Page 1: We have attached some pictures that we use in school to inspire … · 2020-03-23 · We have attached some pictures that we use in school to inspire Creative Writing. Each picture

We have attached some pictures that we use in

school to inspire Creative Writing. Each picture

comes with a story starter that children could

continue, they also come with a set of reading

comprehension questions that children could

think about and answer.

Children can use the picture as a stimulus to

write a story or a diary entry. They could also

continue the story starter below.

We have also attached some reading

comprehension questions for the children to

think about and perhaps answer.

Page 2: We have attached some pictures that we use in school to inspire … · 2020-03-23 · We have attached some pictures that we use in school to inspire Creative Writing. Each picture

Story starter!

Toby poked his large, shaggy head out of his front door and sniffed. He loved the smell of the forest, especially first thing in the morning. He could almost taste the fresh, leafy goodness on his slobbering tongue as he dangled it out of his yawning mouth.

He could hear a rustling noise coming from nearby; one of the others was awake. You see, Toby wasn’t the only dog that lived in the forest…

Question time!

Why does Toby live at the foot of a tree?

Why do they live in a forest?

Who else lives there with him?

What do you think it’s like living in a forest?

What do these dogs get up to?

Where are their owners?

Who built their houses?

Page 3: We have attached some pictures that we use in school to inspire … · 2020-03-23 · We have attached some pictures that we use in school to inspire Creative Writing. Each picture

Story starter!

6AM: I left the house on my own, wrapped up in my warmest coat (which I wear every day) to make the 3km trip. I met up with other children from my village, and we huddled together beneath the mountain to keep warm, waiting for the last couple of stragglers to arrive. As soon as we were all together, two of the dads put their sledges and emergency packs on their backs, and we set off for school…

Can you write a diary entry for one of these children, describing their journey to school?

Question time!

Do you think the children in the picture find the journey to school difficult?

What do you think their school is like? How might it be similar/different to yours?

Who are the adults in the picture? What do you think they are carrying?

Where in the world do you think the children are from?

How do you think these children would react to spending a day at your school? How would you react to spending a day at theirs?

Page 4: We have attached some pictures that we use in school to inspire … · 2020-03-23 · We have attached some pictures that we use in school to inspire Creative Writing. Each picture

Story starter!

She had been tracking the deer. Her parents had taught her how.

One hour before, finding the hoof prints in the soft earth, she had followed the trail of broken twigs and occasional nibbled leaf until she had located it. Creeping slowly and quietly, not making even the slightest sound, she remained undetected.

She had stumbled across the mysterious circles in a clearing in the forest, and watched as the deer approached them. With a slight twitch of its ears, the deer stepped indifferently through the first circle, and vanished. Completely vanished.

The girl let out a gasp, and walked towards the circles to investigate…

Can you continue the story? Does the girl step through the circle?

Question time!

Who do you think made the circles?

How long do you think they have been there?

Do the stones on the ground have any significance?

If you were the girl, would you step through the circles?

Page 5: We have attached some pictures that we use in school to inspire … · 2020-03-23 · We have attached some pictures that we use in school to inspire Creative Writing. Each picture

Story starter!

The humidity was unbearable. Perhaps when they entered the temple it would be cooler?

The group had been travelling together for days, fighting their way through the jungle. They had exhausted themselves wrestling with vines and branches, drenched in sweat as the heat attacked them.

All around them the air was heavy; each breath was a gasp. The jungle climate was oppressive, and they were in need of rest.

As the group hacked their way through the dense foliage with their machetes, they had glimpsed the hidden temple. Approaching the door with a sense of growing trepidation, they knew they had to go inside; curiosity and desperation had got the better of them…

Question time!

What does ‘trepidation’ mean? Why might they be feeling it?

Who are ‘the group’? Why are they in the jungle?

What does ‘curiosity and desperation got the better of them’ mean?

Would you venture into the temple?

What might they find inside?

Do you think all of the group want to go in?

Why is the floor green?

Page 6: We have attached some pictures that we use in school to inspire … · 2020-03-23 · We have attached some pictures that we use in school to inspire Creative Writing. Each picture

Story starter!

The mountain of High Hrothgar had stood proudly for thousands of years, casting a solemn shadow for miles around.

Few dared to venture close to its base, let alone scale its heights, fearing what awaited at the summit. For one brave adventurer, the folk lore surrounding the mysteries of High Hrothgar provided an opportunity just too tempting to resist. Some called him courageous, others foolish, but it mattered not to him now.

Bracing himself against the torrent of icy wind that rushed towards him down the narrow pass, the lone figure prepared himself for the challenge ahead. He took a deep breath, feeling the frozen air rush into his lungs, and took a bold step onto the path to High Hrothgar…

Question time!

Who is the adventurer in the story?

Can you think of a good name for him?

Why does he want to climb High Hrothgar?

Why are people afraid of the mountain?

What do you think awaits him at the top?

What might the adventurer be carrying with him?

What would you take with you on an expedition such as this?

Page 7: We have attached some pictures that we use in school to inspire … · 2020-03-23 · We have attached some pictures that we use in school to inspire Creative Writing. Each picture

Story starter!

The only sound the diver could hear was his own breathing. It was a strangely relaxing sound; one of the reasons Mike enjoyed being underwater so much. Mike knew, however, that he mustn't let his senses switch off; it could be incredibly dangerous diving at this depth if you stopped concentrating even for one minute.

