Download - Vol. 105 Issue 5



IN THIS ISSUE:Competing for a cause • The first annual masquerade ball • Women’s rugby advances to nationals

OUR 100th YEARVolume 105 Issue 5 Nov. 5 – 18, 2014

UW–Stout’s Student-run News Source


ANDREW HELDSTABlayout designer7, 8, 9, 10, 11

© Copyright 2014 Stoutonia. Written permission is required to reprint any portion of the Stoutonia’s content. All correspondence should be addressed to: Stoutonia, Room 109 Memorial Student Center UW-Stout, Menomonie, WI 54751.


The Stoutonia is written, edited, designed and produced by students of the University of Wisconsin-Stout, and they are solely responsible for its editorial policy and content. The Stoutonia is printed bi-weekly during the academic year except for vacations and holidays by Leader Printing, a division of Eau Claire Press Co., Eau Claire, WI 54701. Advertising for publication must be submitted to the Stoutonia office 109 Memorial Student Center, by 5 p.m. on Mondays before the run date. Each student is entitled to one free copy of the Stoutonia. The Stoutonia is an equal opportunity employer. The Stoutonia reserves the right to refuse any advertisement at its discretion. Justification does not have to be given if an advertisement is refused. Advertising considered to be fraudulent, misleading, offensive, or detrimental to the public, the newspaper or its advertisers may be refused.



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MAUREEN HEASTERlayout designer13, 14, 15, 16, 17

TRISTAN GUSTAFSONlayout designer6, 19, 20, 21, 22

KEATON VAN’T HULLillustrator5, 23

Issue 05 Vol. 105 Nov. 5 - Nov. 18

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07Student wins design competitionYou go Murphy!

08Model callFollow your dreams!

09Helping the beesWe need them!

13 Vinyl loveOut with the new,in with the old

15“The Good Doctor”University Theatre

16Gaming guideNew releases!

18Visitors from SwedenShare their talents with ourhockey players

19Cross country5th at conference

20Women’s rugbyOn their way to Nationals










K 8972947 02-11-06UW-STOUT POLICE

Tales of stupidity from Menomonie, Wisconsin



Cuties of the week80




K 8972947 02-11-06UW-STOUT POLICE

Tales of stupidity from Menomonie, Wisconsin

smoothcriminalsJeff Gebert Marketing Manager

This stylish cutie is Chipper, owned by Taryn Pilz.

Have a cute pet? Visit our Facebook page and post your cutie!

Citations issued 10/23-11/3

An intoxicated student was arrested for disorderly conduct after he entered the Great Hall during an orientation for incoming freshmen. He allegedly entered the room and started yelling, caus-ing a disturbance. At the very least, he gave the freshmen a great first impression of the University of Wisconsin–Stout.

A student’s bike was reported sto-len on Saturday. On Monday morn-ing it was found at the funeral home in town. I guess the convict couldn’t live with the guilt.

A student activated a smoke machine in his dorm room for the trick-or-treat event. He was writ-ten up for an activated fire alarm in his room and for THROWING THE RADDEST HALLOWEEN PARTY I’VE EVER BEEN TO!!!!!!

STOUT IN PICTURES“This was my dog “Duke” a few days before passing away, making an appearance at a get together after the Stout/Whitewater rugby match.” Kirk Stolarzyk/Contributed

All of Stoutonia sends their condolences. Sorry for your loss, Kirk and Taryn. :(


Health, Wellness and Fitness club


For Health, Wellness and Fitness students, living a healthy lifestyle is more than just a major. This semester, the HWF club wel-comed University of Wisconsin–Stout stu-dents both in and out of the program.

“[Last year], we recognized that there was a need by other students,” said Andrew Alvarez, senior and HWF club president. “Because the major is fairly new, there isn’t a lot out there to complement it like there are for other majors. We knew a lot of students wanted more guidance in some way.”

The club was created to give students in the major a second resource to learn about the field, to connect with other students, to share experiences and ideas and to discuss professional options and opportunities.

Not only is HWF club a good oppor-tunity networking and developing profes-sionally, it is also great for developing per-sonal friendships.

“It’s a good group of students who share a lot of interest in living a healthy lifestyle and being physically active,” said Alvarez. “It’s a great place to share information and learn about new studies or focuses in the area, as well as making new friends.”

Because the group is so new, it has had a bit of a slow start. According to Alvarez, the club’s current focus is more academic and informative than recreational, plan-ning for HWF club’s long-term success.

The recent focuses have been on discuss-ing professional options such as explaining certifications, compiling companies that are worth looking into and learning about LinkedIn. They also recently volunteered at Menomonie Free Health Day as well as the Blue Devil 5K.

“It was great to be able to give back to the community in a setting that fit our major and club,” said Alvarez.

The club would like to plan some fitness activities for the spring, such as outdoor games, tournaments and a 5K open to all Stout students.

“We’re looking forward to being able to do more next year,” said Alvarez. “The club should always assess what the

Grace ArnebergEditor-In-Chief

Lindsey tries:[Lindsey Tries documents the misad-ventures of a 22-year-old who always considered herself a cat person until her family actually got a cat.]

Over the summer, I decided to head back to my home state of Illinois for a week, which meant taking the family cat with, since she’d never forgive me for leaving her alone for that long.

Full disclosure: I like cats. I just don’t like this cat.

I figured putting her in the back-seat in a cardboard box with some air holes would be the safest option for the four-hour drive. She’d have some room to move around and I wouldn’t have to worry about her dis-tracting me while I’m driving. I cut a bunch of holes in an old air mattress box, threw a towel in the bottom, and began the near-impossible task of getting her into the box.

After I realized the box wasn’t secure and spent the next twenty minutes chasing her around the apartment complex, I buckled the now taped-shut box into the back-seat and started to drive. Before I had even left town, I hear the box rustling around in the backseat. Turns out the air holes I had made were big enough for her to gradually chew on, until they were big enough for her to

Transporting a catLindsey RotheringEntertainment Writer

escape the box completely. She climbed over the armrest

to the passenger seat. I was in the middle of the highway with nowhere to stop, and even if there was, I had nowhere to put her where she’d be contained. The box was history, chewed to bits with holes now big enough for a golden retriever to stick its head through. I had no choice but to let her roam around the car, and eventually fall asleep on the dash-board (sidenote: typical cat, not abid-ing by the laws of nature.)

Approximately an hour into the drive, there were several stop-lights and every time I had to stop, she would roll off the dash roaring MEAOWWWWWWWWWW. I slowed as gradually as I could and would stick my hand out to save her, only to hear MEAOWWWWWWWWWW and have my arm scratched to bits.

The last three hours were more of the same, with some added scratches when I wouldn’t share my drive-thru food with her. She fixed that by shov-ing her face into the bag, getting her cat hair all over my French fries. I fixed that by throwing the whole fry container in the backseat, entertain-ing her for the remainder of the drive.

That’s going to be the last time I drive four and a half hours with a cat.

members want, because some people may want different things. There’s a lot of room for new things.”

