Page 1: VEW-YORK By Trlffraph Bï THE ¡MKBT SOUTMM IML...VEW-YORK TR1B13NE. '.v TOEI TW B8DAY a 81 IT Tu " « a-.«'iiteeiithdav."it. ai d may arrive »¡ay« late- 'f.l, i'A à | it lent


Tu " ¦«

a -.«'iiteeiithdav ."it. ai d mayarrive»¡ay« late-

'f.l, i'A à | itlent Mil

the 1mm,al U Bi hard Chatiia-M "t tl-y «¡)|«nnted r,y !

» arc have yet seen. The. 'ire* which it ontait » «

'«ai interest, as t

to «be a -, ret history May a:,'f-

event* ha -1» ard by

M Bii'i. bard. I >'i' r.

in,nUte BBS* BJtan.« th- BMM] in,;»."a ,t .- rii.'.gs. we *ha!l rat»t*'i y,\ trie /

T. ,' aaatjr aVM ''..

pressed to knov..a given

:i hivintr fled to Fran-eor Amer « a vt f::« I. I..¦>'..¦ I

tellurenre ha» vnt Hiip'-'-i-iol VV» -A-<:rr- |

however, »howr -1 8 |, »

vVaterfo.-l we lean, that the* are :,

l"*rr, Meat/her has taken po**e»*i',,itin« barrack* and »till I,oil» then.

'e-r BÍBB Iat least a ¦

thai. 0 bi« 'I'-«.--'. peak« Brit.

n ¡are« that dMan Ireland are ready for it »

'I e .a» i»

ftgT It will bo «»en hj "or Telegraphi' De«

palta, that there .

rnati from Iowa after *ll«s» -

\TW Rernember tf'C «rati'l rally for Ireland t,..

night at Vauxhsii (ina».

TH1 F.íKVÜ NATIONAL \SnKMHI.'iKeaull of Ihr lnvr»ll«mlon eoniertilnn I lie

Inaiirret Ilona of BBBtJ »nil .tune.Farn lorr« »,

Paais. August I *

President Mar'ti«! ..;.»-. «1 tl.- »¦ -«

.«.mbly today at r Irhe teat« of the Repie.i itat.-.i-» aie

«nd the tribune« ovetB*>B*fl*| "Ni-p-use »nd expest.iHoti preval; in the Attetn' ,) VI Bau. hstd. n

the Far.,«rrir-nt»ry Cor,mission ol Inv.-atigat Ic. ruing the occurrences ol the ti. ol May and tin ." l

to the -grlib of June, mount« the BrlbttMsilence i he Pre«ident «ski ol trie Assembly, on «i

count ol the ioiporUnr e whuh the ,-.

«ess for the whole ceuntrv 'hen ,, -r 0*1tentlon «nd eapecially the prêt, raiiirderM Bauchsrtl began with th* wstsblisiuner.'

i o«iiini»»-oti, tbrnu.-h a ÉBMM M thai II .'louai Atsenibly. wh'. h he t, ,nl He retn.rk- dy w«.

BBt Judlci«! but only Parllam. . at it hadh'r» cested its ac'ioii where I!.- BMBtl

Ju«tiit commenced i h«- Coniuii»*lon had receivedassistance and the MO*1 w'l lag «' ftOM allSide« but » large nutii'« "| (he witnesses )ih

all »hi« h they knew, through tear ol t>

queat-es, «nd under the uiipre**ions of tlTkafa tetroi ». tr-ai t.-we---- BJC

1) on thy B ah'-, and it MB th.- M I...:omplete IMSdiacimnre« Th* speaker then chatactttl/ed in.lli the nit ,ruction«!) m.veinent«, in a fewwords, as two outbreak», w re, bated up D

Anarchy and Demagogtam, ami springing only from a

hlllnland even to freedomw;th the Moeiall-f par!» win.', on their side.headquarter« in the PaaBCeef the I -,

th* ein'.« »tul th- tahop».I . I that s

/>(ra '. any pi. hdisclosed bul that they bad n-i'ie-

distribution .,( BsOt

pluii or coin.

