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8/13/2019 Walls and Openings 1/12

Walls and OpeningsBabylonian, Persian and Assyrian

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Walls of Babylon

Babylon means "babilu" (gate ofgod).

an ancient city in the plain ofshinar on the Euphrates River,about 50 miles south of Modern

Baghdad. became the capital of Babylonia and

the Babylonian Empire.

was of overwhelming size andappearance.


The brick wall was :

◦ 56 miles long,◦ 300 feet high,

◦ 25 feet thick

◦ another wall 75 feet behind thefirst wall,

◦ the wall extended 35 feet belowthe ground

Consisted of 250 towers thatwere 450 feet high

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Walls of Babylon

The Babylonian walls Imgur-Nemed-Enlil and Enlil.

Nebuchadnezzar II around 600 BCadded to the East Wall (Osthaken)the city walls. Nebuchadnezzar'sgoal was to make Babylon biggerand more beautiful than it ever wasa city.

Nebuchadnezzar let the enemies to beawestruck, and the inhabitants ofthe city brought to marvel.

An ancient text has been preserved byNebuchadnezzar in cuneiform, whichstates: "What no King has donebefore me, I did, 4000 EllenCountry (about two kilometers sideways) of the city, distant,unapproachable, I had a huge walleastward to enclose Babylon. Icompleted Babylon. “ 

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Walls of Babylon

The decay of the masonry must have beenadvanced at the beginning of the thirdcentury BC, now high. Only widelyscattered remains of walls and bricks

from the desert, oil rigs and pipelinesare evidence of the formermagnificent.

The construction of the wall hadpragmatic reasons.

In the cities of antiquity, it is actingstrongholds.

After Nebuchadnezzar's death, the cityunder Cyrus the Great and Alexanderthe Great was taken. Both rulers werepreparing to besiege the city.

When Babylon fell apart over theyears, dropping from the metropolis to asmall town, in the end declined even to asmall village, the faded beauty andgrandeur of the ancient wonders wallsof Babylon. 

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The Ishtar Gate

The Ishtar Gate and the wall were datedbetween 604-506 BC.

Both gate and wall were reconstructed

in the Pergamon Museum inBerlin, 47 feet height and 32 feetwidth.

Dedicated to the Babylonian goddessIshtar, the gate was constructedusing glazed brick with

alternating rows of bas-reliefmušḫuššu (dragons) and aurochs.

The gate is built across the doublewalls of the city fortificationand has a pair of projectingtowers on each wall.

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The Ishtar Gate

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The Ishtar Gate

The Ishtar Gate was more

than 38 feet (12 metres)high and was decoratedwith glazed brick reliefs,in tiers, of dragons andyoung bulls. The gate

itself was a double one,and on its south side wasa vast antechamber.

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Palace at Persepolis

Persepolis was the ceremonial capital of the Achaemenid Empire(ca. 550–330 BC).

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Palace at Persepolis – Gate of All Nations

The Gate of all Nations, referring to subjects of the empire, consisted of a grand hallthat was a square of approximately 25 metres (82 ft) in length, with fourcolumns and its entrance on the Western Wall.

A pair of Lamassus, bulls with the heads of bearded men, stand by the western

threshold. Another pair, with wings and a Persian head (Gopät-Shäh), standsby the eastern entrance, to reflect the Empire’s power.

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Palace at Persepolis – 

Apadana (western palace)

Darius built the greatest palace at Persepolis inthe western side. This palace was called theApadana. The King of Kings used it forofficial audiences.

The palace had a grand hall in the shape of asquare, each side 60 meters (200ft)long with seventy-two columns.Thirteen of which still stand on theenormous platform. Each column is 19meters (62 ft) high with a squareTaurus and plinth.

The walls were covered with a layer ofmud and stucco to a depth of 5 cm, whichwas used for bonding, and then coveredwith the greenish stucco which is foundthroughout the palaces.

The walls were tiled and decorated withpictures of lions, bulls, and flowers.

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Palace at Persepolis – Throne Hall

Next to the Apadana, secondlargest building of the Terraceand the final edifices, is theThrone Hall or the Imperial

Army's hall of honour (also calledthe "Hundred-Columns Palace).

This 70x70 square meter hall wasstarted by Xerxes and completedby his son, Artaxerxes I by theend of the fifth century BC.

In the beginning, the Throne Hallwas used mainly for receptionsfor military commanders andrepresentatives of all the subjectnations of the empire– later itserved as an imperial museum.

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