Page 1: vot: xm ASBURY PARK, NEW JERSEY, OCTOBER 6, 1888 No. 40. · H. B. BEEGLE, (Late H. B. Beegle St Son) * BEAL ESTATE and; INSURANCE AGENT, •* ^2 Uiit^TnM, Cesafitrion, X, J. Tx>ans

vot: xm ASBURY PARK, NEW JERSEY, OCTOBER 6, 1888 No. 40.

j K'. w. mrraioKj-iir i>. • -' « _ JllorooeopatUIo rhyslo lan and Surgeon.

Cor.- CoofcmaQ St Bangs a vs., Asbnry Park, IT, J ; ,: H onrs; until 10a. n*,,and a f te r4 p .in .

, H. S' pNMONTTIvar. D., • ;' . Corner G rand and Asbury Avenues,

Offloo Honm —7 to 9 a m ., 1 to 2 p. m „ 8 to 8 p .tt .

i m finiJCE S. KEATOB,■ Bomosopathlo Physician and Surgeon.

G raduato of both schools._ .■■ ■ Cor. A eburyavento and B erg t street; IIourB—iFntllB a, m .K7 to 9 p. m.Teiepbone connections. .

JA M E 8 B.-' BDRNET, M. I). -

10 Cbestnul Streol, Newark, N .J .

Office Hours—)8 to 12 a. m,, 6 to7p . m.

' Bundnys—8 to l6 a .n i . , 6 lo T p -m .SPECIALTY—DISEASES *OP* THE NASAL PA8-


y f f lX . 1. G IL V A . W., P. D.,

\ Pnoumatopathlfit, or Mental neater,* - 400 Sewail avonuo,'Cor, Heck street.Offioo hours 7 to -10, 12 toS .C to 9. •

^ F.* PAWLEY, .. . \S D E ^ m B T , "

.. 616 Bangs avo., -v A sbury P a rk , N . J .

J )R . S. T* SLQCUM, .

• DENTIST,Ofllce—204 M ala St., opposite Railroad-Station*

Qas administered." ‘A sb u ry P a rk ,N .J .

a . b. botitoiu, t>. d . a r. o . burton ,, d . d . s . DV RTO N BROTHERS,” R « n l« le n i D c n t i i i t a , .

- Donn Bnlldtnc, 606 Cookman ave-, Asbnry Park. New. York Office— C9 V e s t 3 Ifch st.

O as adm inistered. Appointments m ade by tele-, p h o n e o rb y ro a ll . ' H o a r t: > a . m. to 5 p .m . M T rs o f “ ZOZO ’’—the no-w preparation fo r

cloanalng an d preserving tho Teotb,

L U . SEYMOUR. D. 1>. 8.• n i E u r x x e w ,

jOfflco 45 Cookman avenue, near Em ory s tre e t .Mechanical work a specialty.

* , ' ' Difficult operations solicited.


Attorneys-at-LaW, Solicitors & "Masters in Chan*, eery. Mikado Building, Cookman Av.,- A sbury r a r e , N; J , ’ r:--*


A ttom ey-at-Law, Solicitor, M aster in Chancery - and Notary Public.

Special a tten tion friven to exam ination o f Titles, • Ac.

Office In Cook’s Building,' , Aebtiry P ark , New Jersey,

ALFRED D. BAILEY,- , .-*»• A ttomey-at-Law, Solicitor' and .-M aster in.

— • Chancery and N otary Public, v Special a ttention o f te n to collection o f claims.

• Ofllce In Mikado Building, Asbnry Park.

£)AV1D HARVEY, J r., ------ ------- ;

A tto rn oy-at-law , Solicitor, M aster and Exam iner . ■ - In Clmneory,' N otary Publio..

v "■" ' -‘ Asbnry P qrk ,N . J y .


Attorooy-at-IjRW iancl "Solicitor In Chancery,> ‘Address^lVO. Box lOIM, AsbitTy Park, N. J .

. H ewrt M. Nkvuib,Counsellor a t L a w

, XT EV riT8* WILSON,. Law i

E omvnp W iw as, - . A ttorney a tL aw .



303 Third oivenno, Aabury Park., TEACHER OF MUSIC—Plano, Organ a n d Theory


a r c h i t e c t ;MIKADO BUILDING, *

-P . O; Box 856.'' - ASBURY PARK, N .J .

M B S . R O S A L I N E Y , R I P I iE Y ,

TEACHER OF PIJIIIO, ORGAN AND THEORY.Foreign an d American flngetinjr. T e r ra ^ ? I5 for

SO lessons, payable a t iWlt lesson. ‘

H. B. JOHNSON, Practical Watchmaker,

Dealer in f tn o Watjobes, Jew elry, Spootaelcs*c. W atches and Jew elry repaired a t City Prices.

Main ntreet, nairjOookmaa i7«nne,a b b d r v p t a k i N . r r

GEO. M. BENNETT,HOUSE PAINTINGin a il I(s branches. Hardwood finishing, G rain­

ing:, Calolmlnlng, &o. • Eatlraatoa f urtilallei on applloatioti.

L.‘ Box’gisa, Ocean Grove. N. J .

C O O K H O W L A N D ,

Architect & Duilder.Building plana exeOntod and a ll w ork promptly

done. . . —h—Offlee In Cook’a Building, Main s tree t 'and

-- Cookman avenno. ABbrtrr Park


Blacksmith and Horseshoeiv■ Carriage w ork In all Its branches.

' CARRIAGE PAINTING AMD TRIMMING- ’• |In tho finest style o f decorative a rt.

Main street and First avenue,‘ ^ - A S ll in tf TAEK.

-A f iO N LIPPIHCOTT,Carpenter & BdpderJobbing in all branolics prom ptly and carefully

a t te h d e d to .’Realdonco—602 F irst avenue,

. ' P . O ..B or 282. ASBURY PARK, N. J.


C O W D Y & P ITC H ER ,Carnages,, and Manufactu­

rers of Harness.nU pnoM ltorles—-A n b a ry P a r k , R<kI D n n k

' v ‘ n n d T o m a Blveir*

D A N IEL C .jD Q V ERT ;No. 87 Pilgrim P a th w ay Oceaji Groye, N, J .,

G E N B H A L . A Q E N T, . . --FOR THE---- -Purchase, Sale and Denting o f R eal E s ta te ,.Also Propectyv Insured In firs to t ass companies, im p ro v em en t made for non-residents, - proper­ty eared for, Loans negotiated an 4 .Oolloctions m ado. Correspondence eolioited. V. O. Bos 8180.

Tents,-Awnings, Flags." Foltlnj? fo r boilers a n d steam pipes.

S: H EM M EN W AY,- 6 1 6 C c c lm a n Ave.. A sb u ry P o r t , H. J ,. S aillo fta , CO R^nth g t„ N n y -York City, ; .HTHEsTIEj F E / p T I T S ,

C O N F E C T I O N E R Y , H a l l o f ^W lorldn O r m v g e t , C » .

t m r b n nn<J M n l» K *a n d lu iu riea of m any doscriptionfl, o a p b e found

^atthenew etO T O pf.^? . .WASHINGTON WHITE,, . . “


'i^pBERT T. GRAYATT, .k® ; ’m L ' ■ •5 ' d u u k i n ^ . . r

Stoves, Heaters, Ranges,t i n w a r e ; A c -

Cookman av., near Bond st., A SBtTRY P A B K . N. J .


0f"Flrsl>olaM w o rk a t low ra to « .^ ^ | .


. ,7 2 y CookmaiiAve. •• G e n ts ’ F u r n ish in g s .


Ladles1 drosses dyed in a ll the .newest shades. Feathers dyed to a u co lors. Gentlemen's cloth­ing cleaned, dyed and pressed, equal to,new.

A ^ n t to i A?« nH Park.

H E N R Y DOREN,' . (Sncoessor to G. W. Read,)


Suita m ade to o rder guaranteed to flt. Cleaning and Repairing.


Hardwood' w ork a specia lty : ordorfl promptly attended to a id w ork .ti on o'In lirst-class manner.

M anuiactnrcr of s to rm Doors, Window and Door Screens. Orders left a t D. II. WyokoflV paint store, or received by mall, will be promptlyattended lo. ; . <Ti* - '

Rosldonco—N. E . Cor. Aabttry avotm oand Main street-. P. O. Box C0T», ASBURY PARK, N. J.

A . A. TAYLOR, Mason and Builder,

Bricklaying and Plastering In a ll branches . ©7 M asonry work.

Jobbing promptly attended to.P. O. Box C97. • Office, 783 Mattlson avonne


Carpentefv<& Builder.P lans and specifications furnished. Jobbing

prom ptly attended to . Best o f reference given. "ItcsldB hce-JIrst ave., be t Bond an d Emory fcta. - Shopand Office—F irst ave. and Main at.

P .O . Box 748. ASBURYPARK.

The Old and Reliable Brand.

Vane, Calvert & Co.An i n n M 1 Hand,

All Desirable Slafles of Color.------ --------- - t H t

N, E. Buclianon & Co.Bole Agonta fo r S U toofN ow J e r w y . '

1 3 f prices low to p a in te rs ahd Conanmors. Lllioral arrangem enta m ade w ith dealers.

M A I N S T . A N I > A S B U R Y A V E .

John A. Oithens & Co.. M annfactnrers of. and wholesale a n d ' •

reta il dealers In

Mattresses, Bedding,FEATHERS, Etc.

FACTORY NO. 143 MAIN ST.\ ' U pS tatra ,

Renovating' Mattreeses a Spodalfcy,Telephone Connection.

M . M . C R O SB IE ,Successor to David CatiwrlBbt'. ^

Plain j j I, tosiiffllil p r .T ar Paper, iW tU fn g Paper, Tw o a n d '

s Three-ply Roofing Paper.P . O . B o * 8 0 2 . A w b n ry P a r k , N . L


Kow'occupy.the new brick building e f J. Heury . • Applegate, on -a.>-

• M attison A venue, n e a r B ond S treet,

frhcre they aro prepared to estim ate on a ll k inds

cr PL'JHBiiii, IAS audsieak nrriKi!.• They do none other thaii first-class work; an d all plumbin? will he done a lter the moet approved sanitary methods.

R e p a i r in g ; p r o m p t l y a t t e n d e d to .

H .C .M A R R Y O T T ,Contractor and Builder,Eatlraatoa.tarnished for every desarlptlon o f

w ork, Jo b b ln fa ttcn d o d fco promptly. 'Residence— -

. Coi. Sewail Ave. and Emory S t.,.t o t ttofJIO A S B P R V P « B K , yr. J .

JO H N H UBBARD ,Practical House Painter,

A 5 { i r i 4X t> i:H H A ^ iO E ll .

Restdonco Cor. F ifth ayenuo and Bond strbot,

Xook Box 075. • ' ASBlJltY PARKIN. J. .

JOS. L. DURR AH,'v',* .!P la ,s t© x © r,505 TH IRD A VEN U E,." • v ' .fobbing prom p^y attor\dBd t-6,'

GEO. C. ORMEROD.C fflS iC M AND. B1L1P,, -4 A S B D R Y P A R ^C , N* J .Established 187S. Jobbing prom ptly a tifed w l

' ,• to , • Best o f reference rflven,. .Ofllco nnd RonMuioO, * . ^


j g s t a t * g l 8 « » d f 0.

F.C/BRAEUTIGftlVl,Real Estate and Insurance!

Hotels, Boarding Houses an d Cottages to JU>t, to r Sale and Exchange. : Spoelal atten tion glvon to draw ing mcirtgagos, leases an d deeds a t short notlcoj office - •


p . O. Box 17- H ea r Main et,, Asbnry"Park, N. J .

H. B . BEEG LE,(Late H. B. Beegle St Son) *


•* 2 Uiit TnM, Cesafitrion, X, J.Tx>ans Negotiated and Legal Papers Drawn

H. B. BftEQLE, Notary i^nbllq aiid Cemmissioncr o f Reeds fo r 'Ncw Jersey, Pennsylvania and th a lM tr le t o f Columbia. '

Bargains i n Real EstateLO T S A N D IM P E O V E D PHOP-

E R T Y A T N O R T E BP1UNQ L A K E .Improved Property and Lota a t'P o in t pleasant-

cheap Tor cash. • . . . .Lo& .atM anhasset for Sale o r Exchange. 200

f e e t ©f Bay fron t, su itable fo r a w harf: Tho only Bay front In the m arket fo r sale in th a tvicinity. Will be'sold cheap. . -------

L ot 25x125 fee t on Sixth avenue, n ea r the ocean, Asbury Pa*k.

I f you w an t to bny o r rent, any property any- wbore’along tho coast

... Apply to R. M. WORTHINGTON, - 'Cor. Sewail av- and Emory St., Asbnry Park.

Or W. T. Stbbbt, Point Pleasant, N. J .. W. H. F ottbk, Spring la k e , N. J .


Porsona wishing t o R ent, Pnrohaso or Sell a t the above places, o r owners having cottages to ren t fo r season of 1886, and desiring to place them ,in m y hands, w ill receive special a ttention. For fa rth er p articu lars o r maps, address

K. WRIGHT, Box 108, Asbury Park.. i Cor. Cookman an d Sewail A m , A. Park.

otQcea * I O. IL B row n 's store; N orth Spring Lake.N. B.—1 havo som e cottages a n d lo ta for salo

cheap, e a sy 'te rm s ; a lso a num ber o f cottages for rent.


ELECTRIC LIGHT—rAND----- r -• ■*

P O - W ^ JB C O .


Railroad, near First avenue*

Furnishes R leotrlo-A rc ' and Incandescent lights .at arty 'location.


President—MYRON S. COULD,Vice Pre8't—RDMUND O. HARRISON.Treasbrer-JO H N IlOC’K AFErLttlt7 Seo'y an d BiSp’tr-QEO. ,M. LANE.


Myron S. Gould, , fleo. F. Kroehl, Kdmtimlfl. Harrison, John C. MacMurray. John Itoekafollor, Coo. A. Smock,

Qeo. M. Lahe,

^Vhcn it t s a well-known fac t th at

BOURNE’SEnglish Tonic

byspepsia PillswJU jffitJpnJy g iro ease , b a t perm nnently cure {lirdffieatlop.iDyapepsIa, o r any; gastrlo trodblo. '-’

F o r Sale" by.all Druggists.

W e s l e y h u g c in s ,

, F lans aiid -specifications t furnished. Jobbing promptly a ttended to. Bjcsfc of rofofenco -glvon.Residence—ltW Mt. Carmel Way , Ocean Grovo.

P . O. Dox W .Aabury P ark , N. J.

LADIES ID o T o t t r O w n D y e in g * a t H o m e , w l t t i

PEE R LE S S DYESThoy will dyo every th ing . They a re so ld Overy Where. Price 10c. a paoboire—-40-cclora. They haTemo equal for" S ttong tliilirieh tn <«8,Amount In P a c k a g e s ^ lo r Pasfnees o f C olor,or non-fad- ‘ " lU tlr ' ------* — --------- -

p B H N S V I V A M A B A l L B O A B .

’• On an d afte r. October 1, 18S6, nuxNs lx av b x m m ar »*a,rx

For Now York. N ew ark , Bllaabotb, Rahw ay Red Bank, Long Branch and lotoroiedlate sta tio n s , a t 0.50, 8.10 a . m ., , p. m.

Kiprofia fo r Now Y ork, Nowa>k, Ell«abeth and LottK Branch, a t 7,45 a . m. -■ \ -

For M atawan, 0.50, 0.10 a. m ., 1.10, 6.J50 p. m. * For Long Branch, 0.o0, 7.48/ 9.10 a. ra ., Liu, 5.30

For^h^adelphla,(Inroad St. ,)Trentbn, fcrlnoeton,- MoQmouth Jnnctlon .Froebbld an d S e a Girt, 7.43 a . m ., 15.27, 4.00, 5.88 p . m .

For Philadelphia, Through Express, a t 7.20 a. to. For Camdon, Burlington,Bordentown and points

. oii .the Amboy Division, via. Berkeley and Tom s River, a t *0.40 a . tn., 2.45 p. m,*

For Cam don,Burlington, an d Eordentow n, (via.Trenton,) 7.20 a. In ., 15.27, 4.00 p . m . Yla.

< Jam eebutg, 5.8a p. «n. rF o r Tom s River, Island Heights, and interm edi­

a te sta tions, a t *0.40,11.05 a. in., 2.45 p. m. F o r P o ln tP leasan t, a n d in term ediate stations, a t

5.50, •0.40, 11.05 a . m .,aO L 2.45,6.00*7.00 p, tn. .ins lmavs hkw touk (via.^Do8broB9CB and C ortlandt Sts. ferries) ro n A snnar p a s s •

A t 8.50, B.10 a . nu,* laOOnoon, 4.80, 6.00 p . m. •W ill n o t run a fte r October 15. t ra c k s n u n Fano-DxtPBiA (Broad S t ) r o n

a s n n a r p a b k *’A t 0.60, aoo. 11.15 a . m ., 3.80, 4.00 p. m. Mar­

ke t S t., v ia. Camdon ahd T renton—S.20,7.20, 10.89 a . m ., 2.80 p . m . Y la.vJam esbnrgi’ 7.20 a. m ., 4,00 p, m. Y la. Toms River and Berkoley, 8.30 a. m;, |4.00 p. m.

$Wlll n o t run a fte r October 18. 'J . R . WOOD, Gm 'l Pom. A qL

CHA8 . B. PUGH. Qen'l'Jfanaaer. >


Time Table, In effect October l , 1888.

Station* In New York—C entral R .IL o f .Now JeT- oey, foot of Liberty S tre e t ; P. JL IL, fo o t o f C ortland t and Desbrosses Streets; N. J . South­ern Railway, foo t o f Rector St.

m uvx m n r took r o a asbubt r> n x , Ac.Central R. R. of N. J .-4 .0 0 ,6.15, *J1.15 a m.f 1.80,

*»»>, 4.00, *4.80,0.15 p. m.Pennsylvania-3.80, *0.10 a . m ., 1S.OO m ,, *4.90,

5.00 p . ra. ’N . J . Southern Railway—10.15 ai m ., *3.45, B.00

.p .m .Leave Newark, Broad f i t Station, fo r AsbuiT

Pane. Ac. — 8.2B, 11.20 a . m „ 1.85, 4.00, 4.35,6.90 p . m . M arket 81. S tetloa-a.59, 9,38 a. m., 4.44,5.S0p. m.

- u u n AM trar p a b k r o a w*w t o b k . *o .Central R . R. of N. J.-C .1 5 ,7.25, *8.00,10.50 a. m.,

S.CO. 4.10,7.J5 P. inrPennsylvania—(UK), *7.45, £1.10 a. <in., 1.10, 5.80

p .m . 'N. J . Southern—0.{0, 7.40 a. m., 4.45 p. m.F or Philadelphia and Tronton, via. Bound Brook

Route—«. IB, 7.25 a.tru, 12.35,2.00,4.10p.m.F or Coean^Beaoh, Spring Lake and Sea Girt—

B.65, C.14, 0.40. 7.20. 7.43, 10. E0, 11.05 a. |n., 12.5*0.13.27, LOO, 2.01,2.48, 8.80, 4.00, 6.02, 5.88, 5.88, 5.65, O.UO, 6.11, 0.M, 7.00, 8.10 p .m .

F or Manasquan and Poin t Pl easant— 0.14, fc.40, 10.20. 11.05, a . m.. 12.20. 100. 2,01. 2.45. aa o , fi.fta. 5.88, b.m , o.oo, o .n , o,M, 7.t>o, a i i)

For*1 Philadelphia, v ia. . Sea Girt—1*7-20, 7.42, a . no., 13.27,4.00, *5.83 p. m . ■

For stations on P. I t It. to Camden and interme­diate points, 0.41 a. mr, 2.45p.m. F or Toma River, a . m - 2.45 p. m .

•—Express. HDFOS BLODGETT, 9upC.H. P. BALDWIN. O. J \ J . C .B . &. <if AT. J. ■

J . R. WOOD, den'I Pat. Adt. P. B .S ,


For Saratoga, Lako George, Cataldll Motmtalaa and Hudson River, Only all-rail line, Draw­ing-room cam throngh w ithout change.

Leave Anbury Park tfr Oecan Grove, a t 0 10 a. m., 1.10 p. m .

Leave Long Branch, P. I t I t , a t 9.30 a . m.; 1.80 .p. m. \

Leavo New York, foot of Ja y Street, N .R ., a t i>.4©. 11.15 a. m., 8.‘45,6.40 p. m. .1

Leavo Now York, foot W est4M S t , a t 0.BC. tl.30 a. m.,8.4fi, 6.00p. m. „

Leave Jersey City, Ponn. R. I t Station, 11-20 a. tn.> 3.80 p. m .

Arrive K in g to n (Catskill 3[ountains) a t 13.50, • 2.20.025 , 8.83 p .m . .

Arrive PhoBnecIa, 8.80, 7.B1 p . j n . .Arrive Grand Hotel, a t 4.25, 8.45 p. m;Arrive Catskill, a t 1.40, 8.14,.7.00, 9.15 p. m.Arrive Cairo, ac 4.85,8.00 p. m;A rrive Mountain House station, a t 4.15,8.00 p. m. Arrive.PalenYilIo, a t 4JOi 8.06 p. m . •A rrive Albany, a t aoo, 4.40, a 10,10.25 p. m. Arrive Haratoga, D. A H. Co's R, I t , a t 4-20, ISO,

0.25 p. m., i .io a . m.Arrlvo Cal«lwell (Lako Ooorgo) I). A IL Co’a IL R , ....." *18,10 p .m .Arrivo Utica, a t 5.29,7,20 p. m., J3.45 p. m.

Through tickets sold from all stations o n N . Y. & L. B. i t. R. Baggage checked through to des­tination.

Magnificent drawing-room cars Tor Saratoga, Caldwell <Lako George) and Catskill Mountains, and from Jersey City for.Phronocla (Hotel Kaat- ersk tllau d M ountain llouso), an d LongB ranch to Saratoga. Drawing-room 'car on 0.10 a. m. tra in from Aabury Park to Saratoga w ithout change, • Dally exoopt Sunday.

Saratoga specials run to an d from Jersey City sta tion of- Penn. I t IL Saratoga and Lake Georgo speolais run via. Albany. ' -

0. 3L LAMBKET, Otn't R w t. Apt.5 V anderbilt a re ., New York.

f t B C E l i O L D A I I U N E W Y O R K R . II*

In efTect Sept. 11,1888. .ra iiK s’w ru , lxavb r o a ra*snoi.D ab po l l o w s : W p e AflaUry Park—17.25, -10.50-a. m*, 1.10, 4.10

Leave'L ong Branoh—7.40, 11.10 a . -b l , 1.30, 4.80 • ’ p . n». • • - •;

Leave Branoh port—7,43, 11.14 a. m ., 1.83, 4.83 ■ pi. m . v.

Leave Little Silver—7,43,11.19 a . m ., 1.88, 4,88

Leave Red Bank—7 5 8 ,11.80 a . mM L4S,4* mt Leave M iddletown-^8.00ril;.n a. m ., 1.60, 4.53

p . in . • . . . 1 •'-> .LBAVX VAT A WAN POn FngXHOUC.

5.30,a i l , 9.33 a,mu, 12.18. 2.89, 5 .» , 6.10,7.26p. m.

9.00,11.15a . m ., 2,05,4.80. 5JIO o.. m.J . B. RALPH, Sup’t.

C H A N O B O r T I M E .

Steamer “ Elberon.”____ -

On and afte r Septem ber 15th, the steam er "E lb ero n M will leave Hew York, Franklin street pier, for Sea Bright, Pleasure Bay and Branch- porfc (Long Branch), o n Mondays, Tuesdays^ WedncsdayB, Thursdays'and Fridays, 9 a .m .

liGave Branchport on Mondays a t 11^0 a . m.; Tuesdaysi Wednesdays, Thuradays and . Fridays a t 2.^0 p, mr- - ,

This boat w ill n o t leave 3$cw York 011 Mon* days; j non,Branchport o a Saturdays^

• FAKE, 40ots. . EXiajBSION, OOets'

Artistic Printing.

M aterial— iiieban.




