Page 1: VIDEO MARKETING GUIDEjust about using videos to sell your products. Video marketing is a set of sophisticated techniques that involve making use of different types of videos and disbursing


Page 2: VIDEO MARKETING GUIDEjust about using videos to sell your products. Video marketing is a set of sophisticated techniques that involve making use of different types of videos and disbursing

ContentsWhat is Video Marketing: An Introduction

Benefits of Video Marketing

How Can B2B Marketers Use video marketing for…

Measurement of Video ROI







Page 3: VIDEO MARKETING GUIDEjust about using videos to sell your products. Video marketing is a set of sophisticated techniques that involve making use of different types of videos and disbursing

What is Video Marketing: An Introduction

Video is NOT just another content format and video marketing is not just about using videos to sell your products. Video marketing is a set of sophisticated techniques that involve making use of different types of videos and disbursing them via multiple marketing channels in order to attain any of the following objectives:

Increase Brand awareness

Accelerate lead generation

Establish oneself as thought leader

Build competitive advantage

Building credibility and trust

Activating Engagement

Influencing Purchase

Improving Customer Support

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Page 4: VIDEO MARKETING GUIDEjust about using videos to sell your products. Video marketing is a set of sophisticated techniques that involve making use of different types of videos and disbursing


Product demo

How to tutorial







Case study

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Video Types and ChannelsMarketers can choose from a wide variety of video formats depending on objectives they intend to achieve. For instance, if the goal is to demonstrate to customers how to operate your product, you could provide them with an informative tutorial in order to aid their usage of your tool. Some of the popular video formats used by marketers are:

Page 5: VIDEO MARKETING GUIDEjust about using videos to sell your products. Video marketing is a set of sophisticated techniques that involve making use of different types of videos and disbursing

User-generated/crowdsourced videos

Once the videos are ready, they need to be disbursed through the appropriate channels. For instance, in the above example, when an end-to-end product tutorial was shot to aid consumers’ consumption, the video can be sent to them in an email.

Some of the channels used for promotion and distribution of videos are:

Videos can be promoted simultaneously in each or all of the channels depending on where your target audience is and what your objectives are.

Corporate Website

Video sharing sites such as Youtube,

Vimeo etc


Document and presentation sharing

sites such as Slideshare

Social Networking sites such as

Linkedin,Twitter, Google+ etc


Corporate Blog




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Page 6: VIDEO MARKETING GUIDEjust about using videos to sell your products. Video marketing is a set of sophisticated techniques that involve making use of different types of videos and disbursing

Benefits of Video MarketingVideos are a viable alternative to long winding text ridden promotional emails and marketing material which is often considered laborious to wade through. In fact it is estimated that 1 minute of video is worth 1.8 million words! Yes a million words, imagine the time and energy you would have to spend to substitute that. Video is gradually becoming the content consumption vehicle of choice for todays easily distracted consumers. It comes as no surprise therefore, that digital video consumption has grown 30% year over year in Q4 2012 which is 50% higher than the video streams since Q1 2011.

Increasing Brand Awareness(1) With a wide range of benefits from getting indexed better, increased engagement rates to high conversion rates, marketers are now looking at an element of marketing that pushes consumers to the all-critical buy.

(2) It is estimated that more than 187 million people in the US watched 48 billion online content videos in July 2013 online! The average American spent more than 22 hours watching online video. Integrating video into your marketing strategy provides you access to these millions of consumers who are using video as their primary content consumption channel.

Apart from allowing you to connect with a larger audience, video is also a crucial vehicle for branding. It provides a brand with a human face, a live image unlike text or audio. Showcasing your human side would allow consumers to relate to your brand in a much better manner.

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Page 7: VIDEO MARKETING GUIDEjust about using videos to sell your products. Video marketing is a set of sophisticated techniques that involve making use of different types of videos and disbursing

Increasing Lead Generation

Improved User Engagement

Search Engine Optimization

Videos are a powerful lead generation machine. (3) More than 70% of B2B buyers view video product demonstrations before making a purchase. Making that instant emotional connect with these buyers with your video by providing them valuable information will allow you to push them further along their buying cycle.

Because of the high interaction quotient, videos are perfect for sharing and forwarding to other interested parties. According to IDG, 82% of B2B buyers forward or share tech-related videos. If you want people to share your content – video is the way to go.

Adding engaging and relevant videos to your site will shoot up the shareability of your material and also enable you to rank high in search results. The reason is that posts with videos attract three times more inbound links than plain text posts. More inbound links means more traffic to your website, free promotion of your content via other sites and channels, and ultimately, higher SEO value for your pages.

