
mmmm m. U




Emperor William Acquiesces at tlie Requestof the Austrian OoYerameit ,


The llencHal of tlio Treaty Due In n-

Gicnt Meumirc to His 1C (Tort a-

Couipllinents to 1'rus *

Till or,

UKIIIIV , fecpt. II 'Jho extension of thetriple alliance to May , 1W7 , has been acceptedhy Enperor William at tno request of theAustrhn government. The revised twityIncreases tlio guarantees of both Germanynad Italy tctupport Austria In the event ofI-

tussian Imoslotiof the Balkans. Modifica-tions


otthetreivti virtually conllrin Austria'spossession cfBosnli and Ilerzegovlnln. Theane-vvnl of the treaty so long bufoio Its ox-plratlon is duo to the assistance of Count ,

Kalnckywho feared tliat the Italian dectlons would cripple SH'iior Oispl and cause achange in Italy's foreign polli.v. Ills proba-ble


that the Austrian priiuo minister alsodreaded the cstahllshnicnt cf an euteiitobt-tivecnHnipcior


Wllinmandthe czar. Signerr Crisplncceleiatcl the negotiations , luringiiasonto suspect that King Humbert , uu-kttoMi

-to his ministers , had ciehangcd

views v.lth the crnt ndiurso toI-

ho droibund through the princeof Xnples during the prince's rercnt visit to-St. . Peters turg. Dnpeior William vIII there-fore fcicet Emperor l-VaucIs Joseph ou the17th hist , uilh increased corJUllty , the mu-tual


trust tending to induce Austrian assentto 32mpcror William's schemes to piclRussia

Scmlofllchl communications iti St. Peters-burg announce that liusslnn political drclcsare conlldcnt that Bmieror| William , in conferciiM u ith ITrancls Joseph , will endeavorto prevail upon him to harmonize his pollcjIn thoBalkin peninsula with of liussia-Slgnoi Crhpi , before agreeing to a prolongnlion of the trcatj , tried to obtain a-

pletlgo fiom Knlnoky that ho wouldtedo Italy part of Treutluo. Em-peror William's refusal , however ,

to ptrnilt the triple compact to bo In an) wi-dependeiiton Italian Irredentist claimsintulc-ICuluoky nioie rcsolutoln his refusal.-


s Augusta Victoria it enceinteThe event U expected to Calces place caily in-

rebruary ,

The emperor has been witnessing themanciiveisof troops at cliUcrent points , butwill ho at the grand review inthe presence of Cuipcror rVaneis Joseph andthe king ofSuxony. The movement of lioopiwill extend over a country every part ct-

vliiehls n historic battle lleul.-EmperorVIIlltim in Ida nftor din-

ner .toasts makes toustant references tothe pas t deeds of frusslans. Diningwith the ofllcersof a rogitniut of cuirassiersho nlluded to the buttles around llicalau duiin [r tlio ptrlod of Prussia's deepest huntilialion , when Silesli presented the mostsignnlexample of the virtues of .fidelity ,

devotion and valornito deathAt the state banquet last nightho wont bnck tothodccdsof the Prussian ?

under Frederick the Great In concludingho tatd : "When I think oC the horolefigure of that other Frederick ;, my father ,

my hcait Is full to "buratln-gwltli cniotioi , aad especially vvhen-I remember eight jeurs ago,

looking In the full bloom of health , holed Illscorps past my Imperial grandfather. Thesehorolcforns still Iho in the hearts of thearmy."

1'no proposal , -which was approved at

socialist meetings held hero andin Kiimburg , to have Illuminationson the night of October 1 In honor of the ex-

piration , of the autl socialist Ian is opposedby the modeutcs. The government doesnot take tlio proposal scilousl ) , butwill prepare for the rigorous suppres-sion ol nny public jubilation jni-

mmensecffortto extend the socialist propa-gunda to the smaller towns untl among ruralpopulations will bottla on the first of nextmonth. Over ono hundred small papers de-


to the cause ! ! ! appear on that dut-oIt Is iutendol to penotnito Into dhtrittshitherto closed against socialism Lecturerswill bo sent every where and elections for

members of provincial diets and I-nlotal communes Avlll b contested when-ever possible A protoatious anonymouspamphlet , which is supposed to hmo beenissued -with imperial sanction , appeals to theworkmen to guard against tbo socialistUtopias and affirms (ho government's inten-tion


to rcfoim taxation in the direction of r-elief


for the working classes aud to amelioratethe condition of laborers us icgnrdj theirdwellings aud reoipauizo every industry lu-

tlio Interests of the working ; menUnited States Minister Ihelps and wlfo

sailed todiy ou the steamer Elboforhouioon-a.. vacation.

5Ir.Mlliain Walker Phelps , the UnitedStates nduislcr , nnd airs. Phelps sailedtoday on the stoimer Ellw for homo ThisIs the minister's llrst leave of absence fora-year. . Ho will spend most of Ms vacation m-

Nev Jersey , on his estate atTeauak. OnSunday last Mr. and Mrs. Phelps visitedOhemnuncrgau to witness the Passionplay. Tbo burgomaster assigned theminister and his wife to therojal box vlth Count Poprenhelmvvho,

recently married Miss Wheeler c ( Phila-delphia


Count Poppeaheim afterwardsentertained .Mr , nnd Mrs Phelps at hU cnstlo-of Ettcl , noarObcrtm.

Diphtheria Is cpldcmlo lu this city , andthcro iiro numerous coses of typhoid fever.-Uho

.hospltah are crovded with patients ,

aids condition of affairs ls largely attributedto the high price ol meat , driving tlio poorerpoitlon of the populace to cut gixibago anddlscttbcd food. A. similar conditlo-acilsts in other XK puloua places. It-is believed that the governmentwill bo speedily foixcd tore&clud tlio prohibi-tion


on American fork aud other meat Im-poits-


Von Ma hach , minister o ( publlo-cries , Is ill.-


Wissinunhas wlthelraivn the co-ntnet

-for building the vessel -which Is to bo

placed on Victoila Nyunia from thellugllsh firm , and has eheuthe contract to Ilerr Jtiiiscn o ( Hamburg.

