
sou’wester • november 2016 • page 1

Happy Hours ................................ November 4, 18Ukelele Lessons ............................... November 15Membership Meeting ........................ November 11Turkey Day Regatta .................... November 19-20Club ABYC - Tree Trimming ............... December 5ABYC Christmas Party ..................... December 11Naples Boat Parade ......................... December 17Full ABYC Calendar

November 2016 Official Publication of

Alamitos Bay Yacht ClubVolume 89 • Number 11

Manager’s Corner ............................................. 2Commodore’s Compass ................................. 2-3Fleet Captain’s Log ........................................... 3Junior Sailing.................................................. 4-5Membership ...................................................... 6Commodore’s Appreciation ............................... 6Halloween Happy Hour Photos ......................... 72016-2017 Membership Chairs ................. 10 -11Hails From the Fleets ................................ 12 -15

s as as as as a vvvvv e t h e d ae t h e d ae t h e d ae t h e d ae t h e d a t et et et et ei n s i d ei n s i d ei n s i d ei n s i d ei n s i d e

Jon & Kathy Robinson photos

aka the promcommodore’s installation

They’re Back!!!Saturday, October 15 marked a rare occurrence inAlamitos Bay Yacht Club’s recent history. Not since

the mid ’50’s has a commodore returned for a second term.Not since we’ve been in this current building, mind you! ButChuck Clay did it. And he did in an unprecedented mannerwhen he actually installed himself! What’s that you ask, howcan that be? Well, since Chuck was Jr. Staff Commodore itfell under his list of responsibilities to be in charge of theInstallation and who was he installing?…You guessed it!

The club was so delighted to have Chuck and Trish,the Royal couple, back that we celebrated with prodigiousstyle. The tables decked out in all their nautical white androyal splendor were accented with charming yellow andwhite floral arrangements. These came about after an earlymorning run to the flower mart by Dana Bell to fetch thematerials. Then the flowers were artistically arranged, over20 arrangements were created, by Kathy Robinson with hertrusty assistants Karen Ferdon, Bonnie DeMoss and SueMcDannel.

Not to be outdone by these crafty ladies, the guysbusied themselves by arranging and setting up those tables.Dave Schack, Ron Clanton, Latham Bell, and Jorge Suarezswooped down on said tables and got them done so fastthat when an amazed Jared Shoult, new SAC member,arrived there was nothing left to do! This team, inspired byJorge Suarez, flag ironer extraordinaire, also got the Boardof Director flags hung in their traditional place above thestairway in short order.

The final touch for our elegant tables was the napkinsand programs. Charged with the responsibility of finding anappropriately classy way to fold the napkins incorporatingthe programs, Carol Clanton did a masterful job. She andher team of husband Ron, Susan and Dick Bell, and CindyHeavrin created programs wrapped in napkin style shields.

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Well folks, this month I’m going to get a little serious here. As Club Manager, I sometimes have the unpleasant task of enforcing club rules that are not always popular with some members. Recently, many members have brought to my attention the fact that

they have been seeing more and more dogs on the property, and have expressed their concernsto me. For those of you who are unaware, Yard Rule 1.1 states: “Dogs are not permitted thefreedom of the Club property, either loose or leashed unless the animal is considered an aid toits handicapped owner.” Though I’ll admit being a bit lax about this rule as of late, I can no longerturn a blind eye to this yard violation. Like many of our members, I certainly have a soft spot forour furry friends, big and small, but there are good reasons why this rule is in place, and we must

all abide by the yard rules when on club property.Thus, I am respectfully asking that members keep their furry family members at home or with a trusted friend when

visiting our club, and make sure their guests will do the same. Those boat-owners who call our docks their home will kindlybe asked to keep their trips through our yard, to and from the docks with their cuddly buddies, as brief as possible.Everyone’s cooperation in this matter would greatly be appreciated, as I really don’t want to be the “bad guy” who has toask members who violate this rule to escort their best friend off the property. I hope everyone can understand. Thank you!


What a great evening we had at the Installation Dinner (aka “the Prom”). First off, I wantto thank Kathy Robinson, Sue McDannel, Dana Bell and the entire SAC committeefor helping Trish and me celebrate round #2. You guys are amazing and we are all

very fortunate to have you as a part of ABYC!Now for the food… how did you like it? The lamb “lollipops” were out of this world, and

I’m sure some of you that did not like lamb going into the evening think differently about it now!Yummy! Chelsea cleaned out our table!