— ^' ■ t \ ‘ J ' - ; v , .. ’

, A SPU R Y -PA R K .,


7 i$ 'M a t t is o ^ ' A v e ,

I C o a l I f l s t a t o C o n v e y a n c e s *

' l l r t o f conveyances, Honm oathi C ounty G lerk’a cfflce, fo r tho 'w ook en d in g 8opL,^i), I8881 ■ . *.* 1 -

: ASBURT PAHK. •. ■ ■Anna A. M. Clark'to Charles Schwfcger-Mota BOS

andfilM. 81. j vPctefQ. Wilson, by. Sheriff, to TcnBroeck

atout-dotW l. Wot. -- C. W. Buckelow to Zacharlah Hankins—nart-of Ot lot 086. 8800. •'

OCEAN O ilO V B.f . . tWm. H. Pago to Jos. C. W. Btau t - I o t 180. 91. ' Job, 0 . \V. Stout to Marion A ; Page—lot 180. 91. Tho Ocean Grovo Camp Meeting Association to

Charles Rogers—lots 1347; 1349.1860. » 'Bosan C. Bull, by Ex 'rx , to Emma L. Zabrlskle

—lot 688. $500 . 'Em m aL. 2abrisklo to Ellon M. Franklin—same

lo t. 81,400. - ■NEpnrtrB TowNsnip, ' ■/'. \'r~-

Eastwood White to Andrew I . W hi to—lot, Nep­tune township. fl.OOO. ■ ' •" yi

Stephen Bargot to Roderick S. Cotteno—lot Nep- tah c township.'82DK > '. J ^ la h S. Lano to Sidney T. Hampton—lo t West

Asbhry ra rk . 8300.Mount Prospect Cemetery Co. to Whltefleld

Smith—cemetery plot. 8C0. 'aUBtflHXANBOOb.

Lewis B.1 Brown to Wary E., Cugel—lots 12 and 12 8, a t Elberon. 81, &o.

Margaret A. Covert to Wra.Wcst—1 aero meadow land Ocean township- $100. 1

Brielle Land Association to Annio W, Fuller— lo t 182 Wall township. WOO.

Orecn Grovo Cemetery Co, to George M.’ Young —lot 408 on m ap of saitLcdmotery, Raritan town­ship. $30.: Jo h n E , Bhafto to Robert E. Shafto—11 acres Shrewsbury township. W,000.

Wm. G, lla ll et nl. to Eawli* D. Shropo— lot 67 a t. Halberton a iu a re , near Long Branch. $350.

Wm, G. H all et al, to George W. Watson—lot 91 a t Halberton Square, near Long Branch. 8200. “—- Dennis 1>. McKoon to James Orr—lota Ocean township. 810. '

PbaJbe A. Lane el al. to Stoward Cook at.—5 45-100 acres Eatontown township, (436. .’ Wm. R. Jollne ft HI. to samor-samo property, IL

Wm. R .ltlaps to Susie May Britton—lot 'Long Branch, taw . • ' -

Christian Orlmm to BenJ. B. F. Parker—lot Mid­dletown township. 8100,

Charles A. Poole to George Vanhnel—lot Eaton­town. township. 8225. '

Tho Atlantic Highlands Association to Ander­son Ewing*-lot 562 Attanllo Highlands. f70.

Same to Mary E tta Ewing—lot 553 same place, tto . *

Lewis B. Brown to Isaao B, W hito-2 lots at EI- beion. fOOO,

Samuel P. Jewell to Elias II. Conover—tracts of land Howell township. 8800.

Briello Land Association to Andrew J . Long- street—lot a t Brielle. $200.

Mary McClane'to Catharine B. Tilton—D acres Middletown township. $200 per year. ,' Chas. -A. Poole to Iaal ah S. Lane—lot Eatontown township. II.^A ndrew J . McConnell to Eliza J. McConnell—lotAi. Union.-81.-----— h - - - ------— r~ — ~—

John W, Chandler, by Sheriff, to CorneUnaO«- bom —lot Red Bank. 1539. ,

Peter 8enller to Brannin Newbury—tot near Souan Village. 150. .

Thorndike Saunders by Shorlff, to Rmroa Saun­ders— lot in Ocean township.' W,650 -

W illiam H. B en n ett‘to Jam es P. B. Bonnett— farm In Atlantic township.. | | . .. Jamea P. B, Bennett to Annlo E . B e n n e tt- same property. 8L• Henry Youmans by Shorlffj to Jo n a th an Y. Morrlsr-8 acres in Ocean township. $300.

Jonathan Y. Morris- to Cpntent Emily King— same proporty. $450. •---

John Uewman tta l. to R uth McClaren -365-100 acres In Wall township. 81.

Rtith McClaron to william H. Woolley—same property. $S80.

Emma B avatt by Ex’r to Charles E. Child et al.'* —io t a t K oyport 11,150,

Jam es Poling to The Second Keyport Loan As­sociation—lot a t Keyport, $700.

Edward Ai W alton et ad. to Deborah A ..Dennis lot a t Monmouth Bcach. $350.Lydia 6. Minton to Abel Coleman—lo t a t Long

Branch. $279.; . „Franklin Wands, to Jam es Kearney el ai.—lota

In Ocean township. 110.000.rSL, Howard Maps el at. to Catherino Taylor—

cemetery plot. $35. , . •- Ju d ith Delaney by n elrs , t o Bernard- Delaney —lo t a t Keyport. 11.

White iifdgo Cemetery Association--------- 2oometery plots. $16.

Sarah A. Teaadale to Herm an L. Lehr—lo t a t Keyport. $500.

JsTae! B udd to H. L. Lohr—Iot a t same place..8900,

Charles R, Lecompt to GoorgoB. Locompt eial. —14 acres lu Howoll townehip. $70.

O. G rodrlck to Bridget Finley—8 89-100 aoroa in Qcean townahip. $75.

Jam es Down to John Loftns—a acres in Mid­dletow n township, 8fl0 „ .

RIohard Q,,Taylor et al. to TheKoyport Oyster- m en’s Protoctlvo Association—undivided 5-9 c f l o t a t East Point. $111.11. <. _

N o F a i t h in W i ld P ro m ise s *Rev. Daniel Dorchoator, o n e o f the leading

M ethodist m in isters^and tem perance w orkers In N ew England, to lls tn th e following /cbh- Vlnplog l^ ttec jy b y he wili n o t th row aw ay hla voto o n th ird -p a rty cand idates. l i e s a y s :

“ X am asked w hy, as a tom peraoce rerorm - -'or. ,E rem ain in the R epublican party , whllo othor tem perance poop lo have le ft I t ? r A nsw er: I am n o t aw are th a t m any tem p er- ahco prfoplo have left tho Bopublican party . N ot 8 p e r cen t. In 188t w o r i tin to 'th e T h ird p a rty ,.a n <3 p robab ly 90 p or cent, o f a ll In the N o rth who fav o r the moro rad ical tem perance m easure a r e notv in tho Republican p a rty , I p refe r to rem ain, in th e old ran k s an d w ork w ith the g rea te r m ass o f Eemperanco peoplo w ho iare m ore concerned^ to prom ote tem per- anco than to bn ild u p ap a rty .

14 T he Idea o f a prohibition p a rty to enforce a p rohib ition policy, w;blch T hird p arty Icadr ‘e ra reitera te , sounds ’ well an d ia very m is­lead ing to those who h ave n o t tu o u g h t tho m a tte r tb roqgb . P rofessor Baseomb, the ab les t exponnder o f th is theory, say s: *Tho. S ta te iilu e t bo officered fM jit'top to Ijottonj on ' th la basis, e lecting th e oiucfcTe, frotii^nclgc tp ju stice s o f th e peace. govern’orB.'iTia^tsrB ah d alderm en and policem en, a n d m ust hold the pow er fo r a dozon years or sa;-*T&Birtt 6 a ir enfo rce p rohib ition .’ Thla is tbo Jdeat schem e tbo T h ird p arty is e n te rta in in g ,, a n d ^Bome euoh m achinery th ro u g h all tbo tow ns ahd c ities o f a S ta te will indeed be necessary to ju stify tholr theory of a prohib itory p a rty b e ­h ind a p rohib ition policy to enforco it. B n t w h a t a . v a in delusion. W here is the S tate , especially if i t h as any larg e cities* w hich la

officered from top to bottom ,* and in all its m unicipalities, bv th e -p a r ty th a t holds tho Btato .o iflceaf--N ot one can bo m entioned. T he D em ocrats a re now in the ascendancy Jn the Stato o f Now York, b u t largo a reas of tho S tato aro R epublican, and when tb eR e p ab lb cans havo held tb e g ra te ofHeea In New York, -the D em ocrats havo held Now Y ork City, and m any o th er tow ns a n d cities. T he sam e is trn e o f all o lher States, ap d yet these Ideal p a rty builders w ould postpone tho,great In te r­ests o f tho tem perance reform r w ould hedge an d o bstruc t the efforts o f }those who by un partisan m ethods i^ek to p ro tec t tbe home a g a in st th e saloon- a titir 'ih ls impossible jw llt- leal-conception ean bo realized. On th is V is­ionary basis they m ake e x trav ag an t prom ises a n d predictions—their principal stock In trado. I t Js an old tric k of. b an k ru p ts th a t they a re tavlfib w ith prom ises t o 1 pay. 8 0 a political p a rty th a t Is b n llt npon a h a lla c ia a - tlon can never b e eolvejit e ither In p resen t or prospwJfclve resu lts .c I t costa one n o th in g .to offer ‘ all tho kingdom s of tho w o rld / when he does not_pwtj A:rood o f.lan d ... Foe. these reasons I a m a liepubU cau and su p p o rt Uar- rlBon and 'M orton in tb ifp re sen t cam paign .”

B u i l d 11 1 KT C o n t r a c t s .JriLSn TO AND IKCI-VDINO SEtT. 29,-A. W . C raikflhank w Jth !Jo h tt L ow eth -

addlHOtrto house a t Highland Bcach. 11,000. .2384—Joseph F. Bray with-..0. E, DavlsT-new

house near lied B an k -13,300.2385—Normnn L. Munro with James Cloughly

and Sons—8 bouses a t Long Branch. 14.455.2380—Donald A. Mauson with Kobort Finegan—

maaou work 2 buildings a t Long Branch. $685 each.

2887—Holmes W. Murphy with Thomas Skid­more— new house a t Atlantic Highlands. 81,COO.

2388—Dewitt Farry w ith Joseph Robblna—now hooso at----- . 11,400.' - •

2889-Sarah Jane BlI^s w ith Joseph Robbina— new house a t — . 82,400.

2390—Mortimer Hendricks with Richard H. Hughes—addition to houso a t Lour Branch. 1760.

23ai—Graoo M. E. church with Wja, Sphnning—■ brick work. 86 per thousand.

2SS3—Charles- B. Alexander w ith Charles L, Walters—addition to house a t ----- . 88,901.

23t»--Frank Dennis with Monroo Y. Poole— mason work, houso a t Long Branch. $504,-239 i—fit. Mlchoel’a Church-w ith-M ouroo -V: Poole—maaou work, church building a t Elberon. W75. • . ' v7-----

2395—Baatey & Burns with J. W.- Stansfield— brick work houso a t Long Branch. 81.G0 per thou­sand, ,

2395—Jamea toglls, Jr., -vrilh George H. Ander­son— alteration house at Ocean. Grovo. 11,800.

2397— Frank Dennis w ith Enos Applfcgate—car- pchtor w ort houso a t Lone Branch. 8285. ’

2398-r-Bmll Rin ke with Tnoniiis Skldmoro—now - house at Atlantic Highlands.. 82,090.40.

2300—Wm; Letts with Thomas Skidmore—neMr building a t A tlantic Highlands. 51.7G0.

240flM3r— ---------------iroOW, Byratnw ith Titus Jc Conrad— at Asbury P r- '- 'Ications ft

___ ...„_ .undT .M eyci—alteration to house a t L01

jiew honso24dl—flpei__ ______________2<02-«Iegmund T. Meyer w ith Joseph C. Pottel-

„ . . ____ j ai Asbury Park. ®39,Bu-2-101—fipeolflcations for above.

jOiig Branoh. 12,800. a yn tii Joseph Robbins—SrloJ—Kdward B. Morris ________

new house at Long Branoh. 81,509.MOt—Janies Ronan^tJJh CarmaU‘A Ilo lb ro o k -

new house at Koy East. $1,900.

. O c to b e r H lftK azincs, ‘ w• - THE OENTDItX:

closes the' flfoth volum e a n d lB th year o l th ^ t periodical. T hu fron tisp iece o t the num ber Is a p o r tra it o f th e late E m m a , L azarns, a Jew ish poet of N ew Y ork ; a n d In. tho b ody o f ' the m agasino ap p ears a sym pathetic sludjr o f th e genius an d ’ persona,ltty. o f t h i s ‘m ost In teresting 'w om an.

T he opening illu stra ted article o f tbe num ­b e r Is a p ap e r by Itichaird Jefferies, on " A n E nglish Deer-Park,*' w ith Illustra tions by A lfred P arso n s an d Bryan Ilook . T heodore Roosevelt Icloses h is Ranch series w ith a n a n e cd o ta l p ap er o n F ro n tie r T ypes,” the te x t b e ing .expanded by 0 huo lber of Rem ­ing to n ’s studies o f W estern ch a rac to r an d ifncldent8. A n o th er ilic stra ted a rtic le Is on “ A m erican M achine Cannon and D ynam ite O u n a *1

B ut to m ost readers tho m ost In te restin g a n d Im portan t illu stra ted a rtic le o f tho n um ­b e r w ill -doubtless fee G eorge K en n an 'a d e ­scrip tion of ** Tjio Tom sk ForwatdIng,Eriaot>” In his Beries on tho S iberian E x ile Syatetn.

The inataH m ent of the Lincoln eerlea is on P lans o f Cam paign,?’ a n d Is a fu ll a n d an-

t hor Ita tiro sta te m e n t o f LI ncoln’s reasons fo r In terference In. tb e co n d u ct o r th e w ar, in the early d ay s o f th e M cClellan regime. Tho fac t th a t Lincoln took tjp tbo stu d y o f w ar sc ien ­tifically is h ere b ro u g h t out.' A n o th er pap e r hav ing a w ar su b je c t is W a lt W hitm an’s m em oranda, m a d e .a t tho t t^ e , o f “ A rm y H ospitals an d Cases,’* giv ing-scenes am ong tho wounded soldiers ia W hlttnan’e Individual an d viv id proso stylo.

AU readers who aro Interested e ither In the reg u lar arm y o r the m ilitia w ill bo especially, a ttrac ted by a tlm o ly adrios of papers in this m o p th ’s Century on n O ar N ational M ilitary Sy8tem ,’'.b y :G e n . A. V. K autz, Col. J . i f . Rice, Gefl. G : W- ,W lugata a n d M ajor E . 0 / U ru a t Iu these p ap ers a ro dlscnssed theso sub jec ts s “ W hat tho U nited S ta tes A rm y Btiould Bo,” “ M ilitary E ducation and the V o lu n to er '.M illtia ,’^ and ‘JD u r N ational G u ard .’* '

I n top ics a re dleouased “ Tho Am erican -Y olunteer/iiiG en eral fiherldari,” “ Tbo Am en­ities o f Politics,” ** W ho Is the Genuine P a r ty M an P* 14 M anual T ra in in g ," and , i a Open Letters, "L lncd ln .as a M ilitary M an,” "L ow ­ell’s R ecent W ritings,” “ L ectures on Am er­ican H istory ,” “ Tho R ight Man ;for 0 1 r C hnrch ,” etc,

For. sale a t J e n k in s ’ s ta tio n e ry s tore.; 8 f . NIOHOtAB.

I n th is num ber ‘,‘T ^ o L ittle C onfederates*’ onds, and tliere la a th ird insta lm en t o f “ L it- tlo Ik e Totnplln,” te llin g o f hts eo jo u ra Ih ,ia well j cE elenT Jray C one describca a ‘‘go-as- you-please ?* race betw een “ The_C|villi:ed;

T f t s to aa t o N a m o R .

.. T astes differ as to nam es, o f course , and it. is Impossible to d raw a lln o , with a jl thfi'blieep on one s id e and. all tho gtfata o n -the other. Som e people th in k th a t J o lia a n d J a m e a a te excellen t nam es, while o th ers consider thom ugly an d com m onplace. Nam es lik e Cjiar- lo tto and C larence a re adm ired b y som e an d detested .by others. B at w hatever d lsagreo7 monfc as to p a rticu la r haracs m ay o ils t , It w ill bo te u n d th a t thoTe Is voty lit tle d lffe ^ euce o f opinion a s to the, p leasan t d iy inpleas- a n t sound o f a n y o ne’a f a ll title , f f l y ie s^ide double, :-triplo or q u ad ru p le In c ite i co n stru c­tion. . ■' '! .r ■

^Tho g race and beau ty o f a fulL nam e o r ti t le depend on certa in uncom prom ising con­ditions. I t shonld 'b e rythm icaf (fit. should no t bo tau to lo g ica l; i t shou ld con tain a snfH- olent quan tity of vowel and c onsonan t sounds; It should bo easily p r o n o u n c e a b le i t should n o t suggest u n p leasan t associations. F or o ia tn p lo : 0 ) Throe /ongm cnoayliafjfo iiatau»; in succession, like* •* Jo h n . P’a a l Jo n e s ,” are no t da de^MbTb aa a com bl nation of long an d short- quan tities, like •» O liver W endell Ho^mos.” (3) Tautological nam es, lik e “ John; Jo h n so n ” o r “ 'WlJIiam W illiam^” are an abom ination. (8) J‘ E lla E llis” is ioo m ooot- o n o u s ; i t would bA b e tte r to namo the child

K ate” o r « Marltfn.” {4) “ H enry 'W ad s­w orth Longfellow” sstfsdes a ll th^ foregoing conditions, b u t i t is n o t .easily pronounced, T ha w d rd ad o n o t vriu to g eth er smobtW y, aa tn . “ James Russell /Lowell.*’ (R).4,Bencdlct A rno ld” sounds w e ll( j tt t n o o n e would b^ ap t to give th a t n am e t o w inf a n t.

Since thoso co nd itlt ions a re Bo bbvlous and so easy o f fu lQ ldent, a n d s ince ttfe choice of names^is so wide, the p reva lence and. perelst- ence o f harab, aw kw ard nam es ,m uat b e a source of w onder an d disgust,. Even w hen th e su rn am e Is com m onplace, as ih th e noble arm y o f “ Sm iths” a n d “ Browns'.” o r even hopelessly uncou th , as In tbo ^ P o t t s ’* c r “ H ogg,” i t can bo softened a n d transQgured by a hap p y preflx,- ju s t ,a s Ingcnlo'us decor­a to rs beautify b a re walls -and unlovely a rti­cles o f fn rn lturo . .Thus “ Sydney Sm ith” an d “ G oldw lnS m ith” a n d ^Ballard^ jStnlth” .w®..!

^ oodrbac ies a t least in" this, th a t the ‘‘ Sm ltb’* p a rt Is overshadow ed, and , a s ‘I t were, elim ­in ated by the proflxes, which' a re so uncom ­m on th a t thoy Qugroaa th e a tten tio n .

B ut m any p aren ts a r e s o s tu p ld ab o u t th is th a t one w ould th in k th ey wero h a rd ly o ld er than their babiea. I t la Incredible th a t a n y C hristian should bo baptized ‘‘JudB s Iscar­io t,” b u t I rea d the o th er d a y th a t ono o f Robcoo Conkllng’s ancesto rs rejo iced in the

j n a m o A n a n i a s . ’* W htft could h ave pos- sesso'd th e p aren ts of th a t u n fo rtu n a te indi­v idual tp nam o him a fte r tbo typical l ia r off all tlm o T As Well m ig h t thoy h ave called him “ A pollyon” o r “ Boelzebnb.*’

Again, the m atter.o f in itials com es in for consideration as a fea tu re o f m inor, b u t still appreciable, im portance. N o m atte r - how sm ooth o r high-sounding .one's nam e m ay be, U will dull the o d g eo f-h is se lf-satisfaction If tho in itials spoil som e offensive word, The com poser o f “ P inafo re” has a very p ro tty nam e—A rth u r Seym our Sullivan—b a t be alw ays drops the second of the throo words, a n d a very brlof Investigation will show tiio reason why.

By a ll m eans let ch ildren h av e euphonious, well-balanced natnes. I f th e su rn am e - bo sh o rt an d a b ru p t, tho bap tism al nam es should b e poUysyltabto a n d flowing, a n d vice veraa. A truo e a r and a ju s t sonse of'|>h)portion will Insure a Wise decision i n ' Overy ease; Keep- In g 'ln m ln d ’ib eiivocD ndiU ons a lready m en­tioned,- ono w ill find, on fa r th e r an d m ore critical e xam ina tion of the subjoct, th a t the boat possible trip le com binations, rhy thm i­cally ,-ore'either ( l)n a lo n g monosyllaBKTol*’ lowed by a trochee (o r spondee) rind a tfac tjl, o r (2 ) a dac ty l, followed by a trochee (o rspon- doe) a n d a .lo n g m onosyllable, It is welt fo r the first nam e f e bO of th ree syllables, a n d the second n am e o f tw o sy llab les ; ’b u t ir the fiur- natuo b e p d ac ty l i t Is b e s t led n p to b y a m onosyllabic first nam e an d a dissyllable second nam e. O f the second 'com bination •■‘ Oliver W endell^H qlm ee” ^ls a sp lendid e x ­am ple, co inciding w ith a ll th e requ isite con- dltloijsJw hile excolten t apticlmona of the first com bination a ro fo u n d * in “'R a lp h W aldo Em erson *’ a n d “ J o h n G reea lea l W hittier, which m ay be considered pril^tljti&lly qperfeqt fiam earia tlsf jrIfiglBe dem ands o f proportion- aiid rhythm , con tain ing a n ag reeab le -variety of vowel aouhds, ^ a n d b e ing sufficiently sm ooth in p ronuncia tion , while n o t deficit In. s treng th , w hloh should p e rta in to every tnaa? au llne appella tion . . v; . ■ '* >

Trochaic surnam es, whloh a re the m ost hum orous o f all, a r e n o t so easily balanced as the foregoing. Threo trochees In a lin e Is a frequen t com bination , a n d n o t a bad one, by auy-m eans.—T h u s ^ ’ E dm und Glaienfee Sted* m a n ’? Is a very good natno, view ed, fro m a ll p o in ts ; b u t rbythm lcally “ F rh n k p e m p sto r

' " C a l i f o r n i a ’s F i r s t G o l d C o in .

T h e first, o r am ong th e first, gold pieces coined tn C alifornia woro of p nrp gold. T hey "Wore $50 In value, octagon a4 to ahapo, and w ere m ade, n o f .by. th e governm ont, b a t a p a te n t p ill d ealer. O o the face theyTjore-the pill device and cldvortlsemont. In o year’s tim e nam es a n d figures w ere w orn off, and th e “ flings* a r I t waa called, w as sm ooth

a b illiard b a ll. 'I n th e m ines w e d id n o t bo thbr m uch with

m y k ind c f co in , and aa fo r p ap e r' money* we fo rg o t th e re w as such a e n r r e n b y .'T h e m in er p a id fo r hta grocortos In g o ld d u s t an d weighed It o u t t o tho fltorekeepor th h is ow n lit tle troy weight “gold scalw*, o r tho atorpkeeper’s, a t the overage ra te o f $17 per ounce. A “ pennyw eight” waa reckoned a t so m e th in g over 80 oonts a n d a grain a t 8 cents. B rass fiflngs wero som etim es m ixed w ith 'th e d u s t to gtyo\l% " b o d y ,” If bnsioe^q wad being transacted w ith a greenhorn.. G ray sand , which was difficult ^ d is t in g u is h In flno g o ld du st, a lso som etim es served a sim itar un rig h teo u s putpoeo. , , ’

“ H e H a s n ’ t G o t N o F i d d l e . ”

A clerical res id en t who Is acoustom od to c a rry a olotb bag o n alm ost a ll occasions recen tly aecpsted by® a b rig h t llttlo picka­n in n y , % hom ho rnet o n ' M attlsot^ avenue, a s follow s-1 T V 'V

“ MMter; h p w b iuch d o you charge to p lay 1 ” ' ,

;Ho'took' no notloe of J h i s qncatlon, nnd a com panion <jf tbe tittoStlouer aald s .s' ;

“ H e hasn’t go t n o fiddle In th a t bag.** * • “ I know w aa the- reply o f th e young

rogue, «?ho ha4 ev iden tly in tended to m ako gflune o f the tev e reu d gontlem an. -

T he Am erican Institn to opened its *7th an- noal exhib ition o u W ednesday ovepjng lit its big b u ild ing qfe T hird avehue. New i ’ork^ T h e society waa or^anlcod in 188S.

slor sends a l ittle m issionary “ From . H onso to House,” an d reco u n ts heir experience in th la new P llg tlm ’s P ro g re ss ; W illiam 0 .8 to d d a rd reco u n ts a s to ry o f w oodland exjjfiifauce, w herein th ree “ .Boy Bears ” fiuceeod ljp catoli- tng them selves In a b ea r t r a p ; Thom as A. Ja n v ie r ,e n te r ta in s u s w ith th e am iislng clr-. cuipstances ^-hlch l\sd to .th o b ilg in g ” 0 ! V T he Bilged M ldshlpm ap^j j M ary W. Por- te r confers the ra re privlloge of readlDg the autobiography, o f “ T h e ,'G rea t M an of the F a m ily ” Jong befo re tho greatqeaa haa bo- gun? Em ily H. Loland, In u iIo w a L ittle Boy C am pedjO ut,” has chronicled tbo b rave b u t b r ie f adv^p tu re.o f a hoy, In h is o w n back y a rd .'t; '= - v - .. ,. -. / « " *

. O f a 'descirlp ttjre .-.natnro are, "S ea-g u lls from tho Llght-hdiiee,” by Louie L yndon,and “ A F loa ting Home,*’ b y Edm und W ilson, b o th fu ll o f th a t loving In terpretation o f a n i­m al life w bichM s childhood 's o w n ; an d “ T ea ,” by E . H , L ibby, a-.brief a rtic le g iving

abouV teaaO d ltu Jilstory*___.O f-co a rse th e n um ber overflows with illus­

tra tio n s , b u t th e m a ro p ictu res bolides. “ T he F ir s t M inuet,” a fron tisp iece b y ;F , I l . Lun- g r e n ; tw o de lightfu lly am uelng child-pie- tu res--from —p h otographs i - a - p o r t r a l t ' a f te r Y clasqaez, an d o th ers perh ap s a s well w orth m ention . • . * V;.

