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OT14.6 Daniel in the Lion’s Den ©Beverly Wilson 2020

Unit 14: Captivity Daniel and Esther OT14.6 Daniel in the Lion’s Den Lesson

Scripture: Daniel 6

Lesson Goal: Daniel is a major prophet during the time of Israel’s captivity in Babylon. Daniel was a young man who had been captured by King Nebuchadnezzar and taken to the land of Babylon. In this lesson we will see how Daniel was faithful to God even when his life was in danger. We too will learn to be bold and brave for Him.

Introduction: This lesson is found in the book of Daniel chapter 6. Daniel is in the Old Testament. It is the last book in the section of books called the Major Prophets. Daniel was a prophet when Israel was in captivity in Babylon. In his book he tells about the faithful Jews living in captivity and shows how God is sovereign. Let's say the books of Major Prophets--Isaiah, Jeremiah, Lamentations, Ezekiel, and Daniel.

Attention Getter: “Scary Animals” Have you ever been scared by a growling dog? Some kinds of dogs can be very mean and even attack people. You always need to ask the owner of a dog if you can pet his dog because the animal might turn and attack you. Bears can also be very dangerous. Park rangers often issue warnings in some areas of the Rocky Mountains that hikers should be watch out for the bears. You would not want to run into a hungry grizzly bear! Another animal that is very scary is a snapping alligator. Getting in the water with one of these critters might mean that you would lose your arm or leg! Believe it or not in this lesson we will learn how Daniel had to face a whole pride of mean hungry lions. Just like bears and alligators, lions can be very deadly! Daniel had to face the lions because he was determined in his heart to be faithful to God no matter what happened.

Opening Prayer: “Father help us to follow Daniel's example and do what is pleasing to You at all times. Help us to be loyal to you no matter what. Please give us the courage we need to obey You. We love you and want to serve you no matter what or where we are. Thank you for always being there with us and helping us. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.”

Memory Verse: The memory verse is Joshua 24:24 "We will serve the Lord our God and obey Him."

Lesson Video: As a young fourteen year old boy Daniel had been taken captive from Israel to live in land of Babylon. Daniel loved and wanted to obey Him even in this foreign land that did not worship God. So he and his three friends Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego decided not to eat meat that had been sacrificed to idols. Because God gave these faithful young men great understanding and wisdom, they were chosen to serve King Nebuchadnezzar for many years as his advisors and rulers. When King Nebuchadnezzar had a dream about a golden image, God told Daniel the meaning of the dream. When Daniel told the interpretation to the king, Daniel was named the chief of all of the advisors.

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Babylon was one of the greatest and most powerful nation that had ever ruled the rule. King Nebuchadnezzar became very proud of his accomplishments and began to give the glory to himself. He even built an image and commanded everyone to bow down and worship him. When Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego did not bow down they were thrown alive into a fiery furnace. But God miraculously saved them from the fire! Eventually Daniel was able to show King Nebuchadnezzar that there was only one God the Lord of heaven and earth and King Nebuchadnezzar came to worship Him too. However, most of the people in the land of Babylon still worshipped idols made of gold, silver, wood, and bronze. And as the years past and after King Nebuchadnezzar died, God and his prophet Daniel were forgotten. Eventually King Nebuchadnezzar's grandson, Belshazzar became the king. He was a cruel selfish man who thought only about having a good time. Under his rule the city of Babylon was full of wickedness and sin. Once again Daniel interpreted a message from God to King Belshazzar. God gave King Belshazzar the warning through the handwriting on the wall that his kingdom would soon fall to the Medes and the Persians. That night the prophecy came true. The new king in Babylon was Darius the Mede, appointed by the great Persian king, Cyrus. . It all happened as Daniel had prophesied it would many years before when he told King Nebuchadnezzar about the coming kingdoms. Even though Daniel was a Jew in Babylon God blessed him when the Medes and Persians took control of the land. Daniel had come to Babylon when he was only 14 and now he was over 80 years old. But Daniel never stopped trusting and obeying God. Each day Daniel would pray facing towards Jerusalem in his own homeland. He prayed once in the morning, then at noon, and finally at night. He prayed that his people the Jews would someday be able to return to their homeland of Israel. When the new King Darius took over the government he needed three men to be in charge of his new cabinet. Because King Darius had heard what a good job Daniel had done for King Nebuchadnezzar he named him as one of the leaders! Daniel along with two others supervised 120 officials who governed the empire for King Darius. Daniel soon showed that he worked better than the other governors and was so outstanding the king considered putting him in charge of the whole empire. The other governors were jealous and tried to find something wrong with the way Daniel ruled the empire, but they could not as Daniel was so honest and reliable. Jealousy leads people to be mean and deceptive. Daniel's enemies began to plot against him. "There is nothing we can accuse Daniel of doing," they concluded, "unless it is something to do with the God he worships." So they went to see the king and began to flatter him. They even lied by saying, "King Darius, all who rule your empire want you to order, that for thirty days, no one is allowed to pray to any god, only Your Majesty. Anyone who breaks this law is to be thrown into a pit filled with lions." Their flattery kept the king from asking if everyone had really agreed to this idea. So King Darius signed the law. When a law was signed the Medes and Persians had a strong belief that the law could not be changed by even the king himself! When Daniel learned that the order had been signed he went home. He decided to obey God just as he had always done even though it meant that he would be thrown into a den of lions. In an upstairs room of his house he knelt down at the open windows that faced toward Jerusalem and prayed to God three times