It was a lot of fun being the MC as well as the incoming Commodore, and Latham andI had a great time with the script. I want to thank Latham for a great year as Commodore, and I look forward to continuingto work with him on the board to accomplish great things for ABYC. As I mentioned during my speech, we have so manyevents that are coming up, so get involved! There is no better time to help out, chair an event-social or racing-, or just comedown to hang out at the club.

Steve Bloemeke and the Junior Advisory Committee (headed by Bob Little) have been working very hard with LizAckerman and Greg Dair to improve the quality of and growth of the junior program. Look for Steve to give more details inhis report, but great things are coming and I personally look forward to working closely with the JAC and Ryan Schack asthe incoming Junior Commodore.

As I am writing this, Riley Gibbs has just completed the Worlds in the Red Bull Foiling Generation in foiling catamarans,sailing with Quinn Wilson from Santa Barbara. Congratulations guys! We are all very proud! Also sailing the championshipthe week prior was Jacob Rosenberg. Jacob had a great first couple of days, but did not make the final due to boatbreakdown. Congratulations to Riley and Jacob for representing ABYC, we can’t wait to hear all about the details when theyreturn, which I highly recommend they give a presentation of their journey!

As you have all seen by now, we have a new shinny weekly reader! I want to thank Stacy Massy for taking this on.It has a different look and feel from the past weekly reader, and yes we are all going to miss Glenn and his sense of humor,but heck just come down to the club when Glenn is around and I am sure he would be honored to share some of his charmwith you on the spot! I also want to give Lori Vanskyhock credit, as Lori was “behind the curtain” setting up the formattingfor Glenn to post, Thanks Lori!!

That’s all for now, see you around the club!Cheers,Chuck, Trish and Chelsea

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Commodore Chuck [email protected]

Vice Commodore Kevin [email protected]

Rear Commodore Dave [email protected]

Fleet Captain Steve [email protected]

Secretary Jeff [email protected]

Jr. Staff Commodore Latham [email protected]

DirectorsJunior Program Steve Bloemeke

[email protected] Dan Milefchik

[email protected] Rob Stropky

[email protected]

Sou’WSou’WSou’WSou’WSou’Wesesesesestttttererererer DEADLINEDEADLINEDEADLINEDEADLINEDEADLINENovember 20, 2016 is the deadline

for the November Sou’Wester.

Help us tHelp us tHelp us tHelp us tHelp us to Help yo Help yo Help yo Help yo Help you!ou!ou!ou!ou!Please keep your e-mail address currentwith [email protected] to receiveall of the weekly news and events. Thankyou.

Treasurer Nicole Peoples/George Kornhoff

Junior Commodore Ryan Schack

Fleet Surgeon Dr. Richard Bell

Judge Advocate Tom Ramsey, Esq.

Fleet Chaplain Don Reiman

Port Captain Dave Myers/Christina Hall

Sou’wester Editor/Layout Sharon Pearson

[email protected]

Weekly Reader Jeff McDermaid

[email protected]

ABYC Phone (562) 434-9955

Homepage www.abyc.orgEmail [email protected]

Got Sails?The Juniors are collecting old sailsto recycle into duffle bags andother gear. Clean out your boat andgarage! Simply drop off your oldsails in the designated collectionbin in the junior room.

logfleet captain’s

First, I would like to thank the membership for your support in my new role as Fleet Captain.David Schack has done an outstanding job over the last year and I will do my very best tocontinue with that level of dedication. On that note, it has been a busy couple of weeks

getting up to speed with all of my new responsibilities. I’ve met with co Port Captains Dave Myersand Christina Hall on the current status of the Marks, Flags, Tackle and the upcoming Halloweenand Turkey Day Regattas requirements. Eric Redmond and I are putting together a newmaintenance log for our fleet of boats and trailers. As a junior parent who often tows I am a strongbeliever in preventive measures. At the recommendation of a yard tenant, I am looking intooptions for upgrading our trailer mules. I also attended the Fleet Captain planning meeting last

month and it looks like we are in for a great year of sailing. In closing, I would like to thank all of you for your suggestionsand words of encouragement. Go Team ABYC.