“If you’re interested at all, if you just want to get a feel for the club and see what we’re all about and meet some new people, feel free to stop in at one of our meetings and introduce yourself,” said Alvarez. “We’re not exclusive; we would love to have different skillsets and students who are in other majors and just interested in living a healthy lifestyle.”

The club meets every other Tuesday at 7 p.m. upstairs in the Sports and Fitness Center. For additional information, email Andrew Alvarez at [email protected] and check out the club’s OrgSync page. This is a nicer cat.


Lindsey tries: BREAKING NEWSSatire column thought to be real Eric KoeppelOnline ManagerA satirical column in the award-winning student-run newspaper, “Troutonia,” has been shaking things up on the campus of the University of Wisconsin—Trout located in Nemonomie. Since the column’s cre-ation in Sept. of 2014 by aspiring astronaut and local Brad Pitt look-a-like, Derek Korpel, it has become the talk of the town.

Citizens of Nemonomie are now more eager than ever for each new issue of “Troutonia” to hit the racks so they can read what “Time” magazine is calling, “the most brilliant series of written words ever published.”

However, due to the column’s often mesmerizingly well-written nature, some locals have begun to take Korpel’s words a tad too literally.

The confusion began with Korpel’s first published piece, “Thousands of Turtles Escape Harry Hall,” an article poking fun at the large number of shell-sporting reptiles wandering the halls of Trout’s most historic building.

“I couldn’t believe what I was read-ing! I mean, everyone knows that there were loads of turtles in that building, but thousands?” remarked student and unfortunately gullible person, Jim Shoo. “And to think that they all

escaped at the same time! Man, I can’t believe I missed it.”

Many of the university’s more naïve students and faculty were even more dumbfounded by the satirist’s sec-ond piece, which humorously points out the unnecessarily high number of Chinese restaurants in town. The article makes the hilariously unrealis-tic claim that a student actually had a mental breakdown because he could not decide which place to go to get a hot bowl of wonton soup. The town went into such a panic from this piece of fake news that some locals actually started a burrito restaurant just to diversify the area’s dining selections so such a traumatic, and totally made-up, incident would not happen again.

“That whole wonton soup article was terrifying for all of us, it really was,” said professor Jan Sport with a disap-proving head shake. “But once I read Derek Korpel’s article in the following issue I realized that this guy has actu-ally been playing a goof on all of us this whole time. It’s really quite brilliant if you think about it!”

The article that Dr. Sport is refer-ring to is perhaps the satirist’s most beautifully crafted piece yet. Entitled “Kwik Trip checkout standoff lasts five

days,” the story describes an incident in which two stubborn Kwik Trip cus-tomers got to the cash register at the same time. According to the article, it took a full business week for the two to settle on who got to go first.

“I was at Kwik Trip every day that week and that definitely did not hap-pen,” said John McNoodle, a student who suffers from a rare disorder that has prevented him from developing a sense of humor his entire life.

However, despite all the gullible people at Trout, there are some die-hard Korpel fanatics who understand exactly what he is trying to do.

“This Derek Korpel guy is a genius,” praised fan Molly Hundt. “Honestly, if Salinger and Vonnegut somehow had a baby together and put him up for adoption, and then Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie took him in and raised him as their own, that’s what Derek Korpel is like. He’s the human embodi-ment of everything that is good and pure in this world! Oh, and he’s really funny!”

Korpel has yet to come up with an idea for his next satire piece, but sources confirm that he is thinking about doing something regarding the recent misun-derstandings of his column.

This is a nicer cat.


[We understand that this article is not timely with the recent election on Nov. 4, but we believe it is still important for understanding why voting is applicable to our futures.]Attention all college students: the time is here. Your opportunity to help set your fu-ture in employment and life is NOW.

A little historical fact is that the lifestyle most of you students share is the result of many years of unions that were deter-mined to increase the wages, health, safety and pensions of all workers. The end result is a large middle class in America, which drastically differs from most third world countries which have only poor and rich social classes. A sad side-note was that many union strikers were actually killed during their efforts such as the Milwaukee Bay View Massacre and the Chicago Haymarket Square union actions.

To move onto now, the present gov-ernor’s Act 10 took away union rights of the public workers, decimating all of those past efforts. Consequently teachers and other public workers are now getting less wages, lower pensions, less cover-age in health insurance and have lost any

maintenance of unionization.What does that mean to you? When you

graduate your employment might end up in one of those public employments such as a nurse, physical therapist, psychologist or others at a public institution at much lower wages and benefits than what had been in place for many years before Act 10.

Do you know where that money had been previously spent? Yes, it was put into our local economy but obviously not anymore.

It is known that many of you students that are females will be paid less than your male counterparts on the same job because you are women. Your present governor supports that concept of less female pay and, as for guys—do you support your women? Truth is the running female gov-ernor supports equal pay.

After college, graduates who do not get a job within their field will most likely settle for a minimum wage job. If the cur-rent governor were to be re-elected, these graduates would be receiving (and are cur-rently receiving) minimum “living wage” of $7.25/ hour. An increase is not on the horizon either for the current governor’s objectives. However, Mary Burke supports a $10.10/ hour minimum wage!

(Hopefully, you grads will be in your major employment areas and get paid more.)


Ken Karwowski,Kansasville, Wis. 1973 UW–Stout graduate

Then there are jobs: look at what the potential future governor has done with her business experience. Keeping over 1,000 jobs in her family company in Wisconsin contributed over $100 million to our Wisconsin economy when all of these jobs could have easily been shipped overseas. Yes, they do have jobs over there for products sold there, but do you guys know Harley Davidson does that and they also have kept jobs here? The present gov-ernor claims he has created thousands of jobs but doesn’t explain the pay ranges of them, especially when the $7.25/ hour wage is in existence.

So lastly you must ask yourself: do you want to stand with a governor who wants to “divide and conquer,” stand to reduce wages, stand to reduce health and stand to reduce pensions? Is this what you stand for?

Both your opportunity and responsibil-ity is now. Democrats and Republicans, vote Nov. 4 for the person you think will lead Wisconsin into the future and really move us forward.

[Have an opinion? Share it with us at [email protected]!]










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What started as a project for class evolved into a tale of triumph for one University of Wisconsin–Stout student.

Last spring, Murphy Alexander, a senior in the Industrial Design program, entered the North American Interzinc Student Design Competition (NAISDC) with his design, the Nifty Lift. He created the Nifty Lift design for his ID 4 Design for Manufacture class, which required him to enter a design competition.

The annual competition offers a $2,000 prize to the top three students, as well as $1,000 for the students’ schools. Open to

undergraduates in the U.S., Canada and Mexico, the contest challenges students to design a device made out of zinc. The purpose of the device changes from year to year; in this case the goal was to create a zinc lifting device.

“I thought that would be a fun challenge and not many kids in our class entered that one,” explained Alexander. “I kind of went that route just because not a lot of people were doing it.”

