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Asia Pacific Leaders Summit 2015. Thailand.

Page 2: Welcome to AP Celebration Night

Dear all AP Dreamers,!

Couple of years has passed, finally we’re here coming for the moment bring up all the pride we as AP region shared and owned. It never easy for this amazing beautiful field shared diverse and mixed culture kept putting efforts making history and miracle happened. The reason why we call for your action to join this AP youth movement is because we want young and beautiful AP AIESECer can proudly shout out our pass stories, lighting up a mutual-inspired space for more people to know how much AIESEC achieving our purpose and dream.!

To make this pride meaningful, we bring up the spirit AP shared together since AP MCP Summit in Philippine: PURPOSEFUL, INNOVATIVE, COLLABORATIVE, ADAPTIVE and EXCELLENT. The entire network commit to bring AP#1 happen according to a shared and brave purpose,

breakthrough and innovative way, true entity collaboration, adaptive to our fast-changing environment, and excellent action with achievement. This is not just about what w commit to, but happen everyday in our AIESEC life, inspired people, encouraged people, empowered people like a huge youth movement. !

Now it’s time for you to stand up for your LC, to share your unique and meaningful stories here with us together as a representative. We will enjoy the whole process in this APLS to bring the most exciting moment throughout the conference. We believe to be the leader of this and next generation, we are the people who connect the past and connect it to the future. We also believe to be leaders that achieve, we are the one who needs to be the role model of showcasing the goods from our side. Don’t hesitate to shout out your stories, but amaze the AP network of the impact you brought to us.

Welcome to AP Celebration Night

Alex Chou & Mowen Lee!

Your Celebration Hosts

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Celebration Night Agenda

20:00 - 20:20 Enter in Plenary

20:20 - 20:40 Opening

20:40 - 21:00 Performance

21:00 - 21:20 AP Story

21:20 - 21:40 Performance

21:40 - 22:10 AP Story

22:10 - 22:25 Partner Launch

22:25 - 22:50 Closing

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Innovative Story

Purposeful Story

Adaptive Story

Excellent Story

Collaborative Story

Our AP Pride

Based on AP 5 Spirits, which were created at AP MCP Summit 2015 in Philippines, we are proudly to announce 5 Spirit Story at Celebration Night. !

For each Spirit Story, we will choose 2 to 3 Stories from LC, and invite the LCP to share their GCP at Celebration Night.

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How to Apply ?

Which Spirit Story e.g. Collobrative Story

What GE Cooperation

Where Planet Mars

When 2015 July to 2016 Jan

Who LC Mars & LC Earth

Why too many EP, let’s move to Mars

How send 100 EP from Earth to Mars

Based on 6W framework, you can choose any spirit and share with us your LC Story, we will choose 2 to 3 GCP and invite you to share with whole AP Plenary at Celebration Night.

Application Package:!

• Your LC Story in PDF.!

• 3 min Video: on LC Purpose and relevance to community and AP Region, why you want to choose to share this spirit !

• Any material can support your story.

Send your application to:!

[email protected] !

[email protected]

DDL: 30th Nov, 8am. GMT+7 (APLS Day 2 morning)!

We are looking forward to hearing your LC Story at Celebration Night !

* Please provide details about your GCP :)

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Contact your Hosts

Alex Chou!

MCP 1516 of AIESEC in Taiwan!

[email protected]

Mowen Lee!

MCP 1516 of AIESEC in Iran!

[email protected]

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