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a day. Daniel prayed for his Jewish people that they would truly be sorry for their sins. He confessed their sins and his own sins to God; he asked for forgiveness. He prayed that his people might be restored to their land of Israel. As Daniel prayed, his enemies were lurking nearby, just waiting to hear him pray, and sure enough, they saw and heard him praying to his God. Satisfied that they had succeeded in their plan to get rid of the aged prophet, they immediately rushed to the king. They said, "Your majesty, Daniel does not obey the order you issued. He prays to his God regularly three times a day. He must be thrown into a pit filled with lions.' When the king heard this, he was upset and realized that he had been tricked. He tried and tried until sunset to find some way to rescue Daniel. King Darius loved Daniel and he depended on his wisdom to help him rule. How could he the king let these jealous men trick him into signing such a foolish law! But the laws of the Medes and the Persians could not be changed. So the king reluctantly gave orders for Daniel to be thrown into the pit filled with lions. He told Daniel, "May your God whom you serve so loyally, rescue you." So Daniel was brought to the opening of the den of hungry lions and was thrown down into the pit. The growls of the ferocious beasts could be heard from below. A stone was put over the mouth of the pit and the royal seal put on it so that no one could rescue Daniel. King Darius returned to the palace and spent a sleepless night. He was so grief stricken that he had foolishly led to his best servant's death. While King Darius was wide awake in his palace, God has sent an angel to protect Daniel. The angel shut the mouths of the lions so they could not harm Daniel. Daniel was protected by God! At dawn the king got up and hurried to the pit. "Daniel, servant of the living God!" he cried out. "Was the God you serve so loyally able to save you from the lions?" Daniel answered, "May your majesty live forever! god sent His angel to shut the mouths of the lions so that they could not hurt me. He did this because I was innocent." The king was overjoyed and gave orders for Daniel to be pulled out of the pit. The king commanded those who had accused Daniel, to be arrested and thrown into the pit filled with lions. The lions pounced on them and broke all their bones. This time there was no angel to protect them! King Darius wrote to the people of every nation. "I command that everyone should fear and respect Daniel's God. He is a living God, and He will rule forever. His kingdom will never be destroyed, and His power will never come to an end. He rescues and performs miracles. He saved Daniel from being killed by the lions." Will you dare to be a Daniel and stand up for what is right even though everyone else is doing wrong? Sometimes we might not want to pray before we eat lunch at school because no one else is doing it. But God wants you to be faithful to Him like Daniel was. Perhaps you might find it hard to tell others about Jesus but God wants us to be bold for him. Even when others might make fun of us for doing it! Sometimes people around you won't agree with what you are doing that is right or may even try to get you in trouble for doing it. but Daniel was faithful so we can be faithful too! Remember, God is the ruler of the lions, the kings, and all of mankind, and He will never let any harm come

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to you that is not in His perfect will. Daniel loved God more than fame, more than friendship, more than life itself, and God took care of Daniel and used his testimony to tell many people about Himself. Remember let's be bold and brave for God!