Many of his classmates entered compe-titions for other materials such as plastic. Zinc offers many advantages over other materials, and Alexander had to research its properties to determine what applications it could be used best for. Due to zinc’s corro-sion resistance, he thought that it would do well outside in an industrial setting.

“I wanted to do something for construc-tion … but it turned into more of an every-day [thing],” said Alexander.

The Nifty Lift consists of 14 pieces, five of which are unique. Using fewer unique parts lowers manufacturing expenses. The device operates by pulling the handle, which in turn closes the sides and grips the object being lifted.

It wasn’t until this September that Alexander found out the results of the com-petition, but his summer-long wait ended with great news; the Nifty Lift had won.

“I didn’t expect to win, but I was looking forward to if I did,” remarked Alexander. He had his doubts whether he could win because the competition is open to engineers.

“When it started I didn’t know what to do but I think having that challenge of it being more engineering was fun,” Alexander says. He currently has his prize money tucked away in a savings account, a wise move for a college student.


Derek WoellnerNews Writer







Alexander shows off his final project, the Nifty Lift.

NEWS • 8

comes time to create original garments.Silhouettes Fashion Show, which serves as

a final project for those within the Apparel Design major, will be held on April 30 and May 2. For the show, designers are tasked with designing their own miniature collection. In order to do so, each chooses up to four models. Those selected will be in photo-shoots, look-books, video shoots and a runway show.

Were a model to be selected by a freshman, they are likely to only need to attend fittings and garment hand-in days for the designer. However, selection by a senior in the program means attending fittings, hand-in days, show prep, photo shoots and the actual Silhouettes Fashion Show.

All body shapes, sizes and genders are wel-come to attend. All participating should come wearing form-fitting clothing, with high heels for the women.

Once in the room, models will walk a short

runway so the judges can rate the individual’s ability to runway walk. Afterwards there will be measurements and pictures taken of each model.

“It’s a really fun experience,” said Schlung. “But models should be professional about coming to rehearsals and shows.”

Picture it: cameras flash as you begin your strut down the runway, your designer’s outfit proud-ly displayed for hundreds to see. If you’ve ever dreamed of becoming a model, the Silhouettes Fashion Show on campus has an opportunity you won’t want to miss.

Strut your stuff over to the Memorial Student Center Terrace on Nov. 4 for the Silhouettes model call. Registration begins at 6 p.m. with the judging going from 6 to 8:30 p.m. Models are welcome to come anytime within that window.

The fashion show expects there to be around 100 models auditioning for the show.

“It’s a fun experience to walk down the runway,” said Michelle Schlung, senior in the Apparel Design and Development major and president of the Silhouettes Fashion Show.

The model call creates a book of pic-tures that serves as Apparel Design and Development students’ model choices when it

CALLING ALL MODELSBarbara YoungNews Editor



Images from 2014 Silhouettes Fashion Show.

Through the Silhouettes Fashion Show students get a chance to strut their stuff on the runway.


Many of us have heard about the declining number of honeybees in recent years. The USDA reports that “annual losses from the winter of 2006 to 2011 averaged about 33 percent each year.”

Blame has been placed on things ranging from pesticides to cell phones, but the exact cause for the decline is still unknown.

That’s where University of Wisconsin–Stout Biology Professor Jim Burritt steps in. Over the past couple of years, Burritt has led a study to find new ways to analyze the bees.

“The main goal for the study was to develop a tool–a tool that could be used by other people to evaluate the health of bees”, said Burritt, a beekeeper himself. The tools he and his students developed are similar to the techniques that doctors use for humans.

“If you get sick, one of the first things the doctor is likely to do is to collect a blood sam-ple and look at the cells,” explained Burritt. “So, that is what we did for the bees. We learned how to collect their blood–it’s actu-ally not called blood its called hemolymph–and we developed a new way to examine the cells in a way that had never been done.”

Bee hemolymph is like human blood but it is clear and simpler.

In order to examine the hemolymph, Burritt and his students used a microscope and a flow cytometer. Using a microscope to look at the cells at first seemed like a

straightforward approach, but what they quickly discov-ered was that bee cells behave differ-ently than human cells.

“We found that the cells won’t stick to a glass slide, and it seemed like noth-ing we would do would allow us to bind the cells to a slide so we could see them under a micro-scope,” Burritt said.

Luckily, Professor Randy Daughters had a solution. Burritt explained what Daughters said to do, “If we first coated the slide with a protein, with gelatin actually, then the cells would stick very well. Once they would stick, then we could stain them and look at them under the microscope.”

As of today, Burritt and the students have made thousands of bee cell smears on slides.

The flow cytometer that they used offered measurements on the cells and gave data on very large populations of cells, categoriz-ing them into groups. What they found is that bees have at least four different types of cells. Burritt and the students then compared how the percentages of each cell type differ

from bee to bee. It turns out that the hemo-lymph from bees in one hive can be drasti-cally different than the hemolymph from bees in another. It is unclear what this means but further research is being done.

“We’re really trying to understand why bees have these changing profiles. That’s one thing we’re trying to do, “ said Burritt. “And the other is, we’re trying to associate these certain profiles with conditions of health or disease, or even time of year.”

The research being done here at Stout may lead to finding out why honeybees’ numbers are declining.

“Hopefully,” Burritt said, “we’ll be able to develop a better way to understand the things that are causing problems for bees, and there are a lot.”

Research on campus may help future honeybeesDerek WoellnerNews Writer








Over the last couple of years, Professor Buritt has had students work with honeybees in two of his classes, General Microbiology and Infection and Immunity.

NEWS • 10

It must be November again because stu-dent athletes at the University of Wis-consin–Stout are retiring their razors and growing a ‘stache to raise money in sup-port of prostate cancer.

Starting Nov. 3, each sports team on cam-pus will go head-to-head with each other in the Athletic Movember Facebook Contest, to raise money for issues concerning men’s health, such as prostate cancer. The guys on campus are not the only ones competing to raise money for Movember either.

“Every NCAA sport team at Stout is participating,” said senior and Student-Athlete Advisory Committee President, Carl Bombardier.

This will include the brave women on campus who are not afraid to rock a little faux facial hair for a cause.

“I think it is important because even though we are a women’s team, we all still have dads, brothers, uncles, boyfriends or guy friends, and we want to bring aware-ness to health issues that affect men everywhere,” said women’s track team hurdler, Xanath Guzman.

“Every week pairs of two teams are going to be competing against each other in a bracket style contest,” said Bombardier. “There will be eight teams on one side of the bracket and eight teams on the other side.”

Each team will get creative and support the Movember event by taking a moustache themed photo. “Pictures of all the match-ups will be posted on the Stout Athletics Facebook page,” said Bombardier. “There, you can like your favorite photos as well as donate money.”

Every ‘Like’ a picture gets will be worth one point, and for every dollar donated, five points will be awarded to the team behind the donation. Don’t hesitate to share the photos either. Promoting your favorite team will support their chances of making it to the next round. At the end of each week, the teams with the most points will continue competing.

