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Uplift Digital Stories that Soar Our Purpose is Uplifting: Opportunity Creativity Careers Futures

Incorporating Uplift Digital Academy & Uplift Digital Agency

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Executive Summary……………………….1

Section 1: Our Social Purpose ……………3 Youth Unemployment on the Central Coast Limited Post School Training Options Low Educational Attainment (dis) Engagement Duncan’s Story Why Digital: an Enterprising Response Organisation Structure Proven Ability Youthconnections Value Chain Sample of Previous Red Band Outcomes Uplift Digital Beneficiaries Measures of Success Access to Beneficiaries

Section 2: The Academy………………..11 YC Media: Current Customers The Marketplace Evidence Demand Qualifications on Offer Sales Funnel

Distribution Area Marketing plan Assumptions

Section 3: The Agency …………………14 Current Customers

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The Marketplace Evidence Demand Distribution Area Sales Funnel Customer segment: Charities & Not-for-profits Customer segment: Small & Medium Business Customer segment: Corporate Social Responsibility Business Units

Marketing plan Assumptions

Section 4: Operations ……………………24 Governance Advisory Committee Integration Key Partners Team & Key Activities Phase in strategy YC Media Building Relevant Legislation Risk Mitigation

Section 5: Financials ……………………33 The Ask Financing Strategy Financial Spreadsheets

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Executive Summary

The Problem Youth unemployment sits at 21% on the Central Coast of NSW as of July 2014. Our region is characterised by a narrow jobs base, low economic growth and relies on 30,000 commuters travelling in excess of 2 hours per day for work. Our educational attainment rates are poor. 39% of our young people leave school before they finish year 12. Of those that do complete only 20% overall continue on to tertiary education. We are facing an environment where entry level jobs in the region are scarce, and up to 70% of our young people are reaching employment age without the requisite life skills or job readiness to enter the workforce. Half of all entry level employment now requires post school training prior to eligibility, as our economy shifts away from low skilled work in order to compete in global markets.

The Solution Uplift Digital’s mission is to act as a vehicle to catapult the youth of our region beyond the geographic and socio-economic challenges of their present into brighter and more purposeful futures. The social impact of Uplift Digital will be counted by the training and employment outcomes of its beneficiaries: disadvantaged youth aged 15-25 located in the Wyong and Gosford Local Government Areas on the Central Coast of NSW. Comprised of a Digital Academy and a Digital Agency, Uplift Digital is a combination of an alternative learning environment co-located with a professional earning environment. Recognising that the skills required to communicate and trade online are essential to economic, social and civic engagement, Uplift Digital delivers on its social purpose via several layers of activity:

Our Social Impact The Academy will deliver programs that engage, educate, train, and transmit life and job readiness skills to over 100 young people per year.

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 The Agency will serve a regional market of small business and not-for-profit organisations with mobile optimised digital offerings including e-commerce, social media marketing and short video production. The Agency will also lead the industry consultation for the Academy, brokering partnerships and pathways to employment for Academy graduates. The combined profit generated through the operation of the two wings of the enterprise will fund crucial activities that will serve our core mission supporting disadvantaged young people on their journey from disengagement to employment: - Case work & pastoral care for at-risk young people, - Employment brokerage and pre-employment pathways for young job seekers. We will drive the vocational education and attainment of at risk and marginalised young people in our region. Our beneficiaries will obtain qualifications in the creative media production and IT fields to support their life skills, employment outcomes and the economic development of the region.

Key Indicators Phase in period: 5 years from September 2014 - 2019 Target annual revenue of the enterprise at Year 5: $1,400,000+ Start up funds required at seeding stage: $360,000 Social Impact: Over 100 students per year with employment and training outcomes otherwise unobtainable to their cohort in the region.

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Section 1: Our Social Purpose Youth Unemployment and the Central Coast Youth unemployment is one of the most pressing challenges of our time, and this year has seen a dramatic increase in regional youth unemployment statistics, jumping from around 12% for 15-24 year olds, to over 21%. In Australia, youth unemployment represents about 40 per cent of all current unemployment. Growing regions such as the NSW Central Coast experience some of the highest rates of youth unemployment in the nation. Factors such as the inability of local employment growth to match increases in population on the Central Coast has resulted in a narrow jobs base with very few large employers and over 30,000 workers commuting to jobs located outside the region. Young people from this region who are seeking work can be particularly vulnerable in these conditions due to their lack of job skills and experience. They also experience other barriers such as a lack of public transport.

Limited Post School Training Options Of the 4,000 students in each age group that pass through Central Coast schools every year, approximately 700- 800 of those will attain an Australian Tertiary Admission Rank that enables them to pursue University education and some of these will pursue that opportunity. Often these students study out of region, commuting to either Newcastle University or to institutions in the Sydney Metro region. The blended TAFE/Newcastle University campus located at Ourimbah has a student body of around 3,500 enrolees, half of whom are of mature age. There are private providers of post school IT training on the Central Coast other than TAFE, namely Evocca college in Gosford. None of these institutions deliver film & sound production qualifications in the creative digital professions. For students wishing to pursue a post school training in digital design and content creation, they must travel extra regionally also, namely to colleges such as Billy Blue in North Sydney, or aie Academy in Central Sydney.

Low Educational Attainment Research also shows that the Central Coast has lower average levels of education and qualifications compared with other regions, with only 61% per cent of the population having achieved a Year 12 or equivalent. Regions with low levels of educational attainment tend to be less flexible in the face of economic slowdowns and face greater labour market difficulties.

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The great imperative to reduce youth unemployment is to create new jobs for young people living on the Central Coast that offers them a tactical advantage in a competitive employment market and prepares them for future workforce conditions. Effectively, our region has 39% of young people who leave school without completing year 12. That’s approximately 1600 young people year on year who are in our “Red Band”, likely to be unemployed and unemployable. A further group of approximately1600 young people will complete year 12 but not pursue further training or education. This “Orange Band” will also be predominantly represented in our regional unemployment statistics.

(dis-)Engagement By far the biggest challenges facing our Red Band group of beneficiaries are the high rates of socio-economic disadvantage endemic to our region. This is particularly evident in the northern end of our region, in Wyong Shire. Wyong is ranked in the top ten local government areas Australia wide for teen pregnancy. It also ranks in the top ten for domestic violence. Many of the young people engages with experience significant barriers to their participation in education. Namely, drug & alcohol abuse, mental health disorders, and homelessness. Exacerbating these barriers are challenges posed by poor public transport and long distances travelled between home, school, work opportunities and essential services.

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Duncan’s Story By the time he reached year 11 at the local Public High School, Duncan wasn't too sure where he was going in life. Identifying as a young gay man, and facing some serious challenges at home, Duncan was disengaging in his education. That is, until his photography teacher introduced him to visual media. "Photography and film saved my education" Duncan says "Before I discovered visual media I just wasn't interested in school. Luckily I had a good teacher who had found something I was really good at and supported me doing that above other subjects. It kept me in school."

During year 12, Duncan came to for his workplacement in the YC Media program. The mentoring and support he received there inspired him to graduate year 12, after which he left home and found a place to stay with his former year adviser whilst doing his Screen & Media Traineeship with The training he received paid off: "Without the YC Media traineeship I wouldn't have my name on film documentaries or be currently working as an independent freelance cameraman." Duncan's current film credits include work on ‘Search for Hurt’, ‘Freedom Ride 2011’, as well as multiple tv commercials and music video clips for Australian bands. Duncan is one of our Digital Media success stories. One we hope to repeat many times in future through the Uplift Digital Academy.

Why Digital: An Enterprising Response The two core activities of our society and economy, trade and communication, have rapidly shifted online. Digital skill sets are becoming as essential to employment participation as literacy and numeracy. It is the universal appeal of the digital skill set that has prompted the design of the enterprise Uplift Digital to assist in driving employment outcomes in our region. Digital technology has opened up the opportunity for individuals to “broadcast themselves”, circumventing and eclipsing the finite channels of TV and Radio. The potential for self expression and creativity, both in the creation of content and the creation of code and new

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 applications, is an attractive engagement tool for our organisation in keeping at risk youth engaged in education and training. Trained with the skills to connect, communicate and trade online, young people will become adults plugged into the resources and opportunities of the digital economy, no matter whether they work as digital professionals, or advertise their hairdressing salon on Instagram, or tweet humorous anecdotes of their work as a plumber. The skill sets are transferable and foundational. Uplift Digital will link our young people into the future of trade and employment, so that the Central Coast of NSW is defined by its digital inclusion. This will shape the community for success in years to come.

Organisation Structure:

Uplift Digital combines a profit generating creative digital agency with an innovative alternative learning academy to create a powerhouse that will foster the aspiration and learning of young, creative, digital professionals in the region. From the financials it would be understandable to ask why the Digital Agency is necessary when clearly, the Digital Academy is potentially quite profitable on its own. Simply put, the importance of exposing our target beneficiary group to an earning environment as well as a learning environment cannot be understated. In Wyong Shire, one in five households are jobless. These are households that are welfare dependant over two or more generations. What is required for young people in these circumstances are positive pre-work and workplace experiences. Through the co-location of a professional Agency alongside the Academy, not only will the learning context be kept sharply honed to current market skill sets, the students will also be exposed to a professional work force who share insights into their current projects and methods. We will introduce them to, and imprint them with, a professional work culture. As the Agency grows it will also give us the opportunity to recruit trainees from the high achieving graduates of the Academy. Thereby growing the jobs pool for the creative industries within the region. Through our industry partnerships the Agency will attract the support of talented professionals and philanthropists in the creative digital industries to support the transmission of vital skills and learning to the next generation. It is an opportunity for the youth of our region to access skills and learning that rides the wave of innovation in this fast moving industry.

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 Uplift Digital Agency:

- Provides a creative work experience environment for over 250 young people from across the Wyong and Gosford LGA every year, exposing students to the realities and possibilities of the diverse careers available to them in the online environment;

- Recruits trainees and junior staff from the graduates of Uplift Digital Academy. - Channels all profits from the enterprise into case work and pastoral care in the Uplift

Digital Academy to support the most challenged and at risk youth in the region;

Uplift Digital Academy

- An alternative learning environment designed to engage a cohort of at risk youth to achieve vocational education outcomes up to Certificate IV level in the Media, Entertainment IT and industries.

- Hosts industry professionals as guest teachers, mentors and contributors, ensuring a learning environment relevant to current industry conditions and expectations (This is what we call Industry Led Learning);

- Supports its student cohort to remain engaged using best practice case-work and pastoral care.

Proven Ability: About is a leading edge youth organisation with 20 years’ experience in creating environments where young people can achieve purposeful futures. supports over 6,000 young people annually from the Hunter Valley to the Harbour Bridge, Western Sydney, ACT, Illawarra, Armidale and in Aboriginal communities in western NSW. We develop meaningful projects to ensure young people have access to work experience, vocational learning, soft employment entry points but above all, mentorship and support to help them overcome barriers that may prevent them from being economic and social contributors in our community. Our scope of operations includes: · A NSW Board of Studies accredited special assistance secondary school at Kariong · A Registered Training Organisation (RTO) supplying accredited vocational education · A Group Training Organisation (GTO) supplying apprenticeships and traineeships · Structured workplacement for Year 11 & Year 12 students · Employment and life skill services for young people with disabilities · Aboriginal cultural education and affirmation programs · Youth Connections program with intensive case work assistance and outreach for disengaged youth across the region.

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8 UPLIFT DIGITAL BUSINESS PLAN Value Chain has developed key insights into the process of how to develop at risk youth from a place of danger and disengagement through key steps towards full civic, economic and social participation. Each link or step in this chain requires investment, and targeted programs for different groups of young people, be they from an Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander backgrounds, or homeless, or young parents, or young people with a disability. Each group has different challenges requiring different approaches and solutions, but the basic steps are the same. We call this the value chain:

Sample of Previous Red Band Outcomes Based on two sample case studies from previous programs, can confidently predict a ratio of outcomes for our Red and Orange beneficiary groups. Based on a previous Construction pathways project, our experience showed that within a class of 15 students comprised of early school leavers aged 15 & 16: 5 will obtain an apprenticeship/traineeship 5 will return to school 5 will require more support to remain engaged in school or training. Based on a Central Coast wide program ran earlier this year called YJOB, we can predict that out of 70 students aged 17-20 who are ready to leave school or have left without completing year 12: -17 were sent to case workers for urgent case management Then of the 53 students were suitable for pre-employment pathways:

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 - 25 got permanent employment outcomes - 28 participated in work experience and other job readiness activities job trials.

