

YEAR 3 Week Beg. 1st June 2020






Weekly learning objective

WALT: multiply and divide by different


WALT: To identify and apply the features of a recount

Reading Challenges Using one of the books from Bug

Club have a go at these tasks, focus on the quality of

your presentation as well as the content of what you create:

Choose a character and fill in the Character Wheel below by drawing your character in the middle and then making notes under each heading. You could add some pictures too. Don’t forget to upload your learning to Seesaw for us to see

Creative Task 1: change (creativity)

Your challenge is to think about a positive change and record it. For example, you might want to think about changes in nature such as the seasons or the transformation from caterpillar to butterfly. Or you might want to consider a change more personal to you, such as moving house or a new baby in the family. Or maybe you can think of a change to your local environment such as the addition of a new playground/park. Use your creativity to record your ideas, there is a film reel below you could use if you would like to.

MON Summer Term – Week 4 (w/b 11th May) – Lesson 1 – Multiplying and dividing by 4 and 8. Watch the video tutorial and complete the attached answer sheets.

For your home learning this week you will be learning about recounts. A recount is when you retell an event that has already happened to someone who didn’t experience it. It could be about a school trip, a birthday party or a special day during a holiday.

You are going to write a recount about one of your days during half-term. But before you are ready to do this, we need to learn more.

Go to the following link to learn about recounts. Complete the ‘Learn’ section and then have a go at Activity 1 and 2. The notes sheet for Activity 2 can be found under English Session 1.

MyMaths – Multiplying by 10

TUES Summer Term – Week 4 (w/b 11th May) –Lesson 2 – Multiply 2 digits by 1 digit Watch the video tutorial and complete the attached answer sheets.

Today you are going to be continuing to prepare to write your own recount.

For an author to describe an event to their reader it is important to include lots of description. Follow the link to recap your understanding of expanded noun phrases. Complete the ‘Learn’ section and then have a go at Activity 1 and 2. The sheet for Activity 2 can be found under English Session 2.

Now you are going to become a detective and hunt out the features of a recount…

Read the text under English Session 2 and list the features of a recount that you spot underneath. For example, a title, paragraphs, adjectives. You only need to include features that are specific to a recount. So you don’t need to write down capital letters or full stops as these should be present in all writing.

Creative Task 2: growth mindset

How’s your growth mindset doing? Are you remembering the rewards that resilience brings and trying to stay positive? We all have days that are easier than others and some days we just need a reminder to help us get back to a growth mindset.

Look through the positive affirmations below. Your task is to create four mini posters (fold an A4 piece of paper in to 4) and put them up around your home to act as a growth mindset reminder when you, or someone else in your home, might need one.

You can either choose from the affirmations given or create your own (or a combination of the two).

We’d love to see your creations on Seesaw.

MyMaths – 4 times table

WED Summer Term – Week 4 (w/b 11th May) – Lesson 3 – Divide a 2 digit number by a 1 digit number Watch the video tutorial and complete the attached answer sheets.

Yesterday you reviewed your understanding of expanded noun phrases. I would like you to return to the BBC daily lesson that you looked at yesterday and complete Activity 3. The sheet for Activity 3 can be found under English Session 3.

Soon it will be time to start planning your own recount.


Romans! What do you already know about the Romans? Talk to your family and share ideas. If there is anything in particular you would like

Magic square challenge. (See sheet below)

This square grid is special because each row, column and diagonal all add up to the same total.

Your challenge is to find the missing numbers in each square. Use what you know to find out what you don’t know!

e.g. 4 + ___ + 3 = 17 How would you find the missing number?

Add 4 and 3 to make 7, then how many more do you need to make the total of 17?

First, go to the following link to hear Michael Rosen explaining how to write a successful recount.

Use the template under English Session 3 to plan your recount about a day during half-term. It doesn’t have to be a particularly exciting or eventful day!

Draw a labelled diagram of your day, complete a timeline and circle three key events that you are going to focus on from your timeline.

to find out during the course of this unit, send us a message on Seesaw. We are going to start this unit by looking at where and how the Roman Empire started. The Roman Empire began in Rome. If you want to find out where Rome is have a look here to find it.

Alternatively, have a look on the map below. This is where the Roman Empire started. The Roman army had been building an Empire across Europe. In AD43, the Roman army landed on the beaches in Kent. So why did they decide to invade Britain? Use this link to find the reasons: Task: your first task is to label a Roman

soldier’s equipment! Good luck and keep us posted on Seesaw.

THURS Summer Term – Week 4 (w/b 11th May) – Lesson 4 – Multiplication and division problem. Watch the video tutorial and complete the attached answer sheets.

Before you begin writing your recount, go to the following link to learn more about the homophones their, there and they’re. Homophones are words that sound exactly the same when you say them out loud, but they have different spellings and meanings. It is really important to use the correct homophone. If you don’t your sentence is unlikely to make sense.