The admiralty liaidratvii up plans for theconstruction of t fortltlcd hi-

Tlio laito Ciirtllnnl-CoKrtgil[ ) ISM ktiJliinanttnlan litnn'U * }

LONDON , Bopt. U. [Now York IleuldCable Spetlal to Tin Sec. ] Arrange-ments


are to ho nuuo for the publication of-tclcctlons from the correspondence of thehto Cardinal Newman. Tlio Uev , "W , P.-


of the oratory at Jllrmiuguam , In-Tiles all who any such lottorslu tholrpossession to send tuomto him , tliat ho mayhave all the available material. IMr, Nclllo-II) justifiably anxious thatCurJIoal

letters may not bo printed scpitrately inpapers or imgazlnes , uhlchmodflof publica-tion Is Unowii to l>cen contrary to hiswiihos on the subject Cardinal Newman'sUollnivaszlveiia month boforohls death tothe hug-liter of a friend vhom ho hod evericganled vlth iiiiticubr auction.

AItJTH.II'lMKtilK. .

Tlicliottiluti Spectator lluasta Him to-

it Mum-.lS

.> Jimts fljnfonJennrll.l-

Setit , ly [New "York HeruMCable Spalal to TUB HUB. ) Andrew Car-ncgle


, nllliomlre , must luvvopassed sc eial sleepless nights if ho read tlio-

IZii llih piper's attentively since hi° recentdlatrlbo against the country to wbich ho U

Indebted much generous hospitality , Saystoday's' Spectator : ' ''tt'o should not think I-

tilghtto make aspeech ab Boston dcchriii |{

a republic to bo the moat costly and mostvenal for the government , denouncing demo-crats In genera ! as bcing composed of ingsarid tatters , personally ridiculing the presi-dent of the United States und exhortingAmcic.uis! to Wile out their dtsrcpu table r-opublkansn'id


establish arcsiicctablo monarchy. Should any Knglishnuin makesuch a speech , and wrc ho lynclicd-In consequence, should bo the first to do-


his folly nnd confess that bo had pro-vokcd


his file , but vo hope tioEtigllshmnnwho con Id get people to listen to hi in wouldbo npableof such a want of prudence andgood taste Tint , however , is pretty muchthe tone of the speech made at Dundeeby the Siotch-Vineilcm millionaireMr , Carnegie , bj . name so written ,

goes on for a column or more and manyothcis are handled by the canny monopolistwith n not inoro tender tomb. U is n-

meUnchol ) fiut that , as a rule , Englnulsreal enemies In America are Britisherswho (.hanged their nationality ,

It is well to paint out that a native Ameri-can


r.irtlj Roes out of his nay to bo eritlcil-of England except in matters of political coin-paiison.


. The queen nud loyul lainily areheld lu tlio hljjticst respect and esteemthrough the states , and when the Englishpubllo reads Carneglo's attnclts , as the woilc-of an American , it becomes almost anAuic-ricnailutj

-to roinlud the Kn llsh people tbit-

Mr CaniCRie is not an American at all , anymow than Dalton , the sivlininor , ts-one is aScotch nun anlthe other a German. "

General iiooih Mill I'ublish < e Duok hiOctoUcr.-


[ ISWljuJdmaOonlm nenntlt.lL-OVUON , Styt. 13. [ Now York Ilerild

Cable Special to THE Jkc. l GencralBooth of the bdvatlon array lias undertakento settle off hnml , tuabooitho Is about to pub-


, most of the gnat social questions - that-

tino perpletcd philosophers , theologian * mdpolitical economists for ages. Inn recent I-ntculowln


the Chronicle the giiieralsot forthat some length his Ideas , hx > m which I selectthe following ! "Yes , " remarked GeiurilBooth , "tho schemois n big ono and 1 hopealso 0110 likely to do sonio good. Iain #and cuiou raged to find eminent mensympathetic toward It. I haehudlnq.uii03!

about it from men llko CardinalClaiming; , thecarl of Iloseberrj , Lord Wolsley , HenryGeorge , Michael Davitt , Dr Clifford andothers whose names I douofat this momentrcmcmbu1. The functions of our social sst-cm

-, ivs they appear to me , seem to vorkr-

oiiKly.. Tlio Idea oE reformation does notseem tocntci into the most of ourcaleula-tloas

-dealing with a vichus population.-


man falls and becomes a social wreck , it-is either tbo icsult of his own fault01 he is the victim of misfortune.-'Jho

.purpose of my scheinels tohelpthat man ,

whether ho has fa lion on account of ouocause or the other. If a man's' poverty anddestitution uro the result oflce onhis part ,you must change that man's nature , for ifyou do not he will most roadiljslnlibacUlntohis old condition. Likewise , If n man is thevictim of clicumstances , you must lift himfrom those clKumstanccs and put bin in theivay of beginning a new life It a man isstarving , if he sees bU vvifo and childrenstarving , ho flies to the gin cup to drown hiscaro. The result is Increased degradation.-


cities vo shall have hidustiiiil refusesand homos foi the Immediate reception olourpeople Prom these refuges aud liomes theysvlll , titter a little time, bo gradual !} distrib-uted


to rural settlement * , to agricultural v II-


and eoiiimunltles wblth wo hope tosettle In the country , and from tucsoagain to settlements iu the colo-


settlements which may , who knows.-bo

.the foundation of another cmpiio Again ,

an instance ou the other Hue on which thescheme would work I may mention the res-cue

-of women , u vork in which the Salvation,

nrmy has already done much 'Hut workcould bo extended indefinitely.rlho womencould , by a gradual system of tare , protectionand tiaiiilngbo, made rospcetn bio membersot society again Peihaps some of thornmlghtgo nbroid and enter Into suitable scrv-


, while others ral ht bei thoroughly re-chlmcd

-at home From the status of serv-


they might tiso to tbo higherlevel of wives and mothers , forgetting their|iastand proud ot their present-


latest vork bos Icon upon a part ofthe scheme In which perhaps special interestwill bo taken I mean a great luatri rnonlalagency , How many thousands of men tirethere In far away parts of the earth whowould be glad to got good wives and wliocan-not get them ) How many -women are therelu the ranks of home society who vvouldmakethe best of wives , but who i-emaln spinsters ?