To support the cause and your favor-ite sports team on campus, visit the Stout Athletics Facebook page and like their pho-tos or donate money for cancer research. All proceeds will be donated to the American Cancer Society.

“It will be a great way to have fun while raising awareness and getting people involved for a good cause,” said Guzman.

Whether you grow your own moustache or support the growth of another, do what you can to get involved and show your support.




With over 350 veterans and active mem-bers of the military attending University of Wisconsin–Stout, Veteran’s Day should hold a special place of significance among students.

From Nov. 10 to 14, various events will be taking place to commemorate and honor our veterans and educate those who wish to learn more about the military population.

“We wanted to raise awareness of vet-erans on campus and highlight a few dif-ferent areas,” said Military Education Benefits Coordinator, John Bensend.

The UW–Stout Veterans Club, UW–Stout Veteran Services and Ally Initiatives sponsor the events.

The UW–Stout Veterans Club will be placing flags in the outdoor Memorial Student Center Amphitheater to

commemorate the lives of American ser-vicemen and women who have died in a combat zone over the past year.

Additionally, the university is honoring its veteran students, faculty and staff by displaying photos taken during their mili-tary service in the MSC Huff Lounge.

The UW–Stout Veterans Club is spon-soring a world map for Stout veterans and servicemembers to mark where they have traveled with the U.S. Military. Below is a list of events occurring throughout the week. Nov. 11Speaker: Memorial Student Center Huff Lounge 12:30 to 1:30 p.m.

Dr. David Plum, a professor in operations and management and veteran of the U.S. Navy, will be speaking on who veterans are, what they have to offer to our univer-sity and community and experiences from his military service. Nov. 12Open House: 109 Bowman Hall 1 to 3 p.m.

The Veteran Services Office is hosting an open house at their newly renovated office. Faculty, staff and students are wel-come to stop by, enjoy refreshments and see the new office.

Movie: MSC Terrace 7 p.m.The UW–Stout Veterans Club will host a showing of the movie “Korengal.” “Korengal” is a sequel to the war docu-mentary “Restrepo,” following the lives of men stationed overseas.According to the film’s website, “Korengal” explains, “how war works, what it feels like and what it does to the young men who fight it.” Nov. 13Information Session: MSC Northwoods 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Veteran’s Affairs Medical outreach, Dunn County Veteran Service Office, UW–Stout Veteran Services and the Disabled American Veterans will be available to help answer questions, assist with VA claims and help veterans enroll into VA healthcare.

Veteran’s weekBarbara YoungNews Editor


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It’s no secret: vinyl records are making a comeback. Actually, vinyl has been mak-ing a comeback for a while, as sales of vinyl are higher than they’ve been for a few decades. This past year, vinyl had its biggest year in the U.S. to date, with 6.1 million units sold, according to Nielsen’s U.S. Music Industry Year-End Review for 2013. With CD sales declining and digital sales at a standstill, vinyls and long play-ings are rapidly expanding, with sales up 33 percent from 2012—the only music format with an uptick in sales.

In Menomonie this trend is no different, with many antique store and thrift store workers seeing more college kids raiding their vinyl bins. With smartphones that can hold thousands of songs in our pocket and access to millions more through online streaming, the question is: why are we, a generation raised on Walkman’s and per-sonal CD players, reverting to our parent’s and grandparent’s choice of music format?

Some say the audio quality of vinyls are better, though many critics argue this is debatable. Most don’t notice a difference. Mark Richardson, a writer for the online publication, which focuses on independent music, says that the vinyl is better myth may be due to a decline in audio quality for certain digital file types. “For some, ‘MP3s are cheap and bad’ turned into ‘[all] digital audio is cheap and bad compared to LPs.’”

With some vinyl reissues being made with files from an artist’s CD, rather than the original raw audio files, a vinyl may actually be even worse quality.

For others, vinyl is a nice throwback to a more nostalgic time. Caleb Harrington, a sophomore Entertainment Design major and vinyl enthusiast agrees that it is an old form of technology, but adds, “It’s an icon of an era.”

As far as who started the trend, Harrington simply says, “Hipsters. They started it, and then people thought ‘Oh wait, we forgot how cool these were.’”

As far as vinyls being “cool,” he may be right–some students I spoke with that don’t even own record players like the appeal of vinyl. With many albums con-taining digital downloads of the album along with posters or other extras, vinyl is worth the extra money. This is no surprise

to anyone that has picked up Jack White’s Lazaretto album, which contained two bonus tracks only available on the vinyl albums, amongst several other features.

The reasons people choose vinyl over MP3s echo the reasons why some prefer real books over e-readers. With books, you have the smell of the pages, the crack-ing of a new book’s binding, the turning of each page, making it a full sensory experience. With vinyl records, it’s a similar case. Instead of taking out your phone or iPod and simply pressing play, you take the LP ever so carefully out of its dust jacket, feel the grooves on your fin-gertips and align the needle to that very first track. With each little bump of the needle and miniscule white noise sound in between tracks, listening to a vinyl isn’t simply an activity; it’s an intimate expe-rience. With paper books still outselling e-books, maybe vinyl’s rise in popularity isn’t just a trend in the audio community but a complete callback for earlier times.

Lindsey RotheringEntertainment Writer

Out with the new, in with the old

One of Menomonie’s many antique stores.

The store has many bins full of vinyls for resi-dents to pick through.

There are many vinyls to look though before a shopper finds the per-fect one.

Miko Cui/ Stoutonia


The Raw Deal is home to Menomonie’s best raw/ vegan food. But, did you also know it offers some of the best art shows in town as well?

Nov. 8 marks the Art Open & WoodBLOCK Party. This event is a collaboration between The Raw Deal, University of Wisconsin–Stout Print Club and Drive by Press.

The gathering will primarily act as an art showing for the print club with members presenting different pieces that will be seen throughout the restau-rant. To accompany the art, The Raw Deal will offer a live printing session hosted by Drive by Press.

Matthew Gundrum Entertainment Writer


Can a song really save your life? University of Wisconsin–Stout students will find the answer to this question and discover the true healing power of music, when Blue Devil Productions hosts a screening of the musical comedy-drama “Begin Again.”

Dan (Mark Ruffalo) is a New York-based record label executive who is struggling to keep his family together and keep up with the evolving music industry. He is eventually fired from his job and natu-rally goes on a drinking binge. Meanwhile, Gretta (Keira Knightly) moves to New York with her boyfriend and songwriting partner Dave (Adam Levine of Maroon 5) after he lands a record deal, but their relationship goes sour when Dave is led astray by his new-found fame and fortune.

The ex-record exec and ex-girlfriend later cross paths at an East Village bar when Dan hears Gretta performing a passionate break-up song, leading the two to collaborate on an album and create a new-found friendship.

“Begin Again” will remind students of the value of patience and perseverance, all the while entertaining viewers with touch-ing drama, laugh-out-loud comedy and a diverse soundtrack. It has something for everyone!

Catch the BDP screening of “Begin Again” on Friday Nov. 7 in Applied Arts room 210 at either 6 or 9 p.m.

