Page 1: Welcome and Acknowledgements - · PDF fileWelcome and Acknowledgements Welcome to APPSA 2015 @ MSVU! “The Mount” is a fitting place to explore “Political Science in Action: Research
Page 2: Welcome and Acknowledgements - · PDF fileWelcome and Acknowledgements Welcome to APPSA 2015 @ MSVU! “The Mount” is a fitting place to explore “Political Science in Action: Research

Welcome and Acknowledgements

Welcome to APPSA 2015 @ MSVU! “The Mount” is a fitting place to explore “Political Science in Action: Research for Social Change.” Established in 1873 by the Sisters of Charity, and becoming the only independent women’s college in the British Commonwealth in 1925, the Mount has a longstanding commitment to social responsibility and the advancement of women. The university’s vision to “be a model of creative teaching and research that nurtures socially responsible global citizens,” will certainly be celebrated this week-end with an incredible group of conference participants. We have many supporters that made APPSA 2015 possible. Our Conference Organizing Committee would like to extend our appreciation to the: Aid to Scholarly Publications grant, MSVU; Alexa McDonough Institute for Women, Gender, and Social Justice (AMI), MSVU; Associate Vice-President Research, MSVU; Canadian Centre for Ethics in Public Affairs (CCEPA); Dean of Arts and Science, MSVU; Department of Political and Canadian Studies, MSVU; Department of Political Science, Saint Mary’s; Department of Sociology and Criminology, Saint Mary’s; Department of Women’s Studies, MSVU; Mayor Savage’s Office; Nancy’s Chair in Women’s Studies, MSVU; President’s Conference Fund, MSVU; Public Affairs Office, MSVU; Social Change Through Community-engaged Research grant, MSVU; Student Works Program, MSVU. We would also like to thank: Russell Williams for creating and managing the APPSA website; our student Conference Coordinators, Ali Ali and Nathan Horne; the designer of our conference poster and programme cover, Amanda Wilneff and our keynote poster, Janet McClain; and our student conference volunteers (Julianne Acker-Verney, Jenna Chisholm, Nathan Horne, Susan Manning, Emily Nielsen, and Isabella Ruggeri) for their hard work. We hope that you enjoy your time at APPSA.

All the best,

Tammy Findlay (on behalf of the 2015 APPSA Conference Organizing Committee)

Fri. Sept. 25 APPSA Programme at a Glance

1:30-3pm MSVU Students in Action: Campus Activists (MC 401)

3-3:15pm Break (MC 401)

3:15-4:30pm MSVU Students in Action: Emerging Scholars (MC 401)

4:30-5:30pm Grad School Info Session with Dr. Sheldrick and Dr. Roy (MC 401)

5pm Registration (MC Foyer)

5:30pm Reception (MC Foyer)

6-7:30pm Meredith Ralston, Film - Selling Sex (MC 105/106)

7:30-9pm Book Launches (MC 105/106): Maya Eichler, ed., Gender and Private Security in Global Politics, Oxford University Press, 2015. Tammy Findlay, Femocratic Administration: Gender, Governance, and Democracy in Ontario, University of Toronto Press, 2015. Evangelia Tastsoglou, Alexandra Dobrowolsky and Barbara Cottrell, eds., The Warmth of the Welcome: Is Atlantic Canada a Home Away from Home for Immigrants? Cape Breton University Press, 2015.

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Sat. Sept. 26 Session A (MC 401)

Session B (MC 302)

Session C (MC 301)

Session D (MC 201B)

Session E (MC 105/106)

8:30am Registration (MC Foyer)

8:45-9am Welcome from MSVU President Ramona Lumpkin (MC 105/106)

9-10:30am Plenary – Women, Gender, and Social Justice: Reflections from MSVU Research Chairs (MC 105/106)

10:30-10:45am Break (all breaks and lunches in the hall outside of MC 105/106)


1A) Indigenous Politics: Citizenship, Governance and Resistance

1B) Political Economy of Labour and (Un)Employment

1C) International Relations: Power, Conflict and Foreign Policy

1D) Citizen Engagement, Deliberation, and Democratic Reform

1E) Roundtable - Critical Reflections on Disability and Global Development: Perspectives from the Global North/South