Uplift Digital Beneficiaries Uplift Digital has two key streams of beneficiaries, expressed in this graph as young people in either the Red Band and Orange Band. Success looks different for each stream.

Measures of Success Red Band Beneficiaries: These are young people who currently do not attain a year 12 or equivalent qualification. In our region this stands at 39% of our entire student cohort. This compares poorly to the Sydney Metro region that has only 9% of its student cohort leaving high school prior to completion of year 12. Of this pool of students, we will divert over 30 students aged 14-17 into the Uplift Digital Academy, before they fail/disengage from school, by engaging their curiosity and creativity as a strategy to ensure their educational attainment. Success for st ream 1 benef iciar ies is to have them at tain a year 12 educat ion and upl i f t as many of them as possible to Orange Band outcomes. Orange Band Beneficiaries: These students are the 30% of the student cohort who complete year 12, however receive a low ATAR score, and may not even complete a Certificate II VET qualification through their schooling. These students aged 17-24 have no avenue within the region to pursue further vocational qualifications in the creative digital industries, and are locked out of tertiary education due to their low scores. Current year 12 students participating in Certificate II vocational education in Entertainment and IT in Wyong and Gosford have no pathway to Certificate IV level or above education in their chosen fields of interest unless they attain a high score and leave the region for tertiary education in Sydney or Newcastle. Uplift Digital Academy will enrol up 60 students aged 17 -24 in Certificate III and Certificate IV level qualifications each year. Success for st ream 2 benef iciar ies is a Cert i f icate I I I or Cert i f icate IV qual i f icat ion plus 10 employment outcomes per year f rom Academy graduates.

Access to Beneficiaries has deep connections to marginalized youth, school communities and supporting organisations. These established channels to our target beneficiary groups are key to our ability to deliver significant impact.

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 Access to our high need Red Band of beneficiaries comes primarily via our school for at risk youth: Ngaruki Gulgul which means ‘Standing Strong’ in the local Darkinjung Aboriginal dialect. Based out of headquarters on Green Central in Kariong, this stage 5 (years 9 & 10) school is specifically designed to take students who struggle in conventional educational institutions. Nguruki Gulgul (referred to herein as NG Central School) provides us with direct access to the most difficult to reach beneficiary group, and in 2015 will have 70 enrolees from amongst the most disengaged young people in our region. Direct access to the Orange Band of beneficiaries is achieved via our YC Media workplacement program. Through YC Media we host over 250 year 11 Entertainment vocational education students every year.

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Section 2: The Academy

YC Media: Current Customers YC Industry Link Pty Ltd runs a workplacement program for 250 year 11 Entertainment students across the Central Coast producing radio segments for community broadcasters.

The Marketplace There are 4,000 young people between the ages of 18-21 on the Central Coast who form the current pool of potential Academy students.

Evidence Demand Students currently studying in years 11 and 12 and undertaking Entertainment, IT and Business Services courses are the central customer segment of the Academy. Those students who graduate from year 12, do not proceed to Tertiary Education and require further jobs training prior to employment comprise our Orange Band group of beneficiaries. Uplift Digital will use its access to the students onsite at NG Central School to engage with the more heavily disengaged Red Band students, at least 30 students and increasing as the student cohort of NG Central grows.

Qualifications on offer: Certificate III Information & Digital Technology Certificate III in Live Production & Services Certificate III in Design Certificate IV in Digital Media Technologies Certificate IV in Design Certificate IV in Information Technology Certificate IV in Interactive Digital Media

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Sales Funnel

Distribution Area The Academy student catchment area runs the length of Wyong and Gosford Local Government Areas. This is reflective of the current enrolment area of Nguruki Gulgul students which currently has students from as far north as Lake Munmorah and draws students from across the breadth of the Central Coast Region.

Marketing plan Upli f t Agency Workplacement Program: is the Academy’s first line of recruitment. The program takes over 250 year 11 Entertainment students each year from schools across the Central Coast. The YC Media workplacement program has a database of the current and past three years workplacement students numbering over 1,000 students to whome we will direct market the Academy’s qualifications on offer.

General advertising aimed at 4,000+ recent school leavers, engage with key partners, Job Service Providers, utilise networks to engage with Career and

Transition teams in local schools.

Direct marketing calls, emails, text, to

workplacement database of 1,000 Central Coast Entertainment students

Enrol 30 Certificate III Students in first half


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 Job Service Providers: also has a history of successful partnerships with Job Service Australia providers including Salvation Army Employment Plus, Breakthrough and ORS on the Central Coast. Partnerships with these organisations can drive recruitment of eligible job seekers requiring training to the Academy. General Advert is ing: In its first year of operation 2014 school NG Central, recruited its first 30 students using the following advertising methods:

- Community Stalls and stands at local shopping centres – with pull-up banner, - Local paper advertising in the Central Coast Express Advocate: north & south additions, - fleet car and bus magnets, - Digital advertising on facebook/twitter and via our website scrolling ad banners, - $1240 for printing

• Staff business cards • Advertising DL flyers • Academy prospectus • Academy handbooks • Student ID cards • Newsletters • Timetables


1) Assumes that is granted nominated places to deliver Vocational Education & Trainng qualifications under the NSW State Government subsidised Smart and Skilled program.

2) Assumes that YC Industry Link retains the NSW State Government contract for the workplacement program.

3) Assumes that Job Service Australia Providers purchase training and employment outcomes from Uplift Digital Academy.

4) Assumes that work experience students from Uplift Digital Agency will form the first horizon of student recruitment for the Academy.

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Section 3: The Agency Current Customers Internal Uplift Digital already has commitments from Not-for-profit organisations to enter into service level agreements for their core communications requirements:, YC Industry Link Pty Ltd and Bara Barang Aboriginal Corporation.

External Uplift has been contracted to produce a 4 minute video for the 20 year anniversary of The Glen Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation Centre in Chittaway Bay, on the Central Coast. YC Media is undertaking filming for the NSW Department of Education worth $15,000.

The Marketplace Uplift Digital Agency is developing product offerings including content for three key customer segments, Charity & Not-for-profit organisations, small & medium business, and corporate social responsibility business teams. Market research was conducted both qualitative and quantitative for the small business and not-for-profit customer segments. Qualitative research on the corporate customer segment showed that the Enterprise must develop its reputation prior to approaching this segment.

Evidence Demand The demand for digital advertising is growing at an insatiable rate, with varied opportunity for specialization and niche product offerings. “Mobile advertising is becoming an increasingly important component of online advertising expenditure. In the December Quarter 2013: Mobile advertising expenditure grew 41% to $156.0 million, representing 14.3% of total online advertising expenditure” “Video advertising for the December Quarter 2013 was $49.0 million. This was an increase of $5.9 million (or 13.8%) on the prior quarter and $20.5 million (or 72.0%) on the December Quarter 2012. Video is becoming an increasingly important component of General Display. Video advertising expenditure as a proportion of General Display advertising expenditure has almost doubled from around 8% in the December Quarter 2011 to 15% two years later in the December Quarter 2013.” Price Waterhouse Coopers IAB Online Advertising Expenditure Report 24/02/2014

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Distribution Area Uplift Digital’s distribution area is bounded by Newcastle to the north, and the greater Sydney Metropolitan area, centering on our home base on the Central Coast of NSW. This geographic area is defined as a response to reasonable travel distances for staff to conduct face to face client interviews and achieve cost effective filming schedules.

Sales Funnel

General advertising aimed at 3,000 +local small business employing 5 or more. Advertising spend targeted to 1,200

high value customers in specified industries. Targetted marketing through Not-For-Profit networks ACOSS and NCOSS, & Pro-Bono Australia and ACNC database of

4,400 NFP's.

Direct marketing calls to Not-For-Profit contacts/warm leads in the local area

and Sydney Metro through existing relationships: 150 organisations high

priority, esp disability services adjusting to National Disability Insurance


Convert to sales through face to face and phone meetings.

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Charity & Not-for-profit Organisations The Australian Charities and Not-for-profit Commission data records 4,466 registered organisations in the Newcastle, Central Coast and Sydney areas. One of the key insights coming out of our qualitative conversation was our main competitor delivering annual report design- Breakthrough Design & Print- is in fact a social enterprise. Charities and Not-for-profit organizations display a marked preference for doing business with organisations that share their values and are driven by a social or environmental mission. There is a specific market gap here, with our main competitor still clearly delivering services in print format, and not offering tailored digital services to the sector.

Key Offer ings Price/Cost

Package (5) Regulatory Repor ts pack Upl i f t your Repor t ing In the age of mobile phones and social media this pack enables you to turn your Annual report, Sustainability and Reconciliation reports into a platform on which to talk to your supporters, stakeholders, and communities. With easily shareable snippets, stories and content designed to go viral in the social media space we can turn this essential investment into an opportunity to engage inspire and ignite your supporters and put you before an all new audience. Includes 2 -3 minute filmed message from your CEO. Includes Wireframe and content consultation, Web development, Mobile optimisation, Video Pre production, Production, Post production/editing, Launch support, Social Media Community Management

Payment schedule Month 1 $3,750 25% Month 2 $3,750 25% Month 3 $3,750 25% (report delivery) Month 4 $1,250 8% Month 4 $1,250 8% Month 4 $1,250 8% Total=$15,000 Months 1,2,3 are report development Months 4,5,6 are spreading the report on SM Staff hours: 100-150 hours

Package (6) -Spread the Word pack Upl i f t your Message ‘Empower your supporter community online and get your message out. This pack supports your specific marketing or campaign and donor attraction goals to encourage your message to be heard and shared.’ Includes: Social media, Youtube & Email marketing campaigns, Advanced search & reputation check on consumer rating platforms, Managed responses from your online community; Create marketing content around your business offering, Analytics – numbers of users who saw shared liked your posts, Skill me up booster info pack on how to DIY, 3 Hours per month advice & support from our expert team.

6 month thence 6 month renewal package First month up front: $1400 Thence fee per month for 5 months@ $1400 per month =$15,400 Total=$16,800 Thence month to month @ $1400 Staff hours: 32 hrs per month, 200 hours overall

Package (7) Shor t V ideo pack Upl i f t your S tory ‘Got a special story to tell about a recent win? An important message to share with your key stakeholders and supporters? This package is designed to deliver 2-3 minute video for distribution via your online social media communities at an outstanding price.’ Includes Pre production, Client consultation, Production, Post production/editing, Launch support

Downpayment: $2,300 On Delivery: $700 Total=$3000 Staff hours: 37 hrs

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Competitor Analysis Analysis for NGO customer segment located in Sydney, Central Coast and Newcastle. Supplier fit to customer: High Medium Low Competi tor Pr ice Locat ion &

Distr ibut ion Product Promotion People

Large: DDB


Saatchi & Saatchi

Medium: Click Coastal

Brilliant Logic


Treehouse Creative

Uplift Digital

Small Poets Corner Productions


Customer Acquisition Uplift Digital’s enterprise lead has an extensive background in the NFP sector and will personally connect with contacts in the space to recruit initial customers. Sector peak bodies such as the NSW Council of Social Services have been approached to introduce Uplift Digital’s ability to tailor its specific services to the needs of NFP’s in key sectors such as Youth and Disability Services. For example, organisations in the Disability sector are currently adjusting to the impact of the National Disability Insurance Scheme on their funding model, as this policy change requires them to take a market approach to gaining and retaining customers, rather than a Government based funding stream. This key segment needs to raise awareness of their service amongst the general public, so Uplift Digital can propose its ‘Spread the Word’ pack in direct response to this need. Strategic partnerships will be sought with The Australian Social Media Association (AuSMA) and The Association for Data-driven Marketing Australia (ADMA). Both organisations have a shared interest in promoting the development of digital professionals in the region, and assisting youth from disadvantaged socio-economic areas to jump the digital divide before it widens further. Uplift will propose social media workshops for AuSMA’s members unveiling how NFPs can effectively leverage off the power of social media. This will in turn raise awareness for Uplift Digital. This is a specific value proposition that Uplift Digital is able to bring as a value-add to the members of AuSMA.

