
New Beneficiary Survey

Public Use File

Record Format Description

Office of Research, Statistics,

and International Policy

Social Security Administration

This survey was conducted for the Social Security Administration

under a contract with the Institute for Survey Research, Temple




This document describes the technical characteristics

and record contents of the New Beneficiary Survey (NBS)

data file. The New Beneficiary Survey collected information

from recent recipients of social security benefits and his/her

spouse. Information collected in the survey includes

demographic data on the respondent and spouse as well as

other persons in the household, and employment history,

health information, and current income of the respondent

and spouse in the three months preceding the interview. In

addition to questionnaire data for each respondent and

spouse, the Master Beneficiary Record (MBR) has been

appended along with selected imputations and recodes

specified by SSA.

Questionnaire data were collected in October

through December of 1982 from a crosssection sample

drawn from the Social Security Administration's

Master Beneficiary Record (MBR). The sample included

retired workers, disabled workers, and wives and widows

who were new beneficiaries of social security benefits

(first payment in mid1980 through mid1981) and a comparison

sample of individuals who had established entitlement to

medicare and were eligible for, but had not yet received,

monthly social security cash benefits.

Variable 1903 identifies approximately 450 respondents

who were first paid aged benefits before mid1980. Most of

them were sampled as newly retired workers, drawing benefits

on their own accounts, who had previously been receiving

benefits as aged widows on their husbands' accounts.

The internet version of the 1982 data file makes several

changes from the original public use data file. Dollar values for

income, assets and some job earnings have been rounded to the

left-most four significant digits and remaining digits in the original

value are set to zeros. Geographical location has been blanked.

Alimony income has been transferred to other income from relatives

not in the household, and it has then been blanked.

Technical Characteristics

Logical record type: There is one record for each beneficiary

interviewed, containing information on employment,

retirement benefits, health information, and income

in the three months prior to the interview. Infor

mation on the spouse of the respondent is included

in the beneficiary's record. Spouse information from

the interview includes employment history and a few

questions on health status. The Master Beneficiary

Record, containing administrative program information,

was obtained for each sample person and most spouses.

Most of the record data are as of 1983, with a few items

also as of March 1983. A subset of the data are as of

three points in timeDecember 1980, December 1981, and

December 1982.

Number of logical records: 18,599 records.

Sort sequence: Records are sorted by case number.

Length of records: 6,202 characters per record.

Blocking factor: 1 record per block.

Number of Standard Length tape reels and density:

1 reel at 6250 BPI.

Language: EBCDIC

Parity: Odd

Tracks: 9

Labels: IBM standard labels.

Data representation and missing values: All fields contain

integer values (except missing values on the Master Benefici

ary Record which may be blanks). The following not applicable

(NA) or missing value code scheme has been applied to

variables such as dollars and hours, except where otherwise noted.

99.......90 Amount censored at field length


99.......95 For quarterly income variables, some

component missing so summary variable

could not be calculated.

99.......96 Not applicable

99.......97 Don't know

99.......98 Refused

99.......99 Missing

Blank Not obtained


The basic reference for the survey file is the

New Beneficiary questionnaire administered in the

fall and winter of 1982 (OMB No. 09600287). The

main portion of the file is composed of responses

to the questions on the survey.

The end of the file contains variables specially

constructed for this file, including quarterly income variables,

and variables summarizing questionnaire responses. These summary

variables were constructed according to specifications written

by the Social Security Administration. Also included are variables

taken from the Master Beneficiary Record.

Record Format Description

The remainder of the document contains a variableby

variable description of the record format for the New Bene

ficiary Survey data file. Each page has column headings which

describe the variable and define its location in the character


The first line of each variable description has the

following information:

Variable Number: Up to 24 characters of description for

each question and recode variable and

MBR variable.

Location: The beginning field location for each variable.

Width: The number of field positions allocated for each


Missing Data Codes: Missing data codes are specified in the

section titled: Data representation and missing

values on the preceding page. Other codes

with meaning specific to a variable are listed

below the variable description.