12:15-1pm Lunch (outside of MC 105/106)

1-2:30pm 2A) Political Theory: Imagining Alternative Political Subjectivities

2B) Intersectional Frameworks: Stories, Voices and Social Movements

2C) The Political Economy of Emerging Trends in Agriculture and Development

2D) Law and the Constitution: Contesting Conventions

2E) Roundtable –

The Nova Scotia NDP in Government:

Looking Back and Looking Forward

2:30-2:45pm Break

2:45-4:15pm 3B) Public Health and Social Justice

3C) Global Politics: Transforming States, Markets and Civil Societies

3D) Governance: Deconstructing Canadian Political Institutions and the Policy Process

3E) Roundtable on the Ivany Report - Now and Again: Engaging our Diversity

4:15-4:30pm Break

4:30-6pm Keynote Address (MC 105/106): Cynthia Enloe, "What If They Really Did Take Us Seriously? The Risks and Potential in Doing Feminist Political Analysis" Reception to Follow

7-9pm Dinner - The Wooden Monkey, Dartmouth (ticket required) (meet at Ferry Terminal at 6:40pm)

Sun. Sept. 27

9-10:30am 4A) Constructing the Nation: Language, Imagery and Identity

4B) Environmental Politics: Discourses and Practices

4C) Critical Security Studies: Rethinking Intervention, Protection and Policing

4D) Representation and Electoral Politics: Identity, Equality, and Diversity

4E) Roundtable - From Research to Action: Popular Education for Democratic Citizenship

10:30 -10:45am Break


5A) Regional Politics: Inclusion, Exclusion and Social Change in Atlantic Canada

5B) Space, Place, Scale and Public Policy

5C) Borders, Migration and Displacement

5E) Roundtable - Context and Outcome of the 2015 PEI Provincial Election

12:15-1pm Lunch & Closing Remarks (MC 105/106)

1pm-2pm APPSA Business Meeting (MC 105/106)

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APPSA 2015 Conference – Detailed Programme

Friday, Sept. 25

1:30pm-3pm – MSVU Students in Action: Campus Activists (MC 401)

Katie Cvitkovitch – Research Assistant at FoodARC, Meal Exchange MSVU Chapter Founder, and

MSVU student, BSc in Applied Human Nutrition in Dietetics

Jonathan Grant – Vice President Advocacy, Mount Saint Vincent University Students’ Union,

Treasurer, Canadian Federation of Students-Nova Scotia and MSVU student in

Sociology and Anthropology

Aris Hernandez – International Students Liaison and MSVU student in Management

Charlotte Ananda Tay Kiddell – Founder, MSVU Feminist Collective and Honours Certificate in English

Paul Whyte – Assistant, Social Responsibility Working Group, President's Office and MSVU student,

BSc in Biology

Chair: Laura Amson (VP Communications, MSVU Students’ Union)

3pm-3:15pm – Break (MC 401)

3:15pm-4:30pm – MSVU Students in Action: Emerging Scholars (MC 401) Amanda Wilneff – Teetering on the Pedestal of Tolerance: Canada’s Role In Defusing the Roma Plight Emily Nielsen – Not in a Day’s Work: Why Nova Scotia Needs to Consider a Living Wage Abbey Ferguson – Public Memory and Japanese Gendered War Atrocities Discussant: Isabella Ruggeri (Mount Saint Vincent University) Chair: Tammy Findlay (Mount Saint Vincent University)

4:30-5:30pm – Grad School Info Session - Dr. Byron Sheldrick (University of Guelph)

and Dr. Jason Roy (Wilfrid Laurier University) (MC 401)

5pm – Registration (MC Foyer)

5:30pm – Reception (MC Foyer)

6pm-7:30pm – Meredith Ralston, Film – Selling Sex (MC 105/106)

7:30pm-9pm – Book Launches (MC 105/106) Maya Eichler, Gender and Private Security in Global Politics, Oxford University Press, 2015.

Tammy Findlay, Femocratic Administration: Gender, Governance, and Democracy in Ontario,

University of Toronto Press, 2015.

