Page 1: WEEK 7 Isaiah 55 - · Read Isaiah 55:10-11 - Every time God speaks things happen. What words

WEEK 7 Isaiah 55

Main Point - What God says always happens. Always has, always will.

Lesson Plan: 1. Kids Talk Video – 2. Memory Verse – 3. Tunes – 4. Activities!

This is a creative all ages week! You can choose an activity to do together as you talk about the passage from Isaiah 55. Sound like fun? We have 4 activities to choose from, do as many as you like!

But to start …

1. Kids Talk Video

Watch the Kid’s Talk:

2. Memory Verse

2 Corinthians 1:20 No matter, how many promises God has made they are all yes in Christ.

Or sing-a-long with Colin Buchanan and Karen Pang!

3. Listen to some songs while crafting!

Page 2: WEEK 7 Isaiah 55 - · Read Isaiah 55:10-11 - Every time God speaks things happen. What words

4. Pick an activity or do all 4! Keep scrolling to find all you need for the following actives on this document.

a. Cooking b. Art or Photography c. Science d. Music and Movement

Page 3: WEEK 7 Isaiah 55 - · Read Isaiah 55:10-11 - Every time God speaks things happen. What words

Cooking Preparation:

• Write these words on separate piece of paper: Come, Drink, Eat, Enjoy. • Find a picture from a children’s bible of the Israelites in the desert.

In Isaiah 55:11 God says that his words are never wasted. - If God says something will happen - it will happen - Always has, always will - Let’s look at what God says in Isaiah 55 verses 1 and 2. (read these verses) What does God invite his people to do? (come, drink, eat, enjoy) Can you remember a time when God’s people the Israelites were so hungry and so thirsty that they thought they’d die? What did God do? (gave them water from a rock, fed them bread from heaven called manna) Read Isaiah 55:2 again What does God promise his people? Help someone younger than yourself to find the promise. (you will be satisfied) Explain the word satisfied to someone younger than yourself. (when you stop wanting more, you are full, you are more than happy with what you have and don’t need anything more) Conclusion: - God has kept his promise in this verse. - And he is talking about something much more than just eating good food - God gives us more than we can ever ask or imagine - He is so generous - He has given us everything in Jesus - We will never be disappointed. Application: - Ask each person to share what they love about Jesus. Pray together about what was shared. Activity: - As a group enjoy cooking something that is very satisfying to eat. - When finished cooking, enjoy eating it together. Here are some recipe ideas: Kate Bracks Bung-in Chocolate cake Gluten-free Ham and Corn Fritters Rockmelon and Strawberry Rockets

Page 4: WEEK 7 Isaiah 55 - · Read Isaiah 55:10-11 - Every time God speaks things happen. What words

Art or Photography Preparation:

• Write these words on separate piece of paper: Come, Listen, Make, Give Promise

• Find these pictures from a children’s bible or draw them: birth of Jesus, crown (with words Jesus is the forever King), cross.

In Isaiah 55:11 God says that his words are never wasted. - If God says something will happen - it will happen. - Always has, always will. Let’s look at what God says in Isaiah 55 verses 3 to 4 (Read these verses)

Activity: - Place all words (Come, Listen, Make, Give, Promise) in the middle of the group. - Children find the words in answer to the questions. Read Isaiah 55:3a - What does God invite his people to do? (come, listen) Conclusion: - God invites his people to come to him, to listen to him, so that they may live. Read Isaiah 55:3b-5 - What does God do for his people? (make, give, promise) What promise did God make to King David? (a King would come from his family whose kingdom would never end) Place the three pictures you prepared in the middle of the circle. Who is the King God promised would come from David’s family whose kingdom would never end? (Jesus, he was born into David’s family, he died and came back to life again, he is the King who lives forever, his rule never stops)

Conclusion: - God makes an agreement with his people that will never end. - A King whose kingdom will never end. - A kingdom with people from every nation. Application: - Share what you love about King Jesus. - Pray together about what was shared. Activity: - As a group choose a promise God made and represent it. - Examples: promise to rescue people from all over the world, promise to live with his people, promise to send a King, promise of a land to live in, promise of a new heaven and new earth… - The group can either set up photographs (i.e. children dressed up in poses, lego or clay figurines…). Or the group can paint, draw, create things with wood and nails (i.e. a cross, a crown…).