The second and subsequent lines of each variable include

a name of up to eight characters, the question number from the

interview, the entire question text, whether or not missing

responses were imputed, and response codes where applicable.

Notes on the item universe appear as appropriate. In the

summary variable section, the question text was repeated with a

notation at the end of the text to indicate if the variable was

imputed. In the instances where several questionnaire items

were combined to make a unique variable, the coded responses for

these variables are listed. The MBR section items also include

the name, 24 character description and coded responses for the


The New Beneficiary Survey Questionnaire

Employment History Section: Due to the complexity of the survey

questionnaire, the data base is equally complex. In

particular, the employment history section of the

questionnaire gathers a range of information about each

job a respondent has had since 1951 for up to a

maximum of 26 fulltime and parttime positions.

"9994" = Respondent still working. One of the

questions in the series about each job asks: "In

what month and year did you stop working for (name

of employer)?" A twodigit response code indicates

the year a job ended, so that, if a job ended in

1976, the coded response is "76". To indicate

that the respondent was still working a special

code was devised as a top code. A code of "9994"

in a year variable and "94" in a month variable

indicate that the respondent was still working.

"9994" and "94" are not missing data codes.

Current, Last, Longest Jobs. For each job listed,

values were assigned to indicate whether each

job listed was current, last, or longest on

the job grid. Each of these values is a separate

variable and a set appears for each job listed

on the grid. If a job was "current," a code

of "1" appears for that variable; If the job

was "not current," a code of "0" appears.

If a job was the last job as of May 1980, a code of

"2" appears for the variable indicating "last

job" and, conversely, a "0" appears if the job

was not the last job. For the variable

indicating longest job a "3" appears if the

job was longest, or a "0" if the job was not the

longest. To indicate that a job on the grid was not

current, last or longest, a fourth variable

labeled "NA" was coded "96" to indicate "not

applicable." If the job was current, last or longest,

and a code of "1", "2", or "3" appeared in one

of the preceding three variables, then a code of "0"

was used in the NA variable.

If a job was both the current job and the last

job or the longest job, the information on this job

will be found in the current employment section

only. If the last job was not the current job but

was also the longest job, the information on this

job will be found in the last employment section


The current, last, and longest job sections have

separate questions for the selfemployed and for

employees. For employees the selfemployed fields

would contain 9..6's and vice versa.

Income and Asset Sections: All income and asset amounts (between

V822 and V1314) except those for children aged 18 or under

have nonmissing values of zero or a reported or imputed amount.

Income amounts for children aged 18 or under (between V919

and V943, and between V1207 and V1231) may contain missing or

inapplicable values of 9....96 or greater.

