Page 1: UNIT 11 Vocabulary Level E. allude DEF = (v.) to refer to casually or indirectly SYN = suggest, insinuate, hint at, intimate LITERARY DEVICE CONNECTION:


Vocabulary Level E

Page 2: UNIT 11 Vocabulary Level E. allude DEF = (v.) to refer to casually or indirectly SYN = suggest, insinuate, hint at, intimate LITERARY DEVICE CONNECTION:


DEF = (v.) to refer to casually or indirectlySYN = suggest, insinuate, hint at, intimateLITERARY DEVICE CONNECTION:

An ALLUSION is a reference to another text orhistorical occurrence.

People who might be too afraid to complain face-to-face can ALLUDE to their problems in a “suggestions


Page 3: UNIT 11 Vocabulary Level E. allude DEF = (v.) to refer to casually or indirectly SYN = suggest, insinuate, hint at, intimate LITERARY DEVICE CONNECTION:


DEF = (adj.) supernaturally perceptive; (n.) one who possesses extrasensory powers, seer

SYN = insightful, discerning, uncanny; visionary

ANT = blind, unseeing, sense, myopic

On the TV show Medium, Allison

Dubois sees future murders in her dreams.


Page 4: UNIT 11 Vocabulary Level E. allude DEF = (v.) to refer to casually or indirectly SYN = suggest, insinuate, hint at, intimate LITERARY DEVICE CONNECTION:


DEF = (adj.) serving to settle an issue; finalSYN = decisive, indisputable, convincingANT = unsettled, indefinite, provisional

WORD CONNECTION:A CONCLUSION paragraph is the CONCLUSIVE idea in an essay.

Page 5: UNIT 11 Vocabulary Level E. allude DEF = (v.) to refer to casually or indirectly SYN = suggest, insinuate, hint at, intimate LITERARY DEVICE CONNECTION:


DEF = (adj.) not respectable, not esteemedSYN = disgraceful, discreditable, shadyANT = honest, aboveboard, respectable,


WORD CONNECTION:Think of “dis + REPUTATION = disreputable

Lindsay Lohan’s bad behavior has led to some people thinking of her

as a DISREPUTABLE person.

Page 6: UNIT 11 Vocabulary Level E. allude DEF = (v.) to refer to casually or indirectly SYN = suggest, insinuate, hint at, intimate LITERARY DEVICE CONNECTION:


DEF = (adj.) native or confined to a particular region or people; characteristic of or prevalent in a field

SYN = indigenous, restricted toANT = alien, foreign, extraneous

Corn is ENDEMIC to

Illinois. It grows here


Page 7: UNIT 11 Vocabulary Level E. allude DEF = (v.) to refer to casually or indirectly SYN = suggest, insinuate, hint at, intimate LITERARY DEVICE CONNECTION:


DEF = (adj.) worthy of imitation, commendable; serving as a model

SYN = praiseworthy, meritorious, sterling, illustrative

ANT = infamous, notorious, disreputable, scandalous


Page 8: UNIT 11 Vocabulary Level E. allude DEF = (v.) to refer to casually or indirectly SYN = suggest, insinuate, hint at, intimate LITERARY DEVICE CONNECTION:


DEF = (v.) to understand, get to the bottom of; to determine the depth of; (n.) a measure of depth in water

SYN = grasp, comprehend, figure out

Submarines travel

FATHOMS below the surface of the water.

Page 9: UNIT 11 Vocabulary Level E. allude DEF = (v.) to refer to casually or indirectly SYN = suggest, insinuate, hint at, intimate LITERARY DEVICE CONNECTION:


DEF = (n.) treacherous cunning, deceitSYN = trickery, duplicity, chicaneryANT = candor, artlessness, plain dealing, naivete

Word Connection:Someone who uses GUILE isGUILTY of lying.

A dishonest person uses GUILE.