Steve Mueller

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cloggerthe bay


The ABYC Juniors had quite a bit going on this month. Our Learn to Sail class mettwice this month and they are doing a fantastic job. Our newest ABYC sailors arehoping to get the hang of sailing their way around a race course just in time for the

Turkey Day Regatta! Our Sabot sailors had a nice break this month with only one clinicand no regattas until the Halloween Regatta at the end of this month. Even though theyhad a slow October, we had a fantastic turnout at our Sabot clinic on the 15th. Our Optimists,both Green Fleet and Championship Fleet, had a huge turnout at their recent clinic onthe 15th and 16th. This clinic was getting them prepared for the Goblin Regatta, also thefirst regatta of the Opti Carrie Series. We have nine ABYC Optimist sailors headed up toSanta Barbara this weekend! On the 22nd of this month, we had a Laser clinic, coached by Allie Blecher, and had anincredible turnout! We had so many sailors we had to split the clinic day into two sessions. Nothing makes the JuniorProgram happier than seeing the tremendous amount of Junior participation happening at the club. Keep up the good work,Juniors!

Elizabeth Ackerman

Sea Otter RegattaIt was a sunny day with quite a breeze in Monterey. I was super excited to experience my first high school regatta.As we launched from the beach in to the red tides getting ready for the gold fleet. We sailed to the line and

examined our course. The boat was favored but due to the crowding on the line it was hard to get to it. Going upwind wasa challenge with the oncoming waves and our lack of weight. Some of our races were good others not so much. But at theend of the day, Sea Otter taught me a lot about tactics of starting, how to handle windy conditions that have waves, how tosucceed on a gate and of course have fun!

Azura Jorda( 9th grader)

Keel Boat RegattaAs high schools sailing begins so does it’s sailing season, there is one Regatta that is a one day and one timequalifier event; Keelboat Regatta. This year the team for Wilson Sailing was skipper Ryan Schack and crew Trent

Turigliatto, Christina Van Dyke, and myself. We ended up sailing eight races and ended up in a successful 3rd place. Theconditions of San Diego were lighter in the morning but as the day progressed the wind began to pick up. Getting first andsecond in the Regatta were the high schools Newport and Corona Del Mar which also qualified them for Keelboat Nationals.The Regatta was so much fun and was a great experience for all teams to have a new and somewhat unfamiliar boat.

Roxanne Snyder(10th grader)

Goblin RegattaOn Oct 22 and 23rd, several of the Opti sailors traveled to Santa Barbara for the Goblin Regatta, which is the firstregatta in the Carrie Series. Sailing in green fleet was Nicholas Sanchez, Ian Rines, Yolanda Kuijken-Lewis,

Isaac Stone and Katherine Stone. Sailing in the champ fleet was Tate Christopher, Nicholas Muller, Ulises Kuijken-Lewis, and myself - Luke Melvin. The first day was extremely light wind, and we got two races in on the champ course.Then the fog rolled in the wind died completely. We couldn’t see more than 15ft, and racing was cancelled for the restof the day. The Green fleet got 4 races in on Saturday.

On Sunday, the wind was light and shifty, and it rained while we were rigging. Both champ and green fleet wereable to get 4 races in. Many of the team got together for a pool party on Saturday night, per ABYC Opti tradition. Wehad a lot of fun, and are making progress in our sailing. Thank you Coach Greg, Coach Ryan, Coach Liz, and ABYCmembers for your support of the Opti program.

Luke Melvin

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board repjunior program

24 HoursA new year for the ABYC Board of Directors starts now with a new beginning.The position that I hold on the ABYC Board of Directors is to oversee the Junior Advisory Committee, known as the

“JAC”. [“Jr.” is the reference to young Sailors.]The JAC has an overall interest to see that Jr. Sailing is active and thriving at all levels of sailing competency and

ages. This goes from “Sea Urchins” (ages 5-7ish) in the summer sailing program deemed too young to sail on their own, tobeginning sailors who start sailing solo in Naples Sabots and Optimist Dinghy “Optis”. From there we have all levels ofsailing in different types of boats up to high school sailing. For those that truly excel on to other classes of sail boats quicklyoutpace the general scope designed to satisfy groups, venturing beyond our sailing program and into private endeavors.