Review Questions: Pick Up Sticks Purpose: The children will review key ideas from this week's Bible lesson as they pick up sticks. Preparation: You will need craft sticks. Make 4 sets of sticks for each group in your class. Procedure: Divide the class into groups for 2-3 students each. Mix up the sticks and hold them together in one hand. With the sticks in an upright position on a flat surface let them fall down. Tell the children that they are to take turns trying to pick up one stick at a time without disturbing any of the others. If another stick moves or is disturbed the child loses that turn. When a child has successfully removed one stick he may answer one of the review questions. If the child is correct he receives points for the answer. Encourage the group to help the individual with his/her answer. Optional Team Play: Divide the children into two teams. Take turns trying to remove the stick from the stack. Players do not go again if they succeed in removing a stick. When all sticks have been removed, total the points. Have the child answer one of the following review questions for a point:

1. Who was captured from Israel and taken to Babylon? (Daniel was part of the young men taken as captives to go to Babylon as slaves)

2. How were Daniel and his friends different from the other slaves who were taken to Babylon? (Daniel and his friends loved and obeyed God even in the foreign land of Babylon that worshipped idols.)

3. What job was Daniel given in Babylon? (God gave Daniel great wisdom and he interpreted the dreams of King Nebuchadnezzar. Daniel served King Nebuchadnezzar for many years as one of his advisors.)

4. After King Nebuchadnezzar’s death what happened? (King Nebuchadnezzar’s grandson, Belshazzar became king. Under his rule the city of Babylon was full of wickedness and sin and idolatry. Everyone forgot about Daniel and the worship of God.)

5. What happened to the city of Babylon during the reign of King Belshazzar? (The armies of the Medes and Persians led by Cyrus king of Persia surrounded the city and overthrew the kingdom. Darius became the new king.)

6. What happened to Daniel when King Darius ruled over the land of Babylon? (King Darius restored Daniel to his place of great authority. Daniel was one of three men who were chosen to supervise 120 officials who governed the empire for King Darius.)

7. What did Daniel do while Babylon was worshipping the idols? (He remained faithful to God and prayed for the country three times a day. He prayed that God would one day restore Israel to its land.)

8. Who did not like the fact that Daniel was one of the three top rulers in the Media Persia Kingdom? (The other governors were jealous and tried to find something wrong with the way Daniel ruled the empire, but they could not as Daniel was so honest and reliable. They set up a wicked plot to destroy him.)

9. What was the wicked plot that the other governors set up to destroy Daniel? (They convinced King Darius through flattery and lies to make a law that anyone who did not worship him as a god would be put into a lion’s den.)

10. When Daniel heard about the law to only worship King Darius, what did he do? (Daniel continued to go to an open window and pray three times a day to God asking Him to forgive Israel and restore them to their land.)

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11. How did King Darius feel when he found out that Daniel had been arrested for praying to God? (He was exceedingly upset and realized that he had been tricked. He tried and tried until sunset to find some way to rescue Daniel. King Darius loved Daniel and he depended on his wisdom to help him rule.)

12. Why could King Darius not make a new law to save Daniel? (The Medes and Persians had a law that when the king made a law it could not be changed. It had to stand.)

13. What happened to King Darius after he threw Daniel into the lion’s den? (He told Daniel that he hoped that his God would save him from the lions. He was so upset that he could not sleep all night. In the morning he rushed to see if Daniel was still alive.)

14. What happened when Daniel was thrown into the lion’s den? (God sent an angel who shut the hungry lion’s mouths. Daniel was saved from being eaten alive by a miracle of God.)

15. What did King Darius do when he found out that Daniel was saved? (He ordered the wicked governors who had deceived him to be thrown into the lion’s den themselves.)

16. What new command did King Darius make for the kingdom? (He said that everyone should fear and respect Daniel's God. He said that God is a living God, and He will rule forever. His kingdom will never be destroyed, and His power will never come to an end. He rescues and performs miracles. He saved Daniel from being killed by the lions.")

17. What lessons can we learn from this Bible lesson about Daniel in the Lion’s Den? (God is able to miraculous save his people. We should learn to stand up for the truth and dare to be like Daniel when we are faced with choosing whether we will follow others who want to do wrong.)

18. What is our memory verse? (Joshua 24:24 "We will serve the Lord our God and obey Him.") 19. What does our memory verse mean? (This verse tells us that our obedience to God is a choice

that we make. If we honor Him He promises to help us.)