Commission, in Iht-n invt itigationi have not

fotte back farther than the Mb «A Ma* 'opening ot tl.Bal A««emb!y ».nee !!,,- pt»a*r1o .- dot ¦.

A.aembly thiit the 1'iot Is.onal ,ov ermiieiit havsde.». | -.! the r rountrv. nnpoaeil flSJM

n«erve but in the coutse ol the invettlgsl.on Ib, ywere continually and involuntarily led back M -

event*The Report then took up Ledru Rollins Bullt-liiis .1

.-public," which called lor a rising up against tieNational A««t riiMv i. .- it bad ronvclied l'imissanes. which he sent into the lb paitnient-in»nnei Bxerslsed a ruinous iniluence Ana v \.--t .»

of the M "ni.'« t»t re Sent into theand paid with irton-y Ii, ¦ llu- BMa*M luiid« of the M:n

t the .nterior. I.rdru Ko.liii M Baucbard ol tins, the violent sixth /.'..',>,» i, ,. H ;-.'<W«- ¦« ¦¦ '«.:. | m m m ¡;.-.,.:,!.Minislet had d.savott.d the Bnllelin inve»tigati. n».

heaever had »hown thai it was the work ol St.ed but very ecceutrlc writer, (¡eorge s^andii had ta»eii priated In the Ministry of :he Intelou! tesing previously read, Ihrougi: !he disorder and

anarchy which thou prevailed in that office r-t

whil» Lamartine* Manifestó to Europe protest,all propaganda*, an »rinedw«« «em trotn the Min.-try of the Interior leorti-iai« and equipta-d from the in.n.y oí t

fund I be confeti net « «I the wot knien in the B*B ¦bourg finally, the .1 « V,;11..t,ythe institution o! the NaUoaal Workshops and the it,-eInn. - which wire disseminated among the labor,ngcla»»«'».all tb*»e germ* bore then iiud which w».

th, IMh of May and the i our Mays ol June/ »i« Mam, I demand to be heard

V Bsu. baid now itt-.l, according.raphera, a v, .i.-w. unknown-

P«. .age ol Lou!* Blanc « address in thein winch he places the potato «nd importance o! the «-.

.ge of woikmeu abv've thai af ihe Na.

MMbly and «wear«, if the power should t v r be givenhim to overthrow .oinp'etely the prêtent ordei vl

AVecsPty »od lay the foundation ot a new era, by the.trcngtu ol the Lab. rci and the tn.ii.l et the Thinker .Fm«.,) ,ii this patata*»*, l oui« Blanc required lliein to

Nalwhich weir uecessarv In th-> rettoiati.der ot thingsThe Report then gave a historical «ketch ,d th*

aOon and progress ot the National Workshop.aealgned a« a political army, a |*Ib*»M*| iiu«id toi theOoveruuvsnt, »t«>n »lipp, » through its hand«, an

against It Then NflBBSMji . BMaTngam I of thelam...« t| the 16lh and '.7th ol M«y. in which l'»u»s!iiiarc and l.ouit Bianc wer* the leader*

(C*«»i«i<ti-e Th»ti?K- Irrence was then made to the nhilgMiM« MpoMd

upon the otHoer« M the Nstie-n». tiuard aud Bbito march againtt lL* N«Uonai Attemblv. m MM n»

acuous »houlti not be Republic*-.also «o the a.Id . »«

delivered by Cavalguac to l- i omraissAires ol the Pobee. on the SJ of iMJar, in which be exhorted them to

eatrrgetir opposition to the K« tctionary sod «tup IBourgeoisie and National tiustrd», dcclartng that at -hesligateat symptom .. hkbaNH wouldNrrak l.xss« upon them, and that not one stone in l'art««houid be belt upon anothei

.-»iuist« Thai i* ;r.l« i* .lishonotable>'-».«» nil ttätt sitlence «.

