
The Arroyo Grande Care Center received some extra

visitors to celebrate Valentine’s Day. Lopez High

School students made valentines and delivered them

to residents. Students from Fairgrove Elementary

were able to team up with Vons to deliver chocolates

and other treats. The students were thrilled to be

able to visit with the residents and to share some

holiday cheer. Thanks also to the Arroyo Grande

Care Center for allowing us to visit, a great time was

had by all.

Pictures say a thousand words!

Valentine Visitors!

TEAM Lucia Mar

TEAM Lucia Mar,

Last week brought us the sobering events in Florida. These kinds of incidents, which harm students, always cause us to take a second look at what we are doing to ensure student safety. This is an area that is ever evolving in our practice and in our specific actions to help our schools be safe. Here are some of the things that we are doing and have done as a district:

• Practice school safety procedures on a regular basis. Each school has one lockdown drill each quarter, and one of those is observed by local law enforcement every year

• Update our school site safety plans/procedures• Work to standardize alarm systems across the district• Purchased and planned purchases of additional window coverings for classrooms• Added some fencing and locking gates at schools and increased security at school entrances• Updated cameras at Arroyo Grande High School• Provided Active Shooter Training to Administrators • Participated in active shooter training simulation provided by law enforcement• Purchased “lock down” supply kits for each classroom• Included an anonymous Tip Line on our LMUSD app and website• Work closely with law enforcement to improve student safety.• Other items that we do not make public, but that we have in place to heighten student safety

Can we do more? Yes! We can each become familiar with our safety efforts and find ways to communicate our focus on safety to our students and parents. At our schools we are continually working to improve school climate. That improvement comes through building relationships with students and parents, so that they recognize the school as a place where they are valued and their input and perspective is respected. It comes by taking advantage of opportunities to communicate about school safety, and telling “our story” about the efforts we are making. It comes through honest dialogue, even the difficult conversations, between the “district” and schools about how to improve student/staff safety. It comes by taking our drills seriously and always being alert and prepared.

Safety is a concern shared by all. Thank you to each of you who is committed to building relationships, practicing procedures, communicating about safety and making our schools a safe haven for our kids!

Lucia Mar launched a Mobile App that is available for free in the iTunes and Google Play app stores. Search for Lucia Mar in your app store and you will find it. It’s for students, parents, teachers, staff and our community. There is also an anonymous TIP LINE for anyone to send us tips. If students, parents, staff, anyone has a tip to share, it’s easy to do. The Tip Line is also on our website: The mobile app allows users to sign up for push notifications to receive messages. In addition, grades are accessible through the mobile app, but you MUST have a Homelink account to use that feature. For teachers, there is a link to Aeries. Also available at your fingertips through the app are flyers, menus, and school calendars. That’s not all! Other features on the app include the following: a district-wide directory, a resources section for parents and students, a place to make school payments, social media updates, sports scores, and the Parent Portal.

LMUSD App and our Tip Line

Employees & Family BBQSave the date...May 18, 2018

Congratulations to Lopez High School for being named a Model Continuation High School! State Superintendent of Public Instruction Tom Torlakson announced that Lopez High School was one of only 32 schools to receive the honor this year. The schools that were chosen are being recognized for operating innovative academic programs that help prepare at-risk students for 21st century careers and college. We are so proud of the Lopez staff and all of the hard work they did to receive the honor.

LHS Model School!

eNewsFEBRUARY 23 2018

The California Rare Fruit Growers (Central Coast Chapter) takes time every spring to visit schools and teach students the technique of grafting.

This year they visited Arroyo Grande & Nipomo High Schools and helped some agriculture students graft trees. The students are given a strong rootstock, which is a tree with strong roots, and graft a delicious apple to the top. The students had to cut the rootstock and then cut a scion of a Braeburn apple to add to the top to create a strong tree with delicious fruit.

The members of the California Rare Fruit Growers Society say it will take a couple of years before they see any fruit, but the trees could live up to 50 years.

Grafting Success

Middles schoolers got a chance to hear from a special guest, Alephonsion Deng. He was one of the “Lost Boys of Sudan” and wrote a book called, “They Poured Fire on Us from the Sky.” The Sudanese refugee fled for his life at seven years old with no parents and eventually made it to the United States when he was nineteen. He mixed harsh reality with humor and related to the kids. He delivered a message filled with human kindness. Despite all his trials, he expressed great gratitude for his parents, other refugees, and the United States. Thanks to Five Cities Diversity Coalition and Human Rights Watch for making the visit possible.

Story of Survival & Understanding

Margaret Harloe DayMargaret Harloe’s birthday is February 18th, and Harloe Elementary LOVES to pay tribute to their namesake. Each year they celebrate Margaret Harloe’s birthday with fun and trivia. The students especially look forward to visiting with Margaret’s daughter Norma who visits each year to celebrate her mother’s birthday with the students. It makes the day even more special when members of Margaret Harloe’s family take part in the celebration. Happy Margaret Harloe Day!

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