Evangelia Tastsoglou, Alexandra Dobrowolsky and Barbara Cottrell, eds., The Warmth of the

Welcome: Is Atlantic Canada a Home Away from Home for Immigrants? Cape Breton University Press,


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Saturday, Sept. 26 8:30am – Registration (MC Foyer) 8:45am – Welcome from MSVU President Ramona Lumpkin (MC 105/106)

9am-10:30am – Plenary – Women, Gender, and Social Justice: Reflections from MSVU Research Chairs (MC 105/106) Maya Eichler (Canada Research Chair in Social Innovation and Community Engagement)

Tamara Franz-Odendaal (NSERC Atlantic Chair for Women in Science and Engineering)

Marnina Gonick (Canada Research Chair in Gender)

Catherine Martin (Nancy's Chair in Women's Studies)

Patricia Williams (Canada Research Chair in Food Security and Policy Change)

Chair: Gayle MacDonald (Associate Vice-President, Research, and AMI Steering Committee, Mount Saint Vincent University)

10:30am-10:45am – Break (all breaks and lunches in the hall outside of MC 105/106) 10:45am-12:15pm Panels

1A) Indigenous Politics: Citizenship, Governance and Resistance (MC 401) David MacDonald (University of Guelph) - Reconfiguring Indigenous-Settler Relations in an Era of

Reconciliation: Comparing Canada and Aotearoa New Zealand

Martha Walls (Mount Saint Vincent University) – “With Outside Direction but Independently of the

Government”: The Mic Mac Program Community Development, 1959-1970

Sarah Shoker (McMaster University) - The Dispossessed: Locating Indigeneity in International


Chair: Daniel Salée (Concordia University)

Discussant: Catherine Martin (Mount Saint Vincent University)

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1B) Political Economy of Labour and (Un)Employment (MC 302)

Tobin Haley (York University) “They Give Me Five Dollars for That”: The Use of Mad People as Sources

of Un- and Underpaid Labour in Ontario, Canada.

Marcel Goguen (McMaster University) & Eric Thomas (Independent Researcher) - Temporary Foreign

Workers and the Transnational Camp: Theorizing Spaces of Precarity

Peter Graefe (McMaster University) - Social Movements and the Transformations in Employment

Regimes: Lessons from the Quebec Women’s Movement in the 1990s

Chair: Tammy Findlay (Mount Saint Vincent University)

Discussant: Rachel Brickner (Acadia University)

1C) International Relations: Power, Conflict and Foreign Policy (MC 301)

Ian Spears (University of Guelph) - Why Conflict Resolution Fails: The Subjective Nature of Conflict


Charles-Philippe David (Université du Québec à Montréal) - Bad Analogical Reasoning and Post-war

Operations in Iraq after 2003

Shaun Narine (Saint Thomas University) - American Domestic Politics and Its Influence on US Foreign

Policy: How Decline at Home Affects Decline Abroad

David Tabachnick (Nipissing University) - Multiculturalism in Canada and the United States after

September 11th, 2001

Chair: Maya Eichler (Mount Saint Vincent University)

Discussant: John Mitton (Dalhousie University)

1D) Citizen Engagement, Deliberation, and Democratic Reform (MC 201B)

Kerry Tannahill (Concordia University), Mebs Kanji (Concordia University) & Jocelyn Mcgrandle

(Concordia University) - Evaluating Political Support in Quebec

Angelia Wagner (University of Alberta) - Watching the Watchdogs: Municipal Candidate Assessments

of Election Coverage

Byron Sheldrick (University of Guelph) - Open Government and the Reform of Local Democracy

Chair: JP Lewis (University of New Brunswick)

Discussant: Michael MacMillan (Mount Saint Vincent University)

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1E) Roundtable – Critical Reflections on Disability and Global Development: Perspectives from

the Global North/South (MC 105/106)

Julianne Acker-Verney (Saint Mary’s University)

David Black (Dalhousie University)

Steve Estey (Council of Canadians with Disabilities)

Mario Levesque (Mount Allison University)

Anna MacQuarrie (Inclusion International)

Susan Manning (Mount Saint Vincent University)

Chair: Kristi Kenyon (Dalhousie University/University of Pretoria)

12:15pm-1pm – Lunch 1pm-2:30pm – Panels

2A) Political Theory: Imagining Alternative Political Subjectivities (MC 401)