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Small to Medium Business 65% of SMEs believe that online business is critical for future growth, but only 14% believe they are taking full advantage of the opportunities that digital represents. Early adopters on the Central Coast have begun to move into digital marketing more aggressively, in particular cafés and retail. The vast bulk of the small businesses on the coast are yet to adopt digital strategies. Businesses that do adopt are clearly reaping the benefits of engaging with their customer base – they are the businesses that are growing. Uplift Digital is well placed to take advantage of the tipping point economics developing in the region as the NBN is connected out further from the Gosford to the Erina business hub.

Key Offer ings Price/Cost

Pack (1) Put me on the Map Uplift your Business ‘Increase your visibility and be found online anywhere anytime by your customers.’ Includes: Basic web page + mobile webpage; Phone and contacts appear in search results, Location appears in map results; Search Engine Optimisation –built in keywords to push your listing up search results, 3 hours advice & troubleshooting from our expert team post delivery

Downpayment: $1,000 On Delivery: $500 Total=$1500 Staff hours: 19 hrs

Package (2) Spread the Word Pack Uplift your Visibility ‘ Increase your reach through social media campaigns and check your reputation on consumer rating platforms.’ Includes: 4 week sales campaign, Youtube marketing campaigns, Email marketing campaigns, Advanced search & reputation check on consumer rating platforms, Managed responses from your online community, Create marketing content around your business offering, Analytics – numbers of users who saw shared liked your posts, Skill me up booster info pack on how to DIY, 3 Hours per month advice & support from our expert team.

Fee per month for 3 months subscription package @ $350 per month =$1050 Total=$1050 Thence month to month @ $350 per month Staff hours: 5 hrs per month, overall 15 hrs

Package (3) Be Paid on the Go Pack Upl i f t your eCommerce ‘Make it easy for your customers to purchase your product or services online, and use social media to drive customers to your online salespoint.’ Includes, Establish online salespoint eg Paypal, Establish online management tool eg Weebly, Vend, Integrate with existing web presence, Content for social media update to launch ecommerce platform, 6 hours expert support and training on how to use.

Downpayment:$2,200 On Delivery: $800 Total=$3,000 Staff hours: 40 hrs

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  Package (4) Business Snapshot Video pack Upl i f t your Venue ‘Showcase your outstanding venue with this 30 second to 1 minute film. Pack includes support to launch your video off existing web platforms and tips on promoting through social media.“ Includes Pre production, Client consultation, Production, Post production/editing, Launch support

Downpayment: $800 On Delivery: $400 Total=$1200 Staff hours: 80hrs

Competitor Analysis Extensive industry benchmarking in the local and immediately adjacent regions shows a high level of competition for the SME market segment. Analysis for SME customer segment located on Central Coast. Supplier fit to customer: High Medium Low Competi tor Pr ice Locat ion &

Distr ibut ion Product Promotion People

Medium: KBB Digital

Glue Digital

Easy SEO Newcastle

Click Coastal

Brilliant Logic


Treehouse Creative

Uplift Digital

Small Poets Corner Productions


Customer Acquisition has an active database of over 2,500 local businesses with existing customer relationships. This forms a bank of warm leads to be pursued in this customer segment. Uplift will also seek industry support in partnership with AIMIA – the Australian Digital Industry Association on the basis of its mission to support the growth of the digital services industry at large.

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Corporate CSR Business Units Uplift Digital will seek corporate clients in a niche needs area focusing on social procurement as a key value proposition. The lead in time to prove the business, and to attract corporate clients is far longer than the other customer segments and will be pursed from year 2, ie. From 2016 onwards. There are over 1,000 Corporations with 200+ employees in our target area stretching from Newcastle to Wollongong encompassing greater Sydney. One key insight emerging from the data was that whilst 48% of Corporates use a mix of internal and outsourced digital services, there is a trend towards in-sourcing these skills. Further research demonstrates a need for Uplift Digital to prove its ability to deliver for key segments (such as NFPs), as well as register for internal procurements panels in order to be eligible for selection by corporate customers.

Competitor Analysis Uplift Digital can compete successfully against other enterprises for social procurement dollars on the basis of quality. Social Procurement is an emerging market with suppliers of vastly different skill and stability. Additionally, there are no other social enterprises with the specific product offerings brought forward by Uplift Digital in the greater Sydney Metro Area. Analysis for Corporate customer segment located in Sydney, Central Coast and Newcastle. Supplier fit to customer: High Medium Low Competi tor Pr ice Locat ion &

Distr ibut ion Product Promotion People

Large: DDB


Saatchi & Saatchi

Medium: Click Coastal

Brilliant Logic


Treehouse Creative

Uplift Digital*

Small Poets Corner Productions


* The unique value proposition Uplift Digital Agency could provide to this customer segment is authenticity in the delivery of specific products, namely digital services to deliver sustainability,

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 CSR and reconciliation action plan report content as a means of social procurement. Uplift Digital will demonstrate the quality of its service delivery, and seek custom on the basis of its status as a social enterprise in this space with few competitors delivering this specific service.

Customer Acquisition Decision makers in marketing / communications departments / Corporate Social Responsibility, Sustainability and Reconciliation Action Plan business units who could make decisions to outsource specific small projects to Uplift Digital will need to be reached initially via existing contacts in the corporate sector. Conversations held to date with AGL, AMP, Westpac, Accenture, KPMG and Tata Consulting serve as a strong starting point for building relationships for customer acquisition in future.

Marketing plan YC Industry Link Pty Ltd: Has a database of 2,500 local small business with whom already has relationships. These are warm leads that will be subject to direct email and phone marketing campaigns. The Austral ian Chari t ies Commission: Has a public database of not for profit and charity organisations that will be useful in targeting our desired customer base. Warm leads already exist in the personal networks of both the enterprise lead and CEO. Face to face meetings, and personal email and phone contact will constitute first line of marketing, followed by advertorials and editorials in appropriate publications such as Pro Bono Australia and ACOSS and NCOSS newsletters. General Advert is ing:

- Search Engine Optimisation and Google Adwords are critical, - Local paper advertising in the Central Coast Express Advocate: north & south additions, - fleet car and bus magnets, - Digital advertising on Facebook/Twitter and via our website scrolling ad banners.


1) Assumes that, YC Industry Link Pty Ltd and Bara Barang Aboriginal Corporation sign service level agreements with Uplift Digital Agency,

2) Assumes that not-for-profits in the medium to large segment will increase the volume of digital work that they outsource,

3) Assumes that Uplift Digital Agency can become a registered supplier on corporate procurement platform “Supply Nation”.

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Section 4: Operations Governance is a company Limited by Guarantee and is governed by a Board of Directors. Strategic direction is informed by a number of advisory groups, which meet quarterly and comprise of members from stakeholder groups including young people, government, community, business and education. also has DGR status. Uplift Digital, both agency and academy, will remain business units of and answerable to the existing board structure.

Uplift Digital will remain under the balance sheet as a result of our governance and legal structure, hence no balance sheet has been provided in the financials.

Advisory Committee An Advisory Committee will be convened to provide strategic advice to the’s board on the business strategy of Uplift Digital. The Directors will invite industry and business experts to help steer the strategic direction and business model and will be chaired by a Director. Invitees include mentors from The Crunch program, Van Dissing (Westpac) and Johann Tambayah (Accenture). The committee will also be open to philanthropic funders to have a voice in the direction of the enterprise. The powers of the committee are to make recommendations and presentations to the Board.

Integration Uplift Digital sits within a family of business units under the banner, and has specific transactional relationships with the following: YC Media workplacement Program NG Central Alternate School The Registered Training Organisation The Group Training Organisation

The infographic on the next page shows where Uplift Digital Agency and Academy sit within the value chain, and how they relate to other parts of the organisation.

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  These relationships increase the reach and impact of Uplift, and require both payment for and delivery of services as outlined below: MONEY OUT: Upl i f t Digi tal Academy YC Industry Link Pty Ltd

Will pay fees to and YC Industry Link Pty Ltd Registered Training Organisation to cover some of the core operating requirements of the enterprise

15% of Revenue in 2015/2016 full year, thence that figure to be indexed 10% yearly going forward.

$10 per student contact hour for each enrolled student in a qualification delivered by the Academy.

The responsibilities of Uplift Digital Academy within this arrangement are: -Marketing of Academy -Student acquisition -Teaching Venue -Teaching software hardware and consumables -Industry Partnerships -Labor market analysis -Employment pathway coordination -Industry consultation to guide appropriate training -Recruitment of Trainers including industry contractors -Maintaining partnerships and advisory channels with industry.

The responsibilities of within this arrangement are: - Payroll - Adminstration - Governance - Insurance - Auditing -Building & Grounds Maintenance -Security -Cleaning

The responsibilities of YCIL RTO within this arrangement are: - Compliance - Government VET admin fee - Trainers’ wages - Reporting - Administration of student records -Student intake administration

MONEY IN: Upl i f t Digi tal Academy

NG Central School YC Industry Link Pty Ltd workplacement Program

Will Receive fees from NG Central School and YC Industry Link Pty Ltd workplacement Program

$3240 to deliver stqge 5 Photographic Video Digital Imaging program at 72 hours per year for NGC students. $5400 to deliver stqge 6 Photographic Video Digital Imaging program at 120 hours per year for NGC students.

$19,600 for 20 weeks workplacement coordination wages.

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The responsibilities of Uplift Digital Academy within this arrangement are: -Host the activities and managing the staff delivering those activities, -arranging for the replacement of equipment, -developing engagement strategies effective to the Red Band student group,

The responsibilities of NGC within this arrangement are: -provide teachers aid supervision for students whilst they attend Academy programs -pay for damage to equipment

For terms 2 & 3 over 20 weeks, YC Industry Link Pty Ltd workplacement ends up to 250 students to Uplift Digital for a work experience program. Contributes financially to equipment replacements essential to delivery of workplacement program.

MONEY IN: Upl i f t Digi tal Agency, YC Industry Link Pty Ltd, Bara Barang Aboriginal Corporation

Will receive income from service level agreements with other arms of the business family.

$2,200 per month each totalling $6,600 per month revenue.

The responsibilities of Uplift Digital within this arrangement are: High quality service delivery of communications, media, web and digital content, online and offline advertising spend coordination, priniting and design.

Fee for service.

Key Partners Key Partners Role What we of fer them Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA), Association of Data-Driven Marketing and Advertising (ADMA), Australian Association of National Advertisers

Industry Association; -­‐ Contacts; -­‐ Knowledge; -­‐ Networks

- Access professionals in the sector to contribute to the Academy; - Professional development opportunities to Uplift Digital staff;

Exposure to young professionals entering the industry; CSR outcomes, quantifiable ROI; Opportunity to contribute to their mission by contributing to skill development in next wave of professionals.

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 (AANA), Australian Marketing Institute (AMI) Ogilvy, Saatchi DDB, McCann

Creative Digital Agencies can contribute representatives in a consultative capacity within the advisory/governance structure of the board to contribute business guidance, networks and professional development opportunities to the enterprise.

CSR opportunity –cost efficient use of resources for social return. Quantifiable ROI. Staff moral CSR opportunity to mentor/teach young digital professionals through the Academy, fosters staff retention.

Team & Key Activities Staffing hours will be phased in over the startup period of September 2014 through to June 2015. The below staffing arrangements are our projected levels based on our revenue assumptions for the beginning of year one, starting July 2015. Unit Role Skill Sets Hours per week Agency & Academy

General Manager/ Business Development

Business Development Manager, Sales, Industry Partnership and employment pathway brokerage.