Tho num ber is a rich O ctober harvests w ith the* dep artm en ts in ad d itio n to m ako good m ea su re .. F or salo a t J e n k in s’.

,- y: Colored PcopI e A w a k t o ,

-W ith very Httlo n o tice th o colored peo p leo f W e st P a rk held a reu s in g R epub lican ' m eet­ing a t tho lr c lub ro o m -o p M onday "ovenlng. Col, 'W m .'M urrell, oditqr an d proprie to r o f The iVeto Jersey. trionpet, o f Je rsey .City, w as p resen t an d m ad e 'a s tro n g addresa tp h la peo­p le . H e counselled th e m ,to bo a teadfaat to the only p a rty th a t h ad e v e r b efriended tbo ir raco a iid to bo w are -ot fslso promises,. Col. JtfurroH-Ifl ' a a fluent a n d ab le speaker ’and

, is doing good sdtvlco 1 s this cam paign .1 A fine b an n er now sw lbgs from the head- q u a rte rs o f R epublican fflub No. S3, a n d i1ioy In tend to glvo tla r r ia o n a n ^ M orton a good accofant o t them selves, th is f a l l . - -

T lio Com niiHsu> iinr»I> olllM -rB(c<.O eto b ec l, 1888, -


• mi<L8. ; . . ' ■ j V- .F ive faith fu l city fathers put -in' an appoar-

ance a t tho m eeting M onday n ig h t : P residen t - Boeglo, M essrs. K roehl, 8 mlth', Balloy andTott-Broeek.** --___■ - > •• ....• >.JJChe m inu tes wero road and approved, a n d \ several of ■ th e stan d in g com toltt^es wore passed,, hav tp g no reports. ' '” Com . S m ith ,'o f tho' atroot colnm lttcc, r e ­ported th a t he b a d prooured a lo t of c lay of M r/R o y c o , which had been used. Ap-' p roved. -

Com v Ton Broeck roportcd tho. lo ss of a num ber o f jflro badges. Sotno h ad boon found. •

Com. K roehl inqoir^d concerning a ohango ol, jumaaawoot to rM sla g , eidowatk. a n d c u rb ­ing on ih e p roperty form erly ow ned b y Mrs., C lark. I t Was brdercd to bo changed to the e sta te of. Andrew Roblno, Tho am o u n t d u e # Is $5°. . , V-O n unfinished basiness, tho clork reported

th a t bo hod notifled tbo Eloctrio H allw ay Co‘. th a t the Boroagh would n o t bear an y portion; o f the expense In falslng.tho track s .in p laces whero i t is required. ~

Com, Kroehl m oved th a t tho Biorough coun­sel be instructed to proceed a t once aga inst tfio' E lectric ' Railway Co. to compol thom to . filf up the tracks a t M ain s tree t and Cookm an avenue w ith broken; atone, aud to ru n th e ir cars both w ays a s the charter dem anded.^ Mr. E. G. Il'arrlson was heard w lthroferenco to tho s ta l in g o t flowers an d ro o ts from p r i­vate grounds,in view o f the com m ittee’s work In adorn ing , tho ‘.public parks an d grounds n e x t season . II«j desired to know if th e Com- miss loners could afford any protection. C lerk ° B ailey read tho ordinanco rela ting , there to a n d tho Com missioners said thoy w ould .offer

•a reWard fo r th e a rres t a n d conviction o f any ' .one destroying o r s tealing p lants.

Mr. R..^L Phillips, of Now York, presented a com m unication, desiring tlio consideration O f a 'new m ap or a tla s o f A sbury Piirk7 wlilch should b e a h accuirato draw ing,, by ecalo, of ac tu a l su rv ey s; locating ' the bult^Ing^,. cor­ners, w ater m atns, h ydran ts, etc. The com m unlca tlon w as received and referred to tho streo t com m ittee fo r exam ination a n d a p ­proval. / .. The following bills wero read an d referred to thoflnenco com m itteo fo r approval s: . __W m . H u r i e y . . 7 ; ......... . . .‘........ 118 00B a r t l n e B r o w n . . . ....... 82 00Richard C ook.................................................. 10 50William Bonnett............................. 17 25M. S agurtou ................. . ...................... . 19 00C. B. Smock.........18 00H e n r y H a n l y . ir.vT. . . . . . . 18 05'■M. N e w m a o .-... ........................ .....................-10 50Michael H owland..............*....... . ; ............... . 18 00Clark Hurley.......... ................................... • . 18 00B enJ.B ritton .......... ---------- ...................... )i. 25 00Qeo. O’B r i e n . ........... 50 00Chas. B. Kipp....... ............................................ 50 00Clarkllurloy— . . . . .......................... 50 00 .Jas. M. Hafferraan......................................... . 50 00 .A, P. Printing House........................................ 10 25ElectrioLights............... ,K. O. H arrison .......................N. IS, Buchan on & Co.................

:.4I6 25 ' ..'...16 00 ....350 83'1

K ing and the Sem i-barbarous G ian t,” a n d . rnytn tn icaiiy - r r a n t jjem pewhow it w as K on^by-tho la ito r ; Jesale C. Gta- ^ ennftn . ao.^ Goorgo W illiam Cor^la

" - m ay seem a llttlo moro e a tls^c to ry ,- C erta incom binations a ro ooneplcaonsly.awkW ard, as,Jor example, ther-throo’ hpccesslve monosylla­bles, already alluded to/ In TBe'caso of “ John PauIJonoa;” a dactyl foliowod b y an iam- bns, as a Frodcrlo Eugene,” arid a dactyl fol: lowed by a monosyllable and a trochee, “ Thoipdore Dwight Woolsey.” I t will be fonnd'desirable as a general thing, by the way^tgwfl&ct a word of two^syllables for tbo middle name.—ri^ejo York Commercial' Adver-

T l i e B a r l> o r I n G e r m a n y .

The Gorman bartxjr on b isn a tlv o h eath d lf- few radically from the G orm an b a rb e r with A m erican im provem ent. I n tho o rd inary provincial town of Germ any a-m an Is seated In a cane-bottom ed chair, w ltboqt head-retet o r’foot-rest. „^Hs head Is tipped back in snob

__________ ^ ^ a m an n er lh a t the ch a ir baol^ da ta his necka ll th e fac ts which any onei n eed p are t o l in a ^ f J ja s t abovo tbe collar.,,1; T h e barber, tn rn a o u t. ............ .

a sm all so u p p l a t e 1fall o f W ater, in wfrich floats’ a plecd:of soapv-, ^ sm all sem i c lrc a la r godgo In tho rim of the'^plate Is fitted to the enstom er’a 'Adatn’sl- apple, a n d hia • face Js rabbod vigorootslyW Ith.'tha Btlck' o f soap kill a sufficient la ther has t e e n produced . ■

Tho s la v in g propfir Is p erform ed with m ore o f th e -proverbial T en ton lo deliberation . A fow m oro hoaty s trokes o n e ith e r shook, a few m ore o n th e th ro a t an d chin ; a n d tb6 m an has been shaved. A II ttte a lum isfappiled whero th e b lood h as s ta rted , th o so u p p la te is again UBed to a id in a rathor auperfielal Wash, tbo o a8 to m erp ay s hlB tw o a n d a h a lf qepts ahd

deavos. T here ls n o b a y ram , n o b ru sh ing tbo h a lr w ith o u t e x tra cjbargc, a n d hat b rushing tho' coat. ydrofgner3, how ever, o ften receive thoso com forts by paying1 a con t or, tw o.- Shaving a t a ebop rarely co sts tiioro th an th re a cents, a n d often o n jy ono a n d a half. B arbers a re to fee 'found In overy provincial tow n w ho a re w illing to go t o a cofitomdV’s bon ae a n d shave h im fo u r tim es a week, for tw onty-flve eofita a m onth ,—jV«o T o r*

1, M r . g « -A.JBaylsoa, o f H atqllt6nt 1 ^ ; town- o n M ouday to ’ contlouo h is second year’s stud lea a t the College of Votertoary Surgeons, N ew lT ork . ; ‘

H a r d t o S p e l l .

T h e Domocratfo candldato fo r Congress possesses'^ tonguo-tw lster nam e, and some of pur contem poraries wtll ab o u t g e t used to pronouncing it on o r bofore e lection day ,* I t m ust be a source o f am usom ont to M t. fle Js -„ scnhalner tq no te tbe ttaany w ays In which they have of spelling i t . I t lias already .been tendered “ Gel^helmer,^ "Goeflenholmor*” “ G^eshelnBr,” an il th ere rom alnsoveral m ore 'com binations to bo worked upoi\, ■

- T h e i r F r i e n d s f i n d A l i id W —**

Tfcere werb never tru e r words u tte red^ than thoso.of Itov. Dr, Uobt.' S . M cA rthur, of the Calvary B ap tist Church;"- Ncvr York, than when he s a id : ‘.’’I t* is not too m uch to say th a t those w ho vote for the th ird p a rly 1 In th is cam paign (Now York S tate) &r6 practl<5plly supporting thoBaloon. a re v irtually its friends and allies.” . ": O n the Dem ocratic tick e t for Governor ia David B. iliil^w hose v e to o f the H igh L iconse bill, and endorsem ent b y the~saloon In terests .places h im squarely on tho side o f vied a n d Immorality, O n tbe Republican tick e t Is a m an th at is b randed as “ Millor, the Meth-- odist,31by^a'prom icont“N ow Y orlc 'po litlc ia in~ Hon. W arner ^Miller represents every th ing th at is m oral, tiio advancem ent of tem perance ‘ and Christianity. 1 s

Here the laauo le aharply draw nr - Tem per­a n c e and a ll th a t entors in to good govern* m en t on ono side. Infem perauce, r in g cor­ru p tio n , an d bad governm ent ,o n th e other. E n te r tbo th ird party , expecting nothing, c lalm lng notbibgTjut tbo vision of an a b s tra c t p rinc ipal ..-in th e . d im , ImpoiSBlble- d lstan o o ,. T h eir efforts operate eu tird ly against the sido '. o f good o rder and morality^-’ Tholr vote will, jeopard ize not only the causo of tem perance, b n t really g ives a id and onconragem ent to the salmon power. A vote talten Iro in M iller.Is e q u a r to one fo r H illr ' Orto voto from “tb o - party_ rep resen ttn g H io best m orals of 'tho S ta te a n d g iven to th<ro ther, la tv/'a vp tca fo r “th o continuation of the saloon powon

The eam o argum ent is ju s t as good fo r Nbw Jersey atid otbor S tates., n o re wo haVo the. two p a rties arrayod, w ith th e th ird a a a ‘U9t«rblngrJfacR)r, v irtually s laugh tering its ov^ri friends, a n d ludlrectly a id in g 'th o w ork o f ita enemies. W as ever m oro-consnm m ato fooirfihneaa an d suicidal action ' tb a n .th a t 'b f tbe present p a rty o f P rohibition ? _ AUloa o f th eir eaomles, a t w ar w ith -(thclr 'frien d s , is; tho anom atopa position in wbleb-Jhey^bave p laced them selves. „ - ' 'J :.

H a r d O i l t h o O t H e r s .

i T he Roil "Bank Standard, in .g iv lo g l te e l f a puff for revonnc, says It-ls “ the only i'ut-^nd* o u t stra igh t Depiocratto paper In the coun ty.*’ ^ h e new editor Is h a rd ou the othor m em bers o f tjpT D em ocratic craft, j ib e y ^ f o b a b ly J n th e ir innocence1 enpposifed th iay jgera am ong the'S im on pnre an d were safely- within’ the>'m-. ' ' 1; . -V ;.

J T lcgaie Bitch old.stftgers a s M ajor Y ard a n d P a y ld L Boll, and ^h6 -younger genera* tib a o f Penflolds, A rm strong ’an d T aylor to th e shaded a t Domociat4o nonen tity , is Ju s t a trifle hard. Of courap thoy m as t taake 'sqiho aUow ancoftfro"S/^«^i^"'fc<nt<ft.liaa“ n ib ry e t ' h a d tlm e t o ge t b lsbonrlngs s ince h e b egan to sail the S im d a rd in M onm outh Waters.

S b m e t i i i n f ! t o I t e m o m h e r . T h e m. . By:: r . : -..,y; O n Sunday tho conductors, m otorm ou a b d r o ther o’m p ic ^ s o f tho Seashoro E lectric Rail­w ay p resented tholr late S uperin tenden t, Mr. flbo. L . Jo ra lem on , a handsom e gold w atob- ch^tn an d ch a rm as a testim onial q t ' tboir friendship arid good will, ’Tho a i t t w ill Ikn- p teas Mr. Jo ra lem o n yrltli' tho. fao t th a t h e ts as fftuoh. though t of Jbjy hip la te co-laborors od' by the genorat public fo r his un ifo rm k ind­ness and gentlem anly • qualities, \ ——

Page 2: vot: xm ASBURY PARK, NEW JERSEY, OCTOBER 6, 1888 No. 40. · H. B. BEEGLE, (Late H. B. Beegle St Son) * BEAL ESTATE and; INSURANCE AGENT, •* ^2 Uiit^TnM, Cesafitrion, X, J. Tx>ans


•sr. RIONMQUtH'REPUEJUCAN. ' a .. JOHN L. COFFIN i n i x .


t l W - » \\ 718 MATTISON AVENUE,-

9 BU RY M t K . ' ___ _

S n tered as second-class matter a t the A sbn ty PftrA ^ " - fa s tX iff ic r ^ e lF n fa r y f , y a s - r ; -

TIRM S OtF iu M C B lP flO II.I WWyJii advance, . . . . . .S i 50. 0 m onths, In advance,.. . . . ■ ....;.. . . . . . . .•8 months, in advance.. . vr . ......... 40SingleCopies,...... i ; . . . .. . ■ i?}

. t o c o r Ae s p o h d ih t s , 1Bb®llbe g lad to receive item s o r news and

com m unications qn eubjeots o t in te rest to this . oompinnltjr. '. -...■ f* In writing a rtic les Intended fo r publication, Onr friends w ill ploaao boar In mind th a t Aflheot x m tto n o n bo th sides has to b e copied.befo rego­ing to tho printer—a lab o r wo canno t nnd erUiKo.

communications should bo accompanied by tho fnli nimo anil address of the writer, not necessarily for publication bnt as a guarantoo of good faith. Anonymous letters will not bo notiood, <. W^cannot return rejected commnnlodtlons. bnt will hold thom for a limited time If (requested to.

■All IatterH Intended for the odltorial or nows department should bo addressed,to the

Editor of Tna J oitbkal AStfUBnnBuoAjr, ABbury Parle, 2Tew Jersey.

Gov., H ill would not peoplo ofNew Yoilc Stato vote diroefcly on tho liquor qriefttion, but the ten^eraiicq poo- pio c&iv give ju s t W effectual a \o ip by rallying around W arner Miller, who is th e ir 'ch am p io n . I f , ho is -defeated i f wjll bo t% tlie ncfclon: o f tl^0,3 oWj)i&0Q f a t t y . ■ > • ' " .

“ B l o o d y S h i r t ” I t M u s t B e .

BepnbUcan Hommationg;F o r President of- th e U nited States,

B EN JA M IN H A R R ISO N ,. o f Indiana.'


F o r Vice-President,

L E V I P. M ORTON,- t pf New York.

S A T U R D A Y . O C T O B E R 0 ,1 8 8 8 .

KOTICE.On the label o f e**ii paper w ill be

ronnd the date of exp iration of, thp ■nbscrlptlon. I f th t i date in wrong’, pteono nfetlfy n i nt ftneej I f j c n are tn arrears p leaio rem it at once.

T h i r d O L s tr lc t .R e p u b lic a n C o n ­v e n t io n . “ ■ -

The Republlean“Sdnventlon to place In nomlr nation a candidate to represent, in' Congress the Third District of New Jersey, will bo hold In tho. Opera House at Now Brunswick,onTuesday; Oct. 18, at. 11 a , u . Tho basis of representation will bo ono <Jeiegato forevery one hundred’Kepubllcaa votes cast at tho last Gubernatorial election, and ono for oyory fraction over fifty votes, each,ward .nnd township beingentitled to at leastone dele­gate. BENJiMlN A-VAII*

• V - C lU R L B a F a e r ,,

'• v ■' ~ U.M iNsvnJB,. ■Committee.

n , --------— .— -Second Assenibly Diflt. .Repub­

lican Convention.The Second.Assembly District Republican Con-'

•vysntlon will bo held In Music Hall, Matawan, on Wednesday, Oct. 17,1888, at 3 o'clock In the after­noon, to nominate acandidato for thoAsaeintjIyln thc^econd District v:

The primaries to elect delegates to tho abovo convention will bo held at tbo’usn&l placo In each township, on Saturday, Oct. 18, at i p . sc .

c h a s . w : Schamck,' « Chairman of the last Convention.

Prlmtiry MeotLnpr.The Republican voters o f Neptune townahip ore

requested to m eet In tho Republican Club tooraa on Saturday, Oct. 13, at 3 p. a . , to appoint delo* gates to the Conprestfionali County aiid 'Assembly, Conventions. ‘ B. G, HXbrisont,

Chairman last Meeting.

G o v . B e d l e ’s F a l l a c y .

Ex-Gov. BetUo.was Iho^Bpeaber a t n Democratic naeoting in Koyport last wook. H ie speech was mainly to rnis- lead Ilia audience as to tlio benefits o f o profcoctive tarifif, in wliioli lio labored to allow that th e advantages were almost wholly in th a in tc rca^ o f , tho capitalist and manufacturer, bnfc not to tho poor m an. *

Waa eyor an argument moro illogical, not to eay nn tru tb fal ? A ll, labor atatis- ticsj)rovo that American mannfactnroiB aro paying moro than clonblo th e wages, paid for the same labor ia Europe, iu some inetancefl three times morO* ' A t the eaifie time tho American goods aro sold a t hom e for the same price as - tho im­ported, and m any of onr-wares are sent abroad in competition Tulirm r own m ar­kets., " •

GOv. Bedle and his hearers must havo a very illogical view of eqnajity, ennso and cffeot, if thoy can sec moro than, tho very smallest p ro fits : to O a r . manufac­turers, after jpaying tho largo wages,

—fcaiea - and—uooossary-ropairS -wifch-iaoi- dental expenses, even with tho present rates o f tariff.*. -

^Tho profits are ’out down to a mere fraction on a m ajority oi all the m anu­factured products of .this country/^ L et

.every thoughtful man look for himself, L et Jiim look at every artiole ho wears or uses in his houso, and be will gettnearly a corxeoridea of the relation of wages to omploying capital. One th ing ho will see to a certainty and boyond all d onb tf cavil-or argnmxuxt^4inrt*if thorO is to bo, any reduction in tho products pf Ameri­can industry ltfwill oomo o ffp f tho wages paid to the operative and Ifiboror. The cost of raw material and of ordinary ex­penses is already at its minimum, so th e

- only other alternative when ‘’•manufac­turers must compote With employers o f European pauper labor, w ill be to reduce o u r ' mechanics to the same starvation wages. I t .will do moro*. I t will affect the wages of all laborers a id indirectly every business in the country.

Senator Ycsfc ndmires Mr. Cleveland, for in his message he “ chailengod tlio proteotodLmdnstries of the .country to a Qght,Qf-extormiufttion. Tho % h t is to tho death,” L et. those^who thriyo by

* theso industrioo lieep in m ind the 6th of November; t h e fight is to the.^death agaiuBt tihose who l i ^ b y thiaif daily

- earnings. •' - _ ■« -

Hence there is no reason wliy the 'Prohlbi- tlon party should'give np tho- light, bpt very eonna reasons why it should continnoto press onward and strive to redeem lte promise to Increase Its vote In thls State-nextNovember

k tb ovot.60,000.—3f. Y. Wortd<&&. W.-. . ^Yes, and th e World m ight add a more

em phatic reason from its own standpoint. E very vOta the th ird pjirty receives comes from the Republican party " a n d counts ju s t that num ber favor of the Demo­cratic candidates.'- O r course tho Pro­hibitionists shbnld koep on voting ; to redeem their promise to help ialong tho party which antagonizes ; every principle of temperance reform I That is wliab thoy seem to be aiming at m ther than to secure prohibition o r tho best mcftip,ds,9Ca coutrolU08 th e traffic, *

I f to declaro tho tru th and bo expose the fallacies of loaders in . ouc scction of our country that is dapgerOus in fo&ch- ing,vand irreconcilable to the good of the whole, tlien we plead guilty an d m ust' continue to wjivo the onBnnguinod gar­m ent, notwithstanding i t may excite tho/ cholor of our semi-spoosaion contempo­raries, . \ ! V • ■■

Ono of tllese, according to its Usual methods, croaks abou t falsehood and o n r attem pt to foster Bectaonal feeling in arraigning tlie framers of tho Mills b ill fo r protecting S outhern products, and a t th e same tim e p lacing parallel Northern productions on tho free list. I^aots and Hgureu arc thero to prove onr atatcment, on£ no - am ount of twaddle will wlpo them out. „

As. fo r .th o irrepressible garment, i t w t down, so long as a solid South, in a sm id l m inority of our people, p re ­sumes and will insist in. diotating meos: nros ontirfely in their own interest and antagonistic to tho North, as in tho earlier history of our country. Tho Unrecon­structed rohel elemoiit is forging to. th e front and is already doing itaw b rk in the lower House, b n t thanks to the othor branoh thoy have not gained tho ascend* auoy.■'■■■■ ' .. .

H istory repeats itself ofttimos to great disadvantage if not averted b y / heroic means. The-Sonth ia m aking desperate efforts to 'repoat the Tariff Act of 1882, when South Carolina4, mado its ilrst. effort of secession and declared th a t if tho.United States did not speedily iriod- ify the tariff laws the State would w ith­draw from tho Union. '««F ree trade or soccssion’' became the c iy a t tho South at that time, and tho righ t ,to secede was virtually established, Congress yielding to the domhnd, and gave .to tho Demo- cratio party, then as now dominated by the .South, w hat was asked—a relief from all customs duties^

P rom tha t time until thb conclusion of the Rebellion, when tho Eepublicans had become established, was a period of great depression in wages,* and. tho country made very little progress in comparison with tho following twdnty-two years, during which the Itopublican pajty held the power and th e general government hold paramount power.

Tlio first act of tho new party was to establish monetary confidence. National banks were created and in pla<K? o O h e old Stafeo >yetems Of bank, issue-a Na­tional currency was adopted. Internal improvements were fostered and Con­gress enacted laws for protecting our own m anufacturers, and direct taxation was relieved by a judicious internal rev­enue system which was gradually elim­in a ted as the requirem ents to meet o u t­standing obligations, induced by the.,war, became less. ^ ; ’ ‘ w ,

Then began a period of productive and commercial progress never before seen in any country— increase in twonty-two years of 700 per ctfnt. The merchandise carried on our railroads in 1061) was 70,- 000,000 tons. In 1887 it^had increased' 4o C52,000,000 tons ; a snro measuro of the growth o f the country 's productive energy. Tho valno of tho tonnage in 1865 was $2,213,400,000 ; in 1887, $13,-043,250,000. In the face of all th is in­crease, with only on average growth m population, the price of every saleable article lias decreased except the 'single item of labor, which alone has advanced,i The question naturally arises: W ill the {voters of this country continue th is cop- aition that has so wonderfully developed o a r resources, with tho (Tqual. adjustment of public law? between ITp^h nnd South? Or, will tho power again be'pltfdecTLirtlie Jionds p i Democrats entirely,-% ith its governing power a t tiio South, endanger­ing, all tho vital interests th a t make US fco-day tho greatest, of all nations in re ­sources, greatest in happy homes^ grcafc- Cflt in m aterial prosperity,?- >♦;

W hen foreign laborera refuse to como to America's protected industries for work, and Amo^can'-workmeti seek tho pauper wag os of freo trade countries,' then wo will advocate the abolition of all duties. ■ • ■ ' ,

,T h o D c m o c rq tje y p a p s rs - a n d c ire u la rssiGl roitorato th e senseless lio charging Qep. H arrison with having slurred the

-ljifih~citizens of America, jafter a large number of the besfcmoi^in the State have swom it a fabricatioh.