Page 10: UNIT 11 Vocabulary Level E. allude DEF = (v.) to refer to casually or indirectly SYN = suggest, insinuate, hint at, intimate LITERARY DEVICE CONNECTION:


DEF = (n.) honesty, high moral standards; an unimpaired condition, completeness, soundnessSYN = rectitude, probityANT = dishonesty, corruption, turpitude

“Honest Abe” was known to have HIGH



Page 11: UNIT 11 Vocabulary Level E. allude DEF = (v.) to refer to casually or indirectly SYN = suggest, insinuate, hint at, intimate LITERARY DEVICE CONNECTION:


DEF = (n.) a route of travel; a record of travel; a guide book

SYN = schedule, program

Page 12: UNIT 11 Vocabulary Level E. allude DEF = (v.) to refer to casually or indirectly SYN = suggest, insinuate, hint at, intimate LITERARY DEVICE CONNECTION:

guile endemic conclusiveallude disreputable itinerary

1. Science Fiction fans love to speculate about aliens, but to date there is no ________ evidence of life on other planets.

2. Con-artists use _______ to trick unsuspecting victims into giving up their money.

3. When we went scuba diving in Barbados, we saw many colorful fish _______ only to that region. It was a unique experience!

4. Instead of constantly ________ to the birthday present you want, why can’t you just be straightforward and tell me?

5. Justine’s parents began to worry when she began associating with a very ________ group of people.

Page 13: UNIT 11 Vocabulary Level E. allude DEF = (v.) to refer to casually or indirectly SYN = suggest, insinuate, hint at, intimate LITERARY DEVICE CONNECTION:

integrity itinerary exemplaryclairvoyant fathom

1. Although many of us will never reach the same pinnacle of goodness as Mother Teresa, we can all view her life as _____.

2. With psychics it is hard to tell if they are _______ or actors.

3. During our vacation to the Southwest this summer, it would be fun to add a trip to the Grand Canyon to our ______.

4. As patients, we must trust that our doctors are people of the highest ________ and will do their best to care for us.

5. Modern researchers use high-tech gadgetry to _______ the dark depths of the ocean.

Page 14: UNIT 11 Vocabulary Level E. allude DEF = (v.) to refer to casually or indirectly SYN = suggest, insinuate, hint at, intimate LITERARY DEVICE CONNECTION:


DEF = (v.) to interpret wrongly, mistake the meaning

SYN = misjudge, misinterpret

WORD CONNECTION:Think = MIStake - MISconstrue

“I can’t go out with you because I’m

busy. Thanks


Alright! She must want me to ask her out

again on a night when she is free!

This guy is seriously

MISCONSTRUING her meaning!

Page 15: UNIT 11 Vocabulary Level E. allude DEF = (v.) to refer to casually or indirectly SYN = suggest, insinuate, hint at, intimate LITERARY DEVICE CONNECTION:


DEF = (adj.) highly offensive; arousing strong dislike

SYN = disagreeable, repugnant, hateful, odious

ANT = agreeable, pleasing, engaging, personable

OBNOXIOUS people are very hard to be


Page 16: UNIT 11 Vocabulary Level E. allude DEF = (v.) to refer to casually or indirectly SYN = suggest, insinuate, hint at, intimate LITERARY DEVICE CONNECTION:


DEF = (v.) to appease, soothe, pacifySYN = satisfy, mollify, allay, conciliateANT = vex, irk, provoke, exasperate, annoy

+ =

Pacifiers are used to PLACATE


Page 17: UNIT 11 Vocabulary Level E. allude DEF = (v.) to refer to casually or indirectly SYN = suggest, insinuate, hint at, intimate LITERARY DEVICE CONNECTION:


DEF = (adj.) calm, peacefulSYN = undisturbed, tranquil, serene, quietANT = stormy, agitated, turbulent,


WORD CONNECTION:After you’ve PLACATED something,it becomes PLACID.

Think of the smooth, glassy, undisturbed surface of calm water. That is PLACID.

