential audiences Leverage the book to open new doors of


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To be seen, heard, celebrated and COMPEN$ATED – YES!

Who wants that? Let me see a show of hands? High fives all around!

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You’ve Got to Build Your Platform

You are the author of the forthcoming book You’ve got one chapter done and want to

make the most of it now You are on speed dial with NPR You are a columnist for the Puget Sound

Business Journal Your ezine list extends far and beyond

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How can you build expert status?

Write an ezine Blog Write articles Host teleseminars Speak Respond to media queries Book tour

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More things you can do…

Write pitch letters Issue press releases Host your own radio show Engage in social media Write a column for the Puget Sound

Business Journal

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Yep, I thought so.

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Let me make it easy.

Prepare your story Share your story Rinse and repeat.

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YOUR Story

Who are you? Who do you serve? What impact does your work deliver? Why does it matter, now more than ever? What sets you apart?

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Four Simple Words Count for a Lot

“Set up your profile” Can open up a world of opportunity with one

click Don’t sweep them under the carpet. Make the most of every word!

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Common Bio Blunders


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4 S’s of Great Bios

Stunning results Succinct stories Sassy sound bites Social information to help your ideal

customers like, trust, and respect you fast.

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Get Your Story Together

Make it easy for decision makers to get what they want

AND make it easy for you to get what you want

Be prepared

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Bio to Attract Clients

How do you want prospects to feel, do and remember?

Lead with stunning results that solve a problem your client is prepared to pay money to solve

Don’t underestimate the value of a sassy sound bite to break through the clutter.

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Pitch Your Target Media Directly

Leverage is a beautiful thing! To be seen in the PSBJ, make winning pitch Growing Your Business story criteria (Do you subscribe? If not, you can today,

save 20%, and go home with the Book of Lists as a gift!

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Resources That Invite More Pitching Success with Ease - free – free - free - free - fee - fee

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Speaker Tips

Lead with one compelling headline Share video and audio samples Offer audience and meeting planner

testimonials Make it easy for shoppers to say YES Prepare your speaker introduction

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Nancy’s Wish for You

… feel empowered and inspired to tell your own best story now.

…act in the “best fit” ways to suit your needs and budget with me as your guide to achieve expert status.

…remember that nothing happens without consistent, tenacious, passionate action every day

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Three Ways to Prepare YOUR Story with Nancy as Your Guide

DIY Do It in a Group Do It Together

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Ready to Stand Up, Stand Out and SHINE in All Your Brilliance?

Let me make it irresistible for you to act today.

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5% of Profits from Today’s Purchases Benefit Rise N Shine!

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Big Finish

Every day is a chance for each of us to be important.

Start today!

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Main Street Media Savvy

Get seen, heard, celebrated and COMPEN$ATED in your own backyard … and beyond!

With gratitude and best wishesfor your stunning and decisive success,

Nancy Juetten and Patrick Snow

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Thank You Sponsors!

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