Cleveland "cheerfully contributed C per ccrat. Of his salary, os a gauge for otl^er Government employees to do like­wise. -Yet ho is the same man who four yeats sinca considered-it- *1 an extortion th^fc could no t bo too strongly con demnOd.’’. " ' f - :y\y.r'

The New York Sun ia howling desper­ately for Presidents Cleveland, to 41 on* doisa ” Gov. H ill for ro-olecfaon by w rit­ing a letter similar |o -the otio that po m uch helpod Diatrict-Attornoy Fellows last year. B u t Cleveland does n o t heed the suggestion, Tho 'Sun’j office cat is having n lively campaign, and hints are openly i^ifdo that.'unless that-endorse? meat com®? from tho ‘‘man from .Baf- fai^ 'f he w^ll, bo_ M ffed on ejoc|ioa ^ y by H ill’s supporters. . ' ‘

New York’s Ilopublican welcome to Blaine nearly paralyzed* tho ^em ocratip and Mugwump papers. T h ey Badoav- ored to belifctlo th e ' demonstration by publisfiing falso reports OS to iho ntim­ber of people^in andt about the Polo Grounds a t Harlem, but it failed to help Cleveland’s cause. The Jfjyn^ said there wore “ 5,000 people p r e s e n t TAc Star considered it * 'a m p b /o f : 5,p0p;.,,;; Tho y ^ W M j p o r e hohorablS in ’ giving tho; (^qdienco as “ a vast nnnUml?ered midfci-. tudo ; ” TlU'Bun. said “ 30,000, including all Harlom The l*reu and Tribune aro satisfied wffli 40,000.

W ith the 'increase of no,Wflpapors- a t Proo- hold, the p rice o f gas has beon reduced.

I n & N u t S l i o l l .

In c lo s in g his g rea t speoch a t tho Now-York m ass m cotlrR . Inst. Satiirda^ oven ltg , f i r . B latno j a id v u I n tH a rovlew> oi o n rc o ii tu r j’B eipcrlebco 'with the larlCf • theao facta th ink , Incontcatlbly established j ; -•■' i P ' i 1 Ny that ihls^ country under a latify iafiffy

fro m afiroad, hca never prottpcrcd; but every mcK n ltm p l 7 ia ien^{< ijlnancia tjsnd infristridltii& a r ie r^p rn ttm tln ff^ !^

a n d aera tin g 'ipfl/iotft exemption wilhpccujiar tcvcrilynjxyn the wai/e-carncrs.■ that'at no time in. otir cvimtry'sliUn-t<hy the United *8lat& ever rccovere#JYom the

JlnandaldqircH tim <au«cd by a tow <rprotective tariff was cnacUd to, iakt itsplace., Tfie ta riff q f ‘1824 relieved the long mffcrttig which followed fro n \ the too hasty lowering q f dxttie*. in the ta r iff (tf-1810. . The tariff <f 1843 revived 'the coimlrfj after the compromise an d destructive ta rw 3838^ a>itf the tariff q f 1861, et tii in jbree, aniP which^ATr. Clcvdand'8 Adm inistration U en: dcavorivg to d M tr^ t in i)^u o c d a prosperous era^ q ftt fth e tremmdoita convulsion q f 1850, which wo3 causal by the jjerjldiously enacted ta riff _qf 1840.

"T h ird , that there never has teen a time since jHfr, Calhoun forced the Democratic y a r ty to enb- m il to (he control o f ouihern leaders, aa i t is note inrjlortowity snbmlifcd to-day, ’that i t did not, { f in limeety demand the repeal anddcitm ctfon q f a protcclire tariff, even tchen inefficient and bcnqfl- c'ialaqtion ujr.naU interests q f the country wai btablishcxl an d demonstrated beyond doubt or cavil, .s Mr. C alhona fa rced tho 'D em ocratlc patty; lu 183S to break d ow n th o la t lB o t 1824 and '1833, fo r which .three. Dotnoorailo T resl- donts ha^ voted: M r. Polk forced tho Domo- oratie party ,'ev en th o u g h it fltalnod h is p o liti­cal record w ith b a d fa lth | to b reak dow n the tariff o t 1843, wh!<?h had already In i ts fo u r yeara* oxlfitcnoe renew ed the hopes o f -the country , a fte r a long e ra o f depression , <Aiid now M r, Cleveland, true to tJte precedents and tftc imtincli<rf h is p a rty , seehs to break S o o t h e present protective tariff' the risk q f disturbing' (he industries o f a con.tinciit, and to comm it the, American i>coplc once more to the old experiment qfJ)cmocrafic free -trade or revemic tariff, inevitable disaffter to the material interests q f the country, a n d in gin especial dcgrtc tq tbat m ighty hosi who earn their day 's bread by 'th tir day's work, and to whom good teoges,bring happiness andJow wages bHn& misery,1' . y

y O c to b e r C o u rts* \Tho conrts of Monraonth cdnnly for tho

Oototjer term troro oponod on Tuoaday mornr intf, Judge E . W. Scndder presiding," witb! badges WaVmg*; and 1 Bonnett, e^qclateai Thero tras the usual ar^&y of' loedtlbalrlators, With a number of t^e morp promlnont eonn- Bdora from other parts of the BtatoV

Tho graiid jarora woro called as previously published ‘ In The JounjfAL, nil respocdln^ oxceptH qnryl^ngatrcetand 'Jaraesfla^ Mr. Charles Bond and H. II .Walnrlgbt wore oxensod on- valid reasons. Samnel W. Gris- oom wasapp°,Qte(l foronisti. , • .., Jndg^) Scuddor charged the ju ry , exp lain ing the oporatIona of tho now law , po in ting o u t the im preaslvo form o f tho obligation they had taken , w ith tho. wolght o fT rsp^aalb lU ty a tta c h o i t o tholr poaltlon. Tho. confliJhed rum ors o f gam bling , and v iolations o f tSe l iq u o r ’ law s woro aerlotas m atters whloh lie" hoped w ould tra ; c a r e e r cotisldoi'ed. Tho g rand ju ro rs wero then sw o rn 'a n d Jthoy re ­tired. Conetablcs Jam es W. W alllag , CharldsE. W rong and J . 7 . J-'aUerson w ero detailed ~to a tterid upo n them . ( '

Tbe list of petit jarora ;Woa then called as published. There wero two absentees, James Westervelt, and D. B. Farrington, who has moved ont of the county, , , „ . ' ...

S ixteen causes wore found tp. b e read y on . tha.flrstneitil o f tho calendar, an d a fterw ard ' tho court passed to t h o . cpnaldiffatloh of l rcen so . Eigtrt-4iotelfl wero grantod ilcenses a t tho fee o f $175 caoh. Two hotels a n d tw o saloons ^vero llcenso^ a t |160 each. Seven app lications wore refused , and tUrco w ere la id ovor. one week. y ; . - . V :>.p: '

Tho eaaeof G«Jorge W. ^aw va, William E.> AndorBon was tho first Isauo trb j , I t wasW ealt on contract to recover fOOO Yor plotnrcs furbished defendant.

* \ W atro 8 a n d U u t i e aTho worklngmon are to chooeo botweon th e

fiornB of adilom nao. Goods muBt b e cheap­ened o r there wilt bo no m ark e t for thom . This can bo done, Ilrst by tak ing the d d tv off of raw m aterials, o raocond , by c u ttin g d ow n wageu. You c a n 't get r id o f the fac t th a t one of these tw o th ings la absolu tely nocesaary.

Tho Itopnbllcnna havo beon tak in g wages down a peg— uhat Is their polluy: the X>omo- crata propose to tako the datura aow n a peg and keep waged as high aa possible.

M ake n p y o u r mlnda. gentlornenrwhlch you prefer,—N , Y, Hcixdd. .

In tho riamo o fa ll-ib n t Is w ondefful, d id a reapectablo papor over publish a n y th in g m ore nonsensical, m isleading and falso f W ork­ingmen a re In no d ilem m a; they a ro g e ttin g h o tte r Wages and goods lo tfe r than a t a n y t lm o -ln 28 years. T hey d o n o t w an t freo goods, thoy Vnow how It Is w ith tho lr breth­ren whero freo ' trad o - ex ists—sta rv a tio n wages. I t w as the R epublican policy Ih a t p u t wa^cs up a n d only th rough them haa w ages boon k ep t up . I t m ay b e tho policy o f th» D em ocratic p arty to tak e dow n the duties. A t tho samo tim e w ages m u at com e down as a n Inevitable consequence. Labo- rera have m ade u p their m inds th a t they pro fer m oderate d u ties and good wages.

B a n n e r I t a i s l n f ? a t O c e a n B e a c l i .

Thoro will bo a H arriso n ,an d M orton ban­ner. raised a t Oceau Boach Satu rday evening. M[r. Y ard, who bo generously o on tribn ted tho m ain sp a r o f tho flagstaff on R ailroad Square, has sen t an Invitation to the Y. M. Republi­c an clnb to como down on th a t evening. Good speakers a ro provided.

The sovera! co rp s of the Republican cltib w ill m eet, a t th eir room a In tlm o fo r Iho e igh t o’clock tra in for / )c c a n Beach.

m i l l i o n s l u T a x e s .

On M onday tb ercco rd of taxofD corceclp ta In Now Y ork was broken by tlio 'paym cnt of nearly $12,000,000 (luring tbo h o u A o f bnsl- n |se . M ost o f thla hngo a m o u n t- was f ro n r largo corporations and proporty'ownO rs, who took ad v an tag e o f tho 6 per cept. d iscoun t fo r p ro m p t paym ent. I t requ ired the servlfces of slxt^y cierUs to a ttend to the crOwda.In llno- a m lo u s to eq u ate n p tholr d e b ts to tho c ity’. John Jaco b A sto rso n t In a c h c c k fo r$100,000, Equal a m o u n ts w crejrecelved from the C o n ­solidated G as Com pK ny,'Trinity C orporation, Nbw Y ork C en tral and H arlem R a ilro a d ,'in ­c luding tho am ount* due by m ost o f tho Van- d o rb ljtla m lly ; $250,000 from the Goelet estate, anil’ ?lj^,0(KUroin'tiie*M oses T ay lo r esta te.

- P a t t o r s o n R e n o m i n a t e d .

A t tlie D em ocratic C ounty Convention hold a t tho C ourt Ylouso on Mon d ay, 'Dr. J am o$ I I. P atterson was renom inated fo r C ounty Clerk.

Gepu Chas. H aight was cboson a s cha irm an , wltli A ifo n E . Jo h li lo n ro f iroweTl, and Danlol W hite, o f Oceanport, fo rse c re ta ric s .

Ex-Sheriff A um ack had a com plim entary veto from R aritan an d fi p o rtion of tho W all delegates, tyut hla nam e wa& w ithdraw n an d the nom ination b f Dr. P a tto rson was m ad e unanim ous.

V o ic e C n tlitire ,"T ho 'congregatlofl. of - tho ‘ f re sb y te r la h

C hurch has engaged Prof. H arding , O t ^ fco ^ hold, fo r live m onths,w ho will^moct%»h th6tn on Tuesday evenings o f each w eok, to give Instruction. In churoh m usic an d volco culttico. ,?rof. H ard in g has, h ad an experlenoe o f 35 years in th is work, a n d It la desired th a t a ll m em bers of the congregation, Sunday-School, a n d all friends desiring to cu ld v a to R inging, w ill avail thomsolves ofn th is prlvllego. A com m ltteo of-flve will seouro tho ' ncccssary funds, •

~rT l ie N oinU i a t io i i A c c e p te d .Mr. Ja co b A . Cfetaaonhalncr, of Preolibld,.

w .asat hom e la s t M onday’ m orn in g w hen tho'1 com m ltteo, headed by M ajor Y ard ,-ca lled u pon h im to bfDclally n o tify him oi h ls nom - inatlbn for Coagrcae from tho TKird iila trjo t. In a brloE'speceh M ajor Yard„^tatedftholr d u ty an d Mr. Gelssonhalner w ith thanks,, accopted' tbo h o n o r of bolng tho Dom pcratlc candidate, and thon invltod the, com m ittee t o 's t a y a n d oat with h im ; ' Tho cftbimUteo d id so.

. D m n a jfc s f o r 'l’oriu T r o u e d r s ,Av passenger on a . P e n n sy lv a n ia . R ailroad

tfa ltt som ^lm oTthls s u m m ^ e a m o In W n ta c t with a pro jecting Borew ln tho seat be occu- plod. rosnltlng in tho rem bval o f tho rea r p a r t of h lk trou8eps wbon ho got u p to lo av c^ -A b ill ,o f^ a ra a g es was | e ^ t In to th o com pany. A s I t was an uaufiual^ claim It m ade tho rouncla Gfvevory d o p a rtu io n to f th a t, m am m oth con- co rn |befo ra It*came u nder the propor official. T hety lt was referred back-to another.offloial, upd Trom him to sov^ral m ore, a n d w as finally endorsed lo r spttlom ont, w ith tho in tim ation th a t the charge appeared ra th o r h lg fH or thp trousers. . A traveling agent w as Instructed to look afte r the ease nod succeeded In erfoct- lu g iv C om prom ise.' T h e to r fa g a rm o n t was p a id io r a t * d satisfactory rgto, a n d instruc*' tiofts given to ear-cleaners to look o u t fo r such projoctlnrt hardw are In the fu tu re ,

. ---------------------i----------------- —T he jD ter-S ta to F a ir, a t T routon, Is pro-

nouncod by thoso who have v lah o d the grbhuds^.far ah ead o f all expectations. T bo. arrangom otys wero all on % liberal iscale. ' .

A L p ^ a c y t h a t P r o v e d V a l « a t > l e .

- A f(iw weeka ago Traveling A gent McCon- nellt of the PodnsylvatjIa"R(illroaa; vi§1 fedfet* a p p lican t for tickets a t W oodbrldge, a n d 'i n tho coUrao of conversation heard a cu rious -and In teresting story . - • fo .

Tbo.gontlem an an d his wife ^ere^reslden te o f SlouxrCIty,‘ Iow a, and came-'E a s t to ' Ipobi a fte r soiiio'IaBdAn the t io ln ity of W oodbrltjgo th a t had beon left thorn by bis fa th er so^eral years ag o . I t w a s the first tim e they b a d seon It Binco the bequest. The tra c t consist­ed of,aboUt 20 aores, an d w as regardod aa o f, so llttlo valuo th a t n o a tto m p t had been m ade to c n lttvaie It. Once a y ea r th o tax e s woro p a id , a n d the tltlo .kept perfect. ' :z

Somo m onths ago the gentlem an received a le tte r from W oodbrldgo con tain ing a n offer .of |0,tX)0 f5r the 20 acres of land , Ho regard- ep it aa a joke an d paid n o a tte n tio n to I t In tho co u rse o f a few weeks a second le tter cam e, Increasing tho offer to $10,000. A t tho enggestion ol hlB wife,, w ho th o u g h t perh ap s a gold o r ellye.r m lno h ad boon discovered,, thoy conclndod to como on and Investigate, On theft a rriv al they h ea rd aomo S tartling ’ new s. T h a t t ra c t of worthleaa land,.. tn rn e d o u t a lm ost equal to a gold niluo In value, for underly ing it w as a bed o f fine clay such as Is In dally uso In tho tile, and brick works a b o u t W oodbndgo ; b iit In s te a d .j if B o llin g fo r 110,000, the ownei' flnaU yrcceived In cash tho sum o f $37,500 for tw enty acres o r the poorest land In New jersey .'*

Ho had com pleted the sale w hen Mr. Mc­Connell called upon him, and secured re tu rn tick e ts to 8 |o n x C ity, possessed o f m oro w ealth than he over dream ed of owning.

~ P M k L o d g e A . O . V . W .Over fo rty ch arte r m em bers m e t in th e

Board of T rade room o a Tuesday e vening a n d organized tho nqw lodgo of the A n cien t O rdor o f U n ited W orkm on, to be know n a s P a rk Lodgo, N o; 88.

Tho p relim inary w ork o f th o o rgan ization . Tvah accom pllehod th ro u g h M r. D aniel Brower, w ho w a s a ssis ted by J o h n W , p lo fo n d o rf, G ran d F orem an of the O rdor i n tho juriadlo- tlori o f Now Jofsoy , D elaw are and M aryland, who has epoot Boveral^days here for th a i p n r- poso. - ” ■ ■- /•' : . ; -

Tho A. O r U . W . is a fra te rn a l organ ization fo r the purpose of n n ltln g persons o f good m oral charac te r, who believe in th e exletofico o f a Supremo Being, w ith the o th er a ttr ib u te s of j a C reator, and who desire to en te r in to a fra tern a l brotherhoood for tho Im provem ent o f tholr sOOIaj, ln te llcc tn a raU d m oral condl- ktlon. Also to assist o ne an o th er while living^ find care fo r the dyIng and dead. * j W h o ev er th is fra te rn ity has booh estab ­

lished T tb a s galnod the en tire confldonco o f tho pooplo and Is a lready rogarded as ono o f the m ost p rosperous n nd p e rm an en t o rders o f tho country . I t s system o f d istr ib u tin g a id to the widows n» d o rp h an s of m em bers, w ith­o u t c rea tin g an obllgaTlon, is one of the, p ri­m al a im s of tho society. J n th is d lreo tlon , du ringJtho tw ohty years of Its ex istence , }t has d isbursed over $21,000,000, a n d n o one o t ltd m em bera fecla tho joaa because o f h is bon-;1 trlb ttiion to tho fund.* .

Though A sb u ry P a rk and O cean G rove have a num ber o f good and w orthy societies, there. Is room for p a rk Lodge, No. 8 8 . T h e mem­bership cm braeca m any of o u r best bnsinoss m en, w ith thoso younger In yearst well know n In onr societies, a ltoge ther p resen ting a per- sonhel rare ly so en ln a now organization .

Tho now lodge was in stitu ted w ith “fo rty - throe oh a fte r m em bers p resen t, several o thors th a t had passed being a b s e n t Tho G rand Officers p resen t wero : G rand M aster W ork- jn a n ^ A lp b o u a Y a n B a n t , o tC a m d e n 5 G rand F orem an, J . W. Dlefcndorf, of W ilm ington, Pol.jj-G rand Ovorsc^f, Thom as H a r r is ; k , G. M , W.* M orritt H o m er ; Q ran d Gnido, W. B, Blgneli, ol Fidelity Lodge, .No. 8, Cam den, an d G ran d ^ iittid o W atchm an , C. ‘H . Davis, of In d n stry Lodge, No;"'3 , W ilm ington, who perform ed th e sorvlco of in stitu tio n , and aC tctw acdalnstaU cdthe offlcoraof P a rk Lodge a s follows r • " ,

P a s t M aster W ork m an—Daniel Browor. M aster W orkm an—W m .H . Miles. Porom an—-Wm. I f . F a rry . • •O verseer—A. L. Clayton,Recorder—Samuel A. Cllvor. » '

. F inancier—R andolph Ross. —Rccelvor—Georao A. Smock.G n ld e-rP o rte r L . L lpp lnco tt. - 'Inaldo W atchm an—C lark Hurloy.

• • Octsido W atchm an—A, J . H ill. , . M edical E xam iner—Dr. B.'ft. K eator, T m atees—L. E, W atson. D av ld lla rv e y , J r . .

Charley P . Prldham , . .AYiy in to rm atlon conccrn lng the o rdor will

bo cbc«rfally given by e ither of th o officers o r m em bers. .

P r i z e F is h e r m o n ,. S a tu rday closed th e co n te s t fo r tho m edafs a t the A sbnry P a tk Pior, W ith n o chango from the resu lt th a t haa been a n tic ip a ted fo r sev­eral weeks. Mr. Jam es F . E dge Is en titled to the gold medal. H ecau g h t a b ass th a t weighed 20X p o n n d « ; Tho heaviest llsh caugh t la s t year w eighed 10>tf pounds, and waa lantLjd byMr. Amoa L lpplncott, * “ ----- -

Tlio w inner o f the silver m edal is aald to bo a colored m an w ho cam e to tho P a rk on ono of tho num erous excursions ih la sum m er. T his m odal goes-to tho person ca tch in g th e largest flah with a hand o r drop-line, while the gold m edal waa contested fo r by rod and- reel fishermen. . v ’

These handsom e trophies will probably fas p resented to tbo successfu l-anglers o n Mr. Bradley’s r e tu rn from Europe; Tho am o u n t

.of...flailing-.tackle bought early In the season. by thoso anx ious to haul in tho.blR iieb will am ount to h undreds of dollars, whllo tho cash paid o n t every day for bait in tho shape of soft crabs and clam s was enorm ons. So g rea t w as-tho d em aad for c ra b s th a t a -fall supply conld not be obtained nea re r than the New York m arkets, and crates of them woro for­w arded a lm ost dally b ^ e x p r e s s . A single Crab co st 10 cen ts, or “ threo fo r a quarter?* and the superin tenden t of the P ie r h ad bis hands fu ll In supplying tbo wantsrofliundjfeds who were reg u lar.p a tro n s of the Pier.

P r e & U y t c r y M e e t i n g - . ’ .

_Tho Prcabytery o f M ontg.outh hold iJs Berat- an n n a l m eeting In tbe Old T ennou t ChUrcb- on Tuesday an d W ednesday o t th is week. Tho a tten d an ce w as largo an d tho delegates* woro very ploasantly e n t e r t a i n e d ^ ; - -

Tho opening sofm on. was p reached by the re tirin g n l6<icrator,. Rov. E . B, Hodge, o f B urlington,

Rov. W m. Steen, o f CranDury, was elected m oderato r, a n d the clerks, Rev, B. 8 . E v erett a n d Rev. R obert HalIoekr Woro re*appolntcd.

Rev. A . IL Brown, who bas fo r m an y years boon tho fa ith fu l a n d earnest Synodleal Mis­sionary , resigned tho position to tako Charge' o f m ission w ork 'w ith in the WeBt Je rse y P res­bytery . ; ■;.... \ V ‘ ' ’

Rev. Dr. Dash loll,; form er p as to r a t Lake­w ood, w aa appoint?*) by the P resb y te ry o f ^Monmouth td tako cliHrgtf' uf thu Hiuiiu;work w ith in its .bounds. ' V

, T he pastoral rela tlpn betwoen R ev. Mr. Edw ards and the ohui-ch a t Tom s'I^lvCr w as ' dlesolvod. fie- deslrea- to accep t a call W a , ch u rch In Pennsylvania,

Am ong the various reports w as one cont com ing the o rg an isa tio n of a n o i< ch a rch at- M oorestown. A rrangem ents w o re com pleted to r thp in sta lla tio n o f a p a s to r. ; / J t

•* Tuesday evening a p o p u lar m ooting was hejd in tho in te rest of Sunday-schools. A d­dresses wero m ade by iRevs. Novin> C hand­ler, T y ack 'an d Sw ain. '

A fte r tho tran sac tio n of the usual routlno bastness p resby tery ad journed to m eet in A pril a t B urlington. ■ • . *, *

. B o a r d o i T r a d e r : V »> ' ■ ' ■-

The_rejfular m eeting ofjtho Board o f. T rade will be hold a t th e room s o n M attison avenno o n W ednesday even ing nOxt. A i c l l a tten d ­ance is desired In o rd er to carry o u t tho bcv- e ja l pro jects staVted'f early In th o season.- :

^ ' l i e l b r m e d C J l in r e i i v 7 J

Borvices p repara to ry to com m union will be: hold lb the Itoformod Church on Frlilay even­ing, O ct. 5, a t 7.30. Revs. J . B. Cam pbell, of Long B ranch, an d I P . Brckaw, o f Freehold, w ill o % la ^ L ^ . -

/ O n l y T h r e o C r i m i n a l C a s e s ,

Jaa tlcc ito lm e s j has had a a la c k vycek, Jo h n b o rw la h ad his periodical driink , 'and . was tal^on In. by O fflcet-L lJJhfcott. Ho p a id b is One of $5 a n d costs. /

TUo samp day, Sa tu rd ay . Jarfios VVendell. a deSf m uto, ^vas arrcs'tod ' by Offltier Maddox* for tho sam e offense, Ho was placed 111 the look 0 £, n o t being able to ’pay h is Ono of (5arid coats, whflnoo h e Jo o k leg b a ll. . ^

On W odneaday Caleb Bohnott was arrested by Offlcor ifu llck fo r p rofanity , w hich ho ad ­m itted, and tbo !8q u ire lonlontly g av e h lm ’JiO cen ts a n d coats for one a^ear.

- I .