If you’re wondering how video can help with SEO, get this. YouTube is now the second largest search engine in the world, 62% of Google universal searches include video and not just that; video increases your chance of a front-page Google result by 53 times! These statistics prove that if your marketing mix excludes video, you could be missing out on very crucial traffic from potential customers.

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Page 8: VIDEO MARKETING GUIDEjust about using videos to sell your products. Video marketing is a set of sophisticated techniques that involve making use of different types of videos and disbursing

How Can B2B Marketers Use video marketing for..

Generating positive word of mouth

Increasing Brand Awareness


Nothing is more reliable to a prospect that a positive review from a third-party or another customer. Encourage your existing customers to partake in creation of video testimonials which will not only generate positive word-of-mouth for you but also provide the customer with the recognition and importance which will drive loyalty and brand advocacy.

Product demos are an excellent way for you to introduce your brand, acquaint them with your offerings or what you do, make them curious and maybe even push them further along the purchase journey. For example, this intro video by Marketo is a perfect example of short-form content ideal for prospects who are at the inception of their purchase journey. In less than 2 mins, the video communicates the features and benefits of using Marketo for B2B marketers in a clear and engaging manner.

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Aiding Consumption

Generating Leads

Marketers can utilize short how-to-use video tutorials in place of long windy text manuals to demonstrate to their customers exactly how to operate their tools or use their products. The main advantage with videos is that it is almost like giving one-to one product training to each of your customers without spending the time or the resources for individual training. This will in turn also take the pressure off of your customer care by ensuring that the numbers of support enquiries are reduced to a minimum

Use a Lead Capture Form

Integrate it with your CRM

Creating a brilliant video by itself will not help you drive revenues. You need to convert these cold viewers into warm leads by capturing their contact information. This can be done by using contact forms or enquiry forms placed during the video that allow you to capture more information about a lead. Keep the lead capture form simple and only request a minimum amount of information.

The lead capture form needs to be integrated into your company’s marketing automation or CRM system so that lead data is collected and appropriately handed over to the sales team for further contact.

If you are unsure of how to go about this, there are various solution providers with easy-to-integrate solutions. For instance, Kwanzoo’s video lead forms allow you to capture lead data directly from the video and integrate it to your CRM and Marketing automation for better lead nurturing.

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Page 10: VIDEO MARKETING GUIDEjust about using videos to sell your products. Video marketing is a set of sophisticated techniques that involve making use of different types of videos and disbursing

Enhancing EngagementAdd interactive elements to your video

Leave viewers with a compelling call to action

Adding interactive elements to your video that allow a viewer to engage with a video as opposed to just watching it will turn your brand conversation into a two-way dialogue as opposed to a monologue.. Some common interactive elements used for this purpose are video tags which are made visible when one places their cursors over the video and links to anything from websites, images, or even other video clips. A free tool that is handy for adding interactive tags to videos hosted on YouTube is The Mad Video.

It is essential for you to include a call to action leaving the viewers to engage with you further. This could be in the form of a screen that appears at the conclusion of video asking users to download your white-paper or in the form of other related videos that appear at the end of your video. Another easy way of engaging your users is by providing annotations during the video asking viewers to subscribe to your channel, sign up for your newsletters, join your social networks, engage with your content by sharing or liking it and more. Enabling Google AdWords for a YouTube account will allow you to use an Ad Overlay for your videos that will link to anywhere from your LinkedIn page to a dedicated landing page.

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Search Engine Optimization Conduct Keyword Research and Provide Meaningful Tags

Provide Relevant and Engaging Content

Embed your video

Provide Video Transcripts

Videos whether hosted on YouTube or outside, should be optimized with relevant keywords to ensure that your videos are easily discoverable; in Google’s SERPs and also in YouTube’s. Everything from the title, video description, file name, comments etc need to be tagged with keywords that you want to rank high in. In order to find out the keywords which are relevant to you, you can use the Google Adwords keyword tool or the YouTube Keyword Tool. Another thing to keep in mind is that with video seo is long tail, and using search terms which are rather specific and targeted will help you attract the right kind of traffic to your channel/website.

One thing that remains unchanged even subsequent to the recent Hummingbird update is Google’s love for relevant and authentic content. Marketers must continue producing content in the form of short videos featuring tips, how-to-tutorials, features and benefits of their products and services and other such topics which are relevant to their industry. This will ensure that people who are researching for products such as yours will discover and engage with your site or video channel.

With YouTube becoming a mammoth search engine by itself, it is also important to be discovered in it. This can only be achieved by doing careful keyword research and increasing the number of video embeds. Within traditional SEO—Google prioritizes web pages with YouTube video embeds.

