Page 1: Vanishing glaciers   by Beth

Vanishing GlaciersGlaciers are vanishing as you can see form the two photographs to the right of this text. In 76 years the lake has defrosted and the vast majority of the ice has melted. However, some glaciers are melting so fast that you can just sit and watch the ice drift off into the sea and melt.

“A glacier in the Peruvian Andes, Qori Kalis, is losing as much ice in one week as it used to surrender in a year, you can literally sit there and watch it retreat!” According to Lonnie Thompson, a geologist at the Byrd Polar Research Center at Ohio State University in Columbus.

This line graph shows that the temperature has risen quite a lot in the space of 160 years.

"I expect to see absolutely no glaciers in the Swiss or European Alps by the end of the century," Lonnie added. "The huge valleys of the Himalayas will be completely deglaciated."

"During the past five to seven years, glacier thinning was more than twice as fast as that measured on the same glaciers from the mid-1950s to the mid-1990s," Arendt reportedCounting losses in both area and thickness, Mark Dyurgerov, an expert at the Institute for Arctic and Alpine Research in Boulder, Colo., estimated that glaciers around the world are losing 22 cubic miles (92 cubic kilometers) of ice per year. That's as much water as America's homes, farms and factories use every four months, according to the USGS.

By Beth

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