F r e o l m p o r t s d o n io tn ie a n l^ o w o r " ;> P r i c e s . ■ > . :

I t does not necessarily follow th a t, a - freo Im porta tion of foreign articles- gives low er prices, n o r th a t p ro tection in a ll cases com ­pels tho consdm er to pay m oro for hom e-m ado goods th an ro r tbo sam p grado m ade abroad, o r a * thoy a ro Bold In tholr m arke ts, “— •

T hero ia scarcely ani a rtio lo m an u fac tu red lo-day th a t is h o t choaper u n d e r o u r pro teot- ivo sy stem ‘th an 1 Was In 1^ , beforo tbo prosont R epublican policy tyent in to effect- i ro n and stool with tholr p roducts o f m ach in ­e ry , tools, Im plem ents o f a ll k inds, household goods and fu rn itu re , a re m uch cheaper than in 1800. Eng land was ah a tg ln g as $160 per ton for eteol rails, paying, a d u ty o f 45 p e r cen t. (t<I,valorem, wbon In . 1807 wo b egan thb m anufac tu ro of tbo Bessemer ateol ,^ i l s In th is coun try . I a l8 7 1 tho du ty was changed from an ad valorem to a Bpociflo 5uty Of $28 per ton, an d stcdl rails wont dow n l o $113 p e r .ton . In 1874; the sam e 'r a j l s w ere selling a t $04.25 per.ton , a n d tw o years la te r fo r $59.25. Nino yoars altterthoy w ent down to ^27, u nder the s trong com petition of tbo A m erican/h ills , which the E nglish m an u fac tu rers a ttem pted to b rea k dow h a u d fprce to close. Th(s irou ld bave been th o resu lt b u t for tbo d n ty m ain­tained a t ^18 p e r to n , as It now stands.

P revious to 1800 tb em an n fac tu ro of pottery, Was scarcely, know n In this co u n try , and prices m le d h igh . Crockery 1s selling to-day 87 por c e n t , cheaper th an in 1800,'a lthough the p ro te c tiv e -d u ties have boon ‘advanced from 24 p e r c e n t ' to '55?per c o n t- In stead o f Increasing tho prlpe, the p ro tec tio n tfc hom e Industry baa stim ula ted com petition, an d tho frugal housew ife can now buy foc$3.50 ju s t as good an outflt fo r her tablo a s th a t whloh .In 1860 cost h e r $4, T w o-tblrda of all thp -croakory .used here is made> In this oountry^^ an d w ith a fair du ty w ill b e m tf tta lp o d .

Bo w ith m ost of the tex tile fabrics. They a re ch eap er now by 20 Jo 40 por cen t, th an in 1861. On unbleached sh o e in g tb g re is a d u ty 0 ^ 3 ^ cents p e r Bquare y a rd ; on bieachcd 8 )^, a n d on p rin ts 4% , w ith hlghor ra te s on

itho b e tte r grados. In iho faeo ,of th is d u ty . the com petition o f A m erican m an u fac tu re rs has brough t down thb prices of these goods a lm ost to a lino w ith iho d n tles paid . H ad thero been no .pro teotlon-A m erlcah m anufac­tu re rs w ould have b roken up a n d foreign monopoly, w ithout hom e com petition , w ould liavo p u t oh e x o rb itan t prices ju s t as has been done In fo rm er tim es. V? — r -

.Many o th er a rticles m igh t b e c ited t o show th a t o n r hom e facto ries aro p roducing goods at-aa low figures a s those abroad ,van d the money for w ages an d the profits are k ep t a t hom e to re invest In bnslneas en terprises.

M . ‘ B l t r u b b e r y V a i u i f t l iS trangers com ing to ABbury Park havo boon

^p ligh ted with the b e a u ty a n d taste fu l d isplay In tho adornm ent of m ahy o f the y a rd s and la w n a o fo u r p riv a te dwellings. I t^ b a s be- como a m atte r of ju st prfao to m ost o f ou r people, and du effort w as begun th is season to mako i t m oro system atic. P lan s woro also, form ed fo r beau tify ing ttio. p ub lic places.

Som e o f our rcsldonta p rooared cholco seeds and bnlbs through the com m ittee an d were con g ra tn la tin g thomsplvea on their success, whon lo I tho despoiling van d a l g o t t n h la (tn m ost instances her) ru th less work, b reak­ing dow n tho p lan ts and d |g g ln g u p ro o ts and bulbs. Snob o u trages In such a com m unity seem s a lm ost beyond belief, and yot It is a fac t th a t persons b y n ight h av e m a d e th o h eart of tho go^d lady of the houso elck when she haa ftg D^aucb^ w an ton d e s tru c tio n b f h e r c h o lc ^ t p lan ts . * “ ,

- - M j . E. G. H arrison appeared beforo theB or- oug&CommlasIonera M onday n lg h ta n d asked th a t thp au th o rities tak e som e ac tio n a g a in s t theso sh rubbery vandals, and they will offer a

-reward ^or tho apprehension and conviction of . persons p ilfering flowers o r destroying plants. T ho w riter haa been am ong thoso w ho havo been annoyed In th is way. Choice roses, geranium s and dahlias have d isappeared vory m ysteriously, b u t fo rtunately we have m ado a discovery and a repetition will bo lik e ly to causosom ebody’s a f r o s t . ___■

lCopnblicanClub.No. 55.>A largo and actlvo R epublican C lub has

been orgaolzed a t W est P ark am ong tho col­ored peoplo, and thby now have 1»J0 mem bers. T he ofilcers a r o : L . A. ill tc h e ll, p re s id e n t; Jo h n Shockley, v ice -p res id en t; W .' IL M. John so n , s e c re ta ry ; L . C. Ifu b b ert, treas- u r o r ; E. Fribble, chairm an executive com-mItteo. ■' ' -..... ‘ - ......... "

W ednesday pvching thoy raised a bean tlfa l H arrison and M ortob b a n n er, an d th e ir c lnb tjCMSin w as crow ded. M essrs. E . G 5 H artlson , E^M , Fielder and H ;D . Colem an in adoshort addresses, b u t very pointed, on tho^m arits of, t h p ^ O grdat parties In the p resen t cam paign ,' M r. L E , W atson was a lso oalled o n and m ade a fow rem arks. C lu b N o. 3 oxpfuUs to d o ’fiood ^roik-ln the prosont c an v ass .'

E xcelsior B in d gavo ^ thclr m nslc free, which was heartily applauded, and^fo r which they received a-voto of thanks.

C h o r a l U n io n O iD cers.T he,A sbnry P a rk Choral U nion hold a me'ot^

Ing In tho Y. M . C . A . room s o n W ednesday evening and elected the following officers for tbe onauIng y e a rs .

- ''Preeldent—Fred. A. Wiseman-Vice P resident—Geo. M. Bonnett. Socrotary— W m.iG. H arrison . T reaan re r\-Jam o8 V anB rnnt. L ib rarian—Jo h n Burtla.

. - - , C onductor—A ,.C . A tkins,P ian is t—M rs. R Ripley. -

- A bsH P ian ist—Mlss A. K . H arrison.• N ex t W edno8day w ork will begin In drill an d reh ea rsa isP — - — » “ . .

. T lio V 11 io n K e o r g a n iz e d .meeting^ was hbld .W ednesday evening a t

theJrcaidenco o rM ra . M , J . Lain, for th e pur- p o ie of eloetlpg officers a n d beginning th e . work of tho iTdung People’s U nion connto? U d w ith tbo P resbylerlan Church, as uauol during th e ’ w inter m onths. T he followingo(Hcor9»wero e lo c tc d :

President-^-W ..B. Longsdorf,F irs t Yloo P res—H arry Smook.8 ccond V |ce P re8—V . V, LoRoy. Secretary—Daniel Robbins. *Trcaaurer—Mias J e n n ie A, Lain.

: JLost in S if f ltt o f H o m e .Threo fisherm en,' n a m e d ' F ran k W eaver,

Goorgo Coim toqk and WllIIam-8 mltht-etartCd p u t M onday m orn ing from S andy H o o k .fo r blueflsh. T hey h ad a good ca tch an d were re lu c tan t to leave, a lthough tho w ind b e g a n to m ake a heavy sea. M r^C om stock Is an ojd.flsjierm an a n d rem ained longer th an he th o u g h t p rn d en t a t tho so llcua tloh of the OthOTS. . . ' I .

.W hen about, to tako up an ch o r a heavy wave dashed o ver thom, upse ttin g the boat, to which thoy m anaged to cling. W eaver a fte r a tlm o lost his hold an d was sw ep taw ay . The e th e r tw o w ere flna'lly rescued by a fish­ing sm ack, b u t Sm ith dlod soon a fte r ‘ b e in g taken on board from exhaustion . 'C om stock w ai.taken homo, b u t hla recovery Is d o u b tfu l

• ■ -a. : • ■ \ * \ r r . * ■4 1 ,*W ith blneCfih in tbo ocean and plc.kerolnnd

plko In th e brancheil'Of Doal L a k ^ 'o u r local epoVtsmon havo am p le opportun ity to p u t in these Idle days tp ith e lrV n tlr© satisfftctlou. .Blueflsh are b ro u g lt ln by tlie b o a tlo a d an d catches of from p i i ^ o tw onty piko a n d p ick­ere l are not uhebmmi

J e f f e r s o n 's P ro te c fc io i^ Id e a s .■ This w e ig h ty , qfle^tlon w as answ ered b y Thos. Jefforson In the negative. H e w as h o t frightened Iu O a n aban d o n m en t of tfiopiotoor. tlve system bo<ianse ith appenod toy le ld aau r^ ' plus, no r d id ho Recommend tho o v ertu rn ing o f a Qxed In d u sttla l policy o n whloh tb e grow th an d wealih o l the coun try w ere foun- dwf^i sim ply becauso th o na tio n a l treasu ry - shared the general j ) |^ p e r l t y o f , th i^_ountry_ and overflowedW ufimoney,- iT h ls subjoetU ad tak en s tro n g bold o iLJefferson’s -m in d , and the n ex t year (1808), A retu rn in g to th e sub: jo c t jn h is annual m essage to Congrosg', bo said i . “ The probable accnm nlatlon o f t h e - su tp ln s o f rovenuo boyond w hat - c a n bo > a p ­plied to thb paym ent of tho p ub lic dobt,- w hen­ever tho freedom and safety o f o u r opmmoTCo shall be restored, m erits tho eoneidoratlon.'of Congress.^ Shall I t Ho unprodnctlvo In th e publto vaults f Shall the revopue b o red ficp d f Or,' shall i t.n o t ra thor bo ap p ro p ria ted to tbd Im provem ent o f roads, canals, r iv e rs ,‘ed u ca­tion; and o th er q rea t foundations o b p rosper­ity a h d union, u n d e r the powers which C on­gress m ay already possess, o r such a m en d ­m ents o f tho C onstitu tion a s m ay bo approved by tho S tates t ”

So earnestly was Jefferson In f a v o ro f using the enrftius which w as yielded b y a p ro te c tl ro tariff for somo g rea t national benefit t h a t ho

W as to ad y and anxious to am end th© C onsti­tu tio n to sup p ly any deQclonoy of pow er h is s tr ic t co n stru c tio n creed m ig h t flnd^ N or was It a 'trifiln g su rp lus whrch ho w a s , ready td qse fo r ba tiona l improvements!; - I ta m o u n - ted to $14,000,000—equiva len t on th e m oroba-, sis of population to a su rp la s to -day o f $150,-000,000, a n d equ ivalen t on tho basis o f rela tlvo national wealth of tho tw o periods to o su rp lu s of.$400,000,0u0. I t n ev e r occurred . to Mr. Jefferson’s m ind—Lhe m o st com prchonsl^o and far-soelng m ind of all tho P resid en ts o f tho U nited £ta«&, his J»eer boiog fou n d , i f found a t all, In Afaraham- L incoln alonoHr-I say i t never occurred to Mr. Jeflforeon’s m ind th a t It, w ould bo a wlqo policy for th e G overnm ent or an advantageous o n e to tho people t o loan the treasu ry su rp lus to a few favorite banks, E^fthOi A dm inistra tion of P residen t C leveland has done, Mr. Jefforson looked t o ‘ h igher alm s a n d o n d s—som ething th a t w ould benefit Hie n a tio n a t large an d be o f equal au d Im par­tia l advan tage to all the people.— Blaine's New York Address.

A n E x p e n s iv e L u x u r y .T he D em ocratic cam paign^ com m ltteo,

am ong Its free distributions, sends o u t a sheot o f c lip p in g sJro m qnch papers as tho Star, HemUi and fritnts. One Is headed as abovo^ giving a long Hat of articles in use am ong com m on peoplo and how^mjioh each do llar’s worth co sts wl tb tho duty added. Tbo ayeragp

.Increase, allowing th e lis t aa It s tands, is a b o u t 80 p e r c e n t B nt they - d o n o t sta te th a t w ages a re higher by 100 p e r cent*, and m ore, th an when D em ocratic free tra d e al- lowod do llar for dollar, as thoy w ould argue.

I t would Indeed b e a n “ oxpenslvo luxory.V.. ,wero'tho w orklagm an lo jeo p ard ize h ia good pay fo r the tfiero purpose of sav ing a small fraction In tho few com m odities he m ay pnr- chaso th a t a re affected by tb o tariff. % ■ ..

Still, allow ing tbe lnferenco, th o ag h tho lis t Is n o t co tfcc t. Is thore any a ssu rance th a t retail prices would b e reduced f PaS t oxpe- rlenco haB tau g h t us differently. Y ery m any of these a rticles wore h igher U nder free trade th an now, B im p ly becauso they w ere con­trolled by foreign cap ita lists^ M any of them a re B o ld aa low bore a s thtJy'are to-day In free trad e England, so the a rgum ent Is n o t sound In any*asp#ct of tho case, b u t show s w hat fra il s traw s tho ongineera of the D em ocratic cam ­p a ig n a re build ing on in th e ir desperation to hold the fo rt.

T o r t u r i n g O e e s e to T lc k lo P a l a t e s Everybody know s th a t th e pate de foie g rm t ,

o f S trasbnrg , la tho bcat~ thlng in ^ h e w orld,” b u t vory few o f us have m ore th an a vague Idea of tho m ethods em ployed for en la rg in g tho livers of tbo gecso from w hich i t is mado. NOW lhe live* o f tho g o o s e 's o “ tra in ed ,” If we mAy tnw tho ex p ressio n ,is tw elve tim es as largo as na.ture Intended It to be. In e rd p r to o b tain th is rosult, th e u n fo rtu n a te geeao a re sub jec ted to torm ohts uuknow n ev o rfto the early C h ristian a Tho first th in g donp is to. na il tho fe e t .o f the geese fast to p lan k s, so they m ay n o t a rres t the desired tum efaction o t th q llvor even by the s ligh test m ovem ent. Secondly tho lr eyes a re p u t o u t th a t no glim pse of tho w orld they havo le ft m ay dls^ to rb th o m . Finally they a re cram m ed with nnts, a delicacy of which they o re ex trem ely fond, b u t they a ro n o t allow ed, to d r in k a drop of w qter, a lthough thoy puffer su ch tor- tu rM :f ro m .th irs t th a t they u tte r p ierc ing cries of,agony,—-Harper's Bazaar. -

A P i c k p o c k e t 's H a n d y T o o l .Am ong the cnrlosltlos whloh Chief Spoors

keeps in bis desk -a t thp C en tra l p o lice sta tio n la n llttlo pasteboard b o s Qllod with., p ieces o f g teep b ick s. 1 They wore onco p a rts o t five, ten, tw enty , fifty and one h undred do llar bills. A t the tim e they Wero m u tila ted thoy w ere paT^, o f a ro ll of $5,000 in tb o pisto l pocket of a^wealthy s tockm an. Bie w as o n a tra in com ing in to K anaas C ity , _and w hen ho, got off a t the U nion depo t .the pieces in tho little b o x -a t tho. C en tral s ta t io n w ere a l l th a t was left o f tho;$S,000. .^ p ic k p o c k e t b a d c n t h is p ocket and In doing i t h ad o ut som o o f the bills, b u t h e g o t all th& r e s t

W hen Chief Spbertf show s the scraps, o f p e o n b a ck s ho also show s a eam plo o f th e Instrum ent used jby tho p ickpocket who Secured the $5,000 m inus the bills which had been ipu tlla ted . I t is a curloua lit tle ro u n d steel affair, aboqt six inohes i n TeBgtA, The knlfe.end o t i t Is tu rn e d a t r igh t anglos to the handle and Is only a b o u t' ono-bajf' an Inch- long. I t is ham m ered as th in a s paper and sharpened un til It outa c lo th as nolsolosaly as I tw o n ld buttor, W hon a p lckpockot locates “ a roll ” ho watchos hla. op p o rtu n ity nnd-cuts the p o c k e t W ith a n ex p e rt i U s the w ork of a .m om ent. T h o in a ttn m en ts , tho police eay, are m ade exclusively for th e-p ro fess io n , and. a re o f tho very best-quality o f stoel .— Kansas City Times. . . ?>.. j . :

Tho now aootlon th a t la b e in g j l e a r e d ' oL tim b er W est of the railroad,.^beyond D eal Lake, will have a frontage on a n arm of the lake fo r nearly Its whole length . Thd"bttnte- la h igh and a beau tifu l torcace c a n b e gradpd d p v n to tho w a te r 's edge. 'E x c e lle n t oak, p lh (tan d ohestnu t tim ber is 'b e ln g saw ed np b y a p o rtab le mill, an d sto red aw ay un til iequ lr^d fo r build ing . . B ig s ta m p s a re sh a t­tered* by d ynam ite cartridges and th o lr ro- niovol m ade easy. - , • -

A n Ocean G rove sum m er jilaUofe to ld a w hopper ih o o th er day to t h o j a a | t 6| o L th e City -Hali ^owec l,n P h llad o lp h la She sa id th a t while In Ocean Grove sho cl Im bed to the t a p o t tho " h ighest building*” an d w ith a n Opera glass could seo the-noW C ity H all very p lain ly 1 'P h ilad e lp h ia Is abou t TOmlles Ih an alM liic from Ocean G rove, and th a t wom an had eyes of d o n b lo ^x tra m agnifying powoc.N

’ Tlnp, S oy m o n rS tra tto n vCompdy Co. have filled their week’s engagem ent &t rae O pera Honso with fair succeea. “iM a^ h lo 8Som,’r the selection fo r M onday evonlhg,’ w as ft.very c lever affair, Mias Seym our ta k in g tho leading ch arac te r rOle. She was. well eupported i by tho otbolr m em ber^, •' ' - r.7 — — J.

• ^ | i e W o r d s W e U se ,A t an © dncatlriHfl m eetl n g h e ld 1^ th is S ta te

a fow, ypars ago, the conducto r, a n o ted p ro ­fessor, m ade tho follow ing s ta te m e n t: u Tho best educated p erson* ln th is room will n o t uso more th an 000 or 700, w ord?.” H e also, assigned a sm allor n u m b er t o persona o f lim ­ited educailon , B ta tln g lh a t an ig n o ran t m an would n o t use m ore than 200 o r 300 words. I had before sOon sta tem en ts of sim ilar im port Ip public p rin t, n n d to ;test tho lr co rrectness I began a n Investigation o f tho m atter . , \

T he su b je c t was b ro u g h t nnow to m y -mind by observing a n a rtic le Irr Thc Chautantpinn Borrte m onths ago, In which Pfofeaaoj’ B an­c ro ft re m a rk e d : ‘ | I t has been e s tim a te d th a t an E nglish farm h a n d h aa a v o c a b n la r j llm* Ited to 300 w o h la . ' A n"A m efican workm an Who reads the .new spapers, m ay Conimand

,Jrom 700 to 1,000 words. F iv e '‘thousand Is a "large n um ber, even fo r a u ed u cated reader ot speaker.” This assertion la m uch nea re r th e tru th th an th a t of th e Institu te co n d u cto r m entioned. F o r tho benefit o f th o se w ho m ay bo in terested I offer the results of ray s tu d y on tho sab jec t, An Intelligent perso n can m ake the sam o exam ination and will a rr lv o a t substantia lly th o sam o results.

I took W obsterra high school d ictionary , edition 1878, co n ta in ing 434 pages of vocabu­lary, an d exam ined,each w ord in th e book. I mado a n o te o f those words which I supposedI bad used a t somo tim e e ither In sp eak in g or, Writing. I co u n ted *tho prlra ltlvo w ords and those dorivotlves whoso m eaning , is m ost a t variance with tho p rim itive . T hus, I c o a n t frigh t and f r u i t b u t n o t ‘frig h ten , frigh tfu l, Irlghtfu lly n o r fru itage, fru ite re r, fru itfu l, fru itfu lness, frultlfin and f ru it tree . I om itted m ost o f tho com pound words, especially when

..the com ponen t p a r ts directly Indicated the m eaning , a s .rallk-pailj . m eeting house, rag ­m an , h o t coun ted those whose significance was n o t directly indicated , a s crow bar, quick­sand , tin fo il. A s tbe resu lt., o f J h is e x a r i i in a - tion, I hod 7,028 w ord£ w hloh, I th in k , I m y­se lf havo used. . ■ «, .

Had I co u n ted tho various d eriv a tiv es in com m on use, It is probable tho num ber would bo nearly doublo. .

To m ake a fu rth e r te s t of words a t m y com ­m and, I sp en t ab p u t two hours In w riting from m em ory worda in A. 1 was ablp to nbto dow n 537 words th a t I could nse If occasion required. This Is 155 p e r cont. m ore th an . II bad counted from th e d ictionary , ‘Should the sam o p roportion h o ld goo d In alt"tho lettere, I t w ould follow th at Foan>recall from m em ory' 10,700w o rd s, a ll o f which are famSfrpE (

^1 mado a n o ^h e r^ o u n ta n d .c a m b to the con- elusion th a t I conhL gjvo a .fa lr d e f la it lo n d f a t least 20 ,00to worda In th a t book al^d w ould u ad e ra tan d 'th e ir slg n iflea tlan lu a p r in te d a r­tic le o r spoken ad d ress . »

— T he abovo eatlm atos a re based u p o n -m y own exporlonco an d know ledge becauso, it waa cohvoulont to m ako the e x p e rim en t wjbb myself. E very w o ll in io rm ed m an will bo as com petent, o r m ore so . E ith e r p rofessor m entioned will havo a m oro ex tended vocab­ulary than I havo.

I thon took a t random , In the sam e dictlon-i nry, % pagP' In each le tter, and conn tcd tho words in very com m on use .. O n tw enty-four pages there w ere 251-anch words. T his vrould give 8,800 words in Uso by p e rsons o f tho m ost Ordinary intolligenco. N one o f theso l is ts in ­clude any p ro g fr nam es. ,' A t'tho tlmo o f m aking th is s tudy, one o f m y children 'jvhs S years and 2 n ion ihs of ag e . )~1 notod down (and s till hovo the lists) 218 words used b y h or In ono dayf Thoy w ete w o rts tb a t any IntolUgent 'ch ild w o u ld use,, chiefly nam es of hoasoho^d^attlQ lcj, and com m on things, with the mo3t o rd in ary vorbs a n d

jMirtlclpIcs, I d id not-hear alt she sa id d uring ^ h e day, n o r do I th in k she used all tb o words^

she know, I estim ated h e r vocabulary a t 4<K) words, and-Bho d id n o t k n o w enough to 'c a rry on any ex cep t childish c o u v e m tio u .

From all the foregoing ob serv a tio n s I d raw tbo fo llow lrg cobclnslops ! _ ,.-j v

E very well-bred m an o f fa ir ab ility w ill h e ab le to deflno o r u n d orstand 20,000 o r 25,000 p rim itiv es and p rinc ipal d erivative w ords.

Tho ?am q m an in b is conversation a n d w riting will use npj. leaa J^ag ,. 0,000 o r 7,000 w ords. I f ho bo a lite ra ry m an hu ^111 cor% m and 9,000 or^8,000 more.

Com mon people usp from 3,000. to 4,000 w o^s^w ^raU ig to tiio ir.g en B r& ll.u to lllg o licB . an d con versatlonal p o w ^ , , .

A n “ illlto rato raau** (ono who can n o t road) will nso from 3,500 to 3,500 words.-fr/A pofaon w ho h aa n o t a t com m and a t least1,000 words Is a n Ignoram us a n d will find difficulty In oxpyosslhg h is thoughts^ 1?, In- deW , he have an y to exprcsa .-^-^Qeoryc Flcm - ing in lA tero iu re , . .

A S u c c e s s f u t B u s i n e s s C o l l e g e ,

Tw enty-n lno ycow ago las t T h u rsd ay P ro f.H. G* E a s tm a n opened h is college a t P o u g h - ,: , keepsle fb r in stru c tin g y oung m en In book­keeping and general business m ethods. Tbe plana hew orU ed on wero new and* peculiarly his ow n, b e ing n o th in g less th an theoretical ^ teach ing carried In to a c tu a l prac tice . — \

B eing w ith o u t moapB, he was a t first som e­w hat c ram ped fo r facilities to w ork w llli. b a t . l , being ‘possessed o fH rid o m ltab lo pus1i, -ho gained a foothold and then bPomod h is insti­tu tio n . P rim ary dep artm en ts were opened fo r beglnpers and w ork In overy grado^vas carried on ind ly id u a lly . Departm Onts were opened in m ercan tile p u rsih t? , shipping, fre igh ting , railroad ing , telegraphing,' bank­ing, all In ac tu a l opera tio n , buying and sell- li|g t aa If In teg u lar bti^lncijs.

