Page 1: VIDEO QUESTION ANSWERING FOR SURVEILLANCE Muhammad … · 1. INTRODUCTION Video Question Answering (VideoQA) is the task where nat-ural language question is imposed on the arbitrary


Muhammad Iqbal Hasan Chowdhury, Kien Nguyen, Clinton Fookes, Sridha Sridharan

Queensland University of Technology{m2.chowdhury,k.nguyenthanh, c.fookes, s.sridharan}


There are many task in surveillance monitoring such as objectdetection, person identification, activity and action recogni-tion etc. Integrating variety of surveillance task through amultimodal interactive system will benefit real-life deploy-ment, and will also support human operators. We first intro-duce a dataset which is first of its kind and named as Surveil-lance Video Question Answering (SVideoQA) dataset. Themulti-camera surveillance monitoring aspect is consideredthrough the multimodal context of Video Question Answer-ing (VideoQA) in the SVideoQA dataset. This paper proposesa deep learning model where VideoQA task on the SVideoQAdataset is attempted to solved in a manner where memory-driven relationship among appearance and motion aspect ofthe video features are captured. At each level of the relationalreasoning respective attentive parts of the context of the mo-tion and appearance features are identified forwarded throughframe level and clip level relational reasoning module. Also,respective memories are updated which are again forwardedto the memory-relation module to finally predict the answerword. The proposed memory-driven multilevel relational rea-soning is made compatible with the surveillance monitoringtask through the incorporation of multi-camera relation mod-ule, which is able to capture and reason over the relationshipsamong the video feeds across multiple cameras. Experi-mental outcome exhibits that the proposed memory-drivenmultilevel relational reasoning perform significantly betteron the open-ended VideoQA task compared to other state-of-the art systems. The proposed method achieves an accuracyof 57% and 57.6% respectively for the single-camera andmulti-camera task of the SVideoQA dataset.

Index Terms— Visual Question Answering (VQA),Surveillance Monitoring, Relational Reasoning, Scene Un-derstanding.


Video Question Answering (VideoQA) is the task where nat-ural language question is imposed on the arbitrary part of anyvideo sequence, and relevant answer is automatically gener-ated by the machine. The image counterpart of this task iscalled visual question answering (VQA). This task is chal-

lenging as it involves addressing effectively the varying andunpredictable nature of natural language question in additionto the temporal dynamics of video contents. It is expectedthat solving this kind of problem will lead the machine to be-come more human-like in terms of logical and commonsensereasoning process.

Fig. 1. VideoQA task on the surveillance video feeds requiremultiple camera inputs to get the overall question specificcontext. A single input video from a camera is not alwayssufficient to infer the correct context specific answer.

Fig. 2. Each of the camera feeds are passed through thememory-driven multilevel reasoning as shown in Figure 3,when a single natural language question is imposed on severalvideo feeds. Outputs of each of the memory-driven multilevelreasoning is considered as input to the multi-camera relationmodule, where question conditioned relation among multiplecameras are derived.

VQA [1] and/or VideoQA [2] combines both the text and

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visual (image/video) modality in the common context of rea-soning. A natural language question is imposed on the re-spective image/video to generate the relevant answer. How-ever, this task not only generate/predict an answer rather itforces the machine to perform human-like understanding andreasoning of data from two different modality. The VQAtask also shows the progress of the machines’ capability ofmultimodal understanding. Machine’s capability of the mul-timodal understanding [?] is transferable to the the surveil-lance monitoring task. The use of VideoQA is surveillancemonitoring [?] will make the monitoring system more inter-active. Instead of manually searching over huge amount ofvideos, the respective user can simply put a question againstthe captured video data. As an example, let us consider aquestion like, ”how many red cars were visible in the car parkbetween 4am to 9pm exiting through the north gate?”. Themachine needs to perform object detection, counting, track-ing etc. to generate all possible outcomes for such questions.Research of VideoQA system are thriving towards inventingmodels which can perform variety of the tasks poses by thenatural language question in an end-to-end manner.

Fig. 3. This is the overall schematic of the reasoning pro-cess of the proposed method. Both appearance and motionbased features are considered through frame-relation mod-ule and the clip-relation module. The subsequent memory-relation module finds and preserves the memory upate opera-tions which is performed through the frame and clip-relationmodules. The schematic operation of this diagram is per-formed in a phrase-by-phrase manner based on the posed nat-ural language question.

The general VQA or VideoQA dataset are not directlysuitable to be applied for the surveillance settings. One ofthe main reason behind this is the fact that there is no multi-camera annotations available in these dataset. Surveillancemonitoring usually comprises of multiple cameras, and thusthe annotation of dataset should also include video feedsand respective question-answer annotations to train modelson the surveillance video question answering task. Also,surveillance monitoring requires to reason over both gen-eral activities and any anomalous activities. Thus, an idealsurveillance video question answering dataset should includeinstances of both trivial and anomalous activities with re-spective open-ended question-answer annotation. This paper

proposes the SVideoQA dataset with multi-camera open-ended question-answer annotations, which is believed to beproviding an interactive multimodal interface for automatedsurveillance monitoring. Figure 1 shows the importance ofthe inclusion of the multiple cameras from the surveillance.Output of three different cameras are required to effectivelyanswer the question: ”where is he heading towards?”. Thequestion is asked about the target person involved in the cap-tured footage. The video feeds from any single camera is notsufficient to understand the overall intention or movement ofthe target individuals. So, video feeds from multiple camerasare required to get the overall picture of the target personperson’s intention, which is required to answer the posedquestion. Details about the proposed SVideoQA dataset isdescribed in section 3

Existing VideoQA approaches in the literature do not dealwith multi-camera reasoning, hence we have to propose a newone. Traditional single-camera VideoQA approaches rely onperforming attention operation on video and textual features.Most of the approaches consider the word tokens of the ques-tion sentence one-by-one and calculate gradient based soft at-tention over the video features. In [3], each to the questionsentence tokens are considered one after another to derive theattention and the video representation based on which the fi-nal answer word is predicted. Both appearance and motionbased features are considered in the model of [3]. Again,in [?], a dynamic memory network [4] based approach isused where an episodic memory [?] is updated based on ap-pearance and motion facts, which are obtained respectivelyfrom appearance and motion based video features in multiplecycles. Existing approaches uses attention mechanism andmemory networks to tackle the challenges of video questionanswering on a single-camera settings. The application andusefulness of the video question answering can be further ex-tended with the inclusion of multi-camera video feeds. Multi-camera video feeds are quite obvious in case of surveillancemonitoring where the video question-answering can providemore automated instinct of what is happening across videofeeds in a multi-camera network.