Would it not be touching our social condi-tions


Intimately If these two classes , by someproper method , could bo brought vlthin roachot each other ) This may seem a surprisingnotion to somopeoploutnrstslghtbut believemo , thcro is a grcit deal In it. "

Spcaklngof the nebTO tlio general said :

"Tho negro personally U as jot anuulmown-quantity. . Ills character , intellectual abilityand spiritual capacity nro as yet compara-tively


undiscovered. Wo sci him only In nsavage state almost , Just emerging from slav-ery


, but oven now , where in lndi > Idua.l casesho has had ciuml opportunities , lie will fa-vorably


compare -with the vvhlto man.-It


Is quite possible for us toargue , tlerofore , that after jcais of-ilvllhation , education and ChilstlanInfluence bo will equal. . If he docs not actu-ally surpass , the vvhlto man In those thingsthat now inaKo tlio latter so much his superior."

Such are a few of the Ideas that Generalllooth will sot foith In a book , the title otwhich , singularly well , Isi "Darkest-Unglind and How to Gel Out. " This cuiioui-worlnvlll appear lu October.-



JuMIco at-

lu < IIIMIBVyo , Sept, 13 [Special Tele-graratoTiiB


BEB , ] Tonight has been oao ofjubilees for the republicans of Laramlo incelebration of their victory In tbo state andcounty , 'Jho parade was the most elaboratepolit.ul dcmoiistmtlon over seen In the city ,

It conslst-cdof iloitsl mounted men and torch-bearers and the air was IHled with muslo andcheers. tU proccsbloa proceeded fourrounds were flrcd at all the principal streetcorners in ton n , Speeches wore made by allthe successful Bcandidite * who Iho la


Treasury Department Doing EverythingPossible to Avert a Panic..




Strongly Opposestlic Proposition tol'ut Govern ¬

ment.Uoucy on Deposit In-

Jintioiml ltanl8.

, Sept. 13 Thcro was alongconsultation today byvUo between theprtsldtnt at Crcssou Springs and Acting-Secretary Batcheller and Assistant SecretaryIN'cttleton at tbo treasury department con-


the stilngency In the money market ,duiitifiwhlchtho wholosituation was thor-oughly


gone over. TQ.O prc Ident , It Is un-derstood


, stated tint It was his desire to-mert a panic hi the money mirkct and thatnone shall bopermitted to occur If thetieabtiry dcpirtment cm prevent It. Theviews of the president were telegraphedSecretary New York , who sentthe following message to the president :'Havehad a coiiftrencowith lenaiiiir finan-ciers.


. Thcro appi-ars to bo coimldciablostringency , but no icason to apprehendserious consequences. I am fully advisedfind Mill take Mich nctloa as I think thesltuntlon requires"The president tins also boon in consultation

by who with Major Mdvlnley , chilrtnan ofthe committee on ways and means , and ethersInrcsard to the propriety of extending thadate tlxed by the senate for the uuw tariffbill to go into effect. 'Iho matter , it Is un-derstood


, Is to bo the subject of a fin thereon-fueute-.IVImloiii'sCimfcrotici


* Flurmclers-NKV VOIIK , Sept. 13 Inferring to the

conference between Secretary " nnd-flnauclcis an evening paiwr snjss "Thoquestion of putting government tnonoy on de-posit


In national banks vas brought upSecretary " reiterated the position ofthe government and emphatically declared



that sucli a proceeding vas Impossible. Inregard to the proposition of the governmentpaying a j car's Interest on $05,000,000 of cur-rency


Os bonds , Secretary Wlndom statedthat congress -would have to authorize it. A-

propositionvhichmetthe unanimous upproil-ot


those present , including the scyetary ,

was to suspend the payment of du-

ties from November 1 to 1'ebrunry 1. Secre-tary


Windom said the present dlfllculty-in the money inirkct ho belie > cdto be onothat extended all over the country andnot conllned to Wall stieet or oveu NewYoik H $> nid it would require a grett dealof careful consideration to soMlo upon thebestmetliod of relioiag the stringency andfor that reason aothiug would bo donehastily. "

In regard to the scare which Is based uponthe belief that a amount of money ac-


to many not less than $50,000,000-will bo required iramedhtely la duties totake goods out of bond In case the Mclvlnloybill goes Into effect October 1 , ..Assistan-tTreasurerUoDCrts says : "It might bo sug-gested


iii the first place that this amount Isoverstated , for the custom house authoritieshao estimated that the amount of dutypayable on goods now in bond does notamount to more than $10000000. In tbo sec-ond


place , If tbtso goods aio withdrawn in-

lax'go amounts and thrown upon the marketIt lUll hme a tendency to check imports sothat the amounts of levonuo received will bo-

diminished. At any rate it should not In-


the stringency. It would bo wise ,hovover.ln my opinion for congress to extendthe time within goods now in bondcould be withdrawn This would tend to re-


the market , but In any aspect of thec.iso I do not think thcio Is any seriousground for alarm. "

a N. Wbltowontto Washington last nightand has been in conference with members ofthe senate finance and the hoitho waysand means committees. Ho sa > s : "There-is no doubt wliatovcr that the lima for thewithdrawal of goods from bond will bo ex-


. The treasury department Is dolnueverything possible for the relief of themoney market and will continue to extend allthe relief which maj ho found necessary. "

