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Waste Management in Commercial Buildings: Developing Mastery


þ  Why  talk  about  waste?  

þ  How  do  we  improve?  

þ  How  can  BOMA  BESt  help?  

þ  Who  are  the  key  players?  

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“Get  Moving  on  your  Immovables!”      

þ  Buildings  account  for  25%  of  all  landfilled  waste,  50%  of  all  natural  resource  extracHon,  1/3  of  all  energy  use  

þ  ¾  of  all  landfills  in  NA  have  filled  to  capacity  and  closed  since  1978    

þ  Diversion  in  Ontario  is  stagnaHng  at  25%  overall,  and  at  13%  for  the  ICI  sector  

þ  3R  RegulaHons,  70%  of  all  waste  is  generated  at  work  


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Goals  are  at  odds  with  our  progress.  What’s  missing?    

Targets: 60% Diversion Performance: 13% Diversion

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How  did  we  get  into  this  mess?  

Composition Trends 3Rs Hierarchy

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Our  predicament  

þ  We  spend  a  lot  of  Hme  and  energy  that  isn’t  as  purposeful  as  it  could  be  

   þ  Our  focus  has  been  on  recycling  alone:  we  

love  our  metrics  and  live  in  an  evidenced  based  world  

   þ  We’ve  focused  on  targets  and  forgot  

about  the  relaHonal  aspects  of  managing  waste  


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Typical  approach  to  managing  waste  

þ  Place  blue  boxes  and  other  recycling  receptacles  in  common  areas  

 þ  Arrange  for  cleaners  to  remove  the  

materials  to  a  central  collecHon  area  

 þ  Engage  a  hauler(s)  to  transport  

material  to  landfill  or  a  MRF  for  processing  

What  is  usually  done  

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Using  BOMA  BESt®  criteria  as  a  management  tool  not  just  as  a  cerLficaLon  program  

Get  out  of  our  silos!  

 þ  Purposeful,  integrated  approach  

þ  Treat  proper  waste  management  as  something  that  ma[ers  

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ABOUT  BOMA  BESt®  –  Program  DescripLon  

þ  Average  secHon  score  for  waste  secHon  is  85.5%  (compared  to  80.7%  in  2012)  

þ  Buildings  that  recerHfy  with  BOMA  BESt®  achieved  8%  increase  in  waste  diversion.    

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BOMA  BESt®:    Why  is  this  an  effecLve  framework?  

þ  HolisLc  approach  to  building  assessment  

þ  Roadmap  for  operaHonal  improvement  

þ  Provides  the  framework  for  true  cost  savings  

þ  Requires  us  to  engage  with  other  stakeholders  

þ  Requires  us  to  assess  our  appeHte  for  change  

þ  It  is  acHon  oriented!  

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What  are  we  good  at?    The  low  hanging  fruit….  

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Let’s Get Moving!

þ  Over  half  of  BOMA  BESt®  CerHfied  Office  buildings  divert  more  than  60%  of  their  waste  from  landfill  (only  13%  overall  for  ICI)    

þ We  would  benefit  from  a  more  engaged  relaHonship      to  the  criteria  if  they  want  to  truly  move  toward    

         a  landfill  free  building    þ  Let’s  start  working  with  the  waste  criteria    

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Who  do  we  need  to  engage  with  to  be  successful?  

þ  Architects  

þ  Designers  

þ  Service  Providers  

þ  Leasing  Personnel  

þ  Building  Owner/Manager  

þ  Tenants  of  all  types  

þ  Custodial  Staff  

þ  Building  Operators  

þ  Suppliers  

New  Building  ConstrucLon     ExisLng  Buildings    

Build your Green Team þ  Designers  

þ  Service  Providers  

þ  Leasing  Personnel  

þ  Building  Owner/Manager  

þ  Tenants  of  all  types  

þ  Custodial  Staff  

þ  Building  Operators  

þ  Suppliers  

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The  key  players  

þ  Architects    

þ  Interior  Designers    

þ  Leasing  Personnel  


    These  professionals  would  benefit  from  a  greater  understand  of  

building  opera6ons  and  how  people  behave  

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Building  Owners/Managers   Building  Operators   Custodial  Staff  

The  key  players      

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Project  Managers  

The  key  players  

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The  key  players:    facility  tenants  

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The  key  players:    food  service/retail  tenants  

Restaurants  Coffee  Shops  


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Suppliers   Haulers   Processors  

The  key  players  

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 BOMA  BEST  ®  Waste  Management  Criteria  #1  

þ  Is  there  a  waste  diversion  program  that  incorporates  the  recycling  of  materials  such  as:  paper  &  cardboard;  bo[les  and  cans;  food  waste;  and  plasHcs  for  occupants,  visitors  and  operaHons  at  the  site?  

 Tip:  This  is  a  pre-­‐requisite  to  achieve  BOMA  BESt®!  

ü  Office  tenants  

ü  Food  service  tenants  ü  Retail  ü  Leasing  Personnel  ü  Haulers  ü  The  public  

Program Component Who to Engage: Key Players

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BOMA  BEST  ®  Waste Management Criteria #2

þ  Are  there  separate  storage/handling  faciliHes  for  used  paper  products,  glass,  metal  and  plasHc?  