Billy TuiteEntertainment Editor

Free BDP movie screening:


You’re invited!

Drive by Press is a collection of art-ists that specializes in traditional pro-duction techniques, typically on wear-able mediums such as t-shirts.

“They’re basically about the process of the wood-block printing so you’re not just getting a mass produced t-shirt. You get a really cool t-shirt but you can be a part of the process too,” said Amber Gerogakopoulos, The Raw Deal events coordinator. “You can bring in or buy a t-shirt and you can choose where the print goes and you pick your design.”

Wood-block printing, a method of graphic printing that dates back to antiquity, is exactly what Drive by Press specializes in. “There’s a really big table and a roller and they have hand carved wood block prints and they can do prints on t-shirts” Georgakopoulos said, describing the process.

To give the event its own unique atmo-sphere, The Raw Deal will be featuring a local disc jockey. “His name is Jason McAtee,” said Georgakopoulos. “He’s new to town so he hasn’t played around a lot before and he was looking for some place and we were looking for someone

who’d be a good fit for this event and we decided to give it a try.”

McAtee is unique for his classic take on being a DJ. He uses actual vinyl in his sets and employs techniques such as scratching. His work is sure to bring a retro feel to the event.

Get a t-shirt print, view some fantas-tic art and enjoy the good vibes! Stop by The Raw Deal on Saturday, Nov. 8 from 6 to 10 p.m.



For those stricken with a deplorable cold or flu this season, the University of Wiscon-sin–Stout Theatre department will have just what the doctor ordered starting Nov. 5 with their production of Neil Simon’s comedy, “The Good Doctor.”

“The Good Doctor,” which originally opened on Broadway in 1973, is a stage adaptation of short stories by Russian physician and author Anton Chekhov. The play follows a nameless writer (who repre-sents Chekhov) as he suffers with writer’s block and narrates several of his short sto-ries, which are brought to life on stage.

The short but content-packed scenes portray a variety of wild scenarios, includ-ing an inexperienced medical student pulling out a patient’s tooth, and a sailor offering to drown himself for money and amusement.

Paul Calenberg will be in the director’s seat once again this semester for his 13th play at Stout. Calenberg’s affection for “The Good Doctor” dates back farther than one might expect.

“It was one of the first plays I was ever in as an actor back in high school,” Calenberg

said. “I’ve just always enjoyed the comedy of it because it’s so varied. Some of it is slapstick humor and some of it is more subtle.”

The short vignette structure of “The Good Doctor” will be familiar to those who saw last fall’s play, “Almost, Maine.” This structure has presented some inter-esting challenges, especially for the actors who are playing multiple roles.

Kyle Basom will be taking on the lead role as the nameless writer, but he does more than just serve as a conduit through each scene.

“Sometimes I’m in the background writ-ing, and sometimes I’ll take on the persona of a character in the story and actually act that out,” Basom said. “Portraying these characters is a little tricky; I’m not sup-posed to be the narrator then, but I still look and sound the same.”

Meghan Olson, who is taking on three different roles in the play, faces a similar challenge, and she’s embracing it with open arms.

“Getting to play multiple female roles with so many different personality traits

and quirks is a fun challenge, and it’s help-ing me grow a lot,” Olson said. “It’s been a fun learning experience.”

The witty and humorous writing helps make this challenge enjoyable, as the entire crew is constantly in stitches during rehearsal.

“The play is often described as ‘heart-warming and hilarious,’” Calenberg said. “I really like that description because you really feel for some of these characters with plenty of ‘aw, shucks’ moments, and then there’s lots of slap-your-knee laughter moments.”

“It also has poignant social commentary still relevant even a century after Chekhov wrote his original stories,” Basom added. “If you want to, you can come away with some meaningful commentary on the human condition. Of course, if you don’t want to bother looking for that, you can just come and have a good time.”

“The Good Doctor” will be performed in the Mabel Tainter Theater Nov. 5 through 8 at 7:30 p.m. Tickets are $12 and are avail-able through the Memorial Student Center Service Center or at

Billy TuiteEntertainment Editor

University Theatre presents “The Good Doctor”

Maria Pozharsky and Blaine Davidson performing in “A Defenseless Creature.”

Meghan Olson, Kevin Pelzel, Marley Hermann and Blaine Davidson per-forming in “The Sneeze.” Pelzel and Davidson per-

forming in “Surgery.”The scene between Pozharsky and Davidson intensifies.

Billy Tuite/ Stoutonia


November Gaming

Canadian game developer Bioware has major credibility in the

roleplaying corner of the gaming universe. They’ve released a stellar catalog since their inception that includes “Neverwinter Nights,” “Mass Effect” and “Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic.” This month, they return with another flagship title. “Dragon Age: Inquisition” is the third game in the “Dragon Age” franchise. This release brings players back to the familiar realm of Thedas. Taking cues from “Skyrim,” developers have promised that the geogra-phy of this war-ridden continent will be larger and more open than what was seen in previous “Dragon Age” games. Inquisition will also have a revamped combat system as well: greater focus on preparation and strategy.

“Dragon Age: Inquisition” Nov. 18

Unity is the seventh installment in Ubisoft’s wildly popular “Assassin’s Creed” series. In this entry, players dive into the tumultuous French Revolution as budding assassin Arno Dorian. A defining feature of the game is its introduction of cooperative multiplayer. Cooperative mode will give players a chance to partake in missions together and explore the open-world map. New concepts featured in Unity also include fencing-based combat and a skill tree forupgrading abilities.

“Assassin’s Creed Unity” Nov. 2

Another year, another “Call of Duty.” It ’s 2054 and a terror-ist organization called the KVA threatens the world’s energy sources by destroying nuclear reactors around the world. This threat is too great for the military to handle, so private mili-tary corporations arise to eliminate the threat. This year’s offer-ing brings about a slew of new futuristic mechanics including a holographically projected heads-up-display and rechargeable laser weaponry. Worldwide release is on Nov. 4 but will be avail-able to players on Nov. 3 who purchase the Day Zero Edition.

“Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare”Nov. 4

Following up the success of 2012’s “Far Cry 3,” Ubisoft Montreal brings players yet another title in this exciting action/ adventure series. The protagonist, Ajay Ghale, finds himself amidst a civil war brought on by an oppressive king deep within the Himalayan region known as Kyrat. Much of what was seen in “Far Cry 3” is still there in the new edition: capturing outposts, hunting wild animals and crafting. However, “Far Cry 4” brings a dynamic storyline to the table where different moral decisions made throughout the game can drastically change how the plot unfolds. Oh, and you can ride elephants.

“Far Cry 4”Nov. 18

Get ready gamers! November 2014 is upon us and so is a surplus of much-anticipated releases. Here are some highlights:

Matthew Gundrum Entertainment Writer



On Nov. 1, University of Wisconsin–Stout students and Menomonie townsfolk traded in their scary costumes for more formal dresses and extravagant masks and danced the night away at the Memori-al Student Center Great Hall for the First Annual Masquerade Ball.