High School Sailing was revived a few years ago from a relevant dormant status and several used CFJ sailboatswere purchased about 5 years ago by the ABYC Jr. Sailing Program. Since then the fleet has been invigorated with 5newer used CFJ boats and our fleet is standing tall at 9 boats in total (a few “seasoned” boats were sold). The unique thingabout the High School Program is that it is truly a “Club” Sport in High School much like Hockey, Surfing, and other non-CIFsports. With that comes Administration challenges that arise from High School Sailors that while are sailing out of our club,but not truly under the umbrella of discipline that the ABYC Jr. Sailing Program participants abide by given its Club SportStatus and fall under the jurisdiction of High Schools to punish and address behavior or “other problems”. Unfortunately theHigh School Staff is not necessarily fully indoctrinated to the Corinthian nature of the Sport of Sailing and what we know andabide by. Additionally, we have parents new to sailing with their High School age children sailing for the first time in our clubenvironment, and don’t know our unique culture. So, then challenge becomes how our Program is to hand down discipline,maintain order, and provide a fun environment for one and all. Not an easy task to say the least.

Recently there have been many comments, complaints, “suggestions”, emanating from those High School Parentsand School Officials that are extremely distracting to Coaching, Direction, and Management (me and the JAC). Howeverwe have had in years past had the same problem in the mainstream sailing program separate from School. In the past wehad a Sailing Director who also was the Head Coach. A decision was made by the JAC to change to a Director and HeadCoach, thus hiring two people. This was done for two reasons. 1) To provide a focused approach to on the water trainingand 2) To increase overall participation. We also found that the Director/Coach was spending an inordinate amount of timewith overly active parents and lessened actual sailing focus. This can be fixed by hiring two people and by doing thefollowing:

I would like for all of us to adopt a 24 Hour Rule that prohibits any negative complaints, comments, “suggestions”and discussion amongst kids, parents, coaches, etc. 24 hours allows for one an adequate “cooling off period” that will allowfor one to think more clearly and in doing so allow the formation for a better reasoning pattern and solution. Over the years,and more recently we have been dealing with rumors, accusations, innuendos, and simply untrue accounts pertaining toboth Sailors and Coaches, Direction and Management, some of which were simply unkind and others completely unfounded.

The 24 Hour Rule. Thank you in advance for doing this. I’ve been exposed to it, and it really does work.Steve BloemekeABYC Board of Directors, Jr. Sailing Program

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When I was recently putting together the list for this past year’s Commodore’s Council (members who have sponsored2 or more new members) I noted that 24 members have sponsored new members. I want to say thanks to all ofthose members who have taken the time to introduce people to the club, and help bring them into the ABYC

family. There were eight people recognized for being on the Commodore’s Council. A special shout-out to Tim Carter whosponsored five new members this past year – and yes, our ABYC Viper fleet is growing as a result!

The following applicants were approved for membership at the October board meeting;

Members Approved Type Member Sponsor Cole Pomeroy Junior Latham BellMichael Lucas Yachting Jeff NewsomeAlexis Hall Yachting Dave SchackPhil Toth Regular Tim CarterJim Ellsworth Regular Rowell GreenPaula Clark Regular Scott AttwoodArt Vasenius Regular Latham Bell

Dan Milefchik

Kathy Robinson photosappreciation partycommodore’s

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happy hourhalloween Kathy Robinson photos

ABYC at Sunset from Ballast Point

October 2016Steve Shaw photo

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promm o r e ...from page 1

Then there was the party. Guests munched on appetizers passed by George’s Greek Cafe’s capable staff whilelistening to the strains of the “Lovely Houlihans” combo. Group leader Mary Ann Heimann later divulged that the name wasactually a takeoff on the old Hawaiian song “Lovely Hula Hands,” but whatever the name the music was delightful! Dinnerwas served family style with plenty of time in between courses to sip wine and chat with table mates, and observe theinstallation proceedings. And although all the food was great, the highlight for many of us had to be the “lamb pops,” whichare actually mini lamb chops. Two days later old/new commodore Chuck was still raving about those lamb pops!