Index of Variables

New Beneficiary Survey Questionnaire Variables

Demographic InformationRespondent V11V56

Employment HistoryRespondent V57V214

Current Employment V215V255

Last Employment V256V310

Longest Employment V311V350

Other Employment V351V444

HealthRespondent V445V492

Demographic InformationSpouse V493V497

Employment HistorySpouse V498V615

Current Employment V616V650

Last Employment V651V694

Longest Employment V695V727

Other Employment V728V821

Income Respondent Not Married V822V918

Income Children Age 18 or Under V919V943

Income Respondent & Spouse V944V1206

Income Children Age 18 or Under V1207V1231

Assets V1232V1306

Total Income V1307V1314

Marital History V1315V1338

Child Care V1339V1349

Retirement Program Information V1350V1356

Program Knowledge for Disabled V1357V1387

Race V1388V1389

Interviewer Observation V1390V1413

Summary Variables

Stratification Variables V1414V1421

General Variables V1422V1438

Health Variables V1439V1445

Job Characteristic V1446V1457


Pension Variables V1458V1463

Asset Variables V1464V1484

Income Variables V1485V1571

Imputation Flags V1572V1657

SSA Administrative Master Beneficiary Record

Benefit Data for Sample V1658V1660


Respondent Benefit Data V1661V1698

as of September 1983


Respondent Data as of V1699V1708

December, 1980

Respondent Data as of V1709V1718

December, 1981

Respondent Data as of V1719V1728

December, 1982

Benefit Data for Sample V1729V1734

Respondent's Spouse

Spouse of Respondent V1735V1773

Benefit Data as of

September 1983 Extraction

Spouse of Respondent V1774V1783

Benefit Data as of

December, 1980

Spouse of Respondent V1784V1793

Benefit Data as of

December, 1981

Spouse of Respondent V1794V1803

Benefit Data as of

December, 1982

Family of Respondent Data V1804V1817

as of December, 1980

Family of Respondent Data V1818V1831

as of December, 1981

Family of Respondent Data V1832V1845

as of December, 1982

Respondent Benefit Data V1846V1849

as of March 1983


Sampling Variables V1850V1903





AAER 1435 3 4643

ABLE 1410 2 4577

AFARIA 1686 2 5579

AGEFSR 1436 3 4646

AGEIR 1433 3 4637

AGEIS 1434 3 4640

AGE181 919 2 2478

AGE182 1207 2 3939

AGE19 1308 2 4331

AIAR 1456 4 4693

ALLPER1 381 2 937

ALLPER2 440 2 1083

ALLPER3 758 2 1843

ALLPER4 817 2 1989

AMOUNT1 1309 7 4333

AMOUNT2 1310 7 4340

AMOUNT3 1311 7 4347

AMOUNT4 1312 7 4354

AMOUNT5 1313 7 4361

AMOUNT6 1314 7 4368

AMPM 6 2 14

APTCS 1403 2 4563

APT3S 1401 2 4559

APT4S 1402 2 4561

A172ALOS 856 2 2162

A173ALOS 858 2 2171

A174ALOS 860 2 2180