ü  Architects:    new  construcHon    ü  Haulers    ü  Building  Operators    


Program Component Who to Engage: Key Players

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BOMA  BEST  ®  Waste Management Criteria #3

þ  Are  there  collecHon  points  for  sorHng  paper,  glass,  metal  and  plasHc  in  the  areas  where  waste  is  generated?  

 þ  Ensure  they  are  standardized  throughout  

the  facility    þ  Same  material  categories,  proper  and  

instrucHve  signage  

Tip:    Use  clear  bags  in  all  recycling  bins!!  

ü  Desk  side/workstaHon  ü  Areas  of  greater  generaHon  ü  Kitchene[es  ü  Washrooms  

ü  Kitchens  of  food  service  tenants  ü  Lobbies/common  areas  

ü  Custodial  staff  collecHon  carts,  training  

Program Component Where to Engage

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BOMA  BEST  ®  Waste  Management  Criteria  #4  

þ  Is  there  a  recycling  program  for  the  following:    

ü  Ba[eries?  ü  Fluorescent  lamps?    

ü  Electronic  waste?  Note:    Don’t  forget  shredded  paper,  confidenGal  

document  destrucGon  


ü  Tenants  ü  Service  Providers  ü  Auditor  

Program Component Who to Engage: Key Players

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BOMA  BEST  ®  Waste  Management  Criteria  #5  

þ  Does  the  building  have  a  composHng  program  for  organic  waste?  

ü  Tenants  ü  Service  Providers  ü  Building  Operators  (must  be  managed  


ü  Auditor  

Program Component Who to Engage: Key Players

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BOMA  BEST  ®  Waste  Management  Criteria  #6  

þ  Are  waste  audits  conducted:  •  Annually?  (5  points)  

•  Every  2-­‐3  years?  (3  points)  

•  At  longer  intervals?  (0  points)  

•  No  (0  points)  


þ  How  do  we  use  the  results  of  our  audit?  Use  audiHng  as  a  management  tool

ü  3rd  party  independent  auditor  ü  Service  Providers  ü  Property  Manager  

Program Component Who to Engage: Key Players

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BOMA  BEST  ®  Waste  Management  Criteria  #7  

þ  Is  regular  monitoring  of  waste  conducted?  






ü  Service  Providers  of  all  types    ü  SpecificaHon  Clauses  of  waste  and  

recycling  contractors/tenders    

ü  Invoices  

ü  Auditor  

Program Component Who to Engage: Key Players

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BOMA  BEST  ®  Waste  Management  Criteria  #8  

þ  What  is  the  current  diversion  rate?      

ü  Service  Providers  of  all  types    

ü  Auditor    

ü  Property  Manager  

Program Component Who to Engage: Key Players

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BOMA  BEST  ®  Waste  Management  Criteria  #9  

þ  What  was  the  total  waste                (landfill  plus  recycling)  in  metric  tonnes  for  

the  12  month  period  specified?    


ü  Haulers:    specificaHon  clauses  of  waste  and  tenders,  invoices  

ü  Tenants  

Program Component Who to Engage: Key Players

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BOMA  BEST  ®  Waste  Management  Criteria  #10  

þ  Are  there  waste-­‐reducHon  targets?          

ü  Auditor    ü  Building  Manager    

ü  What  is  your  appeHte  for  change?  

Program Component Who to Engage: Key Players

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BOMA  BEST  ®  Waste  Management  Criteria  #11  

þ  Is  there  a  wri[en  policy  intended  to  minimize  renovaHon  /  construcHon  waste  being  sent  to  landfill?    

ü  Haulers    ü  Project  Managers:  SpecificaHon  clauses    

ü  Disposal  reports  

ü  Holding  your  contractors  to  account!  

Program Component Who to Engage: Key Players

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A mature relationship to our goals

Leadership: It’s very practical  

 þ  Our  buildings  can  have  all  of  the  “bells  and  whistles”  but  it  is  how  our    

systems  are  managed,  how  we  interact  and  how  people  behave  that    ulHmately  inform  outcomes  more  than  targets,  policies  or  technology  alone  

þ  Engaged  people  are  less  likely  to  try  and  escape  from                                        accountability  

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It’s easy. Success is not future bound.  þ The  world  seems  immovable,  it  is  not    þ It’s  a  myth  that  this  integrated  approach  won’t  work  in  business  

þ Costs  less  from  haulage  to  equipment  replacement  to  operaHonal                  Hme,  it’s  much  more  expensive  to  do    what  we  are  doing    þ It’s  a  decisive  and  strategic  approach  to  engagement  

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Change  is  not  on  the  agenda…it  IS  the  agenda

þ  If  we  feel  that  in  concert  with  others  we  can  have  an  impact,  we  are  more  likely  to  act.        

 þ  Shin  the  narraHve  from  what  is  wrong  to  what  is  possible!  

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Contact Us:

Angie  McMurray  Waste  Management  Specialist  McMurray  Environmental  SoluHons,  Inc.  T:  416-­‐698-­‐9331  E:  [email protected]  W:      

Hazel  Sueon  Manager,  Environmental  Standards  BOMA  Canada  T:  416-­‐214-­‐1912  x  103  E:  hsu[[email protected]  W:          

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