Full Time

Agency Communications written content, online marketing, Social Media Manager

Jnr Sales, High level written content for online websites, social media, annual reports, email marketing campaigns, document editing, typesetting, creative writing, content marketing, phone reception, customer relationship manager, video pre –production coordination & logistics, photography

Full time

Agency Web Design/ Graphic Design/ Ecommerce Platforms/ SEO

Graphic Design, Website Design, Search Engine Optimisation, establish E-

Full time

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 commerce systems (Paypal etc) Document layout publishing online and print.

Agency Editing Film & video editing Contractor/part time

Agency Production Pre production planning, communication with clients about storylines and style, production logistics.


Agency Camera Camera operation, Video production, sound technical knowledge of lighting setup and sound recording.


Academy Workplacement Program & NGC Student Coordinator

Coordination and implementation of 1 week workplacement program for 270 students per year, Stage 5 introductory program and Stage 6 Photographic, Video & Digital Imaging teaching program for NGC School.

Full Time

Academy Head Trainer Training coordination; Certificate III and above VET training Information Digital Technology

Full Time

Academy Case Work/ Pastoral Case work support for Academy students, key engagement and student welfare.

Full Time

Phase in strategy Staffing will be phased up in proportion to growth in sales by utilising half time and contract positions at the outset. This will retain flexibility for the enterprise to grow in response to increasing demand. The startup period begins September 1st 2014 and runs until June 30th 2015. The attached financial scenario’s assume no further in-kind support for wages from Seed funding must be secured to enable the development of the enterprise. As per the financial spreadsheets, the Agency breaks even in its third year of operation 2016/2017, and the Academy overtakes the Agency by becoming profitable in the same year.

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YC Media Building

The YC Media building and adjoining space titled “J Block” amount to 256 m2 commercial floor space that is dedicated use by Uplift Digital Academy and Agency. YC Media has a fully soundproofed filming space, video editing booths, and radio production booth. The adjoining open plan space requires renovation in order to unlock the full earning potential of the space for use by both the Academy and the Agency.

Relevant Legislation The Privacy Act 1988 (Commonwealth) Racial Discrimination Act 1975 Sex Discrimination Act 1984 The Copyright Act 1968 (the Act) in regards to undertaking the Activity The Freedom of Information Act 1982 (Commonwealth) and Work Health and Safety Act NSW Equal Employment Opportunity laws. Fair Work Australia Act Multicultural Access and Equity Policy Working with Children Legislation ASIC ACNA ATO legislative requirements

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Risk Mitigation Risk Risk Level Risk Mit igat ion Low sales: The number one risk to the Agency is failing to reach sales forecasts.

High Risk Affects viability of business model.

Uplift Digital has attracted a group of expert advisers to drive its advisory committee. Uplift Digital’s mentors and advisers include Van Dissing of Westpac Special Marketing, and Johann Tambayah of Accenture, who will be kept informed of the progress of the enterprise sales. Transparency between the enterprise lead and these mentors will serve to predict shortfalls in time for the enterprise to make adjustments before they become a liability

Cash f low: Late payment or non payment by clients in startup phase is critical to business operations

High Risk Use of overdraft facility

Debtors: Late payment or non payment by clients in startup phase is critical to business operations

High Risk High risk to cash flow and viability.

Tight contract with up front part payment and 7 day invoice on milestones for larger clients, for smaller clients direct debit authorization at milestones 30 days debt handed across to collector, continual communication with client at GM level.

Reputat ion Risk f rom Unhappy Cl ients: Unhappy customers are a significant reputational risk to a digitally based business that recruits on word of mouth and trades on its quality of customer service

Medium Risk Internal quality control policies and procedures, grievance and complaints policy and continuous improvement policy

NBN rol lout: The NBN is an upgrade to the existing fixed line phone and internet network to provide fast, reliable and affordable broadband across Australia

Medium Risk Greater digital connectivity is likely to result in more small businesses in the Central Coast region embracing online commerce. This is likely to

Risk identified at outset, hence customer segments expanded and niche product offerings identified to meet unmet demand in Newcastle to Sydney Greater Metro region amongst NGO and CSR Business segments.

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 The NBN fibre rollout has now reached parts of the Central Coast, including West Gosford, Pt Clare, Berkeley Vale, Tuggerah and Long Jetty. Risk incurred with further slow rollout

create greater demand for digital creative services and accordingly create opportunities for providers such as Uplift Digital. Delays to rollout represents a medium level risk to the business

Loss of key staf f : Medium Risk Loss of IP represents a medium level risk

Identify pool of suitable replacements as business develops from academy graduates

Parent organizat ion folds: relies on Government funding streams for several key activities. Sovereign risk is a possible threat to operations.

Low Risk As per constitution, Uplift Digital would be gifted to an organization with a similar mission and client base. Eg RYSS, 2Realise etc

Government Investment in Central Coast Region: Historically the Central Coast region has had an under-performing economy, but new investment in the region is planned and underway Revised planning laws are expected to bring major construction and general revitalisation to Gosford A major Government office is relocating to Gosford leading to greater employment in the region and flow on effects for local business Planned creation of teleworking hubs will allow people to work in the region remotely

Low Risk Greater employment in the region will lead to more successful small businesses in the Central Coast area. More viable small businesses in the region may lead to greater demand for digital services and opportunities for providers such as Uplift Digital

Uplift Digital also trades in the Hunter/Newcastle and Sydney regions.

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Section 5: Financials The Ask Based on a combination of Scenario 1 assumptions for both the Agency and the Academy, our financial ask can be broken down into three segments:

1) Funds to cover operating deficit in startup period $139,086 2) Refit of YC Media to accommodate Academy $163,790 3) Sponsorship for purchase or donation of technology $57,693

Total: $360,569

Scenario One during Star tup Phase September 2014 – June 2015

Scenario Two during Star tup Phase September 2014 – June 2015

$0   $100,000   $200,000   $300,000   $400,000   $500,000   $600,000  






$0   $100,000  $200,000  $300,000  $400,000  $500,000  $600,000  $700,000  $800,000  



Combined  Yr1  

Combined  year  two  



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Uplift Digital Financing Ask

SCENARIO 1 Startup phase 9 months Year One Year Two Year Three Year Four

September 2014 - June 2015 2015/2016 2016/2017 2017/2018 2018/2019Income from Agency $99,000 $223,120 $334,680 $384,882 $442,614Income from Academy $19,110 $723,658 $946,842 $931,232 $959,169Total 99,000.00$ 946,778.00$ 1,281,522.40$ 1,316,113.73$ 1,401,782.98$

Costs Agency $183,718 $252,682 $333,820 $356,079 $398,637Costs Academy $294,961 $417,174 $542,967 $565,676 $592,587Combined Enterprise Costs $478,680 $669,856 $876,787 $921,756 $991,225

Profit/Loss (379,679.70)$ 276,922.18$ 404,735.80$ 394,357.83$ 410,558.35$

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SCENARIO 1 ˆUngroup for Base Values and Assumptions

Instructions:(1) Values in blue can be edited to model different scenarios(2) Original (Base) values are grouped in Column "F"(2) Number of contracts by services can be edited from 'Revenue Forecast' tab(3) Price per service can be edited from 'Price List' tab

Major Costs Start-Up 2015/2016 2016/2017 2017/2018 2018/2019Fees to RTO per Cert III course (15 students) $10/student x 300 hours x 15 students (over 13 weeks X 3 days x 6 hrs + marking time)

45,000$ Revenue 19,110$ 723,658$ 946,842$ 931,232$ 959,169$

Fees to RTO per Cert IV course (15 students) $10/student x 350 hours x 15 students (over 13 weeks)

52,500$ Cost 294,961$ 417,174$ 542,967$ 565,676$ 592,587$

Data and Hosting costs ($2000 per month from Cirrus)

24,000$ Profit 84,718-$ 29,562-$ 860$ 28,803$ 43,977$

Additional advertising expense per annum 5,000$ Profit Margin -443.3% -4.1% 0.1% 3.1% 4.6%Student Awards (per annum) 2,400$

WagesStart-up (first 9 months)

Business Dev / Sales Wage 97,516$ # Employees 0.5

Workplace Co-ordinator 25,480$ # Employees 1

General Increase in Wages 5%Case Worker (not until 2015/2016) 66,000$

2015/2016 Business Dev / Sales Wage 97,516$

# Employees 0.5Workplace Co-ordinartor 25,480$

# Employees 1General Increase in Wages 5%Inflation 3%2016/2017

Business Dev / Sales Wage 97,516$ Assumptions# Employees 0.5

Workplace Co-ordinartor 25,480$ # Employees 1

2017/2018Business Dev / Sales Wage 97,516$

# Employees 0.5Workplace Co-ordinartor 25,480$

# Employees 12015/2019 Inflation 3%2018/2019 Wages as % of Sales 75%

Youth Connections Service FeesInitial Fee 15%2016/2019 Increments 10%















Start-­‐Up   2015/2016   2016/2017   2017/2018   2018/2019  

A$  000's  

Revenue   Cost   Profit  Margin  

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start up Sept 2014 - June

20152015/2016 2016/2017 2017/2018 2018/2019

Income Assumptions

Revenue $0 $698,178 $920,598 $904,200 $931,326

Assumes Academy is granted vouchers for delivery of NSW Smart & Skilled qualifications

Reimbursment Case Worker Salary $19,110 $25,480 $26,244 $27,032 $27,843

Assumes that workplacement coordination position wages are reimbursed by YC Industry Link Pty Ltd

Total Revenue $19,110 $723,658 $946,842 $931,232 $959,169

ExpensesWages $55,678 $144,138 $154,395 $165,435 $177,318

Business Development (half time) $36,568 $52,658 $56,871.10 $61,420.79 $66,334.45

50/50 split of enterprise lead across Agency and Academy business development.

Workplacement Coordinator $19,110 $25,480 $26,244 $27,032 $27,843

20 weeks per year position wages reimbursed by YC Industry Link Pty Ltd

Case Worker $66,000 $71,280.00 $76,982.40 $83,140.99

Assumes that student cohort commences learning in July 2015

Start Up $227,283Stage one refit of J Block $31,790Stage two refit of open plan Hub $132,000Student PC's Hardware $25,000Student Software $8,0004x Lapel Mics – Rhode Lavelier - $920Lighting Box Truss – 6m Aluminium $7406x FAL 1000T Fresnel wash Lights $1,4002x Fresnal Spots $8003 Phase power distribution unit $935Power cables and patch leads $400Green Screen $150Soft Lighting Kit $600Light Panel & Stand $748Network Server $18,000

Furniture 0Assumes second hand corporate furniture donation

Recruitment expenses $800Advertising startup $5,000

Fees to RTO $12,000 $102,000 $195,000 $195,000 $195,000

Fees to RTO per Cert IV course (15 students) $10/student x 350 hours x 15 students (over 13 weeks)

Certificate III Information Digital Technology $12,000 $90,000 $90,000 $90,000 $90,000Certificate IV Information & Digital Technology $12,000 $105,000 $105,000 $105,000

Fees to $0 $104,727 $115,199 $126,719 $139,391

Calculated at 15% 0f 15/16 year thence 10% increase on that amount yearly

Business InsuranceRent office spaceFinance/AccountingAdministration of wagesHROffice suppliesBank chargesPhone & UtilitiesOffice cleaningRepair & Maintenance

Internet Hosting & Data $0 $24,000 $24,720 $25,462 $26,225$2,000 per month hosting and data from Cirrus

Student Award Ceremonies $0 $2,400 $2,472 $2,546 $2,623Other Ongoing Costs $0 $34,909 $46,030 $45,210 $46,566Advertising $5,000 $5,150 $5,305 $5,464Industry Subscriptions/membershipsDepreciationMembership expensesIT Service / SupportMobile phone plansServer storage / capacityTraining & DevelopmentAdvertising expensesEvents / ConferencesTravel expenses