{shipments of currency have been headerthis week than any previous one this season-.Nctrly

.nil the currency shipped went west

and south Thcro lias been a heavy outwardof gold , SoOO.OOOgoing to San Fran ¬

cisco.Secretary AVIudom niiilo a statement to-


regarding the amount of money tied upin the treasury. Ho said : 'Comparison-shao recently been inadoef the suiplus nowreported la the treasury ttlth the amount re-


ajoarago , fiomhiehthe cironcousconclusion Is drawn that the present admin-istration


has pursued a polio } tcmaul co-ntraction


, In this connection the followingstatement will show the fallacy of this betier.-Tlio

.amount of not cash , fractional silver

and r.atlcmal bank redemption fundsin the treasury September 1 , 1SS9iisabout 141uoOOUO. The amount of the bamo-lums September 10. Ifc9) , vas f99,50ll,2J-O.vhlchiliimonstratesthofact

.that IIIO-


more money has been paid out sinceSiptemhcr 1 , bb9 , than vos received Into thetreasury during that time. In other words ,

dollar by the treasury sinceSiptomber 1 , IBS'J. has been paid out and

JH1UOOOUO besides. Tha apparent sur-plus

¬shortn Stptembor 10 , IfcOO , of |JJ,509aO-


inado up as follows : Fractional sihorcoins , about ( J3000.000 iunuvalluhlo(

of bonds ) ; In national depositories.fcU,000OOi, ) (now In clreulatlon ) Those Uoit ms, amounting tofl7OOOOOOdeducted, , fromfW.OOO.OOO. , leaves about foi.OOO.Ootf , whichrepresents tlio entire atallabla cush in thetreasury , and that sum is part of $..V5OOO,00-0of the national bank redemption funds nadaavallublehy the recent uctof congress. Thcro-

tvn tronsnrv sur-

plusvvhlchcamo thcro by the navmont ofcustom duei , hcnco thcro is not a dollar whichrepresents any ho.ii ding of currency duringthe last year. The : 53Uv)0) , X ) nbovo referredto has boon In the treasury for several yearsand this fund nlono during the last admin ¬

istration. amounted to about 110000000.The nbovo statement h not atheoretical exposition of the condition of thetreasury , as it as an actual fuel thut themwere in circulation on September 1 overMVOJU.OOO more thcro uero on Septem-ber


1,1, S> b9"-Secretary Wlndom said ho would probably

take steps ntonco to purchiso sotno 4 per-cents , but how many he ueillneJto stito. Hointends to remain la Jfow'Vorle sovciul dnv.sand take all necessary steps to relieve thestringency lu the tnonoy market.

Will Ihiy Silver Momlny-AVtsimatON , Sept. 18. The dlreetor of the

mint announced his w Illlngness to buv largelyof sliver Monday , if oCfersworo favorable , In-

oidcr to assistia relieving the stiingeuoy lu-

money. .


Nebraska Germans Attempt to FormJIM Order of Their Own-


!, Cole , Sept. U [Special Tele-gram


to Tim HtK. ] At the session of theLutheran synod yesterday moat of the morn-In

-g was spent in consldeilng the request of

Nebraska Germans to fbitn a separate synod.The rest of thotltnowas dovotcd to the elec-


of clerical and lay delegates to the 3) nod. Tncro nro seven delegates of-

cadi class nnd n corresponding number of-

nltcrnnth es. lu each case the seven arecomposed of four Engltalin.on , two Qci nunsand one Scandlnavlin.-


Is a list of delegates elected ;

English , Uobert AVelgcasall , M. r. Easter-duy

-, Dr. James Mi Her , Dr.Ivountze , German ,

P. S. Lclsenring , II Sprlcic ; Scandinavian ,

II. W. Boarescn ; Dngli-ih alternates , II-


, W. A. Ilclmbeigcr , (Scorgo Learner ,

G. S. llanmel ; German , Uriah 11 rnner , E. V-


; Scandinavian , E. D. Christie.-'Iho


clerical dolomites elected are as fol-


: English , Dr. C. Lutz , Dr , Eyster ,

Rov. W. S. Itclmsburg , 13. Eetwilcr ; ber-man

-, Revs. Rosonstcbcgclnadllubcr ; Scan-


, Uev. H. Hanson ; Kngllsh alter-nates


, Ifov. Crouso , J. 0. Giimth , II. W.









Kuhns , E. Llpu ; German , Uevs. Strokman-nnd Waage ; Scandinavian , II , Thomson

It was decided thut those should bo deemedeligible to net as German delegatesserved German consreRHiousor preached tocongregations in both tongues. The icport-of the committee appointed to consider therequest of applicants of permission to or-ganize a Uerman sj nod was then lead. Tbereport refuses to permit the German constit-uency


to in the territory now oc-cupied


bv the froneral Nebraska sjnod on thefiiouiidthatit is contrary toyn°dleal jaw t0-do so ; that the organization of the German inNebraska is nt present temporary nud lacksauthority and that it is Impossible to dismissfrom ono synod members whohao no regu-larly nuthoiized sjnod to which to ally them-selves After considerable discussion there-port was recommitted to the committee ,

which wai enlarged by tbo addition of Drs .

G , Lmtz , Ejstor and Rev. Thomson-.At

.the altcrnoon session the report of the

committee recommending that thcro bo no re-districting


of the confeienco was read nnd-adopted. . 'Jho committee appointed to con-sider the application of the now Germansynod was then read and adopted item byItem and afterwards asa whole.rXhe measurebrought UD considerable discussion. Uev. J ,

N. Lcnker mido an earnest speech allegingthe authorship of the movement todivido thesynod by languages was to bo found inHastings , .Neb. , among men who at heartwere not general synod Lutherans. Themovement was rebellious and disoidoilj ,

Dr. I.cnken's speech carried the measurethiough with little objection , Thoioport asadopted refuses to consider the request ofthe Ncbi.iska Clcrmans to separate Item themain sjnod This irioioracnt is alleged to bounconstitutional , Irregular and Injurious tothe interests of thochnich. In case of theirpersisting in tuo. movement through anotherjear , howeter, the synod promises to offer noopposition to their severing from the mainbody and organizing Into a body by thoni-stives.