Bible Memory Verse Activity: “Lion Toss”

The memory verse is Joshua 24:24 "We will serve the Lord our God and obey Him." Have students locate the verse in scripture and read aloud together several times. Say: “This verse tells us that God honors those who honor Him. He promises to help us obey Him. Our obedience to God is a choice that we make. If we honor Him He promises to help us.” Preparation: You will need a stuffed or toy lion. Procedure: Have the children line up in two lines, facing each other. If you have a large class, make two sets of two lines. Each set of lines will need a toy lion. Toss the lion to the first person in one line. They’ll say the first word of the verse. Then that child tosses the toy lion to the child across from him, who repeats the first word and says the next word of the verse, before tossing the lion to the second child in the line facing her. In this way, the toy lion is tossed back and forth, moving down the line, as the verse grows word by word. Repeat this activity by having everyone say the words in unison while the lion is passed. Play until the verse is memorized by all the children.

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Group Learning Activity/Game: “Key Word Charades” (Grades 2-5) Preparation: Write the following key words from the lesson on separate index cards: King Darius, wicked governors, Daniel, hungry lion, angel, pray, plot, etc. Procedure: Form two teams and play a game of charades using key word cards. One player will act out the word for his team. If his team can guess the word in 60 seconds, award one point. Then the other team will take a turn. Play additional rounds with new players taking turns drawing the key words. Review the key events in the Bible lesson as you play the game. Say: “We have been acting out and guessing key words and characters in our lesson today. Many times you can tell something about a person by the way they act. What would you think of a person who acted silly all the time? (He is a goof off. He likes to make people laugh but sometimes you need to be serious. He might not know when to be thoughtful.) How about someone who acts like they know everything? (You would think that they are braggarts and are very proud.) How do people act when they are winners? (You expect them to be proud, excited about winning, and wanting to tell everyone about the event.)

Say: “Many people in the Bible are written about because they are examples to us of how we should behave or not behave as God’s children. Daniel is an example to us of someone who was very brave in standing up for what is right and not being afraid. Daniel did what God wanted him to do, no matter the consequences. We need to learn to be brave and bold like Daniel when others make fun of us for doing what is right.”

Group Learning Activity: “Beginning, Middle, or End?” Preparation: You will need Bibles, index cards, length of yarn, paper clips, and construction paper. Procedure: Print the following words on separate index cards: “Beginning,” “Middle,” and “End.” Lay out a length of yarn in an open area on the floor. Use paper clips to attach cards to the beginning, middle and end parts of the yarn line as shown in the sketch.

Before class you can write the sequences of the events in the Bible lesson on the index cards. As you read the event, have the class decide if the event happened at the beginning, the middle, or the end of the story. Have children attach the event to the yarn at the appropriate part of the story. Be sure to adjust the events to illustrate the correct order. (OR you can have older students read the Bible lesson in the scripture and write various story events on each index card.) Some events for “Daniel in the Lion’s Den” might include:

1. Daniel was a leader for the King of Media-Persia and was very honest. He loved and obeyed God.

2. Some other leaders were very jealous of Daniel but could find nothing wrong with his leadership.

3. The jealous leaders decided to trick King Cyrus with flattery to make a new law that would make the people only worship him.

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4. Daniel decided to keep on praying three times a day even though he knew the danger of the new law.

5. The wicked leaders told King Cyrus that Daniel was disobeying the order. 6. King Darius was very upset and tried to think of a way to stop having Daniel thrown into the

lion’s den. 7. Daniel was thrown into the lion’s den. 8. God sent an angel to shut the lion’s mouth. 9. King Darius came back in the morning and called to Daniel in the lion’s den. 10. Daniel answered that God had sent an angel to shut the lion’s mouths. 11. King Darius had the wicked men thrown into the lion’s den. 12. King Darius restored Daniel to his place of honor and rule. He ordered that everyone was to

respect and honor God. 13. Daniel prospered during the reign of King Cyrus.

Conclude the activity by discussing the following questions: Say: “What do you think was the most exciting part of the Bible story? What happened before this event? What happened after this event? What life lessons can we learn from this story?” After activity you can have each student choose an event and illustrate that part of the story with a drawing. When the illustrations are complete guide the children to arrange the papers in story order along the yarn line. Have each child describe his or her illustration and tell why that event is important to the story.

Group Learning Activity: “Re-enact the Bible Story” (Grades 2-5) Preparation: Before the lesson story is retold, have the children record their loudest, scariest lion-roaring sound. Create a lion’s den by taping large cardboard boxes together and covering them with blankets or other materials. Inside the “den” place the tape recorder with the children’s lion sounds, a flash light, and an angel picture. Cut a window frame in the side of another of the cardboard boxes to represent Daniel’s house. Procedure: Have children take turns assuming various roles: Daniel, two or three governors, king, and the rest of the class. Position Daniel next to one side of the window frames and the governors on the other side of the room. Have the king sit on a chair near the lions’ den. Have the other children make the “lion paper plate puppets” and go into the darkened “lion’s den” when you tell that part of the story. At the appropriate point in the story, play the lion sounds and encourage the children to “roar.” As you tell about the angel who appeared, shine the flashlight on the picture of the angel. Lead children in portraying the following scenes:

Daniel prays three times a day at his window.