A totter frota Craadmesnll tu CaussidiPre was thenn,:-ed, in which be tit si,-d the latter to prépaie as

.tany af hut " sVtMaAs "

a* pveaible. ana with the greatesttecrety. On the 17th of April an assembly f-

renewing the Oovcruuient took place at thehm e ol Caussidiert- Raspail, Blanqul and s*obnc¡

hosen as members, in connection with LedruRoi lin and FttBBBj B «n<;ui would not accept a p:«ocwi(h l.-'ii-j KiH.n. nor he with Blaugba, and Can»

staltri Untat 'iolliu that hfl would ihr, w

bun out the window *h'tuld he plict» auy hirtdrar.-ein ib. i: Bay The demoustrativn of the lTti.w» Baskk i y Bi«U.|Ul. Ifl

«nd BBM intended to placeid -«.-«:. MBit». he I'rovi.ioua! (iuvcrinnent.

M. Bauchard alto »un.iah,,! tferisclo-

i bVbbtb. t" «'--I' Ipel to I«* beaten, w Inch w as not done. «Jtsnttral

iimon.catinn.,and de-1 at th«: tin-

llwB*e BBd Udru-Jjk«ii_| With »-««Af M*-*a«a7apb_JA M \U

tfaagnrosjs »nd threate-..«,. rro'.rn r.t banz»"

ssy« open.)- that it was M»rrast who ordered the II

to be beaten, tare him «-«jmir.a! :

.. né I pIBM I ». prr-si-hing

plnnder. were then aaMUMhad mm .. * hf wholefrom tr..

rTaaaatol -> .f Mav The BiaMonbe iuip- nded for s quarter

Rauchard fen

eh the.-VM:

'«yTwo»e Club d"

ou underirom the

who art

'.libei a at. .-», by command

¦ter of IV»:« tag

Manad ondiaturl

agent« received id. BM from-,««d tont

tir»d with si!


-.eak. und.

s. .. the serm

.,( the : and their mi'.it

May was t

the paper« found at '

'.narchy Tr


:,e latter. »'Il'

CAIinr.t .:it nevcrt

«nd Chart«m that account BeCMi,t Put H .

to learn from I-i M M

< rnment say« that it » .. .

-s this, and nfound


p. inn. r«tand ho»

.el «re then brou,,

« ..-idi.Vf«. an.i into Bin

.. Republic-.1 ¦¦ .- MMnl

r end ball. Mthe hand grantdtl «I Vmcerir.e« «,, tue 1't.

low« a'; tbes. dit».,, .ii the Ri-port, ai

call down a »to: m ,t

Ifaatotgnaras the Praltvs-aa snaunoned bsfon

¦' i :. B{ tvai done, «nd on the following day.¦«if m I '¦


i Bit

Loui» tilín.' am to kei

..:. n«, a «nits with to murd«

;M Hauch*' .

anc. tra in«'

U'ii. D i!i' .¦

M (iuarl« I« Staled thit he »aw Lo - HltOC hin|

.it l« «liainelui but t'

it M Bam...

\p:i. nd

P. A.A«rd ii on the'1 ribune Mai last, nhll. daiBBg It


¦aaaah naf «to 4t«te .

«rtaii- report, had chauve,] t..r t:

M«y I ...

liuird «nd h vets! Ifltnortont adatiniatraltau hithe Army was again m l'ari». an 1 th-

in- nt » i« -irong'.y »upper'.- I i'.tonal (iuard

Hut th.- rn-iiimtoi- a (¡Ml I

I V iaesant, did not r.-inaiti iiuii't ¡n all »llene

iihry tinny *<¦ Psaiphardí Mini ii. ill ]and t!

s .. s':a.n. In t.'i» !tl) .lune

m Vimennes »in

«t an insurrection Would «nun (.re»k out I

by pr«iraboii -' ".t.d uih

era, held dailj - ,'une, it

» Inch Ihn .:.« irre, ti.'ti vas« prayparai Evan tl;r«-d and ti. lha Inte¬

rior finally prohibited all report« n the Barf ¦¦'¦

reaus. j

un th. ¦« th .,( June, the Prelect PI . I In Bth nt Iv

tm nt t.. th.v dai,.'ei and dtMMi«ed t«:

.ile (in t.e .

tional YYothshopa inurclithicstt ii linn «th««nd oi. ate The N

«nd* their arreat. '.* not Cfurici

l.*ct by th.- PrttoetoN .and n lha ">d of June the re

«.«tance break« out Am i¦ _. Ihf mm

m«n«g. in.i.t .«. tr,. toMaanl Wtntofeeaa I

w ¡th sabatlleOM nt» and taue signature!.It s


about to be . v» it po»»tble tor any.;;«* later advice» by mm concerning this re¬

mark« ».». » 'vthearten , Blanc, perha,

WWisconsin wst . test

' hi the Ra'd V Win!. V.