. The report of the committee on thepresident's repoit was then read and adopted ,

In the evening Dr. Kountzo of Omaha de ¬

livered an eloquent addrnss on chuich extens-ion. . The synod is enjoying a trip tothe Loup and will roasaeinblo Monday morn-Inj



A D.ll! *' KVLOGIVB.Deck and rCnndnll Remembered in-

Soiinto and lionm- .

WASHINGTON , Sept. 13 In the senate to-day


Jlr. Quay offered a resolution of sorrownnd condolence In regard to the death ofSamuel J. and proceeded to addressthe senate. Messrs. Harbour and Plumb alsoeulogized the dead spcakpr. There were fur-ther


eloquent tributes , and then , us a fiat hermark of respect , the senate adjourned tillMonday.


., Sept. U , In the house today

the Journals of Wednesday , Thursday andFriday were read and unproved without ob-


and the bouso proceeded to pay Itslast tributes of respect to the memory of thelute Senator Bek of Kentucky. After nd-dresses by Messrs. Itrockenrldgo of Ken ¬

tucky , Dunnoll of .Minnesota , McCieary ofKentucky , Stone of Kentucky , Illount of

, Henderson of Illinois , Caruth ofKentucky. Mo.MHliu of Tennessee nnd Hookerof Mississippi , the house , as a further markof respect to the memory of the deceased , ad ¬

journed. tGorman SoUllcr * fiotitonueil ,

BEIIU.V , Sept. 13. Sixteen soldiers of theSeventy-eighth rcRlmeatbavo been sentencedto several years' Imprisonment in a fortressfor refusing to obey tbi orders of the captain.AM of tbo malcontents are socialists.


Heavy Rains anrl "Waterspouts Do GreatDamage to Property ,


Several People Nnrrtmly KocnpoDeath lu Olilu Ilrnvy Frosts

llr. ak the Kcoord of-1'tcvlous "V-

V m-UTOW v , N. Y , Sept. 13. The winwhich has fallen In torrents almost continu-ally


for Iho dijs pist has swollen everystream In this section to spring freshet heightand today the effects arc seriously felt here-abouts


by the almost complete tlclnc up ofthe Homo , ft Ogdensburg mllrouland Its brunches , obstructing mills and dolnfother damage to manufacturing and fuun-pioperty. . A big vvnshout occurred on theKonieVatcrtowti A. Ogueiisuurg uitlroid-betvvccu Mnusvlllo anil PlcrrepontManor In this county lust night ,the Hood carrying nway the trade fiom-nhout thiitv feet and making a deep channelacross the Hue. A now Iran biidgo wnlchbad Just been completed ntOentievillo a inllo-wostof , on the Homo branch ivas-ulso carried uxvity dm Ing the night Dirout-nillroid and mall communication from north-ern


Now Yoikls shut olT with the south castand cat. Many acres of good farm land nrounder ivuter.-


liver U rnglng1 bcinc within fourInches of Its usuallj high point which Itreached list spilnc , and vlth frequentshowers still loujinp and tbo water stillllo liiK Into tbo valley fiom ycsterdftj'srains thote Is n probabihn that it will pissthat high water mails and become dangerous-



I'cnns ) Mania and Olilo.-PiTisnuuo


, Sept. 13. lialn In this section1ms at last ceased and this morning the shieswere blight. Iho ate high and risingat the head waters , but no more damageIs icportcd fiom points , and thewater AN 111 not pitch twenty feet at

'jkN $ ?







this point. At IS'ow Philadelphia , O. , thereis a landslide on the Cleveland & Mariettarailway , which will delay trains a long while-.A


cloudburst occurred last night ntlioudale.The water came down In toircnts , and in afew minutes tbo people livini ; In the lowerportion of the town were compelled to Ilco tothe higher grounds. Several people narrowlyesc iped death ,

_In West iminla.-


, W. Va , Sept 13.Tho Llt-tlo

-Kannwha was twelve feet nnd ilslng last

night at Grantsvillo. Tjgnrt creek is out olits banks , 'iho Big nnd Little Hockingrivers nro rising very fast auU doing muchdamage. _

Hurt tlic Corn rep ,

WIVSIDF , Nob. , Sept , 18.- [ Special Tele-gram


to TUB BhE. ] This section was visitedby a hard frost last night. Opinions vary ,but probably one-third to ono half of the corncrop will ho soft.

i I'rost at Vaiiktoii.Y-ANKIOV

., S. DSept , 13 [Special Tele-

gram to THE Bur.J There was a blightingfrost hero this morning. Not much damage

done , as ciops gcuually , including coin ,

are out of thowuy.

Waters Subsiding.PI-TTSIIUKO


, Pa. , Sept , 13. Advices from allsources up the Allegheny nnd in the northerndistilctshow that the high waters are sub-siding , though not without considerable dam-age having been inflicted. A waterspout in-

.Akron , O , last night , gullied the hill streetsvsbllo the sticets on the Hats have been b.idl-

jaihedandtholosHonnropcityhcro will bo-so largo that a special meeting of tbo citjcouncil has been called to devise means of ro-palling the extraordinary dnmaeo-



DaiiuiKO to 'Michigan Crops.D-


, Mich , , Sept , 13. No damage Isreported to ciops in Michigan Hain fclpretty generally over the state last nightbut 110 frost U reported ,

from Washington ,

WASHINGTON , Sept. 13 , The signal servicefurnishes the follow ing special bulletin to thepress : The signal borvlco reports of jester-day and this tnoiniug show an ad-vance from the northwest over Da-kota , Nebraska. Iowa , ICansis , not th-em Texni , Missouri nnd nci thornIllinois of a severe cold wuvo which producedunpicccdently low ternpoiaturo und unusual-ly eaily ftosts tliioughout those sections.lolloping arosomoof the minimum temper-nturcs