A236ALOS 1292 2 4266

A236BLOS 1295 2 4278

A236CLOS 1298 2 4290

BENPDMO 1415 2 4589

BENPDYR 1416 4 4591

BIC 1661 3 5504

BLUNGFLG 1537 2 5254

BND1FLAG 1625 2 5430

BND2FLAG 1626 2 5432

BND3FLAG 1627 2 5434

BUSHAVE 1475 2 4806

BUSVAL 1476 8 4808

BUS1FLAG 1648 2 5476

BUS2FLAG 1649 2 5478

BYR1 1340 2 4427

BYR2 1342 2 4431

BYR3 1344 2 4435

BYR4 1346 2 4439

BYR5 1348 2 4443

CASE 1 5 1

CD1FLAG 1613 2 5406

CD2FLAG 1614 2 5408

CD3FLAG 1615 2 5410

CHECKAR 60 2 141

CHECKBR 61 2 143

CHK1FLAG 1622 2 5424

CHK2FLAG 1623 2 5426

CHK3FLAG 1624 2 5428

CI 1404 2 4565

CJSP 1457 2 4697

COL 1441 2 4657

COOP 1411 2 4579

COWLNG 1454 2 4689

COWLST 1449 2 4676

CRENTLMO 1417 2 4595

CRENTLYR 1418 4 4597

CRU1FLAG 1619 2 5418

CRU2FLAG 1620 2 5420

CRU3FLAG 1621 2 5422

CURFPR 1458 8 4699

CURFPS 1459 8 4707

CURNT1 70 2 165

CURNT10 160 2 381

CURNT11 170 2 405

CURNT12 180 2 429

CURNT13 190 2 453

CURNT14 200 2 477

CURNT15 210 2 501

CURNT2 80 2 189

CURNT3 90 2 213

CURNT4 100 2 237

CURNT5 110 2 261

CURNT6 120 2 285

CURNT7 130 2 309

CURNT8 140 2 333

CURNT9 150 2 357

DAC 1682 2 5566

DATEDAY 8 2 18

DATEMON 7 2 16

DATEYR 9 4 20

DDBC 1684 4 5572

DDO 1681 4 5562

DLM 1680 4 5558

DMR 3 2 8

DOBDD 1420 2 4603

DOBMO 1419 2 4601

DOBYR 1421 4 4605

DODMM 1658 2 5496

DODYY 1659 2 5498

DOECMM 1670 2 5533

DOECYY 1671 2 5535

DOED 1683 4 5568

DOEH 1688 4 5583

DOEIMM 1668 2 5529

DOEIYY 1669 2 5531

DOES 1690 4 5591

DOEX 1660 4 5500

DOF 1666 4 5523

DOFI 1667 2 5527

DOS 1676 4 5548

DOTH 1689 4 5587

DOTS 1691 4 5595

DURLNG 1453 3 4686

DURLST 1448 3 4673

ENDAMPM 1392 2 4541

ENDHR 1390 2 4537

ENDMIN 1391 2 4539

EWL 1440 2 4655

FAM 1399 2 4555

FINCHAVE 1470 2 4778

FINCVAL 1471 8 4780

FINLWGT 1426 8 4617

FMAX 1665 4 5519

FM11 1398 2 4553

FRM1FLAG 1652 2 5484

FRM2FLAG 1653 2 5486

FR1BMO 354 2 867

FR1BYR 355 4 869

FR1CRSS 359 2 881

FR1EMO 356 2 873

FR1EYR 357 4 875

FR1FICA 358 2 879

FR1JOB 353 2 865

FR2BMO 361 2 885

FR2BYR 362 4 887

FR2CRSS 366 2 899

FR2EMO 363 2 891

FR2EYR 364 4 893

FR2FICA 365 2 897

FR2JOB 360 2 883

FR3BMO 368 2 903

FR3BYR 369 4 905

FR3CRSS 373 2 917

FR3EMO 370 2 909

FR3EYR 371 4 911

FR3FICA 372 2 915

FR3JOB 367 2 901

FR4BMO 375 2 921

FR4BYR 376 4 923

FR4CRSS 380 2 935

FR4EMO 377 2 927

FR4EYR 378 4 929

FR4FICA 379 2 933

FR4JOB 374 2 919

FS1BMO 731 2 1773

FS1BYR 732 4 1775

FS1CRSS 736 2 1787

FS1EMO 733 2 1779

FS1EYR 734 4 1781

FS1FICA 735 2 1785

FS1JOB 730 2 1771

FS2BMO 738 2 1791

FS2BYR 739 4 1793

FS2CRSS 743 2 1805

