Page 1: Warehouse Club Shopper Close Up Study_ 2013_Topic Guide and Deliverables




Take an In-Depth Look at Behavior,

Attitude and Decision

Making Among Warehouse Club


Membership Warehouse

Club Close-Up

2013 Wave II

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Meyers Research Center will provide data cross-tabulations and a Comprehensive Report of Findings to

all sponsors. Custom reporting will be available to sponsors at an incremental cost.

The Comprehensive Report

The Comprehensive Report of Findings will provide an invaluable resource for manufacturers

with products currently present in this channel, as well as those who are considering


It will reveal how and why members use their warehouse club, presenting insights into shopping

attitudes / behaviors associated with key category segments, and different membership types

(consumer, business and executive/plus). The findings will extend to exploring specific product

purchases with respect to business or personal usage/purpose.

Data Collection

A sample of recent club shoppers will be probed in depth about a recent trip and the product

decisions made. Approximately 3,000 Warehouse Club members will be interviewed online

after a recent shopping experience and each respondent will be asked to provide information on

up to two individual items, for a total of over 5,000 individual purchase decisions. The data will

be analyzed by each of three major Clubs, by membership type (business, consumer and

executive/plus) and by other cells deemed of importance. The general comprehensive report

will develop insights for the following product groups:

I. Foods and Beverages:

Refrigerated / perishable foods


-Deli (packaged meats & cheeses)

-Frozen foods

Shelf stable foods

-Staple foods (bread, cereal, coffee, condiments, etc.)

-Snack foods (candy, healthy bars/nuts/fruit, salty, sweet)


-Alcohol (beer, wine, spirits)

-Non-alcohol soft drinks (CSDs, juice, water, other RTD)

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III. Health and Beauty Care

Baby Products


Hair Care

Oral Care

OTC Remedies

Skin Care

Soap/Body Wash

Sun Care

Vitamins & Supplements

Note: As incidence and sample size allows, other key category segments may be investigated by means of a custom report.


I: Shopper Profile and Channel Shopping Habits

Member Demographics, including: - Gender - Household Size

- Income - Ages of Children

- Age - Ethnicity and race

- Education

- Type of business or employment

- Mobile phone ownership

Type of membership

Length of membership

Why this club was selected to join as opposed to another (location, payment methods accepted, product assortment, etc.)

Whether membership ever switched or lapsed

Frequency with which the warehouse club is visited

Whether ever order online

Other retail channels used by members; how members changed shopping behavior in other channels when they joined the club, if at all

Attitudes toward the warehouse club – advantages/disadvantages expected and unexpected opportunities/problems sometimes encountered

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II: About a Recent Trip

What kind of needs trigger the club trip? Range of trip missions and their relative frequency

The warehouse club member’s basket upon exit from his/her most recent visit

Total amount spent

Total entries / items on receipt

Shopping basket composition

Which items were planned and which spontaneous

Which items were for home consumption and which for business

Awareness / response to any pre-club marketing

Awareness / response to any in-club marketing

Whether mobile phone / other internet played a role in the trip or the purchase decisions and, if so, how

III: Product Purchase Decisions

Underlying dynamics behind specific product purchase decisions: Planned or impulse purchase

For whose consumption

How will be consumed/used; the occasion

Whether entire amount will be used

Percent of all product purchases are this brand

Percent of all product purchases made in this channel

What Are The Key Purchase Drivers

Factors considered when deciding on products purchased (e.g., Brand,

Variety, Flavor, Style, Price, Size/Amount, Packaging, etc.)

Decision priorities

What Is the impact of in-store and pre-store influences on item selection

Substitute-ability or intolerance of substitutes / response if item were sold out/OOS

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IV: Evaluation of Club Experience

What are the most outstanding deals seen

What are the least outstanding deals

What would members most like to see that isn’t there now

What categories are too limited, if any

What categories need more up-to-date items, if any

In what categories would they like to see larger sizes, if any

In what categories would they like to see smaller sizes, if any

For More Information Contact: Jeff Friedlaender [email protected] George Brown [email protected] Meyers Research Center 1440 Broadway, 23rd Floor New York, NY 10018 646.512.5124

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