\. M. U.v C. B Lirrabee.

.', - a

m th" ac D.itrut. m, 1 A D- S«tr.ct. tli 'U.-h

-¦ - . vs ., n Stttith a'


Hgn ii ni i Wmitteehase t »llcii » »late Ma>«

Wc line»day next. ." »th mat.

A crami rally it an:, n'.tteean- mi «.ins: ». .- piaran aam

fmxt I M im lern s \ i ..«

sention ol Ihe :ricnJ«oi Fri-a?M n (.»-»n.. M . Iv», »th

MM Vaj, Hvatv Rrv f f-,-.;rt M

¦.vcñuirpxj^tM!c'* mmmmi «m.

Ef Hun. l-i«, r.Ü>'MII.D.DOWOIli'« h |



B fine portrait ol th«- ¡ate tl.iv WatGMr. ngnand r

.teel in the medallion «trie, ir.un the celebrated b-ittMoáeled yR] i;.q ]"hengravtoj uexcenáng«

done and toa liken*«» is good. Accumpeayingt a «pinted rtee! cncri<ing

listiafal»hed candi-

Ntoj \\ :e was

to was considerably younger thanw, but no on.- who has ever «en the Sage of

»oui jMCtairM en to Ud at U* Gloto Oftte

By Trlffraph in thr Vw-iir!. Tribune.Accident lo the -tennier « oiineeilrnl Tb*

-teatner Arsill» IM.t.ler at -ea.

« tVa*** fol".»P- b>

-¦ «





».. iiornine, thus em-


| :

.aie a'

rrtdoai:; Ira. JJ.THand

Halifax. I Rattrsv

: Ann».



had i,

ffiainii isl «


» v

!e te* Wl»


wreck it th-



ten in the l

eir sails, ami being deaply/ Im Lx'lK mem In (iuelnnntl KiniuL«I'.leetlon Whu Victory In low««.


»'irl in

¦ail for a farther hOBI ¦'¦ itta' ked

ttitii* the prisonersry

:.-¦-. 1 **flI

--»tiorialas re-

w a« not re(., .

The -lair tan "Itiirnl Kali.V. .

-' »

tire niitki

Annual Fair and Cattle Hliowtake ¡- ;th of

In a lange proui.

ol».now m-arlj

il i

« stillt,


I,t-!.l m i

Free -oil Hitlltlciiiion »Irrliu« in llomon.i in tBall .raí

Ada»!« Theths! th¬

in Ware, an

Jr. and

hair, d- : nod ib" present poeil

iKii.ixn H Dan t. Ir. a

harmony and good fe-!ins- which

for the i.

\ Vxiirtrw. Liq read a .. I ofi I re*

.». which w-

1'av IB ¡>: !'H, . < made a s, .

great power and beaut v. JotAt t :.«de an

a Idres» ,. h.a remark*ii' vie. fer-

,-.r!y i-andi-l''-

m» Ht«te. The Bei n nand tung at,. whole

-».inprtthv lor lielnad.On Tuesday areaing latt that B

.n II";lyn They

Tilo»! k«. M"-'NBI f

manner, on the put an 1 presenti the most cle«r and Forcible manner h-

X v

which a great many came ! irtsard tnd. came

! irwar i and -. | a wish

¦!ii£ht hi the ineti:. «a *uo*


Th-' week's subscription* am ,ur.: to Í


Itnd was h«*JJL composed most

rlflVMBI Job HetSaway I h«..-niir.. D M R

andj.i .-ut*. Joseph Beccham andTh ma. Ma addreMe* were

.raw.Jjhn B Miller Jamea M. Iror.

J. sind Cummiitet« were *pptx«ated«ge. and ''anal

.« an«, call Timting*

ar»t*xFATM :>.At New-Orleaniihet riends of Ireland «..

being held nearly every in tho we. a A veryenthutissUc meetin-. af the Leaguen the taarkahM D J Beecher. Chairman, w;

addressed the meeting. |4"J«i ti5, iadlptMflaattof the »inouc- MafS, MfM


Tailor« MiTCHl isonwhythenamn* of the Club were t.

