
Optimizing Local SEO and User

Experience across Multiple Screens


Bill Connard, VP of Local Search Solutions, Rio SEO


Michael Martin, SEO Manager, Covario

Douglas Cohen, Interactive Marketing Consultant, ADT

@rio_seo / #localseo

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Today’s Presenters

Michael Martin

SEO Manager,



Douglas Cohen

Interactive Marketing Consultant


Bill Connard

VP of Local Search Solutions, Rio SEO

@rio_seo / #localseo

The Steps Necessary to Develop a Mobile and Local SEO


Best Practice Local SEO for Desktop, Tablet and Mobile Users

The Importance of Delivering Optimized User Experiences by

Screen Size

ADT’s Local Search Results and Mobile Initiatives

What You’ll Learn



The Necessary Steps to

@rio_seo / #localseo

Mobile IS Local!

“Nearly 80 percent of local searches

on mobile devices turned into

purchases, with nearly 90 percent of

those purchases being in a physical


Neustar Localeze, comScore, 15 Miles (April 9, 2014)

@rio_seo / #localseo

Foundation For Mobile & Local

• Mobile Optimized Local Landing Pages

• Responsive or Separate Templates

• Mobile Recognition Technology

• Measuring Impact of Mobile and Local SEO

• Analyze & Measure Search Traffic

• Report on Click Activity by Device

• Building Link Equity to Local Landing Pages

• Data Syndication of Local URLs

@rio_seo / #localseo

Mobile Optimized Landing Pages

• Responsive Design vs. Separate


• Dependent on Current Site Structure

• Layout and Structure of Mobile Experience

• Device Recognition

• Direct Users to Best Possible Experience

• Communicate Separate Mobile Pages

• Pointing Mobile Canonical URL to Desktop

Landing Page

@rio_seo / #localseo

Measuring Local SEO for Mobile

• Measure Local Search Traffic

• Organic Visits by Device

• Analyzing Mobile Traffic Patterns

• KPIs and Conversion Metrics

• Mobile Click Activity Reports

• Driving Directions

• Click to Call

• Coupons

• Social Sharing

• Etc.

@rio_seo / #localseo

Building Mobile Link Equity

• Syndicate Local Landing Pages to Big 3

Search Engines

• Google, Yahoo, Bing

• Attach Local Landing Page URLs

• Distribute to Entire Local Search


• InfoUSA, Neustar Localeze, Acxiom, Factual

• Niche Directories

• Internet Yellow Pages

• In-Car GPS Systems

• Mobile Applications

• Social Networks

@rio_seo / #localseo

Poll Question

Which of the following are you currently doing? (check all that apply)

• Desktop local landing pages

• Mobile local landing pages

• Measuring Click Activity for desktop AND mobile

• Have claimed your Google, Yahoo, and Bing Listings

• InfoGroup

• Localeze

• Acxiom

• Factual

• None of the above



Driving Traffic with

@rio_seo / #localseo

2014 State of Mobile Search

Percentage of Internet Use Worldwide Percentage of Search

Mobile Search is now over 33% of all search in 2014

@rio_seo / #localseo

Mobile Search Difference

Localized Terms(pizza, gas, store, police, zoo, hospital, phone, etc.)

41.7% of results are the same on a desktop vs. mobile

Generic Terms(laptop, servers, desktop, google, apple, windows, etc.)

26.5% of results are the same on a desktop vs. mobile

58.3% Variance in Results from Desktop vs. Mobile

73.5% Variance in Results from Desktop vs. Mobile

@rio_seo / #localseo

Mobile SEO Strategy Evolution

@rio_seo / #localseo

Mobile SEO Tactics

• Separate Mobile Site (m. or /m for example)

• Optimizing Title, Meta and content toward mobile intent

• Having rel canonical to the desktop version and rel alternate from the desktop

page to the smartphone version (and feature phone version when applicable)

• Responsive Web Design (RWD)

• Squeeze in mobile optimization with the desktop as its the same HTML

• Reduce load time (round times)

• Dynamic Serving (Adaptive Design/RWD 2.0)

• Optimizing Title, Meta and content toward mobile intent since it’s different HTML

under the same URL

• Implement the Vary HTTP Header on the server side so the mobile version of

Googlebot crawls

@rio_seo / #localseo

App Indexing – BETA TESTING

•Additional filter added to app manifest file

•Allows Google to index the content in the app

•Defines how to reach specific content in the app

Add Intent Filters for App Deep Links

•Use link rel = alternate to annotate the relationship between webpage and app deep link.

•Add to <head> section of the webpage or in the XML sitemap.

Add App Deep Links on the website •Configure the robots.txt file

properly to allow googlebot to make http requests on behalf of the app

Update robots.txt

• Google can now index content in your Android apps

• Deep links for these application will appear in Google

search results for signed-in Android users

@rio_seo / #localseo

Poll Question

What's your mobile strategy evolution?

• Don’t have one

• Will just use an app instead of a mobile site

• Adding a separate mobile instance (m. or /m) to our desktop version

• Applying responsive design to our desktop version

• Applying dynamic serving to our desktop version

• Going from responsive design to dynamic serving

• Mostly responsive design with select pages using dynamic serving



Developing an Effective

@rio_seo / #localseo

Desktop Users Want A

Robust Experience

Desktop Provides More Content

• Social Streams

• Reviews

• eCommerce options

• Loyalty Programs

• Lead Forms & Surveys

• News & Press Releases

• Coupons

• Larger Map

• More Graphics

Interactive, Engaging Features

@rio_seo / #localseo

Mobile Users Want A

Simplified Experience

Mobile Provides Focused Content

• Single Click Conversion Triggers

• Integrated Address & Directions

• Key info such as Promotions, Hours,

Products and Service listed as

bullet points.

• The map doesn’t dominate other content

• Slimed down App-Like Experience

Less Is More !

@rio_seo / #localseo

ADT’s Focus on Local Search

ADT Security Services

A National Brand

Making a Local Impact

@rio_seo / #localseo

ADT’s Focus on Local Search

Percentage of tablet vs.

Smartphone visits.

Mobile audiences may skew

towards Apple or Android.

Find the your most effective

desktop pages, and mobilize its

content with a responsive design.

Identify key geographic regions,

and optimize them first.

Plan and Test your Media according to your Analytics:

@rio_seo / #localseo

ADT’s Focus on Local Search

How ADT Drives Sales From Mobile

• Multiple Inbound Call Hot Links

• Top, Bottom, and Center

• Singular image in the header to focus

customer’s attention.

• Search Field to find a Local Office

• Location Identifier.

• Additional content dropdowns expand

or contract according to screen size.

@rio_seo / #localseo

ADT’s Focus on Local Search

How ADT Localizes Web Presence

• Tracking Numbers with a

Local Area Code

• Map

• ‘Appointment’ call to action

• NAP (Name Address Phone)

• Use NAP to be found

- Indexing & Ranking

• Use NAP to be Saved

- Stored in Phone Contacts

- Save location pinpoint in Google Account

@rio_seo / #localseo

ADT’s Focus on Local Search

Icon Embedded Player Video Content

As mobile screens are short on space,

consider video content in place of text & marketing copy.

@rio_seo / #localseo

Poll Question

What action do you aim for customers to take on your Mobile Page?

• Find and visit our place of business.

• Call us.

• Fill out a short lead form.

• Download an App – such as a Reward digital loyalty card, our

menu, or a proprietary application.

• Like or Share us on Social Media.

• Opt in for Email Notifications and Newsletters.

• Download a coupon.

@rio_seo / #localseo

[email protected]


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