In this paper, we propose a multilevel reasoning pro-cess based on the question sentence. The proposed meth-ods includes both single-camera and multi-camera videofeeds to perform the reasoning conditioned on the phrasesof the imposed question sentence. Models are trained forthe single-camera and multi-camera video feeds in an end-to-end manner. Figure 3 shows the overall architecture ofthe proposed method for a single-camera setting. The videofeed for a single-camera are divided into frames and clips,which are then forwarded respectively to the frame-relationmodule (FRM) and the clip-relation module (CRM). The out-puts of the FRM and CRM are then forwarded through thememory-relation module (MRM) where relationships amongupdated memory vectors are found. An additional multi-camera relation module (MCRM) is included in case of the

Page 3: VIDEO QUESTION ANSWERING FOR SURVEILLANCE Muhammad … · 1. INTRODUCTION Video Question Answering (VideoQA) is the task where nat-ural language question is imposed on the arbitrary

multi-camera task, where FRM, CRM, MRM and MCRM arejointly trained in an end-to-end manner to predict the rightanswer based on the open-ended question and video feedsfrom multiple-cameras. The multi-camera scenario of theproposed method is shown in Figure 2. The memory-drivenmultilevel operation is the same as shown in Figure 3. TheMCRM is used to stitch the reasoning over multiple camerafeeds in the single context of an imposed open-ended naturallanguage question. The proposed method uses the principleof relation-network [5] which is also effective in performingvisual commonsense reasoning [?] on videos.

Experimental results demonstrates the competitiveness ofthe proposed model with the state-of-the art approaches forsingle-camera VideoQA dataset. The proposed approach isable to capture the context of the question sentence effec-tively in a multi-level manner with the help of the memory-driven relational reasoning. With this architecture we are ableto capture the question sentence context in a manner, wherethe evolving context of the question is better captured eitheron a single or multi-camera video network.


2.1. Surveillance Monitoring

There are many efforts to automate several aspects of videosurveillance. There are improvement in crowd counting [?],re-identification [?], camera calibration [?], abnormality de-tection [?] [?], event recognition [?], object tracking [?] etc.These efforts results in many commercial video analytic so-lutions. There are many system now which can robustly trackan individual once instantiated by a human operator. Thesehighly capable video management systems are now equippedwith low-level image processing tools e.g. perimeter intrusiondetection, loitering and abandoned object detection. But thefact is still these system are not truly interactive with humanusers which could enhance effective and robust monitoringin real time. There are attempts to retrieve events [?] whichrequires an annotated model to be learnt or searching peoplewith specific criteria. But the fact is these endeavours notactually answers very natural intuitive query for the humaninvestigator.

Surveillance camera monitoring has been increasingvastly which results in huge amount of visual data gener-ated in each minute. Traditional style is to evaluate thesedata in a forensic mode after something has happened. Realtime interactive monitoring and data analytics is not yetachieved. This manual analysis is labor intensive and errorprone. Drawbacks of present system are that these are lack ofnaturally interactive, automated and scalable monitoring.

Several challenges are associated with an intelligentsurveillance system with heterogeneous information e.g.quality of CCTV data, uncertainty of recognized events,inconsistency or conflict among multiple sources, adequate

modelling of events information, composition of elemen-tal events, scalability of the system, building ontologies forsurveillance system etc.

A large scale video dataset designed for real-worldsurveillance event detection is proposed in [?]. A discussedin [?] traditional datasets for action recognition are not ap-propriate for real-world surveillance since those are consistsof short clips showing each and every action by one indi-vidual [?] [?]. Again other dataset e.g. movies [?] andsports [?] do not depicts the aspect of surveillance in general.VIRAT Video Dataset is introduced in [?] is an expectation toboost further research in continuous visual event recognition(CVER).

2.2. Visual Question Answering

Visual question answering (VQA) refers to both image basedand video based question answering. Video question answer-ing (VideoQA) evolves as a natural extension of the imagequestion answering (ImageQA) task. Both image and videobased question answering have different forms including,’open-ended’, ’multiple-choice’ and ’fill-in-the-blanks’. Thispaper uses datasets where ’open-ended’ questions are be-ing imposed on video feeds either from single or multiplecameras.

The straight forward approach to solve the VQA task is toextract image features through convolutional neural network(CNN), and the question sentence is encoded with a recurrentneural network. These are similar to approach which is pro-posed in [6]. Attention mechanisms [7] are proposed to allowVQA model to focus on specific regions of visual features.Generally attention mechanism refers to focusing on specificimage regions. However, success in attention mechanism forImageQA leads to use it in the VideoQA task too, which in-volves both static and temporal aspect of the feature represen-tation. Stacked attention network [8] shows significant perfor-mance improvement for the ImageQA task. Also, a question-word guided attention [9] is proposed to solve the ImageQAtask more effectively. Again, attention mechanism appliedwith compact bilinear pooling [?] shows significant improve-ment in accuracy to solve the ImageQA task. Successes in at-tention mechanism applied in ImageQA task evolves in usingsimilar attention-based techniques to sovle the VideoQA task.However, attention mechanisms for videoQA need to addressthe temporal aspect of the video features representation.