.«bed in yesterday s Bwsjssr, wm becau*«- an

e list The .

which Wa* pai 1 '


Lf*" Tm D i m

M Herrn.tage t: | and Houston it*, to-w evening.

-***"-k-tr » uni in

sk Bm» sack csMkaMtkated .

i-.¿ed. in r^natend. Va. for last sr*n;n.

; Bï THE ¡MKBT SOUTMM IMLr-y feels ancomfortsble




:i si an

honorary me

:n» for Ireland In NewnrU.


aks to the «peaker« a

Newa rrom I r« land I ontlrnted. ,\

PntLADBt!T i im

H vu an in-

« '.ra

We ar» rather ai.

the next«

I is .»"ta t «


ri John


and da'-

. m Caí

U t, aaiD-it« T.« i


B was a pi» «O that ms'



J M¡elribia.

s-« '. Il Waa

ting them

I the

mark. U ire I


- North A ... #i»,


to learn

15thI!»-- pint

¦. a private letter tha'

»uch a compnment at the i. ¦¦ ¦

of his Districtl

our rithts. [Georgia Jour. A M*es.Aag'I

this evening,.'i H n \ I'

-tht"|T .l.'li.i Y M - m. G


XmT «that'iisi.i York fitv, ha« been


Vtiothet I .nier from lien. Tailor..i cm


¦ nth deep i

ofihe ymeeting to be held »i Poet litrrison on

With »'

you h»v .

desire must .--

my th.:U run wh

ilsute 1 bej le»re to expre«»

»peel and et'.t-


FP* I " M IM » haïpassed aIsw It Is worthythe «ttention oí f ire-ign residents and those do.-

v-t any claim against th«' legitim-'.

bursement for dam «g»« or losses winch hi*

----- been cansadby any other than tha legithov ever, «t is understood that the right to proceed

h pro-

1 -'

paper of the lith says

¦n.rth. The

i« now

"'' t::" l '¦ i' "¦'... p »'¦... « ¦.'..«ntoaser week By

to ia cnnaictlua w.. « H(1j. OTer «jj^j

.»rauooa. Thus lb.» treat v»

Mr 0 «Willy.


«TF*Tur A anm Mil \ir >

ALSAJtrwMhe 1 ye«teri«y «t I t ry Hall.H i Ii

.- ntlemen were «ppointed t- -le ; ... .-rptumi for the

» recent cal«

¦A, J»«atr u

nated «u «'hairman Imetm. Trr i.


Room.iiencing this «lay Thur«.!-.

homeand property through a calamnity . -

the »,.


chara. ¦. npathy with «


¡n thebusine«» .-t n. iking It

, .... I

I to the engines, deep cats. ,-y The roa

« ind en


within a verv

Ihe Improvementi -

ihe engine which »


I throeand it draw-

two small wi «

that tí;great it this sdhesioa that

u-kwarda and slipping on

ped at anygrade H-

- -n'ire

1 the train in tue

a iradf thefrom running back ! J

'. which imtantiy taken hold ot tot cm

tent to i. «


which the old Calvary Church.

. ant, a «eilueased I

Ws haviv

.nt in a >h..r'

ft""' 8 IT C IT T,inn, iirrtved »t the QniBBtln (¡round

nd« utitii !i«

All Üthank«

mil, and toi aaanaml..usinier.«'

M for Ister o

.. .'iterday lit.

I .nteer»

luit a« it wit:wo yean of

babtlity, have [yen drowned, had not thektmlt» aMtitan.e.

Anact vid wat

.. ¡reriated by the looker« min a han.ttotne manner

\T%y \ax\X. a thing tii'U l« W'rtlworth ! Then why are not

n the Park K«.untain p«.!e»d white, and a yellow «tein ipl the «sea

t»r, like the ' Let u* see it we

'« little -priii»

.prtng all '-

m reliable authority. #130niainiii. IBS burinea» a» here

Fikk T e.