-of this moinlng with their lolation to

the lowest ever before recorded during thesecond week of September , viz : Coiuonlla ,: H = , b= below j Wichita , 3b = , ! = below ;

Davenport , 1)3) = , 1 = below ; Keokuk , 30= a =below ; Chicago. :is = , 2 = belli w : Sptlnglleld.111. , !te=' ,2 * below ; Springfield , Mo , U) = ,a = below. Killing fiosts are reported thismorning from central and northoinIowa , two weeks earlier from Den-ver und three weak * enrllor fiomnorthern Nebraska. Three days earliertfiun any piolous iccord of light fiosls arereported from other portions of Iowa , No-braski


and from Kansas und noithorn Mis-souri. . 1'rost warnings were sent yesterdayto noi th western Iowa and Dikotn , and thismorning Issued for the ccnuiberry and to-


distilcts of Wisconsin and thetobacco districts of Missouri , -western Ken-tucky


aud northwestern Tvnni&sc-



Detect ivoKtnlibcd and KilledCiiicioo , Sept , 13. D. M. Avcry , chief de-


of the Luke Shore & Michigan South *

era road , -was stabbed and killed this morn-Ing


by Lxmls Dycbman. The latter v> asflehtinedmnir.

Iloth HIIHV 1'rrpnrltiR fur Their Coin-Ins; Oiivoiiiitrr.I-


ISMbiiJanifionion ( lennrfM-LOMIOV , Sept 13. [New York HoraM-

CubleSpeelal to Tun lltr.J The onct-dito of the approaching contest betweenSlavln and MeAullJTo has not yet beenIked , nor will It bo until shottly beforethe light. Iloth men aiM now practicallyicady and In cipltal health. The Amer-Kan


has worked oft nbout fottypounds of superfluous lleshhlletlio Australian lias been adding slightly tohis weight , as ho alwiis doe * before u tussleSlaviu Is luxuiioiHly Installed at Dover oottttwith his mnnnger , J.ick Lovvls. 1'rank'sdally life is to liso only , walka inllu or so nnd bithe , thinbreakfast ; then ho reads lotteiaand paper * nnd takes a quiet canter of twelv o-

or fourteen miles , then homo to be rubocddown ami dinner ; then ho fools nbout the

Jivvn tennis nets und so on , then ho punchesthe bill nnd porlmps sp.irsvlth McCaitb ) .

It is rather a sight to see Simlapunching the ball , lie sola about Itwith gritted teeth , Justus If It mro an actualfoe , and Itulvvajs comes b.nk to his list. OB

one occasion ho punched It through tbe [ . .iiuik-

roof. . It Is a slgiililtcnt fact Hint Mnrxus-Mayei's clullciie'o of i'JOOon McAullfle , aspublished In the London Herald , found no-

takeis There seemt , howevci , to bo nodoubt that both men me in earnest and thatthe light bo perfectly on thosiiume-



Stuart 1'helps' llradc t alln-Poitli Comment.

LONDONSopt. . U [ New Yotk HeraldC.tblo-Speclnl to Tin DnO 'Ihe thndoofElizabeth Stmut I'hclps ( Mrs ) on-

decollete die slng has called foith consldo-rablocoiuincnt


fiom the London pi-ess , iniiih-of lik'h Is far fiom coinpllinentnij to thethin skinned American propagandist. Ononiittrsnjs , rofcningto Mra AVaul'snitiile :

"People who talk and wuto In this stjlc nroeither not well Informed on their sub-ject


or they are constitutionally inc.ipihlo of- thcie Is moio cloudiness andsound health in the wet Id athuge than exists in their ounminds and untuio. Sonio of us-

aio unfortunately i o constructed that womust Hist cre.ito the vices wo want to de-


and there is nothing that does so muchharm to soclet y as this blatant outsailing byprudent mirists against evils that hivescaicely the shldovv ot an existence outsideof their own Iniaghi'ltio is. Mrs. Ward Issorry that ladies who go to the theater do notaveit their glances nnd blush -when tbo balletcomes on. Well nra some do so ,

but they mo the sort ofomen who imiho ns-


w ith their lovu * in chuuh , askFrench conundrums In whispus at the din-


table nnd rotd ano'iymoua MCUbetween the coveis of fnshlon prints 'Ihowoman AV ho opens hei oycs when the billetconies finds a good deal leas Impropriety Inthat entertainment than she would bo likelyto Und in occasional dhtrlboa agnhibt it Inmagazine at tides b} Butlsh or Auieikan-matrons. . "


She Has a Narrow IJ- cape Prom a Tcr-


-" -

( (( ?! ( < < ! 113(1 buJnm'i Cniilnn-LONDOV , Sept. 13. [ New Yoik Heiald

Cable Special to TIIB ULI : . ] Ono of thelions of the scison In this case n lioness Is-

Carmen Sylvl i , RoumanU's talented queen ,

now getting health nnd pleasure in pictur-esque


Llanduduno , the famous Welsh resortto pass his

holidays. The queen's presence Is attractingninny visitors , who look ndmhingly on theRoumanian's ensign of black , jcllownnd scar-let


displaced In front of her hotel Whllovisiting Conuny castle tbo other day the poet-queen and novelist had a vciy narrow cs-cape. . Whllo exploring the timouorii re-cesses


of the old ruins she espied an owl fastasleep in the ivy by the side of ono of thenaked arches. Her mnjotv , with almostgirlish glee , called the attention of the manymembers of her suite to the bhd of night.The owl , however , continued to slumber.Hero the nuecn stepped on the low wnll bythe side of the path and did not observe thatthe Ivy, Inches In front of bar lect , cov-ered


a chasm at least forty feet In deiitb , Inthe nlok of tnno an attendant caught hold ofthe queen's aim and diew her hack , Themajor suited that some jcars ago a man hadmet with his death In the castle bj a similarmistake. Her majesty thanked the man whohad grasped her loyal arm so unceremon-iously


and gave him a bandso no present-



*, t.DAKOTA. .

