

Interdisciplinary Learning:


Learning about the different types of habitat on planet Earth and identifying animals that live there. Building an understanding of how these animals have adapted to live within their habitats. Create a personal presentation about chosen animal.

Investigating a simple food chain to develop knowledge of interdependence.

Learning about natural habitats (rainforests) compared to man-made habitats (farms).

Details of learning tasks will be on the website.

What I will be learning in P4Term 4


Successful Learner

Effective Contributor

Confident Individual

Responsible Citizen

Discrete Subjects

Literacy – Listening and Talking

Creating a personal presentation on a chosen animal and their habitat. Choosing a method of presenting – experimenting with recording or presenting to a family member.

Literacy - Reading

Developing our comprehension skills by tackling topic-related passages and answering a variety of questions to check our understanding.

Continue to develop fluency and expression through choosing differentiated texts on Oxford Owl website from literacy grids. Continue to choose from reading texts at home to develop reading for enjoyment.

Literacy - Writing

Continue to develop cursive (joined) handwriting and apply this throughout your work. Develop writing skills through a range of short writing tasks (such as poems, fact files, and a persuasive letter). Details of tasks will be on the website. Look out for Twitter challenges too!

Grammar – revise use of punctuation (apostrophe work) and identify and apply parts of speech (nouns, verbs and adjectives)


Build confidence in applying the four processes (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division). Develop our understanding of division with remainders. Apply our understanding to problem solving. Details will be on the website. Twitter challenges for P3 and P4 will be posted twice weekly.


Develop our understanding of measure, weight and capacity. Use co-ordinates to show position and place and learn how to find area and perimeter.


Aim to do at least 30 minutes of exercise a day. Look at the other curricular areas grid on the website for activities.


Revising numbers to 30, sharing our age and asking others their ages, revising colours, revising days and months of the year


Increasing our knowledge of digital safety by taking part in activities which show us how to be safe online.

Using a search engine to research and find relevant information on a topic. Furthering our skills in presenting information using PowerPoint and other applications.

Health & Wellbeing

Begin new unit of Building Resilience work ‘Make a Difference’. Develop our understanding of how helping others or trying to make a positive impact on the world around us can benefit and foster our own mental health and resilience. We will explore the role of charities, as well as looking at smaller acts of kindness we can all make. Weekly Twitter HWB challenges will focus on developing positive mental health, keeping active and ways to relax and stay calm during the difficult circumstances we currently find ourselves in.

Below please find a list of online resources that may help support home learning:

Fischy Music, BBC Bitesize, Twinkl, PE with Joe,

Go Noodle, Cosmic Yoga, ABC Music, Wildlife Lessons with Steve Backshall

If you have any technology issues, forgotten passwords or any other questions/difficulties related to your child’s learning please email us at: [email protected]

Please also send photos or updates of your child’s learning to the address above, contact us through our Twitter feed or Face Book Page.


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