¦it in a ihari-- v

twan Poarth and it'th aanm

MS ptThere v»

.day Irom the Ho»pita! at Htattn Iiland-

leathi either :. '«di Iiland

Tin HB. Barnura aayi - v

at '.hes

.V« at each andevery s -.-moon snd

.,»:iled to make them thut tr

r ,'¦ .¦¦ arge number who favor I.

\ it Bwaa ar- . i iy m a chargt of 'el .ny

«n nsmed Will »m <) Briana ii .1 h-

waa r..

Market I thisnoon three p.ekpoc« non a

... ,- v,- «re Kdmuni

-. «ad Jam.«


v nan named Margaret Ron

irom aa »mtarant named J.eph to an

lay on a chuu gr«« i .«rue .f bur. -.ed.

». Ycstcrbroke out in the extensive csrpenter « «hop of AnsonBlske A Co corner ot Ir.ion »nd Columbia it* and be

ha extinguished tha luilldtoL ta»

etoU»!ySre Ma» * tn incendiary A row ol

ute narrowly escaped being eon-Mmad te out at 11

badding occupied m b carpenters inc..« k bounded ,>r M(j»ts. extended to . r ten frame

building» nt, Water it wi. > ... beforethe fire was e»

«ri Hau» «TI « «tauhed.Ut*. p a., appearan«.

¦»**M'*r * , en««onaed in

. bnutUui and appropriate ornament to tto buikLag

I thi« Bttp, and nearly twice I

m «

. i «rrmttr

'¦ ¦'


U ,t -r't.r.1 Hnrri.iiilr t lab.v

ar - ,-hV


V| «


¦. .much


la toast

-îary »car* *.

with that respect*

nation*A II

.- membeis ha . »' the

«. much a«

v and lamenta residen!

VoBI -' '

\V| p in'.'. I






...nd b*i

X J «Xk. »


t *

t '¦ > .an « h»t roai. a ew vail

.,-..-.¦..¦' | «


.. . i

. I Hroaii

wav. w mav be seen

-lei of the Hat MM 'he tear HP-'ithai the

ha! and a ... ippy "I the

. 1

ibflMM hv till!!

- i

the tut', /nan,« lhat " -

.-ri- ase-tand cheapoaMS

a bal is comí .

ru«nuf«- . bSSaMrl

¦nale.ial to ei ,

m tut m«'

¦-atablishllients a. Ian

to As. the murk In the inanuf«. 'lit Kalablish-.

forihe.i . ...,,.- master-» sn for thee* V- .a cu*tnrner* «re »up-

« . 'an hardly be neceaaarypre«», thai -:

a tv iwn a»¦«. . «

hat, he takes il tor . . - MB «

¦ I » '-rogatoi yt.-m against it. nor of dittur-

- '«a

I- « wsy. had IM I. 'at they

may return articles which do hut if such ae fa r and honorât *e priori-

......... .¦nd. willleave no room hi* practice BJ . re»| -

-- as liberal and honorable as ;n a.I othersmatant, the Fall Fashions for 184*.«i the store of the .uhit-nber» w.

be found a» uau . .

N ilENIN,tj. Cr atdtrsy - Fi . ., ,-h


-: I ivi -re a n .m >mr ,,i

¡he tuba -uii,- and adop-i


BU ves of tin. Un hi«

a 1- soe. of

. » .- -, ttlTI«. t

right« th'av-riu itter»,> -.

Re«pe.Tf ,.lT, A»..*

1-twing». .' tie affair ll»p;>eait thai 'h«t

» I «t cone- -;e»«er»e\pre««e.! n

i« from whom the »peast.».

iala .»»

- r-» '.e .,-*¦, ... ,| e --.»¦ .»..,_ .. .... j,,,,,, ,


el --.,-¦ l

Ieon, the ordi * a


ga practica«MS a* it ate

v. and deserve uh-r nonce.-

We**« sg patera, theBtan. aad

symp«c ...

a . ¦.-».. «» ar.--- .¦...-.¦ iv.

*" VV /ear». sM hs.... :, »,, -j

» sie«,) of Alter,-!-. .¦¦ ." -¦¦-' tin ihtssi

Mi»e« wufa thtsga lhat righ:fu..y do n«.l and -..,, .-concern theni.