Yesterday, you drew a diagram and constructed a timeline of your day. You should have circled three key events to focus on.

Today you are going to draft your recount by focusing on these three key events. You should aim to write one paragraph to describe each event under English Session 4.

Complete the multiplication robots. (See separate PDF) The last robot sheet is a bit of a challenge so give it a good go if you want to push yourself Can you design your own multiplication robot?

FRI Guess how many cupboards and draws you have in one room of your house (not the room

you’re in as that would be cheating) – Now go and count them. Then multiply your guess with the real answer. Go to every room and count up how much cupboards/doors are in each room. Which room has the most? Which room has the least? Can you create a bar chart to show your findings? Remember: X and Y axis Label your axis Bars do not touch Use a ruler

Yesterday you learnt about the difference between their, there and they’re. These words are all homophones. Can you remember what a homophone is? Can you think of any other examples of homophones? Go to the following link to learn more about homophones. Make sure you have a go at the quiz!

Today you are going to write the second draft of your recount, which will be your final version. Start by reading your recount out loud to yourself, a family member, a pet or a toy.

Can you change any verbs or adjectives to make them more powerful?

Can you use any different fronted adverbials? Do you need to check any spellings?

Once you have checked your recount carefully, write it out under English Session 5.


This half term we will be learning about electricity.

What do you already know about electricity?

What do you think we need electricity for?

Think about uses of electricity in the home, at school, in shops and in the community. What would happen if there was no electricity? Watch the video below. Make a list of the different electrical appliances you see in the video.

Now take a look around your home. How many electrical appliances can you find? Sketch and label what you find.

MyMaths – Word Problems

Remember to also complete the following: Spelling Shed, Times Tables Rock Stars, Grammar Bug, Bug Club

Spelling list wb 01.06.20

Spelling rules: words ending with the /g/ sound spelt ‘-gue’ and the /k/ sound spelt ‘-que.’ These words are French in origin.












English Session 1

English Session 2: Expanded noun phrases

English Session 2: Recount example My Best Holiday

Last year my family and I went on the most amazing holiday to Spain. We had never been to Spain before and my

Dad wanted to go there because he said that he was fed up with sitting around in the damp and gloom!

When we arrived at the villa it was baking hot. The first thing that Dad did was to take a shower. He said that he

needed to cool off after such a long journey. There was a swimming pool so we spent a lot of time mucking about in

the water or splashing water over Dad!

One afternoon we went to visit some caves in the hills. Inside the caves were the most amazing stalagmites and

stalactites. They were knobbly and looked like massive, misshapen spears. Some were like bars in a zoo. The guide

tapped some and it was rather like playing a glockenspiel. In the caves it was quite cold and by the end of the tour

we were all ready for a bit of sun and an ice cream.

On the third day we visited a beach. The waves were just right for surfing so we hired some bodyboards. Dad was

worried that we would drown so he spent the afternoon standing in the sea watching us. It was a breeze! The waves

were strong enough to float in on but not too powerful.

One of the best things about the holidays was that Dad was so useless at cooking that we had to go into the town

every night to eat. There was a stall where you could buy chips and calamari. The calamari was squid cooked in

batter – it tasted like rubbery fish. Once we had eaten, we played on the pinball machines.

When we got home Mum wanted to see all the photos. I had a magnificent picture of Dad’s very red face from too

much sun. All in all I think that it was a great holiday and I can’t wait to go back.

Features of a recount:

English Session 3: Expanded Noun Phrases

English Session 3: Planning a recount

Labelled Diagram of your chosen day

Timeline of your chosen day

Circle three events from your timeline that you will focus on for your written recount. English Session 4: Writing a recount Features to include:

Three paragraphs

Chronological order (time order)

First person (I or we)

Past tense

Fronted adverbials

Lots of description (expanded noun phrases)

English Session 4: Recount draft


Paragraph 1

Paragraph 2

Paragraph 3

English Session 5: Written recount (neat version)


MATHS Wednesday

Task 2- Magic Square In a magic square each row, column and diagonal add up to the same total.

Can you fill in the missing numbers?

Example: The sum is 15.

2 + 9 + 4 = 15

9 + 5 + _1_ = 15

4 + 5 + _6_ = 15

7_ + 5 + _3_ = 15

4 + _3_ + _8_ = 15

2 + _7_ + _6_ = 15

_6_ + _1_ + _8_ = 15

1 6

7 3


Reading Challenge: Character Wheel

Creative Challenge 2: Growth Mindset


Roman soldier

1. Use these words to label the soldier’s equipment

helmet tunic armour shield sword sandals

2. Colour the soldier correctly, using the information below

3. Draw a pattern on the shield, try and include the Roman eagle.

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