Paul Gray (York University) - But Who Will Attend to the Experience Machine? Libertarianism Necessarily Neglects the Contribution of Labour Geoffrey Whitehall (Acadia University) - The Foucault Hustle: Modes of Subjectivation and the Aesthetic Subject of Indifference Andy Scerri (Virginia Tech) - Critical Green Politics in Joachim Radkau’s ‘Age of Ecology’ Matthew Flanagan (Concordia University) - The Absence of Virtue Friendship in Adam Smith’s The

Theory of Moral Sentiments

Chair: Randi Warne (Mount Saint Vincent University) Discussant: Christina Behme (Mount Saint Vincent University)

2B) Intersectional Frameworks: Stories, Voices and Social Movements (MC 302)

Tracy Glynn (University of New Brunswick) - Women in a Mine’s World: A Photovoice Study of

Perspectives of Women at a Mining Town in Indonesia

Susan Manning (Mount Saint Vincent University) - Contrasting Stories of Colonization in Newfoundland:

Creating Political Possibilities

Dan Irving (Carleton University) - Eminem as Policy Advisor? Affect, Entitlement and Masculinity in


Michelle Cohen (Canadian Union of Public Employees) and Tammy Findlay (Mount Saint Vincent

University) - Changing Public Services: Intersectionality in Community

Chair: Meredith Ralston (Mount Saint Vincent University)

Discussant: Rylan Higgins (Saint Mary’s University)

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2C) The Political Economy of Emerging Trends in Agriculture and Development (MC 301)

Cyndrella Musodza (Saint Mary’s University) - Implications of Redistributive Pro-Poor Land Reform on

National Agricultural Food Production: Experiences from Zimbabwe’s Fast Track Land Reform Program


Ulrick Peter Mumburi (Saint Mary’s University) - Formalization of Land Rights and Challenges of

Continuous Access to Land Resources for Communal Farmers in Tanzania

Saidu Timbo (Saint Mary’s University) - Contemporary Large-Scale Farmland Acquisitions and Food

Sovereignty: The Case of Smallholders in Sierra Leone

Chiedza Lilias Sadomba (Saint Mary’s University) - The Limitations of the Smart-Subsidy Model:

Malawi’s Farm Input Subsidy Programme

Chair: Gavin Fridell (Saint Mary’s University)

Discussant: Carolyn Bassett (University of New Brunswick)

2D) Law and the Constitution: Contesting Conventions (MC 201B)

Michael McCrossan (University of New Brunswick) - Judging the Judges: Shifting Understandings of

Territoriality and Legal Space

Louise Carbert (Dalhousie University) & Naomi Black (York University) - Historiography and

Hagiography of Feminist Interventions into Canada's Constitution

Thomas Bateman (Saint Thomas University) - The Turbulent Careers of Metaphors in Canadian

Constitutional Law: The Apparent Death of the Living Tree

Richard Devlin (Dalhousie University) - Regulating Judges: Expanding Our (Conceptual and

Geographic) Horizons

Chair: Erin Crandall (Acadia University)

Discussant: Byron Sheldrick (University of Guelph)

2E) Roundtable – The Nova Scotia NDP in Government: Looking Back and Looking Forward

(MC 105/106)

Ray Larkin (Pink Larkin) - The NDP Government’s Record on Labour Relations

Kevin McNamara - The NDP Government’s Record on Health Care Transformation

Dan O’Connor (Chief of Staff to Premier Darrell Dexter) - The NDP Government’s Record on Economic


Susanna Fuller (Ecology Action Centre) - The NDP Government’s Record on Public Engagement on Housing, Community Development and Economic Development Issues Wendy Lill (Playwright & Co-chair, Putting People First Task Force) - Creating the Roadmap for Transforming the Nova Scotia Services to Persons with Disabilities Program Chair: Michael MacMillan (Mount Saint Vincent University)

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2:30pm-2:45pm – Break 2:45pm-4:15pm – Panels

3A) No Panel

3B) Public Health and Social Justice (MC 302)

Gavin Fridell (Saint Mary’s University) - The Hidden Impacts of Public Alcohol Policy: Canadian Liquor