Despite enjoying himself, Mike concentrated on the mission he’d be tasked with. He shone his spotlight down towards the murky depths below, and with a powerful push of his flippers he began the descent…

Question time!

What is the difference between a stalactite and a stalagmite?

What is the mission that Mike has been tasked with?

What is it that Mike enjoys about diving do you think?

What is causing the strange white lines in the picture?

How do you think Mike is feeling?

Where does the cave lead?

How did he get to the cave in the first place?

Is he alone?

Page 8: We have attached some pictures that we use in school to inspire … · 2020-03-23 · We have attached some pictures that we use in school to inspire Creative Writing. Each picture

Story starter!

Lightning never strikes twice, does it?

That was the question that occupied their frightened minds as they crouched, huddling together, next the pile of dusty sacks in the base of the windmill…

Question time!

Why are they thinking about that particular question at the beginning of the story starter? What meaning does the question have?

Who is it inside the windmill?

Have they been inside the windmill before?

Is the windmill a good place to shelter from the storm?

What might happen next?

How might the characters inside the windmill be feeling?

Have you ever seen a thunderstorm? What was it like?

What causes a thunderstorm?

Page 9: We have attached some pictures that we use in school to inspire … · 2020-03-23 · We have attached some pictures that we use in school to inspire Creative Writing. Each picture

Story starter!

Jackson had been following the trail for several hours. Hood drawn up over his head to protect him from the savage wind, he continued to trudge along. The only sounds Jackson could hear were the crunch of his feet as they penetrated the layer of snow underneath him, and the faint, disconcerting hum that came from the orb in front.

The key to it all, he was sure, lay in the object he held carefully in his frozen hands. The boy wasn’t quite sure how he would use it, but he hoped that its purpose would reveal itself when he reached his destination…

Question time!

What has caused the trail in the snow that Jackson is following?

What might the orb in the sky be?

Why is Jackson following it?

What does he have in his hands, and why might it be important?

Why is the noise coming from the orb ‘disconcerting’?

What is Jackson’s destination?

What will happen when he reaches it?

Page 10: We have attached some pictures that we use in school to inspire … · 2020-03-23 · We have attached some pictures that we use in school to inspire Creative Writing. Each picture

Story starter!

They knew what had to be done. Time was of the essence.

Quietly placing their oars in the water so as not to make a sound, the two dark figures inched their way across the moonlit lake. Far away on the horizon they could see it…their objective. They had to reach the house. They had to remain undetected.

To their surprise, a light flickered on in one of the rooms. Was someone there? They were told it would be empty. They were told they would be alone. They saw a silhouette pass the glowing window. Who on earth was it? They exchanged an anxious glance. The one in the top hat cursed under his breath. The one with the curly hair shrugged. Beginning to panic, the pair began to paddle faster, oblivious to the splashing sound they were now making.

It did not matter. Time was running out! They only had a matter of minutes…

Question time!

Who do you think these two figures are?

Do they have good, evil or mischievous intentions?

What are they in such a hurry to do?

What do you think is going on at the house?

Why is there a light on?

Why do you think the characters are surprised to see the light?

Page 11: We have attached some pictures that we use in school to inspire … · 2020-03-23 · We have attached some pictures that we use in school to inspire Creative Writing. Each picture

Story starter!

Crystal clear waters were home to the vast collection of vessels. If it wasn’t for the peeling paint and the faded fishing nets, you couldn’t tell these boats had years of history hidden in their beams. I breathed deeply, filling my lungs with the fresh air that surrounded me. I looked carefully at the biggest of the boats and my mind began to wander. Who owned it? Where had it sailed too? What sort of memories were hidden amongst the ropes and nets?

Question time!

Who do the boats belong to? Where have they been?

Who lives in the houses at the harbour?

Who is telling the story? Why are they at the harbour?

Page 12: We have attached some pictures that we use in school to inspire … · 2020-03-23 · We have attached some pictures that we use in school to inspire Creative Writing. Each picture

Story starter!

He had lived here all his life. The giant mushroom had been home for over 50 years. He was born here, had taken his first steps here, studied at school here and worked the fields here all his adult life. This was the village of Toadstool, and nothing unexpected happened.

Each and every day, his neighbours would carry out their ordinary business in an ordinary way. Each morning, he would sit at his table, tucking into a plate of steaming hot, buttery mushrooms on toast, watching the ordinary world go by in its ordinary way.

This morning seemed no different…until he looked out of his window. The sight that met his bewildered eyes was not ordinary at all. There was an unexpected visitor…

Question time!

What do you think it would be like living inside a mushroom?

If you could choose to live inside any vegetable what would it be and why?

If you turn a mushroom into a house, is it still a mushroom?

If mushrooms were your favourite food, would it be a good idea to live in a mushroom house?

Page 13: We have attached some pictures that we use in school to inspire … · 2020-03-23 · We have attached some pictures that we use in school to inspire Creative Writing. Each picture

Story starter!

As they stood there silently in the darkness, neither of them could have imagined what would happen next. They had found the lantern by chance as they were scouring the streets looking for food. Lying on the cobbled street, waiting to be found, the lantern burnt through the dim light of evening. The boys held it in their hands, watching the orange flame flicker in the breeze.

Without warning, the flame disappeared, as did the two boys!

When the flame reappeared, the boys could not believe where they were …

Question time!

Why do the boys need the lantern?

Why are the boys out at night on their own?

What are the boys thinking about?

Where will the boys end up?

What caused the flame to go out?

Where did the lantern come from?

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