Page 1: w h a t Schedule MOMS...Partners in Parenting james & betsy lechler Communication in marriage is vital, especially when you and your spouse are in conflict or have different parenting

South Campus MOMS


Making Our Mothering Significant

w o m e n ’ s m i n i s t r y

b e t h l e h e m b a p t i s t c h u r c h

Are your children grown or are they little? Are they somewhere in between? Do you have grandchildren? Do you have a heart for mentoring mothers, or do you desire to grow in your mothering? If your answer is “yes” to any of those questions, then MOMS is for you.

Our topics range from growing our marriages to growing our gardens, from raising our children to raising our eyes to Jesus, from inspiring testimonies to inspiring household organization. Come experience a moment of peace as we encourage one another this year to focus on abiding in Christ. Our theme verse is John 15:5: “I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing.”

w h a t i s m o m s ?

l e a d e r s h i p

a n g e l a m e l l e m a , 765-426-4758 k r i s t i r e d l e r , 952-261-5719

f i r s t & t h i r d t u e s d ay s 9 : 4 5 – 11 : 4 5 a m , o c t 2– m ay 7 s o u t h c a m p u s 20700 k e n r i c k av e , l a k e v i l l e 55044

Visit to 1) register to attend and 2) to request Children’s Programming (if needed). Children’s Programming requests must be submitted by September 4. After this date, see website for more information. A home-school room will be available. All moms using Children’s Programming will volunteer once during the year (details provided upon registration). We are so thankful that MOMS continues to be a growing ministry; however, requests for Children’s Programming often outpace our ability to provide caregivers. Please help us by recruiting additional caregivers or endeavoring to secure your own childcare.

c o s t s / s c h o l a r s h i p s

The cost per meeting is $5 for one child, $8 for two, and $10 for 3 or more. You may also pay per semester. Please see website for scholarship information.

r e g i s t r a t i o n p r o c e s s

Scheduleo c t 2

o c t 1 6

n o v 6

n o v 2 0

d e c 4

j a n 1 5

f e b 5

f e b 1 9

m a r 5

m a r 1 9

a p r 2

a p r 1 6

m ay 7

MOMS Theme Morning

Life on the Front Lines

Navigating Technology

Traditions of the Season

Abiding in the Word

Cultivating a Heart of Faith

Intimacy in Marriage

Talking to Kids About Sex

MOMS Testimonies

Abiding While Grieving

Abiding Through the Seasons

Partners in Parenting

Spring Tea

Page 2: w h a t Schedule MOMS...Partners in Parenting james & betsy lechler Communication in marriage is vital, especially when you and your spouse are in conflict or have different parenting

MOMS Theme Morningd av e z u l e g e r

Come be refreshed as our South Lead Pastor unpacks God’s word and encourages us to abide in Christ.

Life on the Front Lines

Hear from one of our Bethlehem global partner mothers as she shares from her experiences abroad. Learn how to better pray for and encourage our global partners.

Helping Our Children Navigate Technologyd a n i e l v i e z b i c k e

Daniel aims to help us understand the biblical implications of our use of technology, the actual effects of technology on society and individuals, and set a road map for how to intentionally discipline ourselves and disciple our kids in using technology.

Traditions of the Season w o r s h i p a n d ta b l e d i s c u s s i o n

Join us for a morning of extended worship and time in prayer as we prepare our hearts for the holiday season.

Abiding in the Word r u t h c h av i s

The Bible reveals Jesus on every page. Jesus tells us to abide in him and he will abide in us. Come hear from Ruth and other women’s leaders on what abiding in Christ looks like practically in their devotional lives.

Cultivating a Heart of Faitha a r o n d av i t c h

Mothers learning to abide in Jesus’ love are a significant blessing to the watching eyes and listening ears of their children. Join us as we consider how the Spirit might draw young souls to Christ as they watch their moms abide in him. We will also discuss practical ways we can come alongside our kids and equip and encourage them in their faith.

Intimacy in Marriagepa n e l

How do we abide in Christ and honor him during the deep trials that marriage often brings? How do we cultivate or restore intimacy with our spouse when confronted with trials such as pornography, unmet sexual expectations, and just the daily reality of two broken, sinful people living side by side?

Helping Kids Know God’s Good Design for Sexc a r o l i n e j o n e s

How do we honor Christ with our bodies? Caroline aims to equip us to talk with our kids at various ages about body awareness, puberty, and God’s design for sex.

MOMS Testimonies

Be encouraged in your faith and get to know some of our fellow moms more deeply as they share their stories of how God called them and how he is working in their lives today.

Abiding While Grievingt i m & k e l l i f r e d i n

Loss of those we love strains our relationship with God and begins a journey to recapture our joy. How can we continue to abide in Christ while grieving? How can we come alongside loved ones while they are grieving? Tim & Kelli will speak with us on holding onto Christ during life’s most challenging moments.

Abiding in Christ Through the Seasons of Motherhoodk a r i n l i v i n g s t o n

What does it look like to abide in Christ as a young mother? As a mother to teenagers? As a mother to adult children? Gather with us for encouragement on how to abide in Christ as we mother during various, or even difficult, seasons.

Partners in Parentingj a m e s & b e t s y l e c h l e r

Communication in marriage is vital, especially when you and your spouse are in conflict or have different parenting philosophies and ideas. Learn how the Lechlers abide in Christ and grow in unity as they parent biological and foster children.

Spring Tea

Come celebrate another year as we gather over an array of tea sandwiches, scones, and sweets.This last meeting is a delightful time of fellow-ship with treasured friends.

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