Control Boards and Ethical Trade

Rylan Higgins (Saint Mary’s University) - Childhood, Nature and Social Injustice

Chris Walker (Saint Mary’s University) - Misión Barrio Adentro — Venezuela’s Social Alternative

Chair: Nargess Kayhani (Mount Saint Vincent University)

Discussant: Alana Cattapan (Dalhousie University)

3C) Global Politics: Transforming States, Markets and Civil Societies (MC 301)

Kristi Kenyon (Dalhousie University/University of Pretoria) - Diverse Understandings: Localizing Human

Rights in Southern Africa

Robert Finbow (Dalhousie University) - Civil Society, Trade Agreements and Government

Competencies: a Case Study from EU-Canada Economic Relations

Carolyn Bassett (University New Brunswick) - Africa’s Next Debt Crisis?

Chair: Russell Williams (Memorial University)

Discussant: Emily Jackson (Acadia University)

3D) Governance: Deconstructing Canadian Political Institutions and the Policy Process (MC 201B)

JP Lewis (University of New Brunswick) & Kate Puddister (University of Guelph) - A Typology for

Modern Canadian Federal Ministers of Justice: An Exploratory Paper

JP Lewis (University of New Brunswick) - Leadership Change in the Modern Canadian Cabinet

Andrew Secord (Saint Thomas University), Joshua Clarke (Carleton University) & Maggie Fitzgerald

(Carleton University) - Unraveling the Right to Information Act in New Brunswick: 2007-2009

Erin Crandall (Acadia University) - Regulating Cooperative Federalism: The Harper Government, the

Supreme Court, and Securities Regulation

Chair: Thomas Bateman (Saint Thomas University)

Discussant: Mario Levesque (Mount Allison University)

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3E) Roundtable on the Ivany Report – Now and Again: Engaging our Diversity (MC 105/106)

Geoffrey Whitehall (Acadia University)

Rachel Brickner (Acadia University)

Andrew Biro (Acadia University)

Tammy Findlay (Mount Saint Vincent University)

Chair: Jeffrey MacLeod (Mount Saint Vincent University)

4:15pm-4:30pm – Break

4:30pm-6pm – Keynote Address – Dr. Cynthia Enloe (MC 105/106) Reception to Follow

Dr. Cynthia Enloe

Department of International Development, Community, and Environment, Clark University

What If They Really Did Take Us Seriously?

The Risks and Potential In Doing Feminist Political Analysis

6:40pm – Meet at Halifax Ferry Terminal 7pm-9pm – Dinner - The Wooden Monkey, Dartmouth (ticket required)

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Sunday, Sept. 27

9am-10:30am – Panels

4A) Constructing the Nation: Language, Imagery and Identity (MC 401)

Jeffrey MacLeod (Mount Saint Vincent University) & Nick Webb (NSCAD) - Mother Canada and the

Greening of the Cove

Daniel Salée (Concordia University) - The Political Decline of the Quebec Sovereignty Movement: A Macrosociological Perspective on Neoliberal Nationalism

Chair: Corey Slumkoski (Mount Saint Vincent University)

Discussant: Alexandra Dobrowolsky (Saint Mary’s University)

4B) Environmental Politics: Discourses and Practices (MC 302)

Peter Clancy (Saint Francis Xavier University) & Mario Levesque (Mount Allison University) - Exploring

Environmental Governance in the Gulf of St. Lawrence

Kate Ervine (Saint Mary’s University) - Pricing Carbon: Assessing the Relationship Between Emissions

Trading, Cost-Effectiveness, and Effective Climate Change Mitigation

Janice E. Harvey (Saint Thomas University) - Eco-Political Discourse in Globe and Mail Editorials: A

Post-Ecologist Turn?

Russell Williams (Memorial University) - The Road to Paris and Polarized Climate Policy in Canada.

