Page 1: Waterman Primary School Newsletter · online. In maths, WOWwe have been looking at number bonds to 6 using multi-link and Numicon. We have also been adding 2 digit numbers. What a

Important Information to parents A reminder that School Nurses should not send text messages as their first contact with parents. If you receive a text message requesting information about your child from anyone purporting to be a School Nurse, please DO NOT engage. To check authenticity of the text message received, please contact the Essex Child and Family Wellbeing Service Single Point of Access on: Mid Essex 0300 247 0014 (option 2) North Essex 0300 247 0015 South Essex 0300 247 0013 West Essex 0300 247 0122

Tapestry Acorn children and teachers use Tapestry to document the learning going on in class and gives parents and carers the opportunity to add to the learning at home too. Please speak to Mrs Wood about logging into this APP.

Waterman Primary School Newsletter Telephone: 01702 546237 Email: [email protected] Website: Twitter: @WatermanPrimary


Special Table: Henry-James, Finlee, Jack and Aeryn

Friday 17th January 2020 Winter Term Issue No.15 Head of School: Mr B Saunders

Important Dates:

23rd January: Parents Welcome in

each Thursday morning from 08:40 – 09:00

31st January: 2.30pm – Willow sharing assembly

11th February:

Safer Internet Day

13th February: EYFS Trip to Belfair’s

wood – more information to follow

14th February:

2.30pm – Chestnut sharing assembly

February Half term:


Dear Families, It has been an enjoyable week, with the children making great progress in their lessons. I have seen the children really immerse themselves in their new topics, which has been lovely to see. We wanted to say a big thank you for being flexible when picking up and dropping the children off this week. The pool redevelopment is at a very exciting stage, with the new concrete base now laid. This means the new glass structure will start to take shape next week! I will be running a marathon to raise money for the HEARTS Promise Fund and if anyone could donate, we would all be grateful. Thank you in advance. Have a lovely weekend, Mr Saunders

Attendance information for parents

If children are in school later than 09:20am, it is no longer classed as a 'late' but classed as a missed session and will be an unauthorized absence for the morning. This is to follow guidance from the Department for Education, who have advised all schools recently.

HEARTS Promise Fund Raising Mr Saunders is taking part in Brighton Marathon on 19th April. He will be raising money for the HEARTS Promise Fund and any money raised will be shared with Stambridge Primary School. To donate please go to this link:

Page 2: Waterman Primary School Newsletter · online. In maths, WOWwe have been looking at number bonds to 6 using multi-link and Numicon. We have also been adding 2 digit numbers. What a

Chestnut This week in Chestnut class, we have been working hard to write information sentences about Kenya. We have drawn our own text maps and from them written a fact file. We have also been learning about mammals, amphibians, fish and reptiles. Why don't you ask us to name an animal in each category? We have been thinking of ways to keep us safe online. In maths, we have been looking at number bonds to 6 using multi-link and Numicon. We have also been adding 2 digit numbers. What a busy week we have had!

Wow - Charlotte for her amazing independent sentence writing. Star - Mitchell. Golds - Mitchell, Finlee, Leon, Taylor, Charlotte

Oak This week Oak have worked hard to understand fractions and have discovered the importance of sources when studying history. We have become immersed in our reading of the highwayman and have wrote some creative descriptions. We have been working hard to improve our spellings in Word Blaze and our grammar skills using Vocab Ninja. WOW - Takara Creative use of figurative language. Star - Johnny - Making extra effort to read at home showing the value of achievement. Golds- Tilly x2, Francesca, Tommy Readers - Logan

Friday 17th January 2020 Winter Term Issue No. 15 Heads of School: Mr. B Saunders

Acorn This week in Acorn, we have been very enthusiastic about the story Handa's Surprise. We have enjoyed retelling it to each other and looking at the fruits the different animals took from Handa's basket. We have also tasted some of the fruits from the story and wrote about our experience. In maths, we have been estimating and checking our estimate - please help us practise this at home by showing us objects quickly before we can count them. You could also help us, by asking if we think there are more or less than the last group of objects you have shown us. Also please could you read with your child every night, we are desperate to eat reading beans in the morning but cannot without you signing and commenting in our reading records. WOW - Violet-Jane for great numeral and numicon matching Star - George for super effort in phonics when blending sounds to make a word Golds - Arya, Leighton Aeshan, Henry-James

Willow This week in Willow class, we have been writing instructions on how to build a roundhouse. We have been practising our 4 and 8 times tables and making links to division facts. We have begun looking at what humans need to stay healthy. Can your child tell you what the 6 main nutrients are? We have had great fun learning about the Celts and thinking about why the Romans wanted to invade Britain. Wow - Colby and Brandon Star – Callum Golds - Katherine, Pashee

Please be advised that a change of the May bank holiday this year is the 8th May. For more information, please visit This link will take you directly to the website we follow.

School Menu 1 Monday: Margherita Pizza OR Tomato and basil pasta Tuesday: BBQ Hunters Chicken OR Macaroni cheese Wednesday: Roast Gammon with Yorkshire pudding OR Cheesy beans Yorkshire Thursday: Oven baked sausages OR Linda McCartney sausages Friday: Omega 3 young fish fingers OR Quorn dippers

Attendance Our attendance this week is: 92.3% Our class of the week is Acorn. Well Done!

Class Attendance

ACORN 100%


WILLOW 88.19%

OAK 92.67%

School target is 97%

Page 3: Waterman Primary School Newsletter · online. In maths, WOWwe have been looking at number bonds to 6 using multi-link and Numicon. We have also been adding 2 digit numbers. What a

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