Videos consist of sequence of static events, which aretemporally coherent in nature. Video provides diverse andvarying context which are usually sparsely distributed. Anopen-ended may refers to any part of the video. Thus, infor-mation from a single static image is never enough to correctlypredict the answer word. VideoQA models need to narrowdown its reasoning scope based on the question sentence. Inaddition with defining the context of the question, VidoeQAmodels need to perform attention based reasoning in multi-

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ple steps. A more realistic scene is to involve video featuresfrom multiple cameras, which is suitable for surveillance au-tomation. The need to performing reasoning through multi-ple iterations leads to the use of memory networks [?]. Animproved dynamic memory network [4] is successfully usedto solve the ImageQA task. Use of both the attention mecha-nism and memory networks shows a new direction to addressthe VideoQA problem.

Previous ImageQA problems are extended in [2] and [10]to solve the VideoQA task. Generally successes and advance-ments in video/image captioning and attention mechanismsprovide new research direction to solve the VideoQA task.An encoder-decoder based approach is proposed in [11],where unification of attentions is performed by consideringboth the quesiton sentence and the video. Frame-based visualattributes and question sentence based textual attributes arejointly learned in the approach proposed in [12]. An attentionmechanism is proposed in[3], where attention based videorepresentation is obtained from both appearance and motionbased video features by sequentially considering each wordof the question sentence. A motion-appearance co-memorynetwork is proposed by [?], which is built on the concept ofdynamic memory network [4]. In [?], author used the prin-ciple of relation network [5] mechanism to better capture thevisual common sense knowledge in videos. However, [?]does not use the any memory equipped method to address thequestion answering problem. Also, the principle of relationnetwork is used in [?], but their approach does not includeany memory update operation. Also, the question sentence isprocessed in a word-level manner which results in the loss ofthe context of the question sentence during the reasoning pro-cess. A heterogenous memory update opertion is proposedin [?] for the videoQA problem. The proposed method in thispaper adopts the memory-update operation described in [?]with the multilevel relation modules to better perform thequestion specific reasoning operation.

However, previous approaches on VidoeQA largely focuson problem of single-camera VideoQA. Also, the effective-ness on considering the evolving context of the question sen-tence in a phrase-by-phrase manner is not explored for theVideoQA problem. The proposed method in this paper, suc-cessfully uses the memory-driven relation network mecha-nism to capture the evolving context of the question sentencein both single-camera and multi-camera setting.


The SVideoQA dataset annotation is performed on an exist-ing video recording of a person re-identification dataset [?].This person re-identification dataset has video recording of150 target person moving in a building environment acrosseight different cameras. Videos are captured at 25 frame persecond with a resolution of 704 × 576. The question-answer

Cameras with overlap-ping viewpoints

Region Name

C1, C6, C7 R167C2, C5, C8 R258C3, C4 R34

Table 1. Overlapping camera regions based on which thequestion-answer annotation is performed for the multicameraVideoQA task of the SVideoQA dataset.

annotation is conducted on the recording of each cameraof the person re-identification dataset. Table 2 providesexample of the single-camera and multi-camera question-answer annotation from the proposed SVideoQA dataset.There are 5, 049 question-answer annotations are availablefor the single-camera setting of the SVideoQA dataset. Also,the multi-camera setting of the SVideoQA dataset has 881question-answer annotations available.

Fig. 4. Camera placement of the SVideoQA dataset, whichidentifies the overlapping regions covered by the multi-camera viewpoints. Multicamera question-answers are anno-tated based on these overlapping regions. [?]. Circled regionin the image shows the overlapping region of cameras. Fromleft to right, the first, second and the third circles respectivelyrefers to the regions R167, R258 and R34.

There are 152 video sequences available to perform thequestion-answer annotation. Each of the video sequence haseight distinct camera viewpoints. The question types of theproposed SVideoQA dataset fall into three borad classes,namely ‘action search’, ‘group activity search’, ‘attributesearch’. These three classes of question types covers thebasic definition surveillance monitoring where behaviour,activities and information is captured and analyzed in thecontext of the available video footage. As shown in table 4,the ‘walking direction’question types falls under the ques-tion class of ‘action search’. The question types of ‘count-ing’and ‘walking companion’falls under the question class

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of ‘group activity search’. Again, the question types ‘per-son attribute’and ‘object use’fall under the question class of‘attribute search’. Distribution of each of the individual ques-tion types are shown in Figure 5. In case of the multi-camerasettings, there are higher number of ‘walking direction’typesquestions because walking across the viewpoint is the dom-inant activity in the current video recording which requiresthe video feeds from multiple cameras. Around 66.3% of thetotal question-answer annotations of multi-camera settingsfall under the question type of ‘walking direction’, where’counting’, ’person attribute’, ’object use’ and ’walking com-panion’ respectively cover 4.2%, 8.4%, 18.2% and 2.95%of the multi-camera question-answer annotations. Again,in the single-camera setting, there are higher percentage of‘counting’type questions available. The ‘counting’type ques-tions fall under the question type class of ‘group activitysearch’, and in the captured footage in many cases peopleare walking together, which contribute to a higher numberof questions related to the ‘counting’type. 44.6% of the to-tal single-camera question-answer annotation fall under the‘counting’question type. Also, ’walking direction’, ’personattribute’, ’object use’ and ’walking companion’ respectivelycover 10.95%, 26.38%, 15% and 3.01% of the total single-camera question-answer annotation. The multi-camera set-ting of the SVideoQA dataset focuses on the movement ofthe subject across camera viewpoints. Camera placement ofthe person re-identification dataset [?] is considered to an-notate the question-answer for the multi-camera VideoQAtask. Figure 4 shows the mapping and placement of the cam-era, which is used to capture the dataset [?] for the personre-identification task. It is visible from the Figure 4 thatthere are multiple overlapping regions, which holds the con-text of specific moments of the movements of the respectivesubjects. The circled areas in Figure 4 shows the overlap-ping regions of camera viewpoints. Table 1 holds the regionname of the overlapping camera viewpoints, which is similarto be found in the proposed SVideoQA dataset annotation.Multi-camera question-answer annotations of the SVideoQAdataset is performed based on these overlapping regions.