-jP"-4 IBMM - Nk.v-V.jxx wi» .«"*t*od »ata /nof.Norih Cavo.!'.»,

« ««paper cal.edI "Tnt llBIITBMf***.*" t -r» from

¦"who* »paper Term* are moder.:n will please leave

dree* at the An-

l hy B E. Watson* e*al* and retai: a! re.'...ce.i pr.ce« _

.MM ---..,, | .,

I aMBaar*1 pen. -va« above

FÎT The best plar.e in the city to ret g.**l B- -

-ra-i-ap, i*ai x, | mm the Mil.seum. His l-st French II ,,, *e<.ind o.uali;y from »I M toA4, Cc-gre»» B'xsU from Bi SJ to |1 au«4 lw»

riPF«». ¦' «'.emoracirga ¡*rgevar,e|y of sporu-men's |»en and pocket Knives, of the moat rare and hflaMVful patten.«, tr.Any of which bave never been before unpor.-

»o * varray of unique an,.-., -

have tts.n »eierte«! w ,ih e»p. ,-e w«rr»nl*xl M)(1 SAI NI)'-

ab-B**», r l. -r-v, and «7 Broadway.f*P* The handwunesi ami cheapest Boot». 8b.«-« and (jai-

t.r» to Imj füund in the cry are thc*e mssia by VVarxisti. 114Tfiose who warn really go.«1 ar


BUSHsTr«tS MrTTTCIM.(iisriivivi Mir« K. roa IBM._«A,

H MM * OB 'later«. |M Ko.a.lway. \»a Vsl,w P- « !' v ..,.-' '¦!«.;.,

uVy v« mus»-, s Mm»'¦ »¦ tM JS, in*».

¦ this oeeaMua. pressM aa «aSrMy r«*w ^.« . Dm*)

been produced, end adaptolg Bsatf parnctUarly ».

< m of «ach imi«.,

nation. a»d they » *h lb«: every |«nti»»s»a*. Mrrksa^ ,.it with a mmwa avparamm gMaaa.m

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r.eocnintM inn«:rb« for this sv»a*.»ia»5w

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has bsaa nianufacfured np to the pr.*»nt p»I

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lUtol Nllol'Hlll * .The e»[ .mire and ¡rrrjpllffT*diet wbtch ar. m iBBllaalt of ra*ay tlMi i

tontotoA sre fruitful «oorees at cuiaaaoo« sod flaadw« Person« MbjSttad la m I e.piseiiaaissd irwc

lirliie« freiiuently expem-n. e «vs.-, lags of W«fl.Mlsof,*»ne.« and clie.t. and «ometlme« ihe«e i,i-a» «nd fire rlss t»

d i|ii«eeni,y i acrvfUlnas IIother install« e, anttoMaMÉnun i<in*.>fih««y«sMefM«.»r«, si . .ii**«'

. »I|.i»e ..-cnp.-j; i« ». !er#. .«»»«, or wb i have a cotHUlutlueal JsstS

politlón thereto .will f,r.d -, 11 ... .n atMrM.'preventive, or, if they are ai 'uiiii »lirlenng undMMtolany »'m: ar u:a.»«l.e.. a «peed ,, «afe at 1 artaM rsnto 1

v |.-ep .!,« «totwand g.ands r.n*r «,( «llae,,».. an 1 a re.n »r .'.airs« .»«..*equal certainly, remove it if alread> !e.e ,.~l

Prepare«! and HBBj wnuir.a.«- «urn r«t«n. ,.yAl«'HANDS, VV ho.eii.e Diu,,v«u,." P 'on '»riier ofBm>.i .7! K.oadway M I PI Yhbi H«' a«iwa/ r.eav-TtsB .*>aisoi.y i)riiggi«u ganaraUy ihr.«. in«,t the r «ritas«»*Piten ni ¦' - . tV>

'.-*".'.."¦ , 'm a

''I I! ID tllSWfMlhatof tree to At Ho. 'be Mk to l.ipltar, tl«s ftp'

ha. The P s pista, foOowing - ».«jriphl'Biale.i «neir« l.i il.e «an,'. a* <M»W*

T'd»t> i" ,. Blaaasd Virgin, B. To whom n aanfelease tto pr i .» DM*1

¦o O.e »if ... f-mf...»ai artlla II r ,'ractdl»

lovv Il.tck and Saraaparili« la «arra. ¦. »1 I '.*

¦:ire of aii .),«*»*«-. arising from an impurs .t«ts«f*'.¦ «is a-

*h...e t.»iy a ram Wt» -.. , .

