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06/07/2020 – 10/07/2020

Weekly Message Good morning year 6, We hope you had a great weekend. It was lovely to see you all last week. This is your final week of home learning! We’re so proud of you for all the hard work you have put in these last few months at home. You are all ready to make the step up to secondary school. We look forward to seeing you again next week for your final week at Princess Frederica! Have a great week, Mr Larke and Ms Yerlisu

Weekly Writing

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This week we will be writing letters to our new teachers. We will be telling the teacher all about ourselves and will include: - information about our lives at home: interests/hobbies etc - information about our lives at school: which subjects/sports/musical instruments we enjoy - what we are looking forward to next year Here is an example of a letter from a made-up teacher, Ms. Johnson, to her new made-up Year 4 class:

Wednesday 1st July 20202 Dear 4 Brazil, My name is Ms. Johnson and I will be your teacher next year. This is my 8th year teaching at St. Mary’s but it will be my first in year 4, so it will be new experience for us all! I am writing to introduce myself to you so that we are not complete strangers when we meet next year. I will include some information about my interests and what I am looking forward to next year. In my spare time, I LOVE to play rugby. I really enjoy keeping fit so rugby is a really good way to do that and it allows me to spend time with my friends. It’s loads of fun rolling around in the mud and getting really dirty! Last year, my team reached the final of our regional cup and I played in the match. We won a penalty late in the game and it was my job to take it. I have never been so terrified in my life! Have you ever been in a high pressure situation playing sports? Scary, isn’t it? Luckily, I scored and we won the game. I’m now the very proud owner of a winner’s medal! I also enjoy going to the cinema. Animated films are definitely my favourite – I loved Toy Story 4 and I think the Lion King is my favourite film of all time. Have you seen the new live-action version? I found it a bit disappointing, although I did find Pumba and Timone really funny. In school, my favourite subject to teach is probably history. I think it’s very interesting to discover how about people used to live and very important that we learn from the past. The Victorians is my favourite period of history. Did you know: children your age were expected to work long hours in dangerous conditions during Victorian times!? Many children were made to work in factories, coal mines and as chimney sweeps. How do you thik you would cope living like that? We’re very lucky to be alive now! Next year, I am looking forward to meeting you all properly and getting to know you. I have heard that you have the best cricket team in the school so I can’t wait to watch you play! I am also looking forward to our trips to the Science Museum (the new Launchpad children’s area is awesome!) and to the seaside! I hope you all have a wonderful summer, Ms. Johnson Monday LO: To practise expanding on a topic It is much more interesting hearing about people’s lives in detail. When you write to you teacher and talk about your interests, try to provide lots of information about different aspects of your life. Consider if I wrote the following sentence: I like reading fiction books, playing football and playing card games with friends.. It’s a little bit boring and doesn’t tell you much about me. If I take the reading fiction part, I could expand on this topic and allow the reader to learn so much more about me: Reading literature is an absolute passion and I love to spend my spare time engrossed in a book. My favourite author at the moment is Katherine Rundell. Have you read her? She writes about all sorts of interesting things in all sorts of interesting places: wolves in Russia, climbing the rooftops of Paris, exploring the Amazon. Her stories are so original and packed with interesting characters and ideas. I find them very inspiring and I wish I could write as well as her. Task: Consider playing football and playing card games with friends. Write two detailed paragraphs with lots of information about those topics. It doesn’t matter if you don’t enjoy those things – the idea is to practise adding detail and interest to things.

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Tuesday LO: to write an introduction and plan a letter Our letter will contain 4 sections: 1. Introduction 2. Our interests outside of school 3. Our interests in school 4. What we are looking forward to next year Firstly, we will plan sections 2,3 and 4. For each section, make a spider web plan for what you will write. Include some descriptive vocabulary. Ms. Johnson’s plan for ‘interests outside of school’ section looked like this: Task 1: plan 3 sections like above for your own letter Task 2 : Write the introductory paragraph to your own letter. First of all we need to write a date on the right hand side of the page. We want to use a long date. Then we write Dear (teacher’s name), Then we write a short paragraph introducing ourselves and explaining why we are writing. Then say what we will include in our letter. Look at Ms. Johnson’s example.