Annotated questions are categorized into four differentgroups namely, ’walking direction’, ’counting’, ’object use’and ’walking companion’. Figure 5 provides percentage ofeach of the question types according to the annotation of theSVideoQA dataset. ’Walking direction’ type includes ques-tions about on which side the target person is intended to takea turn. Again, ’counting’ type of questions ask about the num-ber of visible people or stationary facilities like door, benchesetc. Also, ’object use’ type questions ask questions about theobjects (bags, sunglass, cellphone etc.) which are being car-ried or used by the target person. In addition, ’walking com-panion’ type questions ask about the person who is accompa-nying the target person, and this type of question mainly askabout the gender of the accompanying person. The proposed

Fig. 5. Distribution of different question types of theSVideoQA dataset. The green and blue bar respectivelyrefers to the single-camera and multi-camera settings of theSVideoQA dataset.

SVideoQA dataset is available for download1.


In this chapter, we propose a multilevel reasoning processbased on the question sentence. The proposed methods in-clude both single-camera and multi-camera video feeds toperform the reasoning conditioned on the phrases of theimposed question sentence. Models are trained for the single-camera and multi-camera video feeds in an end-to-end man-ner. Figure 3 shows the overall architecture of the proposedmethod for a single-camera setting. The video feed for asingle-camera is divided into frames and clips, which arethen forwarded respectively to the frm and the crm. Theoutputs of the FRM and CRM are then forwarded throughthe mrm where relationships among updated memory vectorsare found. An additional mcrm is included in the case of themulti-camera task, where FRM, CRM, MRM, and MCRMare jointly trained in an end-to-end manner to predict the rightanswer based on the open-ended question and video feedsfrom multiple cameras. The multi-camera scenario of theproposed method is shown in Figure 2. The memory-drivenmultilevel operation is the same as shown in Figure 3. TheMCRM is used to stitch the reasoning over multiple camerasfeeds in the single context of an imposed open-ended naturallanguage question. The proposed method uses the principleof relation-network [5], which is also effective in performingvisual commonsense reasoning [?] on videos.

Answer,A =Model(Q,F) (1)

1SVideoQA Dataset download link:

Page 6: VIDEO QUESTION ANSWERING FOR SURVEILLANCE Muhammad … · 1. INTRODUCTION Video Question Answering (VideoQA) is the task where nat-ural language question is imposed on the arbitrary

Fig. 6. If a question Q consists of P number of phrases then each of the phrases are considered to associate motion andappearance features to be passed respectively through the FRM and CRM. Outputs of FRM and CRM are passed thoroughmultilayer perceptron gaθ and gmθ . Output of multlayer perceptrons are passed through and LSTM before making the respectivememory update for each of the phrase associated outputs of FRM and CRM. The P number of memory updated outputs arepassed an input to the MRM, which results in finding the relationship among memory updates. Each of the outputs of MRM arethen forwarded to the multilayer perceptron mφ, which are summed together before forwarding to the multilayer perceptron fφto predict the final answer word.

A multilevel reasoning process is proposed in this chapter,which is done according to the context of the question sen-tence. The proposed reasoning is conditioned on the phrasesof the question sentence for both single-camera and multi-camera video feeds. The proposed model is trained in an end-to-end manner for both the single-camera and multi-cameraannotation of the SVideoQA task. Figure 3 shows the overallarchitecture of the proposed method for a single-camera set-ting. The video feed for a single-camera is divided into framesand clips, which are then forwarded respectively to the frmand the clip-relation module (CRM). The outputs of the FRMand CRM are then forwarded through the memory-relationmodule (MRM) where relationships among updated memoryvectors are found. An additional multi-camera relation mod-ule (MCRM) is included in the case of the multi-camera task,where FRM, CRM, MRM, and MCRM are jointly trained inan end-to-end manner to predict the right answer based on theopen-ended question and video feeds from multiple cameras.The multi-camera scenario of the proposed method is shownin Figure 2. The memory-driven multilevel operation is thesame as shown in Figure 3. The MCRM is used to stitch thereasoning over multiple cameras feeds in the single contextof an imposed open-ended natural language question. Theproposed method uses the principle of relation-network [5],which is also effective in performing visual commonsensereasoning [?] on videos.

The key point of reasoning for the VideoQA task startsby analyzing the context of imposed natural language ques-tions. A single-camera task requires to reason only a singlesequence of frames, but for the multi-camera task, the framesequences from multiple cameras need to be taken into con-sideration. The video, i.e. the frame sequences, are a continu-ous flow of visual context, which carries a lot of information.The question sentence defines the context, based on which,the VideoQA model needs to perform the required reason-ing to derive the answer word. This procedure can be formu-lated in general as shown in Equation 1, where Q is the im-posed question and F is the frame sequences i.e. the video.Q = [xtok1, xtok2, ......, xtokN ] and F = [f1, f2, ......, fN ]are both input to the video QA model which performs thenecessary reasoning process to derive the answer word A.

