
Sometimes a simple twist in the way you present material to your students can make a difference.

1. Apply a code to the learning objective. Ask students to decode the sequence or cipher.

2. Post an over simple objective and apply KWL K: What do you know about it? W: What do you want to know about it? L: What did you learn about it?

3. Leave a keyword out of the learning objective and give 6O seconds to guess it. 4. Tell students that you will only reveal the learning objective at the end of the lesson – their job is to guess what it might be a various points in the lesson. 5. Make a puzzle out of your objective.

6. Use the learning continuum approach. Write the objective inside an arrow and have students say how far along the arrow they think they will get.

To be able to describe different ways of presenting a learning objective to class.

I can name two different ways of presenting a learning objective.

I can name four different ways of presenting a learning objective.

I can name seven different ways of presenting a learning objective.

7. Record your voice explaining the objective of the lesson.

9. Create a sign to introduce your objective.

8. Introduce the learning objective prior to the lesson.

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