Governors wait by the open window and plot.

Governors go to the king to get the law about everyone worshipping King Darius as god.

Daniel kneels at the open window and the governors see him. (Spies whisper and look happy.)

King Darius looks sad when the governors report about Daniel.

Daniel is thrown into lion’s den. (Tape Recorder of lions and children “roaring.”

God sends angel to shut the lion’s mouth. (Shine flashlight on angel picture.)

King Darius looks into the den and calls to Daniel. Daniel answers that God has saved him.

Allow your students to take turns acting out the story, using all “extras” as lions.

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Group Learning Activity: “God’s Protection” (Grades 3-5) Purpose: To help students learn that we should trust in God’s protection. Preparation: You will need Bibles, spiritual journal page, pencils or pens. Say: “In this lesson we learned that Daniel knew there would be consequences for not following the king’s order to worship the king as a god. However, Daniel trusted God. There are many people we can read about in the Bible whom God protected. Let’s discover a few of these people.” Procedure: Have students look up the following scripture. Preface each scripture with the questions: “Who did God protect?” “How did God protect them?” and “What can I learn from this story?” Discuss the meaning of each account with the group.

Genesis 7:1-10 God protected Noah and all the animals during the time of the Great Flood. God told Noah to build an ark and God protected the Ark during the time He judged the world for sin.

Exodus 2:1-10 God miraculously saved baby Moses when his mother placed him in a basket and floated him on the Nile River. God allowed the Pharaoh’s daughter to find the baby and want to raise him as her own. God also allowed Moses’ mother to be the one to care for him.

Exodus 14:15-31 God protected the nation of Israel from the oncoming Egyptians who wanted to kill them for leaving Egypt. God brought them out of slavery and eventually brought them into their own land by providing for them in the desert. God showed His presence by sending the cloud by day and the pillar of fire by night.

Matthew 14:22-33 God protected the disciples from a fierce storm when Jesus came walking across the water and then stilled the storm. Peter asked the Lord if he could walk on the water to him, and Jesus gave him this miraculous power. Jesus then saved Peter when he doubted and began to sink. These miracles showed that Jesus was really God.

Acts 12:6-19 God protected Peter from being martyred by King Herod by sending an angel to the prison where Peter was being held. The prison was shaken and the chains fell off. The angel led Peter out of the prison while the guards slept. Peter went to the house of Mary the mother of Mark where the church had been praying. After rejoicing Peter left. God protected Peter because King Herod could not find Peter to execute him.

Say: “Does God still protect people? (Yes) How do we know that God will protect us? (God promises that He will and God does not lie.) In Psalm 121:8 God says, “the Lord will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore.” This verse says that God will protect them but it does not mean that bad things will never happen to them. In His love God sometimes allows bad things to happen to His people.” Close in prayer praising God for His never-changing power to protect. Have students record what they have learned in their spiritual notebooks.

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Group Learning Activity: “Lion Tag” (Grades K-3) Preparation: You will need a large playing area free of equipment. Say: “How would you feel if you were about to be thrown into a den of lions? Do you think you would trust God for protection? Daniel knew there would be consequences for not following the king’s order. Daniel trusted God. We are going to play a tag game that will help us remember how Daniel was placed in the lion’s den.” Procedure: Have the children form a large circle and sit on their knees. Select one person to walk around the outside of the circle. He or she will say, “Daniel, Daniel, what will you do? Will you trust God to protect you?” After finishing the statement, she will tap a person on the head. The person (or lion) will then chase her around the circle. If the person gets tagged, she or he will sit in the lion’s den (center of the circle) for the new round. The “lion” will then repeat the phrase and select a new “lion” to tag. Play the game until all the children have had an opportunity to be the lion. Say: “How did it feel when you were tagged? How did you feel when you escaped the “lion”? How do you think Daniel felt when he was thrown into the lion’s den?” Guide children to understand that God will protect them, but this does not mean bad things will never happen to them. Conclude in prayer, praising God for His never-changing power to protect. Optional: Another version of the Lion Tag game is to choose four children to be lions and one child to be Daniel. The remainder of the children will surround Daniel. Have Daniel stand in the middle of the room. The remaining students (non-lions) will form a circle around Daniel facing out. Their job will to be like the angel in the Bible lesson. They are to protect Daniel from the lions. The four children chosen to be lions will be outside the circle. They will try to tag Daniel through the circle of protection. When you say “go” the lions can try to get to Daniel any way they can by reaching through the line of protection. They cannot however hit or break through. They can only tag Daniel either over the children in the line or under their legs or feet, etc.