The temporal features in the form of motion are an in-tegral part of the reasoning in the VideoQA task. Also, thestatic aspect, i.e. the appearance-based features, play a crucialrole in the reasoning process. Based on the question, either orboth of the appearance and motion-based features are neededto be taken into consideration. Initially, the posed questionsentence is divided into phrases, which is the meaningfulchunk to drive the subsequent reasoning operation for boththe single-camera and multi-camera VideoQA tasks. Let usconsider question Q, which consists of P number of phrases.The proposed model will start by considering the phrase1

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first, and gradually all subsequent phrases will be taken asinput with the appearance and motion-based features.

FRM and CRM modules are responsible respectively forhandling the appearance and motion-based features alongwith question sentence phrases. The outputs from the FRMand CRM modules drive the subsequent memory update op-eration. Finally, the output of the memory update operationfor each of the phrases is fed into the MRM, which leads tothe prediction of the final answer word. The proposed methodcombines multiple levels of relation modules with the mem-ory update operation, and the operation is conditioned onthe respective phrase of the question sentence. Firstly, thephrase with appearance and motion features are consideredthrough FRM and CRM, which is the first level of the relationmodule. The output of FRM and CRM are passed throughlong short-term memory (LSTM), which is then fed to thememory update operation and the updated state of the mem-ory is passed through, combined with the memory updatedstates of the phrases through the MRM module. The MRMis another level of relation module. The scenario describedin this paragraph is to opt for a single-camera video and animposed natural language question. Details of the proposedFRM, CRM, and MRM modules are described respectivelyin Subsections 4.1, 4.2 and 4.3.

Video feeds from multiple camera feeds are needed to betaken into account for a successful multi-camera reasoningtask, which may be required for specific types of questions.For example, in case of a rapid movement of the target per-son across multiple camera viewpoints, the imposed questionmight ask a question that may not directly be answered bylooking at one camera footage. The proposed method canequip an arbitrary (eight cameras in an ideal setting) num-ber of video feeds to perform the proposed memory-drivenmultilevel reasoning operation. The output of the proposedmemory-driven multilevel reasoning for a single-camera, i.e.the output of the MRM module for a single-camera videofeed, is considered as an input to the MCRM module. TheMCRM accepts multiple inputs, which are resultant of thememory-driven multilevel reasoning for the single-cameravideo feed. That is for the question involving multiple videofeeds, each of the single-camera feeds are passed throughFRM, memory-update, and MRM, and finally, the outputsof all the MRM modules of each of the cameras are passedthrough the MCRM. The output of the MCRM is used topredict the final answer word for the multi-camera VideoQAsetting.

In a nutshell, the single-camera task of the SVideoQAdataset requires the involvement of the FRM and MRMmodules. There is also a memory update operation in be-tween FRM and MRM modules. Again, for the multi-cameraVideoQA, the output of each of the single-camera VideoQAis passed through MCRM to predict the final answer word.Figures 6 and 7, show the detailed operation respectivelyfor the single-camera and multi-camera VideoQA. Details of

the proposed method are further elaborated in the followingsubsections.

4.1. Frame-relation Module (FRM)

The FRM module serves the purpose of considering eachpossible combination of frames (8-frames in our experiment)with the question sentence phrases. It is to be noted onlyone phrase is considered at a time. Also, the phrase chunk ispassed through the LSTM and the output is combined with8-frames in each possible combination. In Equation 2, p isthe respective phrase that is considered with the combinationof frames for the video. The term p is the output of the LSTMfor the respective phrase. Again, all the possible combina-tions of p and the set of 8-frames is passed through gθ. Here,gθ is a multilayer perceptron (MLP).

mfp =

∑gθ([f1, ......, f8], p) (2)

As seen in Figure 6, it is seen that phrase p is combined8-frames, and the FRM makes every possible combination ofthe grouping of the respective pairwise combination of framegroups and the phrase p. In a subsequent operation, all theoutputs of gθ are summed and then passed to the memory up-date operation. As seen in the Figure 6, the output of FRMand CRM is combined, which is then forwarded to the mem-ory update operation. Input to the memory update operationis the concatenation of mf

p and mcp respectively from Equa-

tions 2 and 3. As visible in the figures, each of the phrasesof the question sentence is considered separately throughoutthe proposed method, so if there are P number of phrases,then both the FRM and CRM will occur P number of timesto perform the reasoning process. The benefit of the FRMis to be able o capture the context-specific combination ofthe frames of the respective video, which is also conditionedby the phrase i.e. the conceptual chunk of the question sen-tence. The phrase by phrase consideration technique allowsthe proposed model to better capture the evolving context ofthe question sentence over time. It is to be mentioned that theFRM and CRM are complementary operations that are nec-essary and required to successfully capture all the appearanceand motion-based evolution of the context of the respectivevideo.

4.2. Clip-relation Modle (CRM)

The motion-based features of the video may also be of in-terest, through the imposed open-ended natural languagequestion. Thus, just frame-level feature-based reasoning willnever be sufficient for an ideal VideoQA model. The pro-posed model considers both the frame and clip-level featureto better capture the evolving context of the video. As seenin Figure 6, the phrase p is given as input along with clip-level motion features to the CRM. Later, the CRM makes allpossible combination of the respective phrase and clip-level

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motion features, which are then passed through the MLP gθ.It is to be noted the MLP gθ is different for FRM and CRM,termed respectively as gaθ and gmθ in the Figure 6.

mcp =

∑gθ([c1, ......, c8], p) (3)

min = LSTM(concat[mfp ,m

cp]) (4)

The phrase-conditioned operation of FRM and CRMresult in the outputs, which are concatenated together andpassed through an LSTM as shown in Equation 4. The vec-tor min is forwarded to the memory-update operation. Inthis manner, the phrase-conditioned motion and appearance-aware relation vector is forwarded to the memory updateoperations, which will later be followed by MRM.

Fig. 7. Each of the camera is considered separately for thememory-driven multilevel relational reasoning, if a questionis imposed on the video feeds of multiple cameras, which isthen passed individually to the MRCM. Each of the output ofMRCM is forwarded through multilayer perceptron nφ. Alloutputs of the nφ are then summed together and forwarded tothe multilayer perceptron fφ to predict the final answer word.

