
Using Context Clues

What are Context Clues?

• Sometimes when we are reading, we don’t know what a word means! What do we do?

• Just like a detective, we have to use clues! There are words or phrases around unfamiliar or difficult words that can help us understand the meaning of a word.

• These words or phrases are called context clues.

• Learning how to use these clues can help us understand the meaning of the word, help us to understand the reading, improve our vocabulary and save us from using the dictionary!

Some Types of Context Clues Let’s look at some common types of context clues:

1. Restatement

2. Synonymy

3. Contrast or Antonym

4. Definition

5. Comparison

6. Example

What are Context Clues?1. Restatement: The meaning is usually right after the

unfamiliar word and often separated from the rest of the word by commas, dashes, or parentheses; sometimes, or that is, or in other words.

Carnivores, that is meat eaters, are at the top of the food chain.

Animosity, a feeling of strong dislike, developed among the workers when some refused to join the union.

She enjoys She enjoys biology (the study of living things).(the study of living things).• Computers are multi-purpose tools. In other words, they

can be used in a wide variety of situations and are found in a wide range of systems.

What are Context Clues?

2. Synonymy: It is a word or words around a difficult word that means the same or nearly the same as the word.

After seeing the picture of the starving children, we all felt compassion or pity for their suffering.

Mary admonished her students and they knew they were in big trouble for their actions.

What are Context Clues?

3. Antonym: The unfamiliar word is shown to be different from or unlike another word, and is often an opposite; but, however, although, otherwise, unless, instead, on the contrary, on the other hand, while, never, no, or not may be used to signal contrast.

Mike’s parrot was Mike’s parrot was loquaciousloquacious, , butbut Maria’s said Maria’s said very little..Most birds are herbivores,herbivores, not meat eaters.

•Some people think that IT careers are boringboring.. However, most feel that it’s very simulating. simulating.

What are Context Clues?

4. Definition: The author includes a definition to help the reader understand the meaning of a word.

The verbs “is,” “are,” or “to be” are signals indicating that the definition of the word can be found within the sentence.

EntomologyEntomology isis the study of insects. the study of insects.ArchaeologyArchaeology isis the scientific study of prehistoric the scientific study of prehistoric cultures by excavation of their remains. cultures by excavation of their remains. An An incoherentincoherent statement statement isis a statement that is not a statement that is not logically connected. logically connected.

What are Context Clues?

5. Comparison: The unfamiliar word is shown to be the same as or like another word; too, like, as, similar to, or in the same way may be used to signal the comparison.

•My brother is My brother is enthralled by birds by birds similar tosimilar to the way that I am the way that I am fascinatedfascinated by by insects.insects.

What are Context Clues?

6. Example: The author includes one or more examples or descriptions to help the reader understand the unknown word.Look for words and phrases like “such as,” “including,” “for example,” and “consists of.”

Celestial bodies, including the sun, moon, and stars, have fascinated man through the centuries.

North American North American predators include include bears, pumas, wolves, and foxes.








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