Group Learning Activity: “Pray Hopscotch” (Grades K-4) Preparation: You will need Bibles, butcher paper, measuring stick, markers, and masking tape. Procedure: Draw a large grid on butcher paper forming at least twenty 10 inch squares. Print one letter of the word Pray in each square as shown in the sketch. Tape the grid to the floor in the center of the playing area. Say: “In our lesson Daniel prayed to God everyday three times a day. Listen as I read Ephesians 6:18 “And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people.” What does this verse ask us to do? (Be alert and keep on praying.) What are some things we can pray about? (Pray for friends who are sick. Say “thank you” to God for our parents.) I am so glad that we can talk to God about good things and things that worry us.” Have children stand around edges of the butcher paper. Starting at any P square on the grid the first child hops on squares to spell “Pray” and then he or she tells a reason to pray. Child writes the reason in a

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square with a P in it. (Or you can children just tell the reason orally.) Repeat the activity with three other children, instructing them to write reasons in squares with R, A, and Y. (If you prefer, you can write the reasons on a white board for the group to see together.) Play several rounds of the game until all the squares have reason to pray written in them or until time is up. Say: “Why do you think Daniel prayed to God three times a day? What might have Daniel prayed about? (Daniel thanked God for what He had given him. He asked God to forgive the nation of Israel. He prayed that his people would one day return to their homeland. He asked God for help in praying and obeying Him.) Lead children in prayer asking God’s help in remembering to pray to Him always. Tips: To make the game more challenging, add the rule that children may not hop in any square that has a reason already written in it. If possible, play the game outside, creating a grid with sidewalk chalk.

Group Learning Activity: “Courage to Obey” (Grades 2-5) Preparation: You will need Bibles, masking tape, scrap paper, and pencils. Say: “In our lesson Daniel had great courage to obey God despite facing a difficult situation. We are going to play a game that will help us learn how to obey Him in some situations that we might face.” Procedure: Place a masking tape X on one end of the table. (See sketch.) Prepare one table for each group of six to eight students. Give each student a sheet of scrap paper. Student writes his or her name on the paper and crumples the paper tightly to form a ball. Students stand at the opposite end of the table from the X. Each student takes a turn to roll his or her ball, trying to get the ball to stop on or near the X. (It’s fine if some balls get knocked off the table or away from the X. That is part of the fun!) After each student has had a turn, the student whose ball is closest to the X tell a situation in which kids his or her age could choose to obey God. (Examples: when friends ask them to lie about something; when they are at the store and want a candy bar but have no money; when their parent are not home and a show they are not suppose to watch comes on TV; when they have not studied for a test and they see someone else work that would be easy to copy; when parents catch you doing something wrong and you want to deny doing it so you will not get punished) As students name the situations ask the following questions: Say: “What would you do to obey God in this situation? Why might you need courage like Daniel to obey God in this situation? What prayer could you say to God to help you in this situation?” After a few rounds, each student uncrumples and smoothes out his or her paper ball. Invite students to write a prayer on their papers, asking God for help to obey Him and for help in remembering to pray every day in every situation. Tips: This game can also be played on the floor by making an X and rolling paper balls on the floor unless the floor is covered with thick carpet. Vary the game by having students roll balls with their eyes closed or by having the student whose ball lands next to the X repeat the memory verse.

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Group Learning Activity: “Going on a Lion Hunt” (Grades K-3) Preparation: No special supplies are needed. This game is similar to “Going on a Bear Hunt.” Children will

hunt dangerous lions in this make believe adventure through King Darius’ country. This activity is just for fun!

Say: “In our lesson we learned that when Daniel was thrown into the den of

lions, God saved him by sending his angel to shut the mouths of the lions. Do you want to go on a lion hunt? To play this game you are to repeat everything that I say and do. I will give you some time after each statement to do the action and make the sound effect. Let’s see how well you can follow my lead!”

Procedure: Repeat the following rhyme with motions.

