Page 1: Vertical transportation


An elevator or lift is a type of vertical transport equipment that efficiently moves people or goods between floors, levels or decks of a building, vessel or other structures. Elevators are generally powered by electric motors that either drive traction cables or counterweight systems like a hoist, or pump hydraulic fluid to raise a cylindrical piston like a jack.

In agriculture and manufacturing, an elevator is any type of conveyor device used to lift materials in a continuous stream into bins or silos. Several types exist, such as the chain and bucket elevator, grain auger screw conveyor using the principle of Archimedes' screw, or the chain and paddles/forks of hay elevators.

In term of design some people argue that lifts began as simple rope or chain hoists. A lift is essentially a platform that is either pulled or pushed up by a mechanical means. A modern day lift consists of a cab, also called a "cage" or "car" that mounted on a platform within an enclosed space called a shaft or sometimes a "hoist way". In the past, lift drive mechanisms were powered by steam and water hydraulic pistons or by hand.

The technology used in new installations depends on a variety of factors. Hydraulic lifts are cheaper, but installing cylinders greater than a certain length becomes impractical for very high lift hoistways. For buildings of much over seven stories, traction lifts must be employed instead. Hydraulic lifts are usually slower than traction lifts. Elevator doors protect riders from falling into the shaft. The most common configuration is to have two panels that meet in the middle, and slide open laterally.

Lift inside view:

Looking down the lift shaft of a hydraulic elevator. The hydraulic ram is to the left

Traction single loop hoist method

Page 2: Vertical transportation

A Kone EcoDisc Gearless motor mounted on the wall in the shaft

Traction elevator motor

MRL hoist construction

MRL Drive at top right

Typical traction lift design

Page 3: Vertical transportation


Basically, there are 8 lifts available in Tekun which were located 4 in male block and another 4 in female block. But then, there is something unique about lifts in Tekun which it only consist of 5 level buttons while there are 10 levels available in this building. Buttons that available are 1,3,5,7 and 9.

Actually, lifts in Tekun are using concept that can save time for students or staff go up and down. For example, for button 1 is for level 1 and 2, then followed by button 3 which is for level 3 and 4 and followed by others. That is the unique of lift in Tekun and even another two residential which are Saujana and Restu that also using same concept.

This lift can support up to 1000kg which is 15 persons can go in at one time. It is also complete with fluorescent lamp and little fan which kept lift in bright condition and good ventilation for 24 hours. In case of emergency, this lift provided an intercom button which is can communicate with people outside if lift struck in the middle of building. It is also provided with bell button that can alert people outside that there are people stuck in lift.

But then, there are lift controller from outside which can be seen whether the lift function properly or not and also operating the lift from outside. If there any accidents happen cause by lift, we cannot refer to Tekun organization because each lift have their own engineer which is they will keep checking, updating or repairing time by time. Each lift has their own certificate that shows who is the engineer, last date repair; load can be lift, and others.

Lift in Tekun Lift Certificate Inside view in lift

Page 4: Vertical transportation

Inside view in lift


Problem: Lifts in Tekun always out of service even sometimes in ‘good’ condition. It causes trouble to students who live at level 7 and above which waste their time to go down by stairs and even for person that has urgent cases.

Solve:Make a report to Tekun’s website but then, they cannot repair, but they will call an engineer that related and involve how to repair the out of service lift. It might take times because need to order the spare part from factory or even from oversea. The only way to save money from calling engineer is to buy a new lift which is can be replace the ‘old’ lift.

View from outside the lift

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