Page 1: Vol 8 No 1 · 2018-10-24 · Dr Mohammad Saeed Al-Kindi, the UAE’s Minister of Environment and Water, is seen in the front row with Mr Fawzi AlSultan, Chairman of the Board, and

Biosalinity NewsNewsletter of the International Center for Biosaline Agriculture

Dr Shawki Barghouti assumed theoffice of Director General of ICBA at

the beginning of April. Dr Barghouti, aJordanian national, was selected after anintensive search for a replacement for DrMohammad Al-Attar, who announced hisretirement in mid 2006.

Dr Barghouti holds a PhD in AgriculturalDevelopment from the University ofWisconsin, USA. Prior to his employmentby ICBA, he served with the World Bankin Washington DC as Advisor, AgriculturalScience and Technology, as well asManager of the Agriculture and WaterPortfolio for South Asia. From 1997 to1999, he served as Director General ofthe International Crops Research Institutefor the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT) inHyderabad, India. He was also instrumental in establishing the International Center forAgricultural Reasearch in the Dry Areas (ICARDA).

Dr Barghouti has 35 years of experience in agricultural development and management,20 of them in the Middle East. As a co-author of ICBA's Strategic Plan (see article onpage 2), he is quite familiar with the Center's capabilities and goals.

FROM THE EDITORFollowing the lead article in ourlast issue, which concerned theretirement of Director GeneralDr Mohammad Al-Attar, this oneannounces the arrival of hissuccessor, Dr Shawki Barghouti.

A major ICBA milestone tookplace in February whenstakeholders from many countriesgathered in Dubai to debate thecenter’s shifting research focusand to approve the Strategic Plan2008-12 (page 2).

The status of ICBA’s largestresearch activity, its multi-donorForage Project, was discussed atlength in Amman, Jordan, inMarch (page 4).

The science article on pages 6and 7 is a continuation of the onesubmitted in our last issue thatconcerned sunflower. This timethe quest for new crops for salineenvironments is about quinoa.

Other items are a report of theinauguration of the Soil Survey inAbu Dhabi and the EuropeanUnion-funded bio-energy projectin South Asia.

Contributions on research orprojects of interest to ourreaders are always welcome, asare letters to the Editor. Pleasesend your submissions,including relevant photographsand figures, to:

The EditorBiosalinity News, ICBAPO Box 14660Dubai, [email protected]

ISSN 1563-1532

International Center for Biosaline Agriculture (ICBA)PO Box 14660, Dubai, UAE Tel: +971 4 336 1100 Fax: +971 4 336 1155 E-mail: [email protected]


New Director Generalassumes office

Dr Barghouti hosted a farewell lunch for his predecessor, Dr Mohammad Al-Attar, at ICBAheadquarters on 25 March.

Dr Barghouti welcomed by Mr FawziAlSultan, Chairman, ICBA Board of Directors.

Page 2: Vol 8 No 1 · 2018-10-24 · Dr Mohammad Saeed Al-Kindi, the UAE’s Minister of Environment and Water, is seen in the front row with Mr Fawzi AlSultan, Chairman of the Board, and

Biosalinity News

The long-awaited StrategicPlanning Meeting took place

5-6 February at the MetropolitanHotel in Dubai. The meeting wasthe culmination of a processbegun in early 2006, when threerespected scientists wererecruited to draft a Vision andStrategy Document. Thesescientists, each a stalwart in agricultural research anddevelopment, worked closely with ICBA managementand scientists in preparing the draft document.

The team was comprised of Dr Shawki Barghouti, whorecently succeeded Dr Mohammad Al-Attar as ICBA’sDirector General (see lead article), Dr David Seckler,

Strategic Plandebated in Dubai

the former Director General of the International WaterResearch Institute, and Dr Donald Suarez, Director ofthe US Department of Agriculture’s Salinity Laboratory inRiverside, California.

Dr Mark Winslow, a Marketing Specialist with ICRISAT,was seconded to facilitate the meeting. With theassistance of ICBA staff, he collated the minutes of themeeting and the discussion groups to assemble adocument entitled New Horizons: ICBA's Strategic Plan2008-2012. Although the specifics remain underdiscussion, it is clear that the center’s expandedresearch agenda will embrace such concerns asintegrated water resources and marginal water quality.Importantly, the center's traditional mandate of biosalineagriculture will remain an integrated part of the newStrategic Plan.