4.3. Memory-relation Module (MRM) and Memory Up-date operation

The memory update operation is performed by the MRMmodule to extract the final logit vector for the answer wordprediction. MRM produces all possible combinations of thevectors of the memory update operation and then passes thosevectors through mφ, which is an MLP.

moutp = memory update(min) (5)

Answer,A = fφ(∑

mφ(mout1 , ......,mout

8 )) (6)

As seen in Equation 5, the LSTM output of the combi-nation of the FRM and CRM is the vector min, which is de-rived from Equation 4. The vector min is passed through thememory update operation. Then, MRM considers all possiblecombinations ofmout

p in a grouping of eight different vectors,which are then combined and passed through the MLP fφ.

The output of fφ leads to the final answer word. The mem-ory update operation is described in the following paragraphs.The memory update operation described in [?] is adopted inthe proposed method of this chapter.

ct = σ(Wocmin +Whcht−1 + bc) (7)

at = vTa tanh(Wcact +Whaht−1 + ba) (8)

αt,i =exp(at,i)∑Sj=1 exp(at,j)

for, i = 1, 2, ..., S (9)

et = vTe tanh(Wcect +Wheht−1 + be) (10)

εt,i =exp(et,i)∑3j=1 exp(et,j)

for, i = 1, 2, 3 (11)

rt =


εt,imi (12)

hvt = σ(W vhhh

vt−1 +W v

rhrt + bvh) (13)

moutp = hvt (14)

There is S number of slots in the memory with hiddenstate h considered for the memory update operation. The in-put to the memory update operation is the LSTM encodedcombination of the output of FRM and CRM. The purposeof this memory update will be to write content in each of theS memory slots along with updating the hidden state h. Theupdated hidden state at the very end of the update operationwill be considered as final memory output to be used in thesubsequent operation of the proposed method. Contents towrite in the memory are defined in Equation 7. The term ctholds the non-linear mapping of the input to update the mem-ory slots. The summation of all weights associated with eachof the memory slots is a probability distribution, which resultsin 1 as shown in Equation 9. Also, the term at in Equation 8is weighted to associate with a read operation; the weight isconditioned on the current and the previous hidden states ofthe memory LSTM.

The final hidden state of the memory is updated by fol-lowing the read operation of the memory slots. Read weightsare defined in Equation 10, which also sums to 1 as probabil-ity distributions of weights across S memory slots. Finally,the hidden state of memory is updated in Equation 13, wherert is the weighted sum of each of the memory content. Theoutput of the memory update operation is passed through theMRM as described at the beginning of Subsection 4.3.

Page 9: VIDEO QUESTION ANSWERING FOR SURVEILLANCE Muhammad … · 1. INTRODUCTION Video Question Answering (VideoQA) is the task where nat-ural language question is imposed on the arbitrary



5.1. Surveillance Video Question Answering

To adapt to the aspect of surveillance monitoring, multi-camera video feeds are included in the formulation with theexisting formulation of the VideoQA problem as shown inEquation 15. In Equation 15, question Q is imposed on theseveral feeds of video, which include a feature set from F1

to FC , where C denotes the total number of cameras in thesurveillance network.

Answer,A =Model(Q, F1, ..., FC) (15)

5.2. Multi-camera Relation Module (MCRM)

The proposed multi-camera relation network adheres to sev-eral outputs of multiple cameras together, which are relatedto the imposed open-ended natural language question. Toachieve this goal, each of the single-camera videos is firstpropagated through the memory-driven multilevel relationalreasoning process as described in Section 4. The summa-tion of MRM 6 for each of the single-camera is consideredas input to the MCRM as shown in Figure 7. If there areC the number of cameras, then all possible combinations ofthe output of MRM for each of cameras are passed as inputto the MCRM. Each of the MCRM output is then forwardedthrough nφ, which is a multilayer perceptron. Finally, all theoutputs from nφ are summed together and forwarded to thefφ multilayer perceptron to produce the final answer word.

In an ideal case, the proposed MCRM should be ableto include any number of cameras, but with the proposedSVideoQA dataset, only a combination of up to eight cam-eras is considered as the upper limit. Open-ended questionsare imposed on the overlapping regions of cameras as shownin Table 1.

Answer,A = fφ(∑

nφ(cout1 , ......, cout8 )) (16)


Experiments are performed on both the single-camera andthe multi-camera open-ended questions. MSVD-QA andMSRVTT-QA datasets provide only single-camera open-ended questions. The proposed SVideoQA dataset providesboth single-camera and multi-camera question on the surveil-lance video feeds. Subsection ?? provides the details of theproposed SVideoQA dataset. VideoQA task on the samplesof MSRVTT-QA and the MSVD-QA dataset is shown in Fig-ure 11. Also, an example of single-camera and multi-cameraVideoQA task performed by the proposed method is depictedrespectively in Figure 9 and Figure 8.



Q: with which hand hetouched his mouth?A: leftcamera: camera 6 Q: people are

being seatedon which sideof his walkingdirection?

Q: what is the colorof his shirt? A: whitecamera: camera 7

A: left

Q: what is he holdingin his hand? A: noth-ing camera: camera 1

region: R167

Table 2. Open-ended question-answer pairs for single-camera and multi-camera video feeds of the SVideoQAdataset.

Methods Accuracy onMSRVTT-QA

Accuracy onMSVD-QA

E-VQA of [3] 0.264 0.233E-SA of [3] 0.293 0.276E-MN of [3] 0.304 0.267Gradual Attention [3] 0.325 0.320heterogenour mem-ory [?]

0.330 0.337

Hie. Rel. Attention [?] 0.3506 0.3439multilevel relation 0.390 0.393

Table 3. Classes of question types.