F rd m th e o ld W aSbington M. E . C hurch— : which tf|o congregation had outgrow n^-w bcre ; the firs t'sch o o l w as*opened, It branched e n t • b n tll somo eight o r ton* largo bulldtnga w ere * mado use of toaccom m .odato the 1J30 or 1,500 S lndonts.from all parte of: the clvllizcd globe.

,T h e W riter has m ot ihoae from several of th e A siatic countries; ao<Lat a recen t visit to jth a t c ity d ined w ith a m em ber o f the Royal fam ily 'd f J ^ p a n , wljo, having f ln lshetta col­legiate coutso- a t home, desired, to acquire^ som e of the business m ethods Of A m erica .^

Som e o f :th& business mold o f Aabpry P a rk / had their tra in in g ' u nder P ro f. E astm an , and well know o f* 'h is ac tiv e , restless energies. fW h atw aa t ru c of him a s a^m anagcr o f his v a s t ln stlti^ lo n was equally t ru e o f h im a s a ’ : ' Citizen.A -W hilo ho was the m ay o r o f tbo c ity • . ho In an g u ra tc^ g rea t public ImprovementSi as

'sow ers and watec works; ahd. b u t for his nn* J tdmoly death many mOro w ould have beon car­ried o u t / . ‘ '

Tho iprosonb h ead off tb e College is Prof. G aines, who m an led Mr. E n stm an ’s widow. T h o 'la tter is v e ry1 fond o f g iv ing receptions; to the s tu d e n ts on ann iversary occasions and . has a c o n s ta n t Oversight in w atching for > Vacant seats . T h e ro b re m an y s tu d e n ts w ho; can th an k hor for k ind a tten tio n and nulnbor-. * less little dollcaeles which find Way" t o the room s of the slok. I t Is a m odel institu tion , - having n o real co u n te rp a rt, b u t num erous im ita to rs . " ’ V

F o r n i l n p f a T o v v u i i o t S y n c l l c a t e .

A Lincoln m an who has ju s t jrptum od from an ex ten d ed to u r of the co u n try recently s tru ck a sm all to w n In. M issouri where tlio Phantlos com posing thd^ mntrofibl46 W pre sur- ' ronndod by nnm orous acr&s/ o f land-fttajked^ off Into lots.-* Beforo one.of j ftw magnlffcent trado e m p ^ u m k .sa t,,an ^o id ..m an .sm o k ln g .ift. co rn c ^ t p i p e , an d a p p a ren tly p innged In m editatlo 'tu Tbe L i n c o l n i a n ffiaume<>'fan a ir of profoiihd Innocence and accosted hltn,~ whon this d ialogue ensued

“ W h a t a re th o se s tak es h e ro fo r ?n :“ Tow n lo ts , s tran g er. T h is ,h y a r town Is

ju s t cr goin* to havo a boom. An opery houso will bo bu ilt-th a^ jC r n o th in ’ happens,”

. V W ho o w ns th is p ro p erty ? ’*.“ A s y n d ic u t Yo w on’t seeary flies on this

'tow n.’’ . . , ' ' .W hat Is a syndjcato . ‘ 'rW hy, ye spo; a pyndlcu*. ts e r.lo t e r feltera

In th e r c ity w hat lias njonby, an d 'th ey so rte r ge t together an d buy^up a farm , .and they stako it o f t yo sce; an* s ta r t a boom. T b a t- ‘!, th ar land w a s th e r W ldder M aguire farm , but'*' ther synd icu t b o ugh t It, an d s tak ed It off.V

“ An d how does tbo syhdlcato do Its tfoora- in g ? ” , . ' . ' . - •

W al, ono feller in ther syn d icu t g e ts c o n ­tro] of I t all,, yo see, and ho sells-a lo t 10 an? - o ther feller, a n ’ It gpe? round a n ’ ronnd , %n’ every tlm o It goes round tho price I s r iz ,”

“ But th en lt\w ouId never be sold o u t of j h a t b ody.”

“ I t w ouldn’t, c h ? S tranger, y e r w rong. F inally , or lotvla.sold to sonic oursldo feller, and then It’s deddycatcd, ye see,'an* d o n ’t go round n o more.?’

“ T h an k s ; now I know all a b o u t I t . ’’-iV c- braxka Slate Journal. . t;, . .

M a r k tlie /G o iitraS fc . ^ ;A p ad d ler in a largo Iron fa tn aco a t Youngs­

to w n .O h io , faaa ju a t re tu rn e ^ f ro m a .VlSlbla. ,hls fellow-wp^rkmen In E ng land , f te 's ay s h< c a ire a rn $5.50 In this c o a n try doing tho sam e w ork th itt thcteugiisU m an ouly $1.08 fo r .

VTbo llttlo s toak tho E nglishm an g e ts costs Jilm 34 cents a pound. The Ohio m an pays 16 cents. W hat a c tm trast l -/Tho one liv ing lu com parative lu x u ry , ablok to savo from h is w ages suffioipn^Tnoney to . visit * hl8_ n a tlv e land, T he other p o rk s boid , ia poorly fed, and has no b a n k accoun t to d raw from If fte# desires a tr ip abroa'd. -A ,

Sewer Notice.

During tho past year a num ber o f now connec­tions have been nmde wl th 'tlie sewers,. This has to s o m o extent lessened the percentage of cost o f m aintaining tho works. As the ore oil on o f ' ^ho Sewer Works w aa n o t a m atter o l spedula- tlon, but became a necessity becauso of the suc- cessfurand rapid growth of the tow n.the'ow ner's deslfe to keep the annual ren t a t the lowest possible p o in t v. -

Notice Is hereby glvon that on all sowor ren ts ' for 1&88, which will be duo Jan u ary 1st, 1880, for prepaym ent a d wl uo tlon o f ono p e rc e n t a month will be allowed. After the next January on B o w e r rents duo tho following Jan u ary a deduc­tion of tw o per c o n t a m onth will for prepay­m ent bo allowed. On the third year, f o r pro-, ■payment, three per c e n t a month will bo allow ed; and on tho fourth year,' fo r pre- pu.ymput,. fonr p e r 'c e n t , a m onth] w.lU be allowod, This practically reduces tne sewer \ rent about <ftie third. I t is of* courso hnpos- slble to* tell, a t the present time, If a still further discount can bo allowed on tho fifth o r succeeding years, oh account o f increased num ­ber of connections, bu t the owners of property w h lc!r“la~cofiiiou ted ~w 1th"' tlnrBoW cFm aynf eSfa assured thUt they will reap every advantago pos­sible. Owners of the works only desire, afte r working e x p en se a re paid* n, moderate. Interest

"on the lnvestineut. j C . T . BATLKY,* ■ • -tSoo’y Sower Works.Asbury Park, May 22d,JRS8. (

J^OTIOE o r ABM GNM ENTj'Nntlco Is hereby Riven th a t ’Pylop L. Emmons,

of Aabnry r a r k . in tho township o f Neptune, in . U10 county of M onmouth, New Jersey, hath this day mado an assignment to the subscriber o f his estate,’for tho oqual benefit o f his creditors, and that said Creditors m ust exhibit tbo ir respective claims under oath o r affirmation w ithin the term ' of throe m onths. . v. •

Dated Septem ber 18th, 1888SAMUEL A. PA t'rERaO N ,

A sburyP ark , N. J.

■ \T O riG E IS H EREBY G IV EN THATCharles II. Porter#.of Asbnry Park, in the

township of Weptune, county o f tMonmouth liiitl Ktato.of'^ewjlQreoy, batb this day m ade an as- slKiiment to tuO aubscrlber o f his estate, for tho cqrM,l^?enofitof hla creditors, nud-lhat th e said-' creuit^rs m ust exhibit their roHpootlvo claims under .o a th , afilrraatlon, to . the Biibscrlher, Avlthln9Jdaysr a th lso ltlco , No. aiOJfain street, A sburyP ark ., '.

DTitrd the twoaty-soyenth day of - Auguat, In'1 tho year of ou r Lord eighteen hundred aud ■ e ighty-eight „

3 H U 3 A. CLARK, Assignee.


1 . H olt ortlnined by the (Tomralssloners of the BorbuRli of.A&hury Park, th a t tbo owner o r ow­ners o f any. lo t ’o r lots of land In ABbury I’a rk , * shall upon tw enty days’ w ritten 'notioo, (wh5re n ot constructod). Immediately lay,!* sidewalk o r sl«l6^(ilk8 a t least foiir feet wide in"Trt»nt and on tlio aide of hla o r their lot or lots facing apy pub- lio.Rtreet ia thin Ilnrou«h, which shau bo omi- eiruotbd of flagrbrlcki cemcnt o rco n o re to a tJh o option of tho owner, —

2. Be I ffu rth c r oreabied , thai-tho*street- 00nt- m lttoe of th is Borough shall Wkvctho pow er and • authority'toOQudemn a n ^ id e w a lk ^ w tth ln J J io i eorporato limits, and to roiTry'tlitTown0rHier«(«}F~':* th a t th e aaniom nef bo Tomoved, and a.'now : w alk laid In Its place wfehin tw en ty days ' the receipt o f a w ritten o r printed notice to JJ ia t M ^jffoot » - ■ t*

i. And bo It fu rther ordained, th a t the owtyot* /■ or owners p f any lo t o r lota < f land In'"thla -Uor- 1 oxitjh shall, nponH w enly days' notice imbiedl- iltely lay, relay or repSir.'flccOnling tp tho ten o r ; of 'said notlcc, tho curbing in front and on tho Rldo of liIS, hor or tboir Jnt facings on any public-- s tree t In this Borough, w ith plank a t least ton' . Inohos wldo and tw o think, firmly nailed to p u n - '' oUeons sot tw o feet hv thp ground, o r w ith nag­ging a t loaat tWolvo Inohes wide. ,

s>^4. And bo it further o idalhed,-that If‘upon tlW* . refcelpt of any o f the notices ami the lapse of tlm ~

’time aforesaid, said sidewalks J 'o t laid , ro - ,, , laid or curbing ropaired, according-ti? tlio tenor o f said notlco^tliu ttli0 '»amo shall bo laid, o r re- laid by HuvBoard of C’ominlsBloners-pf this Hor- oirgh,v»sWo case m ay requlro, and tho expense ' tiieroof shall bo mpdo a lion upon thb lo t o r lots ui»oir which said improvement la mado. 1 •

5. And bo It-furtbor ordained, th at all ordi­nances :■ a n d 'p a r ts of .ordinances’Inconsistent herew ith, are! tierchy ropoalpd. . •, ”

fl. And,he i t f u r r ie r ordained, th a t th is o rd i­nance ^hall t ik e euoetlm tacdlately. t ' ,

Passed ticptemher 17,1888._ ■ JOHN D. BEEflLBi Chairman. . ■

Atyqat: O.-T. BAlLBy, Clerk. I 7

Page 3: vot: xm ASBURY PARK, NEW JERSEY, OCTOBER 6, 1888 No. 40. · H. B. BEEGLE, (Late H. B. Beegle St Son) * BEAL ESTATE and; INSURANCE AGENT, •* ^2 Uiit^TnM, Cesafitrion, X, J. Tx>ans




- H n ( « s o f

6 | iajjw n fro b i? <100 a oar o 00 100061ft 8 00 14 00 70Q 1O0O 1800 000 15 00 iS500

___.isoo so 00 85 001800 1800 3000 5000,

... 85 00 85 00 55 00 85.00 30 00 45 00185 00] W WllSOOO

Thoro Is to bb_a rovlvifl of tho tu lip m an ia in H olland . - .- ‘7 . _

....... ■- ■■ _ 9 - , ....... ..,.j, M r. Jo sep h Uoss haa. p u t his pavilion in o rd o r to r th o w in ter s torm s. .

_ A few to u ts y evrom ain to tho. b lock e a st of thd~Occao Q p v d A c a k d r lo m ,'

Thero o i^ o T c r^ jp o n n o n th e p e B S lo irp o ilf f as veterans o f tho w a r o f 1 8 1 3 . *\ '

Thfi’Ocean Grovo ^Association wlffTdlnc a t tho Hygienic In s t Unto on Tuesday. -

M r. H enry K roehl h aa had tfco p iazza o f .hie Bangs avonuo rosldonco onclospd In glass.

Lookx. NoTroEA.—A lim ited ' n um ber o f local ; notices will bo ’adm itted a t the ra te o f fifteen

cen ts nor 'lino, They will bo placed a t tho-bot­tom o f tho local colum ns only, an d .m ust havo

adv " a t tho end. Whon continued four w eeks or longer, ft d iscount Of 25 p o r cont. is'allow ed.;

TanMH.—Ycatly • advertisem ents a ro payable quarterly , In advaoc6‘ t advertisem ents for less period th an threo m onths aro cash. -

■ Onr* A R c n t N . .;; Goo. P /R ow oll & Co., 10 Sprueo n’t .. Now York.

W. W. S harp & Oo.. a t Park Bow, How York. . Edw in Alden A Bro., 140 N assaust., Now,York,

and Cincinnati. : t '•:« .J . n . R atos, 41 P a rk Row, NeW.York.";N, W, A yer * Son, Tlmos Building, Phlla’d. P ra tt A Co., N inth an d Arch'sts.,.PhHa’d./Will receive advertisem ents for-Tns J ouiihai,,

, a t regu lar Dubllshod rates.In all cases wo roservo tho r igh t to. ro leo t any

advertisem ent th a t m ay bo objeotlonabio to n s .

t n £ A l IV otlcc* .Our friends wjll picaso boar In m ind th a t T hb

.JournaiiIs a legal new spaper. aud as Buoli Is tho p roper m edium for a ll legal notices. Some ad? vortlsomonts bolong to us by law, whljo w ith many othors it ls"optlnnal w ith tho party, Inter* 03?O(» aB to jwliat paper should pubUsh thmn.

“ F f e e N o l l c e s .” 'By m utua l ag reem en t,' anil by recommenda­

tion of the New Jershyi Editorial Association, tho newspapers of ABbury Park havo decided to abolish tfjo unfair nnd unw arranted custom of giving freo local notices to entertainm ents of any kind whloh havo as tholr ob ject tho raising of m oney -for tho benefit o f ; societies *©r Indi­viduals, H ereafter wo. shall m ako a Charge of flvo cen ts p e r lino to roBlddhts nnd ten cen ts per lino to travolin tforoutsldecom panlosor persons

C l i u r o l f n n f l ' I j o d R O D i r e c t o r y ,Febst M. E. Onunoii, corner o f F irs t 'a n d

Grand avea., Rov. U. C-. Madilaek, pastor. Preach- Ing every Sabbathva t 10 80 a. m. and 7.80 p. m. Class m eeting Sabbath m orning a t 0.30.. Sab* b0 th -soh0o lat2 .80p .in .. Young People’s.MectK trtg S abbath oven Ing1 a t 0.80; P rayor m eeting on’ Friday evening a t 7.80. Communion on tho first Sabbath m orning of each m outh.

T rw ity -P . e Ciiukou, G rand and Asbnry avo ■ n o 63. Roy. J . D. Skeno, reotor. Tho holy com-, . jn u n lo n evoty Lord’s P a y a t 7.00 a ^ ’m . (except

first S unday in every m onth a t 10.30 a. m.) Snn- days, 10.80 a. ra. and 8.00 n. m .» SaintB’ days atO

, a. ra.. and F r id a y s -a t 7.30 n. m. Children's . ohor 1 service second Sunday In every m onth a t 2.30 p. mi. Sunday-school a t 8.00 p. ~m. Tho Church Is free aud all a re cordially Invited. • >

PafcsnrTEniAH Ommoit, .corner or Second and G rand avCrfues, Rev. F ra n k Chandler, D.D., pas­to r.. Services a t 10.30 and 7.30; Sabbath-school

^ a t 2.80. Pm yer mooting Friday evening.KEFORUEi>CJ«cRcu, corner m vVram and Sow*

all avenues, ------- -— — j ■ . -pastor. Ser­vices a t 10,30 and 7.80; Sabbath-school a t 2.30. Prayer-mooting Friday evening.

F iu sr BAtTisr Ciiuaott, corner .of Main street and Bangs "avopue.?, Rev. F,._Ci Colby< pastor* Preaching ftor^icfts a t 10.30 ahd 73^5; Sabbath- school a t S3.30. • P rayer m ooting F rid ay . eve­n ing a t 7.80. Seats freo. Cordial welcome to all.

W estn t NSTEn PuK«oYTEit[ an —<7inrnoir,'. • oid Opera House, Hewall aveouo, n ea rG i^n d . .-Ser­vices'-at 10.80 and 7.80; Sabbath-Hcliool'. a t a.30. P rayer m eeting Friday ovenlng. H; Ed. Young, M inister in charge^-.. .......... . ..

Ouuaoii o r the Hoi.y Sputrr, (Catholic,) corner' o f Second avenuo and Bond stroot, Roy. M. L. Glotmon, pastor.

A* M. K Zion C lin ton , Snrlngwood- avenuo. W est Park, Rev. W. ,T. Biddle, pastor. Per-: vices Sunday a t 11 a . m. and 8 p, ni. 'Sunday* school a t 2.30. P rayer m eetlng-ovory Wodnes-

• day evening.African M. E. Cirtrrtcu, corner of Main s tr e e t

an d Soeond avonuo, Rev. Littleton Sturgrs}• pastor. Services -at 10.80 and *7.80; Sabbath-1

school a t 2.80. P rayor m eotlng-W ednesday eKte’ nlnK. ■ . .. . - f s

Coi«otied B a p tis t JfrssioN, a t Park Urtll, overy . Sunday a t 10.80 a. m. and 8 p. m . Rov. S. G.

Kelley, pastor. r - r '- * ' r * .Secono .llAiriflT. Cnoncii, (colored,) services

held In building on Spring wood avenno n ea r tho . railroad, every Sunday at. 10.30 a. m. and 7.30 r.

m. Sunday -school a.t 2.30 p. Ilov. R. A . Bolen, , 'p a s to r.

Y. >1. ■ 0. A. Services—Room' over tho Post Ofllce. Every Sunday, conseem tion meeting, 9 to 10 a, m.; Public meeting* 1 to 5 v. m. ThJirsday cvonlng. w orkers’Training class and B.lhle study,8 to 9 o ’clock. Saturday evening, for young men only, 8 to9jf>'olaek, „

Asnonv LonrtE, No. 142, F . and A. jr ., meets first and th ird Tuesday evenings In each m onth, Cook’s Building, Main street and Cookman avo*

. nne. Araos Idpplncott, W. M., John B. Beeglc, Seo’y. . •

-Consok Cowmaniwsrv, No. 15, K. T., meets soe.s o n d Thursday evening In each m onth in Cook’s Building. J . V. Alslvom, K. C.', Jos. L. Cliver,

. Kenordor.Coast City. CouNcn., No. 81 , Rovai, AaoANUMr.

meets-In-W hlte’s Hall first and third Thursday evenings In tho m onth. Isidor iJish, R egent;

«■ Wm. B. Cramer, Socrctftry.' .-F iubsids Council, No--171‘, o r U niteij

v F iiirnuh, meet? second and fourth Thursday evo* 'flings in oaoh m onth. In White’sH a ll. W. II,, Milos, Chlof Councilor; t l . M. fiano, Kooordor.'

. O. K. H alt, P ost.41, Q. A. B-, m eets In Manning HaU, Main street., noxtJ^o the. poutoflleb, on the

• first and th ird W ednesday ev’ngs In eachnionth., .Monmouth Ix»n«K, No. 107, K. o r P., moots

.-Friday evonlngs, a t W hite’s Hall, on Main street.* R. Hulsart, CJ. C.; J . ‘li. Ellisdii. K. of R. and S.

. N bp tu n 5 Lodoe, No. 84,1 ,0 .0 . F., meets W^d-• nrfsday evonlngs a t Manning Hall, Mala street.

R. Ilu lshart, N . G.; Daniel Brower, R. S.! ATWkNTia Knca ipmewt,’ "No . 22," I . O. O.' F., m eets-in Mauijlng Halt on-second and fonrth T tlesd iy In oaoh m onth a t 7/10 p., m. Wm. II. Miles, Chief P atriarch . Ifc Hulftart; Scribe. —

■■—r;TEoiiwsEti TmnB^No. fi(Ji['I#mno’vEn OanEifop R rd Mkn, m eets Tuesday Cvetilncs a t 7.30 in M anning ITaU. * Chas. -Webster,- Sachem^ Harry Carson. Chief o f Rocords. .. . , 1 , .

This Is tho -season th a t trie# w hat v lrtno thoro ia In patience, when ll\o stove-pipe mla-

"" ' '• - • - l '- : ; W ' "T he S cabrigh t Senlim i has tak en a rest. I t

oxjpeota to resum e publication In tho early sum m or. -------- ------—L_— ' .. C harley Kobblna, son .o f Mr. D. W . Hob-

bins, Is now In charge of tho n ig h t service a t tho Tolopl loiio Exotiango..".

A teachcra luatitu to for^M otj^ieulh county will beh e ld In E diicational ila ll, A s b ^ y Piirk,

. In th o early p a r t o t Novomhec.

Mr. an d Mrs. Bruilloy will p robably rcaeli New Y ork o n M onday. A sbury P a rk m ay

- ex p ect a n early c a ll from tho “ foundor.”'"

M rrJqicob B eccroft has sold o u t h is m illing bii8idess a t Deal, an d w ith h is fam ily ~\vlil m ako his fu tu re resldonco in Aabury P a rk . ..

A pples qire a t such low prices th a t .^farmers th ro u g h o u t tho S ta to doclluo to g o ip .tlfirex* pense o f p ick ing and sh ipping to c ity m arkets.

' The Thlfd D is tr ic t Republican C ongress­ional C onvention w ill bo held in Iho O pera

I House, Now B r u n s w l f k ,^ T iicfilayr Oct. 10,

Mr. ^ o n c h f Of'Xhir^l^oiiecr C^HCer ^InuHo, o n Cookm an avonuo, '.keeps tho vory fecst blvaives. ~>Ti'y ai.plato; o r .s le w o f "hia 8 h a rk :

. Rlvoc oyatorie. _ V; ?-.Every m em ber o f tho ,Y oung M^n’s li^ p u b - ’

llp ^u c lu b la p a rticu la rly requested J u th e mofiting a t, th o ro'6mp !n S fIk ldo [uiihUai^,

s n e x t Xticedoy ovenlngi ' v ; ‘” ™

' Gon. K. B urfi G ru b b dec lines to bo j i P rcs'- ' dontia l elector bocause otVii^ cpnnecfloh with

tho Or A. R ., which-om brnnes’w ithin (fa ranks oil shades o f p o litica l opin ion . ‘ . . .

Tho Synod o f New .1 »irrtey .('ProsbyIcrian} meota a t E d iicayonal I la ll on ■ftfondajvOcto-

^ b e r lS th , a t 8 > . m , jn n tea .l.o f •i’ueaday, 08 ■was a t ilrst s e n t o u t In tho notices. , ■

ThA ,cond|tlon a t ' Jacksonvillo Is m uch im ­proved, a n d th e nurses..o ra re tu rn in g homo. Several o f tho m ost.'p ro rhy ion t .mon of th 5 p lace have Ucen,among tho*yictima,

T h e observnnco o f tlio ^Lord’s S u p p er an d « recep tion of m om bors will tako. plneq n t F irs t

M. £• Churoft, 8 uuday m o rn ln i t .O w ln g uto no overflight, I ho ch u rch wofi n o t warihed onS onday.lost, b u t h e re a f te r It w ill-a lw ay s 'h o found com fortabio.' Tho ch o ir has boon te - o rganized podor the leadership- o f M r. A .- 0 . AtKlna, w ho w ill tak o tho o v ersigh t o f th is

J acrv loo; ■1*>:;4v ;

' Now tim bers havo rep laced ao rn o o f tho old .llc^ b u the railroad bridge, ov^r D eal tak o .

’ Tlio to ih tak ers a t,th o Wesley./X.ako br|jig(!a a ro f a k lu g a regt; PMBage-ls freo u n til n e x tM a y . ' ' ■

. Palnitera a ro g iy ia g tho.Inim onso tin roof- o f th o C olem an i lo u s o 'a n o th e r , c o a t fo r w in ter w ear. ■ * : ’ .•; ^ . ‘

* All tho pavllloris along tho beach h a v o .a desertod lqoU. V isitors ^ to 'fo w an d f a r be- twoon, > ' •; >--= . ;l

On T uesday tho, cd w o r s to n e o f ‘ tho C hurch ; a t H am ilton , was laid w ith the nSj^nl

:eorcmonlos. v- '

% Tho rallro ad s a re still running! 00 cen t ox- cursloDa from Ph iladelph ia to Capo M ay and A tlan tic City. , .