The installation was masterfully carried out by Junior Staff/Incoming Commodore Chuck Clay who soundedsomewhat like a ventriloquist at times as he installed himself. He was ably assisted by out-going Commodore Latham Bell.Fortunately the microphone cooperated this year, thereby escaping a dousing in the bay. But just in case, Chuck broughta whole bunch of extras. They weren’t too effective, however, since they were plastic and inflatable, but none-the-less theywere also water proof!

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promm o r e ...from page 8

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committee chairs2016 - 2017

Adopt-a-Beach .................................................................. Todd Smith and Cathy Black-Smith

Archives/Historian ............................................................. Open

ASPBYC Alternate Representative ..................................... John Merchant

ASPBYC Representative ..................................................... Steve Mueller

Blue Gavel (Order of Staff Commodores) .......................... Mike Baumann

Boatique/Merchandise ..................................................... Jennifer Golison

Burgee Committee ............................................................ Cathy Black - Smith & Stacy Conn

By-Laws Review ................................................................. Latham Bell

Calendar ............................................................................ Chuck Clay and Latham Bell

Calligraphy......................................................................... Toni Morford

Capital Leashhold Trush Fund President ........................... John Weiss

Catalina Cruise .................................................................. Pat McCormick

Challenge Chairman .......................................................... Steve Flam

Charity Regatta .................................................................. Norma Clapp

Christmas Float ................................................................. Chuck Clay

City of Long Beach Relations ............................................. Latham Bell and Chuck Clay

Commodore Yearbook ...................................................... Stacey Gibbs and Stacy Conn

Finance Committee ........................................................... Nicole Peoples

Fleet Chaplain ................................................................... Don Reiman

Fleet Surgeon .................................................................... Dr. Richard Bell

Golden Anchor - USSA Membership ................................. Kevin Brown

Grounds Committee .......................................................... Ron Wood, John Merchant, Keith

.......................................................................................... Dodson

Grounds/Landscaping/Gardening ..................................... Terri Bishop

House Committee ............................................................. Cathy Black-Smith

Installation Dinner ............................................................. Kathy Robinson & Sue McDannel

Judge Advocate ................................................................. Tom Ramsey

Junior Sailing Program Director ........................................ Elizabeth Ackerman

Junior Program Advisory Committee-JAC ......................... Bob Little

Junior Commodore ........................................................... Ryan Schack

Junior Program - INSA Representative Alamitos Bay. ........ Paul Anctil

Junior Program - Junior Board Advisor.............................. Jennifer Golison

Kiosks/Bulletin Boards....................................................... Kevin Brown

Lease Compliance - Buildings, Juniors ............................... Ron Wood

List Serve - Add and Delete Database ............................... Jeff McDermaid

List Serve Email Promotion ............................................... Jeff McDermaid

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Long Range Calendar ...............................................Chas Merrill & Jennifer Kuritz

Membership Support Group-MSG ...........................Ed Spotskey and Rob Stropky

Moorings-Reciprocal ................................................Dave and Sue Crockett

Neighbor Relations...................................................Ed Spotskey

Nominating Committee ...........................................Latham Bell

Officer of the Day .....................................................Rob Stropky

Opening Day .............................................................Mike Baumann

Opening Day - Basin 5 ..............................................Merle Asper & Latham Bell

Patience Committee.................................................Dave Kofahl & Bob Anderson

Peninsula CERT Rep ..................................................Merle Asper

Photography .............................................................Tracy Conn

Port Captain .............................................................Dave Myers & Christina Hall

Procedures Book ......................................................Mike Baumann

Protest Committee/Chief Judge ...............................Ron Wood

Protest Administrator ...............................................Sue Crockett

Race Management - RMC ........................................Mark Townsend & Steve Kuritz

Reciprocal Privileges ................................................Dave and Sue Crockett

Recording Secretary to the Board ............................Jim Morford

Regatta Computer Scoring .......................................RMC

Regatta - Chief Scoring .............................................Sharon Pearson

Roster and Yearbook ................................................Jeff McDermaid

SCYA Representative ................................................Kevin Brown

SCYYRA Representative ............................................Bob Little

Social Advisory Committee - SAC .............................Dana Bell

Sou’ wester Editor ....................................................Sharon Pearson

Spring Spruce Up ......................................................Kevin Brown

Stag Cruise ...............................................................Merle Asper & Jorge Suarez

Treasurer ..................................................................Nicole Peoples & George Kornhoff

