
Venice (Italy) had MONOPOLY

of trade with AsiaOther countries search for sea

routes Prince Henry (Portugal) & experts develop

CARAVEL & pays

for exploration

Portuguese Capt. Dias finds route around


Portuguese set up trade along

east Africa (gold, Ivory, slaves)

sole control

small, sturdy


•King Ferdinand & Queen Isabella (Spain) fund voyage across Atlantic

•Nina, Pinta, Santa Maria (largest)

•Finds land – names it San Salvador

•Meets Taino – calls them Indians

•Leaves sailors at La Navidad

•Returns to Spain- Hero – lands visited claimed to Spain

• Line of Demarcation – boundary of Spain’s exploration & monopoly rights (West of line = Spain,

East of line = Portugal)

•Treaty of Todesillas – line moves west (Portugal rights to Africa & Brazil)

Portugal’s King Portugal’s King Manuel chooses Manuel chooses de Gama to lead de Gama to lead expedition around expedition around Cape of Good Cape of Good HopeHope

Leads to Leads to TRADETRADE

•Looked for western route to Asia

•Believes Columbus’ islands are larger

Mapmakers call them North & South America

•Explores for passage THROUGH Americas

•Discovers PACIFIC OCEAN (calls it “South Sea”)

•Finds Strait around South America (Strait of Magellan)

•Opens to calm water – names it Pacific Ocean

•Reaches Asia & Philippines

(transfer of animals, plants & disease from the “Old World” to the “New World”)

OLD NEW: grains – wheat, barley

animals – cattle, horse, pig

disease – smallpox, measles, typhus

(*killed many Native Americans)

NEW OLD: plants - corn, tomatoes, potatoes animals

Francisco PizarroFrancisco Pizarro

• Early 1530s-Invaded the Inca Empire

• Conquered the Inca by 1534

• Transition from conquering new land to settling and controlling empire

• 1524– wrote laws– appointed officials– oversaw government in Spanish America

•Martin Luther led as effort to reform Catholic Church

•Reformers called PROTESTANT because protested

•Began in Germany & spread through Europe

•Leads to England & Spain in war

Spanish/English War

Spain• King Philip I

• Supports Catholic Church

• Spanish Armada (naval fleet)

England• Queen Elizabeth I

• Anglican Church (Church of England)

• Sea Dogs (English sailors)

•Great Lakes region & St. Lawrence River

•Fur trade with Indians

•1600s- traveled south

Joliet & Marquette travel Mississippi

•Miss. River Valley claimed for King Lous XIV & named Louisiana

•Delaware & Connecticut Rivers

•Called New Netherlands

•New Amsterdam on Manhattan Island

•Allowed other Europeans & practiced religious tolerance

Sir Walter Raleigh – Virginia & North Carolina

Tried to form Roanoke, but fighting with

Indians & lack of food led to failure

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