Since Google can’t automatically read the content in your video, it is important for you to provide a transcript along with the video. This ensures that the search engine is able to read and throw up the video whenever someone searches for it.

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Measurement of Video ROI

Ideally measurement of ROI involves measuring the costs incurred for a campaign vis-à-vis the benefits derived from it. Measurement of video ROI however cannot be conducted by comparing the returns in terms of revenue alone to the costs incurred since the returns from executing a campaign might not result in a direct increase in revenues. This is why it is important to tie the measurement of returns to the objectives that you had set out to achieve with your video campaigns. For instance, if your objective was to increase traffic to your website, checking the sources in your google analytics will allow you to compute the traffic derived (which is the return in this case) from your video campaign.

Here are some of the top metrics for measurement of video performance:

Event tracking using Google AnalyticsDiscovery even tracking refers to the sources or channels which received maximum traction; the noteworthy referral sources of viewers to a video. This includes referrals from other websites, social networks, views on mobile and the websites where the video was embedded. Analyzing this data will provide you with a list of channels for you to focus on for releasing future videos.

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Audience Retention

Number of video views

Social Media Shares Comments

Audience retention or viewer drop-off measures how long viewers were engaged with a video. Monitoring audience retention will enable you to understand the exact point at which your audience lost interest in a video. This could be because of any of the factors including the video’s length, content, quality and more.

The videos featured in the related videos section now features videos with the highest watch times, rather than the highest views. This makes the viewing time of videos a critical metric for your video marketing efforts. This means that if you keep your viewers watch videos for longer periods of time; you’ll be rewarded with more visibility in YouTube discovery and search.

A view refers to the number of unique individual hits to a video and is an important metric to understanding the reach of the video. Views are an important point of YouTube search and discovery, since people can search by “the highest number of views.

Shares refer to the number of times a video was shared with the viewer’s social networks. This is a great measure of virality and points to how the video’s reach is increasing as a result of people engaging with it and sharing it further.

Comments refer to viewpoints of video viewers which is a great measure of understanding how a video was received by the target audience. The quantity of comments by itself is not a valid metric, it is important to divide it by sentiment and analyze whether the overall tone was positive.

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Likes and Dislikes

Leads Generated

Rate of increase or decrease in subscriber base

This metric shows people’s sentiment towards the video which is an important measure of how people emote when they view a video online. Chances are if a user hits a like button, they will share it with their networks as well. This is also a measure of engagement and allows you to gauge how many of your actual viewers or subscribers emoted strongly enough to either like or dislike a video

If the objective of a video campaign was to increase the number of leads generated; campaigns performance can be measured by summing up the number of leads captured using the lead capture form.

Subscribers refer to people who voluntarily register for your network’s content so that as and when a new video is uploaded, it appears in their feeds. These are people who have liked your content in the past and are will most likely engage with your brand. It is important to monitor the growth in subscriber base on a video to video basis to understand the nature of video content preferred by your target audience. If you have chosen a particular topic for series of videos and you notice a gradual decrease in subscriber growth, you could derive that it is possibly because this topic does not appeal to your subscriber base.

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ConclusionVideo marketing is no longer an option for B2B marketers; with videos impacting everything from branding to revenue generation. Video marketing goes beyond viewing video as a content asset and involves using videos to facilitate buyers’ at each of the stages of their purchase journey. Understanding and internalizing this is the only way in which marketers will be able to truly unleash the power of video marketing.

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About Regalix ResearchHeadquartered in Silicon Valley, we help the CMO organization leverage emerging digital practices for creating marketing leverage as they bring new products and innovation to market. Regalix Research helps marketers through research-based insights, consulting and peer-to-peer programs that guide marketing strategy development and execution. Our focus is helping Technology companies leverage innovation and best practices to create real differentiation. Our analysts are practitioners with a successful track record of delivering real marketing results for both leading Fortune 500 companies as well as venture backed firms.

Regalix is an award-winning Global Innovation company that leverages technology and marketing to help companies grow. We create successful ventures with our clients through co-innovation and idea-driven frameworks that inspire companies to think different. We bring ideas to life by envisioning new companies, developing brands, engineering products, and designing technology platforms. Founded in 1998, Regalix is based in Palo Alto. Our Silicon Valley setting has enabled us to stay ahead of emerging trends in digital technology and marketing.

For over a decade, we have provided complete marketing services – Social, Mobile, Content, Multi-channel Campaigns, Technology Development, and Analytics – to companies such as CA Technologies, Citi, Apple, eBay, Cisco, VMWare, NetApp, Cypress, LSI, Keynote, and MetricStream.

For more informationTo find out how Regalix Research can help you, please contact our office, or visit us

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