TOTAL COSTS $294,961 $417,174 $542,967 $565,676 $592,587

Profit (Loss) ($275,851) $306,484 $403,876 $365,555 $366,581

Profit margin 43.9% 43.9% 40.4% 39.4%

Scenario 1 Academy Profit and Loss

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Scenario 1. Academy Price listtotal cost duration in months per month rate

Workplacement For media/entertainmentVET Workplacement of one week for CC school students - Teaching for NGC Stage 5 teaching for Photographic Video and Digital Imaging * 3,240 Stage 6 teaching for Photographic Video and Digital Imaging ** 5,400 Certificate IIICertificate III Information & Digital Technology 7,656 Certificate III in Live Production & Services 7,260 Certificate III in Design 6,677 Certificate IVCertificate IV in Digital Media Technologies 7,524 Certificate IV in Design 7,898 Certificate IV in Information Technology 8,800 Certificate IV in Interactive Digital Media 7,326 Diploma * Subject to further pricing & competitor analysis (not forecast until 2017)

Scenario 1 Assumes that our RTO is allocated Smart & Skilled places by NSW State Training Services* 72 hours delivered approx 2 hrs p week over 36 weeks at $45 ph for wages inc on costs** 120 hours delivered approx 3 hrs p week over 36 weeks at $45 ph for wages inc on costs

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Jan to Jun Jul - Dec 15 Jan 16 - Jun 16 Jul 16 - Dec 16Jan 17 - Jul 17 Jul 17 - Dec 17Sc 1 Academy Revenue Forecast Jan-15 Jul-15 Jan-16 Jul-16 Jan-19 Jul-19 TotalNumber of Students 0

Workplacement StudentsVET Workplacement of one week for CC school students 125 125 125 125 125 125 750 Teaching for NGC 0Stage 5 teaching for Photographic Video and Digital Imaging * 7 8 7 8 7 8 45Stage 6 teaching for Photographic Video and Digital Imaging ** 7 8 7 8 7 8 45Certificate III 0Certificate III Information & Digital Technology 30 15 15 15 15 Certificate III in Live Production & Services 15 15 Cerificate III in Design 15 15 Certificate IVCertificate IV in Digital Media Technologies 15 15 30Certificate IV in Design 15 15 30Certificate IV in Information Technology 15 15 30Certificate IV in Interactive Digital Media 15 15 30Revenue - 229,680 468,498 452,100 468,498 452,100 2,070,876

Monthly Sales Growth (%) 104.0% -3.5% 3.6% -3.5%Workplacement Students -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ VET Workplacement of one week for CC school students - - - - - - -$ Teaching for NGC - - 8,643 - 8,643 - 17,286$ Stage 5 teaching for Photographic Video and Digital Imaging * -$ Stage 6 teaching for Photographic Video and Digital Imaging ** -$ Certificate III - 229,680 214,995 223,740 214,995 223,740 1,107,150$ Certificate III Information & Digital Technology - 229,680 114,840 114,840 114,840 114,840 689,040$ Certificate III in Live Production & Services - - - 108,900 - 108,900 217,800$ Cerificate III in Design - - 100,155 - 100,155 - 200,310$ Certificate IV - - 244,860 228,360 244,860 228,360 946,440$ Certificate IV in Digital Media Technologies - - 112,860 - 112,860 - 225,720$ Certificate IV in Design - - - 118,470 - 118,470 236,940$ Certificate IV in Information Technology - - 132,000 - 132,000 - 264,000$ Certificate IV in Interactive Digital Media - - - 109,890 - 109,890 219,780$

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SCENARIO 1 AGENCY ˆUngroup for Base Values and Assumptions

Instructions:(1) Values in blue can be edited to model different scenarios(2) Original (Base) values are grouped in Column "F"(2) Number of contracts by services can be edited from 'Revenue Forecast' tab(3) Price per service can be edited from 'Price List' tab

ValuesRevenue Start-Up 2015/2016 2016/2017 2017/2018 2018/2019

Start-up (factor adjusting contracts) 50% Revenue 99,000$ 223,120$ 334,680$ 384,882$ 442,614$ 2015/2016 (yoy growth) 60% Cost 183,718$ 252,682$ 333,820$ 356,079$ 398,637$ 2016/2017 (yoy growth) 50% Profit 84,718-$ 29,562-$ 860$ 28,803$ 43,977$ 2017/2019 (yoy growth) 15% Profit Margin -85.6% -13.2% 0.3% 7.5% 9.9%

WagesStart-up (first 9 months)

Business Dev / Sales Wage (inc on costs) 97,516$ # Employees 0.5

Comms Wage 61,000$ # Employees 1

Graphic Design Wage 61,000$ # Employees 1

Temporary Contract Wage 15,600$ # Employees 1

2015/2016 # Business Dev / Sales Employees 0.5# Comms Employees 1# Graphic Design Employees 1# Temporary Contracts 2

General Increase in Wages 5%Business Dev -Management adjust 0%2016/2017

# Business Dev / Sales Employees 0.5# Comms Employees 2# Graphic Design Employees 1# Temporary Contracts 2

2017/2018# Business Dev / Sales Employees 0.5 50% to Academy# Comms Employees 2# Graphic Design Employees 1# Temporary Contracts 3

2015/2019 Inflation 3%2018/2019 Wages as % of Sales 75%

Youth Connections Service FeesInitial Fee 15%2016/2019 Increments 10%

Ongoing Costs 5%



















Start-­‐Up   2015/2016   2016/2017   2017/2018   2018/2019  

A$  000's  

Revenue   Cost   Profit  Margin  

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start up Sept 2014 - June

20152015/2016 2016/2017 2017/2018 2018/2019

Income AssumptionsRevenue - SME (inc fee for service) $57,100 $128,480 $192,720 $221,628 $254,872Revenue - NGO $41,900 $94,640 $141,960 $163,254 $187,742

Total Revenue $99,000 $223,120 $334,680 $384,882 $442,614 1

Based on 'Scenarios' assumptions, 'Revenue Forecast'


Wages $139,768 $208,058 $280,271 $296,339 $331,961 2Based on 'Scenarios' assumptions

Start Up $24,150Business registration $1,200Personal PCs & Hardware $5,000Dedicated PCs (for Design) $12,000Furniture 0Mobile Phones 0Domain registration $150Recruitment expenses $800

Advertising startup $5,000 3

startup budget to create online presence, sales tools, brochures; cost to cover materials - printing, advertising, letterbox dop, advertorials, actual cost to be confirmed marketing plan

Fees to $14,850 $33,468 $36,815 $40,496 $44,546 4

Based on 'Scenarios' assumptions

Business InsuranceRent office space 5Finance/AccountingAdministration of wagesHROffice suppliesBank chargesPhone & UtilitiesOffice cleaningRepair & Maintenance

Other Ongoing Costs $4,950 $11,156 $16,734 $19,244 $22,131 6Based on 'Scenarios' assumptions

Hosting expensesIndustry Subscriptions/membershipsHardware/software replacementsoftware licenses

Depreciation 7

For purchases over $1000 depreciate over 5 years at 20% depreciation each year until write off (under $1000 depreciates after one year)

Membership expensesIT Service / SupportMobile PlansServer storage / capacityTraining & DevelopmentAdvertising expensesEvents / Conferences

Travel expenses 8

End of each qtr this is to be reviewed and thence every 6 months, will need to be tested operationally- in the cost model

TOTAL COSTS $183,718 $252,682 $333,820 $356,079 $398,637

Profit (Loss) ($84,718) ($29,562) $860 $28,803 $43,977

Profit margin -85.6% -13.2% 0.3% 7.5% 9.9%

Scenario 1. Agency Profit & Loss

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Scenario 1 Agency Price Listtotal cost duration in months per month rate

SME PACKS(1) Put me on the map 1,500$ 1 1,500$ (2) Spread the Word Pack 1,200$ 3 400.00$ (3) Be paid on the go-ecommerce 3,500$ 1 3,500.00$ (4) Business snapshot video 1,500$ 1 1,500.00$ NGO/Corp Packs(5) Regulatory Report Pack 15,000$ 6 2,500.00$ (6) Spread the Word Pack 8,400$ 6 1,400.00$ (7) Business Video 2-3min 4,800$ 1 4,800.00$ Service Level Agreements 26,400$ 12$ 2,200$

* Price list is the same in Agency Scenario 2

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Scenario 1 Agency Revenue ForecastPre-Startup

EST Sep-14 Oct-14 Nov-14 Dec-14 Jan-15 Feb-15 Mar-15 Apr-15 May-15 Jun-15 Jul-15 Aug-15 TotalNumber of Contracts 0 3 5 5 4 9 8 8 12 13 13 15 3 98

Service Level Agreements - - - - - 3 - - - - - - - 3 - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - 1YCIL - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - 1Bara Barang - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - 1FOR SCENARIO ANALYSIS - - - - - 2 - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - YCIL - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - Bara Barang - - - - - 1 - - - - - - -

SME PACKS - 2 4 4 3 5 6 6 10 10 10 12 - 72(1) Put me on the map - 1 2 3 2 2 2 2 5 5 5 5 34(2) Spread the Word Pack - 1 1 1 2 3 2 3 3 3 3 22(3) Be paid on the go-ecommerce - - - 1 1 1 1 1 5(4) Business snapshot video - - 1 1 1 2 1 2 3 11FOR SCENARIO ANALYSIS

(1) Put me on the map - 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 3 3 3 3 - (2) Spread the Word Pack - 1 1 - 1 1 2 1 2 2 2 2 - (3) Be paid on the go-ecommerce - - - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - (4) Business snapshot video - - 1 - - - 1 1 1 1 1 2 -

NGO/Corp Packs - 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 23(5) Regulatory Report Pack - 1 - - - 1 - - - 1 - - - 3(6) Spread the Word Pack - - 1 - - - 1 - - 1 2 1 1 7(7) Business Video 2-3min - - - 1 1 - 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 13

Revenue - 2,200 4,600 8,750 9,550 10,350 13,050 16,150 16,900 17,450 18,050 22,400 139,450 Monthly Sales Growth (%) 109.1% 90.2% 9.1% 8.4% 26.1% 23.8% 4.6% 3.3% 3.4% 24.1%

Service Level Agreements - - - - 3,300 3,300 3,300 3,300 3,300 3,300 3,300 3,300 26,400 SME PACKS - 950 2,650 4,400 1,900 3,850 3,450 5,400 6,850 7,850 7,050 9,550 53,900 (1) Put me on the map - 750 1,500 2,250 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 3,750 3,750 3,750 3,750 (2) Spread the Word Pack - 200 400 400 400 600 1,200 1,400 1,600 1,600 1,800 1,800 (3) Be paid on the go-ecommerce - - - 1,750 - 1,750 - 1,750 - 1,750 - 1,750 (4) Business snapshot video - - 750 - - - 750 750 1,500 750 1,500 2,250 NGO/Corp Packs - 1,250 1,950 4,350 4,350 3,200 6,300 7,450 6,750 6,300 7,700 9,550 59,150 (5) Regulatory Report Pack - 1,250 1,250 1,250 1,250 2,500 2,500 1,250 1,250 2,500 2,500 1,250 (6) Spread the Word Pack - - 700 700 700 700 1,400 1,400 700 1,400 2,800 3,500 (7) Business Video 2-3min - - - 2,400 2,400 - 2,400 4,800 4,800 2,400 2,400 4,800

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Scenario 1 Agency Twelve-Month Cash Flow

Fiscal Year Begins: Sep-14This is startup period

Pre-Startup EST Sep-14 Oct-14 Nov-14 Dec-14 Jan-15 Feb-15 Mar-15 Apr-15 May-15 Jun-15 Jul-15 Aug-15 Total Item EST

Cash on Hand (beginning of month) 0 -6,180 -12,360 -18,539 -24,719 -30,899 -37,079 -43,259 -49,439 -55,618 -61,798 -62,453

CASH RECEIPTSIncome 0Revenue - SME (inc fee for service) 6,344 6,344 6,344 6,344 6,344 6,344 6,344 6,344 6,344 6,344 10,707 10,707 84,858Revenue - NGO 4,656 4,656 4,656 4,656 4,656 4,656 4,656 4,656 4,656 4,656 7,887 7,887 62,329