FS2EMO 740 2 1797

FS2EYR 741 4 1799

FS2FICA 742 2 1803

FS2JOB 737 2 1789

FS3BMO 745 2 1809

FS3BYR 746 4 1811

FS3CRSS 750 2 1823

FS3EMO 747 2 1815

FS3EYR 748 4 1817

FS3FICA 749 2 1821

FS3JOB 744 2 1807

FS4BMO 752 2 1827

FS4BYR 753 4 1829

FS4CRSS 757 2 1841

FS4EMO 754 2 1833

FS4EYR 755 4 1835

FS4FICA 756 2 1839

FS4JOB 751 2 1825

F1DACMBA 1809 5 5968

F1DCRBP 1817 5 6008

F1DCTBR 1812 5 5983

F1FMBA 1813 5 5988

F1FRBP 1815 5 5998

F1FTBR 1814 5 5993

F1MCMBA 1807 5 5958

F1MCTBR 1810 5 5973

F1NDAC 1806 2 5956

F1NMC 1804 2 5952

F1NSC 1805 2 5954

F1SCMBA 1808 5 5963

F1SCRBP 1816 5 6003

F1SCTBR 1811 5 5978

F2DACMBA 1823 5 6029

F2DCRBP 1831 5 6069

F2DCTBR 1826 5 6044

F2FMBA 1827 5 6049

F2FRBP 1829 5 6059

F2FTBR 1828 5 6054

F2MCMBA 1821 5 6019

F2MCTBR 1824 5 6034

F2NDAC 1820 2 6017

F2NMC 1818 2 6013

F2NSC 1819 2 6015

F2SCMBA 1822 5 6024

F2SCRBP 1830 5 6064

F2SCTBR 1825 5 6039

F3DACMBA 1837 5 6090

F3DCRBP 1845 5 6130

F3DCTBR 1840 5 6105

F3FMBA 1841 5 6110

F3FRBP 1843 5 6120

F3FTBR 1842 5 6115

F3MCMBA 1835 5 6080

F3MCTBR 1838 5 6095

F3NDAC 1834 2 6078

F3NMC 1832 2 6074

F3NSC 1833 2 6076

F3SCMBA 1836 5 6085

F3SCRBP 1844 5 6125

F3SCTBR 1839 5 6100

GS 1679 2 5556

HALF01 1851 1 6150

HALF02 1852 1 6151

HALF03 1853 1 6152

HALF04 1854 1 6153

HALF05 1855 1 6154

HALF06 1856 1 6155

HALF07 1857 1 6156

HALF08 1858 1 6157

HALF09 1859 1 6158

HALF10 1860 1 6159

HALF11 1861 1 6160

HALF12 1862 1 6161

HALF13 1863 1 6162

HALF14 1864 1 6163

HALF15 1865 1 6164

HALF16 1866 1 6165

HALF17 1867 1 6166

HALF18 1868 1 6167

HALF19 1869 1 6168

HALF20 1870 1 6169

HALF21 1871 1 6170

HALF22 1872 1 6171

HALF23 1873 1 6172

HALF24 1874 1 6173

HALF25 1875 1 6174

HALF26 1876 1 6175

HALF27 1877 1 6176

HALF28 1878 1 6177

HALF29 1879 1 6178

HALF30 1880 1 6179

HALF31 1881 1 6180

HALF32 1882 1 6181

HALF33 1883 1 6182

HALF34 1884 1 6183

HALF35 1885 1 6184

HALF36 1886 1 6185

HALF37 1887 1 6186

HALF38 1888 1 6187

HALF39 1889 1 6188

HALF40 1890 1 6189

HALF41 1891 1 6190

HALF42 1892 1 6191

HALF43 1893 1 6192

HALF44 1894 1 6193

HALF45 1895 1 6194

HALF46 1896 1 6195

HALF47 1897 1 6196

HALF48 1898 1 6197

HALF49 1899 1 6198

HALF50 1900 1 6199

HALF51 1901 1 6200

HALF52 1903 1 6201

HCC 1430 2 4631

HOMEVAL 1472 8 4788

HOM1FLAG 1639 2 5458

HOM2FLAG 1640 2 5460

HOM3FLAG 1641 2 5462

HPN 1445 2 4665

HRA 1474 8 4798

HRO 1473 2 4796

IA202AMT 1233 7 4021

IA203INT 1234 7 4028

IB202AMT 1237 7 4039

IB203INT 1238 7 4046

IC202AMT 1241 7 4057

IC203INT 1242 7 4064

ID202AMT 1245 7 4075