,.t Ufa m w tad fe!.re liable; ihe he«! ot i«,nr,t,,.., l -

virtuea ar« beaitby th.fiaarid» of ... >.«. .id .¿at »*.«rly «utler.'ig from - loim» «II*

pef.»i«, leutnatitm. strut « i . B| ¦ BVtl .iv«rc«XB>Maiinti «,f th« at

Useaam of tto »«..., M'.iin-vt «using fr«nii «u , at«. aV

or --on.'.oriol.a, One spoonful i« ratal»rrengU» lo hail a pint of an> praparMS

vPrepared and *./.d. wh,/!eaa!e and rstail,by Oioa*t PM *

Plantía« eiiint, \jn Springal MBW frosn ftliilvso-M- a

i mat by Bngi .. D .¦ M Bmsdwiy. a I "

V «Jo. MIMtosI a«'1 K.eec|er-«t ml cors«* |Ks*t Broadway, and M « JMamn B v>k j ,... ., tontntu âW* «"-"JN..* T. «a Pr«. «¦ - ,. .i, i«hi.*s toi«.U« P Prt.:. Mm «i.ti S.'«r-To*MO»|

eraiie.i«*,!,^, 'r wti |a» M»*'.".

',r 'J" n; «i,1 v»«r»«rf paaMtf' ,!**«ÇÎ Iih» world renowned .«frdicuisd «top

skin of '«r«. frscklM a to fac «ny àxaStw*J.a..* of

raalizing delicate wh la and stsm !'¦ .**^movea p.ii.p.».. n.oi, i.e. and a: tana« «i* «ra Uli tt\ at*. : .-«rai..

. ».' I,a

eh»« snd ah «utsneajus «np«l'«aSti**'ik' ery«ipe,a». asMsM*-

> ,ini* in th« ttoi Old «/re» arer»; '"'.****!**!

. .,[. o; w»*p* or sM«. »yed *'d 'MJ

craca* and chafea a.- .t ta*.or¡ «asea a«. tbsnW

. ** **ï5iM tr.» <ap..lary v«b*»»1». and the -lau «.¦asd», «.. ?

er In fact, as tamle *oip. nor .».amen, m t* *

.. remedr for '.':¦. ». ,rvy and rar, ne .i*ed ¡M*aa"milt water, a« . .'1* therefor» tM t****

... !i m«,dcrn »cier.ce ha* c.tnferre,' ur<»n (BBS»***.|)r i,-'«! 'O .» » .'¦ i.e t-, e',»«-r«MlP»1w'

er«.|:rai,fJilj human t)«;r MS'"*It n, //y« i« »arr«i.'e«l to «¡»ige rMiJ-""

v«at n.« ¦iaar*rA .«.. irtic!«

« ¦' « a . - a ,.-.-«' ¦.,»,

«irface and deucecv of color, .-»utifiil to bsor..y at b.« «. ...: u « .,. . nor* frsm BB'«*'on. 1.T« V\ a. ¡.«.».re of Iand imiisiiona.

tW s«i Aain its, at Ml Hro«.l»av. con«and 1H7 Broailway. The rabasattention of thewhich !n point >; eqaaied

led »Uli tie a

eaaaa warranted Their a**»rtm*e>t of Itira.-e-« all the aie«t style» ol Bodgwt A ., f..--. e» (or uaiM^TC¿~o1 » hich have uever tseen b. fore i«np«>fte.l f-Jto**^log .'«se« of tli* «utiavritiei'« own inainitacture '*,*¡"are of th« m>>-t .iMiipact forms, roi.iaieiot L"**.fí.»nnM'-'"""'»Ml

MS X* 0. ¿AUNDWUI A WN. l«P andW Utmmm

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