

Part IThe known knowns, the known unknown, the unknown unknown

Part IIWhat actions have been proposed, so far, to prevent a global economic collapse or an ecocide

Part IIIStep by step walkthrough how to instantly end unemployment and poverty, and therefore open the door for system change

These are Known Knows

World population by 2050 > +9 billion Rate of oil production is at a maximum and declining 10 calories of hydrocarbons are invested in every food calorie Climate change will exceed +2C Massive global loss of biodiversity Massive global resorce depletion The economy, to please human needs, uses resources The global economy must grow, resource and energy consumption

must therefore grow, otherwise the global economy will collapse

The Known Unknown

What is a safe small step?

We know we have to reach a steady state economy / green economy / resource based economy. But we don´t know what steps can be taken. Remember, politicians can not approve actions that threaten survival in the short term. And if global economic growth stops, the global economic socio-political system breaks down.

The Unknown Unknown

Can we make it?

The trajectory is crystal clear. The irresistible force of our global economy is crashing with the immovable object of our physical reality. Nobody knows how many months we have left, before resource and energy depletion prevents further economic growth, globally, and therefore crashes the economic socio-political system, globally.

What actions have been proposed so far?

The Power of Law The Power of Taxes The Power of Subsidies Boycotting Corporations Downshifting Offsetting 21h workweek Universal Basic Income

The Power of Law

If there is no money, then there simply is no money. If a Law is not economically viable, it can not, and will not, be superimposed.

Therefore the needs of the global economic socio-political system, requiring contant economic growth, by any and all means necessary, overrides any national law.

Therefore if a sovereign nation is described by its constitution to be a democracy. Understood as, power by the people for the people. It therefore has become unlawful, working in a manner that is against its own constitution. Because the constitution is not followed, are laws unlawful, therefore the police is unlawful etc.

The Power of Taxes

Taxes are viable only if they don´t hinder economic growth. Therefore nations can only tax when it directly upholds or

strengthens economic growth in the short term.

The Power of Subsidies

Government subsidies can only be used to strengthen economic growth.

Boycotting corporations

Corporations can not afford not to be seen. Therefore we are in the middle of a global information war, where

every ascpect of our culture has been commercialized. Even if we boycott corporations, our children would not.


All well, if your student loan, mortgage, childrens hobbies or medical expenses allow downshifting.

But, downshifting is not a viable option for the majority.


We are able to offset anything and everything. Therefore this actually is a viable, feasible, market option. We actually could offset anything and everything, and produce

100% zero footprint services and products, globally. But the fear of greenwashing prevents this only viable market option

from happening.

21h workweek + Universal basic Income

Any step that does not directly strengthen economic growth can not, and will not, be taken.

One Small Step

The only way to restore the power of law, is to prevent unemployment.

It must be understood that all economic growth is upholding or increasing employment, and the downturns in the economy cause rising unemployment rates.

Therefore, if unemployment can be prevented alltogether, then we are free.

Preventing unemployment restores the power of law, making democratically elected governments able to take appropriate action.

Definition of a Co-Op

A Co-Operative is a corporation where every member owns a share of that co-operative.

Because every member owns a share of that co-operative, the CEO and his board of directors must be voted democratically.

Because every member owns a share of the co-operative, all profits are distrubuted to all members.

In all other aspects a co-op is a standard corporation.

1. Gather 1000 unemployed people. 2. Create a co-op for your 1000 people, name your co-op. Get seed funds from the government. The seed should be 12 months worth of unemployment benefits for 1000 people. The government has a win-win situation. Now all of the 1000 are employed and shareholders of one co-op.3. Vote who are the administration, CEO + Board of Directors for your co-op.4. The administration makes a budget for the co-op. Negotiate how your co-op could buy food directly from local farmers for 1000 people. Cook large portions to save food and food waste, negotiate energy wholesale contracts, pool cars etc. Negotiate housing, rents and apartments for your co-op. Pool your existing resources for your co-op to save time and money any way you can. Join all sharing economy apps to maximize returns on all existing resources.