A Tree PiillH on a Kullnmtl Conchand KillH'Ihrcc I'CI'NOIIH.-


, S D , Sept. 13.Speelnl[ Tele-gram


to Tin. Di.r. ] A fatal accident oc-

curied today on the Black Hills .t I'oitPierre road , In which Judge Ilclden aud Mrs-.Snjder

.and ahoy of Lead City vcio hilled

outright and many others seriously Injured.-As

.an excursion tiiin fiom Dtadnood and

Lead City to the Masonic picnic. In whichthcro uero uboutthrpohmuhcd excursionists ,passed along n high embankment , a heavytrco fell across the icar coich , killing theabove named persons throwing the car fromthe tiuclt and itijuiln ' others to an unknownextent. _

A Notorious Outlaw Cuptinml.-OOI

.> F.N , Utah , Sept. U [Special Telegram

to Tin : DIM. ] of SmithllUd , astation eighty milts 1101 th of Ogden , on theUtah & Northern railroid , captured the no-torious


outlaw , Dick Rogers , who 11 red Intothe passenger train at Hot Springs about twoweeks ago. Ho wounded a Mis HcrsUunanin the back and it Is not jut duteimlnccwhether she will live or die fiom the effectsof the shot. A federal marshal has gone toSmlthlkld a (tor Rogers.

The Now Ontario Cabinet.TORONTO , Sept. 1 ! ) The Ontario cabinet

has been and ii now constituted asfollows , (J. U' Ross , minister of education ;O F. Kramer , commissioner of publics ,A. S. Hardy , commissioner of crown landsHlchard Hurunirt , piovinclnl treasurer ; JoinDryijeii , minister of agricultuio ; J. M (Jibs-on.

-. provincial secretary ; 1II. . Uronson-



The Weath r I'oroo ast.-


Omaha and Vicinity Fair ; warmerPer Nebraska 1'alr , exwpt local tains h

noithcrn portion ; warmer ; variublo winds-.Tor


Iowa Pair ; sightly , southerlyVtinds-


Snuth Dakota rnlr. preceded by lightlocal ralu ; warmer ; vailahlo winds.-



ICcL'OllIlt o-

WASIII.SOTOV , Sopt. 13Supcrlntendent-Poiterof the census today announced thut i

recount of Minneapolis show an nopulatlou oIW.TsO , This , us compared with Ihe ceiist-of 1850 , Is an Incteaso of 1178.M , orJ51.3j T >cr-ctut ,

.Mississippi ConstHutliiii ltvlscr! .JAC.KSOK , Miss. . Sept , 10. In the coiiitltu-

tlonal convention today the committee ontemperance und the llijuor trafllo roportcithat it Is tbclr judgment that U Is imprac-ticable


and Inopportune to bring the subjectof either the liquor traQlc or prohibition bo-fnro


th * fnnvcntlnn ,

This Week at Grand Island Under tbSugar Pnlaco Manngcineut.


Detailed AcoouiitM Prom Tor-lion ol' the State tu Uoguril-

to the IXlent ol theIteernt I'rost.-



, Neb , Sept , in rspeclal-Tilogriini to Tin : Un * . | Anotlier piohibitloo-dc'lmto Is on the boutls The stigiir palac *iinnageincnt annomu-o that on Tlitirsclny and ,

1'ilday , September IS and U ) , lion 12 Kob-OvaternndIlon.Johu LVelnterot Omaha

will dcbnto the aincndtnoiit iiuostlon ulth At-torney

>Ocncral linidfoul of Kansas e.ovc-

inor Larrabco of Iowa nnd I'liiuuvllof-Civlghtoii of Lltuolu. An { 1111110110 laassured Incursions will bo HIM from thleading cltks , including Om ilia und Lincoln-


.Men Cmiso TiMiible.-


ItiiAM > , N'ob , Sept I ! ) [ SpecialTelegmm to Tnc Hi i 1 List week thap-

roiHSity of n circus showing hi this city vvaiattached l n eouplo of l.iboiers for delta *

ijuent wages , The next iliiy the iaseswcrd-ismlssod by the pliilnillT- * The lonstahle ,failing to collect tbo i-osts fiom the n , elaimca-n lien on thu property Tlio pioptictor coin'-niciiLid a ixplevln iiLtion , but Cot stnbleUor'i-n in lefuseil to linn one horse over. A suircb;

failing to lev eal him , nn action brought( barging ( Ionium and Mnrtoll.i Krotheia ,llvei'jinen , with larceny , and to lav the y-

weio bound over to the ilistilft louit In tuisum

The tate nil-tin (listi , Neb , Sept 1. ! ( Special Tel *

pram to Tnr Hi r 1 Iho fouith day of thMethodist confeiviiLO was opened this morn*

Ing with dev otlomil exercises led bv Kev. J,C. H. Ilobln. 'Iho minutes ofcstciday' *session wciv lead and adopted. Uhc chuiuo-tcrs of the superiiiiincrary proniherseraiv.ul and p isscif Cluirios K. Glwlts , Mose $Andeuon , Charlcd L. HnmllUm , A U Chad *

wick and .lames II. Coblivcro admitted to-tlio conference on trial JninesV. . I'rltch-anl was nmdo n supi.riiiiiiioniiy. lllshopItovvnuii then IntiodiiCLd to thccoufcivnca-Kev. . H. AVjkoft of the Dakota coiifeienco (Kov Dr. CJcurgo T. Cii sninii of the HiistinglI-'resb.Mcrlan. cliuu'h , Hev lr.) Pnvno of ewVork city and Kev Di. Oldham of Singapore ,Mnlaj , Ash-

