
Unit #1:

Chps 1-3


What is the difference between direct democracy and a representative democracy?

The Anti-Federalist point of view was __________. How were they convinced to ratify the US Constitution.

__________ is the relationship between the state and federal governments.

State governments are given greater discretion in deciding how to spend government funds is an example of ______________.

A “Grant in aid” that comes with strings attached. Give one example.

Who’s got the power?

Declare war _____________

Raise (levy) taxes ______________

Make appointments ____________

Approve treaties ______________

Bring impeachment charges _________

Serve as a tie-breaking vote __________

A divided government refers to what?

What is the difference between a simple majority and a super majority? Give an example of each.

Name 3 differences between the Articles of Confederation and the U.S. Constitution.

Name the court case that establishes judicial review…

Explain the concept of judicial review.

What is the elastic clause? Give an example.

What is the commerce clause and give a Supreme Court example of how this was used?

When the state and federal governments work together it is known as _____________.

What is a “faction” according to the Federalist papers? In James Madison’s point of view is this a good thing or a bad


What is the difference between an elite theory and a pluralist theory? Which is best and why?

Give an example of each of the following:

Enumerated powers

Reserved powers

Concurrent powers

Denied powers

What is significant about Shay’s rebellion?

What is Hobbes theory about government and the people?

What is Locke’s theory about revolution? Do the people have a right? If so, when?

How were Montesquieu's theories incorporated in the development of American politics?

What is fiscal federalism?

How can the Constitution be amended?

What do the following terms refer to?

Popular sovereignty


Supremacy clause

What do governments need for a democracy to thrive?

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