Page 5: WEEK 7 Isaiah 55 - · Read Isaiah 55:10-11 - Every time God speaks things happen. What words

Science Preparation:

• Write these words on separate piece of paper: higher, not empty, make things happen, succeed.

• Find these pictures from a children’s bible or draw them: dark/light, sea/sky, land/sea, sun/moon/stars, birds/fish, animals/people.

In Isaiah 55:11 God says that his words are never wasted. - If God says something will happen - it will happen. - Always has, always will. Let’s look at what God says in Isaiah 55 verses 8 to 11 (Read these verses) Activity: - Place all words in the middle of the group. - Children find the words in answer to the questions. Read Isaiah 55:8-9 - What word does God use to show that what he thinks is so much better than what we think? (higher) Conclusion: - God’s thoughts are higher than ours, like the sky is higher than the earth - so if God’s thoughts are so much better than ours, then what he says is also so much better than our words. Read Isaiah 55:10-11 - Every time God speaks things happen. What words in these verses tell us this? (not empty, make things happen, succeed) Activity: - Ask children to match the space God created and what he filled the space with. (dark/light - sun/moon/stars; sea/sky - birds/fish; land/sea - animals/people) Conclusion: - God spoke, the dark/light, sun/moon/stars… all obeyed. - What God says will happen, happens. - Always has, always will. Discuss: - Encourage older children to explain to younger children what verses 10-11 means. (every time water falls to the ground, plants grow and people are fed – it happens every time, God speaks and his words also produce a result – it happens every time) Conclusion: - God speaks and things happen. - Always has, always will. Application: - Share what you love about knowing that what God says will happen, happens. Pray together about what was shared. Activity: - As a group do a science experiment, safe for children, where one thing will always lead to the same thing happening - always has, always will. Feel free to choose your own experiment for your family or here are some suggestions: Gravity experiment film this one on your phone in slow motion, it’s amazing!

Page 6: WEEK 7 Isaiah 55 - · Read Isaiah 55:10-11 - Every time God speaks things happen. What words

or Interested in making your own invisible ink? It’s easy, and you probably already have everything you need! Ingredients: 1/4 cup of baking soda 1/4 cup of warm water, grape juice, cotton tips or paint brush, white paper, larger paintbrush What to do: 1. Mix together 1/4 cup of baking soda with 1/4 cup of water. Using warm water will help dissolve the baking soda a little better. 2. Use a cotton tip or small paintbrush to write your message on a piece of white paper. 3. Wait thirty minutes. 4. Dip a paintbrush into some grape juice and paint over your message. The previously invisible message will appear! Now you can have fun writing secret messages Why it works: Grape juice has an acid that reacts with the baking soda. A different colour appears wherever the secret message is written.

Page 7: WEEK 7 Isaiah 55 - · Read Isaiah 55:10-11 - Every time God speaks things happen. What words

Music & Movement or Rap & Rhythm Preparation:

• Write these words on separate piece of paper: go out in joy, burst into song, clap hands

• Find these pictures from a children’s bible or draw them: people, mountains, trees.

In Isaiah 55:11 God says that his words are never wasted. - If God says something will happen - it will happen. - Always has, always will. Let’s look at what God says in Isaiah 55 verses 12-13 (Read these verses) Read Isaiah 55:12-13 Activity: - Place all words and pictures in the middle of the group. - Ask children to match words and pictures. Discuss: - Who is full of joy? (people) What is bursting into song? (mountains and hills) What is clapping their hands? (trees) Conclusion: - Mountains and trees can’t sing or clap. - But God is worthy of praise. - So everything and everyone must praise him. - In Isaiah 55 we read that the reason we praise God is because what God says always happens. - Always has, always will. - That’s why we praise him. Application: - Share what you love about knowing that what God says will happen, happens. Pray together about what was shared. Activity: - As a group make up a song or rap that praises God for his word - what he says always happens, always has, always will. Suggestions: You can use a tune you already know and add the lyrics, gather musical instruments you might have at home or create instruments out of anything, boxes, cutlery, tins, even drinking glasses filled with different levels make a tune when you tap them with a spoon "#$% Enjoy the freedom of praising God together.

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