Wednesday and Thursday LO: to write the body of a letter Using our plans from yesterday, we are going to write 3 detailed paragraphs about: - our interests outside of school - our interests in school - what we are looking forward to next year Try to make it interesting for your teacher to read! Maybe you could include some interesting facts about yourself or the world? At the end of your letter, sign off. We do not want our letter to be too serious so any of the following would be fine: - See you soon - Best wishes - Can’t wait for next year - Have a lovely break Or maybe you can think of your own?

Interests outside of school






in mud


friends getting


animated films Toy Story 4



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Friday LO: to proof-read and edit Today you have 3 tasks: 1. Finish your letter 2. Proof read your writing: check for spelling and punctuation errors 3. Edit your writing: Improve some of your words or rewrite sentences to make them even more persuasive.

Weekly Spelling The following words are from word banks that you will begin to learn at secondary school. These particular words contain what are known as ‘unstressed’ vowels. That means when you speak the words, you don’t sound out all the vowels e.g. abominable You don’t really hear the i vowel when reading it. Your job for this week is to learn the words in the sixth list ie. from offering to signature

Weekly Maths Monday Algebra SC

Solving 2 steps equations

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Always start with inverse operations of addition or subtraction.

Substitute x with 7 so 2x is 2 x 7=14 or 5 x 7 = 35

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You must multiply 4 by number of the term and add 9. 24th term would be 4 x 24 + 9 = 4 x 24= 96 + 9 =105 105 is the 24th term in this sequence

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Think about factors of numbers because ab is a x b If ab is 36 there are value of a=6 b=6, a= 12 b=3, a= 2 b= 18, a= 4 b=9

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Ratio LO: To be able to calculate ratio

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Ratio dark chocolate to milk chocolate is 4:3 9÷3 = 3 1 ratio is equal to 3 milk chocolate

Add ratios to find total ratios. Ratio is 3:2 so 3+2=5 40÷5 = 8 people represent 1 ratio 3 x 8 =24 peperoni 2x 8= 16 margherita 24 x £7.99= 16x £5.89 =

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Ratio and Proportion LO: To able to solve ratio and proportion problems

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b) You can write 6:15 when you simplify the ratio 1: 2.5 so Anna needs 2.5 times more than the recipe. That mean you need to multiply each ingredients by 2.5. 600+ 600+ 300=1500 g bananas. 360+ 360+ 180= 900 g strawberries c) 90ml for 6 people 630 ml ÷90= 7 7x 6 = 42 people

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Ratio and Fractions Lo: To be able to use fractions when solving ratio problems

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Year 6 mini arithmetic test

1. 5301 ÷ 9 =

2. 2.8 x 1000 =

3. 46 x 0.7 =

4. 1 057 458 - 356 897 =

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5. 3276 ÷ 63 =

6. 8742 x 83 =

7. 3 1

4 - 2


3 =

8. 2 3

5 ÷ 2 =

9. 84% of 230

10. 8² ÷ 2 + 12 x 3=

Weekly Reading We will not be setting a text this week for home learning. Your job is to continue your independent reading at home and then take some Accelerated Reader tests! Only a tiny amount have been carried out by year 6 in the last few months so we would like to see more! Here is the link:

Weekly Purplemash work Your task this week is to create a profile about yourself in advance of heading to secondary school. The task has been set on Purple Mash. You will have the opportunity to write about various aspects of your likes/dislikes, favourite subjects, appearance, family, friends, religion etc. Start off by putting a photo of yourself in the middle of the profile, then it is up to you what else you would like to include and how you would like to format it.

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