Page 1: Volvo Production System

Volvo Production System Principles“VPS is the way to Operational Excellence”

Page 2: Volvo Production System

Volvo Production System – 5 Principles

Page 3: Volvo Production System


Volvo Production System - Principles

Teamwork means creating a sound organization where all employees are involved in the improvement process contributing to achievement of our goals and strategic objectives. This is where everyone’s experience, knowledge and creativity is put in play.

Process Stability means reducing all kinds of variability and waste in our processes to make them predictable and efficient. Deep knowledge and understanding of the operation is essential for succeeding as we strive for process stability.

Built-in Quality means doing things right the first time, detecting and correcting problems at the point of origin. We move towards zero-defects by having the mindset of not accepting bad quality, being proactive, and eliminating root causes.

Just-in-Time means producing and conveying what is needed, when it is needed, in the amount needed in the shortest possible lead-time using the least energy needed.

Continuous Improvement is the driving force behind our efforts and requires a systematic and long-term approach. Generation and implementation of improvement ideas is essential. It is based on standardisation and a clear vision of the future desired state.

Page 4: Volvo Production System

World Class Performance is the target - VPS is the way

Only through innovation can we continue towards sustained long-term growth, prosperity and a better quality of life for ourselves, our customers and our communities. Our role is to create the highest possible value for our customers–before our competitors.

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