Tho W est E n d y e t has a num ber o f guosta^ whom p ro p rie to r Rlploy trea ta to tho beat his lard er affords. a ,t V . v

—— —— i ^ ‘ Tho Belvedere haa m ost o f Us wlndowa,bat*

tonod up, an d will b e atorm -tlg lit by tho tlin e th o last,gnesV retfres:-;- . . ' .

- filx ty m llllo n to n s o f Iron a ro ’ready In E n g ­la n d to day to bo sh ipped’ to th is co un try as 8oou a s th e d u ty la reduced ; '

■ti . ' - u — —— ----- -—The Eiffel tow or In' P aris Jms reach ed a

ho igh t'o f 47ft fee t. ItrWiU bo tlio crQafcahow- piece a t th e E x position o f 1889.

T ro ttin g , ran h ln g , pacing, equestrian an d W ild W est perform ance on Tuosday^ tho sec- ond d ay o f the-M ount H olly Fair.

Rov. R obert M ac Arthur; says o f tho P ro ­h ib itionists : *' T h e y 'W Iirn o t s to p a rlvniot b ecause they can n o t s to p a Tlver.M.

A larg o fo u r raaated schoonor for C apt. A. P .sL ongstreet, o f K eyport, w ill bo launchod a t W ilm ington, D el., n e s t T uesday .

. T he G raraercy retired tho. las t o f its guests on M onday m orn 1 tig. I t - has ag a in been a eucces.'lTul year a t th is favorite house.

T h irty to fo rty fisherm en havo been the av erage every day th is weok a long Deal Lake*. Pike, eunflsh and pickerel a re fplrly p len tifu l.

Porous glass haa been in troduced In P arts ' fo^wlndoW panes. Tho pores' a re too sm all to ad m it a d ratight, bdT'tliey aaaist in ven tila­tion . •* '. ’ v, ; ' - ■•''

W ork o n th e now bdnk^bnllding w ill to-day bo aiispended fo r a week or' more, u n til th o iro n floor beam s arrlvo and can bo p u t lu place. : ■ V * ”

-Tho ch catn u t c ro p 18 largo. Already tho youngsters a rc thresh ing tho trees an d c rack ­ing the b u rrs beforo tho f ro st lias loosened the nut. * . . . .

Woifk o n tho now build ing a t Em ory .BtreeV and M attison avenno has been begun In e a rn ­est. Tho ex cav a tio n for th e basem en t \a w61l advanced.

A m ong th e fifty-four p o st offlcca which harve been raleed-to tho P residen tia l (th ird ) c lass, a re M ataw an, E dgcw ater an d Bonnd Brook, lu this S ta te. , . . I ^

M r. Ja m e s Edge, tho cbam plon P ie r llshcr- inim for 1888, trea ted a .num ber o f hia fellow , auglors to a flno snppor AYednosday ovenlng- a t his resldonco.

E lectric lam ps m ake a*big dlfTorcnce in the ap p earan ce of Ocean Grovo a t .n ig h t . Tho p erm an en t r e s id e n t hdpe they will bo eontln- tlnued .all w inter.;

Two now exh ib ition buildings, a largo a r t room nnd two to n s o f p a in t hayo m ade tho hanSHome s tru c tu re s of the M onnt Holiy F a ir Bill no rcsplcrttlent.

Jn lla ti Ralph, of tho N ew Y ork Sun, is hom o from a long cam paign through tho W est, a n d ’ en joying a re s t w ith hia fam ily a t tho lr 8ov- onth avenuo cottage..

Thc.'soclablo a t the Y. M .C . A. room s on Tuesday even ing w as.a docldod succoss. Tho hall was crow ded a |id the Ice c ream au d cake d isappeared in p ro p o rtio n , v " " f .

The flurry in w h ea t h a s subsided p t1 Chi­cago, w ith several fa ilu re s -th ro u g h o u t tho co u n try aB S re su lt o l th e co rner. 'Septem ber w heat scjld on Satu rday a t f3 per-busiiol. *

Mike Dervvln and Lowory A nderson wore arfQstcd on „co m p la in t of ''Chlof Dalloy for hoI 1 ing-Hquor"! 11 egal ly r’" J jJ S t lp d 'l l^ e n r Belil " them In baiW o-ftppea^befofihho G rand Ju ry ,

A r t , O p e i i i « K . .

Miss DelIa_C. P h olps Invites an^n sp o o tjo rr o f h e F p a in tin g an d crayons a t h e r s tud io , 15ft Main S t., Agbur.& park, M ondajrand.Tuesday, Oct. 8 a n d l), 3 to l> i*. ’M.—/l(/t>. . •>/ ■

J f c w M i l U u c r y

Tho M illinery D epartm en t, a t th e Ocean Palace of Henry, Stelnbach^’ls now 'com plete, , and m a n y novelties a’ro dally lurrXvJjig.—;/l</w.

. . . . Overstocked!*^.O ur s toek m u st positively bo reduced , and

lu o rder to do th is we announce on S a tu rday an d . M onday a g rea t, spoelal sale In whloh prices will bo c u t in half.* N ote o u r special features ; — v ' ’ ■ ; ^ '■. fi.OOO'pajrs Wool Blankets, a t 09c. a pair.

5,000 y ard s e legant W ool T rico t a t 29e, per y ard , worth'GOc. ' .... .

G rand O p c c ln g j u on r.C loak D opartm en t.A l.ianii^oino. p resen t with every, p a ir shoes.-

C; C. C^AtTON, - M ain avenoe, Ocean Grove:—Adv.

F lu e s ta tionery ,, periodicals, b lank books, da lly paporp, ppokot c u tje ry ,: to y s a tid futiey goods a t Jo nk lu8f, 208’M ain St.—Atfo, V

F u rh ltu ro recovered equaV to now.- Elegapfc n p ho lste ry in stock . Sclrtfoldor’s.—A dv. ,

. P l i l l a t l o l P . r l i i l i J i u t t o ra t W .i.U ^p’Brieii’a G ro cery , Cookm an avenno nn«l Bond s t r e e t . . . v,'.„ .; -

' < J r e a t IS ivrgnlK Si\lo .. H epry Stelnbaeh , .of t lw O c e n n P a laco .'w lll

p u t on sale Ibis Satn^day <& g roat m any har- gnlus In a ll thu different d ep a rtm o n ta ; w hich wiiCbfrof In te res t to buyers.-~.if/t».

W a n t e d .A .lot. e itua ted -a long . J iio ra,llroaj\ J n A sbnry P ark o r vicinity . 'A ddress o r ap p ly to . !/ . -; uivD . Ba h .r? , A sbnry P a rk , N. J . Ofllce, P , O ^B uild ing .. . . rr. .

,F !ag poids and’flxturoa a t I I. i). C olem an’s

. O lo th ln ff .;

Men’sj Bays’fanJf CMld ren’s S a lta a n d Over­coat s a t c o s t; On S a tu rd ay aniP r^fonday, Oeto.bijr 0 th an d 8tb, w ^w H l'pw iSenlf every p u rch aser o f $13' w ^rth o f c lo th ing a hand­som e w atch.; T h is will bo V our la s t chance to eeouro buo-ot-ihoso d e c a n t thno-plccos. — -

; ; | C.:'C la tto * n , VM alti Ayenoe, p e c a n f e o v e i ^ ^

T ho R epublican County C ohvehtjpn wiU m oot in Shinn’s H ail,. F teebold , W oduesdajr, O ctober 17th, a t 12 to nom lqa te , a eaudl* d a te fo r Countir C lork. ^

;~ C o l f W in. M urrell, o f , th o Trumpet, pah* llshed a t Je rsey C ity, called a t th o J o u u n a l offlce on T u e s d a y .; Tho Jou«NA n ,woIcomea th 0 -^w » p ef-fo r th e g o o d w o rk lta n ^ T ftf ie d l- to r.a ro d o lo g ..

' A t ih t3M oah t^K olI^ F a lF 6 a n bo £een the g rea test f ru it d isp lay ev o tm ad e in the E aste rn S tates. R etention houses will show the.lue* clous hpples o f 1887 com potlng w ith those grow n in 1888. ^ - ■■ -. .

T h e a n n u a l m eetin g o f th e Ooean Gr6vo C am p-m eeting A ssociation will .be held n ex t T uesday a n d W cdpeadSy. P residen t Stokps’ report, covering tbe se aso n ^ work; w)lt bo the .flrst Item o f business. , ' > v ’• •

Mr. A . C; taB o y tO ah x dam o dow n fromx Plalqfleld fo sp en d S u n d ay w ith h is A sbury P a rk friends, r io condncted iho .m ee tin g a t the Y. M. C . A. room s In the aherncJon, hav­ing a largo a tten d an ce .

T itu s & ' Conrad, o f T ren ton , have th e oon- tra o t fo r Goo. W . By ram ’s fo rty thousand do llar build ing a t M attlson ayonno arid Era- o^y s tre e t. .- T h is flrtn b u i l t th e Llfo-SavlUg S ta tio n a t Loch A rbonr. ;; . v ■

Those fiery, u n tam ed wooden an im als have b een rem oved from tho Caronssello to w in ter Q uarters In N ew ark . S to u t * H atta ro .Iay lng concrete g n tte rs a b o u t th e co rn er f o f pTOtco*' tlon ag a in st h eavy rains.

1 M r. E , K . M edara a n d fam ily, w ho h a t e a Dnorc8ldenco"oS‘ SIx tn avenUe? lo ft the. P a rk ou W ednesday fo r ^Philadelphia.. L lko m any o thors tbcAr going w as hastened b y the unsot^ tied s ta to o f th e w eather. . •

T he. tro lley , o f o n e ‘o f tho. e lec tric ea rs j B ffiD ed ih Q i^ k -a tlM a th ^ trp e t« o d C ookm an avontio, T h u rsd ay a fte rn o o n , a n d cam e dow n, sm ash in g p u t o ne 6 |. th e p late-g lass .windows. N o o th er 'd am ag e w as .done.

J o h n Hodge, so n o f tho la to P ro f. C harles H odge, o f S ’rlnceton Collego, w as ru n d y er a n d k illed b y /an eng ine a t S on th A m b o y op M onday m orning . T ie w as 55 y ea rs old and leaves a wlfo a n d five children.

Roy. D r. A ld o n a n d b is wife ( “ P ansy ’D are "Staying, in th o P a rk fo r a few wOeka. • Mr. A lden !b lo ca ted n e a r T am pa; F lo rid a , an d baa beon d e ta in ed berp b ey o n d h is expected s tay on accoun t o f the yellow fever.

Tho fires woro s ta r te d in the ste&m hcators a t |h o public schools on M onday, O ctober 1st, J a n ito r V aughan h a s pp,t; every th ing a t the A sbury p a rk b n ild ln g In porfcot o rd e r / ahd tho o thers a te-ih s im ila r condition .

Mme. O riso n 'su cceed ed iri ra is in g nearly $!0 fo r the Jacksonvf ll^ufiTorors and sent- Jt to th e m ay o r o f N ow Y ork la s t S a turday . M r. W arren B row n,' of. Ocpan tGrovo, h an d ed n s a do llar fo r tho^am o causo. ^ .

Rov.,Chaa,. Collins, D . D ., h aa closed h is c o ttago on s ix th avonub,*and w ith h la fam ily hits returned, to P h ilad e lp h ia , T hey e x p ec ted to rem ain tw o o r th ree w eeks yel,. b u t m a tte rs o f business m ad e i t necessary to go earlie r. <

W atloM on, o f th e Loulavillfl Cfiitritr Jour­nal, s a y s : “ Tho D em ocratic p a rty ia a fre« trad o p a rty , o r It Is no th ing . Tho T )enjocrat w ho Is n o t a freo trad o rsh o u id go olsow here., , Tho- w orklpgm en will go elsowhere th is falL, M r.A V attfirspn. „ -

Called B a c k ” , a t tbo O pora H o u se th is e v e n in g ; a t tho ladles* a n d c h ild ren 's m atinee S a tu rd ay afte rn o o n , " E a s t L ynuo ,” an d

Colleen B aw a a t tho'evonlng perform anco. Tberplayp^aro p'roducod In good sty lo by onexcellent company.

B urton Bros, hove rem oved their dontal p arlo rs from C ookm an avenuo a n d E m o ry ' s treo t to. th e second floor o f tho Donn build­ing, B angs avenuo an d C pok tqan . Thoy w ill a lso have a b ran ch estab lish m en t In N ew Y ork’a t G9 W est T h irty -six th s tree t, in c h a rg e o f D r. L G. B urton. - f- —j-

Partridgo R ichardson, o f th6 n o ted “ Bee* Hi,vo,” on E ig h th s tre e t, Phlladolphla, w ilt occupy tbo sam o room s In the D onn building- a s a b ran ch of- th o lr-fan cy ; goods s tore-next? sum m or. T h o lr’ t ra d e was eo sa tis fa c to ry t h a t a p erm an en t ^business m ay resn lt froni: tho lr e xperim en t in A sb u ry Park.

Oho c lass o f D em ocra ts argno that,- f re o trad e is a good th in g a n d Is n o t g oing to h a r t ' anybody . A n o th er c la ss say they a ro n o t f o r free trado a t a l l ; th o y d o not w an t It, and the- R epublicans a re on ly try ihg . to hum bug th o peoplo. Very kind o f them to b e so ’accom ­m odating ; they c a n ta lk crow o r tu rk ey a a the occasion dem ands.

J o h n L. 8 ohnoldcr has a beau tifu l .Hue o f sam ples and p a tte rn s o f fiuo carp e ts. R ecen t orders ineludo a r ich M oquotte fo r tbo d raw ­ing-room p f D r . , H e trick ’s now m ansion, i n outfit for B nrton Bros.’ d e n ta l-ro o m s an d now carpets an d u p ho lste ry for" M r. W illiam ■Mills' -h an d so m e -re a id e n e e n t'tJ ra tid a o d 8 ec^‘ o n d avenuo, w hore the fo rm er ow nprjof l lp t e l , B runsw ick Will m a k o b Isp eH n aM n t reald on cel

A collision botw eon a p assen g e ran d f re ig h t t ra in a t E a s t N ew ark o n M onday se t fire t o five oil-ianW pare, cauaing^^aloss o £ | ^ fpOO t o ,tho Ponnaylyailla R ailroad; T lie" 'ehg lheer and .firem an of tho p assen g e r locom otlyo,w ho. ju m p ed .in tim e to sav e thelr^ llves, w ero sus- po/KTCa^ A n investigation is to b o 'm a d e to fix tlio rc sp o slb illty fo r th o d isa s te r:. T he su s­p en d ed eng ineer sa id tho a ir-b rakes failed to w ofk. '

• t*---------— _. 4 ' r ‘; U n t l p r w e a r . • : ;

Bpoclal drives In o u r underw ear dep artm en t.Mon’s hcavy m erino v e s ta ,a t8|Cc£>' \l a d le s ’ heavy m erin o vesta an d p a n to a t 25o.C hildren 's h eavy merino, vests a u d p a n ts

from 9c. u p . r 1. .. Spoo laities In jn e n ’s glovep, ha ts ,rfcap aan d

hosiery . ' ’ . . = ■ .j ’ ,Ladled’, corsets, b os lory, g loves a n d dress

trim m ings. \ Cr/AYTOJf’s E mporiomv. M ain A venue,< Ocean G rovo,—Adv.

Linoleum , th o 'b ea t floor cover I o& solid an d overlastlhg, 85ci y ard . SchntjldeT>a.^-AtIt>.

? . . .

a t W. I t. O ’B rien’s G roceryvC ookm nn av en u o an d B o n ^ . f i t r o c t . - ^ .

S n c d o k e r i S r o t H e r s

r *

are aiHonts of Loo^ Branch SteaiA Laundry. Try tl^ ir .work pncp, _ Xott wlll ) Ike it/ Branch- office, -atatlonery. storeys adjoining poat-offlco.~AeI». ' . ' ' -

A R a r g f t i n f o r S o iikotio tly*-Fo'r ealo a t low prices. E ig h t biilliinvg lots,

50x150 feet, a t O eean P a rk . A lio ' a hot iso apd lo t on F ifth avenue, A sbury P a rk . } \

A pply to D . H .. W irokoe r r 700 Ma4n 8treet1. ABbury P a rk .—-JdP.

Jo in t an d Bam boo F ish ing B ods J JSeels, Hooks, S inkers a n d a l! o th er f ish ing ta c k le a t

-tho'lVwo'et.jnrlces, a t I I . D . C olem an’ii, c o rn e r Bpud s tree t a n d B augs avonuo* A abury. P&rlu—>lrfy.' : ' '.-b ...

Trussoa, trusses,' t ru s s e d tru saes; i i < T h t K lnm outh & C o /a dirug s toro .^-ilrfy . . . V-=

Jr^urffo C lo th In f f S a l jo r v^ .T h o g rea t b a rg a in salo o f ready-m ade cloth- io g wtll tak e p l ic o a t the Brlok B tbm of l!c n ry Steinbacli thla S a tu rd a y .. •-I t ^houJdJ bo tak en adyan tago o f Hy every oao .~ Il< /p ;

Rich Velvet carpets, bargain oft i l . 7 5 a t r£0hnefder’S, 1 0 7 -d a9 'M ala 'S f.-J f r . -

■'■■"-’•'VP ■.

W ednesday’s program m e a t tho Mount* H olly fair, Includes th o 8.80, 3,40 a n d 2.83 classes In ,tro ttin g , . T he 1 # mllo claas In runr hlug: a n d th o c lass In p a c i n g . ; - -T'

M r. Chas, T . Packer, whom tho Jot;nr»Ai> nam ed fo r C oun ty C lerk o f-B u rlin g to n , w is nom inated la s t S a tu rd ay for-thafcofBco over a ‘ v e ry Btrong a n d ld a te . ox-Slioria! Eifil^y. Senato r C arte r was renom inated . -/

3 a c b Froat got In a l i t t le o f his' early work on W ednesday n ig h t. loo w Ob fo rm ed in tho t?bnotry a s th ick arf cd m m o n window glass ah d th e g ro u n d w as slightly cru sted , h u t n o dam age w as dond In tow n, ovou to- tender plants.- ~ 1

Five Monmouth oounfcy mlnlatcrs who for. morly vdtcd, tho' Prohibition tlckot wDl this fall, vote for Harrison and Morton and In sup­port of a Rei»ubHcan Legislature, belfovlng it to bo for tlrebost Inteiysta of tomporaneeand morality. ' V ; . r -. '

A largo an if 'en th u sias tic R epublican m eet- l^gf waS'Hold W ednesday even ing , n t M ata- w an." H on. W . W alter Phelps, - l io n , J o h n Kean, J r . , a p d S onato r T l. M . Novina, m ado addresses. Tho Freehold c lub jo in ed y l th tho M ataw an Republloan.olab in 'a s tre e t p a r­ad e p rev ious to th e mooting., »

-Tho H arrison a n d : M orton n o o n d ay m eet­in g s h e ld In a stpro In N^w Y ork hayo grow n t o anch -im portanco th a t the p lace Is n o t half larg e ontfugb, .P res id en t Fulloiv o f th e ’ D ry Goods H . ^ n ^ M .^ lu b , w ho . l a in charge; ia oyprwholmod w ith ' tho crow d .and the m any ' go^d-fipeakersjthat aro available.

Secretary W hitney la particu la rly pleased w ith tho hew 8-Inch rifled g u n on - th e cru iser

th row s a sh o t b in e m iles, a n d n t th a t d istan ce will p lorcelO Inoh a rm o r platliig. I t h as a firm foundation) tbo supp o r ts anjl s tanch ions roao h ln g 'th ro n g h tw o decksi with ,a spec ia l englno to w ork it.. :’i t is tp be fired fp r ’pm o tlce every V eek o n tbo conjlng'Cfnlso to South Am erican p o r ts . . " ■**'<■. * *

! .. H o u s e F t i r i i i s h ln f r .I t Is-tho-seaaou to p u t upi etoves. Y on w ill

need sottlo of those o x tra good Oil C lo ths an d rugs a t S telnbaoh B ras. T hey also havp blank* e ts an d oom fortera in g roat varie ty .—.4dv.

M U llu e r^ . ; •F o r real a rtistic trim m ing you m u st go to

8 te ln b ach Bros. They thako a sp ecla lty of fine work.—Adv. ’ ■

C lo a k s ! C lo a k s !Before you boy your cloak? call a n d Inspect

th e very largo s tock da lly .a r r iv in g a t the Ooean Palace o f’H enry Stulnbaoh.—Adi/..

W o buly.nak tr ia l o rder to show how nicely y o n r c lo thes c a n be lanudrlod by L ongB ranch S team Laundry . B ranch .offlccr Baedeker Bros., JMattlsoh Ave. S tationery , n e x t P . O.-^-•AtdS'.'? :: ' ...

A f te r A llyou cats grot M anilla and C otton Ropes, C ords, Twlnea aud linos of all kinds«c3hospor a t IL If. Colem an’« lm rdwaro sto re th an anyw here elao.—Adv, / , _

I> e c o ra t lv e JL ^aiier-H aiiffliiff.J . S. B atem an, CIO F ifth ave/, A sbnry Park*■Adv. ■ . "• '

C lo a k s .Ladles and Misses’ C loak^- of th o new est

ahapos a t m ost reasonable prices, a t Stelnbach Bros.1 Old S ta n d .—Ado. / ri _

| F o r S a l e . ^ .

A c lo th ing an d gentlem cn’a fn rn ish lnga to re Yk A abury Park, ,«}plnp n ice busin ess . Good rew o n s for selling. Will ex ch an g e fo r real eetauto.—C all on o r address Goo. W . T ruax ,

M a in streb t, A sbury P ark , N . S.—Adv.

Sm ut opening a t Schnoldor’a M ain s tree t up* laolstery s to re , a largo asso rtm en t o f fancy Wllhwr-waro.—Adv.

, ' H A B H lE p .

OS UORN—W HI PPI,E .~8ept. 20. 1888, by Rev, F. C.Colby, M r.Jo n s A. Osborn, o f Manaaquan, and Wtss Maria Wmi’PtE, 6 f Ocean (Jrovo,

RABOW)—SUINNl—Oct, 4,1888. byTtcv. F. C. Colby, Me. Isaac Raiioi.d, o f Ocean Grove, ond Miss E S hinn, o f Aabury Park.

QmcK^oIr -aaits .A aapar pARK Ei-Ecraio, i i o n t__• Xnu, Powv.b C.o.

Septem ber 29,1888.

A t a. h h e t i n g o p t h e b o a e dof Plroclora hold ou tho abovo. datq., a

Bcml-annual dividend of tbreo and ono-half pot ceut. (Stock __ . .............. . ...........Power Company, poyabfo a t the offlee of the company on and a fte r October 15,1888. T rans­fer books will bo closed from October 10, a t 3 o’clock p. m. until October a t 10 o’oloek a. m . . JOHN KOOliAFKLLER, TrcaauTOr.September 20 th , 1888.

it. per cont.) w as declared on' tbo Capital >ok of tho Asbury Park Kleotrio L ight and

L . M c N a l l y ,

F I N E H A N D -M A D E S H O E Sa f every. iloBoriptlon, Ik etook o r m ade to order

tm tho promises a t sh o rt notice, impair­ing dono n e a t and ohoap.

71)7 I 'o o k i n a n A v o . ; A « b » lfy p a r k , ? ! . J , Old No. lie . ■

N O V E L T - I E 8F i n e S t a i i o n e r y t D o l l s , T o y s ,

C u t l e r y j W r i t i n g J H a t e r l s l » , e t c .i C i r c u l a t i n g W b r a r y .


M ain street, opposite D epot-

' C lo s i r x g r O v L t l B R O W N ’S B A Z A A R .

FOR EIGHT PAYS—50 doz. «up3 *and saucers x tg l ; . Jo b lot of plates-will bo sold below cost —very cheap. O ther articles o f beauty ami util­ity for household decoration and com fort a t the Jo west rateB., Don’t forgpt to call.SlO Cookman avenue, Asbnry Farb'.

Found—Pocketbook.Tho owner can hftvo It by proving property

aud paying for tuis advortlBonwmt. •lntjulro a t GKORGK CROXBON,-

, . :. . Syiyati avonae, W est Payk.

Open all the ' Y ear.;

- T ransient Rate?,' |2.00 * ‘ “ “ r-1 _ SPECIAL RA TBS'FOft — - ~


CHAS; J . HUNT,* . ' proprietor. .

Organized February,,1830. .. n B N n y O. w r e s o n , Proalilent. ■ • JA 8. A. WAJNIUSnT, vloo President.

, . . ALBERT O. TWINING, Cashier.

-. ■ " ASBUR¥ PA ltK , N .. J . , ....; ,t'apllul, ■ Sntylns, *80,000.00

; : POST OFFICESlitjiLDING, MAIN STREET AND MATTISON AVBI^JB, ; . T ransacts’a jto n o ra l banking bnslness, lflsueslKtters"of lff^31t'i£vailahlo 10 <h,c jrln c lp a j cities of tlie world. . Foreign and domeatlo exohangos boaghi and sold. . :- (jrr ? - .