TOTAL CASH RECEIPTS 11,000 11,000 11,000 11,000 11,000 11,000 11,000 11,000 11,000 11,000 18,593 18,593 147,187Total Cash Available (before cash out) 0 11,000 4,820 -1,360 -7,539 -13,719 -19,899 -26,079 -32,259 -38,439 -44,618 -43,205 -43,860 -255,157

CASH PAID OUTBD / Sales 4,063 4,063 4,063 4,063 4,063 4,063 4,063 4,063 4,063 4,063 4,063 4,063 48,758Graphic Design 5,083 5,083 5,083 5,083 5,083 5,083 5,083 5,083 5,083 5,083 5,083 5,083 61,000Comms Wage 5,083 5,083 5,083 5,083 5,083 5,083 5,083 5,083 5,083 5,083 5,083 5,083 61,000Contractors budget film & sound production 1,300 1,300 1,300 1,300 1,300 1,300 1,300 1,300 1,300 1,300 1,300 1,300 15,600

15% revenue to YC to cover business expenses 1,238 1,238 1,238 1,238 1,238 1,238 1,238 1,238 1,238 1,238 2,789 2,789 17,953Other ongoing costs 413 413 413 413 413 413 413 413 413 413 930 930SUBTOTAL 0 17,180 17,180 17,180 17,180 17,180 17,180 17,180 17,180 17,180 17,180 19,248 19,248 204,311Loan principal paymentCapital purchase (specify)Other startup costsReserve and/or EscrowOwners' WithdrawalTOTAL CASH PAID OUT 0 17,180 17,180 17,180 17,180 17,180 17,180 17,180 17,180 17,180 17,180 19,248 19,248 204,311Cash Position (end of month) 0 -6,180 -12,360 -18,539 -24,719 -30,899 -37,079 -43,259 -49,439 -55,618 -61,798 -62,453 -63,108 -63,108

ESSENTIAL OPERATING DATA (non cash flow information)Sales Volume (dollars)Accounts ReceivableBad Debt (end of month)Inventory on hand (eom)Accounts Payable (eom)Depreciation

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Uplift Digital Financing Ask

SCENARIO 2 Startup phase 9 months Year One Year Two Year Three Year FourSeptember 2014 - June 2015 2015/2016 2016/2017 2017/2018 2018/2019

Income from Agency $41,900 $126,760 $238,320 $384,882 $442,614Income from Academy $19,110 $518,836 $676,731 $665,037 $686,593Total 61,010.00$ 645,595.90$ 915,051.37$ 1,049,919.46$ 1,129,207.76$

Costs Agency $126,548 $201,385 $247,131 $338,590 $379,399Costs Academy $294,961 $490,775 $506,851 $528,151 $552,967Combined Enterprise Costs $421,510 $692,160 $753,982 $866,741 $932,366

Profit/Loss (360,499.70)$ (46,564.22)$ 161,069.71$ 183,178.47$ 196,841.49$

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SCENARIO 2 ACADEMY ˆUngroup for Base Values and Assumptions

Instructions:(1) Values in blue can be edited to model different scenarios(2) Original (Base) values are grouped in Column "F"(2) Number of contracts by services can be edited from 'Revenue Forecast' tab(3) Price per service can be edited from 'Price List' tab

Major Costs Start-Up 2015/2016 2016/2017 2017/2018 2018/2019Fees to RTO per Cert III course (15 students) $10/student x 300 hours x 15 students (over 13 weeks X 3 days x 6 hrs + marking time)

45,000$ Revenue 19,110$ 518,836$ 676,731$ 665,037$ 686,593$

Fees to RTO per Cert IV course (15 students) $10/student x 350 hours x 15 students (over 13 weeks)

52,500$ Cost 294,961$ 490,775$ 506,851$ 528,151$ 552,967$

Data and Hosting costs ($2000 per month from Cirrus)

24,000$ Profit 275,851-$ 28,061$ 169,881$ 136,887$ 133,626$

Additional advertising expense per annum 12,000$ Profit Margin -1443.5% 5.4% 25.1% 20.6% 19.5%Student Awards (per annum) 2,400$

WagesStart-up (first nine months)

Business Dev / Sales Wage 97,516$ # Employees 0.5

Workplace Co-ordinator 25,480$ # Employees 1

General Increase in Wages 5%Case Worker (not until 2015/2016) 66,000$

2015/2016 Business Dev / Sales Wage 97,516$

# Employees 0.5Workplace Co-ordinartor 25,480$

# Employees 1General Increase in Wages 5%Inflation 3%2016/2017

Business Dev / Sales Wage 97,516$ # Employees 0.5

Workplace Co-ordinartor 25,480$ # Employees 1

2017/2018Business Dev / Sales Wage 97,516$

# Employees 0.5Workplace Co-ordinartor 25,480$

# Employees 12015/2019 Inflation 3%2018/2019 Wages as % of Sales 75%

Youth Connections Service FeesInitial Fee 15%2016/2019 Increments 10%





















Start-­‐Up   2015/2016   2016/2017   2017/2018   2018/2019  

A$  000's  

Revenue   Cost   Profit  Margin  

Page 49: Uplift bizplan

start up Sept 2014 - June

20152015/2016 2016/2017 2017/2018 2018/2019

Income Assumptions

Revenue $0 $491,318 $647,012 $632,940 $651,928

Assumes the Academy charges fee for service to students at 70% of Smart and Skilled rates

Reimbursment Workplacement Salary $19,110 $27,518 $29,720 $32,097 $34,665

Assumes position wages are reimbursed by YC Industry Link Pty Ltd

Total Revenue $19,110 $518,836 $676,731 $665,037 $686,593

ExpensesWages $55,678 $147,112 $158,881 $171,591 $185,319

Business Development (half time) $36,568 $52,658 $56,871.10 $61,420.79 $66,334.45

50/50 split in time spent by enterprise lead on business development of Agency and Academy

Workplacement Coordinator $19,110 $27,518 $29,719.87 $32,097.46 $34,665.26

Assumes position wages are reimbursed by YC Industry Link Pty Ltd

Case Worker Salary $66,935 $72,289.80 $78,072.98 $84,318.82

Assumes students begin Certificate learning in July 2015

Start Up $227,283Stage one refit of J Block $31,790Stage two refit of open plan Hub $132,000Student PC's Hardware $25,000Student Software $8,0004x Lapel Mics – Rhode Lavelier - $920Lighting Box Truss – 6m Aluminium $7406x FAL 1000T Fresnel wash Lights $1,4002x Fresnal Spots $8003 Phase power distribution unit $935Power cables and patch leads $400Green Screen $150Soft Lighting Kit $600Light Panel & Stand $748Network Server $18,000

Furniture 0Assumes second hand corporate furniture donation

Recruitment expenses $800Advertising startup $5,000Fees to RTO $12,000 $207,000 $195,000 $195,000 $195,000

Certificate III Information Digital Technology $12,000 $90,000 $90,000 $90,000 $90,000 See AssumptionsCertificate IV Information & Digital Technology $117,000 $105,000 $105,000 $105,000 See AssumptionsFees to $0 $73,698 $81,067 $89,174 $98,092 See AssumptionsBusiness InsuranceRent office spaceFinance/AccountingAdministration of wagesHROffice suppliesBank chargesPhone & UtilitiesOffice cleaningRepair & MaintenanceInternet Hosting & Data $24,000 $24,720 $25,462 $26,225 See assumptionsStudent Award Ceremonies $0 $2,400 $2,472 $2,546 $2,623 See assumptionsOther Ongoing Costs $0 $24,566 $32,351 $31,647 $32,596 See assumptions

Additional advertising/acquisition costs $0 $12,000 $12,360 $12,731 $13,113

See assumptions (assumes that fee for service model will incur extra advertising expense)

Industry Subscriptions/membershipsDepreciationMembership expensesIT Service / SupportMobile phone plansServer storage / capacityTraining & DevelopmentAdvertising expensesEvents / ConferencesTravel expenses

TOTAL COSTS $294,961 $490,775 $506,851 $528,151 $552,967

Profit (Loss) ($275,851) $28,061 $169,881 $136,887 $133,626

Profit margin -1443.5% 5.4% 25.1% 20.6% 19.5%

Scenario 2 Academy Profit & Loss

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Scenario 2 Academy Price Listtotal cost duration in months

Workplacement For media/entertainmentVET Workplacement of one week for CC school students - Same as Sc1 rateTeaching for NGC Stage 5 teaching for Photographic Video and Digital Imaging * 3,240 Same as Sc1 rateStage 6 teaching for Photographic Video and Digital Imaging ** 5,400 Same as Sc1 rateCertificate IIICertificate III Information & Digital Technology 5,359 70% of Sc1 rateCertificate III in Live Production & Services 5,082 70% of Sc1 rateCertificate III in Design 4,674 70% of Sc1 rateCertificate IVCertificate IV in Digital Media Technologies 5,267 70% of Sc1 rateCertificate IV in Design 5,529 70% of Sc1 rateCertificate IV in Information Technology 6,160 70% of Sc1 rateCertificate IV in Interactive Digital Media 5,128 70% of Sc1 rate

ASSUMPTIONS:Scenario 2 Assumes that we have to offer fee for service with revenue at 70% of the smart and skilled rate for the Certificate III and IV courses to be competitive in market against other private Training Bodies

* 72 hours delivered approx 2 hrs p week over 36 weeks at $45 ph for wages inc on costs** 120 hours delivered approx 3 hrs p week over 36 weeks at $45 ph for wages inc on costs

Page 51: Uplift bizplan

ACADEMY SCENARIO 2 FORECAST Jan to Jun Jul - Dec 15 Jan 16 - Jun 16Jul 16 - Dec 16Jan 17 - Jul 17 Jul 17 - Dec 17Jan-15 Jul-15 Jan-16 Jul-16 Jan-19 Jul-19 Total

Number of Students 0Workplacement StudentsVET Workplacement of one week for CC school students 125 125 125 125 125 125 750 Teaching for NGC 0Stage 5 teaching for Photographic Video and Digital Imaging * 7 8 7 8 7 8 45Stage 6 teaching for Photographic Video and Digital Imaging ** 7 8 7 8 7 8 45Certificate III 0Certificate III Information & Digital Technology 30 15 15 15 15 Certificate III in Live Production & Services 15 15 Cerificate III in Design 15 15 Certificate IVCertificate IV in Digital Media Technologies 15 15 30Certificate IV in Design 15 15 30Certificate IV in Information Technology 15 15 30Certificate IV in Interactive Digital Media 15 15 30Revenue - 160,776 330,542 316,470 330,542 316,470 1,454,799 Monthly Sales Growth (%) 105.6% -4.3% 4.4% -4.3%

Workplacement Students -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ VET Workplacement of one week for CC school students - - - - - - -$ Teaching for NGC - - 8,643 - 8,643 - 17,286$ Stage 5 teaching for Photographic Video and Digital Imaging *Stage 6 teaching for Photographic Video and Digital Imaging **Certificate III - 160,776 150,497 156,618 150,497 156,618 775,005$ Certificate III Information & Digital Technology - 160,776 80,388 80,388 80,388 80,388 482,328$ Certificate III in Live Production & Services - - - 76,230 - 76,230 152,460$ Cerificate III in Design - - 70,109 - 70,109 - 140,217$ Certificate IV - - 171,402 159,852 171,402 159,852 662,508$ Certificate IV in Digital Media Technologies - - 79,002 - 79,002 - 158,004$ Certificate IV in Design - - - 82,929 - 82,929 165,858$ Certificate IV in Information Technology - - 92,400 - 92,400 - 184,800$ Certificate IV in Interactive Digital Media - - - 76,923 - 76,923 153,846$

Page 52: Uplift bizplan

SCENARIO 2 AGENCY ˆUngroup for Base Values and Assumptions

Instructions:(1) Values in blue can be edited to model different scenarios(2) Original (Base) values are grouped in Column "F"(2) Number of contracts by services can be edited from 'Revenue Forecast' tab(3) Price per service can be edited from 'Price List' tab