Walkthrough: Instant end to unemployment

5. Take/ Choose one real life service skill; cleaning, cooking, babysitting, changing tires, washing a car, mown lowing, cleaning windows, tailoring, shoe making, hairstyling, bodybuilding, massage treatments, teaching a foreign language to children, teaching how to create a web page, teaching how to create a social media profile etc. You will be given automatic forms, in which you should specify existing skill + interest on a scale of 1-5, and the board of directors will divide the tasks to your personal Pos 1 Pos 2 Pos 36. Build a WordPress web page + Facebook + Instagram + Twitter profiles about your favorite Pos 1 Pos 2 or Pos 3 real life service skill.7. Volunteer this skill in your co-op community time bank, link your web page as a service description. Also volunteer this skill to your favorite charity, link the page to your volunteer job application.

Walkthrough: Stage I (Months 1 -2 -3)

8. You will be given automatic forms to help you take/ choose a product, that you know about, that would make life better for the 1000 co-op you are among.9. Build WordPress web page + Facebook + Instagram + Twitter profiles for this product.10. You will be given automatic forms to help you take/ choose a service, that you know about, that would make life better for the 1000 co-op you are among.11. Create a WordPress web page + Facebook + Instagram + Twitter about this service.

Walkthrough: Stage II (Months 4 -5 -6)

12. Visit each web page of your 1000 co-op, and give a short feedback what you would do better for that product or service.13. Describe in length how you could help make your favorite co-op product or service better/ faster/ sexier/ wider/ gaining visibility/ gathering crowdfunding/ gaining first references. 14. Vote which service or product among the 1000 is the best

Walkthrough: Stage III (Months 7 -8 -9)

15. Count the votes, choose 3 best products and services for your co-op. These are the products and services your co-op specializes in first.16. Benchmark world leading providers of those products and services. What have they done, what are they doing?17. Ask the best qualified people in appropriate fields for free consultation of how to go forward in the best way possible about your co-ops specialized products or services18. Start a Crowdfunding campaign, market your products or services on social media. Create web stores by Shopify, Spreadshirt and other appropriate apps.19. Create pop-up selling booths for your co-op products or services. Call, email and visit the people who could need that product or service. Negotiate angel investor, seed funding, subcontracting, wholesale, franchise and mass production deals for your product or service.

Walkthrough: Stage IV (Months 10 -11 -12)

From day one, all the unemployed people are employed by the co-op, aka. instant end to unemployment. Within a month or two, all of the 1000 have at their disposal the services of 1000 people (for free, by time banking). Therefore reaching a much higher living standard than before. Within 6 months everybody at the co-op have gained a new skill, if not anything else, then building web pages and web stores for products and services (the skill of entrepreneurship). Within 12 months the co-op is getting its expenses paid, plus profits, that it can invest for even better efficiency, or choose new products and services to specialize in.

20. Vote and choose where to invest profits. Local urban aquaponic/ hydroponic farming units, building or renovating passive energy apartments or housing, building geothermal solar or wind energy etc.21. Stay in your co-op and enjoy life, or sell your co-op share and start a new co-op.

Walkthrough: Stage V (Months 13+)

22. The Co-Op should vote if they want to start a Green Investment Bank. By starting a Green Investment Bank your co-op can invest tenfold all your profits to other co-ops. Because other co-ops also do this for you, please ask only minimum interest, and please give ultra long investment times. Remember, excellent terms for investments work vice versa for your co-op. With several other co-op Green Investment Banks providing your co-op with minimum interest and ultra long investment times, makes your co-op unsinkable and ultra competitive, therefore immensely profitable.23. The Co-Op should vote if they want to offset everything, creating 100% zero footprint products and services, these have a global marketing edge over any and all other products and services globally.24. Co-Op should vote if they want to invest in large scale ephemeralization and other infrastructure investments.

After Initial Start-up


The previous has been a short walkthrough how to instantly end unemployment and poverty.

Is it safe? Yes, no damage to economic growth, people or corporations. Is it a small step in the right direction? Yes, reducing or ending unemployment is the first

step on the transitioning bridge towards a steady state economy. Is it possible? Yes, compare this simple organization, management and leadership

challange, to the level of organization and management skills required when China builds skyscrapers in a matter of months.

Is it perfect? No, this is only a short plan made for further development. Is it worth further development? Yes, since no other viable plans of action, how to bridge

a transition to a new economy, exists today.- Thank You!


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