ID203INT 1246 7 4082

IE202AMT 1249 7 4093

IE203INT 1250 7 4100

INDLNG 1452 3 4683

INDLST 1447 3 4670

INTVID 10 4 24

INTV1 1393 2 4543

INTV3 1408 2 4573

INTV4 1409 2 4575

IQ109AMT 326 8 796

IQ165A 822 2 1999

IQ165B 828 2 2026

IQ165C 833 2 2051

IQ165D 839 2 2078

IQ165E 844 2 2103

IQ165F 850 2 2130

IQ166A 823 7 2001

IQ166B 829 7 2028

IQ166C 834 7 2053

IQ166D 840 7 2080

IQ166E 845 7 2105

IQ166F 851 7 2132

IQ167A 824 7 2008

IQ167B 830 7 2035

IQ167C 835 7 2060

IQ167D 841 7 2087

IQ167E 846 7 2112

IQ167F 852 7 2139

IQ168A 825 7 2015

IQ168B 831 7 2042

IQ168C 836 7 2067

IQ168D 842 7 2094

IQ168E 847 7 2119

IQ168F 853 7 2146

IQ171A 854 2 2153

IQ171B 861 2 2182

IQ171C 867 2 2209

IQ171D 873 2 2236

IQ171E 879 2 2263

IQ171F 885 2 2290

IQ171G 891 2 2317

IQ171H 895 2 2340

IQ171I 899 2 2363

IQ171J 903 2 2386

IQ171K 907 2 2409

IQ171L 911 2 2432

IQ171M 915 2 2455

IQ172A 855 7 2155

IQ172B 862 7 2184

IQ172C 868 7 2211

IQ172D 874 7 2238

IQ172E 880 7 2265

IQ172F 886 7 2292

IQ172G 892 7 2319

IQ172H 896 7 2342

IQ172I 900 7 2365

IQ172J 904 7 2388

IQ172K 908 7 2411

IQ172L 912 7 2434

IQ172M 916 7 2457

IQ173A 857 7 2164

IQ173B 863 7 2191

IQ173C 869 7 2218

IQ173D 875 7 2245

IQ173E 881 7 2272

IQ173F 887 7 2299

IQ173G 893 7 2326

IQ173H 897 7 2349

IQ173I 901 7 2372

IQ173J 905 7 2395

IQ173K 909 7 2418

IQ173L 913 7 2441

IQ173M 917 7 2464

IQ174A 859 7 2173

IQ174B 864 7 2198

IQ174C 870 7 2225

IQ174D 876 7 2252

IQ174E 882 7 2279

IQ174F 888 7 2306

IQ174G 894 7 2333

IQ174H 898 7 2356

IQ174I 902 7 2379

IQ174J 906 7 2402

IQ174K 910 7 2425

IQ174L 914 7 2448

IQ174M 918 7 2471

IQ182A 944 2 2558

IQ182B 962 2 2639

IQ182C 977 2 2714

IQ182D 995 2 2795

IQ182E 1010 2 2870

IQ182F 1028 2 2951

IQ183A 945 2 2560

IQ183B 963 2 2641

IQ183C 978 2 2716

IQ183D 996 2 2797

IQ183E 1011 2 2872

IQ183F 1029 2 2953

IQ185AC 949 7 2578

IQ185AR 947 7 2564

IQ185AS 948 7 2571

IQ185BC 967 7 2659

IQ185BR 965 7 2645

IQ185BS 966 7 2652

IQ185CC 982 7 2734

IQ185CR 980 7 2720

IQ185CS 981 7 2727

IQ185DC 1000 7 2815

IQ185DR 998 7 2801

IQ185DS 999 7 2808

IQ185EC 1015 7 2890

IQ185ER 1013 7 2876

IQ185ES 1014 7 2883

IQ185FC 1033 7 2971

IQ185FR 1031 7 2957

IQ185FS 1032 7 2964

IQ186AC 952 7 2599

IQ186AR 950 7 2585

IQ186AS 951 7 2592

IQ186BC 970 7 2680

IQ186BR 968 7 2666

IQ186BS 969 7 2673

IQ186CC 985 7 2755

IQ186CR 983 7 2741

IQ186CS 984 7 2748

IQ186DC 1003 7 2836

IQ186DR 1001 7 2822

IQ186DS 1002 7 2829

IQ186EC 1018 7 2911

IQ186ER 1016 7 2897

IQ186ES 1017 7 2904

