Page 1: Using your body to heal your mind emotions and spirit

Using your body to heal your mind emotions and spirit

Page 2: Using your body to heal your mind emotions and spirit

a) The mind and body are intimately connected.--Today’s adults live with approximately 100 times more stress, anxiety, and   depression than their grandparents--Stress and conflict exacerbates illness and disease--Chronic stress can make us more vulnerable to develop cardiovascular disease,    diabetes, and depression

What can we do to heal our mind and body?--Practice centering techniques to produce emotional and physical stability--Practice self-soothing techniques:

deep breathingvisualizationlaughter (releases pleasure-producing endorphins that counteract stress hormones)deep play

--Exercise/dance/express yourself - Yoga, Zumba, Pilates, Tai Chi, Nia, etc.

The Nia Technique--A mind-body fitness practice--Encompasses concepts and movements from the martial arts, dance arts, and    healing arts--Uses systemic whole body movement to your body’s way--Practiced in bare feet to music from around the globe

  Barbara L. Starling, LMSW, ASCW, CAADC is a clinical social worker in Lansing, Michigan.  She

also holds White, Green, and Blue Belts in The Nia Technique and teaches regularly in the Lansing area.  She can be reached at [email protected]

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What is the feeling of being Centered ?

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Can create rigid body structures

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The need to express ourselves through movement is very old.

Many systems of movement both ancient and modern,

One modern system: Nia

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Integrates concepts and philosophy's from the martial arts, dance arts and healing arts

Benefits of Nia: Sensory awareness Balanced and healthy nervous system Powerful breathing and circulation

system Balanced and integrated emotional body Self healing and self confidence

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Multidimensional effects of deep breathing

The way we breathe affects the nervous system

Branches signal automatic physiological reactions in the body (fight or flight or relaxation response)

Diaphragmatic breathing = empowerment

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Breathing has the ability to change the pharmacy within the brain body.

Potent and Powerful enough to quiet the nervous system or

Elevate the body level of excitation

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Let’s move…….

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Bertherat, Therese and Bernstein, Carol. 1989. The Body has its Reasons. Healing Arts     Press. Rochester, Vermont.

Crum, Thomas F. 1987. The Magic of Conflict: Turning a Life of Work into a Work of     Art. Touchstone. New York, New York.

Ferguson, Jacquelyn. 2010. Let Your Body Win: Stress Management Plain and     Simple. Whole Person Associates, Inc. Deluth, MN.

Hendricks, Gay and Wills, Russel. 1975. The Centering Book: Awareness Activities for      Children & Adults to Relax the Body & Mind. Prentice Hall Press. New York, New      York.

Johnson, Don H., and Grand, Ian J., eds. 1998. The Body in Psychotherapy. North      Atlantic Books. Berkeley, California.

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1. Healing Senses by Parijat2. Heal This Land by Tina Malia from The

Silent Awakening CD3. No Quiero Nada Mas by Sancti Spiritus4. Prayer for Grace by Michael Franti5. River Crossing by Nomad6. Breathe by Karen Drucker from The

Heart of Healing CD

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Barbara StarlingLMSW, ACSW, [email protected]

For Nia class information

Thank You!

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