RevenueSME - NOTE THIS BASED ON RELATIVE TO SCENARIO 1 Start-Up 2015/2016 2016/2017 2017/2018 2018/2019

Start-up (factor adjusting contracts) 50% 0% Revenue 41,900$ 126,760$ 238,320$ 384,882$ 442,614$ 2015/2016 (yoy growth) 60% 25% Cost 126,548$ 201,385$ 247,131$ 338,590$ 379,399$ 2016/2017 (yoy growth) 50% 50% Profit 84,648-$ 74,625-$ 8,811-$ 46,292$ 63,215$ 2017/2019 (yoy growth) 15% 100% Profit Margin -202.0% -58.9% -3.7% 12.0% 14.3%

WagesStart-up (first 9 months)

Business Dev / Sales Wage 97,516$ # Employees 0.5

Comms Wage 61,000$ # Employees 0

Graphic Design Wage 61,000$ # Employees 1

Temporary Contract Wage 15,600$ # Employees 1

2015/2016 # Business Dev / Sales Employees 0.5# Comms Employees 0.5# Graphic Design Employees 1# Temporary Contracts 2

General Increase in Wages 5%Business Dev -Management adjust 0%2016/2017

# Business Dev / Sales Employees 0.5# Comms Employees 1# Graphic Design Employees 1# Temporary Contracts 2

2017/2018# Business Dev / Sales Employees 0.5# Comms Employees 2# Graphic Design Employees 1# Temporary Contracts 3

2015/2019 Inflation 3%2018/2019 Wages as % of Sales 75%

Youth Connections Service FeesInitial Fee 15%2016/2019 Increments 10%

Ongoing Costs 5%



















Start-­‐Up   2015/2016   2016/2017   2017/2018   2018/2019  

A$  000's  

Revenue   Cost   Profit  Margin  

Page 53: Uplift bizplan

start up Sept 2014 - June

20152015/2016 2016/2017 2017/2018 2018/2019

Income AssumptionsRevenue - SME (inc fee for service) $0 $32,120 $96,360 $221,628 $254,872Revenue - NGO $41,900 $94,640 $141,960 $163,254 $187,742

Total Revenue $41,900 $126,760 $238,320 $384,882 $442,614

Based on 'Scenarios' assumptions, 'Revenue Forecast' tab


Wages $94,018 $176,033 $214,300 $296,339 $331,961Based on 'Scenarios' assumptions

Start Up $24,150Business registration $1,200Personal PCs & Hardware $5,000Dedicated PCs (for Design) $12,000Furniture 0Mobile Phones 0Domain registration $150Recruitment expenses $800

Advertising startup $5,000

startup budget to create online presence, sales tools, brochures; cost to cover materials - printing, advertising, letterbox dop, advertorials, actual cost to be confirmed marketing plan

Fees to $6,285 $19,014 $20,915 $23,007 $25,308

Based on 'Scenarios' assumptions

Business InsuranceRent office spaceFinance/AccountingAdministration of wagesHROffice suppliesBank chargesPhone & UtilitiesOffice cleaningRepair & Maintenance

Other Ongoing Costs $2,095 $6,338 $11,916 $19,244 $22,131Based on 'Scenarios' assumptions

Hosting expensesIndustry Subscriptions/membershipsHardware/software replacementsoftware licenses


For purchases over $1000 depreciate over 5 years at 20% depreciation each year until write off (under $1000 depreciates after one year)

Membership expensesIT Service / SupportMobile PlansServer storage / capacityTraining & DevelopmentAdvertising expensesEvents / Conferences

Travel expenses

End of each qtr this is to be reviewed and thence every 6 months, will need to be tested operationally- in the cost model

TOTAL COSTS $126,548 $201,385 $247,131 $338,590 $379,399

Profit (Loss) ($84,648) ($74,625) ($8,811) $46,292 $63,215

Profit margin -202.0% -58.9% -3.7% 12.0% 14.3%

Scenario 2 Agency Profit & Loss

Page 54: Uplift bizplan

Scenario 2 Agency Price Listtotal cost duration in months per month rate

SME PACKS(1) Put me on the map 1,500$ 1 1,500$ (2) Spread the Word Pack 1,200$ 3 400.00$ (3) Be paid on the go-ecommerce 3,500$ 1 3,500.00$ (4) Business snapshot video 1,500$ 1 1,500.00$ NGO/Corp Packs(5) Regulatory Report Pack 15,000$ 6 2,500.00$ (6) Spread the Word Pack 8,400$ 6 1,400.00$ (7) Business Video 2-3min 4,800$ 1 4,800.00$ Service Level Agreements 26,400$ 12$ 2,200$

Page 55: Uplift bizplan

Scenario 2 AgencyPre-Startup

EST Sep-14 Oct-14 Nov-14 Dec-14 Jan-15 Feb-15 Mar-15 Apr-15 May-15 Jun-15 Jul-15 Aug-15 TotalNumber of Contracts 0 3 5 5 4 6 8 8 12 13 13 15 3 95

Service Level Agreements - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0YCIL - - - - - - - - - - - - 0Bara Barang - - - - - - - - - - - - 0FOR SCENARIO ANALYSIS - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - YCIL - - - - - - - - - - - - Bara Barang - - - - - - - - - - - -

SME PACKS - 2 4 4 3 5 6 6 10 10 10 12 - 72(1) Put me on the map - 1 2 3 2 2 2 2 5 5 5 5 34(2) Spread the Word Pack - 1 1 1 2 3 2 3 3 3 3 22(3) Be paid on the go-ecommerce - - - 1 1 1 1 1 5(4) Business snapshot video - - 1 1 1 2 1 2 3 11FOR SCENARIO ANALYSIS

(1) Put me on the map - 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 3 3 3 3 - (2) Spread the Word Pack - 1 1 - 1 1 2 1 2 2 2 2 - (3) Be paid on the go-ecommerce - - - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - (4) Business snapshot video - - 1 - - - 1 1 1 1 1 2 -

NGO/Corp Packs - 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 23(5) Regulatory Report Pack - 1 - - - 1 - - - 1 - - - 3(6) Spread the Word Pack - - 1 - - - 1 - - 1 2 1 1 7(7) Business Video 2-3min - - - 1 1 - 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 13

Revenue - 2,200 4,600 8,750 6,250 7,050 9,750 12,850 13,600 14,150 14,750 19,100 113,050 Monthly Sales Growth (%) 109.1% 90.2% -28.6% 12.8% 38.3% 31.8% 5.8% 4.0% 4.2% 29.5%

Service Level Agreements - - - - - - - - - - - - - SME PACKS - 950 2,650 4,400 1,900 3,850 3,450 5,400 6,850 7,850 7,050 9,550 53,900 (1) Put me on the map - 750 1,500 2,250 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 3,750 3,750 3,750 3,750 (2) Spread the Word Pack - 200 400 400 400 600 1,200 1,400 1,600 1,600 1,800 1,800 (3) Be paid on the go-ecommerce - - - 1,750 - 1,750 - 1,750 - 1,750 - 1,750 (4) Business snapshot video - - 750 - - - 750 750 1,500 750 1,500 2,250 NGO/Corp Packs - 1,250 1,950 4,350 4,350 3,200 6,300 7,450 6,750 6,300 7,700 9,550 59,150 (5) Regulatory Report Pack - 1,250 1,250 1,250 1,250 2,500 2,500 1,250 1,250 2,500 2,500 1,250 (6) Spread the Word Pack - - 700 700 700 700 1,400 1,400 700 1,400 2,800 3,500 (7) Business Video 2-3min - - - 2,400 2,400 - 2,400 4,800 4,800 2,400 2,400 4,800

Page 56: Uplift bizplan

Scenario 2 Agency Twelve-Month Cash Flow

Fiscal Year Begins: Sep-14This is startup period

Pre-Startup EST Sep-14 Oct-14 Nov-14 Dec-14 Jan-15 Feb-15 Mar-15 Apr-15 May-15 Jun-15 Jul-15 Aug-15 Total Item EST

Cash on Hand (beginning of month) 0 -6,722 -13,444 -20,166 -26,888 -33,610 -40,332 -47,054 -53,776 -60,498 -67,220 -71,758

CASH RECEIPTSIncome 0Revenue - SME (inc fee for service) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,677 2,677 5,353Revenue - NGO 4,656 4,656 4,656 4,656 4,656 4,656 4,656 4,656 4,656 4,656 7,887 7,887 62,329

TOTAL CASH RECEIPTS 0 4,656 4,656 4,656 4,656 4,656 4,656 4,656 4,656 4,656 4,656 10,563 10,563 67,682Total Cash Available (before cash out) 0 4,656 -2,066 -8,789 -15,511 -22,233 -28,955 -35,677 -42,399 -49,121 -55,843 -56,657 -61,195 -373,788

CASH PAID OUTBD / Sales 4,063 4,063 4,063 4,063 4,063 4,063 4,063 4,063 4,063 4,063 4,063 4,063 48,758Graphic Design 5,083 5,083 5,083 5,083 5,083 5,083 5,083 5,083 5,083 5,083 5,083 5,083 61,000Comms Wage 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,542 2,542 5,083Contractors budget film & sound production 1,300 1,300 1,300 1,300 1,300 1,300 1,300 1,300 1,300 1,300 1,300 1,300 15,600

15% revenue to YC to cover business expenses 698 698 698 698 698 698 698 698 698 698 1,585 1,585 10,152Other ongoing costs 233 233 233 233 233 233 233 233 233 233 528 528SUBTOTAL 0 11,378 11,378 11,378 11,378 11,378 11,378 11,378 11,378 11,378 11,378 15,101 15,101 140,593Loan principal paymentCapital purchase (specify)Other startup costsReserve and/or EscrowOwners' WithdrawalTOTAL CASH PAID OUT 0 11,378 11,378 11,378 11,378 11,378 11,378 11,378 11,378 11,378 11,378 15,101 15,101 140,593Cash Position (end of month) 0 -6,722 -13,444 -20,166 -26,888 -33,610 -40,332 -47,054 -53,776 -60,498 -67,220 -71,758 -76,295 -76,295

ESSENTIAL OPERATING DATA (non cash flow information)Sales Volume (dollars)Accounts ReceivableBad Debt (end of month)Inventory on hand (eom)Accounts Payable (eom)Depreciation

Page 57: Uplift bizplan

Research Labor Market Analysis: Wyong/Central Coast, Department of Education, Mr Ivan Neville February 2014 The Australian Online Landscape Review Nielsen .iab Australia January 2014 Internet Publishing and Broadcasting IBIS World Industry Report January 2014 World Economic Forum Insight Reports: The Global Information Technology Report 2013, Growth and Jobs in a Hyperconnected World Deloitte Access Economics Connected Small Businesses: How Australian small businesses are growing in the digital economy 2013 ‘Changing perspectives on the website’ based on insights from ‘SMEs through time : The Cameron Panel’ Cisco Visual Networking Index: Global Mobile Data Traffic Forecast Update, 2013–2018 Price Waterhouse Coopers IAB Online Advertising Expenditure Report 24/02/2014

Appendices Client Outcomes YC Media Assets Technology refit for YC Media film stage Extracts from Market Research Surveys  

Page 58: Uplift bizplan

No. of Aboriginal young people

No. of young people with a disability

No. of young parents

CALD No. of young peopleTOTAL

Transition Plan 150 360 32 689Resume 33 193 14 672External Referral 1 70 764Job Referral 10 1 114Work Experience 29 154 6 224Driving Lesson 80 17 22 215Work Placement 393 108 712 5827Returned to School 32 229Accredited Training 20 135* 200Commenced Employment 27 8 7 191Apprentice or Traineeship 25 14 6 8 113Life Skills & Activities 14 92 32 599Cultural Affirmation 660 660NGC, Stage 5 School 14 35

*Some students have undertaken more than one accredited training course.