Chair: Andy Scerri (Virginia Tech)

Discussant: Andrew Biro (Acadia University)

4C) Critical Security Studies: Rethinking Intervention, Protection and Policing (MC 301)

Marc Doucet (Saint Mary’s University) - The Security-Police Project of Contemporary International


Emily Jackson (Acadia University) - Protecting Crowded Places: Preemptive Security and the Material

Politics of Interoperability

Katherine Kenny (Carleton University) - Rethinking Security from the Perspective of Vulnerability and


Chair: Shaun Narine (Saint Thomas University)

Discussant: Maya Eichler (Mount Saint Vincent)

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4D) Representation and Electoral Politics: Identity, Equality, and Diversity (MC 201B)

Kathryn Wesley (Memorial University) - Economic Inequality and Voter Turnout in Canadian Federal

Elections, 1979-2011

Jason Roy (Wilfrid Laurier University) - Poll Dynamic Effects on the Vote Decision Process and Choice

Joanna Everitt (University of New Brunswick) & Joseph Sandford (University of New Brunswick) - Voter

Behaviour in the New Brunswick Provincial Election of 2014

Christoph Pike (Memorial University) & Scott Matthews (Memorial University) - A Longitudinal Study of

Visible Minority Voting Behaviour in Canadian Elections

Chair: Janet McClain (Mount Saint Vincent University)

Discussant: Don Desserud (University of Prince Edward Island)

4E) Roundtable – From Research to Action: Popular Education for Democratic Citizenship

(MC 105/106)

Christine Saulnier (Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives Nova Scotia)

Mark Coffin (Springtide Collective)

Pat Kipping (Alexa McDonough Institute for Women, Gender, and Social Justice)

Evan Coole (Solidarity Halifax)

Chair: Leslie Brown (Mount Saint Vincent University)

10:30am-10:45am – Break 10:45am-12:15pm – Panels

5A) Regional Politics: Inclusion, Exclusion and Social Change in Atlantic Canada (MC 401)

Corey Slumkoski (Mount Saint Vincent University) - The Ethno-Cultural Hierarchy of the Antigonish


Louise Carbert (Dalhousie University) - Cultural and Institutional Legacies of the Harper Decade in

Atlantic Canada

Mario Levesque (Mount Allison University) - Experiencing Disability in Three Small New Brunswick

Acadian Communities

Alex Marland (Memorial University) - A Series of Unusual Events: The Post-Williams Decline of the

Newfoundland and Labrador PC Party

Chair: Andrew Secord (Saint Thomas University)

Discussant: Karen Foster (Dalhousie University)

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5B) Space, Place, Scale and Public Policy (MC 302)

Alana Cattapan (Dalhousie University) & Dave Snow (University of Guelph) - Of Federalism and

Fertility: Assisted Human Reproduction as an Issue of Intergovernmental In Health Care

Katherine Kenny (Carleton University) & Marcel Goguen (McMaster University) - Stories of Territory

and the Disciplining of Global Politics

Alexandra Dobrowolsky (Saint Mary’s University) - Re-Patriating Immigration Policy?: Present Day

Puzzles in Neoliberalism and Problems for Multiculturalism & Equality

Jason Waters (Memorial University) - Reforming the Periphery: Regionization of Bus Service in the

Northeast Avalon, NL

Chair: Tobin Haley (York University)

Discussant: Peter Graefe (McMaster University)

5C) Borders, Migration and Displacement (MC 301)

Hepzibah Muñoz Martinez (University of New Brunswick) - The Politics of (In)Difference in Mexico’s


Lyubov Zhyznomirska (Saint Mary’s University) - Unwanted Neighbours: Looking Beyond the

alSouth/East Dichotomy in the European Union’s Irregular Migration Policies

Inna Viriasova (Acadia University) - Leaving the City: Forced Displacement and Care of the Self

Chair: Marc Doucet (Saint Mary’s University)

Discussant: Catherine Bryan (Dalhousie University)

5D) No Panel

5E) Roundtable – Context and Outcome of the 2015 PEI Provincial Election (MC 105/106)

Don Desserud (University of Prince Edward Island)

Jeff Collins (Carleton University)

Kerry Campbell (CBC)

Teresa Wright (Charlottetown Guardian)

Chair: Joanna Everitt (University of New Brunswick)

12:15-1pm – Lunch & Closing Remarks

1pm-2pm – APPSA Business Meeting (MC 105/106)

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APPSA Conference Participants