The Masquerade Ball was hosted by the Menomonie Sunrise Rotary, which pro-vides humanitarian services to the local community. Steve Machesky, president elect of the Rotary Club, says the idea for the Masquerade Ball came about as a way to fill a void in the autumn season.

“If you take a look around, you’ll notice there’s really not a big fall event in Menomonie,” Machesky said. “We’ve been kicking around ideas for a couple years. We brought the idea of a masquer-ade to a number of student organizations and they loved it.”

The Rotary Club was committed to authenticity with this event, creating a decadent and luxurious atmosphere simi-lar to masquerade balls of the 15th and 16th centuries. The Great Hall was filled with formal attire, glamorous dances and extravagant masks galore. The illustri-ous atmosphere was further underscored by The Dean’s List, a 17-piece big brass band, as they played a wide range of jazz and swing tunes appropriate for such a fancy ball.

Party-goers were also treated to dance lessons, a photo booth, an assortment of delicious food and a chance to meet our very own chancellor Bob Meyer.

In true Menomonie Sunrise Rotary fashion, the proceeds for the event will help fund a student scholarship, although the specifics on the scholarship are still to be determined. However, making money isn’t a big concern for the Rotary Club this year.

“The takeaway from this year is we want it to be fun and we want it to be memorable,” Machesky said. “We want people who didn’t attend to be encour-aged to come in the future.”

Billy TuiteEntertainment Editor

The First Annual Masquerade Ball:CELEBRATING HALLOWEEN


The Dean’s List played jazz and swing tunes.

Students, staff and community members attend the ball. Here they dance the YMCA.

Others just went to have a good time with their friends.

Some students used the ball as an excuse for a night out with a date.

Corey Schoff/ Stoutonia


The University of Wisconsin–Stout is hosting two international students from Sweden on their men’s hockey team: freshmen Gustav Girborn and Fabian Hellgren. Girborn is a Business Administration major from Tyreso, a suburb just outside the capital city of Stockholm. Hellgren, who already has a bachelor’s degree in Supply Chain Management from the University of Skovde, is from a suburb three hours south of Stockholm called Hjo.

Hellgren plays at the forward posi-tion, saying it doesn’t matter whether he plays center, left or right, mak-ing him a very versatile player. After receiving his bachelor’s, Hellgren was unsure what he wanted to do in the next phase of his life.

While attending the University of Skovde in Sweden he met Marika Andersson, a Stout student who talked to him about studying abroad. The thought of it interested Hellgren and slowly but steadily he decided that was the path he wanted to take.

Hellgren was torn between Bishop University in Quebec, Canada, Rockford University in Illinois, and Stout. The 6’4” forward decided that he liked Stout the best; “Bishop was a French-talking area in Canada and one of my criterias was that it had to be English-speaking, and Rockford only had a club hockey team. It wasn’t a one-day decision; it was a process.”

Girborn plays as a goaltender here at

Stout. His ambition was to play junior hockey here in the states, but his plans turned around when he received an email from coach Watkins asking if he would like to join the team in the upcoming season. Girborn had no prior commitments to any Swedish teams and agreed without hesitation.

Girborn sees a big difference in the way hockey is played here in the U.S. and how it is played in Sweden. “There are smaller rinks here so the play-ers crash the net a lot harder, where in Sweden we sort of work the puck around.” Girborn says that the length of the rinks are the same between Sweden and the U.S., but it’s the width that differs with Swedish rinks being a full 12 feet wider.

Both Girborn and Hellgren have been playing hockey since they were young. Girborn’s father was a goalie coach for an elite team back in Sweden so he grew up watching the game and played on the same youth team from the ages of five to 16. From there, he went on to play in the top tier junior league, and would continue to play three years of Division I hockey in Sweden. Hellgren has been playing since he was eight years old and played with the same club team for four years. From there he went on to play high school and eventually played Division II hockey in Sweden.

Girborn and Hellgren can both agree that rink size isn’t the only difference

between here and back home. They both notice a big difference in the schooling between the two countries. “It is so dif-ferent, I could talk about it for hours,” says Hellgren. “We do quarters in Sweden, and we don’t have very much homework at all. At the end of the quar-ter we have a final that is only about six to 12 questions. Often, your final grade is based off of the final exam.”

Girborn agreed, adding that, “It’s less based on small projects and homework as much as your grade is based off a final that makes you apply the things you learned all quarter.”

Both of these Swedish hockey players say that they enjoy it here in the states. Hellgren’s favorite part about being here is the difference between Sweden and America. “It is so different, it has made a switch and develop the way I think and it is very interesting.”

Girborn says his favorite part about studying abroad here in the states is the learning and the fact that he can com-bine studying with hockey whereas in Sweden you have to pick one or the other. “Here, I’ve gotten to improve my English and meet a lot of new people and connect with people on the other side of the world. There’s a great group of guys on the team and they made it easy for me to transition.”

Hellgren and Girborn both agree that the thing they miss most about home is their families, but being with the team makes them forget all about it.

Matt HaileSports Writer

Amanda Lafky/Stoutonia


Fabian Hellgren, left, and Gustav Grisborn are both freshman hockey players from Sweden.


Cross country teams place fifth at conference championships

Both the men and women’s cross country teams have broken records, marked per-sonal bests and overall, ran well this sea-son for the University of Wisconsin–Stout. This success has come from great indi-vidual performances and perseverance by both teams.

Stout has had one of the better years in school history. Kathleen Thorn (Jr, West Salem, Wis.) broke a school record with a time of 22:22.67 at the University of Wisconsin–Oshkosh AAE Invitational.

“I had no idea [the times] would be as good as they turned up,” she said. “The team has moved up to the third fastest team, with up to seven runners, and fifth fastest team, with up to five runners, in Stout’s history.”

The men’s team is currently ranked 19th in the NCAA Division III Cross Country National Coaches Poll.

“We have one of the best teams in Stout history,” said Patrick Jenkins (Sr, Cambridge, Wis.). “We’ve been ranked higher than ever before.”

The best finishes for each team came in the Woody Greeno Nebraska Invitational at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln. The men’s team took the number one overall spot among 13 teams, while the women’s team took second overall among 14 teams.

This race proved to be one of the most difficult races of the season.

Anthony Cass (Jr, Hortonville, Wis.) said, “It was a very challenging course

physically, as it was very hilly and it was our first meet of the season.”

“There were so many lurking variables that played into our performance,” agreed Thorn.

Now, you may think that cross country is an individual sport, but both men and women’s cross country teams instead have been focused on the outcome of their teams as a whole.

“Cross country could be considered an individual sport, but we know we’re all counting on each other as a team,” said Jenkins. “Our program couldn’t produce successful individuals without a successful team.”

“I don’t think I would have gotten this far in my running career without the support and dedication of my teammates,” Sydnee Braun (So, Neenah, Wis.) said. “When you are out there racing, you’re not just running for yourself, you’re running for your team-mates and your school.”

All of the teams’ success has come from determination and goal setting. For the men’s team, academics has been a primary goal.