6.1. Dataset

The proposed memory-driven multilevel relation network ar-chitecture is experimented with both the proposed SVideoQAdataset and other publicly available single-camera VideoQAdataset. Details about the SVideoQA dataset can be found insection 3.

MSVD-QA and MSRVTT-QA proposed in [3] are usedwith the proposed memory-driven multilevel relation networkarchitecture. Both MSVD-QA and MSRVTT-QA provideopen ended questions, where each of the question is associ-ated with a single video. The MSVD-QA dataset is annotatedon the videos of Microsoft Research Video Description Cor-pus dataset, which includes 1970 videos with 50505 open-ended questions. Again, the MSRVTT-QA dataset consist of10,000 video clips with 243000 open-ended questions.

Page 10: VIDEO QUESTION ANSWERING FOR SURVEILLANCE Muhammad … · 1. INTRODUCTION Video Question Answering (VideoQA) is the task where nat-ural language question is imposed on the arbitrary

Fig. 8. The three rows of images respectively shows representative frames from the three overlapping cameras (Camera 1,Camera 6 and Camera 7) of the region R167. Imposed open-ended natural language questions and the predicted output of themodel is shown on the right side of the image.

Fig. 9. Qualitative output on test questions for the single-camera task is shown in the image. The subject of the imposedquestion is marked in yellow bounding box. Single camera open-ended questions are annotated based on the target person.

Page 11: VIDEO QUESTION ANSWERING FOR SURVEILLANCE Muhammad … · 1. INTRODUCTION Video Question Answering (VideoQA) is the task where nat-ural language question is imposed on the arbitrary

Class of QuestionType

Question Types

Action Search Walking DirectionGroup ActivitySearch


Walking CompanionAttribute Search Person Attribute

Object Use

Table 4. Classes of different qustion types.

Fig. 10. Accuracy of the proposed model on each of the ques-tion types of the SVideoQA dataset.

6.2. Model Training Details

The MSVD-QA and MSRVTT-QA dataset are considered forthe training of the single-camera SVideoQA task. The pro-posed SVideoQA dataset is used for both the single-cameraand multi-camera VideoQA tasks. Appearance and motion-based features are extracted respectively by the pretrainedVGG [13] and C3D [14] networks, which are trained re-spectively on the Sports-1M [15] dataset and ImageNet [13]dataset. In all cases, 16 consecutive frames of any video areconsidered as a clip to extract respective features of the video,and the dimensions of both the appearance and motion-basedfeatures is 4096. Features from the last fully connected layersare extracted for the model training purpose.

The embedding for each of the question sentence tokenis obtained through the GLOVE [16] embedding, which ispre-trained on Wikipedia 2014 [16] and Gigaword 5 [16] textrepository. In exceptional cases where any word is out of thevocabulary, then the average of all other embeddings are con-sidered for the particular token. The pretrained GLOVE em-bedding is 300 dimensional, and the size of the LSTM is also300. Also, NLTK [?] is used to extract phrase chunks fromthe question sentences.

The single-camera task 6 uses the multilayer perceptronsgθ, mφ and fφ. The gθ and mφ are multilayer perceptrons

Dataset Accuracy onSingle-cameraSVideoQA Task

Accuracy onMulti-cameraSVideoQATask

SVideoQA Dataset 0.570 0.576

Table 5. Accuracy of the proposed memory-driven multilevelrelational reasoning model on the Single-camera and multi-camera VideoQA task of the SVideoQA dataset.

Question Types Accuracy onSingle-cameraSVideoQA task

Accuracy onmulti-cameraSVideoQAtask

Walking Direction 0.428 0.61217Counting 0.667 0.676Person Attribute 0.518 0.824Object Use 0.483 0.325Walking Companion 0.526 0.462

Table 6. Performance accuracy of the proposed memory-driven multilevel relational reasoning on each of the questiontypes of the proposed SVideoQA dataset.

with 256 units, which are followed by the multilayer percep-tron fφ with the number of hidden units equivalent to thenumber of answers of the respective testing dataset. Again,in the multi-camera experimental settings, the multilayer per-ceptron nφ holds 256 hidden units, which is followed by fφwith the hidden unit number equivalents to the number ofclassification classes. The MSVD-QA and the MSRVTT-QAdataset are considered with a batch size respectively of 32 and64. The SVideoQA dataset is considered with a batch size of64. In all cases, a default learning rate of 3e-5 is chosen, andthe cost function is minimized with the ADAM optimizer. Amemory size of 30 is chosen with 256 hidden states for thememory update operation.

6.3. Qualitative and Quantitative Results

6.3.1. Results on SVideoQA

Open-ended questions impose the challenge of a real-timelike reasoning requirement to the VideoQA models. The con-text of the imposed question is never known prior. The pro-posed memory-driven multilevel relation network architec-ture is tested for the VideoQA task with open-ended question-answer annotations. The proposed SVideoQA dataset con-sists of both single-camera and multi-camera open-endedquestion-answer annotations.

The Table 5 shows the performance of the proposedmemory-driven multilevel relation network architecture onthe proposed SVideoQA dataset. Figure 10 shows the accu-racy of the proposed model on each of the question types of

Page 12: VIDEO QUESTION ANSWERING FOR SURVEILLANCE Muhammad … · 1. INTRODUCTION Video Question Answering (VideoQA) is the task where nat-ural language question is imposed on the arbitrary

Fig. 11. The MSRVTT-QA and MSVD-QA dataset provides open-ended natural language questions associated with singlevideos. First row and second row of the images show the qualitative output of the proposed model on the open-ended naturallanguage questions respectively from the MSRVTT-QA and the MSVD-QA dataset.

the SVideoQA dataset. The walking direction type questionsshow higher accuracy in the case of the multi-camera set-ting of the proposed model. Accuracy single-camera settingshows higher accuracy in the case of predicting an answer forthe person attribute type questions.