Colloctlons carefully mado and prom ptly oooount^d for. v, • ■i ■ . .................................BOARD OF DIRECTORS ‘

O. F . Kroohl, ' laa . A.' WaJnright, -

Albert O. Twining, Henry O. Wlnaort.

Iskao C. Kennedy, • J , Stanley Ferguso«.


728 M attlson Avo., opp. P. O. -


C a p i t a l , $ 100)000 .Aathorizod by law to aot as Exoontor. Admin*

la tr tto r , Guardian, Trustee, Assignee, Rceolycr, Agent, e to., bud for tho faithful performance of a ll sncn duties Its capital stook and aiirplus a re lU b le :a lso to Rocolyo and Rxoouto "I’rusts of every description, from tho Courts, Corporations a n d individuals. . ' *. • „

AU T m at Funds and Investm ents are inscribed in th e nam es o t th e owners of tho property held In tru s t, and are kopt separate and ap a rt from tho assets of the Company. *

-Lafayette Sunday

I n t e r e s t A l lo w e d o i» D e p o s it* . fiaTe D e p w il t V a u l t s I n f l r e a n d b a r .

•I» r p r o o f b a l l d l n g now to courso Pf erec- ton, Corner Jlatttson avonae and Bond street. W illsrccolpted for and kopt w ithout charge.

ISA AO Ci KENNEDY, President. <3EO» F . KROEHL, Ylao Prtfaldont,

^ IIKN2YC. WINS0B, Secretary.A. C. TWIIflNQ, Troasuror.

DIRECTORS:Q. O. W. VROOM. Trenton, N. J . *W. J . HARRISON, LakO wood, N .J ., . OLIVER II. BROWN. Bprlng Lake. N. J .

; HENRY H. YAItD. Ocean Beaoh, N .J ; JTNO. S. FEll«U 80N, Asbury Park, N. J . HENRY C.WINSOR, u OEO. F. KROEHL, “BRUCE S. K KATOR, M .P., "A. O. TW INING.-• • “a , E. HUOHANON. M M



M O i l

Oct. 8, 0,10,11,12. , $ 2 0 , 0 0 0 i n P r e m i u m s



. J PAWNEE BILL'S WILD WEST.Send for Premium Books. Sent freo to any

ad d ress RENRY I. IJUOD,.d - Corrcsi>ondlng Secretary.

quick m o v em en t_____almost perfect in execution.Judder, • v'

FROM 18 TO 20rA Novel. By Elisabeth Jaudon SeRors. 12mo.

A ttractive cloth binding. $1.00.“ Thelove-story-of tho book, indeed, la m an­

aged w ith no littlo skill, while tho m ore serious .scenes are w ritten with an excellent apprecia­tion of tho finer humanities. Tbe w ork altogeth­e r la one th a t will address^ itself to the,cord ial likings of a multitude of Toaden.',—J>hiIadelj>/ila Evening Telegraph. -*■ . - %

PICKED UP IN THE STREETS.A Romance from tho German of .IL Schobert.,

By Mrs.'A. L. Wister. 12mo. Extra cloth. #1.SJT». “ This beautiful romance will find many read­

ers. Mrs. Wister never translates an unito rthy novel. She gives us the best o f . Gorman fiction,, and th is story of Sohobert% is a genuinely good ono.”—AT. O. IHcayune, . . .


No. 2 o f Tho Series at^Amerfcan j\Tovcl«,*'Jly John Uabberton, autlior of “ Helen.’s BabloB.’* anJ F rances Ilodp^on Bum ott, author of ‘‘T hat L asso ’ Ix»wrles.” . Complete In One Volume. Square lslmo. Extra c lo th .' 51.00. Papor. 60 •cents. . ' -“ A good book td put in tho satchel for a rail­

w ay trip o r ocean voyage. ’ V VhIcago Vm rtnt.


No. 1 o f tho Soricg o f American tfovite; RyCapt. Charles King, au thor o f "TlioColonoi’fl Daugh­ter,” “ Marion’s Faith,W eto. S<juaro 12mo. Extra cloth, f 1.Q0. Pap^ffi W cents. - “ These novels are good examples of tho viva­

cious and graceful stylo o l Captain King, “ w rltor who steadily increases h

?S^aX: E s ta te .

$2,000 Wantedo n F irst Mortgngo V orth $0,000.

BOK £230, Ocean' Grove, or IU S. BAKTINE, A ttorneyr Aabury Tark.

B A R G A INF ully furafshed boarding hguse near tho boach,

tta« o and1 -------------Address

also cottajce and Choice lot very choap.‘ ” BOX 181, Asbury P a rk !*• O.

For Sale or Exchange.A co u n try , storo an d -desirable dw elling 13

room s {suitable fo r sunlm er hoardeVa) b arn , w a­gon house, &o. 7 acres flno garden land, 400 peach trees, 25 apple trees, 1 acre straw berries - :id Rujpberries. N ear Long Branch and Asbury

F aria *13 a^res,' 8>6 miles from Asbnry Park , . WM.U.DY11AM,

PostoOloe Building. Room 1, " - Asbuiy Park, N. J.,

N . J . 4 Ajqily to

j g H u t a t i o n B l .



- .A a b u ry l’a rk .N . J.

Sea-Side Home,Boarding an<l D ay School fo r you n g

.... , and .Children,— 1 _ ;A S B U B T P A R K . - S E W J E R S E Y .'' Elevfmth-yoar opens ^eptotnbeT SO, lBte., ■

A ddress JULIA ROSS,>rittolpaL604 Asbury avo., Asbury P ark , N . 3

2£0jtelu, Ax,


announces th a t slid will keop- h e r lio^so open- .' • during the Winter.- .. .

Pleasant Rooms with Good Boarda t reasonable prices from Oot. ’88 to April "8

• 400 FOURTH AVE., Asbury Park.

THE IRVING,... ; Third avenue, near ocean,


For fa r th e r particu lars, addressM. LAUDENSLAGER.

Lost or Stolen: ;Roy’s velocipede, atoya 0 years. Stfttablo rew ard If returned to N, E. Cor. Cookman avonuo and R eck street, Asbury. Park.

G e o r g e W. P a t t e r s o n ,

Bridge Builder i General Cpiifractor,'K O . BoxlTa. AflliUIlY PARK, N. -T.

’ Dealer la Ocorgia Ptno T.tuUbor, Tetopfao«oand. Telokr^ph polos. Oak, Cliestnut and Pine piling furnished a t short no tice, all lengths and aiaeaar

. Asbnry Park Post^pinije.' .S ii m i n e r A r r a n g e m e n t .

. HAas CLosp ro n Pt. Pleasant and w ay sta tions, .New York and way sta tions,Philadelphia direct,N ev'Phil

__ llnh .....f?ew York direct,

illadolphla, dirooti ■ ” ork

G.OO, 10.00 a* m . . 0.50 ”

• 6.60, 10.20 “ isj.05-p.rn.

N ew York aud wv£y stations,’ .. tl;4B an d 8.40 Philadelphiar Monmouth Jrinctlon and

. all oomiedtlng stations, 8.30 “PL P leasant an d way Btatlons; * B.SO " '* Now York, direct, ’ , , 0.45 “v- -■ •• •. ■ HAfrs AnnivH fitoM , '*'' jN ew York and w ay sta tions, 0.14 an d 10.90 a.m . P t . P leasant and w ay stations, . 7.25 “ PhUadelnlda, Trenton,^lonm outh Junc<

tlop and eonnooting atatlont 10.10 -** *8.50 p. ro. 5.40

,_r •“ , / B.B5 “


New York direct,Philadelphia, d i re c t, , -v ,•Pt. P leasa 'irand wny'statlons,Now York und way statlous,

Tlie early mall from New Ytftk'Ancludes a ll m all received a t Now York* o/nco during tho.ulfiht previous fpr Asbury Park.

^ It.TO lA N R ,>P.M

P io n ee r O yster H ouse C. V, FRENCH,'

Dealer In FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC FRUITS. OYSTERS a specialty. Families snppllodi

704 Oookmaa Avsitua. Asbury Park, H. J.

A WorlCof* ^ F ro ro U ^ .^ to -P o le ‘f 'o r Touts 'Round tlio W o r W b e i n g a Graphic Account of Thrilling Adventures, Maiwelons DlaeoYorlCfl. Strange Phenom ena, a udFaiucniB 81ghtfl.Jn,All Parts of-

Thls^aagnlflcent v.olumb, wW ch^s filled with tho moat interesting. and valuablo Information, has ju s t been issued by tbo R ational H'ub. Co.

The amazing discoveries of our grejit travel­ers, w ith tho exciting explorations daring doods and porllouH adventures hy w hich tholr manrol- ■ous Buccessea were won, a rc hyro pictured lo glowing eolora and. with roatstlpaa faaoinatlon.

l a t h e d ra t p a r t of the w ork tho roador aooom- panics tho,world’B greatest explorers In tropical

C('IhClBelond p a rt of tho w o rk gives a vivid do- scription o f tlio fam ous countries , of Europo^ th eir splendid cities, flno palaces, boautlful sjjeU-

netyv and tb e tnteresilng manuora a n d oustoms o f

^ T lfo t^ lrd p a r t of tlio book presents a graphic R u io fam a of tlio Woateen “ iiemlspliore. TheC o u n tr ie s and Peoples of South Amorloa, th a t v a i t c o n tin e n t o f -marvelous sights, are trea ted w tth a m asterly hand. ■ / ' -

There iff still an o th e r p art to this very <mrapre-. honslye hook.; I? shows th q reader tlio World of

Dptns o f ttio sea. • -t t .The w hole w ork la ooJJiprlBO<l in ono larg o

Octavo yolupiO16f 810 pages, and embelllsbod ■with 834 fine engravings* ■•w. .Ttiia-very Interesting boofcls sold by subscrlp-.San only, and Mr. G- A. Carpenter, o f Ashury

irk, who Is authorised ngeut fo r tula seotioi), cauvasfltug for It,


With Special Reference to tho New Jersey Coast an d th o 8author a ,8horo of Long Island. * By Angelo llellprln. Professor of Invertohrato Paioontology at.tho Academy o f Natural Scl- encos of rhlladetphla. Fully Illustrated. 12mo. Cloth. $1.2>.; Paper. 60 cents.*'A valuable and p leasant little hand-book. I t

la cheap, unteohnlco!v well Illustrated, soundly so ion tiflc,1 '~ M w York Graph ic:

THE QUICK OR THE DEAD ?Amfillo Hives’s G reat Novel. W ith a Portrait, of

tho Author. Published complete in TAmdiuoU's Magazine for Apnl, 1888. 35 cents. Ila lf cloth. 60cents. ... ' • ~“ I t hasaplendor o f ipiagination and exquisite

description.; perfect figures, w ith all tho hurried . .. . . . . . )inent its dram atic Incidents; is

both-at home and abroad;1 lean..


Ready Early in September^ THE OwTs NEST.

From tho German of E. H arlltt. By Mrs, A. L. Wister, au thor of “ Picked Up In the Streets,” M Saint Mlohael,” etc. 12mo. Cloth. $1.25,SINFIRE ANO DOUQLAS DUANE.

No. 3 of American Novtls. By Julian Hawthorne, au th o r of “Archibald Malmalson,” etc., and Edgar. Faw cett, au thor of "A Gentleman bf Leisure,’• etc. Complete in One Volume. Square 12mo. Cloth.,. $1.00. Paper. 60 cents.

i f not'obtainable a t your Book sellers’, send direct to, the Publishers, who will forw ard tho books, free o f postage, promptly on receipt of tho-price. . - . *

J.B .M O n.CO m K rjatlista," f 715 and .717 Market. St., Philadelphia,

. The aboyo cntireproBcnta th e Bize of tho

G h O X j J D M 1 E 3 3 P A . L

to bo awarded to the

Champion fisborman for SEASON af (S8SAT TH E ABBURY PAUK PlSlilNQ PlfiR.

T R A Y I S ,





o a : E _ A _ : i s r p a l a c e




FERGUSON’S Coal, Wood & Charcoal

OEO. E. FARMER, Proprietor,

Wholesale and Retail.All m y Stock la of tho boat quality In the m arket, and la now

kopt constantly dry under complete cover.. 4

, I w arran t everythin# I sell. " I f not as represpnted tho monoy . .w i l l bo refunded. . V* ' ■ • '


Yard'and Office,. 51 South Main- Street,; Opposite Ocean Grov*} M ala Entrance.

BRANCH OFFICES—Bamman’s Grocery Storo In tho Park.W alnrlght & Errlckson’a S tore la tho Grovo.

Orders by m ail promptly received ond dollyeredi Complete . . : ____- Telephone Connection.

3L. ^ -------------- — ,Hiiccf:8flor to ORAVATT S. TA.YLOU, whotenalo'lml totull doaloc In >

l1 ' lime,. Lath,lair,W O O D ,CHARCOAL.

And aH’kJnas o f

loLlI" - ~ a ttheoldestah ii'shod yard

IN REAR OF LAKE VIEW HOUSE.A full Stock of tho above articles frill bo k ep t constantly on hand and satisfaction guaranteed.

Branch offlcea a t Boamos’ Grocery, Aabury P ark ,an d M atthews <fe -Ballard’s Grooory, Ocoan Grove TELEPHONE.

(Oitnbllsbod tn New York 1861.)


rout of tho storeDIAMONDS, i


‘ Fine repairing and adjusting aspeclalty

' J ; C.‘ 5V. STOUT. ALFRED H ART ' t

S T O U T Sc H A R T ,A s b n r i ’ P a r k n n d O c e a n G r o v e v •

Ooncrefce Walk Layers,»‘„ , .> T ^ a 8 B U U ^ I (ARKi-Jj: J . ' .

Oflloo 713 Mattlson avo. Satisfaction guaranteed.

I ^ A small,Dcjamater J r O I Calorio Engine,complete, w ith tans: holding 1,000 gallons. Also a Sprihgfleld Gas M achluo 'iu good orders P a r­ticulars given aud can bo toon a t the .

^ . ALBEMARLE, 905 Third avenue.

“B e s t ^ C e a , t s

Finest Pou ltry. • ,Sm oked Meats;

Superior Corned Beef '“From Selected Stock, A rtesian W at^ t and Par©

Plokllng M aterials. .

V e g e t a b l e s a n d F r u i t s .L- FreahC ftily fycra M cum oath County.

Farma.. - v ' • ,* .


' ; ...; ’ 'I PLPVPCDDIHOi Ac.A satisfactory plaoe to dekl, w here everything

sold ts guaranteed to, he the beat In the m ark e t

Telophono oonnootlona wltlj Park and &rove.i -T '

J A M E S H . B I R D ,


N orth S p rin g L ake,(Known as Lota Nos. so and ill,)

Situated within ifiO feet of Ocean aVonite'aud within 100 y ards of th e snrf. —

T he p lot haa a frontaR© of 100 feet on BrightonavCnUo and the east lino is 2»1 feet In depth. On - thobliiok adjoining the;large Hotel wllburtoiu- Ju st the place for a fine summer residence, wUn. plenty of toom fo r stablo tDflttOijarilage house.

' A nty iquor-and ahti-nulBahce'Clauaes in all- de alirtTre lgbborhood,The p!6t w ill be tfo& atJartreasdnablo figure, aa

tlie owners’ residence and dntyresta are elso- wbero. ; • - . ■

Inquire of \

O. H. Brown «r W.H. Potter,> ^ SPRING LAKE POST OFFICE, ‘ ' -

E . Wright, Asbury Park,’ . 0B AT TtTE JOU11HAV. OFFIOB.

m w i w m :M ATTRESS^ and BEDDING o r a ll kinds can

b e fb u iid at . .No; 1 Main St. (Ormeroa Building),

! ' ABBIIKY F A U K . N . , . ' V* Renovating MattrcRsos i Bpeoialty a t roaaonablo prlocfl.- * ©eo.'Williamson, A«t. '

^ $ 1 0 , 0 0 0 '

• t o "n o n o d 80doMS « ? r ; Pw U oW , N .J .*


Page 4: vot: xm ASBURY PARK, NEW JERSEY, OCTOBER 6, 1888 No. 40. · H. B. BEEGLE, (Late H. B. Beegle St Son) * BEAL ESTATE and; INSURANCE AGENT, •* ^2 Uiit^TnM, Cesafitrion, X, J. Tx>ans

L O N G M A I» ^ S^ O I A R T I N E Z

P R E P A R E D ■ P A l ' N T



NEWare offering great Bargains in all Departments, to reduce their large stock.' H alf'an hour’s inspection will show you how you can savo’tnany dollars. ’

Handsome'and'useful ar­ticles ar,e presented to every purchaser of Shoes.


t tW A U l

TH E S E 'a re in every respect, s trictly first- c lass P ain ts, com posed o f p u re linseed

oil an d the h ighest g rade o f pigm ents. They, a re p repared ready (o r the brush , in 5 4 newest shades a n d s tan d ard colors, an d , o n account o f their p u rity a n d g rea t covering properties, w e offer* them a s th e m o s t , d u r a b l e and e c o n o m ic a l P a in ts ever * produced. One gallon w ill cover from 2 50 to 2 75 sq . ft., tw o coats.Sample* and Descriptive PriceLM /rcto by matt. . H r - V i JOHNS MAIHJPAOTORING OOMPANF,‘ . SOLS MAHUVAOTUIIERB OP

It* W . J o h n * ’ Apbentoi* ltooflnar,. P l r e - P r a o f P n ln c s , B u ild in g F e l t,

1 8 t6 a* n -P lp e n n d B a i l o r C pT orlnts« A a b e tto iB to a m P ack ln trri, C Jnakcts, e tc .

Y u lcn b esto n M o ulded IllUffB, W a sh e rs , etc*


F o r Sale by N . E . Buchanon 8 Co .ASlStmY PAKK, N. J . —

150 a Month Turned Out at Our Factory



251 Pearl Street, near Fulton Street, New Yorkn av e occupied tbo Bamo building m ore th an a Q uarter of a centurv. Thelr aooda a ro shipped to a ll p a rts o f tho TTnlted States..

1 Boforo purchasing elBOwhoro consult v o interest# by inspecting our assortm ent in DESIRABI/E u n f u r n is h e d c o t t a g e s


Real Estate and Insurance Agent,725 Cookman Avonue, Aabury Park , N. J .

Is this picture a rebus ? 'W tll, yes, I t Is to sorae; but not to a live business m an. Do you notice

" th a t young m an running off with, a great big dol-' la r on h is back? l l e i s going to p lan t It where i t ' •will grow. Observe the o th er who Is returning jj

- gaze a t,b is satisfied facc and noto particularly the . greenback h e ca rrie r under his arm . Do you grasp the allegory? I t is th is : the persistent and judicloijij advertiser will reap five dollars profit for every dollar ho spends with the printer. Now is the tim e to tow th e seed 5-there are 300 crops

. per year! • _ .S . V .-.

Parlor, Dining-roomr and Chamber Suits,■ t _ ■ ' . •

Tables, pidehoards, .Chiffoniers, Rockets, Easy Chairs and Desks. Deslrablo bargains in


Brussels and Ingrain Carpets,M atting, OU Cloth and Linoleum. W indow

Shodoa all g rad es .C o rn ice poles, &c.U pholstering in all its ^ranches curded on, also a fa ir lino of Picture Frames jB&ct.Houldings kept oonstontiy on haijd. W indow Comioee of all deecriptionH,Stoves, Tinware, Crockery

— anif Silverware, ----------—----O Nearly every large

' dry goods 'store now \ j I f >' | j has a boys' clothing

t V I sA v 3 J department, w herema«y mothers shop

\ I with the impression''\ V y I that it is an eco.nomy.

These houses buy-all ... ' / / V I . t h e i r clothing, we\,„nrTL make all of ours; they

__ _ . ; — — j— - | ( r * '4 $ o t t e r a ^ m e a g r e v a -

I riety while we,display

V I If the-reader cafes/ C-° try an experiment

w hy n o t m ake a >?■■) selection from us and

[LA take it' into some of• W m . these -d e p a r tm e n t

stores for comparison of goods and prices.W e. would be quite agreeable-and our goods

may be returned if not satisfactory. ■ In fact that is the standing rule of the house. '. J-

H aving had soveral ye&rs’ oxncrlonoo ln the undertaking bnRlnaisln ABbury Park and vielnlt* leLcompetent to give satisfaction to all w ho m ay favor m e w ith th eir patronage. '1SLEPHONE CONNECTIONS wlth.prlncipal hotels and stores ln P ark and-Grove.In fact evorythlog In the Ifousofurnlshing- lino.

Quality and price guaranteed. Contracts solic­ited for furnishing Hotels and Cottages com* pleto. f, 1

The Finest Stook ofOffice open day and sig h t.

to be found bni the New Jersoy Coast.'

Newest Designs in Furniture.ANTIQUE OAK

In Bedrooia Suits, side B o ard s , C hairs,

Tables, E tc .

ASBURY PARK, N. JOno of tho best places to ilnd an assortm ent of FIRST-CLASS BUILDING. MATERIAL,. Is a t tho

. _ ' • old established business place o f -

Crawford’s' Palace of Music,. th e leadlpg music sto re o f tho A tlantia coast. N. E. BUCHANON & COPRIN TIN G *

C a r p e t S j M a t H n g f l ,Reed and lta£tan Goods,

BEDDING,Silverware, Lamps, Stoves.• ' v- •. >Ul the Novelties tn

French, Bohemian and Do­mestic Glass.

Foreign and Domestic China ., and Table W are.

Goods delivered ln Asbnrv P ark and Ocean / Grove.

ji or any and every pur­

p o s e that may be re-

-qttked-Hfj'orn a visiting

cSrtf to a new spaper or a

3QO-page1 1 :1 -1 1 5 iff H ill & t.,.A ttV m ry P a r k , N . J /(Whito'u now brlokhulldhig.) BohrBros. & Co.’s, MathuBhck, Sterling and MoEwon Pianos. Wil- Cox & Whlto and sterling Organs. Musical in­strum ents, mu«ic books, sheet-mnslo. l ’l&no, orjran and table covorti.' Scarfs, stools, and Bow­ing machlno Buppllcs. Pla^oa and organs for salo or ro n t-r.ash or on Instalm ents.. Domostln. Amorlcan, nnd othor Sowing Machines fo r ren t oraa lo^vash or^on inBtalmontar' Hepalrs made to pianos,'organs and sowing machines. 's .-■ i- . : . I \ CRAWFORD.

' Ponies Wanted.Anyj)jy®on having small Ponloa o r Donkeys . . r r r T suitableFDH CHILDBISN'S USE,

fo r sale very cheap, w ill find a custom er In .. ' , P .O . BNIIDKKIin,

_ M attison avenue, opposite PoBt OlUoe.

P rem inn is h ave befcn aw ard ed for^ourex c e lle n t w o rk :-:" : 1

. . . . : CLOTHES^ .HATS ANI> SHOES,■ 't ' • "i* ’’ ■' '‘~Zl • -•Broadway and.Prince St. Broadway and 3*d St.

. . . N E W Y O R K , . . i

F a s h i o n , c a t a l o g u e ’ m a il e d .: f r e e o n a p p m c At Co n .-

G . J . S C H A N C K & S O N v Successors to "’s r » H .3 E 3 3 3 X^.- ^ O iB /S I E S iF L J S t , '

A s f e w r y 'A ie /an d M»i«t Nt., A s t m r y l ’ a r k , l i . * f .BRANCH OFFICES—Milan Robs's, 1200ookman ctvenuo, Asbnry’Park,, and G. W. M artin’s, Pilgriin'?"

Pathway. Ocean Grove, where a ll orders received will l?e promptlyHUod. ’

Asb«ry Park Printing House, *

7 18 M a ttiso n 'A v e n u e , opposite B an k .

ManufaotuVe'rs an d D ealo rs ln a ll branohes of: v S _ < 3 - £ p . T T T ’w C C i - u . a x , ,

Licensed Auctioneer,.^1*00,000toLioan^n 1st Mortgage.


And Sewing Machines,F O B B A L E O R l tB N T F O B C A S H O B O S

IN N T + I.J IE N T H .Ropalrlr.g' and Tuning. - Cor; Bond s tree t ond

M attison avo., Asbury Park, N. J .WM. B. DOUGLAS, Agent

IT I S A a O B K C O B E ,Mr. n a m n r , ' D ear HIr—I wilh ofrllotMl vbrj1

m aoh wltTiiyujiOplila, b u t ntnco r tiavo m od your aaatrodyne le ip o fIo to o bo III offco lftom a nioat h eartv m eal, a n u Ib e llo v o cured, r p. H. WYCKOFF, N ew Hruns)vick, N. J.

HABBT L. .OGDEN, Agent,“ 81^ MAIN ST., ASBUBV PARK, N. J.'---*

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