“We always have been an academically minded team, so one of our main goals for the season was to have everyone on the team above a 3.0 GPA.” said Devin Sauvola (So, Eagle River, Wis.).

Braun said that the ladies’ goals include “getting on the top 10 list of fastest Stout times through 5 runners and 7 runners. We also want to be top 10 at regionals.”

The ultimate goal for both teams is a

conference championship. “The expectation is to bring your

A-game,” Thorn said. “The WIAC is one of the best Division III conferences in the nation and a runner should want to prove they belong there.”

“All the miles that we put on through the year and in years past have prepared us for the race, and I believe that we are all ready,” added Sauvola.

On Saturday, Nov. 1, both University of Wisconsin–Stout men’s and women’s cross-country teams finished fifth among nine teams in the WIAC Cross-Country Championships.

The men’s team was carried by three finishers in the top-20: Cass finished 12th, Jenkins finished 15th and Sauvola finished 17th. Cass was named second team all-con-ference while Jenkins and Sauvola earned honorable mention all-conference honors.

Thorn and Jordan Kelch (Sr, Menomonie, Wis.) also finished in the top-20, placing 13th and 14th respectively, to help Stout earn the fifth overall spot. This pace led to Morgan Sweeney (Jr, Plum City, Wis.) to finish 27th overall. The fifth place team finish matched Stout’s 2011 finish.

The University of Wisconsin–Eau Claire took both the men’s and women’s team titles.

Stout looks to compete next weekend in the in the University of Wisconsin Open, Saturday Nov. 8 in Madison, Wis. Stout then will compete in the NCAA Midwest Regional, Saturday, Nov. 15. at Oshkosh.

Stephen EibesSports Writer


David Linsmeyer (Sr, Mauston, Wis.) pushes hard toward the finish. Linsmeyer, who was selected to the WIAC All-Sportsmanship team, finished in 42nd place with a time of 26:08.70.

Kathleen Thorn was the top fin-isher for Stout, placing 13th. She was named to the WIAC second team all-conference team as well.

From left: Morgan Sweeney, Sydnee Braun and Jordan Kelch, run in a group at the begin-ning of the Blugold Open earlier this year. At the WIAC Championships, Kelch was Stout’s second runner to cross the line in 14th place, earning second team all-conference honors.

Colin Marklowitz/Stoutonia



Women’s rugby advances to national tournamentThe University of Wisconsin–Stout

women’s rugby team didn’t start off the fall season the way they hoped. But after the team dropped the first two games of the season, things came together in a hurry, as they went undefeated the rest of the way.

“It’s been a steady upward trajectory for the team,” said Head Coach Xanthi Gerasimo, a former player for the Blue Devils, who took up the head coaching job last spring when she returned to Stout as a program associate in the Stout Honors College.

With the Blue Devil’s 29-10 victory over University of Wisconsin–Oshkosh in the regular season finale on Oct. 25, Stout earned a trip to the American College Rugby Association Division II Championship in Cleveland to face No. 1 ranked Notre Dame College on Nov. 8.

“I had maybe 12 heart attacks during the game,” said Gerasimo of the team’s game against Oshkosh. “It was so emotional. The team was just so committed to win-ning the game.”

Rugby is the ultimate team sport, and nothing symbolizes this more than the lack of individual statistics. In most sports, the final score is important, but individual stats are still tracked. Not in rugby though, where the score is all that matters.

“If you played by yourself one-on-one, you wouldn’t get anywhere,” said Christine

Leonard (Jr, Waconia, Minn.). “It’s all about working together as a team. ”

“Individualism kind of goes out the window,” added Gerasimo. “The whistle doesn’t blow when you get tackled, so if you make a great run all the way down the field and get tackled at the end, if your teammates aren’t there to help you it was all for nothing.”

Not only did the Blue Devils reel off four straight wins to close out the regu-lar season, they did so in style. The Blue Devils gave up only 15 total points in that span, while defeating University of Wisconsin–Platteville 122-0, University of Wisconsin–Eau Claire 85-5 and Northern Michigan University 171-0. With the vic-tory over Oshkosh to finish the year, the Blue Devils closed out the season out-scoring their opponents by an astonishing 407-15.

Katherine Kroening (Sr, Athens, Wis.), who has been on the team for the last two seasons, said that the team’s impressive run this year actually began last fall and built momentum during the spring season.

“We were one spot away from the play-offs last fall and our wins and losses last spring didn’t show off how well we were playing,” said Kroening. “I think that really came into it, working hard to get that playoff spot this year.”

“[The spring season] was a building semester,” said Rachel Kothe (Jr, Cottage Grove, Minn.), who joined the team last

spring. “We wanted to play Stout rugby and show the other team’s who we were.”

According to Gerasimo, the team has exceeded the goals she set before the sea-son began.

“With me coming in as a new coach on a fairly new team, it was more about learn-ing to play the right way and we have defi-nitely done that,” she said.

Even with all the hard work the team has put in on the field, they still find time to have fun and enjoy themselves off of the field. The social aspect of the game is sec-ond to none, as opposing teams are often invited to have dinner and stay the night with the host team.

“There’s that team culture of showing up to practice and pouring everything you have into the game,” said Gerasimo. “That bond carries over to everyday activities and spending time with the people that you sweat and bleed with on the field.”

“Last year we played a lot of tourna-ments and would pack 14 or 15 girls into a living room,” said Leonard. “It was awe-some, even though we couldn’t move at all.”

Stout will travel to Cleveland as one of the top 32 teams in the nation to compete in the national tournament this Saturday, Nov. 8. If Stout wins, they will play again the weekend after in the round of 16 teams, again in Cleveland. To find out how the Blue Devils did, be sure to check out the next issue of Stoutonia.

Colin MarklowitzSports Editor

The rugby team gathers for a photo with team mascot, Jeffrey the Duck, after their victory over Oshkosh on Oct. 25. From left. Amanda Matti, Jackie Quilling, Katherine Kroening, Mel Noltner, Jeffrey the Duck, Abby Rich, Coach Kenny Weinhold. R2: Ali Huggins, Rachel Kothe, Meagan Bodin, Courtney Brommer, Marissa Westaby, Chour Lor, Claire Meulemans, Katie Lund, Rachel Moran. R3: Head Coach Xanthi Gerasimo, Mackenzie Merriman, Daria DeBlaey, Tandra Breitzman, Christine Leonard, Elizabeth Carroll, Hannah Schultz.




5number of goals scored by University of Wisconsin –Stout men’s hockey team last year against Hamline Uni-versity. Stout plays Hamline on Friday, Nov. 7.

time that Kathleen Thorn (Jr, West Salem, Wis.) ran a 6K race earlier this season, establishing a new school record.

number of wins by the women’s volleyball team as of Nov. 1. This is the most wins for the team since 2004.

Taylor Pahl (Fr, Hortonville, Wis.) hit a 39-yard field goal Saturday against University of Wisconsin–Eau Claire, setting a new career best.

number of touchdown catches by Blue Devil wide receiver Aaron Jenny (Sr, Spicer, Minn.) this season, tied for second in the WIAC.