Julianne Acker-Verney ([email protected]) Laura Amson ([email protected]) Carolyn Bassett ([email protected]) Tom Bateman ([email protected]) Christina Behme ([email protected]) Andrew Biro ([email protected]) David Black ([email protected]) Naomi Black ([email protected]) Rachel Brickner ([email protected]) Leslie Brown ([email protected]) Catherine Bryan ([email protected]) Kerry Campbell ([email protected]) Louise Carbert ([email protected]) Alana Cattapan ([email protected]) Katie Cvitkovitch ([email protected]) Peter Clancy ([email protected]) Joshua Clarke ([email protected]) Mark Coffin ([email protected]) Jeffrey Collins ([email protected]) Evan Coole ([email protected]) Barbara Cottrell ([email protected]) Erin Crandall ([email protected]) Charles-Philippe David ([email protected]) Don Desserud ([email protected]) Richard Devlin ([email protected]) Alexandra Dobrowolsky ([email protected]) Marc Doucet ([email protected]) Maya Eichler ([email protected]) Cynthia Enloe ([email protected]) Kate Ervine ([email protected]) Steve Estey ([email protected]) Joanna Everitt ([email protected]) Abbey Ferguson ([email protected]) Robert Finbow ([email protected]) Tammy Findlay ([email protected]) Margaret Fitzgerald ([email protected]) Matthew Flanagan ([email protected]) Karen Foster ([email protected]) Tamara Franz-Odendaal ([email protected]) Gavin Fridell ([email protected]) Susanna Fuller ([email protected]) Tracy Glynn ([email protected]) Marcel Goguen ([email protected])

Marnina Gonick ([email protected]) Peter Graefe ([email protected]) Jonathan Grant ([email protected]) Paul Gray ([email protected]) Tobin Haley ([email protected]) Janice E. Harvey ([email protected])

Aris Hernandez ([email protected]) Rylan Higgins ([email protected]) Dan Irving ([email protected]) Emily Jackson ([email protected]) Mebs Kanji ([email protected]) Nargess Kayhani ([email protected]) Charlotte Kiddell ([email protected]) Janice Keefe ([email protected]) Katherine Kenny ([email protected]) Kristi Kenyon ([email protected]) Pat Kipping ([email protected]) Ray Larkin ([email protected]) Mario Levesque ([email protected]) JP Lewis ([email protected]) David MacDonald ([email protected]) Gayle MacDonald ([email protected]) Jeffrey MacLeod ([email protected]) Michael MacMillan ([email protected]) Anna MacQuarrie ([email protected]) Susan Manning ([email protected]) Alex Marland ([email protected]) Catherine Martin ([email protected]) Scott Matthews ([email protected]) Janet McClain ([email protected]) Michael McCrossan ([email protected]) Jocelyn Mcgrandle ([email protected]) Kevin McNamara ([email protected]) John Mitton ([email protected]) Ulrick Peter Mumburi ([email protected]) Hepzibah Muñoz-Martinez ([email protected]) Cyndrella Musodza ([email protected]) Shaun Narine ([email protected]) Emily Nielsen ([email protected]) Dan O’Connor ([email protected])

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Christoph James Pike ([email protected]) Kate Puddister ([email protected]) Meredith Ralston ([email protected]) Jason Roy ([email protected]) Isabella Ruggeri ([email protected]) Chiedza Lilias Sadomba ([email protected]) Daniel Salée ([email protected]) Joseph Sandford ([email protected]) Christine Saulnier ([email protected]) Andy Scerri ([email protected]) Andrew Secord ([email protected]) Byron Sheldrick ([email protected]) Sarah Shoker ([email protected]) Corey Slumkoski ([email protected]) Dave Snow ([email protected]) Ian Spears ([email protected]) David Tabachnick ([email protected])

Kerry Tannahill ([email protected]) Evangelia Tastsoglou ([email protected]) Eric Thomas ([email protected]) Saidu Timbo ([email protected]) Inna Viriasova ([email protected]) Angelia Wagner ([email protected]) Chris Walker ([email protected]) Martha Walls ([email protected]) Jason Waters ([email protected]) Nick Webb ([email protected]) Kathryn Wesley ([email protected]) Geoffrey Whitehall ([email protected]) Patricia Williams ([email protected]) Russell Williams ([email protected]) Amanda Wilneff ([email protected]) Teresa Wright ([email protected]) Paul Whyte ([email protected]) Lyubov Zhyznomirska ([email protected])

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