Page 18: UNIT 11 Vocabulary Level E. allude DEF = (v.) to refer to casually or indirectly SYN = suggest, insinuate, hint at, intimate LITERARY DEVICE CONNECTION:


DEF = (n.) passing off or using as one’s own the writing (or other materials) of another person

SYN = piracy, theft


Page 19: UNIT 11 Vocabulary Level E. allude DEF = (v.) to refer to casually or indirectly SYN = suggest, insinuate, hint at, intimate LITERARY DEVICE CONNECTION:


DEF = (adj.) powerful, highly effectiveSYN = mighty, formidable, forcefulANT = weak, inept, powerless, ineffective

WORD CONNECTION:Think = POtent - POwerful

MIGHTY Mouse is a POTENT force against


Page 20: UNIT 11 Vocabulary Level E. allude DEF = (v.) to refer to casually or indirectly SYN = suggest, insinuate, hint at, intimate LITERARY DEVICE CONNECTION:


DEF = (n.) a false reason, a deceptive excuseSYN = pretense, cover story, rationale,


WORD CONNECTION:In a Sentence = As a PREtext for not going on a date with Sam, I’m PREtending I have to babysit.

Page 21: UNIT 11 Vocabulary Level E. allude DEF = (v.) to refer to casually or indirectly SYN = suggest, insinuate, hint at, intimate LITERARY DEVICE CONNECTION:


DEF = (v.) to stick out, thrust forthSYN = project, jut out, bulge

This man’s nose

PROTRUDES from his face.

Page 22: UNIT 11 Vocabulary Level E. allude DEF = (v.) to refer to casually or indirectly SYN = suggest, insinuate, hint at, intimate LITERARY DEVICE CONNECTION:


DEF = (adj.) harsh, unrelieved, desolate; (adv.) utterly

SYN = (adj.) sheer, grim, bleak, downright; (adv.) absolutely

ANT = (adj.) bright, cheerful, embellished, ornate A War Zone is a

STARK environment.

The frozen tundra is a

STARK environment.

It’s always cold and unforgiving.

Page 23: UNIT 11 Vocabulary Level E. allude DEF = (v.) to refer to casually or indirectly SYN = suggest, insinuate, hint at, intimate LITERARY DEVICE CONNECTION:


DEF = (adj.) on or near the surface; concerned with or understanding only what is on or near the surface; shallow

SYN = skin-deep, insubstantial, cursory, slapdash

ANT = deep, profound, thorough, exhaustiveThis leaf is floating ON THE SURFACE of the water.

It is SUPERFICIAL debris.

Someone who cares too

much about what they look

like is a


Page 24: UNIT 11 Vocabulary Level E. allude DEF = (v.) to refer to casually or indirectly SYN = suggest, insinuate, hint at, intimate LITERARY DEVICE CONNECTION:

pretext stark plagiarismsuperficial misconstrue protrude

1. The ____ contrast between the opulent wealth and the poverty in Chicago makes me want to help the poor.

2. The language in the student’s book review was so advanced that it was clearly an example of __________.

3. Don’t be fooled between any _____ resemblance between my twin sister and I. Actually, we are very different people.

4. Cindy produced a very “convenient” headache as a ______ for needing to leave the meeting early.

5. In a time of warfare, all nations must make sure that no military exercises are _______ by other countries as hostile acts of aggression.

Page 25: UNIT 11 Vocabulary Level E. allude DEF = (v.) to refer to casually or indirectly SYN = suggest, insinuate, hint at, intimate LITERARY DEVICE CONNECTION:

protrude potent placateplacid obnoxious misconstrue

1. The potential for high salaries right out of college is a _____ argument for studying computer science.

2. Even though I was a ball of nerves, I managed to control myself so that onstage I seemed completely _______.

3. In our neighborhood of small family homes, the new high-rise apartment building ______ into the skyline in an unsightly manner.

4. When you work in customer service, the first lesson you learn is how to __________ angry customers.

5. There are few things more ________ than someone who constantly chews with his mouth open. YUCK!

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