Open the gate. (Make a creaky sound.) Close the gate. (Make a creaky sound.) Through the tall grass. (Rub your hands together) Through the squishy mud. (make “claws” with your hands and say, “Squish, squish.”) I see a river, but there’s a wobbly bridge we can cross. (Sway from side to side.) Oh look! There’s a brook. Let’s jump over it. (Make your hands “run and jump.”) Splash! We’ll have to swim. (Make a swimming motion.) Shake yourself off. (Shake yourself off and pretend to sit in the sun.) Do you see a lion yet? (Pretend to be looking.) No! Maybe we can see better from that tree. (Pretend to climb a tree.) I see a cave. Maybe the lion is in it. Let’s go see. (Pretend to climb down from the tree.) Shh! (Tiptoe with your fingers.) I see one eye. I see two eyes. Do you want to go on a lion hunt? (Use a very shaky voice.) NO! (Reverse all the items in the dialogue but move and speak very rapidly until you and the children

are safely “home.”)

Group Learning Activity: “Bible Book Relay Match” (Grades 3-5) Preparation: You will need Bibles, index cards, markers, and masking tape Procedure: Print the names of the Major Prophets on index cards, one name on each card. On separate cards print words or phrase that describe the main ideas of the books. Main Ideas for the Major Prophet Books:

Isaiah—God’s Plan for Salvation Jeremiah—God’s Future for Israel Lamentations—Prayers of Sadness Ezekiel—Strengthened by God Daniel—Courage to Obey

Make at least two sets of cards or one set of book and main idea cards for every five students. Tear masking tape into 3 inch strips, two strips for each student. Place the strips on a talbel where they can be easily reached and removed by students. Say: “What are the names of the books of the Major Prophets in the Bible? (The Major Prophets are Isaiah, Jeremiah, Lamentations, Ezekiel, and Daniel.) Which book was today’s lesson from? (Daniel) As we read the stories in each of these books, we learn ways God cared for and planned for the Israelites in their time of captivity. How did God care for Daniel in today’s story? (God sent an angel to shut the lion’s mouths.)

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One at a time show the main idea cards you prepared, matching each one with the appropriate Bible book. Have students locate the books in their Bible. Say: “These cards have words or phrases that help us remember what each book is about.” Divide the class into two teams of no more than five students each. Teams line up in single file lines at opposite sides of the classroom from where the masking tape strips have been placed. Place a set of book cards face down in a pile on the floor next to the first student on each team. Place a set of main idea cards in a pile across from each team near the masking tape strips. At your signal the first student in each line takes a book card, runs to the main-idea cards, finds the main-idea card which matches the book card he or she has and tapes both cards to the wall. Student returns to his or her team and tags the next student in line. Play continues until all the cards are matched and taped onto the wall. Repeat the activity varying the teams as time permits. Tip: Before playing allow time for students to match and review the main idea and book cards.

Craft Learning Activity: “Ringed Prayer Notebook” (Grades 2-5) Preparation: You will need index cards, binder rings (2 per child), foam sheets (2 per child), single-hole punch, and permanent markers. Say: “Daniel prayed three times a day to God. Daniel didn’t just start praying after the law was created to worship the king and he didn’t stop praying because of the new law either.” Say: “Praying to God helps us know God better and do what God wants us to do. Sometimes it is hard to stay focused when we are praying. Let’s create a prayer ring so you can write down your prayer requests and prayers to help you stay focused. The prayer notebook will also help us to develop the habit of praying like Daniel.” Procedure: Distribute two foam sheets, two binder rings, and a few index cards to each child. Instruct the students to select one of the colored foam pieces for the cover of their prayer ring. Have them write something like “My Prayers” on the front with their name and add designs if desired. Demonstrate to children how to assemble their prayer rings. Punch two holes in the top of the index cards. Cut foam sheets slightly larger than the index cards and punch two holes in the top to match the hole in the index cards. Stack the index cards so the holes match. Place one of the foam sheets on top for the front cover and one on the bottom for the back cover. Place a binder ring in each hole and fasten. Demonstrate how to use the “Prayer Ring” while praying. Have the students write out their prayers or use a list. Say: “Take this prayer ring binder home and use it while you pray. Stay focused and enjoy looking back at your prayers to see how God answers your prayer and guides your life.” Remember we can pray and ask God to guide us in His plan for us. We can obey God and trust His way.