Trophies - Engraving .................................................Carol Kofahl, Jim Morford & Mark Townsend

Trophies - Electronic Trophy Book ............................Steve Kuritz

Trophies - Perpetual .................................................Carol Kofahl

Trophies - Regatta Awards........................................Cathy Black-Smith

Webmaster...............................................................Jeff McDermaid

Yacht Club Relations - Local ......................................Merle Asper

YRUSC Representative ..............................................Jerry Montgomery

committee chairs2016 - 2017

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the fleetshails from

The Laser Formula

A choice of rigs for different weight sailors—3 boats in one:· Are your children reaching the age when they want to go sailing in a Laser by themselves?

· Does your husband or wife fancy the occasional sail in your Laser?· When you arrive at ABYC, have you found it is too windy for you to go sailing?· Maybe you are too light to sail the Laser with the Standard rig?The Laser Formula is the answer to all these questions. By changing only the sail and lower mast the Laser can be

sailed comfortably in all wind conditions and provide exciting but controlled sailing for any sailor weighing as little as 73 lbs.The Laser Formula is a 3 rig option that has been adopted by a number of sailing schools as a simple and economical wayto keep sailing in all winds and reduce the amount of ‘down time’.

The Laser 4.7 uses a short pre-bent lower mast to maintain a balanced helm and a sail area that is35% smaller than the Laser Standard. It is ideal for learning to sail or for the lighter weight sailor (73– 121 lbs.) graduating from Optimist.

The Laser Radial is the next step up. It uses a more flexible and slightlyshorterlower mast together with a sail area 18% smaller than the Laser Standard.The Laser Radial has a large following with national and international regattasand World Open &Youth Championships attracting as many countries andcompetitors as the Laser Standard Rig. As well as a strong following amongst

lighter weight sailors (121 – 154 lbs.) the Laser Radial is also used for youth, women and masters (35yrs. +) racing. Many countries now support a full Laser Radial Youth program.

The Laser Standard can be sailed by any weight in light winds, but as thewind increases it is better suited to higher sailor weights (154 + lbs.).

Regardless of which Laser option you choose, there is an active Laser group at ABYC willing tolend a hand in you becoming familiar with Laser sailing and racing, along with the Laser Race clinicsscheduled for this month and next.

Fall & Winter Laser & Radial Racing Clinics at ABYCA series of Racing Clinics organized by our Junior Sailing Director, Elizabeth (Liz) Ackerman, are

being conducted at ABYC and are open to all Laser, Laser Radial and Laser 4.7 sailors.

These clinics are for all Laser sailors who are comfortable and confident sailing in the ocean and are conducted/coached by Allie Blecher former Junior Sailing Director at ABYC, 2012 U.S. SAILING® Singlehanded Champion and 2009Inter-Collegiate Sailing Association (ICSA) All-American Sailing Team member from the College of Charleston.

Allie hosted morning—less experienced— and afternoon—more experienced— groups of sailors for the OctoberClinic. Allie reported the groups experienced light wind conditions, so she had the sailors practice light wind boat handlingtechniques and boat speed, followed by an emphasis on sail trim in light conditions. So regardless of the weather, theseclinics will certainly improve your Laser sailing skills.

The next Clinics are Sunday November 6th, Friday November 18th (one day before the Turkey Day Regatta) andSaturday December 17th. Weekend Clinics run from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.,Friday Clinic 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. The cost is $75.00 per clinic.

...continued next page

Ryan Schulten & Robert EnricoSusan Lanoue, Charlie Crockett & Kim Adam

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Cindy Heavrin photos

Lido de Luna recap:Let the games begin! The extremelycompetitive Lido fleet took to the water

for another kind of competition other than theusual windward leeward racing. This time the fleet put 4-5 peoplein a Lido and sailed as fast as they could toward the first areathat was hiding the next clue. But first, the fleet had to solve thequestion, or riddle, in order to ascertain their next mark. Thisyear’s puzzle was the brain storm of Carol and Ron Clantonwho devised a game titled “Clueless on the Bay”. After each ofthe 8 teams solved the clues and sailed the marks, the racershad to come ashore and solve another real life mystery. Theteam who came up with the best solutions and time and storywon the game. While all this game playing was going on a fabulous dinner was prepared by fleet extraordinaire Dana Bell.This year’s competition hosted 64 dinner guests and of that group 50 Luna competitors on the bay. It’s a big fleet and theylove to compete said fleet co-captain Cindy Heavrin. We had several first time participants and they remarked they won’tmiss another Lido de Luna, said fleet co-captain Kathy Reed