The consultancy team that drafted ICBA’s Vision andStrategy Document. From left: Dr Donald Suarez, Dr

Shawki Barghouti and Dr David Seckler.

Upper left: the Plenary session in progress. Above: the meeting brought together key policymakers from all over theworld. Dr Mohammad Saeed Al-Kindi, the UAE’s Minister of Environment and Water, is seen in the front row with MrFawzi AlSultan, Chairman of the Board, and Dr Mohammad Al-Attar, Director General.


Page 3: Vol 8 No 1 · 2018-10-24 · Dr Mohammad Saeed Al-Kindi, the UAE’s Minister of Environment and Water, is seen in the front row with Mr Fawzi AlSultan, Chairman of the Board, and

3April 2007

At the suggestion of Prof Dr FaisalTaha, ICBA’s Director of Technical

Programs, advantage was taken of theStrategic Planning Meeting (covered onpage 2) to give Director General Al-Attara proper farewell. A special evening wasset aside during the meeting to honor theman who did so much to make ICBA acenter of excellence. The venue chosenfor this special occasion was theKempinsky Hotel.On hand were colleagues and friendsfrom all over the Gulf region and beyond

– scientists, policymakers, stakeholders andemployees. After dinner, which was sweetened by anensemble of Lebanese musicians, a number of guestsrose to tell the audience what Dr Al-Attar meant tothem. A special Power Point featuring photographstaken throughout the DG’s long tenure was shown.After the speeches, a special Emirati troupeperformed a native dance. It was a fitting tribute to theman who led ICBA so well for so long.

A night to remember:Farewell to the DG

A fitting farewell. Testimonials honoring the DGwere made by many. Among them: 1. Dr Abdel Nabi Fardous, Director General,National Center for Agricultural Research andTechnology, Jordan2. Eng Mohammed Saqer Al-Asam, AssistantUndersecretary for Water and Soil, Ministry ofEnvironment and Water, UAE3. Dr Mahmoud Solh, Director General, ICARDA4. Dr Majd Jamal, Director General, GeneralCommission for Scientific Agricultural Research,Syria.5. Prof Dr Faisal Taha, Director of TechnicalPrograms, ICBA

The ICBA staff, represented here by Badria Bochi, CarlaMellor and Diane Giessen, was on hand to say adieu.

12 3 4


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Biosalinity News4

The largest research project in the ICBA portfolio,Saving freshwater resources with salt-tolerant forage

production in marginal areas of the West Asia and NorthAfrica, reached the midpoint of its duration when theTechnical and Steering Committees met 11-15 March atAmman, Jordan.

Organized by Jordan's National Center for AgriculturalResearch and Technology Transfer (NCARTT) incollaboration with ICBA, the workshop was sponsored bythe International Fund for Agricultural Development(IFAD), the OPEC Fund for International Development(OFID) and the Arab Fund for Economic and SocialDevelopment (AFESD). HE Dr Mostafa Qrunfleh,Minister of Agriculture, officially opened the meetings,which were subsequently chaired by Dr Abdoul NabiFardous, Director General of NCARTT.

Prof Dr Faisal Taha, ICBA’s Directorof Technical Programs, presented asummary of the achievementsmade during 2006 as well as theWork Plan and Budget for 2007.One key decision was to formworking groups to formulateguidelines for three activities:production, irrigation and socio-economics. Countries withcomparative advantage in each ofthese activities will take the lead.

In his concluding remarks, DrFardous said, ‘Sustaining thesuccesses of this project in farmers’fields is essential. Even when theproject funding ends a year fromnow, ICBA should remain the focalpoint of this network.’


Left: Farmersshare theirexperiences withforage trials.

Below: TheSteeringCommittee (upper)and the TechnicalCommittee (lower).

Above: The projecthas introducednew salt-tolerantforage crops likecanola toJordanian farmers.Right: Listening topresentationsduring the fieldday.

A farmer makes his point with Dr Abdullah Dakheel,Project Coordinator, during the field trip to Al Khaldia.