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Craft Learning Activity: “Daniel’s Lion Paper Plate” Preparation: You will need paper plates; brown, tan, yellow, and black construction paper; scissors; tacky glue; pencils and markers. Say: “In the lesson we learned that God protects us many ways. He protected Daniel in the lion’s den by sending an angel to shut the hungry lion’s mouths. We are going to make some lion masks that will help us remember that God is always with us.” Procedure: Distribute the materials. Have students cut the colored construction paper into strips approximately ½” wide. Cut the desired length of the mane that you wish your lion to have. Glue the strips of paper around the edges of the paper plate. Draw a lion’s face onto the paper plate. Leave space around the mouth for the Bible verse. Or you can have students print the memory verse on the back of the plate or use Daniel 6:22 “My God sent his angel, and he shut the mouths of the lions. They have not hurt me, because I was found innocent in his sight.” As students work on lion paper plate, discuss the protection God gives to those who are his children. Say: “God can miraculously save us in difficult situations like he did for Daniel. He also protects us by giving us the Ten Commandments. These rules for living will protect us from many difficult consequences of sin. Sometimes God does allow us to do some things that will cause us harm. He wants us to learn to trust Him more. These lion paper plates will remind us to always trust in God for His protection.”

Snack Learning Activity: “Lion Manes” Preparation: You will need round crackers, graham crackers, or cookies, whipped cream cheese or frosting, raisins, chocolate chips, plastic knives, coarsely grated carrot or thin licorice strands cut in 1” pieces. Say: “Remember the lions in this story about Daniel? It would be really scary to see a hungry lion, wouldn’t it? But God saved Daniel from these furious animals. Today we are going to make a snack that will remind us of this story!” Procedure: Have students spread cream cheese or frosting on the crackers or cookies and make a face with raisins or chocolate chips. Add a mane by pushing carrot shreds or licorice strips around the cookie like a lion’s mane. While children are eating, remind them of Daniel’s bravery to stand up to the order of the king to only pray to him as a god. Daniel was obedient to God when faced with a difficult situation. He continued to pray even when he knew that others had plotted against him. We too are to be brave when others make fun of our stand for God.

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Life Application Challenge: “Giving God First Place” Preparation: You will need a “First Place Ribbon” for each child. Print one copy of the award ribbon below for each child. Procedure: Describe a time the God powerfully answered one of your prayers for guidance or protection. Say: “Daniel gave God first place in his life. He obeyed God and prayed everyday for his help and direction. Will you commit to making God first place in your life?” Have children color the blue ribbon “First Place” Award. Encourage them to share ways that they will put God first in their life like Daniel did. Ask them to pray for someone else this week and to ask for strength to put God first. Lead the children in a prayer of commitment to rely on God to help them purpose to do what is right even in difficult situations. Pray they will read the Bible, allowing God’s Word to be seeded deep within their heart, and develop a consistent prayer life. If there are any children who have not yet responded to the Gospel, give them the opportunity.

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Daniel in the Lion’s Den

Joshua 24:24 "We will serve the Lord our God and obey Him."

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Write a prayer to God. Here are some words to help you.

God thank you help me praise answer Jesus cross heaven school family Amen love obey parents church friends

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First Choice Award

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Lion’s Den Rap Kids Sunday School Place lyrics by Craig

Now King Darius was a pretty good king, He wanted to do the truly right thing.

But his royal advisors and officials that day,

Did their very best to lead him astray.

O King Darius they cried, live forever,

Issue a decree that can't be broken, never!

Anyone who prays to anyone but you,

For the next thirty days is guilty of this rule.


'Cause the punishment should be, worse than being dead,

To be thrown smack dab, into the lion's den.

Chomp, chomp, grind, grind, chew, chew, gulp!

Thrown smack dab into the lion's den. Yeah!

Now Daniel was known as a man who always prayed,

To the one and only God, he did so every day.

But those rotten advisors and officials knew this well,

So off to the king they went, couldn't wait to tell.

The king was quite sad, but nothing he could do,

He must carry out the letter of the rule.

So into the den he threw Daniel with a sigh,

And waited for the news to come back that he had died.

Repeat chorus

But at the light of dawn, the king woke up to find,

God had saved his servant from sure death by a lion.

'Cause Daniel was innocent in God's holy sight,

He sent an angel to the lions to hold their jaws real tight.

Well the king was overjoyed, that Daniel was saved,

He issued a new decree that could never be changed.

People everywhere, all throughout the lands,

Must worship the one true God, whose kingdom never, ever ends.

Repeat chorus

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