Thocominitteo appointed to examine tha-Lhniges preferi-ed against Uev. Dr ..lohnsott-of Ostcola presented its ivpjit this morningand umipKtoly cvoueiatcd him ftwu allgullolThe question submitted by the gcni-nil eonJ-feionco to the annual conlurcncosas to a io-iluction


of the ivpic&uitatlvos tothu generalconfeienco failed to moot approval on a votd-of bO to 2J. The closing houi-s of the sessloa-woio devoted to resolutions and leports ol-cominlttces Sunday inoririiuHisliop Thomnsliowin.iu of St. Louis will deliver u conferl-cncoseimoii at the now Pi'eabj'teilun thuichi-

A Hi iimnco I'roin Nebraska City.-Ni'inushA

.CITV , Neb , Sept. 1,1 [Special

to U'IIK BnJeoige] ( Baden , ajoung maUia nntlvo of Ctcrninny , came to this elty aboutfive years nip nud t ok hi' * rtiftt slops towardbecoming an A mcriciin Utben. Two j cart-age ho foil under the inlluuncu of the bulvo-.tlon

.army , and from tnenco forth his mind

ran wild on the subject of Kltgioii. llafiiudlybecame convinced that bn life sbouldTndevoted to missionary woik and with thaipurpose In view hoictuincd to ( lOtmaiiy 4-

ye.irngo and enteted a theological institutionto prep u-o himself to po Into the w ihls of AN-rlca to pi each the goipol. Fate , however,was against him and decided to make a soldiernutof the niKsionaty. A lottcj-ust] received f 10111 him stales that thoGcr *

man authorities discovered that ho had neverserved his time in the lutny , nnd immediatelyimpicssed him Into service , und holsdoing duty an n noldiur enlisted for thicd-

ea> in the nrmy of ICnlscr Wllbolm-



AVniitrd 3Io uj , Nut No tea.-


, Neb , Sept. 11! [Special to Trm-Uiu. . ] A tiavcllng bag belonging to Ir,Clew , a tiaveler for tliu Dccilng manufactur-ing


company of Chicago , was stolen from tha-B. . &M. train. It contained .I.OOO lanotes belonging to the compiny , besidesother valuiblu pipoi-s. The thief retired te-a ravine near tlio liver with bis booty , butfailing to find nny cash , left the grip by theroadside where it was found by ncltioat-oday. . The discovery was immediately re-pot ted to the depot olilduls and the propertywill bo htld till Mr. Clew iallb for it.-



nt vinswuilli.A-IVSWOIITII

., Neb. , Sept , 13. [ Special Tel*.

gram to Tin : BKF. ] The icgular Septemboifterm of the district court , Judge M. P. Kln-kuid presiding. iulnuincd] this evening after a-

week's hard woik. The case of the stataagainst Tom Hatching for the minder olCharles Ilcaton on .Inly 4 , nt Long Pine , ro-suited in u verdict of not gulltv. Although,

crime is steadily ou the decrease In the north *west , JudtfO Klnkald has live of these case )ahcid of him.

The corps of surveyors that have boon at-vtoilt on the Pacific Shoit Lluohuvobioacalled hack to O'Neill.-



TlilcT Who Hteals Am tiling.-BiHTitior

., Neb , Sopt. 13. [ Special Tclo *

gram to Tun Unr. ] The residence of A-


, on Noith Ninth sticct , robbedof n carpet day bcfoio yesterday by U'lllirta.Nell , the blanket thief , who Is now doing )

tlmo In the county jnll for the last named orJf-enso. . Ntll dcllhci.itely toio the eaiptt fiom-jthulloomnd then sold it to a pivviisnop toyan InsigiiiuVant.suin.-



I'utliciJlini't'cd with Itriitiilit y-


VTitici: , Neb , Sopt. li! [Spechl Tclo-gram to Tin : Hi i : ] A teamster ot this cityknown as Hear Is accused of hiving tied a.rope to his toncarold boy's feet u day op-tvvongo and sending the boy down a bored ,

well headforemost to tiring up a bucket thahey had accidentally dropped in tbo well.The bucket was iwovead by thU means.Thocnsols being investigated and If as represented the unnatural father will ho clvtu atcnn in the penitential y for inhumanity-



.Neb. , Sept. 13. [ Special to Tim

Bi r ] Tlio Danish of riemont , fol-


tlia oxnmnlo of the Gcrma'is' ,just an untl-pinhlhltlou society andclotted the following ofllcerv C. II (Jhrls-tenscn

-, president ; I , 1 > . Hanson , vlto prest-


, I'tter Anderson , sociLtar> j ChrisHoiinusstn , trcasunr. It is the purnosnto-oig.iniu the Dane ) into siinilar orgunUtv *lions in ull the tou nships ot the county.

Death or an OldTI.IV IMAII , Neb. , Sopt. 1,1Speclil( to Tin ,

Dn ] '1 ho old settlers of Duit county willbo palnod to boar of the death of an old rcslJJ

dent , Mr Olnoy llniilngton. nt thoiidviinccdlago of clhtv-fiur({ ) tats. Tlio deceased WHSthe father of William Ilaiilngton , ono of thebankeri of this piarc , and has been u resldeub-of Hurt county slnco ism-



Suit ot-Hvyivos , Neb , Sept , 13 [ Special Tclr >


gram to Tnh IIK ] IbaaoE Plorcoof thlicity brought suit today In the district courtagainst H Hostwitk and the Hastingspressed brick toinpaiiy for to , I'i ) .

'll > nt HI no lllll.-ni.i

.i! HIM. , Neb , Sopt. 13-SpctIul[ Tclft-r

gram to Tins Bi'K.JTho Munion hotel bloctfburned this morning , destroying four largaframe buildings. One and a portion of an-other

¬occupied by the hotel , the thlrtM-

inntaltnd thn Munson furniture store and

Top Related