Stout won 1-0 against University of Wisconsin–Stevens Point on Saturday, Nov. 1, earning the Blue Devils a spot in the WIAC tournament. Addy Maher, (Jr, Racine, Wis.) scored the goal (her first of the season) for the Blue Devils.

number of career kills for Morgan Denny (Sr, Luck, Wis.). Denny recorded her 1000th and 1001st kills on the last two possessions of the Blue Devils 3-0 victory over University of Wisconsin–La Crosse on Nov. 1.

Blue Devils By The NumbersStephen Eibes, Sports Writer


1001Katherine Kroening makes a tackle for the Blue Devils. This is Kroening’s second season on the team after never having played rugby before coming to Stout.



Colin MarklowitzSports Editor

also struggled to convert third downs, going just four of 14 in third down conversions. Tanner Kuehn (Sr, Fairchild, Wis.) led the way on the ground for Stout, with 55 yards and a touchdown on 16 carries, while also catching six passes for 42 yards. Receiver Cody Rosemeyer (Sr, Gilman, Wis.) turned in a solid afternoon, with two grabs for 77 yards, including a 36-yarder in the first quarter that set up Taylor Pahl’s (Fr, Hortonville, Wis.) 39-yard field goal and a 41-yarder in the sec-ond to set up Kuehn’s short touch-down run.The Blue Devils, still looking for their first conference win of the season, will close out the home por-tion of their schedule on Saturday, Nov. 8 as they take on the Falcons of University of Wisconsin–River Falls. Kick-off is scheduled for 1 p.m.

SoccerUW–Stout 1, UW–Stevens Point 0

University of Wisconsin–Stout’s soccer team got a big boost in the regular season finale from Addy Maher ( Jr, Racine, Wis.), who scored her first goal of the season to lead the Blue Devils to a 1-0 victory over University of Wisconsin–Stevens Point. Maher scored unassisted in the 34th minute. Stout goalie Paige Meyer ( Jr, Beldenville, Wis.) turned in a stellar afternoon, stopping eight shots on goal. With the win, the Blue Devils earned a spot in the WIAC Soccer Championship, facing off against University of Wisconsin–Eau Claire on Tuesday, Nov. 4. To find out how the Blue Devils fared, be sure to check out

VolleyballUW–Stout 3, UW–La Crosse 0

With her 1000th and 1001st kills of her career, Morgan Denny (Sr, Luck, Wis.) led Stout to a 3-0 win over University of Wisconsin–La Crosse in the regular season finale. With the win, the Blue Devils improved their record to 20-9, the most victories by a Stout squad since 2004. Denny had 10 kills on the night while Karley Wiensch (Sr, Chippewa Falls, Wis.) recorded three service aces and Molly Brion (Jr, Cameron, Wis.) added nine kills of her own. Laura Reiter (Jr, Lino Lakes, Minn.) recorded eight kills as well for Stout.The Blue Devils competed in the quar-terfinals of the WIAC Championships on Tuesday, Nov. 4. To see how Stout did, check out for the postgame wrap-up.

LAST WEEK IN SPORTSPhotos by Amanda Lafky/Stoutonia

each scored a goal for the Blue Devils, as Jordan Stejskal (Fr, Cohasset, Minn.), Tyler Cayemberg (So, East Troy, Wis.), Derek Sand (So, West Fargo, N.D.) and Joey Haydock (So, Junction City, Wis.) each had an assist on the night.Stout will stay on the road for games against Hamline University on Nov. 7 and Gustavus Adolphus College on Nov. 8 before kicking off a four-game home stand with a match-up

HockeyLake Forest 6, UW–Stout 2

The Stout men’s hockey team kicked off the 2014 season on the road, falling 6-2 against the Lake Forest College Foresters on Saturday, Nov. 1. Lake Forest scored two goals in the first, three in the second and one in the third period. Both of Stout’s goals came in the second period. Riley Colvard (So, Centerville, Minn.) and Shayne McLaughlin (So, Eau Claire, Wis.)

FootballUW–Eau Claire 20, UW-Stout 17

Despite the Blue Devils holding a 17-13 lead for most of the second half, a touchdown by University

of Wisconsin–Eau Claire with under four minutes to go gave the

Blugolds a 20-17 victory over Stout.The Blue Devil defense turned in a strong outing, as Grant Miller (So, Pleasonton, Calif.) and James Van Thiel (So, Hilbert, Wis.) both had an interception in the game. It was each player’s second interception on the season. Van Thiel’s interception in the third quarter turned into points for the Blue Devils when he had the ball forced out on the return, where it rolled into the end zone. Lineman Garrett Eide (So, Blair, Wis.) quickly fell on the ball for the touchdown, giving Stout a brief 17-13 advantage.Van Thiel was also the team’s leader in tackles with 10, all solo. Senior defensive end Jamie Rohrig (Sr, Owatonna, Minn.) had a sack on the day for the Blue Devils. Stout held Eau Claire to only five rushing yards on the day, despite 27 rushing attempts.Offensively, Stout struggled to sus-tain drives, as the team controlled the ball for only 24:42, compared to 35:18 for Eau Claire. The Blue Devils


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Need a roommate? Looking for a new car? Just want to say ‘hi’ to the entire campus? Special classi-fieds rates are available for Stout students, just send us an e-mail at [email protected].

05 Swing DancingMSC Ballrooms 7:30 to 10 p.m.

We The Kings w/ Quietdrive and Windsor Drive MSC Great Hall 8 to 10:30 p.m.

06 Off-Campus Housing Fair MSC Great Hall 3:30 to 6:30 p.m.

Open Mic MSC Terrace 8 to 10 p.m.

07 Film: “Begin Again” Applied Arts 210 6 and 9 p.m.

Live music: Harbor & Home The Blind Munchies Coffeehouse 7 to 10 p.m.

08 Football vs. UW–River Falls Nelson Football Field 1 to 3 p.m.

09 UW–Stout Veterans around the world

Nov. 9 - 13thMSC Skylight LoungeAll day

11 Comedian: Brian MooteMSC Terrace 8 to 10 p.m.

12 Movie: “Korengal”MSC Terrace 7 to 9 p.m. Swing dancingMSC Ballrooms 7:30 to 10 p.m. RA/ARC interview preparation sessionNorth Point Dining Center Room 39 8 to 9 p.m.

14 Community dinner Menomonie Middle School 5:30 to 8 p.m.

15 Women’s Volleyball Club Pre-season tournamentSports & Fitness Center All day

Men’s Ice Hockey vs. University of St. ThomasDunn County Ice Arena 7:30 to 9:30 p.m.

16 Newman student massSt. Joseph’s Parish 7 to 8 p.m.

17 King of HeartsMSC Great Hall 7 to 9 p.m.

18 Casino NightMSC Great Hall 6 to 9 p.m.

19 Swing dancing

MSC Ballrooms 7:30 to 10 p.m.



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