IQ186FC 1036 7 2992

IQ186FR 1034 7 2978

IQ186FS 1035 7 2985

IQ187AC 955 7 2620

IQ187AR 953 7 2606

IQ187AS 954 7 2613

IQ187BC 973 7 2701

IQ187BR 971 7 2687

IQ187BS 972 7 2694

IQ187CC 988 7 2776

IQ187CR 986 7 2762

IQ187CS 987 7 2769

IQ187DC 1006 7 2857

IQ187DR 1004 7 2843

IQ187DS 1005 7 2850

IQ187EC 1021 7 2932

IQ187ER 1019 7 2918

IQ187ES 1020 7 2925

IQ187FC 1039 7 3013

IQ187FR 1037 7 2999

IQ187FS 1038 7 3006

IQ190A 1040 2 3020

IQ190B 1060 2 3105

IQ190C 1074 2 3178

IQ190D 1088 2 3251

IQ190E 1102 2 3324

IQ190F 1116 2 3397

IQ190G 1130 2 3470

IQ190H 1141 2 3537

IQ190I 1152 2 3604

IQ190J 1163 2 3671

IQ190K 1174 2 3738

IQ190L 1185 2 3805

IQ190M 1196 2 3872

IQ191A 1041 2 3022

IQ191B 1061 2 3107

IQ191C 1075 2 3180

IQ191D 1089 2 3253

IQ191E 1103 2 3326

IQ191F 1117 2 3399

IQ191G 1131 2 3472

IQ191H 1142 2 3539

IQ191I 1153 2 3606

IQ191J 1164 2 3673

IQ191K 1175 2 3740

IQ191L 1186 2 3807

IQ191M 1197 2 3874

IQ192AC 1047 7 3044

IQ192AR 1043 7 3026

IQ192AS 1045 7 3035

IQ192BC 1064 7 3123

IQ192BR 1062 7 3109

IQ192BS 1063 7 3116

IQ192CC 1078 7 3196

IQ192CR 1076 7 3182

IQ192CS 1077 7 3189

IQ192DC 1092 7 3269

IQ192DR 1090 7 3255

IQ192DS 1091 7 3262

IQ192EC 1106 7 3342

IQ192ER 1104 7 3328

IQ192ES 1105 7 3335

IQ192FC 1120 7 3415

IQ192FR 1118 7 3401

IQ192FS 1119 7 3408

IQ192GC 1134 7 3488

IQ192GR 1132 7 3474

IQ192GS 1133 7 3481

IQ192HC 1145 7 3555

IQ192HR 1143 7 3541

IQ192HS 1144 7 3548

IQ192IC 1156 7 3622

IQ192IR 1154 7 3608

IQ192IS 1155 7 3615

IQ192JC 1167 7 3689

IQ192JR 1165 7 3675

IQ192JS 1166 7 3682

IQ192KC 1178 7 3756

IQ192KR 1176 7 3742

IQ192KS 1177 7 3749

IQ192LC 1189 7 3823

IQ192LR 1187 7 3809

IQ192LS 1188 7 3816

IQ192MC 1200 7 3890

IQ192MR 1198 7 3876

IQ192MS 1199 7 3883

IQ193AC 1053 7 3071

IQ193AR 1049 7 3053

IQ193AS 1051 7 3062

IQ193BC 1067 7 3144

IQ193BR 1065 7 3130

IQ193BS 1066 7 3137

IQ193CC 1081 7 3217

IQ193CR 1079 7 3203

IQ193CS 1080 7 3210

IQ193DC 1095 7 3290

IQ193DR 1093 7 3276

IQ193DS 1094 7 3283

IQ193EC 1109 7 3363

IQ193ER 1107 7 3349

IQ193ES 1108 7 3356

IQ193FC 1123 7 3436

IQ193FR 1121 7 3422

IQ193FS 1122 7 3429

IQ193GC 1137 7 3509

IQ193GR 1135 7 3495

IQ193GS 1136 7 3502

IQ193HC 1148 7 3576

IQ193HR 1146 7 3562

IQ193HS 1147 7 3569

IQ193IC 1159 7 3643

IQ193IR 1157 7 3629

IQ193IS 1158 7 3636

IQ193JC 1170 7 3710

IQ193JR 1168 7 3696

IQ193JS 1169 7 3703

IQ193KC 1181 7 3777

IQ193KR 1179 7 3763

IQ193KS 1180 7 3770

IQ193LC 1192 7 3844

IQ193LR 1190 7 3830

IQ193LS 1191 7 3837

IQ193MC 1203 7 3911

IQ193MR 1201 7 3897