...from page 12

It really does help with planning when participants pre-register online, so if you are planning to attend one or allclinic days, please register on-line by going to this site. It is:

Laser & Radial Racing at ABYCLasers and Radials will be competing in the Turkey Day Holiday Regatta November 19th-20th. Expect large

competitive fleets of Lasers and Radials at Turkey Day as the Southern California Youth Yacht Racing Association (SCYYRA)conducts one of their Ullman/Frost Series: in conjunction with the Turkey DayRegatta. The Ullman/Frost Series is open to junior sailors under the age of 19 and who have not yet entered college. TheUllman series is contested in Lasers, the Frost Series in Radials. Note: a separate entry fee and registration is required forthe Ullman/Frost Series.

The Turkey Day Regatta is also the first scored event in the 2017 ABYC Laser Fleet Championship Series. Sodon’t miss this head start on the 2017 Championship season.

Looking forward to New Year’s Eve, Mark Townsend once again hosts the always popular Boxing Day Regatta.So whether to say adios to the old year or welcome the new, it’s always great fun to mix it up with the wide variety of sail craftthat come out to race in this reverse handicap race around Alamitos Bay.

Steve Smith

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Twilights recap:Balmy, tropical warm light breezes marked the end of Lido twilights on Thursday night. Mike Shea and crew David Webbdominated the evening which started at5:50pm. Gabe Ferramola was PRO and ranshort quick flawless races to get the fleet inbefore dark. John Gresham and crew ChristinaHall won the last race and looked back at the16 boat fleet and in Gresham style yelled “seeyou next April”.

The final night hosted 16 boats, 5starts, 2 general recalls and 3 solid short races.It was one of those perfect nights of enjoyableracing where racers didn’t have to worry aboutstaying upright and could think about tacticsinstead. Lido racers enjoyed a season finalepizza party around the warm fire pit. For thoseof us groupies who followed Mike Hinson andRobert August around the world in “Endless Summer” we will try to duplicate their efforts and keep the warm enjoyableevening sailing in the fore front of our memories…until Thursdays of next April.

Lido Fleet News:Golison/Corsi win!Bruce Golison and Dina Corsi traveled to Mission BayYacht Club San Diego for the Fall Invitational. Brucereined over 7 boats in A fleet to dominate the regattaand win! Nice job Bruce and Dina!

Upcoming events:Lido Christmas Party, December 10, 2016Rules Seminar January 14, 2017Silent Film Festival/Art Deco Ball Casino Avalon, FleetSix Golf Tournament Avalon, May 20, 2017Upcoming Races:Nov.6 Roy Woolsey, Lido Isle YCNov.19-20, Turkey Day, ABYCAugust 11-13 Lido Nationals Newport Beach, CA

For Lido Fleet membership, questions or toarrange to charter the Lido Fleet boat, contact FleetCaptain Kathy Reed at [email protected]

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No news...bobbing aimlessly on Alamitos Bay

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As a reminder, there will be a meeting of the Keel Boat Fleet on November 18 on the second deck.Food and drink available at the ‘Club’s Happy Hour”. Meeting will start around 6:30 or 7:00. Duesare due, $10 cash or check. Checks made out to Mary Margaret Caddle. Mary Riddick attended

the all fleet’s Calendar meeting and will hand out next year’s Keel Boat Fleet calendar.The combined Senior Sabot and Keel Boat Fleet’s Christmas Party will be on Friday, December

9th. Following the tradition of our Christmas Parties in the past Judy Mathias was our Carol Director,Ronda Rubio, at the piano. Joe Riddick will again be in charge of the raffle with wife Mary arranging the table’s decorations.Another Keel Boat Fleet tradition is for members to offer to help at the various Fleet events.

Bring a nice hors d’oeuvre to share and the Club bar will be open for libations. The fun starts at 5:30 so practice upyour singing and guests are always welcome.