Page 5: Vol 8 No 1 · 2018-10-24 · Dr Mohammad Saeed Al-Kindi, the UAE’s Minister of Environment and Water, is seen in the front row with Mr Fawzi AlSultan, Chairman of the Board, and

On 17 January 2007, ICBA’s largest evercollaborative project with a host countryagency, Soil Survey for the Emirate of AbuDhabi, was officially inaugurated at Remah, atest site 30 km west of Al Ain.ICBA’s senior management and staff werejoined by Mr Majid Al Mansouri, SecretaryGeneral of Environment Agency-Abu Dhabi(EAD), as well as the staff of the contractor,GRM International, for this important milestone.

ICBA attracts attention

5April 2007


Abdul SatharChedanguil joinedICBA in February asHelper-Driver, AbuDhabi Office. MrChedanguil is from

India. Hiba Kamal,Administrative Assistantfor the Abu Dhabi Office,left ICBA in April afterserving the center forone year.

Baedaa Khalil, CommunicationsAssistant, receiving a memento from Mr

Saeed Mohammad Al Tayer, GeneralManager of Dubai Electricity and Water

Authority (DEWA) in recognition of ICBA’sexcellent stall at WETEX 2007 in Dubai.

Dr Barghouti and DrAl-Attar visiting the

ICBA stall at thebiennial

EnvironmentExhibition at Abu

Dhabi in February.Manning the stallwere Ibrahim Bin

Taher, GovernmentLiaison Officer, and

Ghazi Al Jabri,Communications


ICBA’s work isshowcased onthe website ofthe OPEC Fundfor InternationalDevelopment(OFID).


Soil Survey inaugurated

Mr Majid Al Mansouri, SecretaryGeneral of EAD, joins forces withICBA Director General DrMohammad Al-Attar at a test sitein Abu Dhabi Emirate.

The survey team, which is composed of staff from EAD, ICBA and thecontractor, GRM International, pause for a group photo.

A newsletter about theproject is producedmonthly by ICBA’s DrShabbir Shahid, SalinityManagement Scientist.

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Biosalinity News6


Desert farming: The quest continuesNK Rao and Mohammed Shahid, ICBA

Crop diversification is key to agricultural productivitybecause it enables risk management. In the UAE,

where soils are nutrient-poor, identification of cropsadapted to local environment is especially important.ICBA's Genetic Resources Program has been studyinga range of salt-tolerant crops for their ability to produceeconomic yields, and ultimately to introduce them tolocal farmers. In addition to sunflower, which wasreported in the last issue of this newsletter, quinoalooks particularly promising.Quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.) is native to theAndes Mountains of Bolivia, Chile and Peru. It is anannual herb that reaches 1-2m height and matures in5-6 months. It produces white or pink seeds in largesorghum-like clusters. Although the seeds are verysmall, they comprise 30% of the dry weight of theplant. Quinoa is one of the few crops grown in the salt bedsof southern Bolivia and northern Chile. According tothe International Potato Center (CIP), which is basedin Lima, Peru, quinoa can germinate in a mixture ofone third seawater (40 dS/m) and two thirds freshwater. CIP also reported that quinoa can be grownunder extremely dry conditions with as little as 200mm rainfall in sand. Clearly, this is a crop with excellentpotential for both drought-prone and saline areas.Quinoa is also a highly nutritious food. The nutritionalquality of the seeds is comparable to that of driedwhole milk and the protein quality and quantity is often

superior tobetter-knowncereals (Table 1).Quinoa is higherin lysine thanwheat, and itsamino acidcontent is wellbalanced forboth human andanimalnutrition, on apar with casein(Table 2).

