Page 1: Viral Growth Hacking Techniques for Home Based Entrepreneurs

Viral Growth Hacking Techniques for Home Based Entrepreneurs.Viral Growth Hacking Techniques for Home Based Entrepreneurs.Viral Growth Hacking Techniques for Home Based Entrepreneurs.Viral Growth Hacking Techniques for Home Based Entrepreneurs.Viral Growth Hacking Techniques for Home Based Entrepreneurs.Viral Growth Hacking Techniques for Home Based Entrepreneurs.Viral Growth Hacking Techniques for Home Based Entrepreneurs.Viral Growth Hacking Techniques for Home Based Entrepreneurs.Viral Growth Hacking Techniques for Home Based Entrepreneurs.Viral Growth Hacking Techniques for Home Based Entrepreneurs.Viral Growth Hacking Techniques for Home Based Entrepreneurs.Viral Growth Hacking Techniques for Home Based Entrepreneurs.Viral Growth Hacking Viral Growth Hacking Techniques for Home Based Entrepreneurs.Techniques for Home Based Entrepreneurs.Viral Growth Hacking Techniques for Home Based Entrepreneurs.Viral Growth Hacking Techniques for Home Based Entrepreneurs.Viral Growth Hacking Techniques for Home Based Entrepreneurs.Viral Growth Hacking Techniques for Home Based Entrepreneurs.Viral Growth Hacking Techniques for Home Based Entrepreneurs.

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Are you keeping up with the systems that dominate the internet and can rocket you from obscurity to viral network marketer in a millisecond?

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There are automated systems for practically every social media platform out there and you need to automate your business message because there are not 10,000 of you.

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Platform #1 - Facebook: There’s too many wasted hours spent surfing on Facebook and not enough valuable content posted by YOU, which could turbo charge your BRAND and help other network marketers.

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The key automation system for this platform is an Autoposter for business groups on Facebook. Setting up the Autoposter is easy and can post for you every 5 minutes to hundreds of Facebook groups a day.

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The Autoposter is essential if you have a blog article you want to direct Facebook group users back to. The poster should not be used for spamming because that’s just not good business.

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Platform #2 - Twitter. My favorite. You can automate your tweets inexpensively using BufferApp. I would send out 10 Tweets a day, once again, leading back to valuable content on your website, because you are a BRAND who ATTRACTS people to you.

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And, secondly, you need an automated message that goes out to all your new Twitter followers which you can find using CrowdFireApp.

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Upgrade to the subscription where they remove their branding from your automated message. You want the message as natural and personal as possible.

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Platform #3 - Instagram. With over 300 Million users and mobile based, this is a hot platform now for network marketers.

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Hootsuite just unveiled the ability to schedule automated posts to the platform. Instagram loves the use of #Hashtags in the photo or video description as well, so add 5 to 10 with your picture. You can also post 10 second videos as well, which is also a hot new medium.

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Platform #4 - Pinterest. Like Instagram, it’s a photo-rich platform and I believe Ninja Pinner is the automation software that can follow and unfollow for you and possibly automate your Pins.

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If you’re a network marketer, show pictures of you with other network marketers. Showing social proof that you are happy and successful and helping others is what it’s all about.

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Platform #5 - IBO ToolBox: This is Heaven on Earth for network marketers. With over 200,000 visits a day, IBO is very popular and with like-minded home-based entrepreneurs looking for your valuable content. This is a very powerful platform to find new distributors who need your help.

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I’m not aware of automation for this platform, but you can advertise your ads on this platform for a very small price and they send out your ads in emails and newsletters, which I guess feels automated on your behalf.

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Platform #6 - BackPage: BackPage is like Craigslist and there’s automation software that can post ads automatically on BackPage. Once again, if your ad is too spammy it won’t be approved, so offer your services or lead them back to your valuable content on your website.

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I hope these growth hacks help you make your business and services viral on the internet.

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