See you there,George


Even though our primo Summer sailing seasonis behind us including the very successful Cal20 Class Championships held at ABYC and

the LBYC Wet Wednesday Series, there is plenty ofCal 20 activities in store for November andDecember.

Shoreline YC is hosting their Cal 20 Fever regatta on Sunday,November 6. The ABYC fleet is recruiting boats to sail at this fun lowkey regatta at the same venue where the 2014 Class Championshipswere staged. Shoreline YC boasts a fleet of Cal 20’s that are nicelymaintained by the club and we are hoping for a turnout of 10 - 15boats. Later in November, ABYC will be hosting the ever popularTurkey Day Regatta and we expect another good turnout of Cal 20’s.

December is also a busy month as we close out a good yearof Cal 20 sailing. LBYC will be hosting the Fun Run regatta on Saturday, Dec. 10. This regatta is staged in Alamitos Baywith several short collegiate style races featuring close tactical racing. Our annual Cal 20 Fleet 1Holiday party will behosted by Cathy and Todd Smith on Friday evening, Dec. 16 at their home in Naples. We will be asking party members tobring unwrapped toys that will be passed on to needy children in the Long Beach area. And Cal 20 sailors can look forwardto the annual Boxing Day regatta on Dec. 31. Last year we had 9 Cal 20’s racing at Boxing Day including three top 10finishers (2, 4, and 8th).

We would like to thank our Fleet Captain Steve George for all his good work in leading Long Beach Fleet 1 for thepast several seasons. For those who might be interested in trying out a Cal 20 or crewing for one of our owners, pleasereach out to Steve. You can also check out info on the Cal 20 Class Website that was upgraded this year (

Happy Holiday Sailing from the Cal 20 fleet!Cathy Black-Smith

We had a good turnout for the Ladies (and Gents) Regatta on October 8. PRO Steve Kuritz andhis Race Committee team of Lynn Drury, Tom Mendenhall, and Jim Drury ran four greatraces.

Winds were light and shifty in the first race but picked up for race 2, 3 and 4.Competition was tight in Ladies A with Jerelyn Biehl from SDYC winning by one-point over Robin Townsend of

ABYC. There was a tie for third with Mary Riddick of ABYC winning. Julie McPherson of SDYC was fourth.Ladies B was won by Dana Fischbeck of NHYC. Dee Van Horne of SDYC was second with Cynthia Heavrin of

ABYC third. The men’s division was won by Scott Finkboner of MBYC, Michael O’Connell of SDYC was second with LeeBerlinger of ABYC third.

A huge thank you to Robin Townsend for making this regatta happen. She selected and purchased the trophies, thefood, decorated the tables, and found talented cooks (Chuck and Trish Clay, Mike and Betty Baumann and Jim and ToniMorford) to make a great Oktoberfest dinner that will be hard to top next year.

It takes a village to put on a good regatta!Kathy Weishampel

Cal 20 Fun Run Regatta action at the weather mark

sou’wester • november 2016 • page 16


Dinner 6:00 pm

Friday, December 4, 2015 Fun starts at 5:00 pm

Friday, December 2, 2016 Fun starts at 5:00 pm

Bar Opens

5:00 pm

Come and help trim

the beautiful Club

Christmas tree– Menu –

Tomato B

isque, Chedd


& Broccol

i Soups

Hearty Rolls,

Christmas Co



***Please ReseRve by Wednesday, novembeR 30 *** all dinners $10.00 Kids Under 2 Free

(Reservations after november 30 – Food available basis only)email: [email protected] Tel: (562) 434-9955 online:

Tree Trim


5:00 pm


Rates:$50/3 months

$125/yearBilled directly to your club account

Submit your business card, 3.5” x 2” .jpg, .tif,.png or .jpg file to the club secretary at

[email protected] or the Sou’westereditor at [email protected]

Contact the club secretary [email protected] for

non-member rates


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After the devastating loss of my son-in-law, and Kelli’s husband, many members asked what they could do. We, at thetime, were at a loss. It was decided to open a college fund for Bradley and Spencer. While I was reluctant to publish this,Tori suggested that we let the members know what we had decided. Thanks to Tori and to the Flag Officers who offeredthis space. The overwhelming support we have received during this difficult time has been very much appreciated and willnot be forgotten.

Sharon, Kelli, Bradley and Spencer

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