6.3.2. Results on MSRVTT-QA and MSVD-QA

Only single-camera video feeds along with the question-answer annotation pair are available in the MSVd-QA andMSRVTT-QA dataset. Table 6 provides the performancecomparison between the accuracy of the baseline systemand the proposed memory-driven multilevel relation net-work for the single-camera VideoQA task on MSVD-QA andMSRVTT-QA dataset. The proposed memory-driven mul-tilevel relation network demonstrates a major performanceimprovement over the accuracy of the baseline methodol-ogy [3].

6.4. Grad-cam Visualization of the Single-camera andMulti-camera SVideoQA Task

Visualizing the focused portion of the visual features for thesingle-camera and multi-camera task is the best way to eval-uate the performance variations for the single-camera andmulti-camera SVideoQA task. Each of the question typesis described below with the focus of the proposed modelin the visual features. The focused visual portion describeswhy in some cases the proposed performs not very well evenafter availability of more data from multiple cameras. Grad-cam [?] is used to visualize the proposed model’s focus on therelevant visual areas for the posed natural language questions.

Fig. 12. The proposed model can successfully focus on theintended visual area for the question, ‘In which hand was sheholding the documents?’ The target area is not occluded, andthe model can also relate the target visual area aligned withthe posed natural language question.

6.4.1. ‘Object Use’ Question Type

The ‘Object Use’ type is one of the two question types wherethe proposed model fails to perform better even after the avail-ability of more visual features across multiple cameras. Fig-ure 12 and 13 refers to the scenario where an ‘Object Use’type multi-camera question is posed, but the model fails tosuccessfully predict the correct answer. The inherent cause ofthis variation in the performance is the occlusion of objectsfrom the captured data. To elaborate more, let us considerthe question ‘in which hand was she holding the documents?’for the multi-camera task. As shown is Figure 12, in the caseof ‘Camera 1’ the visibility, is evident with the network be-ing able to successfully focus on the right hand of the target

Page 13: VIDEO QUESTION ANSWERING FOR SURVEILLANCE Muhammad … · 1. INTRODUCTION Video Question Answering (VideoQA) is the task where nat-ural language question is imposed on the arbitrary

Fig. 13. The target area (right hand) is occluded due to thecapturing angle and the physical orientation of the person.Thus for the question, ‘in which hand was she holding thedocuments?’, the proposed model fails to perform well evenwith more data being available from multiple cameras.

person, who hold the documents. On the other hand, as seenin Figure 13 for ‘Camera 7’, the visibility of the documentsbeing held in the right is occluded due to the camera captureand the target person’s physical orientation.

The performance of the proposed model for the single-camera task for the ‘object use’ question type is 0.483. Onthe contrary, the accuracy of the same question type for themulti-camera task is 0.325. From the visualization of the pro-posed model’s focus on the visual aspect, it is evident thatthe underlying cause of the variation in performance is theocclusion of objects across multiple cameras. Even after theavailability of the target, the questioned object is being oc-cluded, and thus the model fails to successfully focus on it toanswer the posed natural language question.

6.4.2. ‘Walking Companion’ Question Type

The other question type is ‘walking companion’ where theproposed model performs poorly even after the availabilityof more data from multiple-cameras. Most of the annotatedquestions for the ‘walking companion’ question types requirethe proposed model to determine the gender of the person ac-companying the target person. From the grad-cam visualiza-tion of the proposed model, it is evident that the proposedmodel is not quite successful in determining the gender of thecaptured person. Also, the model struggles to determine whois accompanying whom when multiple persons are being cap-tured across several cameras.

The capturing angle across multiple cameras is never frontfaced. Also, it is a normal practice to install surveillance cam-eras across a good height for a wider view for manual surveil-lance monitoring purposes. The physical orientation of thecaptured individuals makes it harder for the proposed modelto determine the gender of the individual persons. Also, the il-lumination changes a potential cause that makes the proposedmodel perform worse in determining the gender across mul-

tiple cameras. Successful determination of the gender is thekey for the ‘walking companion’ type questions because theground truth answer is either ‘man’ or ‘woman’ in most ofthe cases.

6.4.3. Other Question Types

Except for the ‘object use’ and ‘walking companion’ questiontypes described in previous sections, the availability of moredata from multiple cameras aids the performance improve-ment for the multi-camera task. For example, let us considerthe ‘walking direction’ type question as shown in Figure 15.The posed question is, ‘there are benches on which side ofhis walking direction?’. The availability of more data frommultiple cameras improves the model’s stance in predictingthe right answer. Also, the grad-cam visualization showsthat the model can focus on the relevant visual features tosuccessfully predict the right answer.


The proposed memory-driven multilevel relation networkmodel relies on finding relationship among various parts ofvideo based on the context of the question through updatingmemory. The proposed model takes the advantage of condi-tioning the context of the relation network operation throughconsidering each of the question phrase at once, and the pro-posed consideration is more like the human-like reasoningof any question sentence. Also, the aspect of including amulti-camera network video architecture with the proposedmodel makes the proposed model suitable for use in auto-mated surveillance monitoring where multimodal inferenceof both video and text is required.


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Fig. 14. The proposed model finds it harder to determine the gender of the accompanying person due to the variance in physicalorientation across multiple cameras. In this particular case, the posed question is ‘with whom is she walking?’, but the modelfails to produce the right answer due to the variety in the physical orientation of the accompanying person.

Fig. 15. Availability of more data from multiple cameras helps the model to perform better in case of this ‘walking direction’type question. The posed question is ‘there are benches on which side of his walking direction?’, and the model can successfullydetermine the correct answer by correctly focusing on the relevant regions in the visual features, as shown with the grad-camvisualization.

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