Partnership Outcomes2011 - 2013

Outcome FACTS

Direct Outcomes, January 2013 – May 2014

= $2,336,035.64 TOTAL ANNUAL FUNDING

of young people aged 20-24 on the Central Coast have a Year 12 or equivalent which is the LOWEST Region in the State.

of young people aged 15-24 on the Central Coast are not in employment, education or training which the is 2ND HIGHEST in the State.

of our clients are still in education, employment or training 6 MONTHS after exiting our programs.

of our clients are still in education, employment or training 2 YEARS after exiting our programs.

Young people who can recall having 4 or more career conversations are 5 TIMES more likely to be in work or further education.














Youth Connections ProgramPartnership Brokers ProgramTeenage Parents ProgramBetter Futures Hub

Disability Support ProgramNG Central Year 9 & 10 SchoolChildcare Benefit Fee Reduction

Disability Support Program

$901,397.75 -$670,637.89 -$100,000.00 -$300,000.00 -

$12,000 -$340,000 -$12,000 -

NG Central Year 9 & 10 School Childcare Benefit Fee Reduction




Partnerships created to improve youth engagement, attainment and employment.Regional Initiatives.Film documentary for national television: Freedom Ride 2011.

of our partners said that their partnership is addressing a REAL NEED in our community.

9 OUT OF 10 partners agree that their partnership is contributing to improved educational outcomes for our young people.

More than 90% of schools, businesses and community members involved in a partnership WOULD RECOMMEND a partnership approach to others in other Regions.

The SROI is $5.50 for every $1 INVESTED by government

Most our clients DO NOT RECEIVE CENTRELINK payments after exiting our programs.

Page 59: Uplift bizplan

YC  MEDIA  ASSETSYC  Media  Building  at  Green  Central

256  m2  $90  perm2  per  year  commercial  rate $23,040.00

YC  MEDIA  TECH  ASSETS Condi9on Replacement  costAllen  and  Heath  XB14 Used $2,399Yamaha  Monitors  HS7 Used $595Rode  Procaster  Microphones  x5 Used $1,000Denon  DN-­‐D4500  Dual  CD  Player Used $600Powerware  5115 Used $349.89Rode  PSA  1  Mic  Boom  stands  x5 Used $600Weconic  GA-­‐50 Used  (disconRnued) $400TASCAM  speakers  VL-­‐M3 Used $7021.5"  iMac  computer Used   $1,84927"  iMac Used $2,44927"  iMac Used $2,449Zoom  H2  portable  recorder Used  (disconRnued) $200Canon  EOS600D  SLR  Camera Used $849Altech  Lansing  powered  speakers Used  (disconRnued) $80HP  Scanner Used $89Fender  Squier  Electric  Guitar Used $169XLR  Cables  x10 Used $135Instrument  Leads  x3 Used $35Electric  tall  fan  x2 Used $120Valencia  Nylon  String  Guitar Used $100Valencia  Nylon  String  Guitar Used $100Behringer  MS20  Poweres  Speakers Used $168Blimp  Windshields  for  outdoor  recordings Used $218Blimp  Windshields  for  outdoor  recordings Used $218Blimp  Windshields  for  outdoor  recordings Used $218Senheisser  ME66  Microphone Used $495Senheisser  ME66  Microphone Used $495Senheisser  ME66  Microphone Used $495Seagate  Archive  Hard  Drive Used $80Panasonic  Broadcast  Camera Used $6,263Panasonic  Broadcast  Camera Used $6,263Panasonic  Broadcast  Camera Used $6,263Miller  Tripod  DS10 Used $1,275Miller  Tripod  DS10 Used $1,275Miller  Tripod  DS10 Used $1,275SD  Card  32GB Used $22SD  Card  32GB Used $22Thunderbolt  Drive Used $319Thunderbolt  Drive Used $319MTC  Blu-­‐ray  player Used  (disconRnued) $84Total $40,405

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FILM  STUDIO  REFIT  Item  name Item  func5on Quoted  from Cost   Other  NotesApple  Thunderbolt  display  screen Display  Screen h6p://­‐thunderbolt-­‐display-­‐27-­‐inch$1,199 Use  in  Main  Control  roomAPPLE  iMac  27"  3.4  GHZ Computer h6p://$2,449 Edit  SuiteAPPLE  iMac  27"  3.4  GHZ Computer h6p://$2,449 Edit  Suite  2Mac  Pro  Tower   Computer $5,299 Use  in  Main  Control  roomTascam  DM-­‐4800 Mixing  Desk Turramurra  Music $5,839 Use  in  Main  Control  roomApple  Macbook  Pro  15" Computer $2,999 Edit  SuiteTascam  DR-­‐60D Portable  Media  Recorder Turramurra  Music $479PRIMACOUSTIC  London  12  room  kit Acous[c  sound  proofing Turramurra  Music $975 Main  Control  Room  sound  proofingPRIMACOUSTIC  Flexibooth Portable  Vocal  Booth Turramurra  Music $569 Edit  Suite  sound  proofingART  PDB4 Instrument  DI's  (4  channels) Turramurra  Music $119Avalon  U5 Instrument  DI  &  Preamp Turramurra  Music $749Sony  MDR  7506 Studio  Headphones Turramurra  Music $179Sony  MDR  7506 Studio  Headphones Turramurra  Music $179Sony  MDR  7506 Studio  Headphones Turramurra  Music $179Sony  MDR  7506 Studio  Headphones Turramurra  Music $179Sony  MDR  7506 Studio  Headphones Turramurra  Music $179Neumann  TLM  102  &  KM  184  Studio  Recording  KitStudio  Microphones Turramurra  Music $1,499Neumann  TLM  102  &  KM  184  Studio  Recording  KitStudio  Microphones Turramurra  Music $1,499Shure  SM7B Studio  Microphone Turramurra  Music $699Shure  PGDMK6  drum  microphone  kit Studio  Microphones  for  Drums Turramurra  Music $549Gator  Microphone  Stands Microphone  stands  x3 Turramurra  Music $195ROLAND  A-­‐500PRO Midi  keyboard Turramurra  Music $345Genelec  8040B Studio  Monitor/Speaker Turramurra  Music $1,670 Use  in  Main  Control  roomGenelec  8040B Studio  Monitor/Speaker Turramurra  Music $1,670 Use  in  Main  Control  roomGenelec  8020C Studio  Monitor/Speaker Turramurra  Music $685 Use  in  Edit  Booth  1Genelec  8020C Studio  Monitor/Speaker Turramurra  Music $685 Use  in  Edit  Booth  1Ul[mate  support  monitor  stands Speaker  Stands Turramurra  Music $415 Use  in  Main  Control  roomProtools  Upgrade  (Educa[onal  Price) Recording  Sogware Turramurra  Music $325CLA  compressor  plugins Recording  sogware h6p://­‐classic-­‐compressors$500Universal  Audio  Reverb  plugin Recording  sogware h6p://­‐140.html$199

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Nikon  D610  Body  Digital  SLR  Camera S[ll  and  HD  Film  Camera h6p://­‐D610-­‐Body-­‐Digital-­‐SLR-­‐Camera.aspx$2,099Nikon  AF-­‐S  DX  16-­‐85mm  Lens Camera  Lens h6p://­‐16-­‐85mm-­‐VR-­‐Lens.aspx$849Camera  Bag  Lowepro Camera  Bag  DSLR h6p://­‐2/Lowepro-­‐Fastpack-­‐350-­‐Black-­‐Gadget-­‐Bag.aspx$180Adobe  Photoshop  lightroom  5 Photo  Edi[ng  sogware h6p://sogware[­‐photoshop-­‐lightroom-­‐5?gclid=COPzqqLtgsACFRUHvAodnwcAzw$175Mrack  3.4SS  Deep  Studio  Desk Control  room  desk $2,870 Main  Control  room  mixing  deskXLR  Cables 2x  pack  of  5 h6p://­‐3-­‐Pin-­‐Male-­‐XLR-­‐to-­‐Female-­‐XLR-­‐Microphone-­‐Lead-­‐Bulk-­‐Pack-­‐of-­‐5.html$135.90Instrument  Cables 2x  pack  of  3 h6p://­‐Cable-­‐Premium-­‐TS-­‐TS-­‐20g-­‐Bulk-­‐x-­‐3.html$70Misc  Cables RCA  abd  Firewire  cables $120Ableton  Push  with  Ableton  Live   Electronic  music  composi[on  sogware  and  instrumentTurramurra  Music $1,348Squier  affinity  Jazz  Bass Bass  Guitar Bass  Centre $285Warwick  rock  stand   Guitar  Stand JB  Hi  Fi $563  seat  sofa Furniture Freedom  Furniture $899 For  Control  roomEnergy  Medium  Back  Chair Furniture h6p://­‐medium-­‐back-­‐fully-­‐ergonomic-­‐task-­‐chair-­‐black-­‐csenegmbbk$237Energy  Medium  Back  Chair Furniture h6p://­‐medium-­‐back-­‐fully-­‐ergonomic-­‐task-­‐chair-­‐black-­‐csenegmbbk$237Energy  Medium  Back  Chair Furniture h6p://­‐medium-­‐back-­‐fully-­‐ergonomic-­‐task-­‐chair-­‐black-­‐csenegmbbk$237HP  Laser  Jet  Pro  CP1025 Colour  Printer Officeworks $163TOTAL $44,916OB  VANCaravan $10,000Rode  Broadcaster   Microphone Turramurra  Music $449Rode  Broadcaster   Microphone Turramurra  Music $449Rode  Broadcaster   Microphone Turramurra  Music $449RODE  PSA1 Microphone  PSA1  boom  stands  for  broadcast  micsTurramurra  Music $119RODE  PSA1 Microphone  PSA1  boom  stands  for  broadcast  micsTurramurra  Music $119RODE  PSA1 Microphone  PSA1  boom  stands  for  broadcast  micsTurramurra  Music $119Fender  Passport  300  pro Portable  PA Turramurra  Music $1,099Yamaha  Monitors  HS7 Studio  Speakers   Turramurra  Music $595Signage  for  Caravan $600Sony  MDR  7506 Studio  Headphones Turramurra  Music $179Sony  MDR  7506 Studio  Headphones Turramurra  Music $179Sony  MDR  7506 Studio  Headphones Turramurra  Music $179TOTAL $14,535

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5.00% 1

35.00% 7

50.00% 10

10.00% 2


organisation?Answered:20 Skipped:3

Total 20





0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

AnswerChoices Responses


Facil itatecommunityaccess



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70.00% 14

70.00% 14

20.00% 4

0.00% 0

15.00% 3

10.00% 2

0.00% 0

5.00% 1

10.00% 2


Answered:20 Skipped:3











0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

AnswerChoices Responses




PaidGooglel isting(Adwords)






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82.35% 14

29.41% 5

11.76% 2

29.41% 5


organisation?Answered:17 Skipped:6






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AnswerChoices Responses





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21.43% 3

50.00% 7

28.57% 4

0.00% 0


Answered:14 Skipped:9

Total 14





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AnswerChoices Responses





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Answered:12 Skipped:11






Notatalll ikely Somewhatl ikely Likely Iwantitnow!



3minutev ideoshowcasingy...



0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

Notatalllikely Somewhatlikely Likely Iwantitnow! Total


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0.00% 0

4.17% 1

75.00% 18

12.50% 3

8.33% 2


Answered:24 Skipped:9

Total 24






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70.83% 17

12.50% 3

8.33% 2

4.17% 1

4.17% 1


business?Answered:24 Skipped:9

Total 24






0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

AnswerChoices Responses






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74.07% 20

74.07% 20

14.81% 4

14.81% 4

25.93% 7

0.00% 0

14.81% 4

29.63% 8

11.11% 3


Answered:27 Skipped:6











0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

AnswerChoices Responses




PaidGooglel isting(Adwords)






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100.00% 21

23.81% 5

38.10% 8

57.14% 12


business?Answered:21 Skipped:12






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AnswerChoices Responses





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9.09% 2

50.00% 11

31.82% 7

9.09% 2


Answered:22 Skipped:11

Total 22





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AnswerChoices Responses





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Notatalll ikely Somewhatl ikely Likely Iwantitnow!





0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%



Likely Iwantitnow!






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