Although quinoa grain has low sodium content, itscalcium, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, iron,copper, manganese and zinc content is higher thanthose of wheat, barley or maize (Table 3).Quinoa seeds are generally used to make flour, soupand breakfast cereal. They can also be used forbrewing beer and for animal feed. Quinoa flour workswell as a starch extender when combined with wheatflour or with corn meal for making biscuits, bread, andprocessed food. Quinoa leaves can be eaten as aleafy vegetable like spinach, and its leaves and stalkscan be fed to ruminants. In poultry feeding trials,chicks fed with a ration containing cooked quinoamade equal gains to those receiving maize andskimmed milk.Quinoa seed coat usually contains bitter tasting

CropDry weight (%)

Water Crudeprotein

Fat Carbo-hydrates

Fiber Ash

Quinoa 12.6 13.8 5.0 59.7 4.1 3.4Barley 9.0 14.7 1.1 67.8 2.0 5.5Buckwheat 10.7 18.5 4.9 43.5 18.2 4.2Maize 13.5 8.7 3.9 70.9 1.7 1.2Pearl millet 11.0 11.9 4.0 68.6 2.0 2.0Oats 13.5 11.1 4.6 57.6 0.3 2.9Rice 11.0 7.3 0.4 80.4 0.4 0.5Rye 13.5 11.5 1.2 69.6 2.6 1.5Wheat 10.9 13.0 1.6 70.0 2.7 1.8

Amino acid Amino acid content (g/100g protein, %)Quinoa Wheat Soy Skim milk

Cystine 2.4 2.2 1.4 0.9Isoleucine 4.0 3.8 4.7 5.6Leucine 6.8 6.6 7.0 9.8Lysine 5.1 2.5 6.3 8.2Methionine 2.2 1.7 1.4 2.6Phenylalanine 4.6 4.5 4.6 4.8Threonine 3.7 2.9 3.9 4.6Tryptophan 1.2 1.3 1.2 1.3Tyrosine 3.8 3.0 3.6 5.0Valine 4.8 4.7 4.9 6.9

Table 1. Comparisons of the nutritional quality(% dry weight) of quinoa with other crops.

Table 2. Essential amino acid pattern of quinoacompared to wheat, soy and skim milk.

While quinoa grain compares favorablywith major cereal crops in nutritive

value, when it comes to tolerance forsalinity it has few equals.

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compounds, mainly saponins. However, these caneasily be removed by washing in cold water. Cookingalso removes the bitter taste. The ICBA genebank acquired about 120 germplasmaccessions from the United States Department ofAgriculture (USDA) in 2001. Recently, these materialswere grown on the ICBA farm using drip irrigation withmunicipal water (2.8 dS/m). Many of the accessionsgrew extremely well. Considerable variation wasobserved for many morphological traits, especially thefoliage and panicle colors. Based on its performanceon the farm, its high nutritive value, its tolerance fordrought and its capacity for being irrigated withseawater, quinoa appears to hold great promise forcrop diversification in the Middle East and North Africa.ICBA plans to conduct further studies to identify locallyadapted genotypes and to develop suitable agronomicand management practices for commercial production.

April 2007

Crop Ca P Mg K Na Fe Cu Mn Zn% PPM

Quinoa 0.19 0.47 0.26 0.87 115 205 67 128 50Barley 0.08 0.42 0.12 0.56 200 50 8 16 15Maize 0.07 0.36 0.14 0.39 900 21 - - -Wheat 0.05 0.36 0.16 0.52 900 50 7 - 14

Table 3. Comparisons of the mineral content in quinoa grain with barley, maizeand wheat

An additional bonus: accessions with colored foliageand panicles makes quinoa appropriate as an ornamental

plant for home gardens and general landscaping.The data used in the tableswas extracted from an articleentitled Quinoa (Oelke et al.1992) in Alternative FieldCrops Manual, University ofWisconsin and University ofMinnesota, 1992.

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Bio-energy: what is it?

Bio-energy is produced by the release of storedchemical energy from plant biomass.

The most important plants that produce bio-energyare tree species like Eucalyptus, Populus and Salix.When these trees are grown on rotations of 1-15years, they can produce 10-15 tons of biomass perhectare each year.12,000 ha of such woody crops could supplyenough biomass for a 30 MW power station.


Biosalinity News

The Bio-energy Project will:3 Advance the knowledge of salinity

thresholds of promising tree species.3 Assess production potential of various

plantation techniques.3 Assess the effect of water consumption by

trees on water tables.3 Assess economic performance in

relation to existing and developing markets.

3 Identify how saline areas can be most profitable on both local and global scales.

3 Achieve an understanding of international regulations, fair-trade systems and salinity credits.

Donor: European Union

Three partner countries

Our other partners





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