Page 1:   · Web viewPlease familiarise yourselves with the Year 3 and 4 key word list –they will be in their home learning books shortly. Text: We will be using the story ‘Ma’ats


We will be learning about ‘Mummification’ through music and rap. We will be exploring dynamic and pitch with Mrs McNeil . We will be exploring and thinking about how everyday objects make sound t and how those sounds can be used to represent /recreate /enhance images in the brain. We hope to film a performance for you via dojo!


Grammar: We will be focusing on spelling strategies and how to use our creative spelling books effectively at home and in school. Please familiarise yourselves with the Year 3 and 4 key word list –they will be in their home learning books shortly

Text: We will be using the story ‘Ma’ats Feather’ by Juliet Desailly and focusing on sentence structure and becoming confident writers after the lockdown.

Guided Reading: We will be reading ‘Bills New Frock’ by Anne Fine as a whole class.

If you are able to purchase a copy of this text then please do so as we will be using it for the whole of the autumn term.


We will be looking at place value at the start of term. We will secure children’s understanding of the value of each number in a 3, 4 and 5 digit number. We will also look at negative numbers and learn Roman numerals.

Times table Rock Stars-We will continue to focus on improving speed and accuracy of multiplication and division facts for multiples of 2, 5,10,3, 6, 7, 9



We will be asking ourselves the question “Was Ma’at the most important god?”

Within this unit we will be using the key skills of a true historian by observing, describing, explaining, justifying and questioning evidence whilst thinking how valid it is. We will be looking at the Gods, Egyptian life, King Tut and the process of Mummification.


PE will be on Mondays and we will be learning how to play kick rounders.


We will be exploring sound and how it travels. We will learn about how vibrations are heard in the ear.

We will learn about how different patterns of vibrations change the pitch and volume of a sound.

RE and Collective Worship

We will be learning about celebrations around the world and in different cultures.

Each Friday afternoon we will have a Year 3 & 4 assembly via google meet to give out Star Awards, share learning and celebrate successes.


This term will focus on getting the children back into the school routine so that they feel settled and safe in their environment. We will help to re- build relationships (post lockdown) by providing activities that encourage peer interaction, games and speaking and listening activities during the day.


We will be using the internet to explore facts about Egyptian Gods and record facts through note-taking.

We will also be learning about coding using ‘Purple Mash.’ If children would like to practise these skills then they can access this home. Please ask your child’s teacher if you require a new password or further nformation.

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