IQ193MS 1202 7 3904

IQ194AC 1059 7 3098

IQ194AR 1055 7 3080

IQ194AS 1057 7 3089

IQ194BC 1070 7 3165

IQ194BR 1068 7 3151

IQ194BS 1069 7 3158

IQ194CC 1084 7 3238

IQ194CR 1082 7 3224

IQ194CS 1083 7 3231

IQ194DC 1098 7 3311

IQ194DR 1096 7 3297

IQ194DS 1097 7 3304

IQ194EC 1112 7 3384

IQ194ER 1110 7 3370

IQ194ES 1111 7 3377

IQ194FC 1126 7 3457

IQ194FR 1124 7 3443

IQ194FS 1125 7 3450

IQ194GC 1140 7 3530

IQ194GR 1138 7 3516

IQ194GS 1139 7 3523

IQ194HC 1151 7 3597

IQ194HR 1149 7 3583

IQ194HS 1150 7 3590

IQ194IC 1162 7 3664

IQ194IR 1160 7 3650

IQ194IS 1161 7 3657

IQ194JC 1173 7 3731

IQ194JR 1171 7 3717

IQ194JS 1172 7 3724

IQ194KC 1184 7 3798

IQ194KR 1182 7 3784

IQ194KS 1183 7 3791

IQ194LC 1195 7 3865

IQ194LR 1193 7 3851

IQ194LS 1194 7 3858

IQ194MC 1206 7 3932

IQ194MR 1204 7 3918

IQ194MS 1205 7 3925

IQ201A 1232 2 4019

IQ201B 1236 2 4037

IQ201C 1240 2 4055

IQ201D 1244 2 4073

IQ201E 1248 2 4091

IQ204YN 1252 2 4109

IQ205AMT 1253 8 4111

IQ206INT 1254 7 4119

IQ207YN 1256 2 4128

IQ208AMT 1257 8 4130

IQ209AMT 1258 7 4138

IQ210YN 1260 2 4147

IQ211TOT 1261 8 4149

IQ212YN 1262 2 4157

IQ213AMT 1263 7 4159

IQ214YN 1264 2 4166

IQ215TOT 1265 8 4168

IQ216YN 1266 2 4176

IQ217AMT 1267 7 4178

IQ220YN 1270 2 4189

IQ221AMT 1271 5 4191

IQ222AMT 1272 5 4196

IQ227 1277 2 4209

IQ228 1278 5 4211

IQ229 1279 5 4216

IQ230 1280 5 4221

IQ231COM 1283 2 4230

IQ231LND 1284 2 4232

IQ231RNT 1281 2 4226

IQ231VAC 1282 2 4228

IQ232AMT 1286 8 4236

IQ233YN 1287 2 4244

IQ235AYN 1290 2 4256

IQ235BYN 1293 2 4268

IQ235CYN 1296 2 4280

IQ236A 1291 8 4258

IQ236B 1294 8 4270

IQ236C 1297 8 4282

IQ239 1301 2 4296

IQ24AMT 221 8 526

IQ240 1302 8 4298

IQ241 1303 2 4306

IQ243 1304 7 4308

IQ244 1305 7 4315

IQ245 1306 7 4322

IQ34AMT 230 8 553

IQ58AMT 262 8 632

IQ68AMT 271 8 659

IQ99AMT 317 8 769

IS109AMT 710 8 1725

IS24AMT 622 8 1503

IS34AMT 631 8 1530

IS58AMT 657 8 1592

IS68AMT 666 8 1619

IS99AMT 701 8 1698

IWL 1442 2 4659

JOBS 63 2 147

JOBSNOR 62 2 145

JPIR 1428 2 4627

JPIS 1429 2 4629

LAF 1662 2 5507

LAST1 71 2 167

LAST10 161 2 383

LAST11 171 2 407

LAST12 181 2 431

LAST13 191 2 455

LAST14 201 2 479

LAST15 211 2 503

LAST2 81 2 191

LAST3 91 2 215

LAST4 101 2 239

LAST5 111 2 263

LAST6 121 2 287

LAST7 131 2 311

LAST8 141 2 335

LAST9 151 2 359

LNGFPR 1462 8 4731

LNGFPS 1463 8 4739

LNGST1 72 2 169

LNGST10 162 2 385

LNGST11 172 2 409

LNGST12 182 2 433

LNGST13 192 2 457

LNGST14 202 2 481

LNGST15 212 2

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